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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls looked confused at Ashley, noticing a tone of sadness work its way into her expression.

"Then I shall stay," she stated, her eyes half-closed already. She shut the door behind her, and sat by the door, in part trying to be protective and in another part too lazy to move.

"Have you met with Tigerius yet?" she asked softly, the words only just escaping as her eyes slid closed. The witch forced herself to wake, to keep Ashley company, she felt responsible for her wellbeing somehow.

@Shimakage Thunder
(( You can still do things in the evening, just gonna timeskip to morning ))

The first rays of the dawn illuminated the small cozy room Nyr slept in. On her expression sat a wide, warm smile, one that showed how sweet dreams she had. Her eyes popped open as the golden light of the sun showered the room and she sat up on her bed, stretching and yawning sleepily. Looking down on herself she still saw the pure white dressed girl as before - but now she did not care. In fact she was quite happy that her appearance now matched of her heart's desire for once.

In silence she walked down from her residence and looked around. The castle was still slumbering with all of its inhabitants, it seemed only the radiant girl was awake in such an early hour. She slowly arrived in the dining room where she saw the remains of last night's feast and decided to clean up everything in preparation for the new day. Once the hall was cleaned up she took a deep breath and laughed, signifying her good mood.

In all the sudden her entire being started to glow in the same strange light, illuminating the dark room she was in before the light dimmed into nothingness again. She looked at herself curiously but then decided that she must do something for everyone else before they wake up. They will have a hard day today, their spirits must be high.

" The light will guide us! " she suddenly said, forming a small globe of light between her palms, sending it to the top of the hall. It once again bathed the entire room in pale silvery light, just as if it would be the moon and soon the nearby torches also lit up in this mysterious light. Satisfied with her work she headed to the kitchen. This morning she wanted to create something special herself... she wanted everyone to feel as happy and joyful as she did.
(( Since Lioness is not 100% on her internet capabilites while she is on her trip, she asked if I would not mind taking care of Luness for us :) ))

After the small councle of group memeber began to break away from the meeting with GLinda and the plan had been hatched, Luness began to feel the weight of the past few days heavily on her shoulders once again. Deciding it would be best to have as much energy as possible, she made her way over to the table of food and began to pick at a small plate of meat. As she sat picking at her food she starred out the window and watched the outside night envelope the world. She saw a few of her team mates go in and out of the castle but decided that a good nights rest was what she desired more. After finishing her plate, she stood and made her way back to the room she had found earlier. As she lay there thinking about the task at and the next night, she slowly let the embrace of his mind drift her off to sleep.

The next morning Leo shifted from his meditation as the warm sunbeams of the new day pourd into the room. He stood, stretching as he always did and reached for his armor. Once he was comfortable in his usual attire, the robe having been washed and cleaned by a theif in the night, he made his way to the hallway and back to the great hall they had entered in. As he walked down the flights of stairs, he noticed the halls strange glowing effect and became curious as to its origins. He stood underneith the glowing orb that had been created but could not find its owner. Not wanting to poke his head around, and wanting to greet the new day he headed for the great doors to the outside and exited. The days golden sun had already risen above the great wall of the city and bathed the lands in dawns colors. Leo took in severl deep long breaths and made his way into the gardens surrounding the castle. Although the garden his magic room had provided had served its purpose during the night, it was still only an illusion. Nothing could compare to the company of a truely flurishing garden.
Alexander had lingered in the doorway to Quincy's room, his face warming a bit more each time her lips touched his skin, however when she started stripping down to the bathing suit he quickly tore his eyes away, flustered. "Goodnight, Love" He returned quickly, letting the words slip out. He then quickly walked a short distance down the hall to his own room, and decided that i really was time for him to sleep- to get some real sleep. He smiled when he entered the room, made to reflect his treasure trove back in main Fablewood. rather than an actual bed, there was a warm nest already made, all it deeded was heating up, which he was happy to do. He wished the room was just a touch bigger, but he would have to make due in his human form, and for now that was perfectly fine. He smiled at the gemstones and gold glittering on the walls, all the treasures he had collected over the years. As he scanned the walls, he did notice something different, however. Unlike in his actual cave, it seemed that a lake had been dug out in the far corner, spilling out from the natural river that already flowed through his cave. He did not have time to think of what it meant before he was engulfed by sleep.

Anya made her way downstairs fairly early the next morning, having gone to bed early as well. She had spent some time exploring the castle, found some place to bathe, and taken advantage of it already. Her hair hung it wet clumps and she was dressed in a simple white dress that hung over her while her clothes were being washed. Deciding she wanted to cook again- and not realizing they wouldn't have modern appliances in the kitchen- Anya made her way to the kitchen. She saw Nyr, and asked, "What are you doing? Can I help?"
As she had thought, Elena slept heavily and dreamlessly through the night. When morning came and light filtered through her curtains and assaulted her eyelids, Elena wished she could have remained in her heavy sleep. She pulled herself up slowly, body disagreeing with the movements and aching.

Her soft white shirt and pant blended with to bedding and begged to rejoin it. All in all, she felt sick. She stood slowly to shake away dizziness and started down the hall and back up the stairs with a hand on the wall. She figured it was still sort of early, but falling asleep could mean staying asleep for hours more.

She saw that others had already awoken and arrived. The pure white Nyr and Anya were awake.
She was singing a song while preparing the breakfast for all of them. She smiled and danced in the kitchen, grabbing more and more ingredients and spices to make the food as perfect as it could be. Her heart was flooding with joy and happiness as she prepared everything. While the oven was heating up she decided to dance even more. It was a strange sensation to be carefree to be this happy. While she was doing a pirouette she noticed Anya who was staring right at her and asked a question. Dread and blush ran through her face and she lost her balance, falling to the ground.

" Anya! What a pleasant surprise! " she said while she got up from the ground. Her face was red from embarrassment that she was seen like this " I wanted to prepare a breakfast fitting for kings and champions. Say, you want to join in? "

She then looked around and saw Elena coming down towards them... but something seemed wrong. She looked dizzy and sick and Nyr's heart sank. Immediately she rushed at her side.

" Elena, are you all right? " she asked, her ruby red eyes glinting with fear. With quick thinking she hugged her, giving her a warm, healing hug then she ushered in the kitchen. " There, sit tight, all right? " she said, her wide smile returning " Anya! Let us prepare the meal but also make a good tea for Elena, it is the best medicine for everything! "

With that she darted back to one of the shelves, searching for healing herbs.
For the first time in a while the gryphon's sleep was dreamless. He woke feeling like he had had a rest of kings. The familiar feeling of his gryphon form was a welcome thing to wake to and slowly the memories of the night before filtered back into his mind.

He flew down to the kitchen windows with a happy eagle cry, spotting some of his friends in the kitchen.

"Nyr! Anya! Look!" He beat his golden wings which glinted slightly in the sun. "I've got my form back!" Then he shrank to a man so he could fit through the door.

"Morning everyone. Elena." He couldn't keep from blushing when he saw her. "You look busy. Can I help?"

Another look at Elena made him smile. "Not much of a morning person then?" He took the brass kettle sitting idly by the stove and began to draw water from a pump built into the elegant porcelain sink.

The stove he lit with a subtle fireball, watching the wood catch with a pleasant crackle. He placed the full kettle on an element and waited for further instruction.

"This is a wonderful idea Nyr, making breakfast for everyone." He watched her move happily about the kitchen. "You remind me of Briar, she used to do this for Fior back in castle Branbern, and anyone else who was around at the time. When Briar was cooking, I made sure I was!" He chuckled happily.
Anya had smiled, enjoying watching Nyr dance- she had spent time dancing when she was younger, up through high school and she missed it dearly.

"Yes, of course I'd like to help. That's why I came!" she said with a small laugh that wavered when she saw Nyrs concern as she moved pat Anya.

Anya turned to look and saw Elena, listening to what Nyr said, she nodded and added,
"Right, I'll get on some citrus and nettle tea, it should help out... probably." She turned to find what she needed in the Kitchen, she drew water and mixed the lose herbs something that would contain them, then once the kettle was warm she dropped it in, letting it seep.

Then she turned to Ward and, seeing his wings, grinned at him.
"Oh!" She exclaimed, "That's fantastic!"
Elena approached and received a hug from Nyr. She was more than a little confused. The last time she's seen the other, Nyr wasn't really herself. Sighing in relief, she smiled and hugged the other back, slowly finding a seat moving in a way that wouldn't allow her head rush.

"It's alright Nyr. I'm sure I'm still just a bit tired, or maybe have a cold. But, I'm glad you are feeling alright. What changed?" She asked, trying to figure the other girl out.

She rubbed her temples, eyes dropping again, but then got startled upward again as Ward entered, glowing with happiness over his form being restored. Remembering the day before, her already warm face got hotter, glowing red.

"Morning. I guess your right. Not much of a morning person. But you seem to be." She said chuckling and shrinking back into her seat without much energy to maintain much of a high fr her joy for him.
Nyr laughed cheerfully but then she heard Ward entering the kitchen and her eyes opened up in happiness seeing that the griffin had his wings back. A sigh of relief left her mouth as she smiled at him. Then she heard Ward's words and her entire face turned red. Comparing her to someone like Briar was something she clearly thought to be unworthy of. She quickly turned away, browsing the shelves as she replied.

" I... just thought this as a reward for your heroism. " she said, finding the spice she was looking for " But our similarities with the princess end there. She is of noble blood, benevolent, kind and wise. I am just a small raven, trying to do her best, nothing more. "

She placed the can of spice near the oven as she dashed to the other side of the room for a new one. Looking at Elena she was surprised at first but then answered.

" I was not ill... or was I? " she asked, a bit still puzzled but then she remembered what Elena probably meant by that " This form is strange yes but... I somehow have grown fond if it now. "

She reached the shelf and then her entire body started to glow. In the next moment a ray of moonlight shot out from her palm, hitting the vial containing the ingredient, shattering it. With a startled yell she felt her entire body to be covered by the stuff as it rained down on her. She sighed.

" I am terribly sorry. This is still new to me. " she said as with a wave of her hands the spice vanished from her and concentrated in one place. Soon after she looked at the crystal fragments and uttered a single word:

" Mannir. " - after that the shards of glasses flew up and focused around the spice then a few moments later the vial was one again. Quickly she placed it to the first bottle not to cause any harm and then rushed to get the third vial which contained some strange liquid.
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"Since when does blood dictate whether you're a nice person?" Ward defended her. "And I see you perfectly equal in the latter three traits."

He winced as she shattered the jar of spice with her new power and watched as she repaired it quickly.

As she rushed by him Ward took her shoulders gently in both hands. "You go above and beyond for us every time. You also sell yourself short. Please treat yourself with kindness Nyr."

With that he looked about the kitchen. "Now what do you need of me? I can slice some fruit it you like, or make a custard? Just don't ask me to stir porridge...Porridge and I do not agree about things."

Tigirius came in from the garden where he had been sleeping that night. He had risen at dawn and begun his meditation exercises and then transitioned into an hour of strict sword forms. Now he prowled across the lawn--sword strapped to his barrel chest-- to the kitchen doors and sniffed the air tentatively.

"It smells very good." He said, offering them a feline smile in greeting.
Elena felt guilty, sitting out while everyone was making food and tea. She stood up, feeling her legs get weak and unsteady but made her way into the kitchen all she same, hand against wall just in case. She watched in amazement at Nyrs new power, but felt a bit worried about how it was onset.

"Wards right. You do so much for others. Blood doesn't matter because you are a wonderful being who deserves twice of what you give.. Which is a lot." She said, an odd grin on her face as she sorted out what she meant by that.

"And if Ward is that Porridge-ly challanged, I'll help with it." She said slowly, chuckling at him and feeling her free hand raise to touch the carved pendent on her neck as she did so. Quivering fingers lined its design absentmindedly.

"I can help with anything you need, Anya, Nyr."
Anya buzzed about the kitchen her self, practicing the teleportation skill she used before to get what she needed so she could help make more than tea. "Thanks, but I think Ward will need more help than me," She said, playfully. She glanced over at whatever the Griffon was making, and said. "Besides, Porridge does sound nice!"
Nyr stopped as Ward put his hands on her shoulders and she listened to him. For a moment her large, red eyes were glinting in excitement and curiosity: why did he think of her in such way? Why did all of them think of her in such way? She was merely doing her job nothing more... She blushed again and bowing her head she only muttered the following words.

" You must be mistaken. I am but a humble servant, ready to to her job... I am nothing like a praiseworthy person... just a girl doing she thinks she is right. "

Hearing Elena's words as well her face turned more red and resisted an urge to hug everyone in a sudden emotional roller coaster. Although she wouldn't have minded a hug either...

Shaking her head and snapping out of the embarrassing situation she heard about the plans of Porridge and she smiled once more.

" All right, that sounds fantastic! " she said again with a radiant smile as she walked near Anya to continue the preparations. Soon she heard the whistling of the kettle and she darted there to get the now ready tea off. She readied few cups and poured the now boiling liquid and gave each of them one except for herself. She would drink whatever was left for her. After all the meal needed to be done, that was her first priority.
The next morning saw a half awake Achyls sliding out of Ashley's room and down the corridor. At the sight of the group, she wandered to the kitchen, a small smile on her face.

"How are you all this morning?" Her vision blurry as she rubbed the dust from her eyes. Everything seemed so much lighter, as if the sun itself had blessed them all with joy. She did enjoy this light-heartedness, a yearning for it to continue burrowed inside her. Her smile grew wider upon seeing them all together in such way.
"That skill is insanely cool." Leia came into the kitchen and sat down, watching Anya zip around the floor, slightly reminiscent of her favorite X-men character. She listened to Nyr and shook her head. "What are we going to do with you? Like, everyone in here owes you their lives like, ten times over!" Leia jumped off her chair and pulled Nyr into a tight hug. "Honestly, you're worse than Elena." She shot the other girl a teasing look, remembering their conversation in the library back in SnowHaven.

"Your friends speak truth my lady. Both your magic and your heart are very strong. I have seen this in just the short time I have known you." Tigirius chimed in. "It saddens me to hear you do not feel about yourself as your friends do." He then noticed Achyls come into the room. "I trust you slept well?"

Ward nodded in agreement, his expression falling when they settled on porridge. "Oh, perhaps I should let you handle this." Instead he noticed Elena was a little more than just tired. "I am that 'porridge-ly challenged'," he admitted readily. "Last time I tried the pot was beyond salvage." Then he took her hand and spoke more quietly, "Are you alright? You didn't catch cold last night did you?" He moved closer so she could lean on him if she needed to.

Leia rolled up her sleeves. "Well if its porridge you want, I can deliver." Leia got to work, fetching milk from the pantry and finding a bag of rolled oats too.

After a little while the pot was boiling happily on the stove. She found a little salt and honey and added them modestly and soon the sweet smell began wafting through the air.

Ward found some bowls and spoons and set them out, ready for the breakfast Leia, Anya and Nyr were preparing.
Turning to Tigerius, Achyls' eyes snapped open, a blush breaking through the pale skin on her cheeks.

"Ah, yes, thank you. What about you?" She questioned, taking a step nearing nearer to him, though still remaining at a fair distance.

"Thank you also, for all you have done for us thus far," she bowed her head to him, any fatigue left disappearing from her body as she spoke. The warm air and the sweet smell of porridge wiping away the signs of sleep.
Anya smiled at Leia as she came downstairs, and commented, "Thanks, though, it's not nearly as cool as being the avatar, oh master of the spirits!" She turned towards Leia and bowed some, a goofy grin on her face.

She wanted to say something to comfort Nyr too, but it seemed everyone else already had it covered, and too much complementing had always made her start feeling as though the complements were fake, so she elected to keep quiet. There was one thing she couldn't help but ask about, though:

"So, Nyr, if you don't mind my asking: What's with the pallet swap? How come your hair turned white and stuff?"
Elena sent Leia an Irate look but ended up chuckling and with unsteady hands, started mixing together the breakfast porridge. She swayed a little as the heat of the kitchen became a bit much.

"I'm not that bad!! I'm honest, Leia. Critically so, but I'm no Nyr." She said in a joking tone that was a bit softer. She looked to Ward as he took her hand and she took the tea in the other hand.

"I think might have caught a cold to be honest.." She was about to reassure him when her knees buckled. She managed the grab onto the other, but her tea cup dropped to the floor and shattered. She looked to Nyr apologetically.

"I'm sorry.. I know you just made it. I'm sure it was good."
Ward caught her quickly, his look of concern deepening into worry. "Nevermind it, we can pour more tea." He picked her up and sat her gently down in a chair. Then he felt her forehead and made a face. "A temperature."

He summoned a small spell to the palm of his hand and touched her shoulder with the light.

"We can't have you getting ill, we need you for the coming battle. That and you'd make me feel terribly guilty, flying you around last night when you were soaked to the bone!"

He found a blanket in a nearby airing cupboard and draped it over her shoulders.

"The spell will help, but you must help it. Keep warm."

When the porridge was done he waited for Leia to serve it before offering a bowl to Elena.

Bowls were passed out all around. Even Tigirius was persuaded to accept one and sniffed it gratefully.

"I slept little, but well. I also did very little beyond guide you here. You champions have the real power." at that point Tigirius closed his eyes, seeming to come to a decision.

"When everyone is awake we should meet in the dining hall. We must discuss the plan...and I have something I should no longer keep from you."
Leo spent the majority of his walk wandering the vast exspanse of the gardens surrounding the castle. Eventually he made his way down to the lake. The crystal clear waters was exactly as he had imaigned such a place would be in the castle. Though he did not care much for swimming, the water did look awfully inviting. Tracing the edge of the lake as he let his mind wander to the past few days. Aot had already happened since they had came to Oz and even more to still do. He began to think on the plan for thie evening ahead of them, and then to Otto, and finally as must of his thoughts ended up he came to Ruby. Memories from times long past began to well up inside. Each one holding special sugnificance in his heart. As time began to slip by him, he relized he was getting awfully far away from the castle and the others where more than likely awake by now. He turned back and began the long trip to the castle walls. Aftr a short time he once again reached the doors to the castle and pushed them open. Walking in he could smell the aroma of food being prepaired somewhere and followed his nose to the kitchen door. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard Tigerius and turned to meet them in the dinning hall. He walked over to the window to watch the outside world until they arrived.

Luness caught the smell of the food drifting from downstairs and eased herself awake. The night had been a sombering one, filled with good sleep for the young werecat. She trapced to the door of her room and made her way downstairs. Looking around the hall at the other doors she noticed several of them were ajar and their inhabitants already gone. She continued on her way and found herself at the edge of the dinning hall with Leo on the oposite side of the room observing through the windows. "Good morning" she sleeply said as she sat down towards the middle of the table in the great hall.
Achyls nodded to Tigerius. With her attention back on Nyr and the others, she gratefully denied a bowl, noticing Elena and Ward together by a chair. There was a wonderfully true connection between the two, she enjoyed such a sweet sight, though Elena was not all 'there'.

"Are you unwell?" She asked of Elena, though looking at Ward, concerned for his wellbeing as well as the girl's. Her confusion was genuine, even if Elena's symptoms were obvious.
Nyr got caught unaware of the sudden hug of Leia and now she really felt blushing. But it felts so good that she just smiled and smiled. Then she addressed everyone while she recreated the cup Elena accidentally dropped, smiling at the girl.

" I thank you all. Truly. " she said " I could never have asked for better friends than you... a better family. "

Then she sighed and now addressed Anya. She owed them the truth at least... even though she did not want to reveal it she felt that it was too late already. If anything they deserved to know the truth and the risks.

" I am a creature of darkness but I was brought up by Mother Moon. " she said " The darkness and the light within me conflicts with one another: consuming each other every day they fight to extinguish each other. " she looked down on herself " Right now it seems that the light has its edge. "

She did now want to say what would be the end result... they needed to focus.

" But be not concerned by things like this. What matters right now is not my condition but the one of Elena's. " she said while she started eating, looking at the girl with a worried expression. " I will do everything in my power to help you all. I swear it. "
Elena followed Wards advice, not reacting at his touch and not fully recovered from her previous dizzy spell. She felt his spell take a bit of her ill feeling away but she was still exhausted. She took the blanket and tea again, taking a seat and curling into herself once seated.

"Thank you. It's just a cold though.. I'll be fine to travel and battle. Just give me a little time."

She said in a hushed tone to both Ward and Achyls to end their concern.

"When are we planning the battle?"
Tigirius made his way out into the hall, pushing a bowl of porridge into his king's hand. "Eat my friend. You will need your strength."

Leia followed him and Ward offered to help Elena to the dining hall, the blanket wrapped tightly about her. "I can't help but feel you should sit this one out." he told her in a worried voice.

Tigirius waited until they were gathered, then began to speak.

"I have come to call you friends. But if we are fighting together you must know something about me." He glanced at them all in turn, Leia could have sworn he looked apologetic.

"I am not called 'The Hungry Tiger' out of choice, and it is not a warrior name, given by my deeds in battle." He , licking his lips in a very feline way. "No, I am called the hungry tiger because I am cursed."

Leia looked at him, a little taken aback. "If you are to trust me, then you should know the darkness I bear." He shifted uncomfortably, his tail twitching behind him.

"When I was a young warrior I was very proud. There was nothing I wanted more than to prove myself in battle. I challenged all manner of beasts, and my record was the best in the forest...one day I heard of an old woman living deep within a cave who held the promise of a potion that could relieve a warrior of ever feeling weary. She guaranteed that anyone who took this magic could fight a hundred enemies and not tire. He could also sustain himself for weeks on little more than the dew on a blade of grass. I sought this woman and her potion out eagerly...and I found her. I did not give my choice any second thought, so blinded was I by my own ambition. The potion granted me what the witch had said...but as a price, I became as starved as an injured wolf. No matter how much I consume the hunger will not die, but this is not the most unfortunate element of my curse." He paused for a long while, the rest seemed difficult for him to say. "It is the cravings that are the worst."

"Cravings?" Leia said, suddenly not liking where the conversation was headed. "What do you crave?"

The tiger looked at her sadly and spoke two words that made her blood run cold.

"Human flesh."

"What?!" She yelped, probably much louder than she realized.

"Please, you must know that not once have I ever surrendered to the curse. I have never touched that which the curse would drive me to have, yet it does not seem to make a difference in the hunger. Magic is a strange essence."

He stood there as a criminal would before a judge and waited to see their reactions.

((I have to go for tonight, but @zCrookedz you can explain the battle plan and we should move out soon.))

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