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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena kept moving through the gardens until she passed through a gate and the garden became wild and forest outside of Branbern. Her clothing was torn in many placed but held, or would until the next time she would return to the great hall if that was any time soon. She touched a tree and closed her eyes, kneeling. The roots and their connections to other branches became a map in her mind as she sought out an open area and field. Oddly enough, the forest shifted quite a bit. Once found, she started sprinting to that area, working with her speed. Her sword was created again and in her hands held as tightly as she could.

"Very convincing, you look dedicated. Brave even.." Her mind chimed annoyingly, like a toxic and desperate entity which she knew was just her.

"But it's a lie. You can't do anything with your skills where your going. In fact, you should stop with Ward before you get impossibly attached. Being happy here is still running away."

She growled at her own thoughts, swinging at roots that were under her control. She was trying to feel in control, acting like they were that par of her which tormented her happiness.
Luness smiled faintly at Glinda and slightly bowed her head in return. Turning away from Glinda and the others, Luness then calmly walked through the portal after her friends, keeping her eyes closed to avoid any naseus feelings.

Upon exiting the portal and seeing Branbern once more, Luness was wracked with harsh memories of the battle. Letting out an almost silent whine, Luness clutched her head for a moment before she was able to dismiss the harsh memories. For now.

Taking a deep breath, Luness then looked up in time to hear Ward ordering for someone to watch over the newcomer, Kallin. Deciding to check on Falarion and her pack, Luness began to take her leave.

Pausing, she turned to Kallin, looking at him in silence once more. He reminded Luness of herself in more ways than one. Yet, she knew not what to say to him or if she should have him tag along with her since most others had wandered off already.

He awoke suddenly, a sgrange sensation in the air around him. How long was he asleep? A few minutes? A few hours? Who knew, quite frankly who cared he thought to himself with a shrug. He closed his eyes again about to slip back into his nap when he heard the whistling of high speed and the snapping of wood bring splintered, and the thud of dirt kicked up out of the ground. He growled to himself,trying to ignore the noise, but it was accompanied by the feeling of magic in the air. Grumbling he turned over and tried to ignore it but the tingling sensation was still there. He checked his waste for his crystal and after making sure it was there he stood himself up and made his way to where he felt the magic strongest, from the source. He made his way around several trees to see a lone figure standing in a clearing, hacking away at some roots.

@Bea Delaine
Finally the torrent of tears ebbed from her eyes as she looked up at Leo now with a smile. She was happy for the guardian to be with her, she was happy that the burden of the past did not poison him any longer. She saw the embodiment of wisdom and kindness in front of her and she could not help but be in awe from the presence of the stalwart guardian.

Blushing heavily she let him go and bowed her head.

" How selfish I am... " she said, her face turning red " I allowed myself to be carried away and be alone here with you... but we just achieved a great triumph, and you played the most important role in that. "

She looked up at him, bowing.

" Your majesty. " she started with a mischievous smile on her face " I think it is maybe time to be reunited with the others? After all we must celebrate your heroic deeds as you freed Oz from the darkness. "
Elena grew very into her battle with the shrubbery. Vines taking on large and intimidating figures not after long and even landing hits on her. She was fast, using her "enemy" to run up, and slash arially, releasing high and soft grunts of effort until every limb would protest. When she finally gave herself a break, she spotted a figure from the corner of her eye. Large with whitish hair, he was fierce looking. She let her sword disappear for the time and vines to fall limp.

"I'm sorry.. Did I disturb you?"
Leo watched Nyr, suddenly realizing he had been lost in the sound of her voice for a moment. He stood as she bowed to him, placing a finger under her chin to slowly raise her from the ridiculous posture. "Please, I humor Tigirius because he is a dear old friend and my younger arrogance made me think taking such a title was worth its weight in gold when i was bestowed as king of the forest. But for you and the others, especially you, I am merely Leo." He stretched his arms to the darkening sky as he felt the weariness of the past few day begin to creep up on him slowly. "I agree with you, we should begin to look for the others and fill in the princess with the success of Oz's liberation." He gestured towards the direction they had come to and began to follow the path towards the others.
Achyls diverted her steely gaze from Kallin, and instead wandered in the direction of the lion and raven.

"Leo! Nyr!" she smiled, going to greet them. She could not trust the newcomer, and so found herself wanting to break away from him as soon as possible. The arrival of Leo and Nyr was refreshing, with old friends were where she felt safer, safer from the things in her head. They let her understand stability, and family, it was wonderful to feel that again.

"How are you two?" she asked them, once she got within a few feet. Her voice dropped in volume, as if not wanting Kallin to hear.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios
Kallin watched most of the members walk away. "Well don't everyone jump up at once..." He dug his gloved hands into his pockets and turned right into Achyls, who stood, watching him carefully.

"Why now?" he pondered the question. "Well, one; I just got back to...this part of FableWood." He stopped himself from revealing more than he had to, "And two; you people are surprisingly hard to track down. Oz? Can you think of a more back-water, out-of-the-way place to go? I suppose that's why the princess sent you there though." Briar was clever, he'd give her that. She knew Caraboss would start looking for them soon. He regarded Achyls again but less critically, coming to the realization that being snide wasn't going to earn him any friendship badges. He sighed.

"I learned something, on my travels...something that will help your little group accomplish what no one in FableWood seems to be able to do. So what you're asking me really is 'why save FableWood?' and that answer is simple...Because I'm one of the fools who lives in it."

He toyed with the brim of his hat, glancing again nervously at the falling sun.

"I'd like to see the city, and I would also like it if the rather intimidating gryphon didn't have a reason to use me as a claw sharpener. So, you coming?"

He began to walk toward the castle gates, noting the damage that was still apparent. For better or for worse...he had made himself known now.


As Ward approached the castle an attendant was already heading out to meet him. "Ward! You're back!"

"Yes, the others are all well and with me. The evil in Oz has been defeated."

"We know!"

"You do?"

"Yes! Oh its wonderful! Earlier today Prince Fior was scouting the ShadowWood not far from the giant's forest, he said that before his very eyes it began receding!"

"What?" The ShadowWood had just vanished? In all his many months scouting those woods he had never once seen it shrink, only grow.

"It happened when you defeated the witch! FableWood is beginning to recover!" The attendant danced in place.

"Briar is eager to meet with you, come on!"

The princess waited on the terrace, speaking to several of the build masters that were busy with their teams repairing the city. On seeing Ward she dismissed them politely before walking up to him and hugging him fondly. Ward bowed to her after that, never forgetting his station.

"We found another human." Ward told her.

"Indeed you've done much more than that. Ward I could not be more proud of how far you have come."

He smiled, looking down at his boots just as he had done the day she rescued him.

"There will be food and festivities waiting for everyone. I will have them told. rest for now, you have more than earned it."

Ward bowed to her again and decided to return to the others.
It had been another day at Branbern. Dull, lifeless, with nothing to occupy oneself with. At least, that would be the case if you asked Raegan Wolf. He had only stopped by to pay his dues, to get an idea of how Branbern was doing after the war, maybe to catch a sight of the piglets again... Not that he could do much about them anymore, they were much too influential to touch. Nothing irked a hunter more than prey it could not reach, which was probably why he continued to return here, time and time again. Like a tiger in a cage separated from a piece of meat.

For now though, Raegan was perched on one of the many rooftops, enjoying the sun and rare breezes drifting past him. It was the simple pleasures in life. Until more suitable prey emerged, he was content with this, closed eyes, inhaling the fresh air, vaguely drifting in that foggy space between waking and slumber.

That is, until something jerked him out of his peaceful state. A scent. Something in the air. Raegan sniffed in the air. Werecat. Magic. Raven. Human. With a grin, the hunter got to his feet before darting forward, hopping from one roof to another, moving towards the source of the now overwhelming scent in the air. If the rumors were true, he had a very good idea of just what group he was going to meet.

And if that was the case, that was just an opportunity he could not miss.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
" Sister! " Nyr smiled happily as she saw Acyls approaching. Staying close to Leo she greeted the raven girl with joy and glee that surprised even her. " We were talking with Leo. It was so wonderful, he truly made me feel at ease, make my heart race and... "

Only now did she actually remember that the guardian was standing next to her. Her entire head turned red from embarrassment and panic as she flapped with her wings uneasily, trying to find a ways to quickly change topic. She made a fool of herself, especially in the presence of those she cared the most about.

" I trust your journey was smooth then, sis? " she asked finally, trying to avert disaster. As she smiled at her she felt a strange, unknown presence prowling nearby. She could not pinpoint the location of the newcomer but she tensed... she was certain that evil could not penetrate the halls of Branbern... but then why did she still feel uneasy?
The sun continued to crawl across the sky, and again Mitchell found himself wrestling himself from unconsciousness, a nasty habit he had developed in his time here, but he didn't blame himself, at least not too much. Fablewood had an odd calming effect, even with all the darkness it seemed to hold. It wasn't something Mitchell was used to, but it was welcome for the time being. He hauled himself to his feet, recovering his pack and stretching out the odd muscle and the strain from the previous day or two's activities. He took in a breath, and resolved himself as a new person as he made his way back toward the castle, someplace entirely new to him in this entirely new experience called Fablewood, hoping to run into someone he could at least recognize.

"I wonder what other wonders and sights this place has, no time like the present I guess..." There he went again, talking to himself. He he had enough of that, he had kept to his own head for too long, and was soon moving at a steady pace.
"Wonderful, truly!" Achyls beamed. There was a strong connection between the guardian and Nyr. A strange one she had noticed before in Ward and Elena. Noticing her obvious change in mood, Leo made her happy, and obviously made her sister blush. Could it really be what Ward and Elena had? Or was she just making assumptions as she found her mind doing more often these passing days? Either ways, she gave a suggestive nod to the two, before too sensing a strange presence. She couldn't quite make out the source of her discomfort, but it was there, lurking.

She broke from the group and flew up to the roof where Raegan sat in waiting. She landed right in front of him, wings spread, shadowing her from the soft Branbern light.

"A wolf?" she asked upon reaching him, "You are not Bigby though. Who are you?"

Curiousity had gotten the better of her, and she found herself glaring at him, while trying to keep some form of stoicism in her face and voice.

The hunter had just landed at his destination, gazing down on the small group caught in conversation. Forest Guardian, ravens... Yes, that had to be the group that caused more rumors than Bigby himself at his peak. Interesting indeed. Not exactly worth hunting, would anger way too many hotshots, but maybe, if one just could find a way to speak to them, get an idea of what they were doing. If there was any group that seemed to run into Raegan's new sense of "prey", it was these people.

However, it seemed that Raegan had not kept his own predatory presence in mind, as the raven rose up landing in front of him. Her question was topped by a glare, which the wolf returned with a hungry stare and wide, toothy grin. He really couldn't help but wear his amusement on his sleeve. "Oh, call me Raegan." He replied, not even bothering to hide the smug tone in his voice. "One of the wolves. If you really want to know which one, ask the piglets for their story. I'm sure they'll be all over telling you about me."

That said, said pigs would probably just talk about how Raegan burned himself jumping into their chimney, which wasn't the most... Flattering tale. With a temporary pause, the hunter added: "On second thought, don't ask the pigs about me."

Malachai shrugged as he moved from bind the tree line to leaning right in front of it clapping loudly."well Yeah you kinda did. But it's probably time I woke up anyway" He responded he topped suddenly as an audible rumble came from his stomach. He frowned placing his hand over his stomach then looking back at the girl. "Umm, yeah. It was definitely time for me to wake up" He said out loud mostly to himself. "Don't mind me though, keep fighting your trees. You seemed to be doing very well with those" He called back to her with a slight smile.
Kallin had indeed been left alone. He shrugged and turned to explore the city by himself. "Don't blame me then." He said as he walked. Something floated curiously by his side, but when he turned it vanished.

"Well, I guess it me that's gotta watch you." Leia said in a tone that could not be less impressed. Lee appeared by her side and Tad came up behind Kallin.

"You're not exactly my first choice either human."

"I have a name."

"Well, what is it?"

She walked up to him, staring into his bright yellow eyes with much scrutiny. "Its Leia."

"Hmm, sounds like a name for a princess." At that point Leia looked like she wanted to hit him, so much so that he flinched.

"That was supposed to be a compliment! Yeesh!"

They walked in silence and not long after they came across Mitchell. Leia looked up at the sky and mouthed 'thank you' before calling out to him.

"Hey Cowboy! Wanna come see the city?"

Achyls scoffed, bemused and disgusted by his last point. She withdrew her wings so her face could be properly seen. Raegan was intimidating, but not to the point at which she would back down from his hungry stare.

"What is your business here? Spying on our company and Briar...well, we could get you into some serious trouble, Mr Wolf," she met him with an icy snap in her tone. She wasn't going to take any kind of harshness from him, he wasn't all he bragged about. She sat down a few paces from him, her sight fixed on him.

"Your kills do not make you any more of a threat. I've killed things many would not dare to even lay their eyes on,". This time she looked at him with a sly smirk, feeling almost superior to him, but not quite yet.

Elena turned pink and looked down when he clapped. She didn't mean to attract attention to herself. She examined him carefully as he approached and determined his presence was that of the dragons in her group but wasn't being aggressive. She let her guard down and chuckled, still hiding her anxiety and frustration she was attempting to release. Bony hands weaves through her hair as she approached him.

"I should have realized I was making such noise, I'm sorry. Hey.. Are you hungry?"

She walked past him and pointed in the direction of Branbern.

"We are the supposed Heros.. The humans brought back from the human world and Oz. Go to the castle. There will be food at the hall, I'm not taking part in. Tell them Elena sent you?"

She said, unsure if she was overstepping a boundary but sure she wasn't going back any time soon.
Nyr saw her companions spreading out: Leo going to check on Kallin and her sister confronted the newcomer wolf so she was left alone to think. In her life she had felt many things but nothing what she did now. She could not explain it, it was not actually a bad feeling but rather on the contrary. It was warm and fuzzy, something that made her entire being feel at ease and it made her heart beat faster and faster.

" Anxiety? " she tried to ask herself but she shook her head. It was something different. Looking at her friends stood in the middle of the road, arms folded. For now she just wanted to wait until an opportunity opened to join the others. She did not want to disturb anybody after all.
Mitchell stopped in his tracks, he could have sworn someone had just shouted as he looked up to see Leia and that new fella, he was confused until a thought hit him.

"Of course you look like a cowboy you idiot, you don't need the seven gallon on your head to get that across!" He shook himself mentally as he smiled brightly.

Well a'course, if I plan on stayin' any longer than this, I figure I'll need the lay of the land. I'll bet bottom dollar this place is a lot better off than those last two castles we visited." He chuckled as he moved to join the two figures, glad again to have company. He could get to know the both better, as Leia had already shown herself to be friendly, and hey, the other guy couldn't be that bad right? Well, he did look a bit grumpy if you asked Mitchell, but he had no room for excuses himself he thought as he approached.

Glad you don't mind helpin' a guy out, it's really appreciated."

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The raven's cold tone and aggressive attitude would be intimidating to anyone, to be honest, even Raegan was put off, but he was more amused than scared. His grin only grew wider as she spoke as he stood up to his full height, though moreso in a relaxed or lazy manner, as opposed to imposing. Overall, the image Raegan was conveying (or rather, attempting to convey) was smug, relaxed superiority. He wanted to show clearly what he thought of the bird.

"My business?" Keen ears could pick up the slightest hint of laughter in his voice. "I caught the scent of your little... Group. After all the rumors surrounding the war, I got curious. Is that a crime now?" The latter, sly comment was met with the wolf leaning forward slightly, putting his head on an even level with the raven's, hands in his pockets. "Is that a challenge, raven? Myself, I was intending to offer my services, take part of your little hunting crew." His grin only grew. Really, he was not aware of exactly who he was dealing with here. "But if you'd prefer, I can prove my skill right here."

Quincy stepped out of the portal, getting a strange, nauseous feeling as her feet hit solid ground again. Portals didnt seem to get any better. Admittedly, it was probably due to her battered state and lack of good sleep; she had to sit down for a long moment before being comfortable moving around, leaning back on her hands and stretching out her legs. As she did, the others dispersed, a few to show the newcomers around the city, others to rest or collect their thoughts. Content for the moment with her spot on the soft grass, Quincy watched in her usual silence. People bustled around, fixing this and that as the city recovered. It brought a lot of energy to the city, something she shouldve been swept up in. But instead she just felt.. sad. The kelpie heard footsteps coming from behind her, familiar but unrecognizable. For some reason, perhaps merely tiredness, she refused to turn her head and look. It wasnt until a sword was stabbed into the ground mere centimeters from her hand and a pair of polished brown boots appeared in her vision that she realized who was approaching.

"Good to see you, Tharon." She said dryly, staring out at the gardens to avoid his gaze.

The tall warrior snorted softly, letting go of the hilt of his sword and plucking imaginary pieces of debris of his shirt. "Im sure it is, demon." He spat haughtily, clearly itching for a fight.

Quincy didnt even feel like rolling her eyes. "What do you need?" She asked patiently, intending to appease him so he would just leave her in peace.

The elf was taken aback by her dismissive tone, and angered when a passing pair of maidens giggled at the interaction. He had many good qualities, but his pride won over all of them. "You, dead! Filthy sea dweller!" He growled, reaching for the sword.

((Hop in if you still need someone to interact with ^^))
Achyls smiled, a true smile this time. She got to her feet and held a hand out for him to shake.

"I like how you speak, though I believe you are a fierce warrior, Mr Wolf. I am Achyls, pleasure," her tone had changed entirely. She now respected Raegan, she no longer felt the need to oppose him. In a way, he reminded her of how she once was, before meeting with the company, before the battles that got her where she was now. She admired his audacity, he would be an asset to the team. She took a step closer to him, gesturing for him to shake her hand. While she was a lot shorter than him, she had the attitude of someone just as large as the wolf before her.
Noticing that Nyr was about to burst into flames from blushing, Leo look to the newcomer to try and make it seem as if he hadn't heard her.This new comer was quite interesting until he started to become hostile. Leo's back stiffened and he approached Achyls and the wolf, his hand placed on the pommel of one of his ax's "That wont be neccissary at all my friend. We welcome any help from any fablewood inhabitants." He stuck his hand out towards the wolf after Achyls had introduced herself. "I am Panthera Leo, but you may call me Leo."

Raegan straightened his back again as two other figures, other members of the group, approached him. Another raven and a... Guardian? Hm, a rare sight in these parts, to be sure. Even though Raegan had lived practically his entire life in the woods, he hadn't met one in person before now. Most interesting. The wolf turned towards the two of them, shaking each of their hands in turn, though to be perfectly frank, it was hard to tell if his smile was genuine or if he was still mocking his company. The raven had a lot of guts for someone her size and stature, which was amusing to him. Panthera here though, sheesh, that... That would be a fight and a half. He'd actually be excited for the prospect, but now was not the time nor the place.

"Raegan Wolf, apex predator of the eastern woods." He replied, shooting another wolfish grin towards the lot of them. "I'm sure the lot of us will get along just great."
At the mention of heroes he arched a brow in curiosity. "A hero who is not eating at a hero's feast? That is curious indeed." He said aloud as she walked past him . He stretched and yawned, then shook his head, shaking off the drowsiness. "Tell me.." He paused to sniff the air "Human, why are you out here? Fighting bushes and trees? Instead of at the palace celebrating with the other heroes?"

@Bea Delaine

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