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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ethan made his way inside along with the others. He stopped once he entered and had gotten a few feet off to the side, trying to look over everyone to be sure they were all there. He watched everyone filter in, alert for any danger. He didn't feel particularly safe here, but his new 'toy' helped the feeling. But, you know, so did the lion, tiger, werewolf, and dragon. He sighed in a slight bit of relief. It looked to him as if everyone was here, though he didn't remember everyone well enough to be sure, not did he know if they'd picked up anyone new.
Satisfied that Leia was now powerful enough to keep up her spell she dashed after the others, feeling a bit fatigued as she hastened her pace to reach the others. Finally arriving she heard Leo yelling for them to get inside. She then turned her attention from what they were fleeing from but it was not hard for her to spot the murder of crows heading towards them. But in the flack she saw something else: a pair of eyes burning in hatred, almost piercing her.

She knew those eyes all too well. The hatred was almost unbearable as she felt paralyzed for a moment.

" No... it can not be... "

She quickly snapped out of her stupor and hurried inside the building, still looking pale as she saw the monstrous eyes. Knowing well that it was merely a vision it still frightened her. She was shaking and her heart was beating rapidly as she sat down beside the wall to regain her strength. The darkness was indeed menacing.
Ward set his beak and flared his wings, leaping into the air to face the crows.

"Go!" he shouted and cast a spell that charged his body with electricity. His wings beat hard, forcing air beneath him, the charge on his feathers growing. The crow horde stopped in mid air to face him, a writhing mass of black eyes and razor wings. Ward snarled and drew his wings back. He had never tried this before and he hoped against all hope he wasn't wrong about it. Without warning he brought his wings forward, slamming them together. As the current collided it burst out in an enormous thunder clap, sending stray bolts of lightning outwards into the mob. He landed next to him companions, waiting for them all to hurry in before he went after them.

Leia saw the way was clear. Ward had disoriented the massive flock of birds.

"Ok! Lets move!" She charged forward, using Tad to sping a wind tunnel and keep the winkies back from them.

"Follow my lead!" She shouted to the others. "And stay close!"

It did not take her long to reach the tower and she ducked in under Ward's wing, which still crackled and gave off the faint smell of ozone. She would have to remind herself never to make him angry...then wondered if that was actually possible.
Elena heard Wards intense clap and she was shaken out of her focused state, but maintained her power over poppies as she got up and followed in Leias lead. She sprinted forward, speed easily outdoing what she had been before as good rest and training did wonders. As she moved, poppies lifted and tore themselves to the side violently to weed out any of the yellow people. Leia worked her magic as well, and Elena made a mental note to commend her on her abilities later.

When they arrived at the tower, Elena materialized her sword and ducked under Wards wing as well, following in Leias path and waiting for a command or a job of some sort. She would hate to be in the way of Ward and that attack of his.
Quincy lept over the last of the poppies, feeling gladness at being past the field but unable to breathe a sigh of relief because of the danger. She darted under Ward, narrowly avoiding the excess charge coming off his wings. “We're all insane." She muttered, running through the gates and skidding to a halt next to Leo, waiting for his next order.
Anya headed towards the gate with the others, waiting for them to get through before she headed in herself. She warned them to be careful and pulled her daggers to defend against the flock, but the crows seemed to focus on the other groups more than on her group- they probably weren't seen as nearly as much of a threat.

Alexander had made his way through the poppies with those in his group and when he saw the crows. Deciding they oughtn't give away their position on the off chance that they didn't know where the group was already, he followed Quincy inside. He wasn't entirely sure what the point of flanking was at this point, but they were in now.
Seeing tha last of the group entering the tower, Leo gave the giant doors a push and the iron clad doors shut behined them with a large BANG!! He could hear the crows outside screatching and cawing trying to get at them behined the closed doors. After a few moments the noise stopped, and Leo determined they had returned or flew off. Either way, he turned his back to the doors and sighed with relief. The room was dark, Leo could only see people through his cat like eye that could see in the dark. "I dont suppose anyone could give us a light could they?" There was a heart beat of silence when suddenly a voice came from the darkness all around them, "Oh please.....alow me. Anything for my......guessssssssssst" The light started from the oposite end of the room, one tourch at a time flicked into life with a goolish yellow glow. Each one flicked on with the corisponding torch on the oposite end until they reached the torches that sat besides the doors they just entered. Once the lights were on in the room they could see the towers main hall much clearer. The circular room was lined with windows around the edge, yet each was covered in a think dark cloth that drapped from the ceiling from the floor. The room had six pilars that went from ceiling to floor, however each was carnished with chains that looked as if they were trying to choke the stone. Tangled within the chains sat what appeared to be the silouhett of a person, but upon further inspection was only stuffed scarecrow. The collumns lined a tatered and blood stained rug that lead to the other end of the room, where a small throne sat; Its ocupant staring them all with glowing yellow eyes. The creature looked down the row at the group at the door, a sickening grin stretched across his face. "GREETINGS!!! And welcome to my humble abode. I would offer you all seats.....but i would prefer not to have blood on my furniture." The scarecrow began to cackle, echoing through the hall louder and louder. Leo clinched the handle of his ax, his hands begining to shake violently. It had been some time since Leo had felt real fear, but starring down at his form friend, brought the emotion rushing back to him.


((Scarecrows Darkness form))

Ward heard Quincy's comment as she rushed passed him. "You probably right." He muttered and followed her. Ward had a bit of cat-like sight as well and could make out faint objects in the darkness. The little he could make out however did not prepare him from what he saw when the lights came on. The creature before them was terrifying with the sickening grin stretched almost from where his ears would have been had he any. There was also an unsettling manner in which he moved, jerky and completely inhuman.

Leia looked just as horrified. In her mind's eye, the dopey gambling character from the film shattered before the scarecrow that sat before them.

"Ok...in the movie...they way the witch defeated the scarecrow was she had her monkeys take the straw out of his body...without it he couldn't stand let alone fight."

"And I assume the use of fire is strictly prohibited." Ward added, "Lest we reduce the friend trapped under the witch's spell to cinders."

"Right, there's that too," Leia replied.

Tigirius growled and drew his blade. "Enough chatter, let us begin this." With an enormous battle cry he charged forward.
Mitchell could literally feel his pupils dilating as he faced the nightmare that he could recognize as something he had known before as a simple, and good natured fiction. If something could do that to what was a fable, then he did not like the idea of that could of slime getting a hold of him. He did not move forward to engage with the rest, he would wore than likely end up on the curve of that wicked scythe. He remained behind, and he couldn't feel less useful than he did right now. He muttered under his breath as he tried to examine the rest of the room in case anything would try to slink its way to him, not waiting on if this strangely dressed thing would enter the fight or not. He payed particular attention to the pillars and sets of straw that were there for any movement, and then anything slinking in some shadow of a far corner, hoping that he could face whatever might pop up next.
Ethan hung back, eyes wide. He was unsure what to do with himself. The creature before him was fearful, indeed. After several moments, he finally had the presence of mind to grab his bracelet, summoning his new ally. He proceeded to stay back, waiting for whatever it was the gold bangle called. Then through the window swept a great, barrel-chested gorilla, two huge wings sprouting from his back. Ethan spun toward it, eyes huge. All he could muster to say was a flat "What." He grinned, looking over toward the enemy.
Ashley stayed close behind, particularly by Ward. By then, her Bow was ready. But the Scarecrow really frightened her. At this very moment, her thoughts turned to the little one that was still growing inside of her. Would she be able to protect her child from this...Demon? Who knew, she couldn't be dependent on her Companions all the time! The enemy was very intimidating. Good thing she had that Magic Pearl with her in case the creature would attempt to play mind tricks on her.
Anya hung back herself, her swords at the ready. She did not hang back because she couldn't fight, but rather to protect those who had yet to find their abilities, or who were not fighters.

"Well, if fire won't work, I suppose I'll stick to pulling straw." Alexander said, moving forward and trying to assess if he had enough room to turn into his true form. He glanced around to the others, watching what they would do, then turning his fiery gaze back to the scarecrow. If it came to it he was more than ready with his internal fire that always burned within him.
Excalibur watched from behind the group. She regretted being helpless and useless and she was too reluctant to turn into her sword form in order to be of any help. If it did come to the worst situations she would dive in head first with her strength and light and maybe let someone else use her. "Maybe...we should...cut him up..and...throw away...the pieces..." She slowly spoke up from behind the group.
Quincy drew in a low, slow breath as the hall lit up. It came out in a soft, nervous hiss as she stared at the Scarecrow. “Leo, I know he is a former friend, but this is.. what if he is already too far gone?" She whispered, drawing her bow and cautiously nocking an arrow. The massive tiger charged, and in that moment, Quincy noticed Leo's large hands were shaking. Holding the arrow on the bow with one hand, she placed the other on his forearm. “My friend, we are all here beside you. Fear is natural, but you are not alone in it. We stand together, for Fablewood." She spoke briskly, not trying to coddle him, only reaffirming their loyalty to him and their home. Then she turned, ready for the battle ahead.
The Scarecrow's head fell to one side, its sickening grin twisting along with it. It watched as Tigirius came at him in a burst of speed driving his sword at him. "Oh now Tigirius thats no way to greet and old friend." His movement had a very limp expression to them as he raised his arm from beside his throne, scythe in hand. None the less, when Tigirius struck at the creature his arm was able to hold back the feirce attack as if it was made of steel. The scarecrows smile twisted backinto place along with its head as its golden eyes starred deep into Tigirius's "Oh now you i can see very clearly. Your mind betrays your fears to oh great devourer, you fear the huuuuuuunger. Sure you have kept it in check all these years, but what happens went it finally overwhelms you like you know it will. The scarecrows words dripped from his smile like poison in an open wound as he spoke to the great cat. With a cackle the scarecrow used Tigirius's strength to his advantage, jumping into the air above his head and flinging him backwards towards the group by the door. Standing before them the scyth hit the ground with a clatter of noise as his head flopped over to one side starring at the group. To beat The Nightmare of Oz, Glinda sends a group full of fears led by the coward king. She must not like you very much to send so many who are doomed to die by my blade." He was taunting them, Leo could see that. His madness wanted to enjoy killing them one by one, and even more making the others watch as each of them died slowly. Leo looked to Quincy and gave her a smile in appreciation the b slowly readied his ax's and aproached the Scarecrow. With a burst of speed he charged the creature as fast as he could, hoping to catch him off guard in his furrious attack. It was in vain however, as the limp body was so agile it made it hard to hit him. Eventually the scarecrow ended up siting on Leo's shoulders, its legs tight around his neck. Crow reached into a pocket of his wripped pants and tossed a handfull of dust into Leo's face. As Crow jumped from the great lions shoulders, Leo's vision began to swim in and out. This was to soon, he hadn't had time to relay the plan to the others yet, he needed a few more moments before the possie pollen took effect fully. Leo stumbled face first towards the group, desperatly looking up at the group and fixating his one good eye on them "T-t-t-he.......theeee......sp-p-irit...." He hoped it would be enough, as the dark world of his unconsious took him. The last thing he heard was the scarecrow's laughter echoing in his mind.
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Elena entered and felt immediately threatened by the presence in the room. It was dark at first, so the voice which answered Leo was bone chilling. It reminded her of the arch demon. There was a feeling of powerlessness which was overwhelming in the air around her and some of her party. She waited, watching the Scarecrow move. Physical strength might not be its best asset by the limp way it moves, but how it took down Tigirius and Leo implied the Crow was fast, and with intent in each motion. Deadly. Agile too. She also figured out that other than a scythe, the Scarecrow was wielding poppy pollen, by its effects on Leo.

She ran to his aid as he fell unconscious and checked his pulse, but was unable to decipher the meaning of his words. Standing before the fallen Lion, she took no heed to the Scarecrows taunting but prepared to fight him, strategizing with calm and hoping that someone else would figure out what Leo meant soon enough.

She tied the over shirt of hers back over her nose and mouth as a makeshift mask and charged, as fast as she could possibly move. Sidestepping when close enough to the crow, she swung her sword low and angled at its stuffed back. Without sparring a moment to know if it was landed, she leapt back a couple steps and gained forward momentum once again, making a cut at its legs, but landing her hands on the ground and using the momentum to take a kick at its neck, following through with the flip, hoping something would land, without stopping to think.
Quincy raised her bow as Leo charged, wanting to protect him, but the Scarecrow was too fast; with him moving so quickly, there was no way to know if she would hit him or Leo. It was too late by the time she had a clear shot. Leo fell asleep, uttering something about the spirit. The spirit inside scarecrow? Or a different one? She wondered briefly, before backing up Elena's charge with a shot, aiming for his straw-filled leg.
Achyls' white eyes widened at the sight of Crow.

"A beast to be feared? Looks more akin to sick play-thing," she taunted with a fearful smirk, hoping it would give the others a chance to attack. Using darkness on a possession of darkness itself surely would not work in this situation. Words was all she had now. She struggled to hold her resolve, fear was spreading in her like a rushing river, but she stood with the strength of a warrior nonetheless. Her heart was pounding, just waiting for an attack that they all knew would be much more twisted and horrible than ever before.
Tigirius went crashing to the ground, sliding to a halt in front of Leia. When Leo went down to she yelled his name. Great. the only one who could do the mental chain-break thing was now unconscious. The tiger got up slowly and both watched as Elena and Quincy dashed in.

She saw micthell in the corner looking lost and confused, her main priority was to keep him from getting hurt. She remembered the feelings of helplessness and confusion when she had first arrived. All he needed was a good motivation.

"Mitchell! Protect Ashley!" She yelled, throwing a hand in her direction. If he was as traditional as he looked, then guarding a woman with child might be the thing to galvanize him.

as the gorilla landed she jumped in shock, but here now was another ally it seemed, and Ethan was grinning, a new bangle clasped to his arm. This was much better than a flying monkey.

Crow lurched sideways, dodging Elena's first attack and most of the second, the sword slashed his pant leg, spilling straw out onto the floor and Quincy's arrow hit true, making the hole wider. The scarecrow brought a spindly arm up to block her kick but stumbled back with the force, one leg losing strength already as the floor was littered with dried grass. In the momentum of the kick he let the scythe fall, using the momentum coupled with his own strength to make the blow harder.

When Elena dashed in Ward followed up close behind. He saw the scythe fall and rushed in, grabbing the underside of blade in his beak. He felt the tip cut into his exposed shoulder, but it didn't go deep. The scarecrow pressed down with unimaginable strength, ward could feel his legs buckling.

"Ohh so brave, or not perhaps?" Crow taunted. "Young human who ran away from everything in her world to live a fantasy...what happens when you are sent back? You'll never belong here...you will return to having nothing! And gryphon...oh yes I can see your fears.."

Suddenly Crow leapt back swinging his scythe in a circle before him, showing off a portion of his speed and strength.

"So so many..."

"That won't work witch." Ward snapped. "I've confronted my fears, you'll not call the beast in this battle."

The shrill laugh that emanated from the body of Crow was bone-chilling. "Oh-ho-ho! Is that all you fear? I think not, you have many new fears now..." Ward began to feel uneasy, but he remembered the pearl and set his determination.

Crow turned to the others.

"Your one hope of defeating me is indisposed." He glared at Mitchell. "You'll die here boy. You haven't a chance against this new world." He glared at Excalibur. "You'll never find who you seek. He is lost forever, and you, just a tool, not even a real person, how sad."

His words were designed to hurt, to frighten and to shame. it was only then Ward realized he was weaving a spell.

"Don't listen to him! If you give in to despair he'll take control of you!"

Ward lunged for him, but Crow side-stepped the gryphon's bulk easily, rushing straight for Elena, scythe tip poised to pierce her heart.

At the same moment something moved against the wall. The light danced off of scarecrows, inanimate ones that were chained to the walls of the tower. One of them twitched and the chains promptly fell away, letting it rise. A pair of threshing sickles were tied to its straw-filled arms. Several more scarecrows fell away from the wall, each equipped with a different weapon. in a flash they attacked the nearest target to them.
Nyr's eyes widened in fear as the scarecrow struck down Leo. Her fists tightened and were radiating white light again.

" Fear? " she whispered through her clenched teeth as her eyes burned in the same white fire - now infused with vengeance. Seeing the multiple scarecrows appearing her fury intensified further, her hands were transformed into something resembling a menacing claw - not like a bird's claws though... but almost like of a demon's.

" If fear is what you want that it will be what you get! " now her entire body was lit up in the lines of white light, infusing her with divine vengeance and hurled at at her enemies. Her mind was so clouded by what has happened to Leo that she wanted nothing more than to make their enemy suffer - the haze of fury which clouded her mind granted her the strength needed to strike.
"You think you are strong!" Achyls continued to taunt the beast. She took a few steps closer to him.

"You use tricks, you are a game! You cannot control us, WE are strong!" She was pretty much shouting at him now, her eyes circled with a darkness, wings spread out to make her appear larger, more intimidating. She looked to Nyr, amazed at her abilities. Achyls too had transformed somewhat. Her body appeared as if a dark glow surrounded her. She could not attack Crow, but she could taunt him.
Mitchell had been watching this exchange with a morbid silence as a slimy feeling was making its way up his spine. What the hell was he in this world, in front of this nightmare and a half, what was expected to do. It was one of the few times in his life where he could say that he did not honestly know where to turn. That was when he heard Leia yell out his name as he turned to Ashley; he had not said so much as a word to her this whole time, and it began to dawn on him that she really appeared, well, pregnant, and still she drew that bow of hers without a worry, ready to fight like she had a score to settle. It was also then that he heard that straw-man speak at him like he knew his every thought and it made him incensed as he muttered to himself

"Fear, you may know fear you, but you sure don't know me!"

Mitchell began to gain a sort of resolve in him, and he had to thank Leia later for snapping him into it, as he moved closer to Ashley to put himself between her and the scarecrow, while still leaving plenty of room for her to release all of the arrows she wanted. If nothing else, he would be a shield for another, and he would it to the best of his ability and with a snarl the whole time; because damn it, if there was nothing else to help destroy the straw-man, then he could at least serve to stop a wayward strike meant for someone else. If it came down to it, he would fight that straw-man one on one if he was one of the only ones left standing, he had some kind of purpose know, and that was to fight back in any way he could. Mitchell held a bit of a wild look in his eyes as he moved closer to Ashley, hoping she would understand what he intended. This look only expanded as he saw the rest of those golems fall of the wall and start swinging; he drew his knife in a reverse grip and lowered his center of gravity while he waited for the ones that would try and strike for Ashley, or himself as he tried his best to put himself between these new threats and Ashley without blocking her arrows.

"You think you can swing hard enough to cut my hide? I don't need no combine to take care of you, just try it!"

He might have realize that it was probably not the best thing to try and piss the scarecrows off more, but he was in a bit of a fit at this point and seemed to care less than he usually would as he waited for the first enemy to come for Ashley and himself.
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Elena knew the blade was supposed to fall on her. She watched and awaited it to happen, trying in vane to move. When the most she felt was a clip on her arm, she looked again to see Ward protecting her. With apologetic expression, she took advantage of that moment and swept under him, stabbing at the scarecrows midsection ad retreating as Crow finished his attack and started the verbal taunting, swinging his scythe to intimidate. Elena refused to fall under this verbal attack and become sloppy.

"Yes yes. I'm not brave, haha.. I don't have many fears, but I've always run from the ones I do have. Unfortunately for you though Crow, is I am not afraid of you, but I am getting irritated with your nonsense."

She steeled her gaze away from Ward so she would not hold back or act soft. She stood ready, focusing on her enemy. He moved to pierce her heart, as the flat of the scythe came into view, she was unsure how to approach though. Elena found herself leaping, landing only for a split second on the Crows weapon itself before springing forward again, and using her own sword to try cutting into the Crows head and propelling herself forward.

"If or when I return to that place, I'm hoping I will be where I left off and believe me, I don't fear death."
Quincy felt a rush of satisfaction as her shot hit, causing Scarecrow to stumble momentarily. He began to swing the scythe and taunt them, trying to use their fears against them. She scowled fiercely, nocking another arrow. She aimed as he charged Elena, but a sudden sound to her left made her turn. Another scarecrow, this one a mindless puppet, was making its way towards her, clutching a long handled shovel. It glinted threateningly in the dim light, but she didnt give it much of a chance to attack. Her arrow tore through the top of its leg, littering the floor with straw and making it totter and stumble to one side. Another arrow ripped open the other leg, followed by one through the midsection as it began to fall. More straw, dark and musty, flew out, turning the scarecrow into a limp sack. With a little bit of pity, she shot through its head, and it finally hit the floor and didnt stir again. We can restuff him when all this is over, she comforted herself as she whirled to help her companions.
Anya turned her attention to fight the scarecrow nearest to her using her weapons both to defend and attack. As the scarecrow that attacked her brought it's axe down on her she crossed the blades and caught the weapon in front of her at the shaft. The blade moved dangerously close to her face as she realized she really had very little physical strength in general when it came to these things. She teleported behind the scarecrow, letting it stumble forward when the force was suddenly gone and thrusted her daggers into it's back, cutting down towards the scarecrows legs and around them as it turned again to face her and she dove and rolled back around. She wanted to keep it spinning in circles.

Alexander knew the others could handle themselves, he kept his eye on the initial scarecrow and thought that this would be much easier if Crow didn't have his weapon. Making sure Ward and Elena weren't in his way, and staying in his human form for the extra speed it granted him, Alexander lurched towards the scarecrow as Elena did. It couldn't dodge both attacks. His was aimed for the arm, his claws poised to tear the stuffing from it so that Crow could no longer wield it's weapon

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