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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Mitchell had been walking for what seemed like an eternity, and his leg pain had worked its way up his spine and was giving him a dull throbbing headache that was becoming more acute every second. He was aware of a barrier lifting, voices speaking, 'the human world' whatever that was supposed to entail. He muttered a few times, not even knowing himself what he was trying to say until the strangest sensation overtook his leg that made him feel strangely better. He finally took in his new surroundings in-depth and saw things that took aback. Most noticeably the water that seemed to move like a mind of its own, the strange silhouettes of people gathering, two seemingly normal humans in front of him. It was all a bit shocking, but he remembered himself and his manners, and knew he owed gratitude to these people if nothing else. "Um... hi, uh, my name is Mitchell... let me say thank you, whatever that was that y'all just did, it, it really helped. I don't suppose, you could tell me where, uh, I am? I am kind of out of it..."

Stumbling over himself seemed stupid as heard himself, but he was not unafraid to admit to himself that his stress level was slowly climbing, and he hoped he was safe enough where he was.
"Whoa there, take it easy." Leia took his arm so he could lean on her if he needed to. "Maybe you better sit down." She lead him over to the carriage. "Trust me, if you're seeing strange creatures, you're not as out of it as you think you are." She paused for a moment. "I'm not sure how to tell you this...but well...you're not in Kansas anymore." It was only after the fact that she truly realized the irony of that statement.

"Just rest a bit...and try not to freak out." She said with a reassuring smile. She leaned over to ward and whispered. "Let's down play the life-threatening danger part until he gets used to being here."

"That may be a bit difficult soon Leia." Ward answered her. "Remember that our new enemy has been able to breech Glinda's barrier..."

"Hmm, you're right," Without a second thought Leia removed the pearl from her pocket and slipped it into Mitchell's hand. 'This sounds crazy right now, but no matter what happens, don't lose this."
Excalibur lay her eyes upon the group of travelers and her hopes raised. They looked and felt different to her from the others in Fablewood. 'Are they?' She thought as she increase her walking speed to a brisk walk, eventually going to a full run. 'They are!' She thought. "Wait!" She called out as she ran to them only to trip and fall spectacularly on her her face. "Owww..." She mumbled from the ground as she tried to stand up.
Mitchell listens without answering back, narrowing his eyes at the mention of not being in Kansas anymore, and gratefully sits down as he begins to feel a bit of nausea come on. He feels the smooth object placed in his hand and looks at it for a second, not knowing what to make of it before he turns up to the guy that called himself Ward, "um, uh.. I mean I..." He quickly shuts up and shakes his head a bit and then nods to Ward without a word, taking to rolling the smooth sphere in his hand as he contemplates the ground as his left leg become to move up and down restlessly. He is jerked up by the sound of a pretty harsh slap of contact as he sees someone standing up, he only allows himself to swallow a bit and turn back to the ground with eyes widened a bit.
Anya accepted Otto's help up into the carriage, and waited for the others to join, then noticed Leia's distraction as the other girl left to go meet the new human. Anya looked out of the little window in the cart and watched them mingle, her friends trying to comfort the new boy with his dazed realizations. She wondered if he'd take a liking to Fablewood as quickly as Elena and Leia seemed to have. Content to watch she stayed where she was, waiting to take off for the next battle.

The poor guy doesn't even know where he is, and now he's probably going to get drugg off to save the world. Weird.

Then she saw the blonde girl running over, based on the fact that she wasn't wandering around in a daze, Anya guessed her to be from Fablewood. She wondered who the newcomer was, someone famous? Some new creature? Maybe it was Cinderella, she certainly lacked enough grace.
It was Ward who noticed the girl approach and when she fell he winced sympathetically and jogged over. He helped her to her feet again, steadying her with a strong hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked. It seemed luck was with them. They were about to face one of their toughest battle yet and it seemed that fate deemed it fit to send them two new companions.

He watched her for a moment and then made a guess. "You came here looking for the humans, am I right? The ones that were summoned here to help fight the ShadowWood?"

He led her through the gates to the front court of Glinda's palace. "You had better meet the rest of us then. I am Ward."

((For reference to our 2 new recruits, the 'Lore' tab also has a list of supporting characters, characters like Otto and Tigirius are not permanent characters so they don't appear on the profile page. They are under 'Lore'. In 'settings and locations' you can also find pictures of the places we visit. Oz is there along with Glinda's palace.

I'm afraid I have to go for tonight, @zCrookedz feel free to shadow puppet Ward and Leia as necessary.))
((This will be my last for the night. Im gonna get us rolling towards Scarecrows Tower, for the our new guests feel free to hop into the carriage, im sure folks will be happy to fill your characters in as we go.))

Leo watched as they helped the young man. He was glad to see yet another human amongst their ranks, the more power weilding humans the better. He was about to head back to the cart when he saw Ward take off in another direction. Unblievably yet another person had turned up it seemed out of nowhere. This one however was not human, her scent drifting over the breaze was to much like a natural scent of Fablewood. Leo fished through his pocket for another marble sized Perl and began trecking over to Ward and the new girl. He stopped a few short feet from her and eyed her. She was an actractive young girl covered in the dirt of the earth from her tumble. Leo bowed his head gracefully to the young woman "Welcome to our band of mismatched heros mylady. I am Panthera Leo, but you may call me Leo. If you are indeed here seeking the humans, then you have arrived at the correct location, and i insist you take this perl. We are currently not in a safe way behined the barriers of the caslte and this will guard your mind. " He smiled to the girl once more before turning to Ward. "We should be on our way my friend." Ward motioned to the girl and followed Leo back to the cart. Once he arrived he looked to Otto to give the signal. The young werewolf had been glancing back and forth with his big goofy grin, but once he saw Leo he took a deep breath. He let loose a mornfull excited howl to let everyone know that they were ready to leave. Leo climbled up to front of the carriage, while Otto helped others into the cart. Once he was satisfied with everyones placement he jumped over the seat and landed next to Leo. He gave leo a toothy grin before Leo gave the signal "Alright everyone, for our knew commers, everyone hold on rvery tight." He turned forward and gave Sawhorse the signal. The little horse reared up and bolted across the ground like a lightning bolt. Otto grabbed hold of the side until they got going and then shifted into his wolf form. He stood with his front paws on the edge of the cart, lifting his heads into the rushing wind, his tongue flapping in the breeze.
Elena exited the Dining hall a bit after the others did. They seemed merry, but she couldn't find herself to be on that same mental plain. Her concerns were with the ability of breeching Glinda's wall, a problem she thought of immediately after arrival but left alone until then. She thought back to her training the night before and even previous to that and sighed. Hopefully it would make her more reliable a member. She exited to find two new people. One was a guy.. Obviously human. The other had an essence like that of Ward and Nyr. She was a beautiful blonde. Elena smiled at the two and she entered the cart silently, thinking for a moment that she forgot a pearl.
Upon seeing the two newcomers, Ashley shied away, holding her belly protectively as she did so. It wasn't that she wasn't interested in talking to them or anything, she just found herself more careful around people that she wasn't familiar with. Even though she will warm up to them soon. The new girl was beautiful and the new boy was handsome, that much she couldn't deny. Oh well, she sat out last battle, it was only right that she participated in this next one. Perhaps her daughter would be just as beautiful if not prettier? Only time would tell, she supposed. Her Archery Skills were still set, so she didn't worry too much. As long as she fought at a distance and not up close, everything would be fine. Otherwise, she'd be putting her child in danger. Suddenly, she found herself drained of energy. Perhaps she just didn't get enough sleep last night. Curse that insomnia and the vivid dreams that would often awaken her...She then rested her head onto Elena's Shoulder, who was close to her. Unconsciously, she began caressing her belly and was still holding it for the most part, as if it hurt...

@Bea Delaine
"...Thank you." She said as she was helped up by Ward. "My name is...Excalibur...yes I came looking for the humans..." She said hesitantly as she brushed the dirt off her clothes. She took the pearl and climbed onto the carriage, remaining silent unless she was talked to. 'These people...might be my best chance of finding...him...' She thought as she looked out the carriage, resting hher back against the carriage seat.
Mitchell was silent throughout the the following exchange and found himself shuffling forward into the carriage with no real knowledge as he took in the faces around him. His left leg remained restless as he seemed to remain in deep thought as they started to move. He had slipped the, what did they call it, the pearl into one of his button up pockets beneath his vest and held tightly to his pack that he had landed with and was unwilling to let go. He simply took in the sites that passed them on their way, including where he had last found himself, and just seemed to wonder silently to himself for the moment.
Elena awoke from a phased out state of mind as something touched her shoulder. It took self control to not jump, but she relaxed when she realized it was Ashley. Elena smiled inwardly at the tired mother, and brushed a strand of red away from the others face. She seemed exhausted, but she seemed so devoted and kind and maternal. Elena felt a twinge of jealousy for the little one to come, and maybe for the mother as well.

"Hey.. Rest for now, and if you need help later, I'll take care of you and cover you if needed.. So be easy on the little one?" She said quietly.

"How have you been feeling?"
Ethan eventually went to the carriage, picking a spot beside Anya. He looked down at the bracelet again, curious about what he might be able to summon but unwilling to do so here and now. He glanced at the girl as the carriages started moving. "So," he ventured, "Where are we headed? ...And am I terribly likely to get lost again?" The second part was more a joke, but he only very weakly hid the implication of legitimate anxiety at the thought. He didn't want to be alone again, and actually found himself relieved to have the ruffian band all together again. He had missed the talk about the Scarecrow's Tower during his talk with Leo.
"Thank you, Elena. I really appreciate it." Ashley sounded content and happy. Seeing that Elena was encouraging her to rest, it would help since she didn't sleep well the previous night. "You're right, I should take it easy for the little one. I feel like it won't be long until I get to hold my little bundle of joy..." Ashley replied. When Elena asked about how she was feeling, Ashley took a deep breath through her nose. "Restless, anxious...But yet, so tired." She answered. "I just...I just don't want to sit idly by and let everyone do all the work. I'd feel bad if I didn't contribute in some way."
Anya watched the newcomers curiously, and smiled a bit at Ethan when he came out. "I believe we are off to find Crow, uh... the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, you know?" She asked, she imagined that the Fablewoodians among them would find it strange- or insulting that their stories were nothing more than entertainment in the other world- and were terrible misguided and wrong at that, so she didn't mention it was a movie.


Alexander woke up in time to join the others in the abnormally large carriage. He climbed in then turned to help Quincy inside, he hoped to use the long ride to help himself wake up, but soon found himself dozing again, his head falling to Quincy's shoulder, then jolting upright just to drift back to her shoulder a few minutes later.

((Seriously, poor sawhorse, this thing is carrying, like, 10 people in one carriage, what?? Haha! Also sleepy Alex won't last much longer, I promise. It's just amusing to me, and dragons seem like the hibernating types.
:) )
He nodded slowly. "Okay, yeah. I see, I guess. And what are we doing there...?" he asked curiously. He frowned, glancing out the window. Why would they be looking for the scarecrow? He was just that - he knew the story. No brain and all that. He didn't understand the logic. Mostly because he didn't realize how important all this really was.
"Well, we're trying to... fix him, hopefully, I suppose. Like with Otto." She stopped with that, not wanting to upset Leo or Otto by talking about it too much, she knew these subjects would probably be sensitive, and honestly she didn't feel right explaining it, having not been a major player in the last story, nor having suffered the same amount of pain at the hands of the witch as Otto, Tigerius, and Leo, nor having the same level of attachment to those involved. She felt like someone else should tell Ethan the story, for now she figured he knew what he needed to know.

"Basically, when we get there, if it looks evil it probably is. By that, I mean if it attacks you, either fight back or run and find one of us," She paused to motion around the carriage, "And we'll help you fight. It seems that around here darkness means evil. But... apparently imps don't." She motioned next to her now short hair that she had lost when finding a gift for Elena back in the winter wilds, a punishment for judging an imp to quickly and electing initially not to free it. Of course there could have been worse punishments, but she remembered the mistake, now, and it hadn't truly hurt her.
(Holy cow, thats a lot! Lol)

Quincy rode quietly in the carriage, listening to the two newcomers converse with the others. She didnt engage them, not yet, but she watched their mannerisms. She needed to know how to approach them if the need came. She felt a soft touch on her shoulder, followed by a little weight and then it was gone. Her eyes darted over, finding Alexander falling asleep again. She laughed lightly, and the next time his head hit her shoulder, she reached up and ran her other hand through his hair, gently keeping his head on her. If he needed to sleep, he should, and being a pillow wasnt all that bad.
Mitchell snapped out of his stupor that had been making him unfocused and finally and allowed himself to observe those around him. He did his best to remain unnoticed as to avoid any trouble on his front, since he still did not understand a bit of what was going on, but something made him voice up at the sound of a fight.

"Um, pardon miss, what do ya exactly mean by fight, if I may be so inclined to ask?" His accent starting to come back in strength as he gained some speaking confidence. "What could y'all be so prepared to go and scuffle with; especially in a haste like y'all were when when I, .. I mean we showed up?" As he inclined his head to the woman that was the other newcomer of this strange group.
"Uh, well, fight. They- Er, we're kind of at war, I suppose. And we're on the way to try and loosen the dark forces hold on Oz, and all of Fablewood. That's what this place is called, by the way. Oh, I'm Anya." She offered the newcomer a hand, politely. She didn't feel like she was explaining this well. This was definitely more Wards thing, but hopefully they'd get it... Or someone else would cut in and save her from her stumbling, awkward explanations.

@SwiftThunder @Sleipnir

Alex felt Quincy's hand in his hair and smiled to himself, Happy to just sleep. He drifted off as he listened to the others talk.
Elena smiled sweetly at Ashley. She was one of the quieter group members. Elena could be considered so as well, and she enjoyed the quieter company once in a while. After a moment of thought about the others position, Elena replied.

"I think you have an important role here. Not every war is about fighting. We can't survive without care givers, or strategists, or even someone who makes us happy in our free time. There are so many roles, you should not feel obligated to strain yourself in order to fit into just one of these roles." Elena answered, sure of her ideal but not entirely sure if Ashley would heed it.

"I'm honestly excited for you." Elena said quieter than before.

"I was born in the slums of southern France and moved before I could enjoy it, not having any long term connections. If I was in your shoes, I would make use of this village you have to raise your child. And we will all be there for you if everyone is still in Fablewood when that time comes."
Quincy turned her eyes to the new human, taking in his appearance and listening to Anya's response. “The land of Oz and all of Fablewood is being destroyed by a horrible darkness. It ruins everything, turns friends into enemies. Simply put, it is evil. The ruler of the land cast a spell that would bring humans to help save us. You are a bit of a late arrival, obviously. In this world, humans can develop amazing abilities, and hopefully you will be willing to aid us in saving our home." She said, adding to the girl's explanation, speaking in as friendly a tone as she could manage. “Quincy." She added, gesturing to herself as an introduction.
Mitchell gladly shook the hand of Anya with as gracious of a smile as he could put on and tries to maintain it as he listens to both Anya and the now named Quincy. "War, horrible darkness, evil, its all quite... immense. Can't say I have ever heard of, any of this before. Well Oz yeah I've seen that, I haven't meet someone who hasn't but the rest of it, I mean goodness. i don't rightly know about all of this, but until I get something better, or I wake up, I guess I can't do much but help make things better for other folk." he allows himself to chuckle before stopping and clearing his throat, feeling a bit on the spot as it were. "I ain't got much in the way of no 'amazing abilities', I mean I can sing alright, I can strum some chords, hunt and stuff and whatever I got in this bad here I mean... um, sorry I'm babbling. I mean to say It's good to meet friendly folks." He stops himself and simply nods while allowing a slight smile to take over as holds tighter to his simple black backpack as he settles down.
Achyls decided not to board the carriage, instead spreading her wings to fly alongside it. Hovering over them, she looked curiously at Excalibur and Mitchell.

"The more the merrier, I suppose," she said under her breath. The boy was much like the others, like Elena and the other humans. But the girl seemed much stranger somehow. She reminded her of FableWood and the woods beyond, it made her smile to think of such places. Achyls then lowered in the air, able now to see the others side on in the carriage.

"I do not believe we've met," she greeted Mitchell, "I am Achyls, a raven,". She smiled a little as she greeted him, common niceties and all that. She perched on the other side of the carriage, careful not to put her full weight on it, for fear Sawhorse would not be able to take the weight of them all.
"Well that's the least I can do. Better then just sitting in bed all day long." The young mother listened as Elena talked about her life prior to Fablewood. In Ashley's case, she was born and raised in this realm, but the one that Elena came from must have been a great place. As the baby kicked her mother's hand, Ashley looked down at her stomach. Unconsciously, she grabbed Elena's wrist gently and placed the other woman's hand on her stomach, where the baby kicked at her touch. She did this often with her late husband, at least until his death.

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