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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena swam a bit, under water and with only the moons glow to give her light. She figured Ward couldn't swim with his being a Gryphon and his dislike for water previously. She lifted her head back from the water, curls heavy and dragging behind her. The water was pure and soft, somehow.

Ward held something in his hand he apparently wished to give her.

Elena approached again, taking the pendant slowly and carefully from the palm of the blonde. She examined it in the light that she had, with wonder, amazement, and love.

"Ward you made this? It's.. It's the most beautiful thing I've seen." This was not an exaggeration. It was better than all the landscapes and palaces and flowers she has seen here, because it was made for her.

Then she put the cord on her neck as carefully as she could, bent down to face Ward closely and kissed him before she could tell herself not to.

(Ahaha!! Face the sappy moment)
"They've been better, but they don't hurt so badly anymore," he told her, the corners of his mouth turning up some when he looked at her. Her hand was cool in his, and it was almost refreshing. "Are you tired? If you are perhaps you should rest," he offered, it had been a bit of a troublesome journey.
The sight of his tiny smile warmed Quincy and brought a matching one to her face. Although he said they didn't hurt, she didnt quite believe him. Seeing her concern returned made her smile grow into a full grin, reflected in her eyes. “I am, a little. But Id like to enjoy your company a while longer." She admitted softly, a little bit of pink creeping into her cheeks.

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Ward's eyes widened in surprise. He felt the warmth of her body, the touch of her lips against his. It paralyzed him for a second, as if he had been struck by lightning and the energy now surged through every vein. Slowly his eyes closed and he folded and arm about her waist, bringing his other hand to cup her cheek tenderly. He returned the kiss, for now wanting nothing more than her closeness.

He drew back after that wonderful moment, pressing his forehead to hers. He could not keep the wide smile from his face.

"I love you." he whispered, and he had never meant anything more in his entire life.

Suddenly an odd sensation came over him, there was a slight tingling in his shoulder, the one that had been pierced by the demon blade. Pulling down the collar of his shirt he looked to find the scar vanish before his very eyes. He met Elena's gaze, awe and excitement both vying to be his first expression. He took a few paces back to the shore and closed his eyes once more. The familiar magic returned to him, filling every inch of his being. He felt his body grow and change, he felt his wings! And with a mighty eagle cry the gryphon took his true form, water flying from golden feathers, dashed in a rainbow against the air.

He landed with another splash, looking over his shoulder at his wings and tail.

"Elena!" he bounded in a circle, "Look! Its nothing short of a miracle!" He laughed then, a rich, joyous sound uttered straight from his heart.

((Without a doubt, the most sappy, romantic thing I have ever written...and yup, I did the thing. This is the land of fairytales after all. Thanks for breaking Ward's enchantment :3 ))
Nyr's eyes opened wide in surprise. Why? Why did he not accept this, when it was his heart's desire? Tears erupted from her eyes as she looked at Leo: the only thing she could offer to him and even this solution was not acceptable. Her wings drawn back she looked at him with a bittersweet expression.

" I understand. I will not betray your trust. " she said as she bowed courteously before him " Know that I will follow you until the end of the world if I have to. "

She then turned around and walked back to a large stone where she sat down, head bowed, truly devastated. She had hoped to reignite the love in his heart with this offer - she wanted to do something good, yet the only thing she succeeded in was to wake false hope in his heart and make him feel uneasy about his past.

Under the guise of the pale white hair of hers a drop of sorrow fell on her white clothes, staining them.

" Even together we have failed... " she whispered to herself, remembering the aid of the spirit.
Elena felt the air around them fill with electricity. Wards hand cupping her cheek created warmth between them and for a moment all was perfect and calm.

"I love you too."

Suddenly Ward backed in surprise, revealing under his shirt an absence of the poison mark. Elena searched the skin in amazement and followed him to shore. Then something more amazing occurred. Ward regained his gryphon form.

He took to the air and Elwna laughed and clapped, hugging him when he landed.

"How did this happen?! How did you break it?"

(No problem. I was all like.. Hey, true loves kiss is a thing. Nyr said something about love curing illness and I was motivated.)
(Aw, so cute <3)

Achyls drew her hand away, and nodded. "I see," she muttered softly, bowing to Ashley.

"Would you prefer me leave you be?" she asked, stepping back towards the door, a hand outstretched to open it. She still had not slept, and dark circles were beginning to crawl under her eyes. She let out a yawn, her eyes half closed, making her appear like the someone dead walking. However, she needed to stay up to see to Ashley, she would not leave without making sure she was completely safe.

With the door ajar, the hall was blissfully silent, with only a few mumbles coming from further down. She peaked out before returning to Ashley, as if she was looking for someone.
Ward pressed her close to him as she squeezed his feathered neck. "It was you. It was always you." He said softly, his great tail waving in the shallows. He pulled back to regard her through shining amber eyes, then he turned and knelt beside her, offering her a place on his shoulders.

"Fly with me?" He asked.
Elena smiled sweetly, feeling warm in the embrace. She nodded and climbed onto Wards shoulders, carefully and conscious of him.

"Let's. Ward.. If we could break the poisons hold on you, I'm sure I can find a way to stay in Fablewood.. And if I can't, I'll have a favor to ask you. you can't say no and I won't tell you what it is until that time comes, alright?"

She asked in a voice which tried to be stern but failed. Her mind was now on flying. It was her newer favorite thing to do here.
Leo watched as Nyrs exspression changed before him. She began to cry and Leo's heart dropped. It had not been his intention to hurt Nyr, he knew her intentions were pure and that she was only trying to help. Before he could say anything she bowed to him and walked away. Leo sat there on one knee and watched her sit upon the rock. He slowly stood to his feet and continued to watch her as he moved closer to Tigerius. Suddenly he picked up on what sounded like a very familiar call of an eagle comming further into the gardens "One heart healed...." He looked back to Nyr on her rock. ".....another broken." He looked back to Tigerius "This is a complicated world we live in my friend." He did not know what to do, but decided not to continue conversing with Nyr so he did not cause her anymore pain. He turned towards the door to the castle and slowly began to make his way back inside hoping his friend would follow him for councle. "You know i saw you after our meeting with Glinda, you are an inspiration with your control my friend."
Nyr sobbed for few minutes but then she shook her head. If anything she should be grateful that Leo decided to spare her life instead of choosing the easier path. Too long has she been selfish, and this time she knew that her sorrow was not vindicated at all. Still she felt a dull pain in her heart when she failed to help one of her most trusted friends which slowly transformed into courage and determination.

She stood up and walked up towards the castle. While she strode she reached Leo and without waiting for either his or Tigrius' approval she hugged the guardian and looked up on him. Her red eyes burned in the moonlight and her white clothes and hair radiated as well in the pale rays of the moon.

" Thank you for not giving up on me. " she whispered to him as she let him go " I will make sure that your choice was not for naught. "

With that she turned around and proceeded inside the castle. For the first time since her transformation she was radiating determination and hope - a thing she thought to be lost a long time ago. Now her purpose was clear: she had to prepare for the coming storm and assist her allies the best she could.

She would not let them down again.
Ward gave her a curious look. What favor would that be? Not that he could refuse her anything.

"We'll find a way for you to stay." He said happily. "I promise."

With that he bounded forward and launched them into the sky. His heart sang as the wind rushed through his feathers once again. Up, up they flew, riding the currents as they bore them higher. The lake shone in the moonlight below and the sky was littered with millions of bright stars. Ward flew high over the castle, in the distance they could just make out the tiny figures of their friends back on the earth. He turned and made for the waterfalls on the other edge of the lake flying in close to them and feeling the spray bead on his feathers. The thunderous sound drowned out everything else. He veered away from the falls and angled lower to glide just over top of the surface of the lake. His wings patted the water with each down stroke. A flock of white herons were disturbed from a rush bed and took to the sky. Ward shifted to fly amongst them, so close that Elena could reach out and touch one. He sailed over the forest, following a breeze that rustled the flowering branches. Ward picked a blossom as they flew by. The night air began to cool and Ward decided to head back to the castle. Elena's room was easy to spot, Ward chose the window through which he could see at least one wall lined with books. He alighted on the balcony rail, setting his forefeet on the smooth floor and crouching to let Elena down. When she was safely on land once more he changed back, balancing on the rail for a moment before joining her on the balcony floor.

He placed the flower behind her ear and regarded her fondly.

"I don't suppose I could convince you to get some sleep?" He asked and then added a bit more soberly, "Thank you...for everything."

Leia opened the door to her room and stopped in shock. The room was a campsite, complete with open fire, a sleeping bag and a grove of spruce. The roof above her head reflected the night sky. She dove into the sleeping bag, barely remembering to take off her sword. In the distance she heard an eagle cry, and saw a shadow flicker across the room. She smiled to herself as she drifted slowly off to sleep.

Tigirius sighed. "Perhaps it is better that most females I meet are frightened I would eat them." He thought about his attempt at humour and discovered it was probably not funny at all. "A complicated world indeed." he answered, following Leo back into the castle. "There I see a young woman who is not used to valuing her own life, how then can she see it holds value to others?" When Leo brought up his control he suddenly found his feet most interesting.

"I was afraid at first...I have not seen this many humans...in quite a long time. I am still afraid." he admitted. He had never lost control of his curse. Not once since it had been placed upon him, but the fear was always there.

"You know I would turn this sword upon myself before hurting an innocent." He said this with much conviction. "Still, I am concerned about the coming battle. But enough my friend, you have better things to do than listening to me mewl like a cub. Please try to rest while you can."
Alexander nodded to her, and her infection smile spread to his face. "This seems a bit of a strange friendship, you being a creature of water and I one of fire." He said, as though this was just now occurring to him. He also realized something else- while she could enjoy flying with him, and they could both enjoy time on land, he would never truly be able to see her world. This realization was enough to make his smile falter, and he looked away from her to hide it.
Leo placed a hand on his stripped friends shoulder and gave him an enthusiastic smile "My friend I dont doubt your resolve in the slightest. He did not want to push the subject. He was just about to continue when Nyr hugged him. He reached down and wiped a tear from her cheek that had yet to fall to the ground. He gave her a smile "I will never give up on you." HE watched run off. HE was ready for what the next night would hold with Otto. He nodded in agreance to Tigerius's suggestion for rest. He gave his friend one last clap on the shoulder and bid him good night. He thought about heading back to the gardens, but wanted something closer to the others should they need him. Finding his way to the streatch of rooms that had been prepared for them. Opening a door he found a lush and tropical looking room filled with trees and plants of all types. He walked into the middle of the room, where a cusion had been placed in a clearing for his meditation. Striping of his armor and placing it gingerly on a table at the front of the room he made his way to the cusion and sat in his usuall position, ready to begin his meditation.
Elena felt like a child again as they flew. She hung on only with her legs, arms outstretched and feeling the cool air dry them. Dipping by the lake, she held her hand out and touched the water with Ward. The moons glow allowed her fingers to draw trails of light with grew and faded as they escaped her reach. Flying with Ward was smoother and less uncomfortable than with her Gargoyles, as she felt she fit well with Ward.

When the flight was over, they landed on her temporary Balcony. She got off of his back slowly and found her legs wobbled and buckled under her, but she recovered nearly immediately and corrected herself fast enough. The blossom tucked behind her ear held the scent of that sweet night and in the back of her mind, she decided to find a glass for it when inside.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure how much sleep I can get after a flight like that, but you convinced me to try." She said in a sleepy and joking voice. No, she would sleep like a rock.

"And no. Thank you for everything. Before you found me, before you knew who I was even, I was completely alone, and willing to stay that way. Fablewood and you, Ward, are the best things that could happen to me."

She spoke softly and sincerely as she opened her door, laying a kiss on his cheek and whispering a low,


Elena slipped inside, suddenly regretting the quick movement and her overworking herself without food. It was evident that she had lost some bit of weight since arriving but she didn't think this new lifestyle would take such a toll. If she was going to stay alive and in Fablewood, she would need to be more careful. With hands that began to quiver again, she took the flower and placed it in a cup of water, then she took moment to remove wet clothing, finding pale blue and white linen shirts and loose pants. Finally she laid back into her temporary bed and immediately found sleep.
Quincy dropped her eyes, pondering his statement for a moment. “Maybe we both needed something to balance us." She said vaguely, pulling her gray eyes back up to his face, just in time to see him look away. Seeing his avoidance chased her smile away, replacing it with a pretty frown. “You might be able to fool others, but I can see when there's something bothering you." She murmured, debating whether to draw her hand away or hold his tighter. After a heartbeat, she chose the latter, squeezing ever so slightly to bring his attention back and draw out the truth.
Nyr walked to an empty room and she could barely contain her joy. She was ready to prove herself to Leo and all the others once again - they will prevail with her at their side. And now that she knew that she will be able to do all this, she will be able to help all of them she was happy.

The thought that Leo chose her still baffled him. The old guardian was wiser and have shown more kindness to her than anyone before. She was very fond of him - more than before. She respected his memory of Ruby so she would not push the topic and anything related to her. They will do what must be done, no more, no less. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes with a wide smile on her face.

" Leo... everyone... I will protect you all... " and with these sweet thoughts she lulled herself to sleep.
Ward closed his eyes as she kissed him on his cheek. He watched her go inside and then changed back into his gryphon form and flew to the roof. He found a flat, round turret top not too far from where Elena's room was and there he curled up and tucked his head under one wing. As he drifted slowly off to sleep he could still feel his heart soaring and he sighed happily, completely content.

((Goodnight all :3 ))
He looked back to her face and said, "You may be right... and... Its nothing, really. I just realized that, well, I seem to be an awful match for you- you can spend time in my world, but I cannot join you in yours." He said, unsure of how else to voice his concern. He tugged at his scarf a little with his free hand, a nervous habit he never realized he had. He'd never spent quite so much time as a human before now.
Quincy showed no surprise at his words. In fact she hardly blinked; she had heard the same statement so many years before. But her lack of surprise did not stop the flood of emotions- nostalgia, sadness, regret, and anger, but also a strong feeling of defiance. Her eyes dropped to the table as she tried to stuff it all into a tiny compartment in her mind, but to no avail. “To be fair to you, no one can join me in my world, besides the fish." She murmured, sounding listless and lost. “It means little to me. Its how it has always been. I don't- I can't.. There is no changing it." The kelpie uncertainly raised her eyes to his. “Neither of us can change what we are. But I chose this, being out of my own world. There's nothing for me there anymore, now that I've seen what's up here." Her voice had slowly changed to a whisper, a hint of wetness in her eyes. Those gray eyes sought the table again, embarrassed by the display of emotion. Even Quincy herself couldn't tell if it was due to the situation at hand, the parallels to the past, or the self-imposed exile. Overtired and physically battered, she didnt quite gave a handle on herself.
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Just as Achyls was about to leave, Ashley turned back. "If you'd like, though I would appreciate the company. Without my Husband around, it does get lonely here. Though of course if he was still around, I probably wouldn't be here." She hinted that she was a widow and indeed about to become a single mother. Not that the rest of the Party knew this yet. If they did, then oh well. "Though you must be tired. Don't let me keep you." Ashley smiled.

Alexander watched her. His red eyes fixated on hers, watching her expressions intently. He squeezed her hand, then pulled it away as she turned her gaze to the table. His arms wrapped around her, and he pulled her close to him in a warm embrace "Quincy... It does matter to you. I can tell. You say we can't change what we are, and that seems true enough... but here we are, both in a form alien to our natural states." He pulled away, then, from the hug and placed a hand gently under her chin to move her eyes to meet his. "Maybe miracles are not impossible. Maybe, at the very least, I could learn to swim and enjoy the water with you?" He offered, wanting to find a better compromise than that. He'd always held a great fear of water, but that concept he thought would surely seem ridiculous to the Kelpie. If it was for Quincy, he thought perhaps he could convince himself to learn to swim at the very least. He was not really sure what else he could say, but it hurt him to see her so near tears.

(Lame Alexander is being very lame haha.)
(Lame Alexander just about makes my life lol)

Quincy almost snatched his hand back when he pulled it away, but in the next moment, he had pulled her into his arms. She tucked her chin, resting her head on his chest, suddenly feeling like a small child being protected. It was not a bad feeling. His voice rumbled against her ear, sending a chill down her spine when he said her name. It passed too soon for her liking, but pulling him back would seem too desperate. Even with his hand in her chin, enticing her to look at him, she had a hard time meeting his eyes. But the mention of swimming brought her gaze to his in confusion. “I saw how much you hated the water with the Winter Wilds portal." She murmured, raising an eyebrow. She couldn't imagine the dragon trying to swim, but the fact he was willing to try touched her more than she cared to admit. The kelpie gently brushed at one eye, hoping to dispel the tears, wincing a tiny bit when her hand hit the shallow cut through her brow. “But that would mean the world to me. And I won't let you drown." Quincy said, reaching to absently straighten his scarf. It was a loving gesture, albeit reserved, meant to reassure both of them.
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"I will try, though, I can't promise that I will be a very quick study." Alexander told her, He smiled when she messed with his scarf, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead. "Why don't we get some rest? I have a feeling there's a long day ahead of us tomorrow... there always is." Alexander had little to no desire to actually end the conversation with the Kelpie... but it had been several days since he last slept- since before he joined up with the group in truth, he hadn't been terribly tired until recently, now sleep tugged at his muscles, making him feel heavy- even his eyelids- though he dared not let them droop now. He couldn't ignore his body's request for much longer, unfortunately.

(Well... sorry to end that a touch abruptly, but I've got to sleep and lots of things always happen while I'm asleep!)
Quincy smiled slightly, relief flooding her. She leaned in to meet his lips, and her cheeks flared red as soon as they touched her skin. At the mention of rest, she nodded enthusiastically. She was exhausted. Without a word, she lead the way through the door, down the stairs, padding softly along the hallway quietly in search of her door. When she found it, the kelpie pushed the door open. Inside, a large pool of water was set in the floor, made to look like a natural pond. The water took up the whole room, except for one corner that was open and warm, and had only a little bit of soft undergrowth over the floor. She didn't have time to puzzle over it- the water was calling too much. She stood on her toes and pecked Alexanders cheek softly. “Goodnight," she murmured, “And sleep well." She told him, placing another kiss on his cheek before turning to enter her room. The kelpie casually left the door wide open, knowing he was standing there, and opened all the windows on the other side, creating a soft breeze through the room. Under her clothes, she wore what the humans would call a bathing suit; to many kelpies it was just another tool to lure victims (although she thought the male version seemed too offputting to be effective). To Quincy, it merely meant her human clothes would stay dry. She pulled off her blouse and breeches, folding them neatly on a rock before starting to wade into the pool.
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