Fae Hiding

She smelt the rolls and covered them up so nothing would spoil them untill they are eaten she then thought she might need meat to she looked out a window trying to think, chicken would to she went to find one and prepared it she made the meat into stir fry material and made a sir fry. while dancing aroung the kitchen
Nadeya tensed as a bead of sweat ran down her face then relaxed as she let her mind cleanse itself of the negative things that her nightmares had brought to her.
Lily started making the stir fry and was dancing aroun the kitchen she stared singing to herself as she finished up and put it in a container "Thers a place, if i show it to you now will it make you run away"?" (Ooc: Pretend she wrote it please?) her voice was sharp and clear
Once that entire process was complete she landed in a padma slowly opening her eyes with a peaceful sigh.
Her singing got lauder and she spun and twirled to get things she needed to prepare the leftover chicken "Or will you stay, even if it hurts, even if i try push you out when you return"
"And Remind me who i really am, please remind me who i really am, Everybody's got a dark side, do you love me?" she spun and twirled put the cicken in another container and got out ingreadients that would spoin quick making long lasting slices and breads
roarke looks at her and smiles "When did i break the hardened mean Nadeya? Was it that first kiss?" he smirks and looks at her moving her hair off her face
Nadeya turned around with her arms crossed, "The mean Nadeya is still there," she paused and looked away, "I just don't like that Nadeshka."

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