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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Slipping out of the great hall carefully, the kelpie cautiously searched for her companions. She kept off the beaten paths until she at last found the group.

The shaken Quincy, a little paler than usual, approached from Leo's left side, walking quickly and then almost slamming to a stop. She noticed the mage, now strangely looking incredibly more solid, but it hardly registered in her mind. “How is everyone?" She asked, a little too loudly in the quiet setting.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Deucalion (I think)
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Elena smiled sweetly at Ward and shook her head, though her newfound distance was very evident. She loved him and couldn't be upset with him, but she could tell he was probably feeling distant as well. Maybe it was for the best? Maybe she could end it before she got too alone again or ended up back home? That thought was too morbid to focus on around others though.

"It's no problem, Ward. It was reckless of me to open that dungeon in the first place. Yeah.. Good bye."

She awaited him to fly away and then sighed, smile fading when her gaze returned to Malachai. She motioned him to follow and touched a tree, eyes closing and tracing a clearing through the root systems again. As she walked, she noticed his demeanor a bit different.

"Don't worry about the others. They won't even notice I'm here.. I don't know these part well myself but I've got a trick." She said, in a much quieter voice until she came again a clearing again.

She summoned her sword and nodded to him, ready to spar.
He grinned,"nice trick, must be useful when your travelling" he reached to his waist, along a leathers trap he used for a belt there was a pocket sewn into it. He reached jn side the pocket and pulled out a cylindrical crystal formation. At first glance it was clear, but after a few seconds it began to change color. The crystal had a faceted design on the sides, looking as if there were cracks running along it. Long and wide enough to fit in the palm of his hand with both jagged edges sticking out of each side of his hand, like a handle, or a hilt. The crystal glowed green, it emanated the green light as it grew and began to take on form. After a few seconds it was a scimitar with a green streak along the blade, a gold ring at the end of the hilt and a green sash ties to it, the length of it flowing down then back up to tie to the leather brace he wore on his arm. "Well now, let's see if I can't do better than your shrubbery" He said jokingly as he rushed in without warning. He swung his sword in an arc horizontally towards her chest. First from left to right then coming back right to left.
Achyls woke after a short-lived nap, the floor not providing the best sleeping spot. She got to her feet and made her way to the Great Hall. It seemed new, pristine, as if it was never torn apart. She wandered in, sitting down on a stool at the edge of the room, cross legged. Maidens rushed all around her, smiling and going about their business. She almost forgot about the newcomers, and how she ought to be outside with them. Instead, she waited, knowing they would eventually turn up.
Elena nodded in reply and watched him use his own magic. That crystal was impressive. It reminded her slightly of her own creation magic but better.

"I'm getting curious about your powers now, but I believe time will tell?" She said, then acted as he made his first strike.

Elena, with great speed and careful movements, slid under the scimitar as it swooped to the right. She slashed at his legs at a low angle, then followed through to clip his weapon before it reached her and leapt to her feet, backing up a few steps.
Malachai stepped back with his leading leg to avoid the sword, causing his second slash to come up short. He regained his form before responding "Surprises are always fun, arent they? Sont worry, this is a friendly sparring session. No foul play here" He said with a grin before lunging back in, thrust aimed straight for her chest. He stopped a few inches short and pulled back, the withdrawal turning into a spinning strike aimed at her legs. His movements were fast and each flowed into the next, unexpectedly agile for a man of his size. He stopped the strike from spinning him a second time instead slashing diagonally up in the reverse direction.
Protect me?” Kallin said, more than a little confused. “I don’t need protection.” He said stubbornly, and bristled at her next statement. “And I’m not ill.” He snapped, his blue eyes meeting hers in defiance. It was a touchy subject. He would admit the curse had its uses, but he hated it, and more than that he hated being seen as sick or damaged. Perhaps it was also because he felt so much more vulnerable at night, he was a bit more defensive than he would have been otherwise.

She’s just trying to make you feel better, he told himself.

Nobody said I wanted to have it lifted anyway. For what we have to do, I’m going to need its power.


Ward flew to Briar’s council room and landed on the terrace with an uncomfortable expression on his face. Briar looked up from her notes. Fior was there as well, and Grenwin and Halbred and all looked at him as he entered.

Aren’t you supposed to be enjoying the evening?” Briar asked. When Ward looked away she smiled knowingly.

Where is Elena?” Ward started at that, his feathered ears fell back.

She is training.

Is everything all right?

Yes?...No…I don’t know.

Fior and the princess exchanged knowing smiles and invited him in. Slowly he began to confide in them.

Perhaps I am just being silly, but I feel there is something wrong…I’m afraid it was something I’ve done…but perhaps…perhaps it’s what I am.

Briar rested a hand on his feathered cheek. “Love is a lot of work Ward. If you think something is the matter then go and speak to her.” Ward nodded, but his worried expression did not fade.

I will say this;” She met his amber gaze kindly. “Love, if it is true conquers all things. So keep heart. If it’s to be, then you will find a way.”

Ward smiled at the princess and nodded gratefully. "I need to find her."

((I apologize for the sap, just character devo for my gryphon. Time for a teaser!))

It was dark. That was the first thing one would always notice about this place. Even when the sun was out its light was grey and faded. There was no wind, no animals or birds, it was like time had forsaken this place. The trees were black shadows of what they once had been. Far in the distance a palace rose, its turrets raking the sky like the claws of a great beast. It was surrounded on all sides by a vast forest of thorns, wicked, cruel points that would draw blood at the slightest touch.

This was the heart of the ShadowWood. This was the domain of the enchantress Caraboss.

She sat, draped in a high throne, its ebony frame twisted and gnarled, its edges displaying thorns that mirrored the forest outside. The underling that bowed before her did not dare look at her face, but her voice was rich and compelling, he was sure that charm speak was one of her strongest gifts. He had just told her the outcome of Oz and now shivered uncontrollably.

Caraboss stood, slamming the iron goblet on the floor and spilling its dark contents onto the steps before her throne.

She couldn’t kill a single one of them?” Despite her violent action there was not a hint of anger in her voice as she spoke. The calm, chilling tone struck more fear into the underling’s heart than any amount of rage would have.

The enchantress was silent for a while. “
I should be more focused then…Not try to get them all at once…How is our newest servant?

The underling bowed again, his shadowy cloak billowing with the motion. “
Fully committed my empress. Our work has already begun in that kingdom.

Good. And...the problem?

The underling smiled cruelly. "Broken-hearted, empress. She'll not interfere."

"Excellent." Caraboss took a small hand mirror from a stand by her throne and considered it. “Love is most certainly our enemy here…it is sure to make things more than a little…complicated.

My lady?

Your targets fool. One is the Kelpie that is travelling with our guests. The other, is Briar’s faithful little pet.

What about the humans?” it was a mistake to ask. His body contorted in pain and he fell to the floor, writhing with the agony until it was gone only moments later.

Talented as you are, you couldn’t defeat the humans even one on one. Your job, is to focus on the weakest links.

The underling recovered and stood again, still smarting and very much more afraid. “
I could sew much doubt in their minds, take them apart piece by piece. The gryphon is unsure as it is, it would be easy.

Do that then, but if the chance presents itself,” She walked down the stairs, the click of her boots echoing in the vast halls of her home. “Then kill them.” She reached the step just in front of her servant and lifted his face with a gentle touch.

I trust you can handle two FableWood weaklings for now?

Y-yes my lady. I will have your newest servant lay a trap.
Elena leapt back at his feigning lung and as he swiped toward her legs, fell into a back walkover, barely skimming by. As she landed she bent forward again and sprinted, after than she was able to before. That inky and nasty part of her mind told her she wouldn't win and it wouldn't help her even if she did. Focus turned to anger and aggression she didn't even mean to display. With great speed and agility, she charged and sidestepped towards Malachai to the right, first swinging a diagonal upward cut, then sliding down and around to his back left, using the momentum of her swing to slash at his side and then finally leaping upward and slashing downward, finally making her way to his front and at his neck, no longer seeing herself in a spar but in a more intense battle.
Nyr's expression turned serious as she stepped closer towards Kallin. Looking deeply in his eyes she wanted to make sure that he takes her seriously.

" I am serious. " she said with a sharp voice " I am not the one who would lie about something like this - especially not before one I respect because of his mystical energies. I can as Mother about this curse if you want to... but for now I have an another matter to attend to. "

She looked at Leo and walked up to him.

" Please come. I will fulfill my promise now. Meet me at the clearing in the middle of the nearby forest Leo. There you will see what few other have seen. "

With that she took wings and darted in the direction of the forest. Her mind was racing and her heart was pumping. She was both curious and afraid how Mother Moon would react upon seeing Leo... but she wanted to introduce him to her regardless. Should she command them to leave they would do it, yet somehow she trusted the benevolence of her Mother.

Quincy, still very pale and on edge, quickly realized that she had walked into a conversation that was just as tense as the last she had had (although without actual blows). She glanced between Nyr and the newcomer mage, then at Leo. What exactly is going on here? She wondered, wanting to leave, but not keen on the idea of getting murdered.
Malachai could feel the tension, the anger emanating from Elena. He didn't fear it, he feared nothing, he only smiled as she came at him fiercely. Swinging the sword with more strength than her first exchange. He brought his sword back to his side parrying the slash at his side and stepping away to the right turning sideways so that the blow from above glanced off an outstretched blade, following the curve on the outer edge until it struck the ground. Both blades lowered he kicked hers out to her left, ca using her to expose her back and shoulder, two quick punches one to her sword arm, right in the tricep and the next on her shoulder blade. (Assuming she's right handed? I could be wrong lol). He took a hop back and readied his blade waiting with a grin on his face. He found this fun and it was evident in his features.

@Bea Delaine
Elena found her sword arm assaulted and her sword itself out of reach. Grabbing with her left hand and only avoiding one of his blows and letting him land the one on her shoulder, she spun back around with her sword. Malachai gained more distance and seemed to be awaiting her next move. Grabbing the sword again with both hands and not even feeling anything from his last blow from her mentally disconnected state and adrenaline, she didn't even think twice as she charged him again. A root from the treeline stuck out from the right of him. Without thinking about it, she ran at him, took to the right again and leapt off of the root, hands toward his shoulders with her sword hoping to land her hands and slice his shoulder and finish behind him. If he dodged, it would hurt. If he didn't and it landed, it would hurt him. Her gymnastics background made it easy but her state of mind was reckless.
Achyls was content minding her own business, though it did appear to bore her a little more than before. She decided to shift into her Raven form, flying out of a small upper window and over past Ward and Briar on the balcony. She did not wish to interfere, and so continued her flight until she reached Raegan and Luness. She did not shift form just yet, finding entertainment in perching just a few feet above him, watching him go about his business. She let out a squawk, hoping to attract his attention but still keeping that mystery she had in her bird form.

@Deucalion @Lioness075
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Leo watched the exchange of words between Kallin and Nyr, his mind a bit preoccupied with what was to happen when he met Mother Moon. When Nyr told him of the spot he gave her a nod and watched her fly off. He gazed around, satisfied with the situation and gave the group a bow as he departed. He began to head for the gates to the city, continuing to marvel at the restoration of the city. Every where he went people of the city were doing the same, their homes rebuilt they could continue on with their lives as if the battle had never happened. Just as Leo reached the edge of the forest he felt the tug of Lily as she reached into his consciousness.

"So your going to see this mother moon huh? Wouldn't you rather meet a sun spirit? I like sun spirits." Leo smiled a bit "This is important to Nyr, and she wishes to share it with me. If you behave yourself I'll let you meet her as well." He could feel the indifference in Lily, her response to anything that had to do with his own personal life. She slipped back into her own conscious again leave Leo to himself once more. He continued into the forest at a leasurly place, glad to be among the trees once again. Peering through the trees he could make out the clearing and pushed through the edge of the trees, looking around for Nyr.

The kelpie raised an eyebrow, watching Nyr and Leo depart. Apparently they were going to a visit with Mother Moon. Was there something between the two? Alexander crossed her mind, but she couldnt let him see her in this state. But everyone else was dispersing, everyone was too far away to help. Quincy shifted uneasily, checking over her shoulder before looking at the mage. Tharon was no where to be seen, but that didnt mean he wasnt nearby. Hes going to kill me. Hes going to kill me. It was becoming a mantra, one she wanted to scream, but had to keep silent. “Who are you?" She asked abruptly, staring at him tensely.

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He frowned and shook his head slightly. "Reckless!" He exclaimed stepping to the side and brought his fist around and down, hitting the girl in the back with the bottom of his fist, dropping her to the ground next to him. He kicked her away and stood watching her. "Focus!! Anger is good, but not without control!!" He chastised as he spun his sword in his hand waiting for her to get up.

@Bea Delaine
Nyr meditated on the clearing, eyes closed as she was waiting. Hearing rustling in the bushes she opened her eyes and smiled as Leo emerged from the trees. Standing up she bowed before him and felt that strange, fuzzy warmth as she did before. Strangely she felt at ease when she saw the bulky figure of the lion and now she felt at peace as well.

" The preparations have already been made. " she said as she snapped with her fingers. Immediately a portal of white light appeared behind her, bathing the entire clearing in a torrent of soothing white aura. She then only smiled at him then turned around and the slender dark raven vanished in the portal, leaving it open for Leo to enter. She knew that it might have seemed intimidating... but she believed in the courage of the guardian and hoped that he would soon follow her.

Elena felt the fist come down and she dropped like a rock, then was kicked away. She stood back up and swayed slightly on her feet, looking down in shame at the way she ended up fighting and losing herself. She clutched her sword and before charging she heard the bad part of her mind louder.

"You only had a couple things you could even do well and at this rate, you'll fail. Better just go before you fail the others too. At this rate you will." Her mind practically shouted, and Elena looked to Malachai apologetically.

"I'm sorry.. I failed. I'm going to walk for a bit, it would be better if I were alone, and if anyone comes, tell them I'm at Branbern."

She started off, running deeper into the woods away from Branbern.
Leo smiled when he saw the raven sitting in the grove. He walked up to her and looked around the grove, expecting something a bit different than an open spot in the forest. He looked to her when she spoke, and had to cover his eye when the portal flashed into existence. After a few blinks his eye adjusted and he viewed the portal was amazement. He watched as Nyr disappeared into the portal and he made to follow suit when a thought crossed his mind. He stopped a few feet from the entrance and looked around and unlatched his mantle from his shoulders. Placing it gingerly in the grass he then reached for his two ax blade snapping them together and thrusting one end into the ground behind his shoulder garments. Finally he took his sword from the back of his hip and also placed that in the ground blade first. Now, only in his normal garments and satchel, he felt prepared to enter the portal. Without hesitation he took his first steps into the blinding light.

Malachai frowned watching he girl run. He loosened his grip on the sword and it shone green once more, turning back into the nearly transparent crystal. He placed it in his lap as he sat down, crossing his legs beneath him. He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, soon he was in a meditative trance. In his mind he was wrestling with the thought of going after the girl. He could sense that she was troubled, and though he didn't know her, and owed her nothing she was the first human he had come across. He felt curious, and intrigued, but wary and unmotivated. Not to mention his stomach rumbled once more. He remembered there was food in Branbern, but he wouldn't go feast with a group of strangers. His mind made up he reached out mentally, trying to find the aura of the human girl that was running. He sensed a faint aura getting further from his location. It gave off waves of anger, fear, and sorrow. Also confusion, and despair. There was a dark cloud over this one, and he had a feeling it was her. He raced towards it, reaching mentally for the figure on the move. "WAIT!! STOP!!" His mental voice boomed towards her, trying to break through the cloud of darkness. Not certain if he could break through, but he would rather try and fail then not try and not know. Dark thoughts should never be left unchecked, something he learned in his travels all too well.

@Bea Delaine
((Oh...you kicked Elena? That...was a terrible thing to do.))

Ward sailed on the wind, his wings cupping the air gracefully. He spotted Elena where she had been training earlier, sparring with one of the new faces in the castle.

he watched her attack, recklessly as she often did. Suddenly she was struck and to add to that the stranger kicked her!

He saw no more after that. Blind rage filled him to the brim. He did not even register Elena running away, but stooped on the man, aiming to slam into him with his full weight, adding a livid eagle scream as he descended.

"Touch her again, and I'll rip you to pieces!" He snarled as he landed, spreading his wings and crouching for another attack.


Kallin recoiled on the bench at Quincy's harsh-toned question.

"You know, most people get to know me before they hate me." His scarf began to fall away and he put it back quickly.

"I am exactly who I say I am..Kallin Antorfell of High Tower. I'm a mage, and I'm cursed. What else did you want to know?"

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Nyr sighed in relief as she entered the Moonlit Glade and smiled warmly. She now walked through the illuminated garden which seemed much more warlike than the peaceful plateau she always saw when she visited here. She stood in the middle of the road, waiting for the mighty warrior to join her. Then she heard a voice in the distance: a sweet, melodic sound which lulled her to sleep when she was but an infant. A voice which always made her feel at ease.

A voice of Mother Moon.

" Nyr, my child, you have returned. " she said, the deity almost floating towards her instead of walking. She hugged her warmly then her smile widened upon looking at the shimmering portal still being open. " I assume we have a visitor soon then? " the demigod asked playfully as she and her daughter watched the portal.

( We had a picture of Mother Moon a long time ago but here is a how she looks like again. )


Elena sprinted off, her mind racing with her ink thoughts. She couldn't easily erase them this time. Suddenly the voice of Malachai tried to break the barrier that she built.

"No! Stay out!" She mentally shouted at the other, feeling some guilt for her rudeness.

Feeling invaded and frightened her mind shut again, stopping temporarily to assess her location. After a moment she ran off again and kept going, refusing to stop until she was far enough away to relieve stress and be alone.
He rolled back along the ground, his mental focus broken by the sudden attack. He snarled rolling to his feet, his ears not phased by the screaching, he was crouched and his body was already beginning to transforming, twice his original size now, and the tail finished growing. Within seconds he was fully changed, almost twice the gryphon's size "TRY YOUR BEST!!" His voice boomed telepathically into the air around him followed by a blast of fire at the gryphon. Never one to back down from a challenge he snapped his jaws shut and lunged at the gryphon, swiping with his claws fully extended.

The guardian pushed through the blinding light of the portal facing forwad. He stepped into the glade and glance around until his eye fell on Nyr. Smiling he began to walk towards her until he caught sight of beautiful maiden floating towards Nyr. Without skipping a heart beat Leo lowered himself to one knee and bowed his head to the great being before him. "Greetings Mother Moon, I am Panthera Leo. Guardian of the forest of reflections, bearer of the great forest spirit." He dared not move, almost a bit frightened by the intimidating power he could feel iminating from the glade and more so the woman embracing Nyr.

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