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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Mother Moon raised from the ground, her entire body and her eyes burning in white fire. Now her form swelled and swelled until everything in the glade paled in comparison. Then, the titanic figure reached out with her huge hand, bathing Leo in a shower of silvery white light. Even Nyr was in awe of the demonstration of such power and looked as little silvery spirits appeared from everywhere, encircling Leo curiously.

" Eons ago the darkness threatened FableWood once already. " she said with a booming voice " Then heroes defeated the shadow and chased away the monsters of the void. Now I call upon the ancient union once more, to reforge the order long forgotten. "

The spirits recognizing her authority started to infuse Leo with arcane power.

" Once more the Pale Moon and the Green Earth call upon the power of nature! " she said, the winds intensifying, howling as the spirits circled Leo more and more rapidly. " From this day forward, Panthera Leo, I name you Champion of the Moon and Earth, Inquisitor of the Light. "

The light dimmed as the spirits concentrated around Leo. They were now peaceful and calm, following him around like faithful servants. Mother Moon returned to her small form and smiled at him. Nyr was simply in awe. She was so proud of Leo.

After what felt like a long nap, Ashley woke up and just put on a pair of slippers since she wasn't inclined on carrying around too much baggage as she was in the comfort of home, the castle. Where was everyone? Hopefully no one left on another adventure and left her behind again. Upon entering the Banquet Hall, she shrugged as she felt her stomach start growling. Resting a hand on it, she looked down and smiled. All she had on was a Dress that went down to her thighs and a pair of slippers, so she wasn't dressed for a ball or anything. Not that she wanted to be. Right now, the young mother just wanted to be comfortable. She then grabbed a plate and threw in mostly fruits and vegetables with only a handful of meat in order to nourish the baby...and herself of course because how could her baby be healthy if she isn't? She raised her sleeves, patting her belly before grabbing a fork, spoon and knife and began to dig in. Of course, she minded her manners...despite her stomach feeling borderline empty due to hunger, yet the opposite could be said because there was another life in there as well.
Quincy gave Alexander a tiny smile, feeling a little more relaxed beside him. “Okay. I had a run in with Tharon." She said casually, just so it would be in his mind. “This is Kallin, a wizard or something." She added, pointing at him unceremoniously. “And hes one of your kind. Didnt catch a name." She was speaking in between bites, pointing her fork at the blonde man.

(Sorry, short lame post)
Ward pulled her into a hug again, holding her close. "Never. I would never let any harm come to you." He stroked her hair to comfort her. "Don't listen to that part of yourself. If staying here is what will make you happy then that's what will happen. Come hell or high water I will make it so." He looked at her again, his expression filled with love. "Listen to me instead; We will find a way." He marveled at her fortitude, at what carrying this worry had cost her. "You're so strong." He said, "But you don't have to stand alone anymore. I'm with you...so lean on me once in a while all right?"

Kallin looked up at Alexander with an interested light in his eyes.

"Another dragon? This team certainly is full of surprises. You missed my name, It's Kallin." Kallin helped himself to several slices of ham and a pile of hot mashed potato, drizzling gravy over it in generous quantities. Suddenly he realized he would have to remove his scarf to eat.

"Don't worry Quincy. We'll make sure your past, stays past. Tad?" The spirit appeared, whistling happily. "Guard Quincy for me?" In response Tad wound his way over to the Kelpie and vanished at her heels.
He heard the girl talking about him. He swallowed the rib he was eating and waved a hand over at the table. "Malachai, you folks can Call me Kai!" He went back to eating unceremoniously.

<short post is short cuz cooking stuff is happening lol >
Alexander watched those around, he looked at the other dragon, again, then back to those around him. "Right, Kallin, nice to meet you," Alexander said, then he paused long enough to shovel a forkful of roasted ham and pineapple into his mouth. "Well, now that I've found you again, Quincy, you have little to worry about from this elf boy, I assure you of that." He smiled at the Kelpie, reaching to take her hand.

Then, when the other dragon spoke, he looked towards him,
"Alexandrite, like the gem. I go by Alexander." He said, motioning to himself.
Elena slipped her arms over Wards shoulder and held him tightly. It took a lot to say those things out loud. It was probably easier because she was speaking to Ward, but it was still a lot. She hadn't even spoken about what she was planning to do out here, or how she hadn't been eating, or the thoughts that rushed through her head during fights that were definitely not healthy ones. Still, she figured Ward just knew, or would and she wouldn't have to say a word out loud about it.

"I love you so much... I'll try to be more reliant but I'm not great at that." She said with a soft laugh, feeling better than she had in days.

"Are you ready to head back? I believe there is a table of Heros with two empty seats." She said half heartedly, not sure if she wanted to be around others. She didn't want to hold Ward up any longer though.
He smiled at her, his heart soaring as he heard those words. He would never get tired of hearing them. "And I love you...more than anything."

He changed back into a gryphon and knelt so she could climb onto his shoulders. "Well, you can start practicing by relying on me." He said with a grin. He noted her subdued tone as she mentioned the banquet. "I think those seats can stay empty for a while longer."

He launched them into the air, soaring back to the castle. He flew over the banquet and around to the north side of the palace, landing on a wide terrace littered with pots of sweet-smelling flowers. Letting her down he flew back to retrieve a basket of Elena's favorite foods from the tables, taking care to add some healthier items too. Nodding to Leia to let her know everything was all right. She smiled back and waved.

Ward returned to the terrace and took his human form again.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice? You haven't eaten in ages. You really must take better care of yourself."

He spread out a blanket on the stone floor and removed what he had collected from the basket. "I'm not flying you down until you eat something." He crossed his arms stubbornly. It was by no means a true statement, but he cared too much for her not to try and bluff at least.

The night sky was a riot of white points and as Ward looked up he caught a shooting star race across the heavens. He smiled to himself, noting how wonderful it was...that he already had what he wished for.

((Last post, ended with a sappy flourish, have to go for tonight, gah! Feels!))
Quincy blushed slightly, slipping her hand into Alexander's. “Thank you both." She said softly, reaching out to greet Tad. “He will be gone soon, but his temper is.. dangerous." She admitted, glancing over her shoulder one last time before relaxing and making an honest attempt to enjoy the meal.
Elena looked at Ward curiously as he shifted his form, then she understood. They weren't going to the Banquet. They probably would have if she was more excited about it, but she secretly yearned for a bit more time alone before she could regroup with the others. She climbed on his back carefully and quickly, and when they took off she realized just how normal flying became to her.

She arrived at the Terrace and was even more confused once ward disappeared. She took that time to pick a flower, weaving it behind her ear. It was beautiful and clear out. The starlight gave everything beyond her austere contour. Distracted, she jumped a little when Ward returned again. She saw the basket and sighed, predicting the contents with ease. Saying she wasn't hungry never usually cut it, though food didn't seem so amazing at the moment. She still wanted to show Ward her trust so she sat on the blanket and took a pear, looking up just in time to see the shooting star.

Nibbling on its green skin and sitting close to the Gryphon, she laid back on the blanket.

"Thanks.. For looking after me and not getting annoyed or frustrated. I think I just met your requirements for getting a ride back to my room, but it's nice up here." She said with a hint of humor under the seriousness.
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((sorry for the delay))

Leo eye widened as he watched her grow and grow, he braced himself as he watched the powers she contorled begin to build and build. He looked to Nyr "Uhm, Nyr..." He felt the surge of her energy pulsate through him. His body began to convulse a bit as he felt the power flow through his very being. He could even feel the power reaching Lilly, who still remained scilent behined his mental walls. Finally he felt the power flow slowing and comming to a halt. He gasped to catch his breathe as his legs gave way underneath him and he hit the ground on his hands and knees. Gasping for air from the enormous amount of energy, he heaved each breathe slowly to regain his composure. He raised his head towards the two of them, his eye fixated on them "I do not wish to be rude my lady, but a little heads up next time. That was a hell of a thing. What just happened?" He finally caught his breathe and stood back up, although his composure was nothing like it had been before.

Ethan was out wandering the market of Branbern. He had never been one for shopping or anything, but today he could make an exception. He had very little to do and was very interested in the culture of town — and as far as the blonde-haired boy was concerned, listening was the best way to learn. He stopped at one of the stores, eyeing a neat little teapot in the window. If he bought it, it would almost certainly break.
Anya wandered about the market herself, she looked around and found Ethan. Stepping over to him, she glanced to the little teapot, a countryside farm was painted on it, complete with grace, an old fence, a large French farmhouse that seemed vaguely reminiscent of Belle's, and a lovely couple were emblazoned in a deep black over the porcelain.

"Very pretty, I didn't picture you as a tea connoisseur." Anya said, stepping over with a smile. "What's up?"


"More dangerous than a dragon's rage?" Alexander asked Quincy, a bit of a smirk coming to his lips. "Well, whatever dangers come your way, I assure you, you have nothing to fear- so long as you don't mind my staying at your side." He promised, his left hand still on his fork so that he could continue eating once his oath was made.

Mitchell cursed his terrible sense of direction, although he had managed to get out and see the sights, with a little pointing out by Leia which he was thankful for. He made his way around the various parts of the city while trying to take in everything. Every time he turned a corner it was something new, and he always was welcomed with a smile. He had laid eyes on a few beautiful musical instruments that reminded him much of what he had back home, but his dismay at not being able to fairly trade for anything ended up just heading back to the castle in the hopes of finding a good meal and a soft bed. It took much longer than expected, but it made it eventually as he realized upon entering that he was famished and the smell of food from one the halls called to him. He spied the woman, Ashley, out of the corner of his eye and made his way to her, removing his brimmed hat out of courtesy.

"Pardon ma'am, I hope you you wouldn't mind if I joined you, if that's alright?"

@Shimakage Thunder
Ashley turned to look over at Mitchell, was he one of the newcomers? Probably. "Um, sure, I don't mind." She said nonchalantly before going back to eating. He did look a little handsome, but then again, she needed to focus on the impending birth of her daughter, which wasn't too far away now. It probably won't be long until the group's next adventure, whatever may be calling upon them. As long as another Oz didn't happen, she wasn't entirely worried. Although Leo often had to carry her if they were ever on the run. She didn't mind that though. As she started on her Fruit, which she normally ate last on top of everything else...Grain, Meat, Vegetables, even Sweets...Saving the best for last. A lot of things never tasted this good before she got pregnant. Before she could take a bite out of the Apple in her hand, she felt her baby kick, which prompted her to rest a hand on her stomach. Even if the baby wasn't hungry...She sure was and there wasn't that much left anyway. At least the baby would reap the benefits. If Mitchell didn't notice that she was pregnant, he probably would now since she basically showed that...And her belly stuck out like a sore thumb.

Well, she didn't say no, so that was a start. Mitchell nodded and allowed himself to look at Ashley closely since that terrible time in the scarecrow's tower; she hardly seemed to notice him then, but with what was going on that was a given. He had noted briefly then that she seemed to be pregnant, but he thought he was crazy, but now, it seemed more like the truth. He let a breath he didn't know he was holding in as he reached for the first thing that looked like he could drink. He started t ospeak in a bit of a ramble.

"These past few days.. absolutely astoundin'; never seen anythin' like it before in my life. I mean all y'all, faced down the stuff of nightmares, at least from my point, and almost did it like nothin'. Those folk, Leo and Ward, were somthin' else but the rest of the humans, you especially, it was fantastic to see ya' work. Y'all must be old hands at this by now." He hoped that he wasn't coming across like a slack-jaw, but he was honestly curious how people like him, human through and through, were able to just stand and not flinch at some of the stuff in Fablewood; and hey, a good conversation was never a bad thing for him.
"Yes, sometimes I do wish things would calm down a bit. At least for me and the little one." She replied, referring to her unborn child. When he complimented her, Ashley did feel a little flattered. "I'm just a simple Archer really. Before I took on adventuring, I just lived a peaceful quiet life. That came to an end a few months ago though. But I know what I'm doing, I guess you can say." Because they just met, she didn't feel comfortable telling him that she was a widow. Though he probably could guess since her spouse wasn't around. Most certainly no husband would approve of his pregnant wife going around adventuring and putting herself in danger. After she finished eating, Ashley just took some time to enjoy her drink, which was a glass of water, since she felt that wine, due to its ingredients, could potentially harm her baby and she didn't want that, so she did everything in her power to stay healthy during pregnancy.
Ward moved closer to her, putting an arm about her shoulders gently and planting a lingering kiss on the top of her head.

"My requirements?..not even close." He expected her to eat a good meal and began selecting as much from the basket. "We can't have you pass out in battle. In all seriousness it could be quite dangerous...so don't think I won't feed you myself if it comes to that." He took a spoon and twirled it threateningly.

As the stars danced above him he began thinking about the summoning spell.

"I suppose first things are first: We should speak to Grenwin about the finer details of the spell that was used to bring you here. We need to know for certain if the spell will automatically send you back once its terms are complete...If it won't, then we have nothing to worry about, and if it will, then we can search for a way to alter it before we confront the enchantress behind all this mess."

The gryphon wondered if the mage they had recently encountered may be able to help as well. He certainly seemed adept at spell craft. Speaking about plans like this made him feel better, like the idea was suddenly more tangible, he hoped it would have the same effect on Elena.

For now however he stayed by her, relishing her closeness and her warmth.

@Bea Delaine

Leia was sleepy...and bored. The mage sat there and ate from his plate silently, taking very good care to keep his face as hidden as he could. He looked pretty normal from the little she saw so what was it?

"Hey, why don't you take the scarf and hat of?"

Kallin regarded her as if she had just asked him why the sky was blue. "No."

"Do you have an embarrassing scar or something?"


"Poor complexion?"


"Incriminating tattoo?"


She smiled, satisfied that she had annoyed him. "Ok, whatever, but it'll come up one day. So you'd better be ready."

"Are all humans as irritating as you?"

"Its a gift."
Mitchell allowed a smile to show as he regarded Ashely, though he couldn't see anyone here in a quiet life just yet, he did wonder exactly what drove her to take up an adventuring life, and what caused him to be making the same decision now. In any case, she was a stronger that any of the other girls he knew back home "Know what you're doin' is what I would call an understatement ma'am; you'll have to show a few pointers on usin' that bow of yours, if I ever want to get beyond just tacklin' whatever I come across." Mitchell took raised his cup slightly toward Ashley "To you and your health ma'am, and that of your child; may your skill never fail to keep y'all on the right path." Mitchell took a large swig of his drink. Mitchell was not usually one for alcohol as he was not one to have a strong stomach for it. He could already feel a warm feeling in his chest as he drowned the drink. He had no idea exactly what he was drinking, or if he should be drinking it; but his taste-buds were saying it was good to drink for now and a toast without a drink was a sad one indeed.
Mother Moon chuckled as she walked up to the startled champion. She was satisfied: the spirits of the moon accepted him without question and that made her very happy. Holding a strange pendant in her hands she stopped before him with her usual wide smile.

" The secrecy was necessary, my dear Champion. " she said " I knew that the spirits would recognize your noble heart but I needed to be sure. But now that you are the paragon of the Moon as well as the Forest it is time for me to bestow something upon you. "

She placed the pendant in his hands. The white jewel shimmered as it touched the furry hand, it shifted curiously before returning to its normal state.

" It is called Elu'Malorve, or ' Tear of the Moon ' in the language of new. One of my prized possessions, and now I gift it to you, blessed Champion. May it shine for you in the darkest hour and save you from she shadow. "


Malachai sat at his table listening to the heroes in amusement. It had been a long time since he had been near this many people, it was a little unsettling but the food made it worth the discomfort. Besides, there was another dragon around. He went and got another two plates piled full of food, another full of roasts, poultry, and steaks. The other with fish and some vegetables. He couldn't remember the last time he was able to eat this much. As he ate, his mind kept wandering back to Alexander. The young dragon seemed familiar, but he had been so many places in his life he couldn't think of why. That and he was too busy eating. He shrugged off the passing thought as he began eating once more, listening in to the conversations around him.
Leo eyed the pendant in his hand very carefully. Its beautiful clarity almost looked as if it had captured moon beams from a cloudless night. Leo smiled as he looked to Mother Moon, "I do not feel as if I am worthy of such entitlement my lady, but i will carry this and the responsibility it carries with me for the rest of my days." He slipped the pendant around his neck, securing it tightly with a knot under his mane. He looked at the small gem brushing against his fur with a smile, he had never expected to be granted an honor such as this. He looked to Mother Moon once again and bowed his head to her.

Quincy's cheeks grew pink again, turning from cool to warm. “I never have." She murmured, glancing at the others at the table. Luckily, Leia and Kallin were too busy bickering to hear them, and the dragon was stuffing his face, as dragons would. She looked at the two new comers, appraising them. Malachai seemed to be very much like Alexander, but maybe a little more aggressive. She was taking a liking to the wizard, finding his sarcasm amusing, but she certainly didnt trust him yet. Maybe he would prove himself on their next journey, wherever it took them. What do you think of our newest additions? She thought to Alexander, stabbing a piece of fruit and chewing it slowly.
Ethan glanced at Anya. "I'm not," he said simply. "But I figured we'd find a way home eventually, right? And if we do, it's not like I'll have time to come back for souvenirs. I thought maybe I'd pick something up to keep, you know? A teapot might be a good choice, considering that this is Fairy Tale Land."
"Hey. I would never be hungry enough to pass out.. Especially not during battle. That would create a big problem especially if we were commencing a prep lanes attack." She deflected, trying to be specific to what he was talking about. She stayed close to him and took the spoon, shooting him an attempt of an angry look, which turned into more of a pout.

"I get it though."

She started on a bowl of some sort of stew, small bites and meaningful glances at Ward, not meaning to be difficult but trying to show that she has no problem with the food. When the spell was brought up, she felt her hopes rise a bit. They did know some powerful mages and wizards now it seemed. Maybe they could provide more info or a solution.

"Thank you Ward.. So this is going to be my home too? It already feels like it." She said with a chuckle.

"I'm going to trust it for now... Seeing Ashley lately has made me think.. Or never mind."

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