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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness finally arrived at the castle, skidding to a halt and gasping for breath at the open gate. Standing up on her hind legs, Luness then jogged inside before halting at the sight of two figures up ahead kneeling in front of a metal construct. Narrowing her eyes, Luness then recognized Otto, though she had no idea who the other person was. Though, they had the appearance of the scarecrow from the fable, so Luness could only assume that her friends had been successful in defeating the darkness in him. Perhaps the metal construct was the tin man? Shrugging, Luness then walked up to the small group and asked them, "Where is everyone else?" She could only assume there was some kind of final battle unfolding somewhere else within the castle.

Achyls flew upwards, narrowly avoided the flames that licked the ground below. Her chest heaving, a ball of dark magic, seething in her hand, began to form. She unleashed it at Ruby, hoping to strike the woman down so that one of the others could complete some 'final blow'.

"Leo!" she exclaimed, as a sign to attack the dark Witch. She remained up by the ceiling in shadow, partially disguising her whereabouts, for now.
The Scarecrow started when Luness spoke to him.

"Up stairs." He answered quickly, "Fighting the Wicked witch."

Tigirius coughed and winced, blood soaking through the cloth Crow had pressed to it.

"Tell them to hurry! We need a healer...Hungry Tiger, he's hurt very badly!"


Ward saw the blade swing down for his wing, he pulled it back, watching a primary feather get splintered and fall away. He counted himself lucky that people always seemed fooled by just how small a wing limb actually was. he pulled it back and struck out, to bash the witch but she was already gone, moving for her next attack.

When Leo yelled 'duck' and he saw the flames rising Ward followed his first instinct and dove for Elena, covering her with his wings. The stone rose up about them and he held her close as the flames roared overheard.

@Bea Delaine

Leia had commanded Lee to protect Leo and herself, creating a giant bubble of ice which hissed loudly as the flames hit it. When the attack subsides the bubble was gone but she and Leo were unhurt.

"Ok lady, I'm tired of your poor hostess skills." She said angrily. Lee shot forward, rolling in mid-air and using the momentum of the spin to shoot a barrage of ice spikes off her tail at Ruby. She followed up by rushing over the witch's head with a powerful spray of water.

Nyr could barely avoid the hungering flames when Ruby unleashed her inferno. She tried to battle it with her freezing spell but she quickly realized that if she were to defeat it she would have to consume all her remaining strength, rendering her useless for the remainder of the fight. Instead she quickly ducked, allowing the destruction to sweep across the room like a locus swarm, devouring everything in its path.

Devising a plan how to deal with the witch she flew out of hiding fast and looked into the eye of the witch. She expected insanity within but there was only... darkness. Her heart sank upon seeing darkness eternal once again... but they had to defeat her no matter the cost. Lowering the power of the spell she unleashed a torrent of black ice upon Ruby, but she did not want to harm her too much. She was important to Leo and Leo was important to Nyr...

She would never forgive herself if she would finish off the sorceress while there was still a chance of rescuing her from the maw of madness.
The witches laughter roared even louder than the flames that licked at everything they could touch. Leo had barely made it behind a couch as the fire spread across the room, thankful for the cover the bubble of ice had provided. Looking up in ceiling he saw her power growing for an immense attack. "We need to weaken her first, we need to..." As if the young girl had read her mind, Leia sprayed the witch with water, the barrage of ice spikes distracting her from as she obliterated those mid flight. A horrific scream ripped through the room as the witch's skin began to burn like acid. Black ice slammed the witch against the wall she had her back to, pinning her and cutting off any escape. "HOW DARE YOU!!!! I will KILL you ALL!!!" the witch howled again as an arrow zipped past Leo and embedded itself deep into her shoulder. Leo watched and realized that the water had weekend her defense so much that the arrow had caused her to begin bleeding. It was then that he realized that the witch pretending to be Ruby had to be destroyed completely. She may wear her skin, but that was all. He looked up to the little raven in the ceiling "Achyls!! NOW!!!"

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Elena felt a protective wing fall over her before her own protection could even follow. She hit the floor, panting to catch her breath and keep the walls up. Maybe it was the loss of her pearl, or maybe her stamina was about through. Whichever it was, her walls and magic were just a bit harder to maintain, and she knew this would need to end soon before the strongest members of the team lost steam.

She turned and smiled at Ward, wiping away the sweat which accumulated on her forehead and allowed her wall to shrink. She got back up and saw the witch wreath in pain just as she was exposed to the ice and water, then looked to Achyls for her next move.
Anya had been struck hard by the black magic and fallen. She stayed where she lay.

Alexander headed upstairs with the others, and paused a bit before the witch, assessing what was happening and what must be done.

(Short post is short until I figure out what alex does haha.)
Ethan saw Anya and immediately went to her side, picking her up. He knew he couldn't fight against a witch well, and especially not carrying a human form. He couldn't leave her in the line of fire.

He retreated then, trying to get Anya out of the way. The. He stood up, hesitating and trying to decide what to do next.
(Man Quincy must not be a very good shot lol)

The keplie was humming softly, even through the battle, an ancieny melody. She began to hum louder, then sing. Above, the swirling storm began to respond and unleash its fury, sending sheets of rain rushing through the windows and open door, coating everything with water, including the witch. She shot another arrow, trying to hit the witch with a glancing blow to weaken her.
"Yes, sir!" Achyls yelled, ready to strike. With all the power left in her, she flung her power in a constant stream at the Witch, causing her to dive back to sustain the strength of her attack. Her wounds seared and her abilities stung her insides. Nevertheless, she continued to send her blasts at the evil below.

"Leo, strike now!" she gasped, as the ends of the beam struck Ruby on the main bulk of her body. Triumph filled her, combined with a strange weakness. This was not the end, however, Leo still had to end it himself. She knew he could do it, this was his final battle with Ruby.

Leo watched as the blast of energy hit Ruby square on, melting the ice wall but continuing to pin her again the wall. He new it would not last long so he had to make his move. It was the moment of truth, the moment this entire trip had been leading up to and the only thing that would heal Oz and free all his friends permanently. He dropped his ax blades to the ground and reached for his dagger behind his back. He glanced down at the blade and then looked over to Ward, possibly the only person who could understand the pain he was feeling in his heart at that moment.

Leo made his decision and looked forward, blade drawn and ready to strike. He rushed through the room and lept into the air feet before the fire place. He landed on the mantle adjacent to the pinned witch, her eyes following him with what seemed to be tears. Leo looked deep into her eyes as the tears rolled down her cheeks "L-l-leo....h-help...." But before she could finish, he plunged the sword deep into her chest a sorrow filled expression across his face. She looked at Leo as the blade began to glow bright white with energy. "I'm sorry for not doing what needed to be done."

Leo's eye now solid green as he pushed energy surging through Rubys body. There was a brilliant flash of white energy that extinguished the flames in the burning room and then went quiet. A black smoke lifted from the agape mouth of Ruby and dissipated into nothingness with a sigh. Leo climbed down from the mantle and pulled the sword from Ruby's body releasing her from the wall. Gently he cradled her body in his arms as he lowered her from the wall, he could not help but feel as if she was merely sleeping. As he stood there hold her, a breeze came from the open door as the storm outside let up and the dark clouds gave way to the clear blue sky above them.

Leo walked over to the burned couch he had used for shelter and placed her gently down upon it. He leaned in close to her and pressed the bridge of his nose to her head, then gave her a soft kiss, softly whispering something into her ear. He stood wiping the tears from his face and watched as Ruby slowly began to drain of color until she was a light grey. The breeze swept in once again and brushed her hair, causing her body to crumble away like dust before their very eyes. Leo turned from the couch and looked across the room at those who had stood beside him.
"Thank you very much my friends. The weight of my past has been lifted from me and it would not have been possible if not for all of you." Leo, wiped his face of the tears once again before giving them a weak smile. "We should get head back down, I'm sure everyone is waiting for the good news."

Downstairs Otto and the others watched over Tigirius, trying everything they could to help keep him going until help arrived. Otto looked up to the others his face grim, unsure if they would make it in time. As he looked to the others he noticed the sky outside had changed to a much clearer blue and the sun was begining to illuminate the room they were all huddled in. The doors shook a bit before the locks clicked themselves opened and the doors swung open with a gust of wind behind them. A small ball of light swept in on the breeze fluttering around and around their heads until coming to a stop near Tigirius's head. The light grew and grew Until it gave a little POP and Glinda was standing over the group. She looked over them all with a smile and bent down placing a hand over Tigirius's wounds "Come now Regent of the Forest, you still have a job to do for your king." Her hands began to glow with pure white light as the wounds began to heal and restore his energy.
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Ward returned Leo's gaze, his beak held shut and he nodded gravely, though his eyes were filled with sorrow. He watched the final strike, forced himself not to look away. He was aware of Elena beside him and was grateful for her. Ward followed the lion as he lay the shell of a woman on the couch. The door opened and she vanished in a cloud of dust and the gryphon bowed his feathered head.

Upon hearing of the others Ward made his way to the steps padding down them silently.

He came upon a very dire scene. Tigirius lay on the floor, blood pooling under him. Otto and Crow had tears in their eyes and for one moment Ward feared the worst. Suddenly a bright orb floated in through the doors, trailing the sunlight of the clearing sky. Glinda appeared and smiled as she healed the tiger's wounds.

Tigirius suddenly gasped for breath and groaned and he tried to sit up. He saw Glinda and the others coming down the stairs and knew it was done. The look he gave his king was one of absolute joy...and pride.

Leia followed the party down, seeing Tigirius sitting up with Glinda standing over him and Crow and Otto kneeling beside. She almost didn't see Tin, until a faint glow emanated from within the old soldier's chest. Slowly the darkness slipped away, revealing the true form of the tin man. Slowly he opened his eyes.

He felt the change like someone had just punched him in the face. The witch was dead. His magic was no longer sealed. It was time. The figure, wreathed in the shadow of the dungeon began to knit a spell. From his gloved hands sprouted a tiny blue light, which transformed into a fragile, ethereal bird. This he sent shooting through the bars, up the stairs and into the room where everyone was gathered. It hovered there for just a second before racing about the heads of those gathered and streaking back down to its master.

"That should get their attention." He waited a little while and added his voice to the plan.

"Hey up there! Someone get me out!"

((@zCrookedz I'll let you choose Tin's light form. Also the new character's profile is up, just under Leia's. I hope you all like him as much as I do.))
Achyls followed the group down, a little lightheaded but all in all feeling proud of their accomplishments. Upon seeing Tigirius, she dashed to him, wrapping her arms around him. It was a strange action on her part, she was not one to show such emotion. Though somewhere deep inside her she felt the triumph as a new start, for Oz, and the company.

"You have been so brave, dear Tiger," she said to him, getting back to her feet, just as the strange blue bird flew overhead. She looked back to Tigirius, then to Leo, before staring at the bird itself.

"What is that creature?" she asked, watching it race around the room.
Luness nodded at the scarecrow and was about to head upstairs when a door opened behind her. Slowly standing up on her hind legs, Luness turned to watch with curiosity, as Glinda made her appearance. Stepping aside to give her space, Luness then curiously watched as Glinda began to heal Tigirius.

Upon seeing the blue bird entering the room, Luness dropped to all fours, carefully watching the bird as it flew about. Inwardly blaming Otto for her newfound sense of curiosity and playfulness, Luness began prowling towards the bird with her eyes watching it and unblinking. Then in a flash, Luness was bounding after the bird, following it back to wherever it had originally come from.

Nyr breathed freely now that all was over. She looked at the lifeless body of Ruby... and she could hold her tears back no longer.She walked over to Leo, crying as she put her hands on his shoulders.

" I am sorry. " she said, fighting back her sorrow, hugging the furry hand of Leo " I wanted to save her... I wanted to help you... I am sorry. I am so sorry. "

She followed Leo downstairs, not saying anything. She knew that this was a victory not only for them but also for the residents of Oz. Now that they have triumphed together she knew that everything should go back to normal and this land should revitalize... but the pain still lingered. She could have saved her souls she...

But then she saw a light. A light of the moon and heard a warm voice.

" Fret not child. She is safe. " Nyr looked up, recognizing the voice.

" Mother Moon... " she whispered silently as they walked down. She will ask the mother what she meant by that. But only after they consort with the others after they arrive back at the castle.
Anya opened her eyes and saw Ethan. "Thank you," She said, still hurting from the blast.

Alexander saw the witch's demise, and he left and followed the others. He had little to say to comfort the lion man, he was not really the one to turn to if comfort was needed.

"What now?" He asked, to no one in particular.
Quincy watched the final deed in silence, unable to hide the tears that sprang to her eyes as she watched Leo say goodbye to his beloved. Her wounds hurt dreadfully, still bleeding slowly, but seeing Leo biding farewell as she once had sent a pain to her core that she felt more than the physical. The kelpie couldn't imagine how much worse this was; the pain of losing such a loved companion was bad enough, but in this situation? It was unfathomable. She followed everyone down the stairs slowly, pushing the tears of her cheeks with a scowl. The bird flew right past her face, giving her a welcome distraction. She followed behind the playful Luness, although at a less joyful pace, favoring her recently injured leg and sniffing back her reminiscent sadness.
Mitchell awoke with a start and instantly regretted it. The last thing he remembered was something metal slamming... Oh, right he had almost forgotten where he was for a second. No, he was still in the tower, in the slouched position where he had been kicked by a massive metal automaton. He hurt, his hat was gone, where was his knife? At least it was quiet. Oh there was his knife. Why could he smell cinders still. Ugh, it most definitely hurt. More than the crows, much more. The pearl didn't help in that regard. He saw movement out of the corners of his blurred vision as he simply held a hand to his rib cage and tried to stand against the surface he had been hurled against. He didn't belong here; but not much point in worrying about it. Better to work toward finding a way out. He moved with a slow shuffle toward what he hoped would be fresh air.
Leo felt Nyr beside him as he turned to head downstairs with the others. After everything he had been through, he more than welcomed the girls presence with him. He grabbed her hand in his as she cried for him. "I am not sorry. I did what had to be done, and now Ruby can rest in peace. I am finally free of my shackles of a cowards past." He continued down to the area with the others and was glad to see that his friends had made it in one piece, though Tigirius looked a bit worse for ware. As he made his way down to the others he looked around the room, the grim face once again appearing as he began to realize Tin was not here. "Tin...he didn't make it?" Crow slowly made his way to Leo reaching out to the lion holding the clock they had fished from the scraps of metal after the battle. Before Leo could hold the clock, it suddenly began to ring like an alarm. It glowed softly and floated out of Crows hand, hovering a few feet from the ground. In a blinding flash the clock disappeared and was replaced by the squeaking sound of a metal bucket falling to the ground on two legs. The silver suite of metal dropped on his two legs, his metal jaw agape clutching his wood ax. His eye hole flickered to life with a white glow and he looked between the two friends standing beside him. "What-a, What did i miss?" Crows face lit up with a large grin "I'll fill you in later my friend, for now just know that we are free once again thanks to Leo and his new companions." Tin looked to Leo with what he could tell was a questionable look on his face "And Ruby?" Leo's smile faded and he shook his head. Tin looked down "Ah, I see. I believe i already knew that. I could feel it in my.....well you know." He gave his hollow body a few taps before looking to the others. Otto had watched as Tin reappeared before them, his tail wagging he bound over to the trio as they all stood together. When Tin saw the young wolf come bounding up to him he smiled and tussled the young boys head as he hugged the great big bucket.

Glinda watched the reunion of the four friends, he smile growing in size. She watched as the group began to come together in the great hall and once they were all within the same room she spoke
"Great hero's, today you have all accomplished a feet that no single person could have done alone. Oz is forever in your debt. Now then, i cant send you all back to Lady Briar so battered..." She placed her hands together, lights pulsating from between her finger tips. She raised her hands out over the group and little balls of light began to swirl around each of them, healing any wounds that they came across. Once she was finished she walked to the edge of the door frame and twirled her hand around in the air. A very familiar vortex whipped itself into life outside as she stepped back.


((Just as we started our Oz adventure, Leo will be the last through the portal to say his goodbyes.))
Tigirius felt the weight of the young girl on his chest, he grinned and enveloped her in a great bear hug. "Ha! No more brave than anyone here. We all are heroes today."

Ward stepped out into the daylight, reveling in the warm sun. He stretched his wings out fully and drew a deep breath. Even the air seemed better now that the witch had been vanquished.

Leia saw the bird and Luness chasing after it. As she followed by Quincy she noticed the girl's injuries.

"Want Lee to see to those for you? They look really painful."

Kallin stood and brushed straw off his cloak. He heard footsteps on the stairs and leaned against the wall of his cell. A werecat appeared and he gave it a raised eyebrow look. With his face composed of only dark mist and glowing yellow lights for eyes however it just looked as if one of the yellow lights had been squished.

"I was expecting someone with thumbs." He remarked simply. His voice echoed very faintly, as if he were speaking through a metal tube.

Leia arrived next and stopped to stare at the figure locked in the cell.

"Ah! That's better. How's about getting the key and letting me out girl." Leia gave him a suspicious look and promptly dashed upstairs.

"Wait! Gah...perfect."

She came upon everyone in the great hall, Glinda had already opened a portal to leave.

"Uh Guys, you better see what's down here." She said and lead them back down into the dungeon.

Ward heard her and gave her an odd look, changing back into his human form to fit down the staircase.

Kallin threw his hands in the air in exasperation when suddenly he heard footfalls on the steps again and waited with great interest to see who would appear.
Elena followed quietly down with the rest and stayed silent as Leo said his goodbyes to Ruby. She did not want to interfere or bother. Elena kept a hand on her shoulder, feeling it moist and nearly numb. burnt possibly. She wouldn't look. She continued on to the outside, seeing Glinda and dipping her head in respect, then following Leia to what she saw in the dungeon. Seeing the dark figure, she cocked her head.

"Why are you in there?"
Kallin wished at that point that he had the full range of his facial expressions. As things stood however he took hold of the bars in both hands, pressing his shadowy face close to them, his yellow eyes just horizontal slits and said in a deadpan tone; "Because I actually enjoy the view down here." There was a short pause. "I was snooping around the castle looking for answers and I snooped into a bunch of guards. Crazy witch thought she could use me, hence I'm not dead." He drew back, folding his arms and glancing at Elena in a critical way.

"So...you're one of them are you?"
Elena chuckled dryly at hit deadpan.


Elena looked from side to side to be assured they were alone. Her hands met the cool metal and she closed the eyes, her magic taking course. She felt the metal mold in her hands, then shot him a suspicious look.

"Don't make me regret this. I can't leave someone in there, though."

She pulled the metal apart with ease, it opening and falling away.
Leia lead the others down and stopped dead as Elena pulled the bars apart.

"What are you doing? We have no idea whose side he's on!" She looked worried, but Kallin raised his hands in a gesture of peace, stepping confidently past the ruined cell door.

"I'm on your side." Then he turned to Elena and nodded a thank you. "You're from the human world." He finished slowly. "And...so are you, for that matter." He looked at Leia, who did not seem impressed.

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"Hmm, take me to the rest of your little party and I'll introduce myself. For now, let's just say I've been looking for you."

"Sarcastic and cryptic. Lucky us." Leia led the way begrudgingly, still highly suspicious of this new..whatever he was. He didn't even have a real face! But then again, this was FableWood.

Ward looked at the stranger curiously before turning on the staircase and leading them back up. When they reached the entrance Kallin put his hands on his hips, surveying the band of heroes carefully.

"Well then...look at this."
Achyls knelt to Tigirius, she was in debt of his bravery. She cherished the hug, a form of friendly intimacy she was usually adverse to.

"You are some sort of guardian angel, truly," she laughed, holding a hand out to help him if he needed it, "A great warrior shall always need a helping hand,".

Her mind was overflowing was thoughts of victory, a sweetness she had not properly seen in so long, even with it's consequences and effects on Leo especially.

Kallin's entrance was a strange one indeed. He had a strange look to him, perhaps madness? Achyls looked at him slyly,

"And who are you, stranger?" she asked, her brow furrowing, the sweetness replaced with a bitter taste in her throat.

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