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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ethan thought nothing more of the gesture than Anya did and shot her a smile and nod in thanks, sitting down inside. He was relieved that all that was over — he didn't like fighting. "Well," he began, "If I have magic powers, they better hurry up. It's not good to be here and totally useless... Maybe I should learn to fight.
Leo watched as the group filed out of the tower one by one. HE knew it had been a long hard fight and new they were tired adn wounded but they needed to keep pushing forward while they had the momentum behined them. Once they had all filed into the carriage and were seated, Leo gave sawhorse the single. Once again the cart began to shoot past the scenary of the land as Sawhorse strode like lightning acros Oz. Their goalwas easy enough to see, the dark looming storm above the distant castle made for an excelent heading. In his minds eye all Leo could think about was her, the time had finally come for them to face the meanece of Oz and now his rezolve was begining to falter. He looked to the two beside him, Crow and Otto sat both of them starring straight ahead. He could only guess what was going through their heads as well.finally they were within clear sight of the castle and the memory of the foul place came flooding back to him. The storm still loomed over head as the ran through the front gates which had been torn down decades ago. When the came to the castles llarge front doors sawhorse slwoed himself to a halt and eyed the castle. Its large towers loomed overthem, almost seeming to peirce the storm above them their windwos were aglow with what apeared to be fire light. Leo stepped out of the cart to survey the area, which seemed to be unnaturally quiet.


((ignore te flying things in the picture))
Mitchell wished he had thought of riding on the outside of the carriage, he could honestly use the fresh air to clean the smell of blood from his nose and the open sky to help settle his nerves. He was honest with himself, he had handled his business back in that tower. Unfortunately, there were a lot more additions to that small victory of his, too many outside factors contributed, and who knew when he was going to face down something that he didn't have a ready made solution for. He was just glad for his family knife, which he gripped the hilt of as it sat on his belt, because he didn't honestly think that it could have come in handy beyond a hunting trip or for when he felt like telling a family story. It also helped that he knew how to throw a solid fist and throw his weight around a bit, he could only hope that something more substantial would take shape for him soon. He held these thoughts until the carriage came to a stop and he gained a glimpse of the foreboding structure before them. He decided then and there that his brain was now deliberately trying to mess with him as he gazed at this castle that screamed out for his and the group's imminent doom, and he wondered if he shouldn't get one of those pearls back from Leia.
Ward swallowed as he looked up at the looming castle. Stepping from the carriage he offered to help the others down.

"Don't suppose the witch has organized some sort of welcome for us? It seems a little to quiet."

Leia had been given the pearls back by Crow, who had casually fished them from his chest where they had fallen. She would have to make sure they all had theirs, because whatever had taken hold of her mind, she had no doubt that this presence could crush minds as well as take them over. She handed a pearl back to Mitchell and gave the other back to Nyr.

"Hey Leo...don't suppose you brought extra for Crow and me?"

Tigirius got out to stand beside Leo and Ward, his expression grave. "She is expecting us most assuredly. The witch." He made himself clear here. Ruby was gone. That much he knew. "Tin should be the next to meet us. Should we do as expected and walk in through the front gates?"
Elena fell silent as the rest of the group entered and they road. Everything was not fine. She could feel it like electricity in the air. She watched outside until the castle came into view and sighed. The voice which mocked her earlier decided to vacate her mind, but the ominous scene before her wasn't helping. She checked her neck to find the pearl still intact, and motioned to Leia who seemed to not have one.

"if anything happens again, you can take mine." She said, then started walking forward.

"Whatever is before us we will have to face eventually, I guess."
Nyr felt an uneasy feeling washing over her as she exited the carriage. Something was gone... something that was an integral part of her. For a moment she knew not what it was... but then it became clear all too soon. Concealing her horror and fear she barely dared to say what she had to say... but the others needed to know.

" The darkness of this place... cuts off the powers of the Moon. " she said quietly " While usually not even the sun is able to block it this place saps all the power of my elements. I can only use one source... "

She closed her eyes before opening them again, only them to be engulfed in dark, menacing flames.

" The shadow will be my weapon temporarily, I am truly sorry. " she said, not really keen on using the dark heritage of her kind. But it had to be done, for she wanted to be not a powerless burden to the team. She would protect them, no matter what kind of power she had to use to do so.

" I am ready. " she nodded at the others. " Lead us to victory. "
Achyls exited the carriage with her burning desire to fight. She was in her element. All the powers of the darkness could now be used to her advantage. She looked to Nyr, who's words seemed harsh and uneasy.

"Sister, you have nothing to fear. The raven heritage and their dark powers are only an asset for us now," she stated, a reassuring smile burned across her lips. She took her hand and placed her pearl into it, half hoping but somehow knowing the witch's dark magic would not be so useful against her, leaving no need for such a gem.

She then turned to Tigirius,

"What is the plan?" she asked of him, a child-like spirit in her. Strange, her resolve had not faltered as they entered the Witch's domain.
Anya got out of the carriage and took a deep breath as she stared up at the castle. In other circumstances she would probably be gushing over the architectural beauty of the place- while she knew little about architecture as a science, she certainly knew how to admire it. Now, however, with the knowledge of what may lay inside it was simply a terrifying castle holding little else but evil.

Hearing Leia's question, she glanced at them, and gave her own input.
"I've never been a fan of doing what is expected. I wonder if there's a way around? Or maybe..." She stopped there, there was no way that she could teleport all of these people to infiltrate the castle. She could get a few inside, but what use would they be?

Alexander turned his eyes down to the floor of the carriage when Quincy had accused him of staring, and said nothing- she was right, after all, and what more was there to say? However, when he noted her struggle, he did reach over to help her, to hold things where she needed or to help tie knots or basically just to provide an extra set of hands.

Now that they were at the castle, Alexander looked around like all of the others. He said little, he had no problem with entering as though they were invited special guests, nor did he have a problem with trying to trick whoever waited on the other side.
Leo starred down the castle as the others exited the cart. He was nearly lost in thought when they began to discuss what their next move. When he heard Leia mention the pearls he reached into his tunic and pulled a small green satchel out. Its contents sounded clinked together as he held the bag to Leia "Make sure everyone who needs one has one." He turned back to the castle and began to ponder their next move. "She will indeed be expceting us through the front door, however i can imagine that after we so easily defied the poppie fields, thats not the only thing she is banking on." He rubbed the bottom of his mane but only for a moment. Turning Tigirius and the others he began to lay out his idea "Tigirius, you take a larger party in through the front door. My guess, Tin will be waiting on the other side. Take Otto and Crow with you, im sure they will help in reaching through to Tin. I am going after Ruby, and i will not be taking a large group with me. I will need Leia along with her spirits, and Anya to get us up to one of the higher towers without being noticed. Once inside, I will keep Ruby occupied while you release Tin." He looked up, his wearyness stretched thin across his face.
Nyr looked at the gloomy tower then at her guardian friend. She saw the burden on his shoulders, that he will need to face one that he loved the most. She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulder, looking deep in his eyes. Her face reflected no joy or happiness now - only serious, understanding thoughts were visible on her worried face.

" I could come with you Leo should you... reconsider the offer in the end. " her heart was pumping but she would have regretted not offering this one last time " I know how much she means to you, what would you want to do for her. "

She then took a step back.

" Otherwise I can go with the others to vanquish the demons. Either way know that I will fight until the bitter end and not rest until your friend is free. I swear it. "
Tigirius put a paw on his chest and bowed. "As you wish my king, though it concerns me I will not be at your side when you confront the witch."

"I will go with him." Ward stepped forward. He remembered his promise to the lion and would see it kept.

Leia slowly stepped up to them too. "Ok then." She took hold of a pearl as if her life depended on it...which it probably did. Even though they were plunging headlong into danger again she couldn't help but feel happy about Leo asking her to go with him. It made her feel useful.

Ward took a deep breath. This was it, if they stopped the evil here Oz would be freed, and another part of FableWood would be preserved from dark influence.

The storm was broiling overhead and thick rain drops began to fall all about them, coating the stones in a shiny skin.

Tigirius drew his sword. "The plan.." he said, responding to Achyls. "Is to keep Ashley and Mitchell back. You, Nyr, Elena and I will enter first. Be prepared for anything. Tin is a knight, and a very heavy hitter. The best way to confront him it not to take a direct blow from his axe. He is, or was, slow as well. If this is still the case then we can use that to our advantage. Otto, Crow, you will keep back as well for now, keep the humans safe."

When he finished explaining he hefted his sword onto his shoulders. "Let us go then. We shall join you as quickly as we can Leo. Until then. Stay safe."

With that the tiger strode boldly to the gates, his tail waving apprehensively from side to side. With a mighty shove the gates parted before him and he strode into the inky blackness. Even with his cat-like vision he could still only make out vague shapes in the darkness. The sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls. Very carefully he listened.

"Nyr, Achyls...can you make light?"

In the darkness, deep down within the castle a figure raised his head. There had been a sudden flare of magic, a great power...but a dark one too, though it did not feel in any way like his captor. He could not tell how long he had been held prisoner by the witch...a day perhaps? It seemed like those he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"Good. Let's get on with it then." He lay back in his cell and put his arms behind his head. "Have fun friends, I'll see you soon enough I hope."

((New character teaser :P ))
Anya looked at Leo when he gave her the assignment and nodded. She was certain she could take whoever he needed in their group, he said it would be small, after all. Looking up at the high tower she wondered where it was up there that they were needed, and tried to sense it. Her mind pulled her to one of towers to the left, it was a bit off to the side and seemed to be connected to the rest of the castle by a long bridge. Surely that wasn't where they were needed? Maybe she was drawn there because it looked interesting, if she was in charge of this castle, she didn't imagine that was where she'd spend her time. Her ability must work much better when she had something to actually find, she thought to herself.

Anya took a look at those she would be taking, Leo, Leia, Ward, and herself.
"Right, so, welcome to Anya's chauffeur service. Is everyone ready, then?" She said, trying to make a bit of a joke, she didn't really know how else to deal with this.

Alexander noted his assignment, which was evidently to follow Tigerius, though his name was not actually mentioned. He hung back a bit by the humans still, thinking he may be a better protector than the pup and the scarecrow.
Leo knew his friend would be worried, but it was what had to be done. He gave Tigirius a reassuring grin until he felt Nyr move closer to him. He had anticipated her once again offering herself as sacrifice for such a task, but he was still solidified in his answer. He looked down at the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I have reconsidered your offer time and time again over the past few days. Each time arriving at the same conclusion, I can not allow myself to let you take such a risk. You are a value to this team and to my friendship, and i would not squander that for an attempt to bring Ruby back." He gave her shoulder a bit of a squeeze and then turned towards the two that were waiting for him. I took one last look as Tigirius and the others made their way to the front of the castle. Otto and Crow had also turned from the back of the group and had their eyes focused on Leo. He gave them a small nodd, which they returned with their own small nods. Leo had to yank himself away from them before he reconsidered his plan and focused on the spot Anya was looking at. He placed a hand on her shoulder and the other on Leia, awaiting the sensation of teleporting.
Achyls looked to Nyr at Tigirius' request, desperate to feel like she could accomplish the tasks.

"We shall try," she uttered, "I know Nyr has her way with light but I am less akin to that. But we shall try,". She followed carefully after Tigirius, floating slightly off the round to draw less attention to her and her allies. All her power was focused on making light, a few sparks was all she could muster for the first try. After a few more attempts, a purple glow, with the power of a small torch, grew from her fingertips.

"Tigirius, sir, let my power guide you," she whispered, proud of her accomplishments. It was not a vast amount of light, but it sufficed, working well for the nature of their mission. Stealth was key, and a small amount of light was handy in such situations.

The sight was horrifying to say the least. She always thought that the Witch's castle would be a terrible land, but this was much more. Achyls made sure to stay close to her leader, safety was always found in numbers.
Quincy immediately regretted her shortness with Alexander when he dropped his eyes. “Sorry, it just hurts." She muttered as he helped her, making the task a million times easier. “Thank you." She added, staring at her lap. The approach on the storm brought a familiar melody to mind, one that she couldn't resist humming. The castle was daunting and dark, and the purple light produced by Achyls only added to the ominous feeling. “Well isnt this cheery?" She muttered, looking around cautiously with an arrow on her bow string.
"Terribly so" Alexander Echoed, following along behind with a sword he had lifted from one of the fallen scarecrows. He wondered if there would be room to transform here. Harsh blows were much easier to take in his dragon form.

Anya reached over to Ward, to bring him along to then, after a moment of waiting, the group appeared within the dome-like room at the top of that left-most tower. In front of them was the door leading to the bridge to cross the distance to the main towers. On the other side was the door to head down stairs towards the base of the tower. The room was too dimly lit to see anything that lay within.

((I hope you don't mind my taking the liberty to offer a very very meager description!))
Nyr nodded. So Leo had decided it after all. It pained her that she was unable to do more for him... but maybe after all of this was over she could help him regain what he had lost. For now she needed to concentrate on the task at hand. She walked near Achyls and together with Tigirius she entered the dark castle.

The building was in a surprisingly good condition even though it seemed vacant and abandoned for years. She could hear her footsteps echoing through the empty corridors as they tread carefully within the gigantic palace. Upon hearing Tigirius' request of light she concentrated on her hands. Even though the moon did not answer her prayer the darkness within did and soon a small dark-purple flame similar to Achyls' appeared. Searching for something to put it on she found a torch just as her sister did and together they continued their careful march.

" They know that we are here. " she said quietly as they continued to push onward. Even though they were not visible the eyes of various spirits already spotted the intruders but they did not dare to attack. Either they were not warriors or they were not as malevolent as the other horrors awaiting them.

" I have memories of this place... " she said, surprised " But they are not my own. The spirits here whisper... some cursing and some pleading. Yet all want one thing: freedom. It seems many inhabitants of Oz were drawn to this place... if I only knew why. "
((Totally missed that you opend the gates @SilverFlight, my bad))

AS the doors creeked open slowly and the purple light illuminated the very front of the reception area of the castle, ghostly shadows were cast upon the floor as the group moved in. From what they could see it was set up much the same way most castles where, a long stretch of open floor the led to a staircase the rose above them and split into two different staircases of at the top of that. The floor that was open to them all as the came in, looked as if it used to be pollished marble of beautiful quality, but the years of neglect and unholy activates had left it covered in dirt, scortchmarks, and puddles of maroon dried substances. Once the group had made it inside, the doors slowly shut behind them, and with a loud clank the doors locked behind them. A calm gust moved through the hall, however there were no open windows or holes for the wind to enter through. The dark room seemed almost forzen in time, the stillness and quiet only broken with the footsteps of those who had entered. As the group passed by what seemed to be a large pile of rubble from the collapsed floor above, two pinpricks of red light slowly dimmed into existence. Slowly the pile seemed to grow upward into a large narrow obeject until finally it stopped. There was a blast of what soundedly like rushing air as a large matalic arm, equiped with an ax blade instead of a hand came crashing down on the lightsource that the group had brought with them.


((Tinmans Dark form))
“We can probably rule out the decor." Quincy muttered, moving slowly and searching the darkness for movement. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a muted glint. As she turned, a figure began to form, a large man. His body caught the purplish light and reflected it back in a sickly manner. As his metal ax arm rose, Quincy shouted a warning, “Look out!" Her voice rang through the empty hall just before the ax came down with a clang and she reached forward, snatching the nearest person in its path and yanking them back.
Achyls dived as the axe came barrelling at the group, pulling Nyr with her. The light had gone out now, and the group was submerged in darkness.

"Sister!" she whispered to Nyr, checking to make sure she wasn't injured in the ambush. She allowed the others to begin the onslaught as she cared for Nyr. She stayed deathly still, trying to get her bearings. The floor under her feet was slimy, cracked, and had a strange scent. Her stomach filled with disgust, but she had to ready her powers to attack.

She flew into the air as quietly as possible, listening out for the clanging of tin and the thud of his footsteps. From up above, she conjured a great ball of energy and threw it at the ceiling, temporarily causing the room to explode with an eerie light, enough for the company to see where Tin was heading, so they could plan their next attack.
((Not at all @KattRai, i welcome any descriptions or changes people want to make to make the story better :) ))

In the blink of an eye they were all standing on the ledge they had just been looking at. Leo peered over the side of the bridge and saw the ground a good distance away. He turned back to the others and nodded "Thank you Anya, your powers grow more impressive by the day." He turned towards the end of the bridge and began to make his way towards the door facing them. about halfway across the bridge, he felt the winds shift as a few raindrops began to fall from the sky. Leo reached for the door and pushed it open slowly. The towers one room sanctuarry was almost completely covered in red fabric. The candle light that cause the shadows to dance gave the room a look that seemd as if it was covered in blood. Leo froze as he entered the room and looked across to the far side. There, standing next to the fireplace stood a sinlge figure. A woman, intricatly dressed in red garbs. He hair looked as if someone had tried to dye it a deep burgandy red, held up by sticks and braids. Her eyes against her pale skin almost glowed with fire burning within them. Her lips curled into a sneer of red flower peddles as she gazed upon the group "Hello, Leo..."


((LADYS AND GENTLEMEN!! The Wicked Witch Ruby.))
((ooooh! Awe and wonder! dun worry about the door :) ))

Tigirius acted with lightning speed, after the initial strike he rushed Tin, slamming into him to distract him fro attacking The ravens further.

He snarled a warning as Achyl's spell illuminated the room.

"Tiger." Tin's voice echoed in his metal shell. "I shall enjoy killing your friends before I kill you."

Tin lunged at Nyr, meanwhile drawing a dagger from his belt and throwing it with deadly precision at the raven in the air. from hidden doors in the anterior part of the room came six soldiers, decked in full armour and carrying vicious-looking pikes. They rushed Tigirius, forcing him to block and step back.

Ward stared at the woman before them. She was indeed beautiful, but the twisted smile gave her a sinister edge. He transformed, letting out a low growl.

"Remember Leo, no matter how much she looks like Ruby...that's not her." For now the woman did not attack, so Ward would wait and watch. He was sure however that they were about to start the fight of their lives.
Nyr just got out of the way of the mighty ax, thanks to Achyls. As the immense weapon smashed into the floor she darted up in the air, seeing that the mighty colossus tried to strike her down first. Smiling first she was happy - knowing that the monstrosity was focusing on her she now had time to plan her next move. Then she got an idea.

Spreading her arms wide she started to suck the warmth out of the room, except from around her friends. The temperature dropped lower as she felt little icicles materializing between her hands. She did not want to kill the creature - but she wanted to make it vulnerable. Forming a for of shadowed ice she hurled it at the construct as she continued to suck out the heat still.

" Let us see how you fare in ice, Tin! " she bellowed " We may not prove a challenge - but will you beat the clock and kill us before the rust consumes you? "

She hoped that the others will be able to capitalize on this, finding out a way how to beat him.
Seeing an opening atop Tin's funnel head, Achyls aimed a beam of energy at him. She flew as close as possible, trying to fit the magic into the red hot funnel. With an intense amount of concentration, the beam exploded inside Tin's head, sending a rattling and a puff of purple smoke shooting out of the machine's facial orifices. For a moment, it seemed as if Tin had faltered, but to no avail.

"Tigirius! Strike him!" she yelled, a desperate attempt for her to plot another attack. She had no defence, and so had to be evasive to avoid the construct. He was indeed slow, thank goodness, giving her the opportune moment to strike him in his back.
Tin tried to swat at Achyls as she flew over, but Nyr's spell made it harder for him to move. He glared up at her through tiny red eyes, then something began to rumble. The pipes on his back grew hot and poured smoke and the ice melted. Tin was at a disadvantage, aerial enemies were not his forte, but he drew a handful of bolts from a pouch on his belt and heated them in the palm of his hand. Then he hurled the handful into the air, straight at Achyls. The bolts were red hot now and there were many of them, spreading out as they flew along their course, looking to burn anything they came in contact with.

Tigirius fought off the six guards but they were forcing him back steadily. He hurled his shoulder into one, knocking him flat.

"Achyls! Nyr! He has some sort of heating core in his body. Try to knock him down, but don't touch him!"

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