Fae Hiding

Lily nodded "sure" she said walking inside and grabbing some shorts and a t shirt "here" she said todding the on a rock and turning around
He smiled and said thanks as he got out of the water and put his clothes and walked behind her and gave her a hug from behind."So you like dogs do you" he bit her ear playfully then noticed the little fight. "Whats happening there.
Lily grinned and nodded and then said "Zane is roarks brother and trying to kill him, nadeya broke it up" she said kissing his cheek
Nadeya had finished healing Roarke and had put both of the fae into separate glamour cages, "Now you two won't be able to leave these until you figure something out. And," She pointedly looked at Zane, "the more you hit it the stronger they become."
Nadeya plopped down next to her, "Eh as I figure,if they hit it the kinetic energy from it will reinforce the power of the glamour."
Lily frowned (I think this is his name not sure tho) and said, looking at her over Xeron's shoulder "Unless it is like Xeron, who gets power or energy form the electricity, he could get power from violence." she said, hugging Xeron a little tighter, scared
Nadeya shrugged, "Doesn't matter the cages take their energy from​ energy, so the only way for them to be released now would e for them to work out their problem or me to let them out...and the latter isn't about to happen."
Nadeya shrugged again, "I'm just confident in my glamour, my mother taught me well." (Okay, I got to go anyway, my mom's making me get off my computer so she can do her summer classes. talk to ya'll tomorrow.)
Jackie got up, rubbing her head. She walked up next to Nadeya and stared at the cages. She looked back at Nadeya, And then at Lily. She seemed confused again. Was this some sort of hallucination? she thought with an unsure giggle.
Nadeya looked over her shoulder and wasn't surpprised by the sight of another fae, "Oh for the sake of the gods, where in the world are all of you coming from?"
Nadeya jsut looked at her,"And you all show up here...with me...that's fine, as long as you realize that you will be helping me kill my uncle."
Nadeya rolled her eyes, "I don't care about Zane, and Xeron...he tried to kill me!! He was probably sent by my uncle!"
"YOu forgot about the whole me pressing a button on him to shut down his homicidal tendicies...didn't you."

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