Fae Hiding

Roarke looks at Lilly she was pretty attractive of course he would never say that unless forced because he would never leave Nadeya unless she did somethin insane like trying to kill him or something. The inner thoughts of men are so odd. And Roarke was insane. Or atleast mostly
She looked at them taking in their apearences, stance and other things cute couple she thought "No, i lost em'. you two are a cute couple by the way" she flashed them a smile
Roarke blushes and looks down avoiding eye contact "Thanks." he was awkward arounfd girls he didnt know most of the time
Nadeya smiled shyly, "Thanks, and good job losing them. Now exactly what is it you are planning to do now?"
She smiled "Thanks. No, i was a little focused on getting the hell outta there." she says reaching into her pocked and taking out a hair tie and he put her hair up.
Nadeya smiled, "You are more then welcome to join us if you don't have anything else, but you will be training...hard. So if you haven't trained before its not going to pleasant."
Lily raises her eyebrows "Inside? Nah i prefer being out here" she says taking in her surroundings "but if you two wanna go inside sure, but keep it PG (imagine another saying that makes more sense)" Lily says quickly climbing the tree and concealing herself in a giant leaf
"Very funny." he was pretty tired from not sleeping the night before but he would ignore it for now he yawned and looked around
she silently slips to another tree and then another. she hears him say "Very Funny" she laughs silently

"I know!" she says still moving im-between the leaves looking for anyone in the woods

--- Merged Double Post ---

she didn't spot any people but she did see fruit she breathed in the scent and it was pure, no poison or any toxins she picked it and made a basket out of the leaves she placed the fruit in it and she hung upside down in the tree and handed it to him. "Fruit, not poisoned" she said disappearing back into the leaves
Nadeya smiled, "Well I'm going to go train and work on my glamour." With that she headed back towards the hovel.
She giggled as she fell to the ground, "That's unfair! I was meditating!" She lightly punched his shoulder as they lay on the ground.

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