Fae Hiding

Lily grinned and steped out from behind the man, we walked inside and got her a muffin "Here." she said handing it to her
Nadeya composed herself, brushing herself off, "Nonsense, chocolate was just a rarity when I was a child, it makes me...happy."
Roarke looks around "Too many people." he frowns and looks around then at nadeya and smiles brightly he couldnt help it "Gods i love you."
Nadeya blushed lightly, "Love you too. And don't worry about the people...except him, whose name we still don't know."
Lily looked at Nadeya and said "Distract him." she then turned to the others and said "Please, if your gonna stick around go inside."
Nadeya walked to Roarke and lightly ran her hand across his chin, "Hey, don't worry." She kissed him softly.
Roarke grabs her hand "Lets go please. Hey maybe icould try some chocolate later. Ive never had it."
Roarke takes a bite "That is the best thing ever." he kisses her and smiles "I love you so much.." i pick up a small seed and a blue rose appears in my hand in place of the seed it had no thorns i tuck it behind your ear
Nadeya blushed lightly again, "You keep saying that like you expect me not to love you anymore, don't worry I will always love you."

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