Fae Hiding

((hey guys... Im thinking of joining this rp, i was planning on playing a dryad, which is a tree spirit... do you guys know of any good rps for dryads??)
She smiled then turned serious, "Alright we're going to have to spread out into the woods. Be prepared for anything."
Roarke drops to the ground and in a second has an arrow pointed at Nadeya "Oh its just you sorry." he puts his bow up
Nadeya had swirled around in defense but relaxed when she saw Roarke, "We're going to have to work on that."
Lily was lost. the towns people were chasing her beacause they found out her father had betayed them and that Lily was half fae, admittedly she didn't look like her father but honestly
Roarke looks at Lilly and softly moves the hair off her face "She is a fae.. Let her go she wont attack." Roarke could more then Likey take her he was pretty strong and quick with his bow. He cojuld shoot three atrows before the first hit its mark
Nadeya lowered her knife, "She better not. And I have nothing against you girl, but are people following you?"
Lily let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and said "Fae? I-i don't know, I went to sleep and them my dad woke me up and they started to chase me . . . they said my dad had bertayed them"

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