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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ward countered the fire with a blast of ice. As the dragon charged Ward feinted to the side, summoning his lightning spell and charging his feathers with electricity. He was close enough now and reached out to bat his enemy with a wing. Just touching him would be enough to send the current jarring through his opponent. Ward, being the size of a cart horse was almost a match for the dragon in size, but he was lighter. For added measure he followed up with a swipe from his vicious eagle talons.

Kallin stared back at Quincy when suddenly he heard the gryphon scream. "Sounds like we're missing some fun."

He grabbed his staff and used it to lift himself off the bench, closing the short distance slowly and rounding a corner to see the fight in full swing.

He watched for a while, his eyes bright.

"Three gold says the dragon takes it."

Leia glared at him before running forward.

"Ward!! Snap out of it!"

((I should apologize for Ward, he's not normally like this xD ))
<No worries, Malachai would respond in the exact same manor lol>

Malachai roared is annoyance, the wing grazing his side and sending a current of electricity that would normally root someone on the spot and paralyzed. He was used to pain though, his body shrugged it off and he lifted his hind leg to evade the swipe from the gryphon. He swung his tail around to trip the gryphon off balance as he turned to face his opponent. He began stalking around him wary of the magic he witnessed.

Mother Moon smiled at the newcomer guardian and bowed before him in respect before her charming, booming voice filled the glade.

" Rise, Panthera Leo. I have heard much about your heroism from my daughter. " she said, smiling warmly as she moved closer to Leo " Someone as powerful and respected by not only by the people you fight alongside but also by my beloved child should not kneel before me. You have earned their respect so you have earned mine. You are welcome here in the Moonlit Glade. "

She said as a white aura radiated from her, glowing brighter for a moment then dimmed away.

" The power you possess is legendary, dear guardian. " she said " You use it for the greater good which is admirable... Few are the ones to show legendary discipline like you and not fall into temptation. A virtue worthy of respect, no wonder that my daughter's heart cho... "

" Mother! " Nyr snapped at her, blushing heavily. " That is enough! "

" Sorry, my dear. " she chuckled as she looked at the embarrassed raven.

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Quincy blinked in surprise at his accusation, opening her mouth to respond. But before she could, the sound of Ward's cry pierced the air. She followed Kallin, skidding to a halt. “Everything is going to pieces." She whispered, subconsciously linking multiple events while watching Ward and the unfamiliar dragon fight. “Wagers arent my game." She countered, readying herself to step in by switching to her native form. A bright white mare, slightly taller than Ward, charged in between the two, rearing and squealing, trying to separate them while protecting Leia, who had also come to break it up.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
Leo stood slowly before the great being. He could not help himself when it came to formalities, his master had instilled him with the teaching when addressing those of the high planes. Even Lilly he showed the up most respect for when it came to her council and teaching, even if it did not seem so sometimes. He stood facing Mother moon his hand clasped behind his back so that his posture would be straight and confident. "I apologize for my formality my lady, a curse my master can be blamed for."

He could feel the tug of his inner occupant as she connected with his mind so she could listen in and ease drop. Leo knew this was to important to have her interfering, so he put his mental barriers up so that he would have his mind to himself. Leo smiled at Nyr as she interrupted her mother, her blushing warming his heart every passing second. Leo reached into his satchel and retrieved a small clear vial of crystal clear liquid. He placed it in the palm of his hand and reached out towards Nyr and her mother "My Lady, i would like to present a gift to you. This is Viritus Serum, a very powerful elixir that is grown from a flower that takes a life time to properly age. With the help of the great forest spirit i grew the flower and created the elixir. It is said that it can heal any wound or poison, and fill its user with the strength to move a mountain. I have never seen this for myself however, but i would like to give this to you as a sign of friendship from the spirits of the forest."

Ward leapt over the tail, missing a step and stumbling, but catching himself with his great wings and leaping away. He was about to circle around for another attack when a white mare ran in front of him. He stared in shock and had no time to register that Leia had summoned her water spirit to douse both him and the dragon in a cold, wet deluge.

Ward reeled back, coughing and spluttering, coming out of his rage as if surfacing from an ocean.

He shook himself instinctively, and looked around.

Leia stood there, and Quincy and he regarded them both, lost for a moment before his memory returned.

"What the heck happened?" Leia asked, Lee hovering just above her, ready to douse the gryphon again, she apparently thought it was great fun.

"I...lost control...Elena.Where is she?"

Leia exchanged glances with Quincy, suddenly worried. Ward's gaze hardened and he prowled over to Malachai, though with no intention of starting another fight.

"You saw where she went. Tell me."
Mother Moon eyes the magnificent guardian and admired his confidence and composure. Her face did not change from the sweet smile when he offered her his gift, instead she bowed before him once again in respect.

" Your gesture is most noble, Panthera Leo. Yet would it not be better should you kept it? " she asked, her mysterious eyes flaring " I would be devastated should anything happen to my daughter. " her eyes looked down on the raven, patting her head " I have already lost a daughter, I would not lose an another. "

She then eyes Leo with a curious look.

" I sense an another presence here. " she said calmly " It feels like a powerful spirit of some sort. Do you happen to know who it is, noble guardian? "

It had gotten significantly darker out. The shade of the trees and loss of light in the sky was proof that she wouldn't be able to see what was in front of her soon enough. She felt her limbs yearn for rest and her body felt heavy but she sprinted through it until she couldn't move any more. The voice which was occupying her mind kept nagging at her to keep moving and get lost, but he legs refused and forced her to sit against a large and dark oak tree, shrouded by low branches. It took a while longer to catch her breath and build up her mental wall again.

"I'm okay.." She whispered, trying to assure herself.

"I'm alright.. I'm not a screw up.. I'm totally.. Okay." She felt crazy but it helped a little.
Leo bowed to the goddess "Indeed it would my lady. However this is not the first of the concoction i have made in my life time, and i can always make another once i have found the ingredients again. Fear not for her safety however, so long as I draw breath i will let no harm come to her." His eye shifted ever so slightly to Nyr, then snapped back to her mother when she began talking again. He smiled to her upon her mention of the other presence. "You are even more powerful and insightful than I have heard my lady. There is indeed another with us, her name is Lily or at least that is what she has grown to calling herself. She is one of the great forest spirits of Fablewood, hailing from the Forest of Reflections. She is my ward, and she resides with me at all time." Leo placed one of his finger tips pointing towards the side of his head as he talked of Lilly. She had gone quiet even more than usual with his walls up, no doubt she to could sense Mother Moons acknowledging her presence.

One of the castle servants had been standing by and had seen what happened.

"She ran out to the forest master Ward. West."


He nodded quickly.

A knot of worry twisted in the gryphon's stomach. He looked to the sky.

"I have to find her."

"Let me go with you." Leia said, Ward placed a gentle talon on her shoulder.

"I need you here to keep an eye on Kallin. besides...you hate flying."

Leia kicked a stone at her foot. "True enough, I guess." She watched as the gryphon kicked off from the ground.

Ward beat the air with great force, speeding him along the currents. The forest was an easy reach as a gryphon flies and he was soon at its edge. He found the nearest trail and dove down it. He was forced to land for the trees and continued at a fast lope.

"Elena!" he called, searching frantically for any sign of her.

Kallin sighed. Did she have to suck the joy out of everything? In all honesty however, it probably wouldn't do to have FableWood's heroes as each other's throats.

"He seemed...concerned."

Leia shot him another glare. "You wouldn't understand."

In that statement he understood everything. "Right," was all he said in reply.

"For what its worth dragon, my money was on you."
Malachai shook his head to shake the water off of it. His eyes clear of water, he saw they had company. He huffed but stood his ground when the gryphon approached him. He sat on his haunches and peered at the gryphon with one large eye. He shuddered and his body began to shift. His bones cracked and shifted shrinking his body down to his human form, A large muscled man with long blondish white hair. He stretched his arms back then rolled his head around stretching his neck and collar. "I don't know where she ran off to. She went in that direction" He said pointing to where she ran off. "She seemed to be shrouded in dark energy. I don't know whats wrong with her, one minute we were sparring and the next she was going full force. I wasn't going to kill her, just some lessons can only be taught in battle, not just with words. "He said, looking pointedly at the Gryphon, they were almost at eye level so it wasn't hard for him. He turned back to the rest of the group "She said to tell anyone who asked that she went back to Branbern, but lying isn't my thing" With a shrug he turned to the girl with the water spirit. "Nice trick kid, but I promise, I'm not looking for trouble!" He said aloud so that everyone would hear him.
((Ah, I didn't think you were coming back, Let's just pretend the servant never showed up. Ward's already gone.))
Elena closed her eyes and managed to calm down by the time she heard anything from anyone. It was the faint flapping of wings and a worried Wards calling of her name. She was tired, a little bit empty feeling inside, and embarrassed as to her actions. Not that she didn't want Ward beside her. She just didn't want to, or actually believe she could explain herself. She leaning her head back against the tree and saw his movement through a branch. Sighing, she knew she had to reveal herself. The sooner the better, so there was just one person looking. A group would have been much more embarrassing.

She held out a lithe arm and called out in a not too loud but still audible voice.

"I'm here."
Kallin nodded in agreement, "Staying out of trouble is probably the best policy."

He looked toward the castle...it wasn't a long way, but for a mage who still had no strength after casting the mother of all spells it was a huge distance.

"Well, I don't get much chance to eat, so how about we go do that. I'm sure they've got the good stuff too."

He used his staff as a walking stick and started off. "Hey princess, help me to the banquet?"

Leia scowled. "Call me that one more time and you'll be going there without your kneecaps."

Ward heard a voice and stood stock still, listening for her. Suddenly through the trees he caught sight of her and let out a cry of relief. He transformed back into a man and ran to her, pulling her into a hug as if he never meant to let her go again.

"You frightened me, going off alone." He held her at arm's length, checking her over to make sure she was all right.

"Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? I saw you sparring and..." He didn't really feel it appropriate to mention what he had done now. This moment wasn't about him.

He took a breath, now that he had found her the world seemed right again. "Something is troubling you. Please, tell me what it is."
Mother Moon smiled as she stepped close to Leo. She eyed him closely then backed away once again. Her expression was now serious, although she was still looking at him with her kind eyes.

" Lily did not choose you for nothing, guardian. You might not realize it but it is a privilege, a gift greater than anyone could bargain for. " she looked on him with a serious expression one that Nyr never seen before " I was there at the first dawn when she was born... she was power incarnate but was very seclusive. I thought that she would never open her heart to anyone. Yet here you stand, she being your protector. This proves that you are destined for even more than you might realize. "

It was now she who knelt before him, even to Nyr's astonishment, who then quickly followed her.

" You are a paragon of your kind, Panthera Leo. And you are ready. "

Elena wasn't entirely sure how fast it took Ward to hear or find her. It felt like an eternity of heartbeats and distant footfalls. She felt his arms wrap around her and it took another eternity to look up at him, tired eyes met his golden ones and he said a million things at once. Wards touch made her feel a little less cold inside, and quivering hands attempted to return the touch. She didn't mean o worry anyone. Especially not him. She put on one of her smiles and answered once her brain caught up to what he was saying.

"I'm alright.. He didn't hurt me. I was just, um.. Running to think. I got tired though. I was going to come back. What's bothering me?" She repeated his question and looked back down.

"It's nothing of importance right now.. I'll be fine."
"I'm Malachai, and I am terribly hungry!" He said to the rest of the group following them towards the city gates. "The girl Elena, she told me about a feast. She said I was welcome to join and that theres food. Mind if I join you guys?" He asked as he started walking behind them. "And thanks for the vote of confidence, would have been fun to finish the fight" He shrugged responding to Kallin

@SilverFlight @Flutterby
Quincy scowled a little at the thought of moving through town, glancing around quickly. Surely she would be safe with a group of people- even in a fit of proud rage, Tharon wasnt stupid. She started walking, sticking close by Leia and the dragon. Kallin would be little help, but the massive blonde man would be useful, if anything happened. "Lets get a move on." She said sharply, looking over her shoulder uneasily. "I dont want to miss the food." She added, less convincingly, trying to cover up her odd behavior (with more odd behavior). Her mind wandered again to Alexander, but she hadnt seen him since everyone had separated at the portal. With any luck, he would be waiting for her in the great hall, with a massive plate of food and that signature not-smile.

Ward looked at her with great concern. She was not hurt. That was a relief, but whatever it was that was preying on her mind clawed at his heart as well. He brought a hand up to toy with a lock of her hair. "I-I don't know what I'm doing half the time...with this, with us...But, I know what I feel. Its more real than anything I've ever known."

He just realized he was trembling and gave her an embarrassed smile. "What I mean is...I will fight for this, whatever may come. Even if..." He paused for a moment, but just a moment before he continued with conviction.

"Even if I have to give up my true form. Even if you are sent back and I must follow you. I'd do either without looking back."

He moved his hand to her cheek. "I would do anything to stay by your side..." He met her gaze once more, uncertainty appearing in his eyes. "if you will it, of course."

Leia helped Kallin keep up with Quincy and the dragon. She noticed the kelpie seemed really on edge. "You look like the garden's going to come alive and eat you...are you ok?"

They reached the banquet tables without incident however and Leia helped Kallin sit. "Angel from the other side!" He said with a flourish of his arms, tipping his hat to Leia.

"Get stuffed wizard." She shot at him, maybe she was losing it but his sarcastic remarks were starting to entertain her. The food was seemingly endless. Massive varieties stretched out before their eyes and every table was laden with the freshest fruits and succulent roasts and deserts topped with mountains of creams and custards. For anyone who liked food, it was paradise.
Leo listened to the great mother speak of Lilly. He had never really inquired about Lilly's past, only listened to the stories he had been past down from his mentor. It was interesting to hear such tales from so long before. "I appreciate your kind words my lady, I am mearly a vessel. I go and do what is required for the betterment of Fablewood." Then she knelt down and said something that made him look a little confused. He looked to Nyr for answers but she had joined her "Uhm I do not wish to be rude my lady, but ready for what?"
((Woah... I mixed some notifications... I think I'm about 10 pages behind O-o oh well, I'm mildly caught up- though I may have missed some things... Just correct me if my info is incorrect!)

Alexander had left the portal and gone to get food. Along the way he was informed of his very great need of a bath. He tried to ignore the comments, but was soon accosted by servants who forced him into a bath. Once he was in the water, he figured he might as well bathe, though as soon as he got out of said bath, he was much like a wet dog. He shook himself off and then used a towel to try and dry himself, He refused to change- or even take off his clothes when he bathed so they were naturally soaked, however soon after they were dry- having an internal fire really helps to rid one of wetness and water.

When Quincy and the others entered, the dragon boy was seated with two heaping plates of food- one was clearly half finished. His hair was its usual mess, although for the first time since he had joined the group, the rest of him was clean.

Anya had left and done much the same as Alex, although her bath was much, much less forced. Once she bathed she had fixed her hair, pulling pieces from the front into two small braids on either side of her head, then they met in a little pony-tail at the back of her head, and flowed in with the rest of her short hair. Once she was satisfied with her hair and grooming, she headed out to the castle, then rather than finding the others she chose to go look through the town. A little shopping sounded nice, she wondered what kinds of beautiful jewelry and such she could find out in the little shops. She failed to realize, of course, that she did not have any money, but she would find that out soon enough.
Quincy glanced at Leia, then quickly back at the ground. "Ghosts of the past dont simply fade. Mine have come back to haunt me." She said lowly, but then raised her gray eyes and forced a smile. "But with all of you so close by, everything will be fine." She added, not sure if she was reassuring Leia or herself. Probably a little bit of both. She entered the hall, quickly scanning the people in it. There were so many, most dressed in casual finery. She glanced down, realizing she was still bloodstained and wearing ripped garments. But the smell of food won her over, and she began filling a plate with as many deserts and fruits as she could find. On her way past a tray of meats, she hesitated, giving in after a moment and selecting a cut of roast before finding a seat next to Alexander. "You disappeared quickly." She commented softly, glancing over her shoulder as she noted his clean appearance. "And went swimming without me? How dare you!" She joked softly, watching the room out of the corner of her eye.
Elena listened carefully and intimately to what Ward was saying. She agreed with every word, but it also hurt to recognize. She might one day have to leave this. She might one day force Ward to give up his true form. She would never want that for him. He touched her hair and she felt betraying. She loved him so much but knew it would one day be both of their downfalls. She got up from against the tree slowly, every muscle heavy and protesting. Her heart protesting returning as well.

"I don't want that Ward. I want you to be a Gryphon, and me to be here alongside you for as long as possible, and I want that other world to be a dream.. But.."

Her eyes yearned up and she looked up to refuse a tear to fall.

"I would die by my own hands if it meant I had to return.. I'm reckless and a coward and I don't want to leave.. And I'm afraid this part of me will be your downfall as well, Ward. A part of me keeps telling me all of these bad things will happen."

Her voice quivered but she refused to cry.
"Quincy, how are you?" Alexander asked, looking up as they entered. "And Leia, and....?" He trailed off, not recognizing the newcomer. He would have mentioned Kallin, but in all honesty he did not remember his name, nor did he particularly care to speak with him. He looked the man over, he was very well built, and for some reason reminded Alex of one of the older dragons he knew when he was younger, back when he still lived with his mother and brother. No, he couldn't be the same man...

@Flutterby @SilverFlight @andujarprime
Malachai watched the fidgety girl out of the corner of his eye. He noticed her jumpiness but didn't pay it too much mind. He didn't really know her, so for all he knew this was normal behavior for her. When they reached the feast his eyes sparkled and his jaw dropped. His mouth was watering before they entered the banquet hall. He watched everyone there prance around in finely dressed clothes, then looked down at himself. No shirt, loose pants and boots and a large belt with a gaudy silver buckle, all of which were dirt stained. He shrugged and made his way to the food, filling two plates with mostly meat and a few vegetables. He sat at the end of one table near the fidgety girl, but not at her table with her group. He didn't really know them and didnt want to intrude. He was grinning from ear to ear as he started to eat pausing momentarily sniffing the air" heh, another dragon eh." He shrugged and continued to eat.

@KattRai @SilverFlight

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