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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Her steps were so light that she almost felt that she was floating as Nyr followed the others through the ruined village. Her emotionless face looked around as her white hair floated in the air around her. Reaching out with her hands she touched something that was seemingly the air.

" Death and anguish burns the land. So many forgotten soul, so many shattered dreams... " she blinked as she followed the others " The land weeps. The land suffers. The Pale Moon whispers so. "

As she followed Tigirius with the others she felt a painful throb at her heart and touched it.

" Shadow consumes the light. The pain is almost unbearable. " she whispered as she followed the group, carefully paying attention not to give away any emotions " I am on borrowed time. We must prevail. The Pale Moon whispers so. "

She then finally was able to lay eyes on the castle, their destination. Her expression turned curious for a moment.

" The shadow thickens. The light is being smothered. "
Elena spent no time to take a break. Her fear was for Nyr and those with her now, as well as if they would manage any trials left ahead. She looked to ward with concern and kept going out from the location Tigirius fixed the ravens wounds.

She shook her head to an idea which crawled its way inside. Would this Glenda's power work for Ward, even? If so, could she also bring back the old Nyr? She should not put so much hope in that though..

"Will Glenda's home also be in Ruins?"
The tiger replied to Elena with a hint of happiness. "Her magic is quite powerful, she has managed to fend off evil and protect her home all this time. The refugees of quadling are all there, they help her defend it."

The forest trail grew uneven again and Tigirius wove with the trail as it snaked up and down as if he had been born navigating the route.

As he walked Ward kept a watchful eye on Nyr. Very much concerned for her.

"What has happened to you? Is this a blessing of your Mother Moon? Or something else?"

All of a sudden the trail grew lighter. At first Ward thought dawn was already on its way, but as he looked more closely he found that the very trees were glowing with a soft, white light. The air seemed to radiate a sense of peace and goodness. Was this a glimpse of the good witch's power?

Not long after that Tigiruis stopped in front of a high white stone wall and rested one giant hand on it gently.

"By the power of good and the strength to stand against darkness, I bid the gates open."

At first nothing happened, but then a low grinding could be heard deep within the ground and the wall parted for them. Within the walls there was more forest, this glowed even more strongly, with small creatures; insects and birds also carrying the light. Ward looked upon the forest with wonder. Never had he felt the presence of light magic so strongly as here. It filled him with a sense of warmth and safety.

The path was clear now, a cobbled way of white stone. They climbed a small hill and at the top the landscape opened, revealing a magnificent valley, encircled by tall rock formations. Waterfalls poured from every wall into a vast lake whcich collected, sparkling at the valley center. Sitting on the edge of that, graceful and still was a white castle.

Tigirius surveyed the scene proudly.

"Welcome my friends, to the palace of the Southern good witch."
Elena continued down the trail, it's small changes unnoticed as the moved by. She eyed white haired Nyr with a little sadness. At least where they were going would be safe. Ward could get proper treatment and as could her dread raven friend.

Tigirius arrived at the white wall and they passed through. It was beautiful. The only place Elena could ever properly deem pure to her. She smiled softly but felt her head get a bit heavy. As though she felt a bit of relief flood in, her slightly abused and sleepless body asked for attention. She attempted to shake it off for the sake of helping Ward and Nyr in whatever way possible, but it was evident now that her feet were dragging.
Nyr looked at Ward with her gleaming eyes, her face still not betraying any emotion.

" What was is almost no longer. " she replied " The one who was born in shadow slowly loses the battle. I am a sign of this. " she then pointed at his shoulder " And so do you slowly lose your battle. Inevitable. Unless you believe in miracles. The Pale Moon whispers so. "

As they arrived at the witch's place she basked in the positive energies.

" The light is stronger here, yet still fading. The last bastion of hope slowly crumbles. "

She then felt despair: Elena's fear and anxiety. With her unmoving expression she stepped near her.

" You are worried. " she said " The love of your life being in mortal danger weakens your resolve. You must persevere. " she put her glowing had on her shoulder then looked down on herself. " I am on borrowed time. We will prevail. We must prevail. The Pale Moon whispers so. "
Leo followed suit behined the group as they made their way clsoer and closer to the castle. As they aproached, Nyr's words echoed thought his mind over and over again. He who wishes to help all may fail to do so He knew these to be full of truth, but he did not wnat to believe them. Ever since he had left Oz he had made himself a vow to become the strongest Guardian that he could so that he would never be in the same situation he had been in with Ruby and his friends. Now that he was back in Oz, his nerves failed him. How was he to take on the others and do what needed to be done, that he knew had to be done. He knew that it would not be long before they would be face to face with Otto and the darkness that trailed behined him. Would he be ready? Leos thoughts returned to him when the large doors to the beautiful city opened. The energy he could feel comming from the city itself was like comming home after a long trip. He bathed in the good witches energy that she cultivated over her kingdom and felt a smile stretch his face. HE looked down once again to see the young mother asleep and became envious. His own energy reserves had been deplted through their adventure so far and he to wished to restore his body to its full strength. Leo continued to follow Tigirus, trying to keep his face forward should anyone recognize him and feel the need to exspress their oppinions much like The Wizard had.
Alexander and Anya followed the group into the area. When she heard the answer to her question, Anya nodded and thought on it- realizing everyone in her fairy tails had their own lives, beliefs, values, and religions... And sometimes their problems weren't wrapped up nice and neatly.

Alexander watched Nyr and the others out of the corner of his eye, monitoring the situation and half wondering why she kept repeating herself.
"The one who was born in shadow?" Ward tried to untangle the cryptic speech, worried for Nyr, but he was just no good at riddles.

"As long as my friend is safe. But I cannot help but feel as if something about you is going to change Nyr...change permanently."

The castle gates looked as though they were carved from freshly fallen snow, sparkling in the moonlight. They were intricately made into the shape of interwoven branches. The courtyard visible beyond was filled with the most elegant flower beds. The gates opened for them, though no one was yet to be seen. Ward followed Tigirius down the path which widened greatly and trailed up a set of rounded steps to the doors of the palace proper.

"Welcome." a woman's voice greeted them. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at all.

"Take rest in my home. You will be attended."

And then it was gone.

The doors to the palace swung open, revealing a wondourous hall lined with blue carpet trimmed in gold. Vast landscape paintings lined the walls and as the gryphon watched them he saw the water run and the trees blow in the wind. It was night in all the paintings, Ward wondered that when the sun rose tomorrow if it would rise in them too.

An open set of double doors to the side revealed a table piled with food and further down the corridor was a set of steps he supposed lead to sleeping chambers.

Everything was so elegant, but not quite in a royal way, it was more...magical. The furniture was plain and but for the paintings the walls were bare. Despite this Ward could not help but feel a sense of wonder for everything here.
Banba twirled on the spot, scales covering the china surface of her body until she was once again a tiny version of herself. She followed the group like this through the trees, jumping from branch to branch until they reached the great wall. Moving above Leo, she let herself drop, landing on his shoulder as her white furred form. She turned to Nyr as they entered the walls, eyes glistening in the light of the trees.

"The pale moon whispers so, but the bright cockroach is undisturbed by the noise." She said, furry face blank. "And as such, moves along the forest and wooden floors until movement is not needed." She turned back frontward as they entered the hall, the shifter staring around at the moving paintings. Turning around in a circle on Leo's shoulder, Banba slowly made herself smaller, until she was the size of a newborn kitten. She sat like this, gripping the mantle as best she could to continue to stare around her, huge eyes unblinking.
Disconserted by Nyr's evasive answer, Quinct drew away from her. She stayed within earshot, catching most of what seemed like nonsense. Bits of it almost made sense, perhaps the one born in darkness was Nyr herself, but that would mean she is almost no longer.. the kelpie scowled in worry, looking amongst the group and hearing Nyr mutter, we must prevail. Yes, we must, she thought vaguely, taking in the sights of the hall. She wandered to the painting, wishing to put her hands in the flowing water depicted there. There was a definite sense of magic about them, but it was unlike any magic she had felt before. Quincy wandered to the food, finding something nourishing to go with a tall glass of water. She could feel the stinging cuts from her tussles with the forest distantly, just wanting something to satisfy and settle her stomach. She was beginning to feel a little land-sick.
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Elena smiled weakly at Nyr. It was less than convincing by its what she had. Nyr did speak the truth. It was fairly clear a message, though not one she wished to hear.

"No no.. I think I'm just a bit worn. There's no reason to rest though, and Nyr.. Please find a way to not be on borrowed time. We need you here."

She said quietly, understanding the other enough. When they entered the castle, she was exhausted. The large voice wasn't even questioned by her, and the moving paintings weren't noticed. She found a seat when they entered the room and slumped into it.
Luness furrowed her brows and followed the group, trying to put Nyr's words out of her mind. Love chained? That part still made no sense to Luness. Granted, everything else was very true and Luness wasn't about to deny any of it, but that last part was starting to bother her. With love on her mind, Luness' mind then wandered to the way packs work. Didn't the Alpha of the pack need a mate? How in the world was Luness going to find another werecat in this dark and foreboding world? Especially one that she could get along with.

Her thoughts were interrupted though, when the group entered a forest beyond a white wall and Luness almost felt blinded by all of the light. It was in the flora, insects, and birds. Wonder filled Luness' eyes and she instantly felt at peace surrounded by the forest and animal life. This was the opposite of what Luness' old home was like, yet it felt like true home to her regardless.

As they entered the palace gardens, Luness peered about at all of the flowers, entranced by the beauty of all of it. If there was one thing that Luness could truly appreciate in any world they visited, it was the beauty of nature. Upon entering the palace itself, Luness again was entranced by the paintings filled with nature and small waterfalls that danced about and flowed with magic. Seeing the large food with table at the end of the hall, Luness wandered down to it and then sat down before filling her plate with foods, which were all meats. Eating the food, Luness silently wondered if it'd be okay for her to stay here. Remembering her pack, Luness also wondered if she'd be able to bring them here to join her. Was that too selfish of an idea though?
The light magic could surely be felt here. It was strong and, while awe-inspiring, felt odd to Achyls, it was the opposite of what she controlled inside of her. She found herself moving uncomfortably from Tigirius' arms, trying to take in the majesty of it all while still feeling so...wrong. She turned to the Tiger, a half smile etched across her lips.

"This is just like the tales," Achlys muttered, staying close to Tigirius in case she needed his assistance, "What architect could build something as beautiful as this?"

The halls were just as amazing as the exterior, the flora and fauna in harmony with man's creation, working as if one. She wished so much so fully appreciate it, though found it too different to properly take in, clashing with the very fibre of her being. That being said, she did marvel at it for what the palace was.
Tigerius came to a stop in the dining hall.

"It is hard to say when the lady will come. For now, you should all rest. You will find each bed chamber has been made especially for you, with any comfort you could dream. Just a small wonder of the magic of this place. As far as I know the palace existed even before Glinda herself. Some of its mysteries I have yet to uncover."

Ward smiled down at Elena as she sat down.

"You must be exhausted." He said, the fondness and care in his voice apparent. "Try to get some rest." He gestured to the stairs.

Ward himself would stay up and wait for Glinda. Slowly he began to wander about the castle, interested to explore and learn more about it.

Leia had been following close behind and she sat at the table as well, helping herself to a little food. She was completely taken aback by the taste. The fruit was the sweetest she had ever had and the biscuits and cheese were also perfection. After one bite she found her hunger start to dissipate. This place was truly magic.

She watched Ward go, not quite ready to leave the table yet.

The gryphon heaved a sigh, contemplating his hand once more as he wandered. Soon he found himself at the end of a corridor, where glass doors opened out onto a half-moon balcony cut from the same white stone as the walls. The view from it looked out onto the lake with the waterfalls rushing beyond and the moonlight dancing on the crystal waters. Several vine-like trees grew in intricate pots, winding their way up archways that rose out of the bannister lining the balcony and finishing in tails of brilliant blue flowers. All in all the beauty of this place took his breath away. He found himself drawn to the carving in his pocket and he took it out and examined it catefully in the pale light.
Alexander looked around the place, he liked the feel of this castle better than the last one- simple, yet elegant. He saw ward wander off, and thought to follow him, he, too was curious about the mysteries of the castle -'d hadn't had the chance to speak much with the gryphon who seemed to be their leader. However his hunger ultimately won out over him and he sat at the table and heaped a good healping of food into his plate- nothing sweet, just meat and bread, mostly. He didn't eat as quickly as usual, however, and was for once taking the time to savor the flavors.

"This is almost as good as Uni... Corn," he said, finishing the word only because he had started it already. He occasionally forgot that it was not always acceptable to have such a craving for meats, given the origin of the food.

Anya, too had some to eat, though was much less enthusiastic. She wondered what exactly was happening with Nyr. She was running on borrowed time. Did that mean Nyr? Or the... Thing possessing her?
Luness soon left the table, curious to see her room if it had been custom designed for her liking.

After climbing the stairs, Luness walked into the first room she saw and shut the door behind herself before turning around to see what her room looked like. Her breath was taken away, as she saw that she was in a small clearing within a forest. Taking a few steps forward, Luness could feel the soil and soft grass under her paws and she looked around in wonderment at the clearing she was currently in. Small trees were surrounding her with vines intertwining up their trunks and then weaving about on the ceiling with various lilies in bloom around the room.

Leaving the room behind for a moment, Luness opened the door to the porch and slowly walked to the railing before leaning forward slightly and peering out over the land. She could see the darkness beyond, but the light and beautiful, light-filled forest and gardens below had her entranced. It truly was a sight to see.

Turning her back on the forest and gardens, Luness returned to her room and left the porch door open so that she could breathe the fresh forest air. Soon, fireflies began to enter Luness' room, leaving a pale glow about and surrounding Luness with natural lighting. Smiling to herself, Luness sat down in a bed of gathered leaves and grass cuttings, much like the beds she used to make while she'd been living on her own in her forest. Curling up in a ball, Luness closed her eyes with a smile on her face, feeling at peace much like she had before her mother had passed away.
Achyls nodded to Tigerius, "We shall see you soon?" she asked of him, rhetorically, a sweet smile complimented by blushing appearing on her face. Keeping her eyes on the Tiger, she wandered where she had seen Luness disappear to, a childish feeling of wonder growing in her. It was like some kind of exciting adventure, reaching the treasure that was sleep behind a door. She came to a door that attracted her attention more than the others, it must have been hers. She stole a glance back at Tigerius before entering the room.

Inside, she felt only awe of her surroundings. Everything was decorated like her home back in FableWood, only more ornate. A sweet smell of wood and spices mixed and danced across her senses, the walls appearing as varnished beech wood. Her bed was four poster, a deep purple transparent material forming the curtains of the bed. The posts were made of a varnished spruce and the bed itself was splendidly decorated, the bedding feeling perfectly soft and homely. On the walls, dark, thorn-like stem patterns detailed the corners of the room. Achyls' smile only grew wider at the sight of a long, eloquent gown that looked like the night, a beautiful rose sash decorating the waistline. Everything was perfect here, it felt so much like home to her.
Leos troubles seemed to melt away at the presence of the amount of light energy as they enetered the castle. He had paid special attention to the gardens just beyond the gates and picked out a nice spot to rest. As soon as the voice filled the halls, it was almost as if Leo had setpped backwards into an old memory, nearly identical to the first time he had visited the good witches home. He glanced around the halls, nothing had changed. He smiled to see that there was still a part of Oz that had not been touched by the darkness spreading across the lands. He took a few seconds to admire the feast that had been provided for them and glanced back down at the sleeping Ashley. He walked up and fixed a rather large portion of food on a plate and carried it with him to the rooms that had been set for him. He found the room for Ashley and brought her to the bed, laying he down and pulling the covers over her. He sat the food down on a small table in the room and exited the room. Once satisfied with the groups set up, Leo returned to the room with the food and grabbed some for himself. Before leaving back into the gardens he paused and nodded to Tigerius in apreciation to him. He walked back out the larger doors, finishing off the bit of food he had grabbed. Finding the spot he had picked out as they eneterd he sat with his legs crossed and took in deep breathes, before closing his eye and began his commune witht he gardens plants and Lily, who had been suprisingly scilent since they arrived in Oz.

@Shimakage Thunder
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Banba slipped off Leo's shoulder to the table as he grabbed some food for the child bearing ashley. She stared around, nose twitching, before she pulled a piece of bread out of a basket. It was almost as big as her in her furry state, and it toppled over her. When banba once again emerged from under it, sitting under the food as if it were a blanket, she was a scaleless, human version of herself, hair pulled back into a long braid. Picking pieces of bread off her slice and shoving them wholly into her mouth, the shifter once again glared at Tigerius, chewing slowly.

"The deer has no need to fear the faun, unless the faun is a saytur."
Elena looked up to Ward and shook her head. It became evident that everyone was moving about and getting food. She attempted a straighter posture.

"No.. I'm not going to bed any time soon. I want to see Glenda with you, and if they can all handle this adventure I'm alright too." She said, holding the back of her seat to get back up. She watched the busy room for another moment with interest, particular curiosity for the new comer, tigirius. He doesn't seem untrustworthy yet, though.

"Will she show herself or do we have to find her?" She paused and continued.

"Wait, can she hear us?"
When Ashley finally awakened, she found herself in bed. When did they get here? She wondered. The young mother-to-be saw that her Bow and Arrows were sitting on a different side of the room. Leo probably took it off so she could rest more comfortably. How generous of him. Even though she was probably being perceived as a bad parent for putting herself and her child in danger, Ashley knew deep down in her heart that she would be a great mother, but the fact that she would have to raise her child alone was what really scared her. No Father...Because he died in an Animal Attack a few months ago. But then again, knowing the party, they will probably show a lot of love to her and her daughter, which gave her hope.

As soon as she sat up, she stretched her arms and legs, then yawned. When she turned around, Ashley saw a large plate of food. It looked fresh considering how long she has been out. But then again, its not like she has been sleeping for very long since they got there. Leo must have left it for her. She pulled up a chair as soon as her stomach started growling. Ashley sat down quietly and started eating to nourish herself and her unborn child.
Nyr just looked at her companions, saying nothing and keeping a stoic, emotionless expression. She did not say anything to either of them and after they finished talking she just walked in the castle without a word. Not knowing hunger or rest she just watched the others refreshing themselves. Somehow it felt good for her seeing her companions revitalizing as she watched over them.

" The Pale Moon whispers of victory. " she muttered to herself " The land breathes in hope. The shadow is afraid momentarily. "

She looked around and then felt an another painful throb at her heart, this time a more powerful one. She needed to touch the wall to regain her composure then continued observing the others. How curious they were.

" The darkness is consumed by the light. The light is smothered by the darkness. The cycle continues. " she said bluntly " The heroes will rise once again, so does the king who returns. All will find their place. "

She turned around and left the dining room, staring at a wall of the room next door.
"Well... that was certainly dramatic." Anya commented, watching Nyr leave. She wanted to go talk to Nyr, but assumed that she would be no more successful than any who had tried before her. Besides, she did not really know the raven, anyway, to be honest. After she had eaten her fill, she excused herself from the table and went upstairs to find her room, when she saw what was inside she grinned, and knew it was hers. The room was designed to look as though one was flying, there was a constant breeze, and she would almost swear she could hear a fan, or the muted purr of a prop engine lingering through the room. The smell of aviation fuel mixed with vanilla and something sweeter lingered in the air, and while many may find it a strange combination, for her it was comforting. It smelled like home. Truly there was magic at play for her incredibly modern tastes to somehow be accommodated for even in fable wood. The bed was soft as the clouds always looked, and when she looked at the floor from where she layed on the bed she could convince herself that she saw the fields of the midwest far below her. Turning her attention to the ceiling she saw stars sparkling high above her, and she was thankful for the lack of decoration on the walls. It did not look like a child's room, as only the ceiling and floor had anything on it, but the way they were designed appeared as though it went on forever.

Alexander remained in the main hall, and after consuming enough to slow down, he asked Leia: "So... what do you suppose is happening with Nyr?"
Quincy found that only after a few bites, she was feeling full. The pastry she had picked up was undeniably thd best she had ever had. In a world that seemed so scarred by the darkness, there certainly seemed to be plenty of light and magic to go around. A twinge of unease hit her stomach, making her pause suddenly in the middle of reaching for her water. When she couldnt place it or discern the cause of it, she dismissed it altogether. Probably just stress, she decided, watching Alexander interact with Leia quietly. The kelpie glanced toward the door, wondering what kind of room awaited her, but decided against it for the moment. She would stay up a while and decompress before trying to sleep.
Leia watched Nyr go and sighed as Alexander asked the question. "I have no idea." She ran a hand through her light hair. "It was bad enough with Banba spouting riddles, but somehow I felt I always understood her. This is new to me...I have no idea if we should be doing something or...or what.." She seemed at a loss.

Tigirius bowed to Achyls and Luness as they disappeared, going to sit on the carpeted floor and watch over the guests. He smiled at Elena's questions. "In truth my lady Glinda could be listening. I doubt she would be so informal however. She is 'Glinda the good' for a reason." There was a purr in his voice, betraying the fact that he was happy to be here. He watched Leo go and was about to follow his friend when he saw Leo turn to meditation and decided to leave the king until he returned.

"Glinda is truly powerful, but her vows prevent her from confronting this evil directly. Her power exists only because she cannot use it to strike down her foes."

"Fantastic." Leia said, nibbling a biscuit. Tad and Lee who had been scarce of late had now reappeared and sat under the table, conversing in a set of mewls and barks.

"She can however empower champions to fight in her stead. I assume that this is why Leo has brought all of you. With your power and Glinda's we are certain to free Oz from this curse."

Ward found a piece of leather cord in his pocket and tied it carefully around a loop he had carved in the top of the pendant. He let it hang over his fingers and watched it twist in the slight breeze.

It was rough, would she even like it? Silently he continued to criticize his work, not really paying too much attention to his surroundings as he stood out on the balcony.

((Hey @zCrookedz , do you want to bring in Glinda or should I?))
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