Fae Hiding

At the word carry bolts of lightning lift him up as he stands up with lighting in his eyes "you will not touch me nave"
'Oh my...," she thought as she face palmed, "I swear to the gods, if you don't shut the **** up and cooperate, I will let Roarke ******* shoot you.''
"Are you referring to the one that is directly linking himself to metal" looks at her "and you are an angry one aren't you?"
"I am only angry because of your apparent schizophrenia and complete disregard for what you have been saying!' She had been stomping towards him angrily the whole time and when she reached him had been poking him in the chest.
Damian lay nestled into a tree.His sword lay by his sword and he was fast asleep.He jerked up out of his sleep when he heard shouting.Slowly opening his eyes he stood.Raising up to his full height he jumped off the tree he lay in.Landing he stared at a girl yelling harshly at some guy.He tilted his head and wondered if he should say anything.
Lily hadn't been doing much and when Nadeya started to verbally abuse the guy she jumped up and almost fell out of the tree and she jumped
Damian looked around confused as he slowly climbed the tree and retrieved his sword.Back flipping down to the ground he re-sheathed his sword and started to back away from the small group and head the other way.
"Hmm".He stopped walking and tilted his head at the guy.He studied the man with the crackling eyes then he looked to the girl.Standing still he sang a chorus of notes and a giant black and red raven landed on his shoulder and he continued to study the man.
Lily see's movement and follows it she see's the raven land on someone but she can't see them completely. She replies to his comment "I-i son't know, I was driven out of my village, i don't know why, somthing about betrayl" she said
Damian looked at the raven and fed it a seed.It cawed and ate the seed gradually.Turning around he began walking away."Nothing to see here Shadow".He said to the Raven and it cawed in return and kept eating its seed.
"Okay I'm aware of the other life in the area but that is no excuse for stuttering" strikes a barage of lightning bolts around the man
She put her hands on her hips and put all of her weight on on leg "i stuttered because i didn't know how to explain." she said
"Hmph I still hate lightning".He said and he raised his hand as he cut his wrist with his blade and the blood reproduced until it was a pretty little dome protecting him and his pet.
"Oh your one of those hippies I've heard of" points at her hips "however he is currently stationary so go get your man"
She giggles when he called her a hippie "He doesn't seem to be bothering us, actually." she took a step to the side "He was walking away."
"You would be right and I would very much like to be left alone".He said and made the blood into a chair and he sat in it,feeding his bird another seed.
She looked at the chair in awe "Cool! But yeah, He wasn't gonna do anything." she said shaking her head, snapping herself out of it.
"Fine then".He growled and the raven's eyes slid to a demonic black.He raised his hand and the chair disappeared and the blood became a giant wave of blood.He made a whole in the ground and smiled."Bye bye now".He said and stepped into the hole.

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