Fae Hiding

Nadeya looked at Roarke and Lily, "This guy is after me, go look for whoever is giving the orders and take them down. I will distract him." She looked at Roarke with a smile, "Don't worry I'll be fine."
The kunai gets lodged in his elbow and he pulls it out then the robot shuts down "ow that hurt just hit the red button" the robot turns back on and takes the kunai out
Charges at Nadeya with all its force knocking down several trees and stops right in front of you and shuts down "now would be nice" turns back on and throws a fist
Nadeya flipped out of the way looking for the button that the being had spoken of, "Where is it!?" She shouted as she dodged the bot's attacks.
The robot continues to swipe at her and suddenly shuts down "its between the shoulder blades" robot turns on and shoots electricity
Nadeya turned fierce as she flipped over the bot and grabbed it by the neck taking it down with her. As she pinned him down she found the button that he told her about and punched it, jumping away to see what would happen.
In an explosion of lightning the robot explodes leaving a human looking just like the robot eyes glowing with lightning

(Won't be back til Monday)
Nadeya shielded her eyes then walked foward, "Roarke, Lily! Let's get him back and put him under watch."
An arrow zips through the air flying by the mans face Roarke hops down he stood yall and looked menacing "Maybe we could just kill him." he pulls another arrow onto the string "Run or hide. I will find you and i will not miss." he growls the only person who could stop hi would be Nadeya
And stop him she would, "Roarke, look at him, he's unconscious and no threat currently. We will take him back and we will make sure that he will not harm us." She walked to Roarke, and gently touched his arm lowering it, "Don't worry if anything happens then you have permission to kill him."
She jumped back with shock, "Motherfucking shit!" She ran her hand through her hair and sighed, "Alright let's wait for him to de-charge and then we'll carry him back."

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