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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr walked down with the others into the great hall. She smiled a bit when she saw Tin finally purified but it still did not give her serenity. The burden, the knowledge that she had the power to save Ruby from death still haunted her... and she did not stop thinking about it. Even when Glinda revitalized and healed their wounds the only response she gave to the good witch was a bow and a nod but she did not wake from her painful waking nightmare.

" I should have saved her... " she kept saying to herself, almost like a mantra as she sat down on the floor, not quite ready yet to enter the portal. She looked up when Kallin entered and was a bit surprised about him. She did not sense dark intentions - in fact she did not sense anything at all. Normally this would have troubled her but now she could not care about things like this. She somehow has to make things right, yet she was unsure how.
Kallin eyed Achyls, placing a hand on his heart and pretending to stagger backwards a pace.

"Ow, your group is just full of icy stares isn't it?" He looked about and saw Nyr, wrapped up in her own mind. It was her, the dark power he had sensed earlier. She didn't look the part, but he knew all too well that looks could be deceiving. The one who had addressed him was incredibly powerful as well.

Tigirius rose and gave the stranger a sideways glance. "You are not of Oz."

"I'm beginning to think that witch was more friendly." He sighed and examined the rest of the team.

"This is it? Really? You're the ones who defeated the archdemon and his warband?" He thought for a moment.

"All right, fine. My name is Kallin. I'm a mage from High Tower. I've decided to help you go up against your enemies...and believe you me, you'll need all the help you can get."

"Uh, we just took down the Wicked Witch of the West." Leia said. She didn't like this guy, something about him rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe it was the stare? It was hard to see any emotion in those glowing yellow eyes, but she felt he looked at everything with a skeptical criticism and she hated it.

"Hate to break it to you, but that witch, strong as she was, was a toddler compared to what's in front of you. I'll explain more when we're through the portal."

He moved around the party and approached Glinda's portal, nodding to her as politely as he could while still being in a hurry to leave. Suddenly a wall of fur and feathers blocked his path. Ward stood before the portal and stared at him with his brilliant amber eyes.

"Before we trust you, I need a sign of faith. I've sensed you are very powerful, as Branbern is at the moment, those I care about are in a vulnerable state. I will not risk them."

Kallin backed off, a little surprised to see the gryphon. Where had he come from? Was it the blonde he had met on the steps? He quickly regained his composure however.

"Relax friend...watch." Kallin backed off a few more paces and conjured a light into his hand.

"I swear by the light I hold and the power within that I will not harm any who call Branbern home." He pressed the light to his heart and it sank through his robes. "An oath spell. The penalty for breaking one is as I'm sure you know...undesirable."

Ward stood for a moment and then finally nodded. "Very well. Everyone, we should go soon."

Tigirius turned to Achyls first.

"Fair thee well little one." He said, placing a huge paw on her head. "I will remember what you did for us."

Leia walked up to Crow, Otto and Tin and smiled at them, sorry to leave them so soon after she had just met them.

"You guys were always my heroes you know? I love your story. And I'll never forget it...or you."

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz
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Achyls found herself unable to hold back what emotions lay dormant in her for so long. She looked up at Tigirius, a mist in her eyes that could only mean tears. She could not cry in front of him, or anyone else for that matter.

"I..." she choked up, forcing any sadness down into the pit of her chest, "I will never lose my memories of this world, or you, dear Tiger," she smiled sadly, patting his fur in gratitude. She stepped away from him, trying to detach herself from it all. From Oz. The little world she had heard about was real, and now she had to say goodbye.

She took a deep breath and walked up to the portal, looking back to Otto, Crow and Tin.

"I am sure we will meet again, maybe not soon. But perhaps our paths will cross in a later life," she said to them, bowing slightly to them, a sign of respect for their triumph in beating the darkness that held them.

She then turned and nodded to Glinda, her sad smile still leaving impression on her face. When the signal was given, she would follow the others out of Oz once and for all.
Elena smiled politely at his gratitude, though feeling a bit reprimanded. He was odd, but she didn't distrust him for whatever reason. Maybe it was her lack of pearl, and her mind was touched but she didn't want to think if that likelihood. She watched him carefully until by the others, trusting Wards judgement and chuckling as her love startled the stranger.

When told to give her goodbyes as they were to be leaving, she started out towards the portal, not looking back at any of the group except out of the corner of her eye. She was not as bitter as when she arrived, but Elena never stopped hating goodbyes.

"Alright.. Ready when you are." Her fingers coiled again around her wounded appendage and squeezed tightly to remind her that she was still there, and she should be feeling something about leaving these new people.
Nyr finally stood up and followed everyone to the portal. Once again she bowed before Glinda, Crow, Tin, Otto and Tigirius.

" It has truly been an honor. " she mumbled " I am glad that I could have met you all. We will miss you. "

With that she turned to the portal where she saw Ward and Kallin. She nodded at the first and bowed before the latter. As devastated as she was the formalities still bound her to welcome the mage.

" Greetings, Kallin. It is an honor to meet you. My name is Nyr the Dread Raven... you probably know who the others are already. " she sighed uneasily and looked at Ward and the mage again with a questioning look.

" Do you wish to go through the portal first? I can wait, I don't want to hurry anywhere. "
Leo watched as Crow and Otto filled Tin in on what had happened to each of them over the course of the past few days. Leo looked around the room and saw that a few of the group that had taken off after the small blue bird were returning once again, however now they had a plus one. The strangly garbed individual gave Leo a bit of weird feeling, but he didnt think he was any kind of immediate threat. He debated weather or not he should make an introduction to thw stranger but was stopped when he saw Nyr sitting on the ground. A pit formed in his stomach as he could see the thoughts weighing on her mind. He wanted to go over and talk to her, but the stranger had begun to address the group and Leo needed to here what he said. He listend to the man and was concerend about his ententions until he performed the Oath spell. Leo relaxed when the spell was complete and watched as the group slowly made their way back into the portal.

Otto and the others watched the stranger as he convereced with the others. Once he left and Leia came up to them. Tin and Crow smiled at the girl "IT was a pleasure my lady. Tin bowed, "We will see you again my lady. Where ever our friend Leo goes, we will always be there to help his friends as well."Crows stitched face glowed with a smile as he bowed to Leia as well. Otto looked up at Leia, his seemed to double in size as they watered with good bye tears. He whimpered a bit before lunging at her and wrapping his arms around her, tail wagging back and forth wildly "Im gonna miss all of you! Thank you for what you have done for us, we will be in debt to all of you for ever."

Leo watched as the group took to the portal, until he was the the last one left. He looked to each of his friends and gave them a weak smile, which they met with their own smiles. " It seems that now that I have brought you all back, I must leave once again." THey all crowded around Leo and hugged him tightly. Leo turned and looked to Tigirius holding out his arm twoards the great beast "I leave the woodlands to you in my absence once again my friend. Once my duty as Guardian has come to its end, i will return. Till then, rule justly and with more courage than i could ever." After he said his good by to the tiger, he turned to the portal. Glinda took a step forward and reached out and grabbed his hand in hers. LEo could feel a small weight pressed into his hand and she retracted her hands. In his hand sat a key, the end of the key a large Z inside an O. "For when your quest has ended and you want to come home my lord." Leo smiled at the witch and pocketed the key in is satchel. He turned once again to the portal and before he could take a second glance he stepped through to take him back to Branbern.
Tigirius embraced his friend and king, slapping his back as hard as his own fading injury would allow. "I will rule with the exact amount of courage you have shown, for there is no greater amount in all of FableWood." He waved at them as one by one they slipped through the portal.

Leia was a bit taken aback by Otto hugging her, her eyes began to water and she hugged him back tightly.

Wiping a tear from her eye she turned one last time, waving at her new friends before stepping through the portal.

Kallin's glowing eyes registered shock. "Dread raven. So its you." She seemed awfully down on herself, for all the stories he had heard. After the battle of Branbern Kallin had gone to investigate, and there were dozens of surviving soldiers with battle stories involving "The Good Raven" as they had taken to calling her.

"Nope, out of all the stories I've heard, you come up as one of the favorites. You took your father's mind back from the archdemon. One of Caraboss' right hands. No one does that...until you did."

Kallin was uncharacteristically awestruck, but he hid it well. "I thought you'd be taller."

Without another word he stepped though the portal, his cloak billowing out behind him.

Ward approached Tigirius, shrinking back into a man to clasp the tiger's paw tightly.

"Until next we meet my friend. Guard my king well."

"As long as I draw breath Tigirius." He smiled.

Ward said his farewells to Leo's old friends and to Glinda. He stepped beside Elena, summoning his healing magic and pressing her shoulder lightly, soothing her burns.

"Shall we?" He took her hand then and stepped through back to Branbern.

((Last post for me tonight, night all!))
Nyr was surprised at the mage's words. More importantly when he mentioned stories she got a little uneasy. Were the people of Branbern actually spreading rumors about her? Did the mage come here to subdue her?

She shook her head to dissipate the dark thoughts. Until she knew what was going on she did not want to draw any conclusions. Taking a deep breath she followed Ward and Elena through the portal, looking back one last time to see Leo as the only one to remain here. With a sorrowful sigh she still whispered one thing before she entered.

" I am sorry. " and then she vanished through the swirling vortex, travelling to her destination.
Elena flinched at the touched, but then felt herself relax again, looking to Ward and smiling. She didn't really mind the wound as it wasn't so bad, but healing it sooner rather than later would be best so she could train or fight without issue. She took a deep breath and looked back at them all finally, smiling wide.

"T..take care.. take care of yourselves!!"

She gave Ward a short nod to say she was indeed ready, and one to the secluded Nyr as well, then stepped through the portal to see what Branbern was looking like and know what their new stranger had in store.
Between Glinda and Leia, Quincy was soon no longer bleeding, although still a little sore. She looked at the stranger carefully, unsure of what to think of him. But there was no time to ponder it- it was time to leave. But before she stepped into the portal, the kelpie moved toward Leo. “Leo.. Im not sure when I'll get a chance to say this, so.. Im so sorry for your loss, it is something no one should have to experience. I-" Quincy stumbled on her words, then stopped. “Im sorry, my friend." She said, unable to say anything else past her smothered tears. With a nod to him, she turned and looked at the other residents of Oz, smiling faintly and waving goodbye to them. Glancing at Alexander and beckoning, she stepped into the portal and was whisked back to Branbern.

Anya was thankful when the witch restored her strength, and once again stood on her own. Thanking Ethan she turned to the newcomer and watched him make his spell. She was very curious about the guys wording of his spell, it seemed a bit too... all encompassing, yet vague at the same time. What if they encountered enemy's who call Bradburn home? What about those of the group who didn't call Bradburn home? Ah, well, she figured with a group like theirs, surely it would be fine. They had at least two people who could get inside of another's mind. If they trusted this thing then she supposed she should as well.

Anya moved forward to hug Otto, herself, after Leia had finished hugging him. The pup reminded her of Felix, her little brother, and had helped her feel just a little less lost in this world. She would certainly miss his energy, and was very glad they had managed to save him. When she hugged him, she said goodbye.

"Hey, never change, okay?" She told the little werewolf. "I'll miss you, Otto, maybe some time we could all come back and visit." With that, she gave him a wide smile, a truly happy smile- one of the first she had worn since she came to this strange land. Afterwards, she turned, and headed through the portal after Alexander and Quincy.


Alexander was having similar thoughts, but kept them to himself in his usual manner. Unlike Anya, his silence was not because he was simply listening to what was said. He was trying to assess the newcomers, all of them. A dragon is not a being of trust, and he was no exception. Sensing almost nothing from this Kallin, Alexander listened to all that was said, then followed Quincy back through the portal.
The battle with Tin Man was a scary one indeed. Luckily, Ashley's Archery Skills had enabled her to assist her teammates in battle. Of course, she kept her distance in order to not put her child in harm's way. It seemed like many of her companions did also seem to like fight up close and personal. If she wasn't pregnant, she wouldn't mind either. After this adventure though, hopefully she could put together a baby shower. The last time they were at home, Ashley felt the urge to start 'nesting', which meant tidying up her dwelling and prepare for the arrival of her baby. However, because the place she was staying at did not belong to her, she had to resist the urge to nest, not to mention it was starting creep her out, because she was human, not a bird. After her companions said her goodbyes, all Ashley could do was give a warm smile before going through the portal with her companions, thankful to be returning to Fablewood, where she belonged.
The portal shimmered as Nyr finally stepped out from it. She took a deep breath and familiar scents filled her nose: she was indeed back in Branbern. Looking around she marveled at the speed of the reconstruction. Although there was still a lot of work to be done the architects have rebuilt quite a lot of buildings since their departure. But then again she wasn't sure that the realm of Oz had a different time zone or not she was glad that the reparations were going well.

Bowing her head she headed towards the secluded grove in the castle where she first met Luness. She was glad to find the place intact from the onslaught as she sat down in the shady spot where she used to be when she wanted to be alone. She now felt the grace of the moon upon her once more yet she did not feel worthy. The burden weighed heavily on her shoulders - even though others and even her own mind told her that it was not her fault her heart was still breaking over the thought that she didn't do all she could.

" If only I had the courage... if only I was brave enough to make that sacrifice... "
Leo spun in place, eye closed as the sensation of the vortex took him back to Branbern. Then as if it had all been a dream, he stepped out of the portal and back onto the stone surface of the palace. He looked around and was impressed with the amount of progress they had made in such a short amount of time. He looked over the group and did a quick head count to make sure he had been the last one through. He turned to the portal and watched it as it slowly got lighter and lighter as the winds that created is began to die down. After a few seconds it was gone, and he sighed with relief. Out of the corner of his eye he caught the feint flash of dark fabric turning a corner, and realized Nyr had left. He sighed, and slowly made his way in her direction. Trying not to startle her he watched and followed as she made her way to a small grove he had never been before. His ears perked up when she began to talk to herself, but drooped back when he understood what she was saying. Out of sight he wrestled with whether or not he should approach. Just as he was about to turn away and leave her a thought crossed his mind "Courage Leo.." This made him smile. He turned back to her and stepped out beside her "Those same words I have been speaking to myself for many years now." He gave the girl a feint smile
Nyr shivered as she heard the voice of the elder lion and her expression darkened even further. She did not dare to turn her expression to Leo... she did not have the courage after she had failed to do what must be done. With a voice barely louder than a whisper she sighed.

" Mother Moon told me that her spirit as at peace now. " she said with a weak smile, still staring at the ground " She told me to tell you that she loves you still... "

She grabbed a path of grass in frustration, fighting with her emotions.

" I am but a frail raven, descendant of the one who wanted to swallow the world in darkness. " she mumbled " Ruby was a powerful sorceress, and ally who could have been not only a valuable member of the team but would have also mended you broken heart. " she saw a drop of tear falling on the lush green lawn below her as the chill wind stated to blow. For moments she remained silent before she finally blurted out in sorrow.

" You should have chosen her. "
The sun was close to the horizon, bathing the castle in a warm, orange light. Ward stepped through the portal, drawing in the familiar scene. They had arrived in the gardens again, in an archway trailing with roses.

"First things first, I should let Princess Briar know we're back." He said and started in the direction of the castle. He gave a glance over his shoulder to the other members of the group.

"Don't leave him alone until I've spoken to her."

Here he gestured to Kallin who shrugged innocently.

After Ward had gone Kallin put his hands behind his back and looked up at the castle turrets, whistling loudly.

"The castle's more impressive up close. I couldn't get in last time I was here."

He eyed the horizon, seeming almost a bit nervous of the approaching night, he quickly recovered however and adopted his usual demeanor.

"Since I apparently need a nurse maid. Who want's to show me around?"
Elena followed and watch the sun dip down. She was happy to be back, but ill at ease. Being here, remembering powerlessness made her want to train break back into her self destructive tendencies. She smiled to Ward and nodded.

"Yes.. I'll see you next time we all regather." She said, then sighed and looked at the stranger, guessing she should keep watch of him since it was her fault he was even released, but she didn't want to. She started walking deeper into the gardens, towards the gate and waved.

"Have fun. I'll be gone until further notice."
Leo sat and listened to Nyr, his mind racing with ways to explain himself to her. He was stopped in his thought process by her last sentence. He closed his eye and took in a deep breath as a warm breeze whisked past them, the sunset painting the sky with beautiful shades of pinks and orange. "Had I chosen differently, I would be in more heart ache from loosing you than i ever was from loosing Ruby." He continued to watch the sky above them as a pair of birds fluttered through the openness above them. "The moments leading up to Ruby's death where much slower than anyone could have imagined for me. When I looked into her eyes, I saw that Ruby was still in there. I knew she could have been brought back to me, but i also saw what the witch had done to her. Her soul was no longer whole, it had been shredded and torn apart by the years of torment that the witch had inflicted. Even if we had brought her back, she would never be the same. She reached out to me in our moment, and asked me to complete our journey without her. She saw the burden on my heart and asked me to release her from her torture." He looked down at the girl, his eye much softer than normal "You may not realize it, but you are so much like her. You are strong in the face of impossible odds, you are courageous when you are faced with your darkest fears, and you would sacrifices yourself for your friends, just as she did. I both admire you and care for you deeply Nyr for these qualities."

Achyls at last stepped through the portal, the sadness of leaving that world was one that weighed strongly on her. Watching Elena leave, she thought it would be best to watch Kallin herself. She stepped towards him, eyeing him, a slight hint of discomfort on her face.

"Kallin...why approach us now?" she asked, analysing everything. His cloak, what she could see of his face, his mannerisms. He was not like the others. He was sly and somewhat deceptive it seemed. So why was he accepted so into the company? What swayed them?

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Nyr heard what Leo said but could not believe her own ears. She... important to Leo? She could barely believe what he just said but upon looking up to meet his old, wise eyes she knew that he was speaking of the truth. She could not contain herself. Anguish, sorrow but also happiness and joy burst forward from her, her tears flowing once again as rivers as she stood up to hug the furry guardian, wetting his fur with her tears. She sobbed, as she tightened her grip, barely able to squeeze out the words.

" I... I thank you Leo... for everything. Again. " she said " Even though you have every reason to hate me for not saving your beloved you still show compassion and kindness towards me. I... feel unworthy of being compared to Ruby. She was so different, so much more... pure. "

She lowered her voice to a mere whisper.

" I... " she chose her words carefully now. She did not want to insult or to overwhelm the mighty guardian with her feelings so she just finally said " You are important to me, Leo. You are so kind, so benevolent and wise... I am honored to say that I can stand beside you. "

She tried to halt the torrent of tears as she mumbled.

" I may not be Ruby... but I will try my hardest to make up for the void she left behind. "
Luness watched the stranger with a strong sense of curiosity. She didn't approach him nor did she introduce herself upon his introduction of himself.

She felt extremely cautious around him despite having only just met him. His demanor gave off bad vibes and he had an overly sly manner of speaking and acting. It naturally put Luness on edge despite everything else that had happened recently.

Watching everyone saying their farewells and then exiting through the portal, Luness trotted on all fours to Otto before shifting so she was kneeling on one knee in front of the young werewolf. Letting out a small and weary sigh, Luness said, "Perhaps we'll meet again one day, young pup."

More than anything, Luness wanted to accept Otto into her pack and welcome him to her family. Yet, it seemed like his home was here.

Pausing, Luness then quietly added, "If you ever wish to, you'd be welcome to join my pack...and my family."


(I'm trying to catch Luness up to the moment since I've been in and out most of the day and haven't had time until now to respond)
Otto smiled at the werecat as she spoke to her. "I haven't had a family in a very long time. When I am finished restoring Oz along with the others, I would honored to join your pack. I owe you a great debt for freeing me and will repay it one day i promise." His tail swishing back and forth knocked against Tin's legs creating a soft pattering noise on the metal plating.


He raised his arms and gingerly wrapped them around the tiny figure clinging to him. For the first time since before the siege had begun, Leo could feel his happiness rising slowly. Deep within his throat he began to purr before he began to chuckle at Nyrs statement "Pure you say. Ha ha, Ruby was a great many things, but I would hardly call her pure. She was very mischievous, playing with peoples emotions to satisfy her own needs." His mind slipped away for only a moment before turning his gaze back to Nyr. "Ah Nyr you more than fill any void left behind by my past. I would have nothing less than standing by your side as well."

Mitchell was laying against his black backpack and enjoyed laying out in the open under the wide open sky outside the castle of Branburn. he had forgotten how he had gotten outside, but it mattered little to him at this point. His old button up was gone, torn and shredded and burnt to an ash by one of the most intense days of his life so far. He was glad he managed to keep a spare set of clothes with him, and he never figured that he would need some for a time like this, but he knew now more than ever it was better to be prepared. He now had a simple black shirt with a front pocket over his heart where the pearl he had been given was still placed and what remained of his old vest. Mitchell was still a bit paranoid regarding exactly what could jump out and when, seeing as anything could happen in this world. He hadn't spoken much to the others in a while, neither to that new guy who was a mage of all things, and he knew that he should make a concentrated effort. It was the least he could do, because he owed something of his life to all of them, whether he acknowledged it fully or not. He knew that he was in for a bad time without friends, especially at a time like this when he was trying to figure out a way back to a world where he was able to actually engage threats he came across. For now though, he simply enjoyed a moment's rest, and the sky above him that reminded him of home, and to dream.

(RP... so fast...hard to... keep up)
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Nodding at Otto, Luness then stood and said to him with a slight smile, "Very well. I look forward to you joining my family. A wolf's strength grows in numbers. I may not be a wolf myself, but the more our numbers grow, the stronger I feel each day."

Inside, Luness felt ecstatic at hearing Otto's willingness to join her pack. His playful banter would certainly help ease the pain they had all faced lately with the losses of two good packmembers.

Turning away from Otto, Luness then added in a whisper, "My pack has faced too many losses lately." Her face saddened for a second before she regained her composure and walked up to Glinda.

Bowing her head, Luness then looked at Glinda and said evenly, "Thank you for all of your help." Glancing at the portal, Luness looked back at Glinda and then added, "I really must be going now."

Otto tilted his head quizingly at the werecats words of loss. He knew all to well the feeling of family lost after having lost his last pack to the witches powers. He looked to Luness with eyes full of hope and wonder "Thank you alpha!! I will be with you soon!" He waved his hand high into the air back and forth with a speed that might dislocate his shoulder. Tin placed a hand on the young wolfs head and he turned to follow the others.

Glinda looked to the young werecat and smile
"We are the ones who owe you our thanks young shifter. You and your group saved so many lives during your trip and will always be welcomed here in Oz." She bowed her head slowly to the werecat with a smile.


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