Fae Hiding

All the Nadeyas smirked, "And if you hurt Lily I'll torture you," all the hers went into an offensive position, "I'm going to have to kill you for doing that to Roarke."
"He killed my mate.he attacked me first. This is his fault." he smirks and looks at Nadeya "And i wouldnt hurt lilly... No.."
Nadeya's stance dropped as her clones disappeared. She looked at Roarke with shock, "Is that true Roarke?"
Roarke nods dissapointedly "You know our father forced me Zane. "

Zane growls "LIAR!" he hits roarke knocking him back down he looks at them and pulls a knife out a tear drips out from the bottem of his mask
Nadeya tripped forward, "NO!" Nadeya dropped her katanas, "Please! Even if Roarke is lying, which I doubt, how would you be any better then him! He is my mate! And if you kill him I will kill you!" She blushed after she realized what she had said.
"Good! Death would be better!" He twirls a knife then looks at Roarke he kicks him in the stomache and growls dropping the knife he falls to the floor and whines
Lily had been surveying the scene and jumped up in the end, she didn't know who was right but she didn't want an agument killing any of them. She jumped up and practically dragged him away, a little pissed of "Stay here, Cool of and you will talk it out." she said in a dangerously calm voice then she climed the tree to calm down
(Later on from where I left off..)

Jackie was skipping through the forest, her eyes closed as she hummed a song. For she was in a better mood now that she'd had a nap. Before she knew it though, she bumped into a tree and fell to the ground with an 'Unff!'

As she laid on her back, she stared up into a tree, she could see Lily. She narrowed her eyes, trying to recapture what just happened and wondered if maybe she hit her head too hard and she was seeing things.
Nadeya started healing Roarke's injuries all the while keeping an eye on the stranger, her katanas not to far away.
As He was running threw the forest he started hearing screams back from where he used to be at. He quickly turned back jumping over the trees to get back to the area.
She kept an eye on everything and everyone was very tense. Lily glance a Zane more aften than the others, she didn't trust him, not one bit, she used to but tring to kill her friends threw that out of the window
Lily grinned and said "hello again" and then glanced at zane "see i told you" she patted him on the head and scratched his ears
He stood up poked her with his nose pawing at her leg and getting down on his front haunches jumping around her and getting back in the same position.
As he is put down he run into the water and starts to swims he turns back into a human completly naked. "Hey lily may i have some clothes."

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