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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

(Me? No it's fine!! I was just making Elena pissed with Nyr but i have no issue at all ever with your story writing! I promise.)
DawnAntalios said:
(( You don't want me to post right now, that's why I have done it. Sorry about it ))
((Bea's right, Of course we want you to post, I was just really confused where you were going. ))
Leo's mind swam in the darkness fo his unconciousness for the duration of the fight. He hated sleeping, after having lived his life in a completely concious state it was always a bit scary to go unconcious. He sat there in his dark prision until a pinprick of light emerged infront of him. The light grew and grew until it seemed to be about the size of a giant lion man. He could feel himself being tugged through the hole, the familiar white room of his concious mind welcomed him along with the floating swirl of green that he knew to be Lilly. The floating mass seemed to be exhausted from the fient glow of its body but still had enough energy to scold him "Do you relize how heavy you sleep? Good grief you were dug in like a tick. Now look, I've cleared the pollen from your system, all you have to do is wake up. Theres an old friend who wants to see you." Leo felt the real world pulling him backwards out of his mind, the cold floor of the tower underneith him. He blinked a few times, the muffled voices of the group along with a new 'old' voice. He lifted himself slowly off the ground, noticing the straw and rubble all over the place he decided to turn and sit himslef on the floor. He looked out across the group trying to focus his good eye to the light "What-a, What did i miss?"
Anya had been a touch disappointed when the sweeter, more childlike scarecrow didn't stir after the battle's dramatic conclusion, but then he awoke again. She smiled, then moved over near Leia and Mitchell.

"Do you guys find it a bit hard to imagine the ferocious Leo traveling with little Otto and Crow? It kind of makes me wonder if he looked more like the movie lion back then, you know?" Anya asked the two. She hoped that things would continue going as well as they had. With the exception of what had almost happened to Leia, the journey in Oz seemed to be working out with every best case scenario.

Meanwhile, Alexander was having similar thoughts about how well everything was going once the scarecrow woke up again. To him it almost seemed to be working out too well. Ever suspicious, he wondered if this was actually part of some end game that the witch or the forces of darkness were playing towards. He wondered if they were simply being used as pawns in a bigger game or if these truly were victories.

Either way, he supposed it was a good thing to have rescued two of Leo's old friends. Perhaps it was good he had not used fire, after all.
Elena looked to Ward and hugged him back tightly, smiling wide when she pulled away. She was glad the plan worked so well, and Though Leo fell victim to the Pollen, there were minimal casualties. None that couldn't be taken care of.

"Are you kidding? I was just trying to help, not that much of a threat. You on the other hand, how did you do that with your wings before? That was incredible. I'm really..impressed.. Anyways she should be scared. We aren't a group someone should ever mess with."

She smiled and was going to continue when she saw Leo awoke. Walking up to the Lion, she supported him as he sat up, probably looking silly as she was much smaller than him and her action probably did very little.

"We brought your friend back, Leo. Your plan along with Tigirius was perfect."
Mitchell shook his head in response to Leia As he held his arms for a slight inspection. "No, they stopped bleeding so the cuts are shallow thank goodness; ain't do much else than go to ruin my button-up so no lose there. I got fire running across my back, but beyond that I'm fine. Y'all wouldn't happen to have disinfectant of nay kind would ya?"

He grins a bit more with the question from Anya. "Oh yeah, big departure from that old story, well, story by the movie not that novel, which I'm sure is just as diff.." Mitchell is struck by a slight coughing fit in the middle of speaking that he again tries to keep as quiet as possible before he shakes himself slightly as he stops. "Stupid cough.. anyway, I hope y'all are doing okay. That was all a bit more than I was expecting, but y'all handled it like any other scuffle, that was mighty impressive to say the least." He finishes with a grin.
The abruptness of Crow's falling caught Achyls by surprise. But, she was pleased to see the darkness gone. Looking around, everyone appeared drained, yet jovial, hugging one another and applauding their efforts. Achyls, though, stayed back from the rest of them, an emptiness in her. She felt as if she had no part in their victory, she owed it Leia and Nyr especially for the triumph. She could see no reason for her to join the celebration, and so watched from further back, a small smile on her face. Her magic was pointless in this effort, feeling more like an evil than a power to fight. Nonetheless, she was pleased for all the others had done, but thought the celebration was reserved for those who made a difference.
Ward brushed back his hair, blushing at her compliment. "Oh well, I er, had the idea for a while..just hadn't remembered to try it."

Tigirius lifted Crow up onto his broad shoulders. "My king! Crow is back! He is restored!" he set the scarecrow down before Leo and Crow threw p his arms.

"Leo! I knew you'd come get me!" he folded his spindly arms about the lion's waist, not being able to reach any higher.

"Spirit magic beats any disinfectant from our world." Leia told him as the water spirit draped itself over Mitchel's wounds, closing them deftly.

"We handled it." She corrected him. "You drove that dark stuff out of Crow once and for all. That was nice work."

((I'm gonna borrow Otto just one more time.))

As Achyls drew back something black padded up to her, fixing her with an intense blue-eyes stare. Otto changed back into the form of a young boy and took her hand, leading her into the light. He smiled then and wagged his tail. She was just as much a hero as any of them. "When we needed help, you came. That makes you a hero too."
Achyls couldn't help but smile at the little boy. Who knew that he could have once been that terrible beast.

"Thank you, Otto. You are wise for a young boy" she smiled, before turning to look to the group. "But they deserve the glory much more than I, and I intend to let them have their victory without me to squander it,".

She tried to push Otto back but he seemed eager, so let him bring her to the light of everyone else. She couldn't help but feel out of place, surrounded by amazingly powerful champions. Ones who actually aided on the field. It was a strange feeling, and so tried to stay behind the rest of the group.
Anya nodded to Mitchell, both agreeing with what he had said and with what Leia had said. Beyond that she did little else, she couldn't heal, and did not know Crow, so couldn't truly celebrate the spirit's return. Seeing the other raven, Anya motioned her over to join them. She didn't really know Achyls, and in fact couldn't even recall her name, that's how little they had spoken.
((Borrow who ever you want :) im gonna use Scarecrow for a spilt second as well.))

Leo's eye widened as his straw filled friend looked up at him with a smile. This is the second time he felt as if a piece of his life he had lost forever had been returned. Leo, with the help of Elena, stood and slowly made his way over to the great Tiger and his friend riding on his shoulders. Leo reached up and clasped the scarecrows mitten in his massive paw and gave it a squeeze. He turned around on the spot, looking each member of the group "Thank you, each and every one of you. Without you this would have been but a fools dream. I know we can complete this task before us and stop the spread of the witchs power in its track." He felt the tug on his hand turning back to Scarecrow. The plushy face looked to at him, his dark coal eyes looking at him wide "Leo, Ruby has Tin in the castle. She moved him as soon as Otto was freed. She was planning on moving me in the next day or so, but it looks like you got to me first. Are we going to free them too?" Leo listened to the scarecrow intently, the next part of their journey becomming clear to him. He looked back into his eye, unsure as to what to say in regards to Ruby he simply smiled "We are going to try." He glanced to Tigirius fro reasurance and then turned to the door. Standing in the door frame he looked out at the fields, seeing that the poppies had all died once the darkness had been destroyed. He gave a sharp whistle with the edges of his claws and in a heart beat, Sawhorse was a few short skips away, ready to take them north to the wicked witches castle.
Elena smiled with the others, but in the back of her mind she felt her fear resurface. It was not something she thought of in the moment when she was fighting the dark scarecrow, but now a small whisper of a voice reminded her of it, a girls voice like her own but a bit off. "And you did this all on your own Elena! No magic! But wait? Will you be able to fight in your world? Home? And those dreams you had when you arrived, you might wake up in the water when these people are finished with you."

Her smile became a little odd and strained before slipping away all together. She nodded at the others as to say they she was ready.

"A-alright. Let's go see a witch about an oiling tin?" She said, attempting to forget the voice. She walked out and entered the cart, keeping cheer in her veneer.
Ward stepped through the iron gates, going to help Leia who still had a bit of trouble standing.

"I feel terrible...and that witch only got into my head for a minute...how did Crow and Otto stand it for years?"

The gryphon shrugged his human shoulders, turning his head to the sky. Thick clouds roiled on the horizon. A storm was coming. "Perhaps magic works differently on humans. You know, if you're not feeling well--"

"No. I'm going. You can't talk me out of it." She got into the carriage stubbornly. Ward shook his head and smiled. "Why are humans always so brave?"

Leia grinned at Elena's comment. "I got that reference." Ward climbed in behind her and waited for the others before giving Leo the signal to be off.

Tigirius clapping his king on the shoulder. "Do you think taking Otto and Crow with us is a good idea?" he said, a hint of concern in his voice.
"haha, I hoped you would. Leia, if at any point you feel weak or like you need help, promise me you'll say something." She said quietly. Her eyes wrinkled in concern.

"If you ask me, I feel like when they couldn't stand it anymore, they just.. Left. Otto and Crow I mean. I would have." She said and sighed, placing her head in her hands as the voice her mind decided to take on reminded her she was a hypocrite, and would pay for it eventually. She pushed it back, irritated with the fact that one thing someone said could trigger this reaction again.

"I think they should join. If fighting fails, it seems their has always been a smarter solution and nobody knows Tinman better than them, I believe. If anyone can find the smart solution it would be them."
Following the others, Achyls got into the carrriage, a small smile on her face at the sweet interactions between Ward and Leia. Friendship was still a strange new concept, and it melted whatever sadness lay in her heart to see such a sight.

"You were incredibly brave, dear Leia," she smiled, reaching a hand to touch hers. It was the truth, she was much braver than many other humans she had known in her life.

"Where are we bound for now?" she asked Tigirius and Leo, looking off at the land of Oz ahead, a hint of excitement bubbling. To think of what was next, an idea dawned on her. She could actually be useful in the next battle. She could use her abilities to an advantage. This excited her greatly, even with the possibility of great danger.
Nyr felt like she was swirling in an endless maelstrom of darkness as her head was flooded with images blurring and rushing by. She stood up, feeling that she was lost. An eternity in darkness was what awaited her probably now... although she knew not why. But then she saw something in the distance... or someone to be more precise. Looking in that direction she saw a familiar, elderly figure standing by.

Her father.

Like a little child she fought her way through the dark abyss to reach the elder raven who was now standing there, strong and proud not burdened by the darkness of the past. He smiled at her as her gently touched her black her. Nyr could say nothing only tears flooded her cheeks. Why was he stolen from her so soon... why did all this happen. But the elder spellcaster soothed her.

" Cry not, my child for my death was foretold. " she looked up on him in disbelief " I have seen my death by you... I was afraid of a betrayal first but then I realized that it only serves the greater good. "

He touched her chest where her heart would be.

" I am with you in there. Forever. " he said " If you wish you can venture in this realm should you need my counsel. But your time is not now, little dread raven. Your family needs needs you, a quest still lies before you. " he waved with his hands and Nyr felt the darkness receding as the old figure faded away with it. His last words lingered in her mind as she was sent to the waking world.

" Make me proud. "

Nyr opened her eyes cautiously, not knowing what to expect. To her surprise the battle was already over and Crow was indeed liberated from the shadow. She sat up, silently, not wanting to say anything to anyone - they were triumphant, they were heroes and thus they deserved to savor their victory. She sat there silently and followed them once they decided to move out to rescue Leo's last friend. Like a shadow she moved with the group, not saying anything.
Leo watched ans listend to Tigirius and the others convers. Otto came walking up to Leo and the others at the sound of his name he looked around and finally looked to Crow, both of them nodding in agreement "Crow and I arnt going anywhere unless its to get our friends back." Leo looked down with a smile and placed a hand on the werewolfs head, ruffling his hear. He laughed as he climbed into the cart. Scarecrow placed a hand on Tigirius and set himself on the ground. Ilittle wobbly he walked over to Leo and the cart, sittign next to Otto. Leo cuckled a bit and turned to the others. "There's your answer. They are joining us. Infact i would like them to be with me, they may be my best chance at reaching Tin. The witch took his heart, seeing his friends might be able to help us get to him." Leo turned and climbed into the front of the cart.
Leia made room in the carriage as Nyr approached. She had been worried for a moment, but, apart from seeming a little distant, her friend was unharmed.

"I don't know if its brave or stupid." Leia answered Achyls with a smile. "But it hasn't caught up with me yet at least." She rubbed her head, trying to shake the throbbing sensation. "I'll be fine Elena, same goes to you by the way. Don't go pushing yourself too hard ok? And don't argue, cause I know you do."

"We are headed West, dear Achyls. To the last place my king fought the witch. At her home in the great fortress of the Winkie country. A more dark and terrible place you could not imagine. It lies yonder, in the heart of that black storm." He pointed in the distance to the dark horizon. "Let us be off then! The hour draws near when we will see thing finally done." His voice was grim and a wind whipped up, brushing his fur in waves down his back. Ward did not like the foreboding that took hold of his heart.
Elena smiled at a distant Nyr, waved, and mentally invited the other to the conversation. She seemed troubled but hopefully it was something she could figure out. Her eyes returned to Leia and she agreed with the raven.

"Trust me, Leia. It's bravery. You are pretty amazing, and I'm glad to have you with us." She said, with a tired smile. Then in a quieter and much more serious, almost tense voice, she continued.

"I'm fine." Sighing and shaking her head, she repeated.

"I'm alright. I've still got plenty of fighting energy, and hey look!" She looked herself up and down and shrugged.

"I wasn't even scratched. Don't deflect. I can be the one worried about you once in a while."

Part of her mind seemed satisfied with her own response and defensive rebuttals.
The wind blew at Achyls' like hands trying to pull her backwards, though her only thoughts were that of empowerment. She watched with a giddiness as the dark clouds circled and twisted in the distance.

"The Wicked Witch of The West?" she questioned to Tigirius, eyes wide with an adventurous spirit she had not encountered before, "I always thought she...melted...". Her voice became sombre as she came to this realisation.

"If she is dead, then how can we destroy her, surely Ruby did that for us?" she was now just reeling off the story in her head. Dorothy...Ruby, killed her off, surely this witch could not have revived herself. She looked at Tigirius with bated breath.
Nyr listened silently as the others spoke and when she heard about the witch she sighed.

" Legends say that most witches can be defeated - although not easily but they perish at the hands of heroes should they vanquish them in combat. Few, however, have reached a higher mastery of their arts. " she waved with her hand as a little black flame appeared on her palm. She tried to snuff it out but it only flickered temporarily - then it reignited " Their body maybe frail and they may die - but their spirit can linger on. Especially if they dabble in a magic tainted by demons. "

She bowed her head.

" Your victory here only made the witch more paranoid. She will unleash her full arsenal of spells upon us the first time she has the chance. But I may very well be wrong, she might be an entirely different person after all. Regardless of which of these theories are true we must not let our guard down. We are heading headlong into the maw of darkness. "
Quincy followed the group outside, moving stiffly. As she walked, she kept her hand pressed to her stomach, glad to no longer feel fresh bleeding from it. Once seated in the cart, she examined her arm, which was still slowly but steadily bleeding. With her other hand, she tried to rip a section of her blouse off to wrap it, grimacing with the shaky effort.
Alexander and Anya both made their ways into the abnormally giant carriage as well.

Seeing that Quincy was injured, Alexander watched her intently, wanting to help. He was not, however, any sort of healer and thought it would probably be best if he stayed away from the wound while she tended to it, anyway. Usually when he tried to help fix things like that all he succeeded in doing was making things worse. Of course, he wanted to be more useful, but honestly it seemed fighting was really all he was useful for in this group- and not even that, based on the last few fights. Ah, well, it didn't matter, really. What mattered is that the job got done, and he got to be a part of the adventure this time.

Anya took her seat then turned back to hold the door open while Ethan in. She knew that the standard gesture was for men help the women in, but she didn't particularly care, she was already in the cart and he wasn't, for one, and besides that there was nothing wrong with being nice. Also she wasn't offering him a hand or anything, just reaching out to keep the door open.
“I can feel you staring at me," Quincy said grumpily, glancing up into Alexander's eyes. His gaze had been burning into her since she had started toward the carriage, and it didn't go unnoticed. She raised an eyebrow, folding the section of cloth into a neat, wide strip. “Subtlety is not your strong suit, even in human form." She muttered, looking back to her wound. Using her side to hold the strip on the bottom, she tried to tie it over the deepest part of the cut. It extended an inch or so further on either side, but it was only temporary. And extremely difficult to do with one hand, as she fumbled the cloth and dropped it twice in half a minute. She muttered something softly, a string of mild profanity, as she repositioned it, this time resorting to her teeth as well.

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