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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Quincy heard his muttered words just as she was dipping her toes into the cool, salty water and blushed fiercely. But when she turned to look at him, the doorway was empty. With a puzzled expression, she dove into the water, allowing her body to settle at the bottom for some badly-needed rest.

She slept well, with happy dreams. A few times she thought she saw iridescent scales, but when she awoke late the next morning, she didnt recall it. The kelpie was barely awake when she wandered into the hall, right into the middle of several conversations. She was about to grab a pastry and leave to find Alexander, when the tiger began to speak. She listened quietly until the end, a sympathetic frown on her face. "Such a curse is more difficult to bear than many realize." She said softly from the doorway, a faint offering of understanding and support. By now, her eating habits were so established that she didnt feel the desire anymore, but she remembered her early years of curbing them, something she wouldnt wish on anyone.
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Elena accepted his help, holding onto Ward as they entered the Dining Room. It was not as awkward anymore, being so close to him. When they reached the seats and Elena found one once again, Ward mentioned her sitting this mission out. She made a face in weak protest, but figured she could reassert her desire to join the fight when she could walk without wobbling, so she settled on letting him have his way for now.

Turning her attention to Tigirius, she listened intently as he told the story of his curse and his pride as a youth. Then when it got to the part about human flesh, Elena really started thinking about it. The warrior like, strong tiger man stood looking exposed and vulnerable. She frowned, and replied in a soft voice,

"You are not at fault. I don't think any of us is allowed to change their opinion of you, since you are offering your help and treat us so well.. Not to mention, I trust Leo and Leo seems to have all the faith in you. Don't look so guilty, please. This information hasn't tarnished your repution to me, at least."
Achyls made her way into the hall just as Tigerius began his speech. She listened with highest of interests, until he mentioned the curse. She stole a worried breath, but inside her head the cogs and wires were buzzing, amazed at his self control, making him all the more respectable. After the others shared their thoughts, she too spoke up.

"What has passed is past, your control and determination only makes you more trustworthy. We all have our afflictions, dear Tiger, it takes true courage to share what ails you. And for that I am sure we could trust and follow you to the end of Oz, no matter your hardships," she uttered softly, her head bowed to him. She felt utmost respect for him, knowing others would feel the same.
Tigirius regarded them all with such a look of gratitude and happiness, Ward could have sworn he saw the big cat's eye water for just a moment.

"You are much braver than I could have ever foreseen. I thank you for the faith you palce in me, I will do my best to be worthy of it."

Now it was down to business. Tigirius went to fetch a map from an aged writing desk and spread it out on the table.

"We are here, close to the central-southern border of Oz, here is the route we took, the China village, the fighting forest they are here. My scouts had last traced Otto to this location." Tigirius circled an area to the west of them with a large claw.

"There is an intricate set of caves there, if we confront him there we will be at a disadvantage as I am sure he knows that area well. Our plan then is to lure him with my lady's alpha call," here he gestured to Luness. "into an area we can fight him on even terms." He traced his claw to an area just west of the china village, on the map it looked like a grey hole. "The bone china quarry, where they dug for china clay. Now, he will have servants, and they will interfere if Otto calls them, we must find a way to deal with them before we confront Otto himself. Ward, I would like you to lead this team. We need an areal view and as your predicament seems effectively reversed, I will need you and 2 others to dispatch the minions using the fighting forest."

Ward swallowed, but nodded. "If the trees are asleep I am confident I can get by them with two others, then we wake them and let havoc ensue yes?"

The tiger nodded.

"We need two volunteers for this part, the rest will come with Leo, Luness and I."

((There is a map in the locations tab))
Nyr did not say anything to Tigirius. Deep down she trusted the fierce warrior but she knew the manipulative forces of darkness all too well to trust in his oath. They always exploit and use the weakest points of a person to turn him against the others, be it mind control or just simple tricks they always find a way to expose such flaws. Still somehow she felt more confident choosing the other path.

" I volunteer. I have faint memories of that forest and I believe I know what must be done. " Nyr said, walking up to the map, her white wings flapping in an uneasy thought. She really wanted to confront Otto but she knew not the extent of her powers just yet. " Once we deal with the minions I can lull the forest into sleep I think. " She looked at everyone. " If you wish I can prepare a ritual before we go. That way the stars and the moon will aid us with their rejuvenating light and hinder our enemies slightly. It is not much but that way I can assist both our group and the other in their combat. "
Elena smiled a bit to herself as she noticed everyone else being so accepting to Tigirius's curse as well. Keeping his trust when he knew the lands was important. He spoke of teams to go through each part of the paths to lure in Otto. When listening to what Ward and Nyr had to say, Elena felt a little useless. Just as she was now. She raised a quivering hand half way and said,

"If I'm able to, I would like to join them in the forest with the sleeping trees. Plant magic is my best.. So if anything goes wrong I could manipulate the situation.."

She offered, though not sure if it was an option anymore.
Achyls' interest was piqued at the ask for volunteers.

"I also volunteer, my advanced sight and magic shall be an asset here, if you would permit me," her tone was almost that of excitement. She had a love for combat, and a mission such as this was surely no exception. She knew Elena would likely be chosen over her, but she felt help was needed in as many ways as possible.

"I shall fight alongside whoever needs me." She stated, "I will not, however, remain here while you risk your lives."

She refused to be helpless, weakness was not what she was akin to. She stood in front of them, adamant.
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Leo watched as the group listened to Tigerius and his plight. Although it was something they should not take lightly, Leo knew his friends would be nothing but accepting towards him. Leo walked over beside Tigerius and clapped him on the shoulder adressing Elena's comment "If i were human, i would trust him with me life. He smiled to them and watched as Tigerius made for the map. Listening closely he nodded as Tigerius proclaimed the plan and locations. FInally when he came to end Leo looked up and around "The plan to actually take down Otto is a combination of ones we have practiced before. I will need Elena with Luness, Tigerius and myself so that we may try and restrain Otto with your vine magic. Glinda informed us he is much larger than normal, so we will need to use the combined strengths like we used against the Assassin in Branbern to strngthen the vines. Then once he is suffecently restrain, I will attempt to sever the connection to the darkness as i did for Ward in the forest of reflection. After the connection is severed, there is no telling what will happen, so we need to be on our guard if Otto is to be saved. This will leave Quincy and Alexander to deal with the ground forces; and Nyr, Ward, and Achyls to apraoch from the sky Leo had hopes this plan would work and the end result would be the freedom of his friend. He looked around with his stoick face, trying to project an air of confidence to them.

Luness sat and listened to the plan. Though sh had heard this all the night before, it was always good to get a refresh. She reached over and grabbed a bowl of prodge and sniffed it. Though it did not have the meat she loved so much, she would need her strength up fo the battle to com and began to shovel spoonfulls into her mouth. When her name was mentioned she would look up from her food and give the respective nod in agreance with the plan until Leo finally came to a hault. She looked over the crowd and then back at Leo "Sounds like a plan to me. Unsure of what the situation called for as far as words.
((Perhaps we can bring Glinda back before we all march off, she needs to combine her power in this I think, maybe enchanting us to resist the darkness?))

Ward bit back a protest when Leo said he would be separated from Elena. He knew this was probably the best way.

"We will make sure the minions do not interfere." He stated firmly.

"Good." Tigirius replied. "My king will let us know when we strike. For now we should prepare and wait for Glinda."

Ward gave Elena a worried look. "It sounds like this will be soon. Are you sure you can fight in your current state?" He smiled at his own reaction for a moment. "I'm sorry I'm like that, I should stop treating you like you are made of glass...but in this particular case I feel my concerns are a little more grounded?"

He then remembered something he should have mentioned much earlier.

"That pendant I gave you. There's something special about it. I er, forgot to tell you last night...given the...circumstances." He felt himself blush.

"I put a charm on it, it will work in a similar fashion to my pendant." Here he held up the circular stone amulet that Briar had given him when the summoning spell had first been cast. "This helped me find you, the day we first met, and the pendant you wear now, well no matter where I am, it will help you find me."

((God's truth I actually created the pendant with this in mind...and completely forgot about it. xD ))
(That's adorable. Just simply adorable.)

Elena felt satisfied in being able to help out when Leo said she was needed. Now she just had to shake being sick, at least enough to walk from point a to point b. she took a bite of the porridge and fruit, even though she was suddenly not hungry again in hopes something warm would help her.

She looked to Ward and figured she had to answer honestly, as she owed him that. Though he was careful with her, it wasn't like Ward underestimated her.

"I don't really know, to tell you the truth.. But is feel like I might be needed. I guess this time you can be right with your concern." She said with a small chuckle. Then a hand went to reach for her pendent and she traced it with her finger again.

"You're very thoughtful, Ward.. I hope nothing bad ever happens where I need this charm, but I will find you."
Nyr looked at Ward and Elena with a smile. She was happy that they have found each other, that they were in love. She thought that she might be jealous of them - but instead she just felt happiness only, no dark emotions pestering her mind. Finishing her meal she stood up and headed out of the kitchen.

" I shall take my leave then. " she said, turning back in the door " The ritual will take much from me and requires preparation. "

She then walked to the outside of the palace, searching for a secluded, shady spot in the garden surrounding it. When she was satisfied with one she reached out to the sky with one had.

" Lerr. " she commanded and her fingers lit up in a silvery light. Kneeling down she started to draw runes of ancient language in the grsas and wherever she touched it it also lit up with the ray of the moon. She wondered how she actually knew about such incantations in the first place but many things have remained to be solved anyway - this was but a blessing she wanted to give for the others.

When she finished she sat down in the circle and closed her eyes. Muttering words of magic she slowly felt to be levitated from the ground as she felt the wind around her chilling, bringing the illusion of the night already. Now she sat there, chanting words of old, preparing for the assault. She just hoped that this would be enough.
Quincy listened intently to the plan, watching his movements over the map with sharp eyes. It sounded like a good plan, but of course there was always potential for things to go wrong. As her assignment was said, she gave a nod. Controlling ground troops was definitely something she could do, even with her lack of impressive powers. It occurred to her that she was something of a light-weight on the group, the humans had developed such impressive abilities, the others could all fly or had some kind of amazing magic. It didnt bother her, surprisingly, to acknowledge to herself that she was mostly along for the ride on these quests. At least I'll be around if someone falls in a lake, she thought, making herself smile a little. "I'll go and wake the dragon." She said, her voice edged with a little bit of laughter. That was one sentence she never imagined herself saying. The kelpie grabbed a pastry and made her way back to the sleeping rooms, knocking firmly on Alexander's door. Then, realizing he might not hear it if asleep, she tried the knob and swung the door open, calling his name "Alexander? You big lump, you're missing breakfast." She said, lingering in the doorway uncertainly.

Leo nodded to Tigerius in agreance with preperations. The group had been informed and they began to make their preperations as they left the breakfast behined. Suddenly there was a soft knock on the door to the dinning hall. Leo turned and saw one of the beautiful maidens that had accompanied Glinda the night before. She bowed to the party before her and spoke with a soft and lovely voice "Master Leo, Master Tigerius, My ladu sent me to inform you that she will be attending your departure this afternoon." The maid lifted from her bow and hurried off out of sight once again. This came as no surprise to Leo, Glinda had always had a way of being part of the most interesting things that happened in Oz. Turning to Tigerius Leo gave him a nod and gazed back down at the map. Without word Leo began to make a mark on the map just a little ways west of the emerald city in Winkie Country. He tapped the mark a few times and hesitated before dropping the writting utinsel. The mark circled a small castle marker that had been on the map of Oz they had used the first time. He continued to scan and found a small marker on the map in the shape of a pumpkin, just a short distance from the mark he had made. HE placed the point of one of his claws on the mark and turned to Tigerius "Have you heard anything from our pumkpin friend since the darkness spread?"

Luness finsihed the bowl of food and streatch the last of her weariness from her bones. Standing she gave Leo and the thers a smile "I will be ready when everyone else is." SHe made her way out to the gardens and saw Nyr making some kind of drawings on the ground. She shifted to her cat form and bounded down to the soft grass and found a nice sunny spot to wait out and gain any last bits of energy she could.
"Jack?" Tigirius confirmed, "Not in a long time, but communications have been hard between this place and the rest of our allies in Oz. Last I had heard he and the automaton Tik-Tok were helping raise forces in the east. Where he is now, I cannot say. I hope only that Ozma found him before our enemy did. The sawhorse however should be within reach."

The morning went by swiftly it seemed as Ward tried to rest. He insisted that Elena do as well, they needed her at full strength, and also for the fact that he would not be protecting her on this mission. Before long it was close to the time when they would set out. Each knowing their roles Leia and Ward waited on the steps of the palace entrance, looking out over the sparkling lake.

Leia with her spirits would help deal with Otto's forces. She patted Tad idly as the two rested at her side.
After the meeting, Elena ended up returning to her room to sleep until it was time. Unfortunately the time came sooner than she was anticipating and she awoke still feeling dizzy and nauseous. The rooms spun when she passed through them, hand close to the wall and steps careful. She was not going to allow this to get in the way though. Her magic was hopefully not going to be effected and so she might still be useful for this plan.

She arrived at the entrance and saw Leia and Ward there as well. She took a seat to wait for the rest of the party to join, hoping this would all go accordly.
During the course of the meeting, Achyls had drifted from the hall, down a smaller corridor where there seemed to be no guards. She passed through a small wooden door that lay right of the corridor and sat just on the other side of it, the lack of guards here was partially comforting. Her head was reeling, recalling that she was fighting the very thing she was a vessel of.

"Why fight darkness when you are a controller, a carrier of darkness...?" She mumbled, rubbing her hands together tentatively. A memory stung her mind, her mother. She too was a dark witch, and where was she now?

"Would I too rot for my ability?" She asked herself, "No...no. I am one of them, a bringer of light now...". She paused, her fear ringing true in her brain.

"Does that make me useless? Just another soldier in an army of champions?" She doubted herself more than ever before. Though still felt a determination to prove her worth.

After a while, Achyls exited the room, sneakily fleeing down the corridor to the palace entrance. She stopped, drawing the fresh air into her lungs, before congregating with Ward, Leia and Elena.
((Ooom, is Elena ok? Going into battle like that is likely to give poor Ward a heart attack.))

When Elena emerged onto the front steps Ward gave her a panicked look.

"You cannot fight like this." He said sternly. "And I say that not only because I would never forgive myself if you were hurt. If the others are worrying for your well-being they will not be focusing on their own safety. Please Elena, I think you must stay behind."

Leia gave her a look that asked: Are you sure about this? and even Tigirius huffed his concern when he appeared to wait for Glinda.

The tiger greeted Achyls with a nod. "Is something troubling you?" he asked, his thick arms crossed over his chest.
(Nope. I'm having my character stay behind for this battle for a reason. I've got a need for Elena to avoid just one fight, and I want to let Leo struggle.. Hehe. And don't worry. No need for Wards heart attacking.)

Elena approached them and shook her head. She was saddened but time proved what had to happen, even if she didn't like it.

"No.. I guess I'm here to wish you luck. I'll be fine, but if I join Leo and the others and fail to help, I might compromise the mission."

She sighed, rubbing a temple in frustration.

"I'll be here when you return, and if something bad happens i have your pendent, and I'll find your party."

She said with a disappointed smile.
Nyr finally finished the ritual just as it was time for them to set out. Opening her eyes and letting the circle dissipate she fell to the ground, panting heavily in exhaustion. The spell took its toll greatly and she felt extremely weak for a moment. Then, after regaining some of her strength she stood up and sighed in relief. Walking towards the party she had noticed Elena feeling sick and ill. Wanting to help her she stepped closer but her power refused to aid her this time after it was pushed to the limits so she just backed off and addressed everyone.

" The stars, the moon, the sky and the winds have agreed to aid us. " she said, still panting " I will soon regain my strength by the time we are heading out - I am ready to face the shadow. "

Noticing that Achyls was looking troubled she also walked beside her and just as Tigirius asked her she did too, putting her hand on her shoulder.

" Are you all right, sister? " she asked, looking in her eyes with concern. "
((@Bea Delaine you are cruel. lol. ))

Leo Watched as the team began to assemble at the front of the castle. He too had spent his time concetrating on the plan and prepairing himself and his weapons for the battle. once prepaired enough, he came back to the main hall to see the group. Once arriving he relized there was something wrong. He walked u to them just in time to here that Elena would not be joining them. HE began to ponder the plan and what this ment to the stratagy against Otto. But he could not throw Elena into the frey like she was. He looked down on her with a smiel "Fear not little one, we will manage. You focuse on getting better." Leo turned to the others and motioned for them to head for the front gate.

As Leo lead the way, there was a slight motion from one of the top windows of the castle and a small orb of white light came driffting down as if caught on a breeze. It fell until it was only a few feet off hte ground infront of the gate. It began to grow and grow until it was roughly the size of a parson. With a bit of a pop a shower of glitter rained down over Glinda's form, smiling at them with her warm smile. She took a few steps towards the group and began speaking in her warm tone "So the time has come for you all to face the first real chalange in Oz. I wish you all the best of luck. You will find that whilst you have been staying here, my magic has been taking effect on you as you went about your day. The darkness outside of these walls will be at bay around you until the battle is over. Alas, in these dark times, not even my magic is permenent. She turned and motioned with her hand towards the door. As the doors opened she turned back and spoke once again "And to help you get on your way, an old friend of your guardians is here to carry you all to your destination." As the doors finally finished opening the revealed behind them a large, wooden carriage big enough for those who wished to ride in comfortably if they so chose. At the front of the carriage sat a single horse, but unlike any horse anyone had ever seen. Its long narrow body was the same shape from head to rear, with a single notch cut into the front for a mouth. Its eyes were nothing more than two nots as if from a tree. Its legs were nothing more than wooden sticks that streatch stiffly from the body of the creature to the ground, and finally its tail was nothing more than a jagged tig standing straight up. The small creature turned to the open doors and eyed the company, until it saw Leo and Tigerius. Its mouth notch spread wide as it turned and began to jump a little in excitment "LEO!! TIGERIUS!! Im so glad to see you both!! Who are your new friends?" The sawhorse voice was just a tad bit above a childs but still held the same inocense and simpleness to it.

Luness watched as the group assmbled and decided it was time to get moving. She streatch a few times and padded over tot he others as Glinda made her entrance. Watchign the doors open, she cocked heread to the side when the creature pulling the cart was revealed. She wandered a bit closer to it and sniffed the air. It smelled of a fresh pine forest, and it almost looked like a piece of a tree on legs. She shook her head at it "im, luness. Its a.....nice to meet you..." She wasnt quite sure how to adress the thing, so she simpled jumped intot he cart behined it and waited for the others.
Her eyes looking only at the cobbles on the ground, Achyls sighed, a sad smile drawn across her lips.

"I am fine, Tigerius, but thank you dear tiger," she said, honestly grateful for his concern. She then addressed Nyr.

"You ought not worry, sister, I am here to fight as a champion and that is what I shall do,".

She looked up from her fixed point on the ground to show what little smile burdened her face, and walked a few paces from them, sitting on the palace steps in the shade of a pillar.
((Oh? I'm curious now.))

Tigirius smiled broadly. "Sawhorse! It is good to see you too old friend! I see you are pulling chariots now too eh? It will be good to have you at our side." He introduced the company happily, offering the new creature's name as just 'sawhorse'.

Ward looked relieved when Elena offered to stay behind. Leia stepped up with Lee draped around her shoulders.

"Don't worry, I think my spirits and I can stand in. Ice might hold the wolf just as well as vines, I guess we'll see."

She climbed into the carriage without a second thought. After all she had been through, a wooden sawhorse pulling them to their destination seemed almost normal.

Ward turned back to Elena and hugged her. "Stay safe, and take care of yourself. I will be back as soon as this is done." With that he stepped back and turned to Tigirius.

"I think I'll fly, if that is alright." Tigirius grinned at him and laid a massive paw on his small shoulder.

"Trust me my friend. You will not keep up with my friend the sawhorse."

"Not keep up? With a block of wood?"

Tigirius just kept grinning. "Get in the carriage."

Ward did as he was told, though he felt very confused he decided not to contradict the Tiger. He waited to depart.

Tigirius approached Achyls and offered her a large paw. "May I help you to the carriage my lady?"

Achyls looked up as a shadow invaded her space, Tigerius. Upon seeing him, she obviously blushed...again. She rose to her feet, her hand placed delicately on Tigerius' paw, and lifted herself into the carriage, taking a mental note of Sawhorse. Tigerius was surprisingly soft and warming for a warrior of such an affliction, perhaps the darkness in him made him seem so by comparison. Whatever it was, she knew he was to be trusted and respected. Maybe, to Achyls, admired for all he can and would do for Oz and its people.

"You truly are inspiring, Tigerius," she stated, as she settled into the carriage, "What will you do when we no longer need to fight the..." she hesitated, "darkness?". She forced out the word, that wave of doubt soaking her again. She shook her head and sighed, convincing herself she was needed in this battle.
Nyr managed to climb up into the carriage and sat beside Achyls. Her white wings flapped once more in excitement as she looked at her sister. She reached out with her arms and hugged her, holding her tightly before Tigirius could answer her question.

" I am glad that you fight on our side, Achyls. " she whispered to her as she radiated from happiness. " We will show those monsters that the darkness is not to be misused like they do. We - especially you - will show them the error of their ways, and I am proud to be on the side of such benevolent sister. "

She then looked at everyone else, eager to fight. The sky vibrated in her energy, bathing the heroes with the silvery light already. She felt the smile of Mother Moon on them already.
Leo was the last to climb into the chariot. He sat himself at the very front right behined Sawhorse. Turning back to the gates he saw that Glinda had already vanished, seemingly into thin air. Continueing he locked eye with the group "Everyone is going to need to hold on EXTRA tight. This first bit can be a little jossling." Leo turned back to the front and gripped the edge of the chariot before him. With a clearing of his throat he almost winced when he spoke to the horse next "Alright Sawhorse, lets try not to scare our new friends shall we. Take us to Bone China Quarry..." No sooner had the lion finished the sentence the hunk of wood at the front of the cart reared up in excitement and began to laugh. The next thing Leo knew they were out the front gate of the city. The horse before the cart was moving at an unnatural, boredline impossible speed. The city and trees rushed past them, only to be viewed as green blurrs. The little horses legs moved with an odd jerking movement as the rigid legs padded the ground, however he was no more ungracefull than a properly trained horse. As they began to travel faster and faster across the plains Leo could make out in the distance China Town, which they approached and passed almost without warning. The little horse continued on and on, not even stopping once they had reached the fighting trees. With no more than a huge gust of wind behined them as they moved through the trees, they were in an out before a single one woke. Finally HE began to turn west away from the trees and head toward the spot on the map that Tigerius had showed them earlier. The evening sun was begining to drop as the chariot began to make it approach. Not wanting his small friend to be in danger, Leo pulled himself over the side of the chariot and tapped on Sawhorse when they were a safe enough distance away from the quarry. Sawhorse eased them all back into a normal trot and finally stopped. Looking back, the little horse had the goofiest grin streatch across his notch mouth almost like a dog. Leo found his legs and pushed himself our of the chariot, running a few hands threw his mane to bring it back to its normal shape. He walked over to the horse and smiled at him, giving him a pat on his woodden head "Thank you my friend." He looked back at the others to make sure everyone was there and in one piece.

Luness sat perched on the front of the chariot as Leo climbed in. At the mention of the speeds they would be traveling in, she decided that she might feel a bit better sitting in the floor with hear head above the edge of the chariot. That was until the horse was told to go. She instantly sunk her claws into the wood of the chariot as the world began to speed by. She suddenly felt like she would have prefered flying to this ludicrious speed. The world passed by them almost in an instant, but Luness felt much better hiding behined her eye lids. Finally when the cart came to a stop, she leaped out and onto the grass. She turned back and gave the little horse a bit of a glare as the others exited the cart.

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