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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Anya watched Ethan, and nodded as he talked, "Yeah, that's true. I wonder if we will be able to keep any of it when we return... If we return." The blonde sighed, and glanced to the sky where the sun was looming over the horizon and the threat of night was quickly gaining on the dwindling sunlight. "I had found a neat necklace, but then I realized all I had in my jeans was human money- apparently both the dollar and the Euro are worthless here"


'I think that wizard fellow has something to hide. Sarcasm is no reason to be suspicious, but I can't trust someone I can't read. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but there's no changing me now. As for the other dragon, he seems familiar, but I'm not sure why yet. It is nice to have the company of another dragon, however. One who can actually control his form, and isn't trapped as a human, I mean.' Alexander thought at Quincy, finishing up his second tray of food.
Mother Moon smiled at Leo.

" The darkness is relentless, Champion. " she said with her soothing voice " Even now it plots against all of us, and you are among the few who can stop it. I place not only my faith but my daughter's life in your hands as well. "

As she spoke Nyr walked up to Leo, bowing before him respectfully. He was now the Champion of her mother - thus her champion as well.

" Be stalwart and protective as you always were. " the deity continued " Protect the innocent and all of us. For they need your aid more than any other. "

The portal flickered behind them, signaling that it was ready to port them back to the waking world.

" If you wish to ask me something, great warrior then do so. " she said " Otherwise I will always respond should you clutch your pendant. "

Leo nodded to Mother Moon, she was right. The group had grown substantially since he first joined them in the quest, more humans were being discovered by the day. He knew better than most how relentless the the darkness was, but as they had shown in Oz, their group was more so. He smiled to her and then to Nyr, rolling his eye a bit when she bowed to him. With the portal flickering behind him he turned to the great mother and bowed to her one final time "As you command oh great Mother. I will be available to you whenever you need me." With that he gave Nyr one last glance and felt it was time he made his exit. He walked over to the portal and took one last glance of the glade, then passed back through the portal from where he had come.

Ethan nodded to Anya. "Maybe we can convince one of the others to buy," he suggested dryly. "Anyway, maybe we should be getting back. It's getting late." He looked up as well, knowing he was the type to turn in as soon as the sun was down.
Achyls found her bored beyond belief, just watching and waiting for some kind of reaction from Raegan. So she took to the skies again, this time flying over what looked like some kind of portal. She then witnessed Leo stepping out from it...odd. She dived as he appeared, squawking. Just before hitting the ground, her 'human' form replaced that of her bird's. Her wings spread behind her still, as was her genetics.

"Oh...Leo!" she smiled, bowing to him a little. She felt the utmost respect for this guardian, and from the looks of things, he had just come back from somewhere very important.

"I suppose Nyr was with you?". She looked to the swirling portal, infused with light, and then back at Leo, her iris-less eyes wide with wonder.

Anya nodded to Ethan, and led the way through the winding streets of shops that were all slowly closing up as the evening crowds dispersed back to their homes. When they got back to the castle, Anya couldn't help but be drawn to the smell of delicious food as it was late and she realized now that she was famished. Motioning for Ethan to follow, she headed into the great hall and found the table full, so instead she sat nearby, across from a large man with white hair and a few scars. Looking him over she immediately regretted this decision, and glanced around to see if Ethan was going to sit with her.\

Ethan sat next to Anya, eager to get to eating. He hadn't really had anything of substance at all that day; he was starving now. He, too noted the white-haired man, and couldn't help but be intimidated by the stranger. He paused long enough to fill his plate before glancing over at his friend and began eating.
Leos eyes had to readjust to the darkness of the forest once he had mad it back through the portal. The air still felt cool and crisp like a summer night should in the forest as he took in a large breathe. It had been an interesting experiences to say the least but one that the Guardian would never forget and was glad to have been a part of. As his eye began to regain its normalcy, the little raven Achyls floated out of the sky out of nowhere. Leo smiled to the little one and nodded looking back at the portal "Hello Achyls. Yes, Nyr is in there right now speaking with her mother. She should be joining us momentarily." He looked back and forth and found his pile of stuff and began to re garb himself in his mantle and weapons.

Ethan joining her made Anya visibly relax, and she reached over to steal an apple from her plate. She was perfectly content to eat in silence, and not speak with this stranger. After she finished the apple, Anya made her own plate of food. It was a fairly meager plate, nothing like the heaping trays that the two dragons consumed. She had some water, a bit of turkey, broccoli, asparagus and an orange.

@Sleipnir @andujarprime
Achyls nodded, then furrowed her brow.

"Mother Moon? She is in there?" she questioned, mouth agape. No wonder there was such an ethereal glow about the portal. "What an experience, dear Guardian. You are a very lucky lion indeed,". Her smile remained, and began to hurt her cheeks. She forced her lips back to normal, which caused her entire face to drop back into stoicism.

Noting Leo's movement, it appeared as if he had somewhere to be. It then dawned on her, what was she to do with herself now? There were no wars, no terror to put right...what was there to do for her at this moment? She looked to the ground and allowed Leo to collect his things and leave if he so wished.
((OK, time to wrap up. I'll be time jumping soon to next dawn and then we can start the new arc. Lots of excitement in store for this one!!))

Ward beamed at her as she ate. "Of course this would be your home. You could be an emissary of Branbern, like I am, or manage the library or...pretty much anything you want." He was happy to dream like this. There were so many bright things to think of in the future! Ward helped himself to a small bunch of grapes set off to the side, when Elena mentioned Ashley however he nearly choked on them. What could he possibly say to that? He coughed deliberately, trying to think and clear his throat at the same time.

"One bridge at a time, I think. First we have to make sure you stay here."

Once he was satisfied she had eaten enough he cleaned up, replacing everything in the basket.

"Would my lady allow me to fly her to her room?" He transformed once more and knelt on the cool stone.

Kallin finished his plate, and another one after that. The food helping him recover from the massive amount of energy stolen from his body for the spell. He sat back now, watching the inhabitants of Branbern celebrate the healing of their town. There were all types at the party, not just haughty nobles, yet it seemed they all got along. This was a rare place indeed.

Just at that moment Briar approached them through the crowd. "The rooms in the east wing of the castle are prepared for you, as they were before." She looked to Malachai and Kallin with a smile. "There are rooms for you as well. I would summon you all at dawn to discuss what to do next and take into account our...new information." Her gaze lingered on Kallin as she said this.

She then bid them goodnight.

Kallin was surprised, but then again, if they were going to keep an eye on him, the castle would be the best place to do that. "Hey princess...help me to my room?"

That was the last straw. As Tad was nearby she sent a thought out to him, asking him for a tiny favour.Kallin was so guarded about anyone seeing his face? Well.

As he was trying to push himself up with his staff Kallin was hit by a freak gust of wind. His scarf flew away as did his hat and as he reached to try and grab it he overbalanced and hit the ground, his effects floating down just out of his reach.

He sat up and looked around at her, his expression seemed almost hurt. "That was rude."

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Malachai was surprised to have anyone sit near him, but not so surprised at the nervous motions the girl across from him was making. He chuckled to himself. He finished off a large piece of roast then waved to the girl. "Hey, my names Malachai" He introduced himself, his voice deep and confident. He paused when Briar addressed the feast goers. His brows arching in genuine surprise, he was offered food but he never expected lodging as well. It had been way too long since he was treated so nicely. "I was quite content with sleeping in the forest but I won't say no to q warm bed" He said mostly to himself then looked back to the rest of the table and smiled, his eye teeth showing to be extra pointed like an animals. That smile usually scared the wits out of prople, not that he wanted it to. It was just their reaction.

Elena chuckled as Ward became quickly uncomfortable. She finished as much as she was willing to eat and sat for a moment more, just enjoying his company.

"No.. I mean.. I meant I just an see from Ashley how important it is to have someone you need or needs you. I didn't.. I wasn't talking about.."

Her face quickly turned very bright red and she tried to laugh it off, getting up.

"One bridge at a time I guess. And yes sir, I would love a ride."
Nyr looked at her mother ash she smiled at her. She felt as she was interrogated even though they spoke no words.

" Your heart beats for him. " the deity said finally, breaking the silence.

" What? " Nyr said blushing again " I... care about him yes. He is our protector, the member of my family. "

" You know what I meant, my child. " but before Nyr could react she raised her hand " Say no more. I have one more gift to give. But this one is not for you... it is for your sister. "

Nyr looked at her, giving Nyr a small stone which glowed as brightly as the moon. It formed a perfect oval, fit to be put in a ring or a necklace.

" Tell Achyls that I have been watching her actions and that she is as much of my daughter as you... that is if she accepts the gift and truly wishes to protect you. If those conditions are met I would be more than happy to name her my daughter. "

Nyr's eyed willed with tears and gratitude, hugging the goddess. Thanking the gift she hurried outside of the portal, returning to the mortal plane.

Upon arriving she spotted Leo, her heart swelling with pride, but then she saw her sister. Running to the raven girl she hugged her tightly as the portal closed behind them.

" Achyls! " she exclaimed excitedly " I am so happy to see you! What do you think about the new Champion of the Moon? " she asked, pointing at Leo proudly, hiding the gift of Mother Moon momentarily.

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
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Taken aback by Nyr slightly, Achyls let a gasp escape her, before melting into the hug.

"It is wonderful to see you too, sister," she said, a cheerful tone to her voice. She then turned to Leo as Nyr told her his new title, "Champion of the Moon? Deserving of such a name, I'm sure,". She then bowed to Leo once more before looking back at Nyr, now noticing her hands behind her back.

"What are you holding in your hands, Nyr?" she asked inquisitively, trying to get a better look at what she could be hiding.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz
Nyr smiled and revealed the moonstone which started to glow brighter as she placed it in Achyls' hands.

" It is a gift from Mother Moon, for you. " she said, her smile radiating with happiness. " She said that if you want to we cn not only become sisters by name, but also by the will of the moon! And that she would also consider you as her own child and daughter! "

She stepped backwards, realizing she might have been too pushing.

" Of course... only if YOU want it too. Nobody forces you naturally. "

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
Leo watched the little ravens as he slid his dagger back into the sheath on his back. He smiled to Achyls upon the mention of the title, but simple sighed as she bowed to him. As the two talked, Leo felt the tug on his mind finally of Lilly attempting to commune with him. He took a few steps back and turned towards the forest, his eye glowing pale green. He stood in front of Lillys formless shape as she glowed softly "You have added yet another title to your name Guardian. One that is very old and carries a significant weight to it. How is it you plan on carrying out your duties as both a Forest Guardian and this Inquisitor of the Light?" Leos sighed, he could feel Lilly's rigidness against his mind like a hot knife pressing closer and closer. "I am no longer just a Guardian of the Forest Lilly, you know this just as well as I. I am a Guardian of all of Fablewood. If I am to help the humans succeed against the darkness, I will need to be whatever the world calls for me to be." Lilly began to relax. Between his own passiveness influencing her, and the drain it would take to be mad at him, she accepted this and released him from their conversation. Leo blinked his eye a few times and turned back to Nyr and Achyls as they continued their conversation.
Anya nodded at him, when he introduced himself. "I'm Anya." She said, after Briar's speech. The princess seemed to know him, so how bad could the man be? His smile suggested that he could be pretty bad. She didn't flinch at it, though, just remained the wide-eyed image of both fear and curiosity blended to the peak perfection of a dangerous combination- were Malachi dangerous, of course. She was so focused on the dragon man in front of her that she didn't even notice the newly revealed, rather attractive face of their mysterious companion.

"He's Ethan." She then yawned as she motioned to her friend, and realized she was quite drowsy. "And I think it's time for me to retire." She stood and waited for Ethan to walk with her to the East wing where they could both find a room for the night.

Alexander's sleep pattern was all kinds of out of whack at the moment, and with a sigh he finished off his fourth helping of dinner. "I think the girl is probably right, it is time for sleep. And Leia, must we really play tricks on new comers? You should at least wait until morning for your tricks, don't you think?" Alexander asked. On his lips was a small smile, and in his voice was something that could almost be mistaken for a playful tone. He was in high spirits, and felt like trying to actually interact with someone besides Quincy.

The flight up to Elena's balcony was short, a cool breeze played through his feathers as he landed and let her down. He changed back to his human form and ran a hand gently through her hair.

"Goodnight Elena. I wish you sweet dreams." He leaned forward and kissed her before stepping onto the rail of the balcony. Shooting her a mischievous look he stepped off into thin air, disappearing completely. In seconds he soared upwards again as a great, golden gryphon and arced around the castle turret to his own room in the highest tower. A wooden landing pad had been built for him. By some miracle this tower had been spared in the demon attack.

He assumed human for again and lit the two candles on a beaten old desk, glancing over at his few possessions. A seashell, several books on magic and one on diplomacy, a letter of recommendation for the position of Emissary from his old mentor...and a small painting of himself and two old friends. He stared at it happily, wondering how they were doing.

Sleep soon caught up with him however and he fell face first on his bed, collapsing into the soft, down pillows. The familiar scent of feathers rose up to comfort him and soon carried his mind into a world of dreams.

@Bea Delaine

Leia immediately felt bad, but only a little.

"This guy's been pushing me all night!" She defended herself at Alexander's comment, but her expression softened. She was about to help him up when he managed by himself.

"Don't know why you cover your face anyway. It looks perfectly fine to me."

It was Kallin's turn to glare. "Forget it. I'll get there myself."

With that he limped away, leaning on his staff and inwardly cursing his weak state.


He didn't make it very far before he had to rest, sitting on a bench by the gardens. It was only after he realized there were others standing nearby, the lion and two girls. He stayed silent, watching them thoughtfully while he regained a little strength. He held his hat and scarf on one hand, not bothering to put them back on. Moon gifts? That was certainly old magic. Now what was it the raven had said...the moon could help his curse? Not likely...he didn't dare even hope.

He continued to watch, interested to see more. He would have to ask about this magic at some point. It was one of the few things not known about to the High Tower adepts.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Achyls looked, wide eyed, at the jewel in her hand. She felt the Moon's magic surge through her body, leaving her momentarily paralysed by the magic. She began to stammer, unsure of what to say.

"I...I...would greatly wish for this," she smiled, her hands cupped delicately around the stone.

"This magic...it is much stronger than my darkness," she gasped, feeling it take over the darkness deep inside her for a moment, "This is...indescribable...such a wonder. I would give my soul to be a daughter of Mother Moon!". Her heart filled with a joy, as if Mother Moon herself was blessing her. Taken by surprise, she blinked multiple times, before noticing someone lurking not far from them. She turned, seeing Kallin on the bench. He seemed different, weaker, sensitive. She continued to look at him, her white eyes searching him.
Getting no response from the wolf, Luness huffed and then left, deciding to find better company. Finding herself in the gardens, Luness slowed to a leisurely pace, enjoying the peaceful solitude with the moon glowing above and seemingly lighting the way despite Luness naturally having night vision as a lynx. Pausing, Luness brought her muzzle to the sky, as she smelled that new mage nearby along with Leo, Nyr, and Achyls. Deciding to approach Kallin first, Luness found him sitting on a bench near the trio. Surprised to see Kallin without his scarf and hat on, Luness cocked her head at him and stood up on her hindlegs before stopping a few feet away from him. Remembering what had happened earlier, Luness wondered why he appeared so weak and fragile now. Speaking up in her naturally rough tone, Luness said with a slight smirk, "I hope you're not going to pull off any more magic tricks of yours tonight. I think we've all had our fair share of surprises for a bit."

"Oh, thank you." She replied. Ashley was unable to drink because she cared more about her baby then that of her own satisfaction. Of course, she was lucky that Leo found her in the forest that fateful day a month or so back. In her time of need, she couldn't ask for more. "Well, it was a pleasure chatting with you, but I'm feeling very sleepy, so I'm going to be resting if you need me." Due to the excess adventuring, Ashley could use some bed rest. After parting with Mitchell, she got up and went back to her room. He seemed like a nice fellow too, but probably too young for her. Then again, they could be within the same age group, but her spouse was irreplaceable, though of course he would not want her to be lonely for the rest of her life. Perhaps it would not kill her to fall in love again. But she wanted to focus on her daughter. Surely the rest of the Party would prefer that. As she reentered her room, she sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't feel so confident now that she's gotten much bigger since joining the party. But at least they cut her some slack because she was having a baby, so she did kind of have an excuse to be...Bigger then usual. Afterwards, she untied her ponytail and slowly crawled into bed, only covering her legs. She did take a nap, so it may be a while until she falls asleep again. Gently, she caressed her belly and smiled before looking out her window.

(sorry for the delay! >.< @SwiftThunder )
Kallin suddenly noticed Achyls staring at him and looked away sheepishly, still not in much of a condition to move on. It was then the werecat approached, he smiled at her comment.

"What? You don't want to be turned into a toad?" He smiled despite himself. "No magic after the sun goes down. Part and parcel of this little curse of mine. Still, its good to get a reminder of what a breeze feels like." In his other form there was no sensation of anything. He could not eat, or sleep, or feel the sun on his face...Kallin missed that most of all, the feeling of sunlight on his skin...it was something he would never feel again as he was only released from his dark form when its light no longer blessed the earth.

((I added the pic of his human form in his profile))

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075
Quincy gave a tiny nod to show she had heard him, a smile showing at the thought he was happy with another dragon around. Finishing her food, Quincy pushed away her plate and sat back, watching the interactions until Briar appeared, announcing they had rooms awaiting. The kelpie couldnt hide her relief, even though it would be a normal bed instead of a pool like in Oz. Anything would do at this point. She giggled softly at Leia and Kallin, but cut it short when the mage seemed legitimately offended. She looked to Alexander, at the smile on his face. She would stay awake, at least for a while, to enjoy his good mood. She propped her chin up on her hand and listening contentedly to the conversation, blinking very slowly as her mind began to slow down.

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Luness narrowed her eyes at the mention of becoming a toad and said, "Don't even think about it." Hearing about his curse, which she'd missed earlier, Luness cocked her head and then said, "It can't be that bad, all in all. Must be rather relaxing at night, if you ask me." Not that Luness ever felt relaxed. She still needed to check up on her pack now that she thought about it. Shifting on her feet, or paws, Luness then asked Kallin, "Anyhow, care to join me? I was just about to check on my pack. I haven't seen them since I left for Oz." Pausing after saying this, Luness felt surprised by herself. Since when did she ask others to join her? And why was she letting some she hardly know join her to check on her pack? Shaking her head slightly at these thoughts, Luness then refocused on Kallin, waiting for his response.


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