Fae Hiding

"Ahhhh son of a..!!!''.Damian cried as he shot out the ground and landed next to the girl.Shadow flies out the whole and lands on his chest pecking his cheek.
Looks at her a glares then goes up in the sky in the form of lightning and comes back Down as lightning repetitavly and saying now I'm here
Nadeya glared back as a dark purple aura started glowing around her with black streaking threw it, then she turned back to Damien, "Don't worry, I'm a healer." Her hands started to glow a lighter purple and she ran it over him.
"Huh".He looked to the group and his head hit the ground."Of course...not only to I get blasted 30 ft from the grounf I also don't even get that far".He sighed and closed his eyes.
Nadeya chuckled, "I am currently leading this little group, well not him," she pointed at the bot man, "and get used to being blasted if you stick around. I when I train people, I train them hard."
"Of course you do" he says over your shoulder and goes back in the sky and comes back down by lily and hipchecks her
He lifted himself on his feet and rolled his shoulders.He smiled at the girl and sat on the ground."Well I see that,your trainees must be really good then".He said and the Raven swirled around his head and landed on his shoulder.
Nadeya face went kind of -_0, "Ehh not eactly, Roarke has only trained himself, and I am assuming the same with Lily. The other, well I don't know him, he attacked me."
"Ahhh I see then".He said and sighed then stood up.He looked to his bird and fed it another seed."Well im the same way,he just saw me and locked me in some kind of lightning prison or somethin".He growled and Shadow squacked.
She raised her hand and a shield of just random stuff that was on the forest floor flew up infused with her aura.
Lily blinks and hip checked him back then said "Hippie and now wench?" she laughed a little "Hey, anyone want some food? and Nadeya don't go off at me for how much I made this food will last longer that it would have." She grinned tapping her pocket.

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