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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

(( I got dis @SilverFlight, i hope >.>))

Leo sat in the small garden and continued his commune with Lily in scilence. She had been extremely quite since the arrived in Oz and it was unlike the spirit given the recent events. In his mind he sat before Lily, the formless spirit gliding around him. "It is good to see you facing what has been plaguing you fro so long my guardian." Leo smiled a bit "I was not presented with many other options was I?" The spirit giggled a bit, "No, not really. You are my conduit to the world and that means you need to travel the world so i can restore the forest to its formal glory once we have defeated these dark forces." Leo's smirk faded a tad. "I suppose that is true my lady." Lily's form stopped before Leo and she moved in closer "I would like to apologize to you my guardian. You are here to protect myself and the others and yet i have not made things easy on you with taunting you with the information you were uncomfortable with." Leo was surprised by this. He had known the spirit for years and never had she apologized for her whimsical nature or her jokes. Leo bowed his head in acceptance of the spirits apology and felt the conscious world returning. "The one you have all come to see approaches...."

Leos eye closed slowly, the green light of his commune dimming unto it closed. His eye re opened and began to search the small garden that he was sitting in. His attention went to the castle as he began to search the windows in the upper levels. He squinted hard as he could just make out some movement in one of the upper towers as if a group of people were making their way down stair cases. Leo rose from his spot and made his way back to the front doors of the castle. He pushed them open and returned to the main atrium with the others scattered about. Just as the doors shut behind him, the soft padding of footsteps could be heard coming down the main stairs. Leo moved a bit closer until the footsteps owners were visible. What appeared to be beautiful maids, each in an elegant dress that seemed to be more beautiful than the next came gliding down the stairs on either side. The stood smiling at the visitors until there was a beautiful woman on each of the steps leading up. The air grew quiet, until the soft tapping of one more pair of feet came into view at the top of the stairs. A beautiful young woman slowly came around the corner and into view of the group. Her long, rich red hair that hung down to her shoulders seemed to almost float in space as to not become messy. Eyes of blue that looked as if they had been plucked from the clearest sky on a sunny day. She wore a white dress that even the freshest snow would envy. As she took step after step down the staircase, it was almost as if he was flying down from the heavens to great them. Finally when she reached the half way point of the stairs she stopped and gazed upon them all with a soft smile. The voice that they had all heard before, now emminated from this one beautiful creature "Welcome, all of you, to my home. I am Glinda the Good" Leo watched in awe as the woman presented herself to them, almost uttering a sheepish cry when he beheld the beauty of Glinda once again.
"Well.. I guess I understand, but being good shouldn't take away from intelligence. If I had that power I would stay quiet and scope out the situation in such dyer circumstances. We already ran into a shifter demon after all... And we seem to have a reoccurring problem with possession and mind control." She said, unsure of why she was being so talkative. Maybe it was the safety of being in the castle. She stretched from her seat on wobbly and exhausted legs, curious as to the next time she would need to run or fight again.

"So do you think this barrier will stay up and stay as haven long? She needs us for some reason, and I doubt it's just to act and take back more of Oz."

She became quiet in the presence of the woman of topic herself. She was more beautiful than any story depiction she has ever seen. Elena felt her head bow slightly to the elegant beings entrance.
Nyr now walked outside in the gardens in her confusion. She felt the pure light of the moon discharging from her body as her glassy eyes now cleared up and emotions returned on her expression. She was still the white girl as before but now her mind returned to the normal one. Looking down on herself she almost screamed but then restrained herself. She did not want others to notice her.

" So it happened then. " she said out aloud " My fears have realized... but they do not know it do they? "

Suddenly a wind like creature, the one who looked similar to her appeared.

" They have heard my prophecies. They know what the fates weave. They know what they need to. "

She looked at the spirit, sighing heavily.

" So you have not told them about the situation? I might say that I am relieved. "

" You breathe easier under the guise of lies? " she spirit asked her " This goes against your heart's desire. Goes against the purity, the wish of the Pale Moon. "

She shook her head.

" They are my family. " she said " I do not wish them to worry about me all the time, do you understand? "

The spirit looked confused.

" You are on borrowed time, yet you still deny their help? Any moment, due to any reason the balance might upset and you vanish. Are you okay with that? "

She smiled.

" If it means that they are all right and they prevail then I gladly accept my fate, yes. "

The spirit did not say anything. She just stared at the raven with questioning eyes. She did not understand her at all.
Tigirius tilted his head. "Our world has fallen to the control of dark forces, what other reasons would you believe?" He regarded Elena through emerald-green eyes. "We need help, Glinda only wishes to see balance restored. But worry not, for that will be a very grand feet."

He fell silent as she maidens appeared, rising to stand before Glinda and then kneel in front of her.

Ward felt a change in the wind, he could not explain it but something told him to return to the others, which he did without hesitation, hiding the carving back in its pocket.

He was awestruck at the sight that greeted him when he approached the dining hall. The woman that stood in the middle of the steps was breathtakingly beautiful, and he could feel the magic flowing from her like an eternal spring. He followed Tigirius and bowed to her.

"It is an honour and a privilege lady Glinda," Ward began. "I suppose we have many questions; what is going on in Oz? How can we help you?"
Elena brought her eyes from the beautiful Glinda long enough to answer Tigirius's question. She was no tactician, but she knew being pushed into a corner was the worst possible time to try and take things back. When in offense, defenses are weakened and being on the losing side of a battle means raise defenses.

"I don't mean to offend, Tigirius. I really don't.. But we would not be here unless desperate, and in a shelter like this one, chances are the darkness is closing in and defense would be key. Balance can be established after we are on the winning side of a battle, I believe, because we would have a better chance of winning and less on the line to lose?

I believe you just misunderstood what I meant. Regaining what was yours is not as important as protecting what is left though."

She said more as a question. Her eyes returned to Glinda and she became quieter again.
Leo was in such a stooper over Glinda's appearance that he completly forgot his manners. Once he saw Tigerius bow to the witch, Leo immediatly dropped to one knee as well a few feet from his friend. Glinda's smile widened as she watched the two great cats. She conitinued down the stairs and reached the bottom. When she was only a few feet from the two she spoke with a soft and loving tone "My dear Guardians, rise. It is a pleasure as always to see you. BOTH of you." Glindas infliction in her words was directed at Leo. He closed his eye and reopened it as he rose. The witch glanced around as Ward came into the room. "My dear gryphon, there are a great many things that i can say to answer your first question. And even more that can answer your second. Glinda turned when she heard Elena speak. "How true your words ring young one. We are indeed in a dire situation, which is one of the many reasons i asked Briar to send her champions. Then when i found out you were accompanied by our very own King of the Forest, i knew you would be able to save Oz." Leo shyed from the good witches words. She swayed a but on her feet and walked began to walk around the grand atrium. "As you may have heard on your way in. We are plagued by a monster, who was not always a monster. Otto, the werewolf and cmpaignion to Ruby, has been consumed by the darkness that is has been spreading through this world. Im sure Leo has told you all the tale. He has stopped us from recieveing help from the Emerald City, as well as give help to the nieghboring countries." He stopped and glanced at all of them meeting their gazes with her kind eyes. "To speak plainly, he needs to be dealt with. If he is taken care of we will once again be able to provide reinforcments to both cities. As well it will loosen the hold of the Wicked Witches hold on Quadling Country." Leo winced with a bit of pain when Glinda called Ruby wicked. But he knew it was true, and the sooner he got used to it, the easier it would be for him.
Luness woke suddenly, her heart racing while she felt like she was missing out on something.

Not wanting to leave her forest room, Luness lingered in her bed for a moment before she finally stood up and then exited the room and went back downstairs, walking like a human as opposed to her usual walking on all fours.

Upon reenterint the main hall, Luness froze. Seeing the beautiful young woman standing nearby with her companions' attention drawn on her, Luness was confused as to who this person was. Cocking her head slightly, Luness stayed within earshot of the group and listened to what the woman said. She seemed highly knowledgeable and Luness guessed that she was the good witch, Glinda.

Hearing talk of a werewolf in the area, Luness took a step forward and asked Glinda, "Would an Alpha be able to get through to Otto?" Despite being a werecat, Luness had werewolf blood in her too, which had allowed her to assume the Alpha position in her father's pack. She might be one of few who would be able to communicate at all with Otto.

Tigirius laid a comforting hand on Leo's shoulder. "She does not mean Ruby my king, for our dear friend is gone. 'Tis the demon that stole her form we must face. " He bared his fangs.

"What must we do?" Ward asked seriously.

Just then Luness came down from the rooms. Tigirius pricked his ears at the solution she offered. "I am not sure...it is no longer just a werewolf we face...but the evil spirit possessing his body. What say you my king? Perhaps this fair feline could reach him long enough for us to act?"

Tigirius bowed lower to Glinda. "Great lady, is there no way to restore our friend? Is he truly lost?"
Nyr looked at the spirit for a while then it bid her farewell and vanished. Now she stood there, still white as the snow - her transformation till held - but now she was herself again. Her only worry was how others would receive her, but she needed to rejoin them. She made enough of a charade for a lifetime now she was sure.

Entering the hall again the white haired girl noticed a powerful witch standing near her companions. Her beauty was stunning and she was almost sure that her power rivaled with the greatest sorceresses in the world. Trying not to be noticed at first she just stood there, listening to her story. When they spoke of Otto the werewolf she fell into thinking. Then stepped forward finally out of the shadows.

" My lady, " she bowed before Glinda courteously " Is it certain that Otto is truly lost? " she asked with a low voice. " Deep within him the instinct of a werewolf should still live - the desire to live in a pack, the bond and kinship with others... that is not a thing that can be snuffed out easily. The will of a wolf combined with such a desire might be enough to break the dominion of any evil force controlling him. "

She almost wanted to mention the bond of the moon and the wolves as well - but knowing that the results might be more volatile than they should she kept that secret for now.
Elena turned a bit pink as the lady addressed her thoughts as well. Gratefully, she listened and nodded in agreement. Her eyes shifted to Leo and concern bubbled back up in the back of her head for her friend, replacing her exhaustion with restlessness.

"It's alright Leo.. If worst comes to worst, you can trust us to do what needs to be done. We are already glad you joined us to travel to Oz." She said in a compassionate, hushed tone. She turned to see Nyr re enter and realized the moment the girl spoke, this was her friend Nyr. Not the stranger that took over.
After finishing her meal, Ashley decided to take a peak out of her room. It seemed like most of her Companions were tired and exhausted, seeing that no one was in the halls or any of the sort, let alone almost little to no chatting. She left her door cracked a bit in case any of her companions needed to come and check up on how she was doing. Afterwards, she pulled up a chair by the window and enjoyed the view, gently caressing her ever-growing belly as she did so. Despite all the adventuring she has done so far, nothing was more exciting then becoming a parent. She would go back to sleep, but that nap she took is now keeping her wide awake since she got her fair share of rest. However, she did know that pregnant women are bound to get tired faster then everyone else, so maybe she'd fall asleep in another few hours? Hopefully.
Leo listend as his friends offered councle and suport on the subject of hte werewolf. "If there is a way to save the ones we have lost I will give everything i have to bring them back to us." Glinda smilled at the mighty lion with her kind gaze. She once again began to walk around the group , watching where she placed her feet under her dress deep in thought. She stopped and turned to the werecat Luness "The young werecat and raven may have a part of the solution. Using the gifts of an Alpha, she may be able to draw out Otto's inner longing for the pack. However the witch took Otto's humanity from him. He has not turned back to an human in many moons. He is very large and full of rage." She turned and walked back over to Leo and Tigerus, bringing her gaze to meet theres. "To save your friend after so long will take the strength of the bonds you created. I feel that once Otto is reminded of what he has lost, he will be able to find it once again. All of those who are lost, have the chance to find the path again." Leo shuttered at the witches words. For so long he imagined never being able to see his friends again, that they were lost to the darkness forever, but now there was a glimmer of hope. He looked at his compaignions as a tear began to well up in his eye Thank you my friends.
Banba sat on the table, pouting as the maidens came down the steps, and finally, Glinda herself. Grumpily, she continued to munch on her bread, staring around at the group with narrowed eyes. She stood up when Leo thanked the group, quickly growing to human size. If the others looked at her, though, they'd see a near perfect copy of the good witch. She grinned, lifting up her dress to peek at her feet, which were bare. Looking at the group with a mad twinkle in her eye, she slowly moved her pointed toes until a single glass of crimson liquid was tipped over, spilling it across the table. The shifter jumped to the floor, spinning circles around the gathered group.

"The wind blows, but is only known by the surface of the lake." She said between full laughs, coming to a stop beside ward, where she leaned against him as if he were a wall. "But even sometimes the lake doesn't know of the breeze."
The kelpie listened to the conversation, mentally noting each new piece of information about the situation. She had the basics, but the names the others seemed to know were just a jumble to her. Otto was the important one, a werewolf lost to the darkness. It seemed that that was all she truly needed to understand. Quincy couldnt help but snicker along with Banba, even if her behavior was mildly inappropriate in front of such a respected figure. She hid her laughter behind a hand and kept it quiet, but it twinkled brightly in her gray eyes.
Alexander listened too, with mild interest. The plan seemed to make sense enough to him. "So, say this plan of yours doesn't work. Are we all able to treat an enemy as an enemy? Or is this quest doomed to failure before it begins?" Alexander asked. He was aware that his words were a bit callous, but there was still the very real possibility that there would be no getting though to the werewolf once they got there, and he did not particularly wish to be traveling with a group who would so easily let themselves be fooled into believing an enemy was a friend- or worse, be unable to actually finish off a living foe who was only a puppet. He also didn't want to take charge and do what must be done, only to be faced with the wrath of his companions.
Quincy moved her bright eyes to Alexander at the sound of his voice, her mind involuntarily latching onto his voice more than the others. 'You get right to the point, huh?' She asked him silently, raising an eyebrow. The expression would have been playful if the situation was different. An odd thought hit her, but she forced it away, ignoring it almost completely. Although she wondered if her resolve would remain so strong as the hours grew late. “I'm sure it will work out in the end. We all agreed to the burden of possibly taking a life when we joined this quest. That doesn't change when it is a former friend. I am willing to, if that time comes, no matter the consequences. For Fablewood." She said softly, but there was an intense determination hidden in her tone.
'I like to know what to expect from my companions- especially when-' Alexander cut his thought to quincy short, the last part didn't need to be said... or thought. Not yet. He nodded to her statement aloud, and watched those around him, waiting to see what their responses would be.

Anya, meanwhile, had little trouble drifting straight off to sleep and missing all that occurred downstairs. She dreamt of a ghost who was stuck spending eternity chasing around her body, which had been turned into a zombie, and trying to keep it from getting into trouble, and all while falling in love with a particularly angry ghost from a light house. All in all, it was a strange dream.
As Achyls exited the room, she noticed another was left open, Ashley's. Quietly, she stepped in, trying not to worry her.

"When is it...?" she questioned softly, curious to how it all worked. She was very naive in some respects, Ashley's scenario being one of them. She brought up a chair and perched next to her, looking her up and down.

How could someone's body stretch like that, especially to accommodate a child? she thought to herself, thinking of a time when the child shall be part of the group, fighting, even. It was a strange image that lurked as she spoke to Ashley.

@Shimakage Thunder
When Achyls entered her room, Ashley didn't notice until the raven girl pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. When the Mother turned to look at her, Ashley felt a bit puzzled when she noticed Achyls looking at her as if she were examining her. Even though she was quite visibly pregnant, perhaps it was the raven's first time seeing a mother with child up close? Who knows. But one thing was for sure, Achyls was sociable. "Oh, hi. Can't sleep either?" She asked softly, still holding onto her stomach where her child was resting. She looked down as she felt the baby kick the palm of her hand. "I can't either, my little one's been keeping me up." she said, smiling.

The spark of hope lit in the big cat's eyes as he listened to Glinda tell him that Otto may not be lost. Upon hearing Alexander Tigirius rose to his full height, muscle rippling under his thick fur and turned to him expressionless, a low rumble sounding deep within his chest. "Your concerns are valid dragon. It seems only logic that you should question the resolve of those unknown to you. If I may put your fears to rest...I have spent years in harsh training preparing for the time when I face these enemies. Adding to that, I advise you not to question my king while I am in earshot."

Ward rose as well, raising his had to look up at the fair enchantress. "I do have one more question, my lady...I have an affliction, born from the poisoned blade of a demon...I have only one day left to find a way to cure it before I am locked into this form...I am a gryphon you see. I was told you could help me."
The white haired raven smiled once more as she heard the others talking and looked at Elena especially. Her smile widened when she saw that she was not at ease - at least for now and felt comfortable once again to speak.

" You look at Otto like an enemy - while you should not. " she said, walking up to them once more " The demon - however powerful it may be - is just that, a demon, a usurper in the body of your friend, Leo. Keep that in mind. "

She closed her eyes momentarily as she took a deep breath.

" Violence is unavoidable, I understand that I am not that foolish. But if you wish to preserve the soul of the werewolf, if you truly wish to release him then I recommend approaching him as a friend, not as a foe. "

She flapped with her white wings as she realized how confusing this might be.

" I know it is hard to imagine it: to fight one you cherish while you also fight a demon. But do not against with the one you love: fight for him. Awaken the inner self, that long lost consciousness - and then you prevail. "
Glinda watched and listened to each of their ideas and words of wisdom. Once Ward approached her with the trouble that had plaqued him for so long she turned and smiled. "Ah young griffon. I understand your concern with the your affliction, you are in the right state of mind to worry about such a problem. I wish i had more calming news for you but I can not help you. This affliction you poses, it is one that can only be beaten what you poses inside." With he final words she place her hand on Wards chest, imminating a slight warmth from her touch.

Leo listend to Alexanders words and new them to be true. Before he could say anything, Tigerius stood and defended him. Though Leo had never been fond of his King title, he had always been thankfull for Tigerius's loyalty and his friend ship. Placeing a large hand on Tigerius's shoulder, he smiled in apreciation "Fear not young dragon, my rezolve is to my duty as Guardian. I will not let personal feelings take hold over my duty to keep you all safe whild destroying this darkness from our lands." The young ravens voice rang true as well when she spoke to him. Otto had been a friend at one time, but this demon, this darkness within him, was keeping him from returning to that friendship. He nodded to the young raven as well in appreciation for her words.
Alexander listened to the responses, and nodded, satisfied. Had they been out in the wilds rather than in the home of an enchantress he would have felt threatened by Tigerius's reaction, but here he doubted the tiger would attack over a mere question.

"I did not mean any harm by the question, nor did I intend to insult." He said, addressing the tiger, first. "I have seen others on quests whose resolves have faltered in the end and were unable to finish the job when their plans of rescue failed, or when they were betrayed. I also saw what remained of them after their fights. I hope it does not come to that, but if it does, I am glad to here you so confident in your ability to push that aside."

He took a few more bites of the food he was munching on and listened to anything else that would come, he would have addressed Nyr, too, but he was not certain how to say what he wanted tactfully- though he seemed to have already thrown that out the door with his previous question.

He hoped they could get the gryphon his flight back, too. Being forever without his wings would be awful.
Elena awaited the moment Wards poison was brought up. Her spirits rose for a moment, when Glinda recognized the problem, but then fell again. The good witch offered no solution. Shaking her head slightly she sighed and offered Ward a look of discouragement and sympathy. What did Glinda even mean by that?

Elena started back towards the door, hoping to gain some fresh air and do as she has been doing to relieve stress; practice her sword play and magic.

"Um.. Rest well everyone. I will be prepared for when we head out. Ward.. I hope you can recover soon."

She said as she left and went towards the protected woods, book in hand and summoned sword in the other.
Nyr now felt the exhaustion and hunger she had not felt before and decided to eat just a little bit of food. Seeing that Alexander was also finishing his meal she decided to join him. Careful so that she would not disturb the dragon she sat beside him and started to eat. Then, however, she noticed a tension in the air - between the two of them somehow. Her eyes inspected the dragon curiously as she stopped in her meal and turned to him.

" Did I do something to upset you, Alexander? " she asked carefully. If she had truly earned the dragon's ire she wanted to remedy the situation the best she could. " I know that we haven't spoken too much in the past, and I also know I may very well be intruding right now to disturb you with such questions, but... "

She put her hand on him and smiled warmly.

" If there is anything I can help you with, anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask. "

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