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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The sawhorse, not being a real horse was unperturbed by the weight. Tigirius had to marvel at his strength and stamina. Years back when he had first been cursed to become 'The Hungry Tiger' he would have envisioned the power he sought precisely like that. But despite the price he paid, to always be starving no matter how much he consumed his stamina was still limited.

Leia smiled sympathetically at Mitchell. "Hey, I think you got lucky personally, when I got here all I got to greet me were a bunch of evil giant spiders. If it wasn't for Ward, Nyr and Elena I'd be dead. You know, none of us humans actually had powers when we came here, I dunno it was like this world...just sort of does what we tell it. Elena can control plants, rock and water, Anya can teleport!..and me, have these two." She gestured to the spirits who were floating behind the carriage, winking in and out of thin air like dolphins in the wake of a boat.

Ward who had been sitting nearby Elena and Ashley listened to them quietly. He leaned over and held out the pearl he had fetched for Elena, he had woven it into a strong basket on a cord and this he slipped about her neck, regarding her fondly. He listened to her speak about her previous home, suddenly wishing he could see it. He had to say Ashley's mention of the baby potentially coming soon worried him immensely. Ward watched in wonder as Ashley placed Elena's hand on her belly to feel the baby kick. It filled his heart with warmth. "I swear upon my feathers Ashley, you and your child will be safe." As soon as they stopped Ward had made up his mind to speak to Leo and Tigirius about assigning at least one guard for Ashley. She should not be left alone again.

he leaned back in the carriage and began watching the scenery closely, marveling at how fast the little wooden horse could go. This to keep his mind from a thought that had taken root upon seeing Ashley and her baby, and Elena sitting by them. He tried to ignore it, telling himself he was being silly, but as with most little seeds of doubt, this thought would not be banished so easily.
Nyr, smiling on Leo, stood up as she noticed the new newcomers. As all of them headed towards the carriage she decided to do so too and landed near it with her giant black wings. She then turned to Mitchell first with her smiling expression, and bowed before him.

" It is always an honor to greet an another human among our ranks. My name is Nyr, and I am a dread raven... even though I wish I weren't. I welcome you, Mitchell. " she said " Although the timing might not be the best I am glad that you are with us. Now I feel safer and feel that we have a chance to stand the tide of darkness. "

She then turned to Excalibur and looked at her for a while. For some, unexplainable reason she found her... curious. She liked and loved all her companions but the blonde girl seemed to be different. The air radiated around her with power and she looked seclusive but Nyr thought that to be because of the situation and how quickly she was dropped in the action. Walking up to her she smiled and bowed deeply before her as well.

" I welcome you too, mighty Excalibur. " she said, gazing in her eyes " You are a legend, my lady, power unparalleled. I am glad that you fight at our side. "

She then climbed atop the cart and patted the wood beside her, signaling that there was still some empty place beside her.
Mitchell kept a sociable smile as he was talking to all of those gracious enough to introduce themselves to him, when he was really nothing but a hassle at this point. The more he saw, and the more heard from around him, he honestly did not know what to make of his situation. He could not shake the feeling of having an extremely vivid dream, and he had read how crazy those kinds of dreams could be. He guessed he could only thankful that he found himself in such good company, and not like Leia said, in the center of things that only nightmares could describe. He decided to turn his attention to checking his backpack for anything that survived his wicked trip, or if there was still anything in it. He let out a small sigh of relief as he pulled out a simple sheathed knife that he withdrew from the sheath to examine it for any damage and if his family inscription was still legible, not really stopping to think about what others around him would think about this in his apparent rush.
Achyls leaned in closer, confused by what Mitchell was doing with the knife.

"What are you looking for?" she asked, with a quizzical expression on her face. The knife seemed to have no magical value, so why was he so enthralled by it? It was not much a weapon, surely not worth the time? Either way, she looked curiously between him and the blade, then to Nyr, as if looking for some kind of validation. She then sat on the opposite side of the carriage to Mitchell, finding space between the now enlarged company. Sawhorse was holding up without any particular effort, her weight added would not amount to much more pressure.
Mitchell smiles wider and gains a light light in his eye as he hears Achyls question "This my dear madam, is a priceless heirloom of mine and I figure, seeing where I am in this new world of legends and fables, that I could use it now more than ever. Passed down from Parent to first born or only child, said to be forged in our ancestral homeland with the help of a magical creature or two that is said to help guide our line to our life's work. Inscribed with the first words spoken when the family was formed, 'Cuimhn, fuimus, neart de ar eiliminta ceithre' that will always remind our line of where we came from."

He chuckles for a second and then holds out the knife to Achyls hilt first. "
Which is an all well and good for a story to tell when its passed, but a closer look will show the modern day smith and forge techniques that show nothing but a replica that my dad had made." He sighs again, but a more wistfully. "Ain't nothing as fancy as the tale, but it's a useful tool that holds an edge real nice that will be a help while I'm here... and it does help remind of home and where I got to get, ya know?" He finishes with a grin and continues holding it out towards Achyls, seeming to just admire it.
Nyr's smile vanished as she looked at the knife and Mitchell. With a sour voice she replied.

" It must be a good feeling to have something that resembles your family, something that reminds you of times of old, happier times. " she said " You are wise to keep it, but keep it close to your heart, Mitchell. The forces of darkness are insidious and able to manipulate through artifacts like those, waking visions in your mind should you allow it. Stay resolute and know what is reality and what is not. "

She sighed.

" I know that I may be gloomy, but that is the truth. I have seen the void, darkness eternal - and it will not take pity on anything. " she looked at him with a sour yet determined look " Be careful. We can protect you from any demons attacking you - but your inner shadow is yours to defeat. "
Achyls gaze fixed on the knife, fascinated by its history. She let a smirk bloom on her lips, surprised at Mitchell's talkativeness, and the strangeness of his accent. She followed after Nyr, though she did not listen to what she said, too curious of the knife being held out to her.

"You are much more...intriguing...than at first glance. It is a beautiful piece, indeed. You must come from a noble line," she smiled, reaching a hand out to touch the hilt of the knife. It gleamed in the light, much the pearls the company had been given. She then looked up at Mitchell, analysing his face, while the smile remained on hers.
Mitchell keeps his smile, though smaller, as he remains holding the knife and slowly draws it back and looks to Nyr "I'll have to take your word for Ma'am, I think of myself as not a stranger to doom and gloom, but I doubt it would be anything near what all y'all have faced down before, at least not physically or mentally. As to demons and inner shadows, I'll also have to wait and see exactly how this world of yours twists and presents to me; then I'll be able to answer good ol' Lawrence on if I dream by day or by night... Wow, that sounded a lot better in my head, sorry bout that."

He turns to re-sheathe the knife as he turns back to Achyls. "I appreciate the kind words, and the words for Alpin, the knife I mean, and as to being from a noble line, I would doubt it; I could get into all kinds of stories of mischief and the like, suffice to say that my ancestors were just good at making and keeping friends." Mitchell suddenly suffers from a coughing fit that he does his best to keep silent as he turns away from anyone to keep polite until it passes.
His words about his ancestry only made her more interested in Mitchell's life. Noting Mitchell's sudden fitting, Achyls looked at him with even more confusion.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked, with genuine concern. She could see he was trying to cover it up and did not let it pass.

"You do not need to hide natural reflexes," she informed him, matter-of-factly. Cautiously, she put a hand to his shoulder, attempting the reassurance that Nyr had shown her previously. She could not properly replicate her kindness, but tried her best to make the newcomer more comfortable, especially in a time of small suffering.
Mitchell speaks with a slight rasp as he answers back "Well, natural reflex or not, I still feel a bit guilty if I just started hacking on anyone, heh." He clears his throat once more and tries swallowing to help put down his cotton mouth feeling. "The cough I would blame by getting knocked out and walking up nowhere near where I last remember, but I've also had coughing fits for a few years. I just end up blaming allergies ya know?" He gives his eyes a hard rub over as he rotates his neck while an audible popping sound emergs. "Again, thanks to y'all for your kindness; bad to imagine what I could have woken up to, something worse I'm sure."

Mitchell suddenly gets a questioning look "Say, y'all wouldn't happen to be willin' to tell me some more about this place, I only know the names I've been told, and the fact that people still dig building huge and probably expensive castles and the like; I would honestly love to know more, or at least some basics like, what is this about humans and powers I've heard?" He begins wringing and flexing his hands and fingers as he asks, demonstrating a seeming impossibility to keep still now that his knife is away, and always keeping some kind of friendly look up.
"The best to tell you such would be Ward or Leo..." Achyls said, smiling. She settled back, cross-legged on the seat of the carriage, allowing the others to speak up. She had had her fill of speech for now, and felt it was time for someone of a higher status to speak.

(Sorry for the short post)
Mitchell snaps himself out of his gaining excitement,"Ah.. right, sorry if I made, um, never mind, thank you." he stops himself before he goes on and losing himself to a conversation. He nods silently as he leans back and crosses his arms and his leg begins to bounce slightly again as he looks a bit embarrassed and decides to hold his mouth unless he his spoken too and takes to examining any passing scenery that he can make out.
Elena's attention snapped away momentarily when she felt something fall over her neck. Looking to see the pearl secure next to wards carving, she chuckled a bit. Seems like he knew she would forget. She looked over to Ward and smiled wider.

"I guess if I remembered my pearl, this would have been awkward?" She said in a teasing tone.

"Thank you."

Her attention returned to Ashley when the other seemed in pain, or maybe just feeling something. Ashley took her hand and placed it on her stomach. At first, Elena felt curious and a little intrusive, but then she felt the kicks. Her eyes widened a little and her smile softened as she felt the movement. She wondered if her own mother was ever so proud, or if she herself could ever cherish this, despite the probable pain.

" I think he or she knows the conversation is about them, and is saying hi." She said after a moment, still in a joking voice but now quieter.
Leo listened closly as the group became very talkative with the new comer Mitchell. It had not been a surprise they accepted him so eegarly, the humans from the other world were such a strange thing it was hard not to be curious. Otto was even more curious than Leo, he had turned around from his enjoyment of the wind on his face to sitting and listening to the others talk with he head resting on the back of the seat. Finally after a short time of travel Leo could see the tower before them. The odly coliner shaped tower looked a bit odd in the open fields without its rows and rows of corn around it. The closer they got to the tower the more Leo could make out a very troubling sight, and once they were within the final mile Leo had to yell for saw horse to stop immediatly. The little horse skidd to a stop, trying to make the carts immediate stop as gracefull as he could. Leo stood and held out his hand towards the group "Everyone stay put. DO NOT leave this cart until Tigirius or I say so." He looked to Tigirus "Tigirius, come take a look with me." As leo stepped out of the cart, it swayed back and forth as the large cat stepped to the ground. Still about half a mile away from the tower, Leo gazed over the feild before them and its red inhabitants. Leo stepped up and plucked one of the red flowers from the ground, spinning it in his hand. With the ever so slightest wiff, his head began to feel light headed. Shaking it off and throwing the flower to the ground he crossed his arms. "This is a very intelegnet move for the a nightmare creature such as Crow. How do you supposed we pass through the feild without harm?"
Ethan leaned out, trying to see what was happening. He was curious and reluctant at the same time. He wanted to explore, but at the same time, he knew how dangerous it could be. He finally glanced at Mitchell. "My name's Ethan, by the way. Uh -- I'm in the same boat as you for the most part. Only been here a bit longer and I still haven't found my feet just yet with this place," he introduced himself.
Quincy listened to the conversation, glancing down at Alexander every few moments to make sure he was still comfortably asleep. “I believe the basics are that this world contains the make-believe stories of yours. Ive spent most of my lifespan in the water, so Im not the best person to explain the land." She said casually to Mitchell, before looking up sharply as they pulled to a stop. Leo jumped out, obviiusly agitated, and began to investigate what looked like bright red flowers. “Im not familiar with the Land of Oz, whats going?" She muttered, her brows furrowing curiously.
Achyls turned to see what Leo was investigating. Flowers, bright red in colour, covered the fields. She held a hand to her mouth in awe and surprise.

"I remember these in the stories. The Poppy Field," she gasped, looking to Nyr and Mitchell with wide eyes. They were dangerous in the tales she read. She remembered them being a great force in the books, never did she ever think she could actually see them up close. She desperately wanted to join them on their search, but instead followed orders, as she knew was the correct thing to do.
Nyr crossed her arms as she looked at her sister.

" I have never heard tales about this field, but we should be on our guard. " she noted as she looked around. She did not like the idea of Leo and Tigirius exploring alone... but she felt that they had no choice but to wait. She hated sitting idle but right now the order was given. Looking at Mitchell and then back at Achyls she felt something strange. She had seen her sister happy before but this time it was something different. Fear... for someone.

" Afraid of one our companions being lost? " she sent her voice to the mind of her sister, in order to communicate with her privately " Do not worry, Tigirius and Leo are veteran warriors, they will be all right. "

Without saying anything with words she put her hand on Achyls' shoulder and smiled.
"Don't freak the poor guy out." Leia told Nyr as she spoke to Mitchell. "You'll be fine dude, the safest place to be is here with us." She pondered his question for a moment.

"This place...well, right here her is Oz. I know it sounds crazy but its seriously like, right out of the movie or the books. Leo over there, is the Cowardly Lion. Otto over there? He's Toto." He expression grew a little more serious. "The witch was melted, but the story doesn't end there. Her spirit somehow took over Dorothy, er, Ruby, and the Tin Man and ScareCrow. She got Toto too until we freed him. As for FableWood, well, imagine that every story you were ever told, every mythical creature, every fairy tale character was real. Now imagine that everytime you think about them or dream about them is makes a world. We're in that world. I don't know how its real, but it is. As real as you or me. I know its a lot, but for now, just ride with it. It'll make more sense as we go, I promise."


Ward grinned at Elena's response. "Perhaps, but I like to think I know you a little better than that." He poked his tongue out at her playfully, just as the carriages jerked to a halt and he was nearly thrown over the side. Ward and Leia both looked concerned at the red flower field before them, but Leia suddenly looked afraid.

"Poppies." She said with a dark tone.

@Bea Delaine

Tigirius leapt from the cart at his king's command and stood by him as he examined one of the flowers closely. "Those of the same that the witch used all those years ago."

Leia followed him and chimed in. "Glinda sent a frost to get rid of them in the movie," She offered. Tigirius gave her a withering glare at her disobedience.

"If we burn them the fumes would just be that much more volatile." Tigirius cautioned. Leia just smiled.

"Hey guys, we may not have Glinda this time, but I think I can whip up a frost." Lee appeared over her head mewling happily, eager to try.

Tigirius looked slightly worried. "As soon as we begin an attack I fear our enemies' forces will retaliate with full strength. We should choose the moment carefully."

Anya looked out at the flowers, she wondered if she could get them to the other side, then she looked to those who had wings. "What about flying? Do you thing that could help? I guess that could make us too noticeable, though... but if we came in separated instead of all in one big group... and if Leia could make a thick mist... Do you suppose that would work? I doubt I could make it that far by teleporting so many people at once, so I guess I shouldn't have brought it up."

"I know, dear sister, I know," Achyls muttered to Nyr out loud. She got to her feet and exited the carriage, simply to get a better look of things. She did not dare move forward, for she did not want to be scolded for her actions. Watching Tigirius, she poked her neck out as far as she could without moving her feet, admiring but still fearing the red stained fields before them. She looked with 'fresh' eyes, the whole idea of Oz only properly solidifying itself now

"I believe my wings could take a few people at one time," she called to Anya, gesturing to the size of her large, powerful wings. Anya was truly wise, she never could have thought of such a plan. Looking back to the field, Achyls wanted so to check out the flowers, her self restraint working to its best.
Mitchell felt more uneasy as time passed as he sat and contemplated the bits of discussion he could hear. All the while he began grinding his teeth slightly as he thought. He did not enjoy sitting still while faced with a threat like the one that he has been told about; made him think of nothing but worst case scenarios. Still, he wasn't one to stir the pot, especially at a time and place like this. Instead, he simply sat back with his arms remaining crossed after pulling down his wide-brimmed hat a bit more as he stared off in a random direction, still thinking on and on.
Elena couldn't help but laugh when Ward replied, not to make fun, but in agreement and irony which she felt as she had started in Fablewood trying to reveal as little as possible. Her eyes went to the yard and she watched Leo approach the bleeding field. She frowned a little at the sight and realized where she got this memory from. Opium. Poppies were often myths for a sleeping and hallucinogenic drug as it was in that family. In her world, poppies were harmless to walk through, but where myths lived, she could understand why the others were worried.

"Yeah, I believe you do know me better.." She said softly, now distracted. "Hey. If I cover my face with a cloth and lift the plant, or make it grow away from us, would it work?"
"I am unsure of flying over. We would be too exposed to the tower." Tigirius rumbled. "A mist...that is a good idea Anya." He was impressed with her ingenuity.

"Lee can do mist. No problem." Leia said with a smile.

"Then we split up, two groups flank the tower, one stays in front. Leia will create the mist, and then freeze it. Anya, how many people can you teleport...and could you bridge the distance from here to the tower's base?"

He also looked to Leo to approve or add to the plan. For he would do nothing until the king gave his consent.

Ward's brow furrowed as he gazed at the field. "Assuming they are real plants, and not a magical fabrication...I am not sure." he answered her.
While bonding with Elena, Ashley wondered. Would every one of her companions give her child the love that a real family would? Seeing how Nyr blessed her child, Achyls showing concern, Leo protecting her and Ward worrying for her well-being among others, she would like to think that her daughter would be smothered...With Love. And that was what she wanted. Auntie Elena, Auntie Nyr, Uncle Ward, Auntie Achyls, Uncle Leo...Yup, her little one would be smothered when she is born. Not that it worried the young mother. When Elena talked about her Mother, perhaps she had an understanding of what Ashley was currently going through. "I'm sure she knows that we're talking about her. Perhaps she loves hearing my voice. No wonder she keeps me up at night..." Ashley smiled at the thought. She was blessed to have everyone here in her life now, where she needed it most. Especially since she was widowed three months ago before encountering them. She felt so well loved, but didn't know how to put it into words. While still resting on Elena's shoulder, Ashley yawned before resting her hand on her stomach and all she thought about was resting. At least until it was time to fight or whatever the case may be.

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