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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls eyes widened, shocked at Nyr's reactions.

"I cannot let you suffer! Leave now!" She growled at her, throwing energy at another wolf making its way up to a vantage point, holding it back long enough to speak.

"Please, I do not want to see you fall here," she pleaded, her lips quivering as if she could cry. She swallowed her tears and turned her back to her, "I can fend them off, for now. I will not die now, I promise you that,"

With that, she made a howling noise that caused a pack to chase her into the forest. She was gone from sight in an instant, the rumbling of a fallen pack being the only sign of the witch now. In one fell swoop, she launched a whirlwind of dark magic around her, destroying the majority of the pack. The others remaining were picked off easily, though her magic was beginning to dwindle.
Luness jumped high intot he air once again as Otto clawed through the air at Tigerius. This time however, Otto was ready He slid to the side and watched as Luness landed where he had been only a few seconds before. The giant werewolf growled at the pair of them. Luness took a few steps closer and growled back "I am Alpha designated by pack leader Bigby. Kneel to my strength! Ottos agaped mouth stretched once agian into a hellish grin. "I know not this Bigby you speak of but he must have been pathetic to loose his pack to the likes of you!" The great wolf began to shift his body backwards to pounce on them, when a firey pain shot through his legs as Leo slid across the clay surface of the quarry, bringing his axe blades into the wolfs legs. Leo jumped backwards as his slide came to an end and landed a few feet from Tigerius and Luness. Looking down at his ax blades he noticed that the blades had an unusual white glow to them. The blade shimmered and reflected the image of the moon above them. Leo smiled "I owe Nyr my gratitude when this is over. "
Ward saw Quincy's plight and dove straight into the pack at the base of the tree, kicking and snapping at them and scattering most. He grabbed one that had made it to the first branches and hauled it away, sending it crashing into a group. Then he dashed forward, continuing to the fighting forest as planned.


Tigirius' blade locked with Otto's claws and he disengaged as quickly as he could, knowing he would not win a contest of strength with this dark version of his friend.

Leia nodded weakly and sent Lee forward. The spirit began to loop back on herself, generating a considerable amount of water, she sent it in a wave over Otto's head in an attempt to cover him and freeze the water into an icy trap.


Quincy breathed a silent sigh of relief at Ward's appearance. Her personal plan had gone relatively well, but she hadnt counted on accumulating such a large group to fight. With one swoop, Ward cut the group back down to a managable size. “I owe you one!" She shouted in thanks as he flew onward. The kelpie lept from her perch, landing as a white mare again. She drew away from the griffon's prescence, picking up most of the remaining wolves as she hurtled toward the fighting forest. They were right behind her as she pushed forward, a few hundred meters to Ward's right.

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Ward sprinted as fast as he could, keeping to the ground to better lure their enemies. Some of them were glancing back now, knowing how far they strayed from their leader.

"Hey!" Ward yelled behind him, "you er...you run like a pack of hobbled sheep!" He flicked his tail impudently to finish the taunt. One at least took the insult to heart and snarled, redoubling his efforts. This galvanized the others to run faster too. The problem was, they actually were catching up now. Ward's body was built mostly for flight and not ground sprints. His legs were short in comparison to theirs and his flight muscles were mostly dead weight in a full out run. He was beginning to tire.

"Oh pinfeathers!" He breathed and pushed himself as hard as he could. He saw the China village flash by through the trees. It wouldn't be long now.
" Sister...! " Nyr exclaimed as Achyls tossed her away from her. She knew that the raven girl only wanted to protect her but... she could not back down. Even though the wounds were burning she felt the wind trying to ease her pain with a soothing breeze. She tarried for a second then darted after the wolves. As she delved deeper and deeper into the forest she spotted a large amount of wolves chasing Ward. Quickly catching up with them she released a blast of wind, scattering the monsters, allowing the griffin to win ground over his chasers.

Some however turned to her after this audacious attack and tried to hunt her down. Being forced to the ground she knew that eventually they would catch up with her so she did not run any more. She felt the wounds burning as she used the power of the moon to blast her foes. Most already crumbled to ashes as she struck them but she felt her magical power ebbing.

It was then she she felt an another claw trenching deep into her skin of her back. Screaming she turned around and killed her foe. With the lat bit of energy she summoned her war scythe, bestowed upon her by Mother Moon and prepared for her final stand. If she was to win precious seconds for her allies then so she will do so.

Because she loved them.

With a ferocious war cry she dashed at her opponents, swinging wildly with her menacing weapon.
Otto howled as he his legs we cut through like soft butter by the moonlit blades. He turned to the small group, his eyes burning with hatred. He sifted forward with a bit of a stagger from his legs injuries, preparing to lunge once again for the small group, when the moons light suddenly grew dim and eventually disappeared from over head. The werewolf looked just as the giant wave of water crashed over his head. Instantly he could feel a change in the waters as they suddenly began to solidify. He pushed off the ground to try and break the hold before it set and get at the small group, but the ice set in quickly. A large ball of ice sat at the bottom of the quarry now, its contents struggling with its head sticking out just behind the back of his head. Otto snapped and thrashed his head back and forth trying to fracture the ice.

Leo watched as the Ice began to in case the werewolf. Confidant in Leia and her spirits powers, he put his axes away and walked up the the trapped beast. As he got closer, his heart began to beat faster and faster. It was not out of fear of the beast, but of what he would find when he delved into its mind to try and free his friend. Leo gritted his teeth and in a burst of speed he reached for the wolfs upper and lower jaw. Once he made a contact with the beast He closed his eye and reopened it, bright green. As the creatures eye met his, it began to slow. Leo slid his hand up the snout of the wolf and placed his hand on his head between his eyes. Leo raised his head to the sky as he delved down into the depths of Ottos mind

The internal mind of the werewolf was something Leo had never seen before. Unlike a normal mind that is free of darkness, this was a dark and black place. Where ever Leo's consciousness treaded the darkness would retreat, Glinda's enchantments were working. The other thing other than the blackness that struck Leo as odd were the chains. Chains running the length of the werewolf's mind all converging at a single point. As Leo got closer to the point, he noticed the chains where either going, or the more likely, coming from a hole in Ottos being. Leo began to understand the process. By stripping Otto of his humanity, it left a hole that the darkness could enter into and begin to take over. Leo concentrated and placed his hands on the convergent and focused his energy into the chains. The chains began to shutter at the unfamiliar touch. To his relief, Leo found that the chains were actually quite week having not been touched by the source of the darkness for so long. One by one the chains began to snap and disappear into the darkness, which in turn became lighter and lighter. Hoping the others outside were fairing well, Leo continued to apply his energy to try and break the multitude of chains.
Achyls' breathing became rapid and painful as she exhausted her abilities on her enemies. As she turned, the sight of Nyr becoming swamped only made her angrier. Her sister looked as if on the brink of death, she couldn't let that happen. She rushed to Nyr's aid, ready to catch her if she ever were to fall. Her heart was pounding, thoughts of Nyr's possible death stinging her to her very core.

"Nyr! I told you! Back down!" she shouted, the words burning in her throat. Seeing she would not listen, she grabbed her by the hair and swung her round to face her, anger burning in her eyes.

"Back. Down." she snapped, the dark magic she possessed erupting from her hands. She pushed the girl behind her, protecting her from any further damage. The horrifying anger burst forth from her body, creating a dark glow about her. It was as if her very soul had turned black with a harsh culmination of outrage and terror, destroying the next of the almost never-ending wave of wolves.
Quincy could barely stay ahead of yhe wolves and keep track of Ward at the same time. She had to duck as Nyr's attack flew through the trees. She had no problem keeping the wolves on her tail; they could smell her blood and fear. The China village flashed at the edge of her vision, urging her forward even as her legs burned and she struggled not to limp.
Leo's progress was slow, but one by one the chains disappeared from Otto's mind. Finally he was down to one last chain reaching deep into the hole in his friends mind. He focused on the chair ready to destroy it, when he felt a trimmer shake the chain. He peered down the length of the chain and could see the pinhead of a white light shining deep within the hole. Leo watched the light for a moment, before he heard the faint whisper of a young mans voice. Leo's eye widened as he recognized the long lost voice of the young man whom he and the others had been fighting. "Otto.." Leo pulled on the chain a few times to test its sturdiness. Slowly he let his mind wonder into the void beyond the hole and crawl closer and closer to the light. Finally he reached the cocoon of light, brushing it lightly with his own mind. He could feel the mind trapped inside and knew it was what he was seeking. Suddenly there was another presence, a dark and sinister presence that was rushing towards him like a flood of anger. Leo pushed energy toward the light and it broke free of the end of the chain. Using all the strength he had left to climb back towards the hole in Otto's mind. He reached it just as the dark energy came into view. Once again he heard the whisper of someone he knew, this time a woman's. If he had a skin color it would have gone pale at that moment. But with all the energy he could muster, he blasted the final chain and watched as hole closed just as the face of what he had feared came into view, and Ruby starred at him until the hole was closed with a pop. Leo sat there, clutching the cocoon of light for a few moments before turning his attention to it. He felt the cocoon for a few moment before striking at it with his consciousness. The cocoon began to crack like an egg, the power from within pushing Leo until he finally lost his foothold and was hurled back to his own mind.

Back outside Leo's recoiled from Otto's huge head just as the monster began to thrash about once more. After a few seconds of thrashing energy began to beam from the wounds inflicted upon Otto, bursting the ice that encased him. The hulking creature then lifted his head to the sky and let loose a mournful howl to the sky as the light encased him. After a few moments the blinding light subsided and the hulking figure of Otto's dark form no longer stood before them. Instead, the skinny unimpressive form of a young man lay on the ground surrounded by puddles of melting ice.

Luness watched as Leo began his attempt on Otto's mind. Now it was nothing more than a waiting game to see if the Guardian could pull the creature from the darkness. However they did not have to wait long, no more than 30 seconds after Leo touched the wolfs giant head, he jumped backwards as light began to stream from its body. Luness squinted her eyes as the energy poured out of the beast and blinked a few times after it faded. On the ground lay the young man, much less impressive in this form than in his wolf form. Luness was the first to move towards the man, carefully getting closer and closer sniffing the air around him to see if he was still alive. She turned to the others and gave them a reassuring nod.

(( Feel free to continue on with the Shadow wolves if you want. They pretty much have minds of their own and now have no pack leader to keep them on course.))

Nyr watched in horror as Achyls pushed her away to protect her. The next moments incredible amounts of dark energy erupted from the raven girl, decimating the wolves around them. But something did not feel right... Achyls was using the darkness to kill everything, but it seemed to slowly consume her. In fear she tried to stand up but the strength did not come to her. The wolves were in complete disarray, fleeing left and right, but Nyr crawled on the floor ever forward towards her sister. Not even her wounds and the lack of strength could stop her.

She finally reached her but still could not muster the strength to stand up. Instead she gripped one of Achyls' legs and looked up on her, pleading.

" Sister... " she whispered " Do not... let the darkness overtake you... I love you... we all do... you are precious to me... "
Ward took the distance Nyr had given him, ducking under her attack. It was then he caught sight of Achyls, Nyr tried to stand before her but she dragged her back. The new raven witch seemed enraged beyond control. In an instant the wolves seemed to come out of a daze. They shook their great heads and slowed as the last of the dark force in their minds was driven out.

"They've done it!" Ward cried, but Achyls did not seem to hear him.

"Achyls stop!" but he feared she wouldn't. he dashed to Nyr's side, changing back into his human form to try and take hold of Achyls as well. "Its done! They aren't attacking anymore!"

Leia could hear her heart hammering in her chest. The silence choked her as Leo stood by his friend, both seemed locked within another world as their physical bodies were left behind.

She willed with all her might for things to be ok. Tigirius rose stiffly, keeping his blade at the ready if things went wrong. A burst of light made them both stumble back. When they looked again Leo was standing back, gazing at a tiny figure crumpled in the melting ice.

Leia's expression lit up. "You did it." she said quietly, walking up to Leo's side and placing a hand on his giant paw. With another thought she took off her outer coat and draped it over the man's slender frame.

ant paw. With another thought she took off her outer coat and draped it over the man
The wolves seemed to die off now, but the power still surged like hot magma through her. Achyls shook Nyr off of her with some force of magic. She threw her power at the girl, disinterested in her struggles. Snapping her head to look at her, she was obviously not herself. Her eyes had an unnatural shine, blackness around them.

"You will leave me be! I will prove my worth!" she growled, turning to face both Ward and Nyr, a terrifying tone in the way she spoke. It was as Nyr feared for herself, to lose control of what you have a hold on. Having such a destructive horror invade Achyls was not how it should have worked.

While it still coursed in her, the energy around her appeared as if a last stance. Now it was over, there was no more need for it. The darkness had hold of her mind, but her body was no longer possessed.

Achyls lips and hands quivered in fear of what her darkness was next to do. Her eyes glazed over with a light grey sheen, and she stumbled a few paces. Her heart was pounding, everything in her mind blurred and blemished by her own abilities. In a desperate attempt to take control back, she forced the energy back into her body, but the pressure was unbearable. She could no longer take it, and collapsed to the ground, her body sending itself into recovery.
" Achyls! " Nyr yelled as she darted away from Ward, even though she barely had the strength to walk the fear and adrenaline gave her the power she needed to rush to her sister. As she knelt down before her she saw the unbearable pain she was going through. Closing her eyes for a moment she looked up in the sky and pleaded.

" Mother Moon! I will use this gift for now as a blessing! Let me soothe the darkness in the soul of my friend! "

The winds roared in response, enveloping the dread ravel with their grace. She then placed her two hands over the forehead of Achyls and she began to channel her last bits of strength. She hissed in pain as the wounds she were bleeding from now burned with agony but she pushed on. As she channeled the soothing power of the moon she slowly started to change: first her wings then her clothes and finally her hair slowly lost their heavenly white color, returning to the ebony black as the originally were.

As the last bits of the moon power was gone from her body she panted heavily, looking at her sister who now seemed to be calmer.

" I will not lose an another sister... " she whispered to her and then blacked out from her wounds and exhaustion, falling next to Achyls, holding her hand tightly.
Leo shifted his legs as Leia made for the man and placed her coat on him. He turned back to Tigerius in disbelief, then back to the man. His body scarred from the places he had been wounded, Leo wondered if they were permanent or if they would fade with werewolves healing abilities. Leo slowly hovered over the Otto and slowly lifted him out of the dirt careful not to let Leia's coat slip. His eye nearly spilling with tears he checked the young man. He was indeed alive, the steady beating of his heart evidence of that. He looked to Luness and then Leia "Thank you my friends. We have accomplished what I thought to be impossible." Leo stood and looked down at Otto who shifted a bit in his arm. It was then the wind picked up and brushed against Leo's face. He looked up and around the edge of the quarry, something wasn't right. He looked to Tigerius "Something is wrong, we must find the others." He looked to the road they had taken down into the quarry and began to head for the entrance hoping to find the others at the top finished with the Otto's minions.

Luness pawed at the man laying before them. He did not move, merely lay breathing in the dirt. As Leia came over and placed her coat on him, she turned her head quickly having not realized the man was not wearing cloths. once satisfied with his cover, she went back to examining him until Leo came over and picked him up. She was happy to see that she had been able to help out in the fight and bring one of Leo's companions back to him. She to noticed the airs scent when the breeze came to them. When Leo gave the word to head back out of the quarry, Luness what hot on his trail.
Ward sighed with relief. The wolves had long scattered, confused and lost. Now he was left with two unconscious casters. Changing back into a gryphon he somehow managed to nestle them both comfortably on his back, one girl in the crook of each wing, and both were raised, like a swan holding its signets. He had a flashback of doing this before...Nyr had passed out in the giant's forest just like this. Slowly he made his way back in the direction of the quarry. As he walked his mind was filled with concern. Nyr seemed very attached to this new enchantress, but Ward was a little less sure. She seemed more dangerous than anything. This was not the first time she had threatened his friends, he wondered how easy it would be to travel with her.

It seemed to take an age but finally he scented Leo and Tigirius and sent them a keening eagle call.

"Over here!"

Tigirius approached him first, with Leia close behind. When Ward saw the small human form in Leo arms he looked concerned.

"Is he?.."

"No my friend. He lives. We have done it." Tigirius answered, a broad smile on his feline face.

"Good. Nyr and Achyls will be alright too, given time. I suggest we return to the palace."
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Elena awoke after her fever broke. She checked the windows and knew by the position of the sun in the sky that the others should be back soon if all went well and they weren't back already. She looked to her necklace, which hadn't done anything odd yet so she was assured they weren't in any more trouble than they intended to get into.

Elena got to her feet and started down the halls and back out the door, to wait out on the steps. She felt her limbs stuff and weaker but refreshed all in all. She had a bad feeling though that a sum of the party members would need some medical attention, so she was ready to help.
Leo looked over the group as they finally found Ward and the others. He was releaved to see that everyone was in one piece, though a little worst for ware. He wanted to begin exspressing his gratitude for the success of their plan, but there was a time for that. Leo placed the tips of his claws in under his whsikers and blew an incredibly loud whistle. In a heart beat a dust storm kicked up in the distance and Sawhorse was once again back at their side to take them back to Glinda's castle. He climbed into the cart and once everyone else was seated he gave Sawhorse the signal and they bolted back across the plains towards the castle. Ad if they were awaiting their return, the front gates were wide open waiting for them. Saw horse brought them back to the front steps of the, where the beautiful maidens were waiting along with Glinda. She smiled at them as they pulled up and the maidens moved in to help the others that were hurt.
Ward stepped out of the carriage (he had had to change back into a human to fit) and lifted Nyr and Achyls into the arms of waiting healers. Once they were safe he scanned the front of the palace. Finding Elena waiting on the steps he jogged over to her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, taking her hands gently in his.

Leia stayed by Leo, watching the sleeping figure in his arms. He looked so...young. It was hard to imagine that this guy was the werewolf that had up until recently been the size of a house.

"He is going to be okay right?" she asked, suddenly concerned for him. The spirits hovered nearby, mirroring Leia's emotions in their own way.

Tigirius bowed to the good witch, the smile reappearing on his face. "My lady." Was all he said, he would let his king speak for them and tell their gracious hostess of the outcome of their confrontation.
Elena knew they were close when she saw assistants and the good witch exit as well. She was even more excited when she saw the sawhorse arrive and her group members. In attempts to see over the sea of people, she got up and looked around with widened eyes of curiosity. An unconscious man which she hadn't seen before was her first focus, then the two ravens followed. Then her gaze locked on target. Ward ran up and took her hands, and Elena squeezed them and chuckled in relief.

"Ward! I'm never letting you go into a battle without me again. I was worried." She had with a laugh again, then got more serious.

"I feel much better, thanks to your charm. Thank you. What happened to the girls?" She looked to the ravens.
Nyr slowly started to open her eyes only to see that they were in the palace. Immediately she tried to sit up but then she almost fell back due to the pain she felt because of the injuries she had received. Looking around she could barely see anything, her vision still being blurry. But one thing she immediately noticed...

" I am back... " she said " My old, black self is back. " she then realizing what has happened quickly jumped to her feet. " Achyls! Where is she? Is she all right? " she panicked, running around to find her wounded sister.
Achyls woke to the sound of someone calling her name. She didn't move, her head was pounding and rattling, preventing proper movement on her part. She felt weak. She wanted to get up, to move to the one who called her name, but couldn't. Her eyes were bloodshot and dark around the lids, her clothing torn at or burned from the magic.

"I apologise," she uttered to the healer beside her, "I acted recklessly. Please, there is no need for your service, thank you,". She watched as the healer left the room, leaving her lying with the mother of all headaches and a regret building up inside her stomach. She heard the call again, now only just making out who the voice belonged to.

"Nyr," she whispered, a soft smile blooming at the thought of her safety.
Quincy came to a shuddering, wincing halt as the wolves faded or ran away. She managed to gey back to the carriage without assistance, even though her ankle and calf were more blood than skin. Collapsing into the waiting seat, she barely noticed the trip this time. Others had fared worse- Nyr and Achyls had both passed out- but even as she tore away a piece of her shirt and pressed it against the wound, it wouldn't stop bleeding. It was long and ragged, from the way the wolf had grabbed and then slid down and fallen without releasing its jaws. Her face was screwed up in intense pain, but luckily the trip was short. She hobbled off the carriage, temporarily over looked in the rush to help the three unconscious patients. Uncomfortable and not wanting to interrupt, Quincy plopped down onto a step, unable to walk any further, patiently waiting for a healer to come to her.

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