Fae Hiding

Lily felt jealous, not of them, if anything see say them as friends, she didn't see him in that way. She wanted what they had, eachother. Someone who would love her even in her old life she didn't have that. She was engaged to be married to a boy that saw her as a way to power.

she sighed but on the other hand she didn't want to get hurt, she saw that often in the town she used to live in. Heart break.

she curled up and closed her eyes picturing what her life would have been like if the town didn't hate her, Horrible.
Roarke looks at nadeya "Ill be back.. I need to..... Do a job. " he turns and sprints into the forest he stopped and took out a knife and cuts his arm he wasnt supposed to have feelings for anyone..
Lily was lookin aroung the forrest from the roof she saw the couple break apart and he rushed of she kept watching him, she had a weird feeling. she saw him cut himsel and she immeadeatly went to Nadeya "Hi, uhh he is cutting himself did you know? i'm a little concerned"
Lily was a little shel shocked, Nadeya moved fast! but but two seconds later she launched into action running to show her where
Nadeya ran to where she heard Lily, "Roarke! Where are you?!" She kneels down noticing blood and starts following the trail.
Lily is still slung over his shoulder "can you PUT ME DOWN NOW!" she yells getting impatient, that was never one of her strong points
Roarke looks at her "Oh sorry im losing alot of blood. I got attacked by a wolf" he was lieing of course

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