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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls couldn't escape the barrage, the bolts struck her with great force, creating deep wounds across her skin. She let out a pained hiss, but readied her power for the grate around Tin's abdomen, hoping there would house the core of his darkness. From her hands, she mimicked daggers of dark energy and shot them, one by one , at the openings where a blood red fire burned. Many missed, but a few made their way into the core, giving Nyr and Tigirius a chance to strike him down while Achyls checked for any severe damage to her body.
Elena followed in, watching as the scene played out. The heated Tinman was very strong and destructive. In fact, she figured ranged attacks would be the best. While the others attacked continuously, Elena took the opportunity to set her hands on the ground, further away. There was too much marble to break through with plant life, which would just burn away. Instead, she made the marble itself move like liquid, hands sinking into it. She allowed the marble under the tins legs to do the same, and waves which turned to giant stone hands aimed to hit and seep into the tinmans armor.
Rubys long dressy cloths flowed behined her as she slowly steped away from the fireplace. She ran her finger tips oer the arm of a chair as she looked deeply into Leos eye. Her eyes shot towards the griffon upon his words. "Oh but young griffon, you of all people should know, when one you love is involved, the heart is so easily fooled. Leo can only see his beloved Ruby when he looks into my eyes." She inched closer and closer, her dress trailing behined her until she was only a few feet from the group. "Leo, my love, come to me. Let us be together once again." At first the room stood still, untill Leos form swayed a bit and his foot drifted forwards. Step by step he moved closer to the witch until he was beside her. She draped her arm slowly around his torso, her wicked smile growing ever larger. She turned back to heros he had left behined. "You see, in the end, all he wants is to be reunited with his beloved. Your little camapign here in Oz was nothing more than a means to and end for him, and finally her can......GACK!!" Leo's hand shot up in the blink of an eye, faster than he had ever moved before. Eye glowing green he lifted the witch high into the air, grasping at his claw. "If only i had the nerve, to have done this all these years ago." The witch smiled and raise a hand to Leo's muzzle, a dark mass of power formed in no less than a heart beat and launched into his face. Leo released the witch as he flew backwards reaching for anything to stop his flight. She landed softly, her dress billowing under the powerfull wind that was begining to stirr. "Let me snuff out that light you all carry so diligently." she said as she readied two more dark blasts aimed at the others.
Quincy recovered quickly from leaping away from the ax, transforming into her horse form and running to help Tigirius. She reared at the six soldiers, striking and denting their armor with her hooves while avoiding their dangerous pikes.
Nyr's eyes widened in fear as she saw Achyls hurt. She quickly flew to her, clutching her close.

" Don't worry, sister, I am here. " she said, hugging her. The attack the raven did granted her an opportunity to help her first: she kissed her forehead as she felt some of her strength flowing into her. This was an old healing method Mother Moon once showed her when she was gravely wounded. She only hoped that it works with shadow as it did with moonlight.

She then turned her attention to Tin, her eyes lighting up in fury but restraining herself to unleash her full fury on Tin. He was, after all, bound by darkness and his mind was not his own. She gathered a dark wind which picked up some of the dark daggers which missed their target from Achyls' spell. Coating them in ice once more they threw them into the air as she created a swirling maelstrom.

The tunnel of wind enveloped the metal construct and aimed at his feet. The icy daggers tried to cut him around the knees to imbalance him while the other part of the howling wind pushed him backwards. She hoped that the construct would at least fall over... or if her power was not enough then her sister would join her.
Fantastic, ice, just what I wanted. Alexander thought to himself. Leaping up he brandished the sword he had stolen and brought it down hard on the tin man's arm. He did not intent to cut it, but to melt it. the sword dug in a slight big and Alexander let out a burst of forge-worthy fire on the tin-man's joint. Hopefully, Nyr's icy magic would cool the molten metal quick enough to set it. He wondered if this could work, but didn't have time to do much else as the tin man brought his other arm- across to swat him away. He dove off to the side again, abandoning the sword where it was melting in the tin man's arm. He wasn't sure how long it would take him to build the energy for another burst that hot. He slid to a holt and watched the others have their turns.

Anya's eyes widened at Ruby- at the witch and Leo when she blasted him away. Everything in her told her to either run, or simply attack head on, but her mind knew neither of these options were smart. She gripped her daggers tightly, and called to the witch, "Why don't you try? Hmm?" She yelled, taking off around the room away from Ward and Elena. She hoped that having the witch's attention split up between them all would make it a bit harder for her to keep up. She wondered if they could hit the balls of darkness back towards the witch- like a video game, then quickly shoved the thought out of her mind.
Achyls forced herself back into the air, joining Nyr at her side. Her wings beat slower, so she had to use all her strength to keep herself up.

"What do you need of me, sister?" she queried, magic forming at her fingertips, every so often sparking and pulling, like a dog wanting to be let free. However, she awaited orders from Nyr, who seemed to be very much in control of the situation. She looked over to Alexander, he too was handling Tinman's attack with great strength.
With Quincy's help Tigirius fought off the guards, sending his sword flying into a row of shields and knocking three back. He let his guard down on his left flank however and felt a sharp pain as one of the winkies plunged a dagger into the soft flesh above his hip. He batted the soldier away and staggered.

"The pearls!" he cried as Otto and Crow ran to his aid.

Tin gave a metallic cry as his arm was melted, re-freezing again until the metal became brittle. The dark daggers hit his body, most bouncing off his thick shell, but some pierced it as it became brittle with the temperature fluctuations. He fell to one knee. In a rage he flung his arms wide. Hurling whoever was attached off. With a groan the arm broke free and went flying as well. Tin picked up his axe in the other hand, darting forward with great speed to bring the axe down upon Alexander.

Ward rushed forward, claws outstretched. He feinted at the last minute (a trick he had learned from Elena) and came at her side, a talon full of ice magic at the ready he struck at her.

((Did I get everyone's actions right?))
Elena stood ready for a next attack. The Tins armor had indeed become brittle and was penetrated in some parts. When the Tin man broke free again, and charged at Alexander, Elena had a stroke of bravery and did the same, standing between the dragon man and the metal one.

She threw her hands in front of the Tinman in the universal stop sign and as fast as she could, had a wall of Granite flooring shoot up to engulf and restrain him, as long as it wasn't too late.

(Awwww ward playing Elena)
Nyr grabbed Achyls' hand seeing that the metal giant now tried to pursue Alexander.

" Sister, let us unite our powers once more. " she said, focusing on the menacing weapon. She felt great power coursing through her as she pointed at the deadly ax, trying to freeze it before it reached the dragon. In the meantime she struggled to maintain the freezing vortex to keep Tin down for the others to finish him off. She had to muster the strength - they had to prevail.
The horse broke away from the soldiers, sporting a few new small wounds as the Tin man charged Alexander. Elena jumped forward, trying to stop Tin, as she bumped Alexander with her equine shoulder, gently (or as gently as she could) knocking him away from danger. I will not have you hurt! She thought, snorting heavily. With the others swarming in to aid him, she gave him a small nuzzle before leaving his side, going back to help Tigirius. Rearing and squealing seemed to deter the soldiers for attacking, but the few brave ones recieved heavy kicks that sent them flying back.
Achyls nodded, and grabbed Nyr's hand, her power flooding equally between the two of them. Somehow she knew the construct's end was near, and so used this as a final resort.

"I trust you, sister, let us destroy the evil in the Tinman!" she stated, shooting a combined blast of Nyr's and her power at the grate once again, hoping to break it and release the darkness within, freeing him from Ruby's clutches. It seemed to be working, but she needed the combined effort with Nyr.
Tin was blocked by the wall of stone, and roared in frustration as his target was knocked to safety. He did not have time to register the blast of magic coming at him from behind.

Tigirius watched as the metal man was engulfed in light. His cry faded as the light filled his shell, flowing through the entire structure, straight into the small red pocket watch that hung in his chest.

Then all went dark. Tin's armour sat, void and lifeless for just a moment before the darkness began to fade. Tigirius limped over in the silence, blood dripping across the floor as he clutched his side with a great paw. Carefully he opened the damaged hatch in the armour's chest. The heart was there, the clock the wizard had given him, ticking quietly. Tigirius smiled and placed the tiny pearl in the compartment next to it. He closed the hatch and sat back, waiting for the darkness to recede.
Elena had shut her eyes tight, awaiting an impact that did not come. When she reopened them, it was dark. The harass clatter of metal tendrils dissipated. All that was left was breaths belonging to her and others. She allowed the wall to fall and walked past the rubble she created to see Tigirius and the Tinman. She watched him open the chest compartment, in awe at the beating heart, but smelled heavy iron on the tiger and felt something slick on her fingers when she knelt to sit.

"Tigirius sir.. You are hurt. I know no healing magic, but how can I help you?"
Tigirius was breathing heavily, his massive chest rising and falling in the dim light. He looked at her with a kind smile before his gaze drifted out to the rest of the heroes.


Crow and Otto rushed to his side, Crow taking off his vest and pressing it tightly against the tiger's wound.

"We'll look after Tigirius." He said, "You go help your friends put an end to this."
Elena smiled back at him and laid a hand on her comrades shoulder.

"Mhm. Will do.. Be safe." She said, shooting meaningful looks at Otto and Crow, as to say they better take care of him, then she nodded at the rest of her group and went sprinting up the spiral until she came upon where Ward and the Witch were, in time to see Ward attack the Witch.

Without wasting a breath, she kept up her momentum and summoned her sword without a second thought. She watched ward feign and almost chuckling, decided to take the straight forward approach, slashing forward and from the opposite side Ward struck from so she would not get in his way but might overwhelm the witch.

"And here I catch you 'dancing' with another girl?" She joked breathlessly, without removing her concentration from the witch.
After the colossal man fell Nyr smiled and looked proudly at Achyls.

" Well done, we have done it with the help of everyone. " she said, looking at her with gleaming eyes and radiant smile " You are amazing sister. But as Tigirius said we still have work to do: we need to stop Ruby. "

With that she descended from the sky to head in the direction of the spire. She wished to face off again the once beautiful sorceress... and if there was anything they could do to free her as well they had to try. For Leo's sake.

For all Oz's sake.
((Sorry for the absense. Busy weekend.))

Ruby watched as Anya came into the fight and fired one of the balls of black energy at her. The evil witched laugh rang through the room as she turned to the griffon and the other girl and released the second ball. Leo, having finally stopped going backwards when a fairly large closet rammed into his back, grabbed his axs from their sheathes and stood tall against the witch. She looked him over with a glance and her wicked smiled widedend. The witch shifted her shoulders to let the robe she had been wereing fall to the floor. With a flick of her wrist a slime lined sword with a ahalf moon hilt apeared in her hand, dripping black smoke from the edge. Leo rushed the witch with a roar and brought the blades down ontop of her, which she easily parried by raising the sword high above her head. Her unbelievable strength held the ax's in mid air as LEo pushed as hard as he could. With her free hand she summoned yet another blade and swiped it across the Lions exsposed abdomin. He pushed back as hard as he could, only sustaining a nasty flesh wound when she brought the blad under his arms. She cackled again as the others came running through the door. "Hmm, i wasnt exspecting company so fast. What a worthless piece of metal that tin man, ill melt him down and make a crown from him once i am through with all of you." She raised her hand and fired another plast of dark energy at the door way as the others came into view.
Achyls nodded again, dropping to her knees. Her wings could not hold her, her wounds bleeding profusely. Holding on to Nyr, she got to her feet, moving over to Tigirius. Lightly, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You have done so much, Tigirius. Rest now," she smiled weakly, before turning to follow Nyr, much slower than she would usually fly. She didn't have any idea of what to expect from the Witch, but accepted the challenge, no matter her condition at this present time.

The sight of Ruby was overwhelming, she had the beauty of the girl from the story, but the darkness had twisted her, contorted her face into something of pure hatred. Achyls winced as she lowered to the platform to face the Witch.
Luness woke with a groan, slowly pushing herself up until she was sitting on her haunches. Furrowing her brows, Luness looked around to see that she was in the middle of some road and there seemed to be a rather forlorn castle in the distance.

Dimly remembering herself losing her grip on the carriage and tumbling out of it, Luness got on all fours and shook away the last of her dizzy spell before she was sprinting at full speed towards the castle.

Luness would never ride in that carriage again with that damned sawhorse if she could help it. She'd rather run on all fours than ride in that thing again. Luness could only hope that nobody had witnessed her tumbling.
Elena took the black energy, blocking only with her shoulder and flying back, skidding against the ground a bit. She took a moment to get back to her feet, refusing to look at the burning should as adrenaline was working well. She regained her speed while the witch was attacking Leo, and took wrapped her pearl cord on the sword, thinking if it repelled her power, it could allow her to take damage. Her gold eyes became cold once again, and she put all her force into a blow towards her chest, left open and away from Leo.

"I think you've caused enough damage you wretched thing. It's time you die."

(Welcome back Luness!! Care to kill a witch with us? ;D)
Ward had just enough time to see Elena come up the stairs and hear her smart comment.

"Perish the thought my love, you are trouble enough." He laughed and ducked under the energy ball, snarling as he saw Elena take the hit, he lunged again, this time aiming to use his bulk to force the witch off balance.

The witchs laugh rang out through the room as she watched the girl take the hit and came charging at her. As the girls cord wrapped around her sword Ruby felt the good magic hiss as it touched her. She dangled the trinket from her sword and looked it over. With a smile the little pearl began to crack until it shattered into dust. Then the griffon came charging in causing her to lean backwards. She windmilled the sword around and tried to bring it down on one of the griffons wings as she stuck the other in the floor to keepherslef steady. Leo, once again to his feetplaced the ends of his ax's together and gave them a short twist. The resounding click of the dwarven locking mechanisim gave leo his staff ax back in it full glory. He spun the blades around his head and began to bring them down on the witch. Each time the giant lions blad swished through the air Ruby was able to dodge almost as if she was playing with the great cat. Finally she made her move and swung her blade back at him grazing him across the chest and then again over his left arms upper muscles. He cringed as the dark blades left large cuts across his body, his crimson blood spilling across his muscles. Ruby backed up with a jump high into the air, landing on the mantle of the fire place. The swords dissapeard and she placed here hands together almost as in prayer. The witch smiled as the fire in the fireplace began to grow and grow becomeing wilder by the second. Leo's eye widdend as he liftedhimself and jumped behined the closest piece of furniture he could find "Eveyone take cover!!" There was a roar like a dragon as the flames in the fire place errupted engulfing anything and everything in the room.
Elena watched as her protection against the witch was taken from her own sword and destroyed. The sudden pressure of the dark energies was near overwhelming. She took a few heavy breaths to readjust and looked up just in time to see Rubys sword fall to stab through Wards wing and with great speed increased by her protectiveness, she swung her own upward to clip and stop the witches. She had very little time as the Witch found a new target and filled the room with flame.

"Duck!" She shouted, Leo's taking cover giving her an idea. She dropped to the ground as the stone solid flooring lifted in waved and covered her and whomever she could immediately see.
Finally, the room became still as Tin fell. Quincy stopped, hooves skidding a little on the marble. The mare stood for a moment before being replaced by a slender girl. The rapid transformations made her arm and stomach begin to bleed slightly again, adding to the many nicks along her legs and across her back. One on her lower back was particularly painful, especially when she tried to twist to see it as the others rushed up to aid in the final fight. She followed shortly after, but dove back from the door when flames billowed out. She nocked an arrow, darting in as soon as the flames died down and aimed for who she assumed was Ruby, an evil figure in red. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the floor had a strangely large bump in it, as if it had been liquified and disturbed into waves, but even with this on her mind, she loosed the arrow with a prayer it would hit its mark.
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