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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ward looked at his chest where Glinda had touched him, and then into her eyes...this had been his last hope.

"I see," he stepped back, trying to process what this meant. "Forgive me everyone, I must take my leave for a moment...and collect my thoughts." He watched Elena go before turning to the stairs. He felt ashamed at his reaction, but he also couldn't bring himself to face his friends in such a state. Was he truly to lose his from for good? Suddenly his human body felt like a prison, and he was to be held in it against his will and never again taste the sky. The thought overwhelmed him.

He ran back to the balcony and paced it, running a hand through his gold, feather-like hair. Eventually he sat down on the stone and stared up at the moonlit sky, longing in his eyes.

"What on earth do I do now?"

Leia watched the gryphon go, reached out for his back as she thought of something to say...but nothing would help right now. Not from her at any rate, even so, she wondered if he really should be alone right now. She did not have much time to think on the matter for After a small pause Tigirius spoke.

"Now that we are gathered I propose discussing a plan to overcome our first challenge. We have champions on our side, and the magic of a good witch. We must devise a way to use them both. Perhaps we can choose where to confront Otto, if we can do this it may be the forest will lend us aid."
Leo watched as the group dispersed around him. Not knowing what to say to Ward in his current situation he let the griffon go to think. He wished he knew the words that would comfort him, or that Glinda had offered him more of a plan for his condition. However as with many things that Glinda does or says it was very possible she told him exactly what would lift his curse yet none of them could see it. He turned back and listened as Tigerius talked of a plan. Glinda was the first to speak up "As i said before, Otto has grown extremely large since the overwhelming of the darkness. It fills in the hole the witch took from his being, making him savage." Leo turned and took a few steps slowly away from them, stroking the under side of his mane. Stopping he turned around and fixated on Luness. "Luness may be able to draw him to where we need him with her Caterwaul. If Otto is indeed feeding of his instincts, he will want to know the alpha that is challenging him. It is very possible he will not be alone, a task some of the others may be able to handle. If we can lure him into the part of the forest beyond the fighting trees, Elena, Ward, and myself my be able to combine our strengths mush like we did for the assassin. Elena can be the catalysis with her vines, and Ward and I can channel our Guardian energies to make them strong enough to hold him. Once we have him, it may be possible for me to perform an action much like we we did for Ward in the forest and sever the connection to the darkness. Once the connection is severed however there is no telling what might happen. He could go into a feral rampage without direction, or" The next part Leo did not want to face, but it was a very real possibility. "Or, it may very well kill him." Leo looked over their faces for a reaction to the plan. "What say you to that plan Tigerius? Think you and a group can keep the rabble away from us while we try and bring out friend back?"

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @Lioness075
With her food gone, Quincy strayed over to Alexander, taking her now customary spot next to him. She had just settled down when Nyr approached, and spoke. The kelpie pretended to be entranced by her glass of water while they conversed, not wanting to intrude. She was still listening intently, for any hinting inflection, but she hid it well. Quincy reached for one more small cake, happily feeding her sweet tooth.
(Like the plan!)

Elena looked at the dimmed sky with discomfort. Time was running out for Ward. It wasn't fair to him, that no straight answers were given, nor help. She couldn't help him either.. And giving comfort was never a strong point. She remembered a familiar powerless feeling she had before arriving at Fablewood. That wasn't right.. She was supposed to be strong here. But.. There was a chance she would have to go home. Not home. No, back to earth.

Elena threw her hands up, one with the sword. Roots and vines appeared all around her. The air itself turned tense and full of power almost like when Leo helped her, but malicious. The vines turned into bodies of wrapped plant life, one being in the shape of the arch demon. Others being dread ravens and smaller demons. Elena closed her eyes and focused on her sword play. Dashing in, she commenced in a battle with the yard itself. Exhaustion and anxiety forgotten again.
Alexander looked at Nyr when she spoke to him, he didn't smile, but his face did seem a touch softer. "To upset me? No, some of your ideas, however, I do not agree with. It is nothing to be upset over, however." He said. He liked some of the Raven's traits, but found her a little too forgiving at times. He cut himself short of responding further when the others spoke of their plan. Listening to it, he nodded, and his hand subconsciously searched for Quincy's when she took her place beside him. They could not account for every possibility, but until a new surprise was thrown their way, this sounded like a sound enough plan.
Tigirius smiled, which looked slightly frightening for his glistening teeth. "Or die trying, my king." he growled. "For now I suggest we rest. It seems our champions have not had much in the recent past. I think a night of sleep would do us all good."

He bowed respectfully to Glinda and his king and prowled over to the table. There he selected a single fig, and though eying the rest of the banquet ravenously he resisted and took the fruit to a chair by the wall. There he ate it, regarding those in the room as if he was debating on speaking or not.

Ward sat there for a while, playing with the carving idly. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad? He could certainly think of one reason to stay human forever. The wind played in his hair and he felt his heart ache. Suddenly he set his resolve. Sitting here moping was not going to help anyone. The sooner he accepted this and moved on the better...or perhaps...there was still one day left. Maybe the solution would become clear before the hourglass ran through?

Regardless of which would happen he could not just stay here. Rising slowly he gave one last glance at the heavens before he restored the carving to its pocket and went to seek out Elena.

Ward found her easily enough, training. He watched her for a moment, admiring her form and conviction to the strikes. At times there seemed something almost gryphon-like about her. Ironic.

He did not want to prevent her from practicing, instead he drew the sword at his side and stepped in, parrying her strike and regarding her with a smile over the crossed blades.

"The hedges are no longer worthy opponents for you it seems." His smile turned playful and he took a better stance. "I am ready."

@Bea Delaine
Nyr nodded as she noticed Quincy next to them... the dragon obviously wanted some privacy with her and she did not want to interfere.

" Until we meet again then, Alexander. " she bowed and smiled, then turned to the girl " Quincy. " she bowed her head, smiling at her, wishing them luck in their conversation as she headed in the direction where she last saw Ward heading.

She knew not if she should disturb the troubled griffin but she could not let him alone. Not now. He was the reason why she was here, he was the reason why all of them were standing here as an unstoppable team. She owed him at least that much - as a friend and as a family member she wanted to comfort the troubled boy, no matter the cost.

The white haired girl looked around and took her long enough to find Ward no longer being alone. Nyr smiled as she sat down to observe the training between Ward and Elena unfold. How strange it was: two souls from two different worlds, yet their hearts beating as one. This was way more than friendship - it was the pure manifestation of love.

Love. Such a strange, alien feeling it was to her until she met this unlikely company. Her heart was deserted and empty before they filled it with care, trust and joy. She owed them everything - and she wanted to repay her debt however she could.

" Love... the cure for every illness. " she chuckled in herself as she leaned closer to the pair, her white wings stretching behind her in curiosity. For a moment she thought about she falling in love with someone... but she quickly dismissed the idea. She was not worthy for such bond - and besides they had a kingdom to free from the darkness. She only hoped that Ward would recover - she could not stand to watch the heart of the team to suffer.
Leo watched his friend bid Glinda good night and walk to the table. Leo watched as he picked up the single fig and it made him chuckle. "For one with the title of The Hungry Tiger, he certainly had learn to control himself since the last time i saw him." Glindas eyes close slightly with her smile to his comment. She moved closer to Leo and placed a hand on the bare patch of fur on his arm between his mantle and arm guards "You both have changed much from those days dear forest guardian. The only difference between you and Tigerius, is he does not let his past haunt him like you do." Glinda removed her hand and placed it on the side of his face pulling his gaze to hers. As if she were within his mind, reading his one question that had plagued his mind for years she spoke softly to the great lion "What you hope to accomplish at the end of your journey, is not something even i can change. Let the past go, throw away this title you let hang around your neck. She would tell you the same." With that Glinda made her way back up the staircase, followed immediately by her beautiful maids. Leo stood and watched the witch disappear. Leo stood, her words burned into his mind. HE slowly turned back and headed out the same way that many others had gone. Once outside he caught the sight of Nyr who was observing Ward and Elena. He made his way over to the raven and placed his hands behind his back as he watched a distant waterfall as to not intrude on the pair as they spared. Hearing Nyr's words he took a deep breathe and reciprocated with his own insite "It is also the cause of many illness's as well."

Elena didn't notice Wards arrival at all until he spoke to her. Her plants shrunk back into the earth and her shoulders relaxed, at ease to see the other. She smiled and welcomed the pink coloring that filled her cheeks as she readjusted her position. Her stance widened and prepared her weapon.

"I'm not sure I'm a worthy opponent for a Gryphon though.. But let's go, Ward."

To start the spar, she sprinted with great speed and agility. Making it seem at first she was going in for a forward left cut, she turned to her right at the last moment, slid under his arm and cut upward from behind him, then before waiting to see if the hit would, she attempted to slide to the side away from his swords reach
Ward nearly did not see the feint. He had realized that he left his guard down, more the fool him! At the last moment he managed to pivot, bringing his sword around to guard against her strike. As she stepped back he moved with her, his steps almost in sync with hers, following her movement. But he was too close now to try a strike at her core, instead he swung out and around, trying to catch her blade and disarm her.

"Your footwork is impeccable! And never fear, gryphons normally never practice fencing." And this was true, though Ward had been instructed by Halberd back at castle Branbern...a little. As he saw her move now he thought this may very well end with him looking up at her from the flat of his back.

This mattered little however, of all the things Ward could say ill of himself, pride was not one of them. He would not mind losing to her. The thrill of the game was well worth a defeat.
Knowing strength was not a strong point of hers, Elena watched his proximity and his attempt to catch her blade. Mind and body nimble, she allowed him to catch her blade over her head, and passed under and away from him, side stepping quickly and commuting herself as she had time to, to get low and slash widely at his lower legs.

"Thank you Ward. I'm glad we get to do this.. It's fun to have somebody... Or um.. I mean to spar with in this case."
Hearing the guardian stopping behind her Nyr nodded.

" So I have heard. " she said, slowly turning her gaze to the tired lion. She then blushed a bit and turned her head away before she spoke.

" You have really loved Ruby, have you? " she asked finally, the words coming out slowly and harder than she anticipated. " I always wondered what it would be like: to be loved not like in a family but by somebody else. I merely tried to scrape together the knowledge from the tales of Mother Moon, but even those tales are unfathomable by those who have not experienced true love. "

She turned to him and put her hand on his heart. She heard the old heart beating heavily, now filled with sorrow and pain of regret. She sighed and nodded to herself. It was time. She looked in his eyes and spoke.

" I may not be able to replicate the love and care of Ruby, but... " she hesitated for a moment and turned her voice into a mere whisper " There is a way to bring her back, to reclaim her soul. And I know how to perform such a ritual. "
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"I suppose," Achyls smiled, her face appearing softer than in recent times. Perhaps it was being around those who cared? Perhaps it was meeting Tigerius...either way she was much more comfortable in being here.

"Do you plan on fighting? I would suggest it is unwise, given your...state," she said plainly, "I can help you sleep, if you wish,". Her hands glowed purple with dark magic. Though it was not a harsh glow, more a soft ebbing. Achyls lifted it to Ashley's head, waiting for a signal to continue with her magic.

@Shimakage Thunder
"This is just another sort of dance if you think about it." he said happily.

Ward leapt into the air, avoiding the blade entirely but brought his own sword in a tight arc to carry her swing and her arm past her original strike point and turn her back to him. He lifted his sword arm up and over her head in an attempt to pin her against him and prevent her from striking again.
Elena found the rhythm entrancing as she moved with each of his actions. When he tried to pin her, she was too close to use her weapon so she dropped to a crouch before she sword wrapped too close to her to do so. Hands on the ground and taking her weight, she swung her leg out to hit the back of his knee in attempts to make it numb long enough to knock him down. Thinking fast, and remembering gymnastics, she swiftly switched the position of her hands to that of a bridge, kicking her legs up and over her head like a sloppy back walk over, hoping to knock Wards sword away in the process. Landing on her feet, her sword re materialized in her hands and she prepared for his move.

"And you know how I like to dance with you."
((Its not a huge deal but just want to make sure we are reading the posts correctly, Leo placed his hands behind his back, not on Nyr. Its fine and i will roll with it because of the scene it creates, but lets make sure we pay attention please. :) ))

Leos brow furrowed at the young raven. She was tip toeing to a line that Leo would not have crossed. Though the raven was a dear friend to him, and he would always listen to the words she had for him, she was approaching a subject that was on a very short list of intimate subjects. The Guardian starred the small girl down with his one good eye, there had not been something right with her since her fathers death and Leo had kept his words to himself for long enough. In a very firm voice but barely audible above a whisper so as not to alarm the others Leo spoke to the girl "Listen to me young Raven. To play with ones heart like this is not something I take lightly and borders on the edge of my temper. You are a dear friend to me, and i respect what has happened to you since your loss, but answer me now and quickly, has your horrific tragedy affected your mind to the brink of madness?" Leos eyes bore into the girl with determination, sadness, and a touch of longing for what the girl said to be true.

(( Fixed is, sorry about that. ))

She bowed her head in shame. She thought that Leo might be happy to hear about this, not to be angry. But she could not blame him for this - after all it was Ruby they were talking about. With sad eyes she looked at him and smiled.

" In the ancient tongue, the one spoken by only the gods and deities of this world this ritual is called Elrath'Dakar - also known as the Cycle of Souls. The name is indeed apt: while death is a harsh mistress she is not closed to bargains: life for life, soul for a soul. The ritual is indeed able to bring back the dead from the netherworld - at a cost of a soul. "

She silenced for a bit, trying to read the stoic expression of Leo.

" I know how much she means to you. " she said as she took a deep breath once again. Her white body now radiated as she looked at him seriously. " I volunteer personally. Life for life. If this is the way to reunite the both of you... then so be it. "
Ward did not anticipate Elena to drop away. He felt a sharp pain as her kick connected with the back of his knee and he dropped involuntarily, his sword hitting the stone with his rear close behind it. He looked up at her through his scruffy hair, his eyes showing not disappointment at his loss but joy at how far she had progressed.

"Ah well, I would be more useful if I weren't so clumsy! That was an amazing move. Where did you learn that?"

Tigirius wandered outside too, these new champions were the friends of his king, he was obliged to trust them. However he knew the gentleness of his monarch's heart and came to observe the dread raven's interaction quietly.
"Yes, I can't just stand by and watch as everyone gets hurt. But so everyone doesn't have to worry about me, I fight at a distance rather then up close. I don't to worry about any enemy getting close to me because everyone else fights on the front lines." Even though she appreciated Achyls' concern, Ashley didn't want to make everyone else do the work over the simple fact that she was pregnant. When she saw that Achyls had something in her hand, probably a spell ready to be cast, she declined on it when Achyls offered to help her sleep. "Its alright, I have slept long enough. Even if I fall asleep, the baby will probably wake me up again." She then mused with the baby, gently caressing her belly. "You love hearing Mommy's Voice, don't you sweetheart?" She asked in a soft spoken voice as she smiled.

Elena felt great satisfaction at her success, not fully sure it would even work. She smiled at the blonde endearingly and offered a hand. It was truly a dance. Her sword disappeared in thin air and her glee in winning could not be hid.

"You aren't clumsy. It's sword play. In a way, I cheated." She said with a chuckle.

"You were wonderful. My move was.. I don't know. I just moved. I used to practice um... Flipping on mats and walking on ropes as a kid and teenager, when I could."
As Nyr left, the battered Quincy murmured a goodbye and returned her nod. She sensed more than felt Alexander's reach, moving her hand conveniently into the path of his. Her grasp was light in his, but purposely firm. His skin was warmer than hers; a dragon's inner fire, she supposed, against her watery origins. Did opposites really attract, or was this some fabrication of both their minds, bolstered by the almost constant adrenaline? With the room emptying around them, and still munching on the sticky bun she had picked up, Quincy turned her head to look at her dragon companion. “How are you feeling? Your wings?" She asked quietly, propping her elbow on the table and licking a smear of icing off her thumb before resting her chin in her hand.

Ward accepted the help to his feet.

"Walking on ropes?" He tried to picture this. He once had seen a troupe of players that came to Branbern. There was one there who did this sort of thing.

"Like an..acrobat?" He remembered the word, though it sounded odd to him.

The breeze carried a sweet scent of moss and fresh water, Ward looked out to see the lake shining between the trees at the back of the garden. He wanted to see it.

"Would you walk with me?" he asked, gesturing to the lake's edge.

As luck would have it the lake was ringed by soft, white sand. Tiny waves of water lapped at the beach silently. When he arrived Ward pulled off his boots and sank his toes into the wet sand at the lake's edge, reveling in the feeling.

"One thing that is good about being human, is that I don't mind the water so much." He said happily.
Elena nodded.

"Yeah. In a way, I get I was an acrobat?" She said with humor in her voice. She didn't ever think of it like that, but gymnastics was probably a foreign word. She chuckled at the idea of being in a circus.

"Yeah. Let's walk.. Hey Ward? There's time. We will figure this out, and I will do anything to help you. I want to stay by you in fighting, and outside of it. Though, mostly I want you happy and healthy. Not poisoned."

She said, unsure of how to properly express her thoughts. She slipped off her shoes and wards coat, tiptoeing into the cool water and allowing it to envelope her warm and sore limbs.

"Then you won't mind me swimming?"
Leo studied Nyrs face as she spoke. Looking for signs of this being a ruse or some kind of misguided joke. But she was serious, her face and her eyes told him that every word she said was truth. Leo stood there, his mind racing at the thought. The possibility had never been open to him before, he had never heard of such magic. He got excited, his heart began to speed up, he wanted to rush through the doors of the castle, save his friends and then find Ruby to rip the evil from her and bring her back to him. His mind cleared for a moments breath and he saw Nyr. Her face poised for his response. His mind drifted to the first time he met the raven, all the times they had battled together during the siege, there small talks in Branbern. His mind quieted, his heart beat began to return to its steady rhythmic beat. He relaxed himself and looked down at the young raven "No.." the word slipped from his tongue with ease. It even surprised him a bit, to here his own mouth betray his heart. But when he stopped to think of the sacrifice that would need to be made, his heart new what was the right answer for what Nyr suggested. He knew the one word would cause her protest, so he tried to exsplain his heart "Ruby was the closet person i ever bonded with. What we had, many would have called love. That is why i know to allow you, one of my closest friends, to perform such a task would devistate Ruby and what she would think of me. Ruby is gone. The monster within her skin killed her the moment she took her body. She would be sad with me for even thinking about such a thing." Leo bent down to eye level with the girl and wrapped his arms around her in a hug "That kind of sacrifice i will not allow you to make, least of all for me. To loose such a friend as yourself, would not make me happy, but would only bring me more dispare." He released her but kept his hands on her shoulders, starring into her eyes with his. "I beg you do not bring this to anyone's ears again." His gaze shifted upwards as Tigerius came into view.
Ward smiled at her words. "I'm sure something will turn up." Whether he believed this or not he wasn't quite sure. When she asked the next question he shook his head.

"Only if you don't mind that I can't" He said sheepishly. He had never had much of a reason to learn. His best friend Monty had tried to teach him at school, but he was completely hopeless.

He waded out into the water, letting the lake lap at his waist, drawing in a breath as the cold water sunk into his clothes. Suddenly he remembered the carving and rushed to rescue it from the water. He held it in his hand for a moment, it seemed different in the light of the moon. A small wooden pendant, depicting intricate vines winding about a blooming rose.

"Um, Elena...I've been meaning to give you something." He hesitated for a moment, and then held the pendant out to her in the palm of his hand, the leather cord trailing in the waves. He could feel the usual colour return to his cheeks.

Tigirius listened to Leo's answer and smiled at his friend sadly. He wished more than anything to see Ruby back...but it just was not possible. They both knew this, and now Tigirius knew his king had accepted it.

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