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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ethan had been at this castle for quite awhile now, contemplating what it was he was to do next. He had been separated from the others in battle and had simply wandered til he found himself in Oz and made his way to Glinda's castle.

It had been a very long few weeks. He had watched for his friends for quite awhile, but eventually, gave up and stopped listening. However, his luck seemed to have changed and now the group had found their own way to the same castle. Ethan made his way toward the kitchen, hoping to make something to eat. Once he stood in the doorway, though, he froze. He recognized the girl in the kitchen. "...Anya?" he asked tentatively, hoping he was correct both to save himself the embarrassment and in hope that he had found his friends. "Anya, is that you?"

(Short post is short x_x)

"Danger has a knack for disguising itself with innocence. Such a wonderful sight too..." she said, allowing herself to be herded back by Ward. Heeding his words, she too wished to prepare for their next endeavour. She looked to Nyr, not wanting to interfere in her discussion with Leo. Quietly, she slipped into the hall once again, taking with her a small bread roll to tide her over. She noted Tigirius and Ward being swamped by fans, and couldn't help a small laugh escaping her. It was a strange sight indeed. She hung around, just to be a spectator of the events, it gave her a well deserved feeling of warmth.
"Hey, you're... Ethan?" Anya asked, turning to look at him. "Hey, It's nice to see you again. How have you been?" She had been snacking on some fruit in the kitchen. Now, she teleported an orange to her, then tossed it to Ethan. "Hungry?" She asked with a wide smile
Ethan nodded, surprised by her teleporting the fruit. "Yeah... Uh, in all honesty, I got lost," he admitted awkwardly. He looked at the orange again. "When did you learn to do that?" he asked curiously. He didn't know what to make of it, really. He hadn't changed since he got there. "Oh. Thanks, by the way," he added suddenly, giving a sheepish smile because he had failed to thank her for the fruit.
" I... but... " Nyr was caught off guard by the sudden hug. At first she tried to free herself but she soon realized that she could not want to break free from the hug of Leo. She surrended to it and closed her eyes as drops of tears poured out of them. She blushed as the big lion enveloped her with his care.

" I am unworthy of such kind words... " she said, hugging Leo back. She wanted to give back all the kindness the leonine guardian. She felt almost like hugging her own father, so safe she felt in his arms. She could not say more - she did not want to say more. It was selfish, she knew it but she wanted to enjoy this moment as long a she could.

It felt so good.
Any motioned for him to sit by her. "Bradburn, there was a huge battle, though I started figuring it out just after I met you." She told him. She wondered if he'd discovered his powers. Or if he even knew about the huge battle with the dark forces they'd faced with Briar.

"You know, we all thought that you left, or had found away back to the real world, I mean, back to our world." She added. It seemed a good idea to tell him why they hadn't gone off searching for him.
He nodded slowly. He hadn't had a clue about the battles or his powers. "I could see how you'd think that," he said with a nod. He didn't blame them in the least for not looking for him - why would they? Even if they hadn't assumed Ethan had found a way home, he wasn't a big loss. "Well, we're all back together now. How is everything with you guys? Where are the others?"
"Actually, I'm not certain. Do you want to go look for them?" Anya asked, she paused for a moment then focused on Ward. For some reason, he and Elena were easy to find, something about them made their presence stronger. She could take a guess at what it was, but it sounded a bit corny to her. She was pulled towards the guardian, and stood, motioning for Ethan to follow her. "They must be out in the guardian. Oh, I think I saw the dragon and Quincy with some healers, earlier, too."


Ethan nodded. "Alright, let's go," he said, willing to follow. He was anxious to get back to the others. Exploring the castle had come to bore him and he was eager to make sure the others knew that he hadn't abandoned them or died. He didn't remember them well, he had to admit, but they had fought to protect him along with the others and offered him help without so much as an odd look. He didn't want them to think he didn't appreciate it.
Leo gave the girl one more squeez and then released her. He reached into his satchel and found a bit of cloth he had yet to use to filter liquids into his vials. He handed it to her and sighed as he stood. "Nonsense little one. It was merely what needed to be said. Come to me if you ever need me, I will always be here to listen to you and set your mind at ease." Leo looked around the small alcove and noticed the others had gone. He gestured to the gate that he had entered through earlier, once outside he gave Nyr another reasuring smile and headed for the grand hall once again. He noticed the crowd that had gathered and was bombarding Ward and decided to follow Tigirius's suit and went around to another entrance. The entranc brought him to the kitchens side entrance. He apologized to the staff in the kitchen and grabbed a small plate of food as he brushed pass them. He made his way back to the hall and then up to the rooms. Instead of heading into his garden room, he stopped outside of Ottos room and made his way inside.

((soon as everyones ready we will jump to the next day.))
Anya smiled and pulled Ethan out with her to the garden, searching for the others, on the way out of the kitchen, however, they passed Leo. Anya nodded and smiled to him, but he seemed to be in a hurry, so she didn't speak with him. When they got out there it seemed that the others had mostly left, so she sighed a little bit, and turned to Ethan, "It seems we missed the party, hmm?"


((I'm fine with skipping whenever, honestly.))
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Nyr's heart swelled with hope and love and headed after Leo and the others. There seemed to be a small commotion so she decided to take wings and flew inside the building via an open window. When she landed in the great hall she looked around, only to find nobody around. Nodding to herself she headed back up to the room where she had found Achyls previously after the battle and sat down on a bed, contemplating on what had happened.

She was overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the past day: how they released Leo's friend from the darkness, how she nearly lost her sister again, how everything seemed to be cheerful and bright even despite the darkness that loomed above them.

But more importantly she tried to figure out if her " white self " was gone forever or not.
Quincy accepted the affection, in fact, she welcomed it. She allowed herself to lean against him, looking up happily. “And Im glad you had the sense to stay put." She teased softly, reaching up and poking his nose gently. A playful gleam showed in her eyes, despite her tiredness. It had been a long day, but it was good to spend time with him again. In the back of her mind, a voice reminded that the next day was coming fast, but she ignored it for the time being.
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Alexander smiled at her and squeezed his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, well, a sleepy dragon is the fastest way to get a dead dragon, and I thought of someone who may not appreciate that." He said, kissing the top of her head, then resting his head on hers. He was glad that she did not reject his advances, though he felt terrible about not doing much more during the battle, but there was nothing he could do now but be ready for the next fight, and enjoy his time with Quincy.
Quincy chuckled softly, turning her gaze to the gardens below. She took in every detail, in turn, from the green of the grass to the pattern of the cobblestone walkways. It was beautiful and peaceful, truly a place a good witch could call home. Her eyes stayed on the tranquil scene while she listened to Alexander's heartbeat, a little slower than her own. "Did you sleep poorly? Or was it just too soon to wake up?" She inquired, trying to hide the concern in her voice. Trying to ignore the fact that she felt concern, that was a more accurate statement. It was perfectly fine to be flirtatious, even to have a casual relationship. But the kelpie felt herself sliding down the same slippery slope and into the orifice she had fallen down once before, and she knew just how hard it was to pick yourself up and climb back out. With so much racing through her head, she made sure to keep her thoughts hidden from Alexander's abilities, unsure of how he would react if he overheard.

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((This will be my last for the night. Continue on with your conversations just goona go ahead and do the time skip.))

After only a short time Leo sat himself down on the wall that was adjacent to his room. As if the rooms where alive, the floor around where Leo sat began to change into a small lush grassy area. It would be sufficient enough for him to regain his strength for the following day. He gave Leia a smile and a good night and watched as his vision changed to its white back ground and the room with Otto and Leia fadded away. His mind probed around and waited for Lily to make her normal approach. But the spirit did not show herself. Leo began to wonder where she could be and called to her but there was no answer. In his mind he stood in the white area of no corners or entrances or exits. As he spun around the area, he finally noticed there was something different. A single door before him. Leo smiled, this must be one of Lily's games he thought. She would sometimes be in a playful mood and wanted to toy with Leo during their times together. Leo reached for the door and swung it open. His smile disappeared all to quickly. His eye widened, his mouth dropped agape, he released the door and stumbled backwards. The figure of a young girl with brown hair pulled into two braids down each side of her head. She wore a somewhat older style dress that matched her sky blue eyes. She clicked across the floor as here sparkling silver shoes glided her across the white surface of his mind. Leo crawled backwards, to his horror his body had changed. No longer the large wall of muscle he had sculpted from years of intense training, he was much weaker and his mantle much smaller. The biggest change was his eye, it had returned to him. He starred with both his eyes at Ruby as she stepped closer and closer. Finally she stopped and began to smile, but her smiled did not stop at the corners of her mouth. It became jagged and stretch across her face like a horrific jagged cut. Her eyes began to darken and suddenly burst into a fiery white glow. She stretched out her right arm and a scycle appeared, its blade jagged and rusted with what he could only determine was blood. She titled her head in a grotesque manner and began to laugh. He laugh did not sound like her own, but sounded much more like one that had belonged to a straw stuffed friend. "Awwwww look at the little lion man. The Coward King." The smile faded and changed into a horrific frown "You shouldn't have come back coward. She knows your here, and it wont be long before she takes back the werewolf, and then takes what she should have from you." The horror that stood before him lifted the scythe high into the air, its face once again returning to its sickening grin. "See you soon, LEO!!" With its last word, it brought the scyth down on Leo.

Leo never saw the weapons attack. Just as the attack met his flesh, Leo felt the strange push of Lily out of his own mind. As he came back to the conscious world, he let loose a roar that shook the bedroom. Frantically his eye shot around the room, falling on the figure standing before him. His long, lanky body covered in a greatly over sized night gown that one of the maids had changed him into. The young man sat down in front of Leo, his face calm and collected as the daylight sun streamed inform the open window behind him. Finally after Leo had caught his breathe, Otto looked at Leo with concern "You saw him to, didn' you. You saw Crow?"
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Elena stayed outside in her separate place for a few hours until the sun abandoned its shift in the sky. She had sparred more with the lawn, despite Wards telling her it wasn't a worthy opponent. She chuckled at the thought. This time however, she gave herself a less than easy shadow opponent and her own moves progressed to make use of her speed, agility, and flexibility to compensate for her lacking muscle mass and physical strength. Then she ended by sprinting around the lake. Having just recovered from an illness, an exercise that would leave her tired left her barely making it to her room and too exhausted to change, but happy. The more she practiced, she stronger she would be. Elena finally ended up in bed, heavy eyelids dropping and allowing her to fall into a blissful sleep to prepare her for the next battle.
(I apologize for my prolonged absence, I shall now resume)

During the battle, Ashley stayed behind for her own personal safety and to not worry the group. Because of her delicate condition, she would most likely be targeted first and that was something that neither she or the group wanted. All she could do was hope and pray that her companions would be alright. Hopefully she could make herself useful at the next battle and the sooner they got back home, out of Oz, perhaps she can start putting more thought in her future as a Mother, seeing how a few of her companions were concerned with her travelling so consistently, most likely causing them to doubt her abilities as a Mother. Seeing how they found her alone, do they know that she is a widow? Or should she tell them? What to do, she wondered as she relaxed in bed, gently caressing and holding her belly.
Achyls had her fill of entertainment, and wandered up to her room, poking her head round Ashley's door to make sure she was okay. She smiled at the sight of her half asleep, before continuing to her own room. She settled down on the bed, sprawling out her wings like some great beast. Finally at peace, she felt sleep drift over her like a soft blanket. As it settled on her, her mind lay at bay, for the first time in what felt like forever. She felt free, but an inkling told her it would not last long. There would always be another battle. There always was another battle. Whether in her head or on the field, she would have something to overcome. But for now, she was silent, peaceful, allowing herself to drift calmly into sleep.
Ward tried the room that had been prepared for him. It was wonderful! A large half-moon basket that filled nearly the entire room. The basket was filled with a down duvet, the scent of feathers bloomed in the air as he sank a talon into the deep covers. He climbed into it gingerly, then thought for a moment and shrunk back down into his human form. He nestled against one of the edges of the giant nest, pulling the covers up to his chin. Already his eyes were growing heavy and it wasn't long before sleep took him.

Leia only moved from her spot to get food, after that she went right back to watching Otto. This was for multiple reasons; one, on the really tiny off-chance that the things that had had control over him wasn't entirely gone, but mostly it was because he looked so vulnerable. This was a kid, and the fact that the witch had done what she did to him made her blood boil.

Leia awoke the next morning to a fearsome roar. She lurched back, the chair toppling sideways with her still in it.

From her landing point on the floor she saw the covers of the bed get flung back and the young Otto jump out of bed.

"Hey!" Leia righted herself and followed the boy.

Leo sat against the wall of his room when she arrived. Otto spoke and the only thing that made sense was 'Crow'.

"What er, who's Crow?"
Leo stared at Otto. The contents of this nightmare was not what left him speachless, it was the fact that he had a night mare at all. Otto could see the distress in Leo's eyes so turned to the young girl that was in the room with them "Crow is the earth spirit that took over the Scarecrows body ad joined us on our original quest. He did not have a name so we just called him Crow. Leo reached and grabbed Ottos arm. He braced himself on the wall behined him and lifted himself to full hieght. He looked down at the two of them and made for the door. Otto turned back to the girl and suddenly his serious demeanor was completely gone. He stretched a smile across his face as large as he could and turned back to the girl. "I'm Otto!! It's nice to meet you!!" Leo poked his head back through the door and looked at the two of them. "Make sure everyone is awake, get them down to the dinning hall immediatly." Ottos ears perked up as Leo spoke and he rushed out the door. Even before he was on the otherside of the door he hed changed into a small black wolf with piercing blue eyes. HE ran up and down the hall barking and yipping at each door making as much happy noise as he could. Once he was satisified with his work he bolted downstairs where Leo had disapeared to. He found him waiting in the dinning hall with Glinda, who he got so excited to see he jumped up on her witho thinking to change back into his human form to give her a hug.

Luness had made her way to bed early the night brior. Dodging giant werewolfs had taken alot out of her. It wasnt until the barking and yipping the followiingmorning that she woke with a start at the sound of a wolf runnign through the halls. She jumped from her bed and threw open the door to see the little black figure disapear down the hall. Withouth thought she shifted and gave chase to the dog until they ended in the dinning hall. As she aproached the others, she relized that this must be the werewolf from the night before. She was amazed to see such a change in physical and mentality. She took a seat at the large table in the room and looked to the grown ups in the room, "Whats with the loud wake up?" [/color]
Achyls woke abruptly at the sound of yapping. She bolted upright, the light seeping through her window giving her a small indication of time. Strange, she felt refreshed, ready to face the next challenge. Heading out the door, she followed the barking down to the dining hall. She sat at the table, scanning the room to see just who was around. She said nothing however, and simply waited for the others to arrive, taking in the beautiful surroundings of the palace.
Elena had another dreamless night before a large roar fished her from her slumber. Concerned, she looked around and lit her lantern to see better. Quickly changing into her washed clothing which would need to be replaced soon enough, she tiptoed out of her room, sword materializing in her hand. As she approached the dining hall though, the skinny and formerly lifeless looking man scurried down the hall, Elena barely dodging as he made his quest, enthusiastically announcing a meeting. Still more than a little frazzled by his appearance, she continued into the Dining Hall and took a seat, offering a curious glance at the raven she had never really spoken to before, than looked back to the entrance in wait.
After resting for a while Nyr decided to head downstairs. As she walked through the enormous halls she finally arrived in the dining room. She was still absent minded and was just moving instinctively and sat down beside Achyls at the table. She however did not even notice this, so lost she was in her thoughts. The balance of light and darkness... what did it mean? And how could the two ravens connect back there in the heat of battle? She did not even know that it was possible... she just had a feeling that it would work.

But why?
The night before Anya and Ethan had arrived as everyone else seemed to be dispersing, not wanting to interrupt anything, she turned to the boy with such curly hair and said, "Maybe you should wait to meet them again until morning? I'm gonna head up to bed now, need help fining your room?" After he responded, she nodded, and they went up to their rooms.

The next morning, Anya was jolted awake to the sound of a dog yipping happily. She groaned, then jolted up, looking around her room and wondering if that was Pancho, her dog from back home. It didn't take long to see that this room was not her own, and she realized again how badly she missed the other world. The other humans all seemed to be finding their places here, and taking up the idea that they may not leave. None of them had said so directly, but she got that feeling from them- especially from the way that they talked. She sighed a little, rubbing her eyes and then streaching out.

Before she left her room she redressed for the day, still wearing her jeans underneath of a simple long blue dress with a plain, dark leather corset to make it fit her correctly. It seemed to warm to pull on her bomber jacket over the top, but she pulled it on anyway. It was a gift that her great-grandfather had gotten during WWI and had passed down through the family until she ended up with it.

After dressing, Anya headed out the door to go find Ethan, then head on downstairs. She ran her hand through her now-shortened hair and wondered how long it would take to grow it out again. It reminded her to be careful in Fablewood, because even the most logical of thoughts could have unforeseen consequences if they were deemed to be 'bad' behavior. When she got to the door that seemed to belong to the boy, according to her gift, she knocked. Surely he was already awake after that stupid dog ran through making such a ru


"No, it was more like too soon to wake up. I don't sleep often, but when I do I could sleep for days at a time. I knew it was a bad idea to go on and try to sleep before a battle but I was exhausted," Alexander told Quincy the night before with a slight shrug. The dragon tried very hard not to listen in on her mind, he could tell that for some reason he was not invited at the current moment. After a while, he told her that he was going to try to sleep again, trying to get into a more human sleeping pattern- one that was by no means normal for him or his species. He gave her a kiss goodnight on her cheek, and told her to get that wound taken care of.

The next morning the Roar of Leo most certainly did not wake Alexander, and neither did the dog barking. What did was his hunger, as he had failed to eat for most of the day before. He got up and straightened his scarf so that it would not get caught on anything, or cause him to fall. After that he made a half hearted attempt to straighten his hair before making his way downstairs to the dining room. He fell heavy into his seat beside an empty chair where he assumed Quincy would later sit. His eyes still looked quite tired, and he immediately reached for food, not truly processing the others at the table yet.


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