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Fantasy ~ FableWood

gooberethics said:
I saw that there were two spots open. Is it possible for me to send in a character sheet for the RP?
Please do!

This is a pretty active thread, but its been the best one I've created in a while I have to say. :3


SilverFlight said:
Please do!
This is a pretty active thread, but its been the best one I've created in a while I have to say. :3
This is a good time to join too as we are in the middle of the final battle in a war, there are many strangers that have come to castle Branbern to help.
SilverFlight said:
Please do!
This is a pretty active thread, but its been the best one I've created in a while I have to say. :3


This is a good time to join too as we are in the middle of the final battle in a war, there are many strangers that have come to castle Branbern to help.
Great! I'll start working on a character sheet. Thanks!
Name: Achyls

Age: 20

Race: Raven

Powers and abilities: As typical for a Raven, she has the power of flight in her Raven form. In 'human' form, she possesses dark magic. This, of course, is a destructive force, but not so much that she is considered overtly 'evil' by her actions, rather feared for her name and rumours of her magic. She uses no weapon, but rather calls on her fingertips to conjure powerful energy that can, and will, drain her if used in extortionate amounts over a short period of time. She is agile in flight and has a heightened sense of hearing, making her appear stealthy.

Personality: She could be considered evil, due to her malicious nature at times. She enjoys instilling fear, thanks to her name and reputation. Achyls had grown up as being 'the weird, scary one' and learned to favour this lifestyle, taking her weirdness and making it flourish, talking to herself in a strange, archaic tongue. She often speaks too much about the creatures she has slain, but can also remain silent for immense periods of time, seeming stoic and even stranger.

Character flaw or weakness: She is haunted by images of hunting and its toll on family, crippling her when she gets the attacks from them. She (as stated before) also drains herself through overuse of her power, causing regular blackouts if she isn't careful.

Romantic inclination: Straight, though she had always enjoyed fear over love.

Short bio: Born to a shapeshifter and a witch, she was labelled a freak by those who surrounded her. At first, she cared about their spiteful words, secluding herself from the others. She never thought she was different until discovering she was a Raven at the age of 9. At 11, she found she could manipulate dark energy, making her further stand out. She then began to relish the words they threw at her, feeding the insatiable appetite she had for fear. For a while, it consumed her, gaining her a reputation as a witch. Her father was later slain after news that he was a 'spawner of devils' and was killed while in the form of a hawk. Her mother was never heard from again after the events. Achyls was sent to a mountain in the Winter Wilds in hopes to 'rehabilitate' herself. This only made her stranger. After time, she mellowed her desire for fear, though it still burned like a fire inside her. She filled her time focusing on her magic until one day escaping the isolation in her Raven form. She now lives on the outskirts of town, in a small wooden home. Children would come to her house as a dare, to which she would amuse herself in scaring them as they entered, with tricks of demons and ghosts.

Appearance: She stands at 5ft 8in and appears (in 'human' form) as shown below. In Raven form, she looks typical to that of a raven, but with blue tips on her wings that trail her as she flies. It is a sign of her magic that cannot be hidden, and she loves it so. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c26ce857c_images(3).jpg.73ee935c9037c061795e221bba1d203a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c26ce857c_images(3).jpg.73ee935c9037c061795e221bba1d203a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@SkywardSocks Accepted. Are you ok jumping in on your own or would you like a little more info first? Right now everyone is in the middle of the battle charging toward the evil presence that started it all.
SkywardSocks said:
I'm not sure how I would join in with this, so is info available?
If you live close to castle Branbern you would have heard of the battle, if not seen it with your own eyes, you could be fighting in it too, as creatures from all over came to defend the castle and Princess Briar (The 'Lore' section has a list of supporting characters of which Briar is one). Or you could be a spectator who decided to get a closer look now that the demon army has begun to scatter.
Name: Mary Martin

12 by appearance, however actual age is unknown.


Powers and abilities:
Although Mary is a human, she has lived in Neverland for so long that she can hardly remember a life before that. During her time in Neverland, she has become proficient in sword-fighting and dagger use. Soon after her arrival, she was taught to fly by the fairies that inhabited the island.

Personality: Mary is exceptionally adventurous, rarely ever sitting still. She is rather naïve about the world around her and can be very childish. She is innocent and good at heart, and she always has the best interest of those around her. She feels very loyal to her friends and comrades, and will do anything that she can to help them.

Character flaw or weakness:
Mary still very much acts the age that she physically appears to be. At times she can be a little overly ambitious and impractical about things. Her immaturity can sometimes lead to her jumping into action without fully thinking through the consequences.

Romantic inclination:
Great adventurers have no time for romance!

Short bio:
When Mary was a child, she was always absent minded. In school she would drift her attention off to some great adventure in her head, and she enjoyed exploring the forests around her family’s estate. She dreamt of being an actual adventurer when she grew up, travelling the world and never staying still. One night, she overheard her parents talking about how they would eventually expect her to marry not for love, but rather to solidify the economic state of their family. The thought of marriage was so horrendous to her that on that night she crawled out the window in her bedroom and ran blindly down to the forest she loved so dearly. She threw herself down on a creek bed and wished with all her might that she could get away forever. Eventually, Mary fell asleep by the creek, having cried herself into exhaustion. A few hours later, she was awoken by a rustling in the bushes nearby. A soft glow coming from behind the leaves intrigued her, and she slowly crept forward. As she peered into the bush, a bright light burst out toward her face. She yelped in fright and swatted at the glowing create that was flying around her head. She fell to the ground and the glowing creature came to rest on her knee. Mary rubbed her eyes as the glowing creature came into focus. A fairy! Mary could feel her heart pound in excitement. The fairy led Mary deep into the forest, further than even she had ever been. Eventually, they were met in an opening by thousands of other fairies. The fairies surrounded her, intrigued by the human girl. She sighed and smiled in comfort, and pleaded for the fairies to take her home with them. The fairies cooed towards her and lifted her up into the night sky. They flew a long way and eventually they landed in Neverland.

Mary has a short stature, around 5’1”. She has a slender and boyish figure. Mary keeps her hair short unkempt pixie-style cut. She has a childish face with rosy cheeks which is almost always laughing. Her outfits, which are usually green and brown, are crudely home-made and they almost all have dirt stains (who has time to do adult things like laundry?). She has worn the same leather boots for as long as she can remember. She always carries at least two daggers on her person, one strapped into a belt around her waist, and the other tucked into her boot.

@gooberethics Accepted! Would she know Peter and the lost boys personally then?

Are you happy with the updates or would you like a bit more info to help you get started?
Yes, although Neverland is large they do cross path's frequently and are wonderful friends.

I will go through the updates and fill myself in. :) Thanks!

I'm going to be at work for the next 8 hours, so most likely I will be jumping in after the battle, since it looks like it is nearing an end.

I will try to get myself caught up during my breaks, and if I see a chance to jump in before the battle ends I will. :)
gooberethics said:
Yes, although Neverland is large they do cross path's frequently and are wonderful friends.
I will go through the updates and fill myself in. :) Thanks!

I'm going to be at work for the next 8 hours, so most likely I will be jumping in after the battle, since it looks like it is nearing an end.

I will try to get myself caught up during my breaks, and if I see a chance to jump in before the battle ends I will. :)
no need to get in trouble at work ^^.
Loveisabattle said:
hello. I am new to this site and would like to join your roleplay? may I reserve a spot?
I'm afraid I cannot accept new characters at this time, but I would be happy to put you on the wait list and I will let you know as soon as a spot opens up.
Ironmanactual said:
I'm interested in joining! Or being put on a wait list is fine by me. :)
It just so happens there is a spot open now. Please read the rules before submitting a profile, you may want to browse the updates as well.
Name: Vincent Voleur

Age: 17

Race: Human

Powers and abilities: None as of yet.

Personality: Ignorant, but not in a bad way, Vincent just has a narrow view of the world. This stems from his lack of travels and poor people skills. It's not that he is rude or uncaring, he just never seems to know what to say or when to keep his mouth shut. He has a big heart and wants to right by the world. Make friends, and make memories.

Character flaw or weakness: His biggest flaw would be that while not uneducated, he is uncultured; or his overzealous confidence with which he wields his rapier, Rose Thorn (which is very unlike his actual ability as a novice.)

Romantic inclination: Straight

Short bio: Growing up in London in the early 2000's and spending his entire (short) life there has made Vincent very narrow minded. He was raised by his father Don, a blacksmith who makes swords and armies for collectors, and his mother Rose, a seamstress; Vincent is an only child. As a youngster, he spent most of his time helping his mother around the house and with retrieving basic supplies she used in her work, such as needles and thread, from the storeroom. As she worked, Rose would often tell him stories of fantastical places of wonder and magic. She would tell him stories of beautiful princesses and the Knights who saved them from dragons. He would dream vividly of such places, and always wake up with a longing in his heart. Shortly after his 12th birthday, his father invited him to help around the shop and it is thus that Vincent got his first feel of steel. His father had slowly been teaching him the art of black smithing in hopes that he would take up the family business. Upon his 16th birthday, his father had fashioned for him the rapier he now keeps with him everyday, which he named after his mothers fierce temper. He had asked his father what a sword so thin, and without edge, would be good for to which his father replied: "Not all swords are designed for killing, son. Some, such as that one you got there, is for protecting ones and ones family's honor. Use it wisely." Those words have forever been etched into Vincent's mind and he has become determined to master the art of Fencing. Shortly after his 17th birthday, Vincent had decided he wanted to run his fathers shop. He had long grown past fairy tale bed time stories and dreams of knights and dragons. He had gone to bed on the first night of his summer vacation from school and dreamt of all the things he would do this summer now that school was officially over. Thus, you could only imagine his surprise when he awoke in the City of Branbern with no idea how he had gotten there.

Appearance: Of average height and build, Vincent stands 5'8" and weighs in at 145 lbs. He has black hair, which is unkempt and messy, and a scruffy face. His hazel eyes are deep and welcoming, yet fluctuating between a near-brown to an almost violent green as well as everything in between as befits his mood and setting. Being of barely average weight for a young man his size means that Vincent is extremely lean and toned, although he doesn't look to terribly strong. He can commonly be found with a grin riding his face. He prefers to wear a white cloth shirt underneath a black leather vest, black leather pants and a well fit and obviously worn set of boots. His rapier, Rose Thorn, rides on his left hip for easy accessibility on a cross body draw as Vincent is right handed.
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Nice profile, I should mention though there are 2 types of human; ones who come from the real world (those are the ones that can develop potent powers) and those that are from FableWood (and are as ordinary as anything) If you are a human of FableWood then you cannot develop powers beyond simple magic. If you want to develop powers than you should change your backstory to say that you were somehow transported to FableWood earlier, or you can choose not to say anything and decide later. But if you want powers as a human, you must be from the real world.

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