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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

" I would be honored to have such a sister! " Nyr almost squeeled in joy, hugging Achyls again. Looking at the girl her eyes filled with hope and joy. Finally she would officially have an another sister, it was just her decision to ask and the stone would make it come true.

She looked in the direction Achyls was and she noticed Kallin. She felt a strange, peaceful energy emanating from him and walked over to him to check out what was going on.

" We meet again, Lord Sorcerer. " she said, smiling at him. " Did you reconsider my offer we discussed earlier? "

Switching into mind speak she whispered directly into hi mind without the others knowing.

" Mother Moon is gracious and generous. You need only to ask and I can try to help you. I want to help you. And I am not saying this to make you feel better. "

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight
After Elena was dropped off, she said a final goodnight, gaining some satisfaction from his hands through her hair. He disappeared and she chuckled, leaning on her balcony and waving at the blonde Gryphon.

"Sleep well!"

She slipped inside and looked at the clothes that she was wearing. They were tattered, a bit bloody from herself and possibly her comrades and unrecognizable as what it once was as well as baggy. She searched through the wardrobe provided and changed into night clothes, then found a deep royal blue tunic with dark copper lining and dark brown tighter pants. settling on t to replace her usual garments, she slid into the bed. Training and mental exhaustion caught up and she was out before she even laid her head down.
Malachai got up from the table, having finished up with the extravagant dinner. He noticed the heroes going off on their own and in groups. He shrugged as he stood and began to follow them. Figuring why wait till tomorrow to meet them. He walked past Alexanders table and nodded a farewell to them as he followed the wizard. Soon he smelled a peculiar scent. Several new scents to be correct. He rounded the corner and spotted the mage sitting a short distance away from a group of two girls, and a lion man. From the energy he was picking up these were some powerful people. More heroes it had to be, although they weren't at the feast. He started making his way to the wizard when he was joined by another being. A were cat from what he could see. He smiled as he continued forward." Oh my, a werecat, can't say I see that everyday." He said as he got closer. He stopped a few feet away showing his hands upright that he meant no harm, after which he bowed and introduced himself. "Malachai is the name dear, Kai for short if you like. Well, if I like you to be exact." He said with a smirk. An odd sight such a large man bowing and being polite despite his fiercely savage appearance.
"Kallin, you need not be so sheepish," Achyls smiled, feeling a strange blush at his reaction to her. "What ails you, mage?"

She took a few steps closer to Kallin, and placed a soft hand on his shoulder, hoping not to invade his personal space. He seemed like one for such desires, as was she before her encounter and welcoming into the company. He was much more mysterious than any other Human or FableWood creature she had ever laid her eyes on. Though, he did not seem as malicious as she first thought, simply misunderstood perhaps. She would often scold herself for her quick judgements, but they never deterred her from doing so. Maybe Kallin was a cause for a change in her. How much could she learn from him? He seemed incredibly powerful, she would want to glean some of that ability, and master the magic herself. She smiled to herself as she thought about the possibilities
That night, when Ashley fell asleep, she began having a lot of strange dreams. But as she slept, she would be awakened by a gloved hand over her mouth. Despite her attempt to struggle and break free, Ashley would pass out. Her Wedding Ring Necklace would snap off and fall onto her bed and her bow and quiver would fall over, making a loud thud along with other noises as her arrows fell out. Her cloak would fall from the Clothes Tree. Ashley then disappeared and whoever took her...was gone as well. Not a single clue was left for the rest of the party if they were to stumble into Ashley's room to find that she's now gone...
Leo watched the young girls converse until his eye caught the mage moving in the darkness. He watch him carefully as he and Luness appeared and the conversations commenced. He did feel a bit for the mage, despite his rough exterior, one who longs for something as simple as the breeze is one who knows the true meaning to be a captive. Leo heard the were cat speak up and decided that he would like to go in and see how Falaroin's foot was holding up. "I believe I will join you Luness, if you will have my company?" He looked to the were cat and moved towards her. Before leaving the area, he stopped beside Nyr and placed a hand on her shoulder. With his soft gaze he smiled to her "Thank you." He continued on sticking close to Luness at a leasurly pace.

Kallin regarded the werecat with interest. "As long as you promise I won't get eaten." Meeting a pack of werebeasts sounded...interesting. It would certainly be a first for him. Just then the dread raven came up to him. He looked at her askance as she re-stated her offer. Suddenly he felt the pressure on his mind and heard her words. Immediately he blocked the channel in a knee-jerk reaction, more than a little taken aback and somewhat offended.

"Mindspeak is very forward in a mage's circle Raven, its the first step to taking control, and trust me when I say your Mother Moon couldn't lift this curse, even if I did want it." He met her gaze, his light blue eyes making his stare even more cold and defensive.

If that wasn't enough the other sorceress approached too. Kallin was beginning to feel uncomfortable, he put his hat back on with a firm press. Just then he felt something brush his shoulder and lurched into his feet.

"Nothing ails me!..I'm fine." He had begun to snap, but realized his tone and tried to keep it controlled. "I'm sorry," he regarded the werecat and grasped the brim of his hat politely.

"Maybe another time. I wish you all goodnight." He made his tone as definitive as he could and hurried away from the group, leaning on his staff as little as he could manage.

He made it into the castle and up the stairs, shutting the door to the first empty room he found in the east wing. It was unadorned save for a plant and an antique writing desk by the bed. Kallin took a deep breath. You're going to have to get used to that sort of attention eventually. He told himself, and ran a hand down his face. It was so easy to talk to people who disliked him, he knew how to deal with that, but people...being nice to him? Especially...No, No! We're not going there thank you.

"Far better they stay away." He muttered to himself, setting his staff aside and collapsing on the bed. A part of the curse was that his human body was rested while his dark form took over...but after the sheer volume of energy used that night, both his forms needed rest. He couldn't fight it any longer, he closed his eyes and sleep took him.

@Lioness075 @SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios

((I will be time jumping next post ^^, but those of you who already put their characters to sleep are perfectly welcome to start the morning.))
Nyr looked as Kallin darted away from the group and her heart sank. She only wanted to help the curious mage, but it seemed that she had done more harm to him than help. Even though she believed that he would eventually get used to their nagging she wanted to aid him now - which seemed to be futile.

It was then when a sudden drain of energy overtook her and she collapsed on the ground. Few moments later she stood up again only to realize that she had not slept for days. Looking at the others she bowed deeply a she tried to regain her composure.

" I would like to retreat for the evening until dawn. " she said politely and took wings. She flew back to the castle, in the room where Achyls used to sleep. She found a bed near the one of her sister's and laid down on it. Sleep consumed her almost immediately as she fell asleep. Her sweet dream was guaranteed, so many good things have happened to them recently. Still one image always greeted her no matter where she went in her dream journey.

A big, bulky and furry figure always protected her.
Following Nyr closely so as not to be frightened by another sudden collapse, Achyls darted back to the castle, surprised to see her sister sleeping in her room. Nevertheless, she lay down on her bed, her mind filled with thoughts of her companions. Nyr, Leo...Kallin...him intriguing her most. She let sleep envelope her as she wrapped her wings around her like a protective blanket, drifting off slowly but surely. Her dreams filled with images. The final image was of Ashley, a danger consuming her. Her eyes snapped open, she hadn't checked on her that evening! Worried, she found herself unable to sleep again that night, thinking about what the images meant, and if they were indeed true.
Dawn approached on the far horizon. Ward was woken by a soft light filtering through the open window. He stretched lazily, trying to tame his unruly hair. Today Briar would want to speak to that mage. He had better be ready. He changed his clothes, splashed water on his face and stepped onto the platform. Contemplating the distance to the ground Ward spread his arms and did a swan dive straight into the air. He transformed as he fell, letting the wind catch his winds and pull hum out of the dive. He swooped about the towers, coming out just over the gardens. The terrace by the ballroom was just being set with tables for breakfast when he came to land.

Leia had gone to sleep not long after she found out where Kallin had gone. At least he wouldn't cause any trouble.

The sun was already up by the time she decided to get out of bed. Sleepily she made her way to the terrace, holding her cavalry sword in hilt, not managing to buckle it to her belt as of yet.

Kallin ached all over. he could feel nothing else but the pain. So funny how curses worked. They could rob you of all the good things you were too foolish not to appreciate, and yet leave wonderful things like pain. He chastised himself for putting on such a frivolous show the night before. Couldn't I have just made a tree grow or something?

He knew why he did it, and it didn't fit at all with the brooding, sardonic, selfish persona he had worked so hard to master.

He forced himself up slowly, catching his reflection in a mirror. The familiar black mist and glowing yellow eyes greeted him with a dark scowl.

He sighed. "Better get this over with."

He went down stairs, at least being able to walk by himself now, carrying his staff strapped to his back.

A soft mewl made him stop. At his feet sat a ginger cat...an ordinary ginger cat.

He gave it a suspicious look. "If you can talk, say so or I'll set your tail on fire." The cat said nothing, but rubbed itself against his leg. Kallin looked around to make sure the hall was empty before picking the creature up and stroking it gently.
Elena awoke early the next morning. She had dreams, but this time they were pleasant. She knew the sun had yet to make it over and into view and so most probably wouldn't be awake, so she took the blue tunic and brown pants she found before and found a public bath. After cleaning up, she changed and found a piece of tan cloth, tying her hair up with it. Feeling refreshed, the sun was starting to come out.

She decided before anything to run again, just through a couple garden sections and back. During which, she was able to admire the scenery and take in fresh air. She wondered if anyone else might ever do the same, or if living there would mean she could always do it. If she did stay, would she get to continue fighting for the Princess? After a short run, she ended up out by the ballroom where food was being set up now finally at a reasonable hour to be awake. She looked to a man with Elf ears and took a tray from the cart as well as a stack of plates.

"May I help? If you don't mind I mean." She asked sweetly. She Elvin looking man nodded in return.

"Suit yourself." He replied as she started setting the table. She finished with the plates when Leia and Ward arrived.

"Morning! How did two sleep?"
The dawn caressed the face of Nyr as she woke up, yawning sleepily. She had regained all her strength and decided to walk downstairs to see if the others were up already or not. When she arrived downstairs to her surprise she saw Kallin with a cute little cat in his hands. Chuckling she entered the room, walking next to the mage.

" The darkness is only as strong as the light. " she said in a cryptic voice " You are more benevolent and kind than you show, Kallin. "

She sat down near him.

" Do not bother to explain if you don't want to. I will not pry anything from you. " she said before he could protest " I just want to understand you and - should you require - help you in any way I can. "
Luness nodded at Leo, and was about to look at Kallin again to ask him if he was going to join them...only to see him rushing away.

Luness instantly recognized the discomfort he felt. Luness still felt it to this day if she was ever put into the spotlight like that. Plus, Luness still wasn't the best at accepting other's help. Yet, Luness felt dissapointment at Kallin's swift disappearance. It had been a rare honor for Luness to extend such an invitation to anyone outside of her pack. Seeing him scared off like that made Luness feel...upset? Or something like that. Luness was feeling mixed feelings at the moment and really wasn't quite sure how to express any of them so she kept quiet about it.

Luness knew that Nyr could come across as overbearing, though that was merely how she was. It didn't matter how many times Luness told Nyr to leave her alone, she was always there regardless. Annoying, yet helpful at times.

Though Nyr with Achyls added in would most likely be entirely overbearing altogether. Luness was content that Achyls hadn't taken much notice in her. Luness would implode at that amount of attention at once.

Knowing that Kallin would want to be alone after that, Luness let out a small sigh and then led Leo to the castle and then straight to the room that the pack had claimed before Luness had left on the Oz adventure.

Upon entering the room, Luness was pleased to see her packmembers talking and chuckling with one another at a small table. Falarion stood nearby, silently staring out a window.

Luness walked up to Falarion, stopping a few feet from him before she finally spoke up, saying, "It is good to see you are all faring well." Eyeing Falarion's new prostethic foot, Luness was pleased to see that he was already past favoring it. That was certainly a good sign.

Falarion quickly turned around, moving with ease on his new foot, and grinned at Luness. He was clearly pleased to see his Alpha again and then said, "Alpha, we're all more than happy to know you're back, safe and sound. From what we can tell, it seems like you were successful yet again, and that you brought home a powerful ally."

Luness shrugged in response and said, "He's not too keen to talk about himself, but from what we can tell, he is indeed very powerful."

Falarion raised an eyebrow at Luness' response and then smirked before saying, "Sounds like you, Alpha."

Luness was surprised at first by Falarion's response and then she quickly recovered and furrowed her brows before deciding to change the subject,
"Anyhow, Leo joined me to check up on you and my pack."

This said, Luness then turned around to face her pack, all of whom had stood up by now and joined Luness' side. Luness looked over everyone to make sure they appeared to be okay and then announced, "We also have a new packmember." Eyes widened at this announcement and a couple packmembers grinned in anticipation along with Falarion. Luness was pleased to see this reaction, but felt bad for what she had to say next. "Alas, he will not be joining us right away. His name is Otto and he is a young werewolf. He hails from the land of Oz and will be helping to restore peace and such there. Once he's done, he has accepted my offer for him to join the pack."

The pack all nodded in approvement, Falarion included.

"Mehmeh...Morning." Leia said with a yawn, collapsing into one of the chairs. Tad and Lee circled her, playing tag about her feet.

Ward took his human form again. "Good morning Elena, you look wonderful in that." He gestured to her new clothes.

There was still no sign of Briar so Ward pulled out a chair for her at the table.

"I hoped the new members of our team found things agreeable here...I may owe one of them an apology."

Leia chuckled, leaning on back of her chair. "You should have seen him, he saw that dragon-guy hit you and he went berserk." She caught a stern look from the gryphon and slapped a hand on her mouth, though still very much amused.

"I wasn't petting it!" He said, a little louder than intended and set the cat down quickly. Kallin looked at her, his glowing, yellow eyes narrowing, though with criticism or confusion it was hard to tell which. "You don't give up do you?...Well I'm not going to go spilling my little heart out just because you asked nicely. You should stop trying to 'understand' me. I'll tell you all you need to know: I look out for myself. The only reason I'm helping you is because I don't want my home destroyed. End of story." He turned away from her, his hand shifting involuntarily to settle against his pocket.

"Its no more complicated than that." He strode away, going to the last place he saw the princess. The terrace had been cleared from last night's festivities and now was set again for a more personal breakfast. Kallin reviewed the faces at the table before finding a chair and slumping into it, glaring intently at a bowl of fruit.

((Last post for tonight))
Raegan made it to the castle as the sun rose, a smile on his lips. He hadn't really slept a lot through the night, he was a wolf. Several short naps did him way better. Yet, it was extremely amusing prowling through the streets at nighttime, watching everyone sleep, enjoying the fact that he alone still moved and was aware of what everyone was doing. Don't misunderstand, he wasn't one to watch people as they slept, nor was he one to kill prey in their sleep. The fun was in the hunt, after all, but the thought that he could if he wanted, the power, did provide a certain high. For now though, he went into the castle of Branbern and moved onwards towards the terrace. It was time to introduce himself to his new hunting pack properly.
Leo followed Lumess up into the castle to the room the pack had claimed. HE was glad to see them all in such high spirits, especially Falarion. Leo kept towards the door while Luness talked to her pack, nodding and smiling as she spoke. When she brought up Otto Leo smiled at the thought of the little wolf running with such a large group of boggier wolves. He was such a spaz, Leo was sure he would bring a whole different life to this little party. Happy to see such acceptance from the group Leo smiled to the group and bowed as he made his way towards the door. It was late and he knew that Lilly was waiting to talk to him for the night. Instead of heading to the room prepared for him, he made his way to the gardens attached to the castle and found a spot in a little opening. He removed hsi mantle and weapons and sat down, he looked to the sky and saw the moon glowing brightly high in the sky. He smiled and closed his eye, reopening it slowy with a bright green glow.

The next morning Leo streatched slowly as the morning sun beamed down ontop of him warming him slowly. He restored his mantle to his shoulders and brandished his weapons to their homes. He walked himself through the gardens and made it to the grande hall. Finding that so many had already made their way to the hall Leo walked in and found a seat near Nyr and Kallin. Nodding to them both gave Nyr a feint smile "Good morning everyone."
Malachai opened his eyes slowly, he spent the night not in the room, but on the terrace attached to it. "Guess I belong outdoors" He said standing up with a stretch. He walked to the wash Basin sitting in front of the full body mirror in his room and cleaned his face. He attempted to tame his hair, but to no avail. He shrugged and stepped out of the room, a quick sniff in the air and he smelled food. "Breakfast!" He exclaimed making his way towards the fo. He opened up the does to the banquet hall to find some of the heroes from last night, and some new faces to him. He felt a littlw awkward walking into a room of strangers alone. " err, hi" He said with a short wave as he walked into the room "Mind if I join you guys?" He asked reaching the table and nodding to everyone. "My names Malachai, and I think I was invited to breakfast as well." He said taking a seat not really waiting for anyone to answer him, his stomach taking over his betrayal judgement and manners.
Elena finished setting up the table and started loading plates with essentials. Her energy level was way up compared to the night before as she nearly bounced from place to place until she was finally finished and ready to take a seat herself. She noticed others joining and smiled brightly.

"Morning everyone. Sleep well?" She asked in a happier version of her softer voice, finally ready to take her own food. She frowned at what Leia and Ward were saying and shook her head.

"No.. It's fine Ward. It's nice that you wanted to protect me but I promise I was barely bruised. I started the fight anyways. Malachai was nice.. And I think an apology is a bit in order from both of us." She said, attempting an authoritative tone but failing. She looked at her plate and took a peach and prodded it without thought with a fork. The person she had been speaking of walked out.

"Of course, you can eat. I told you it was alright yesterday. Sorry for running away. It was rude and gave Ward the wrong impression of you."
Malachai looked over to Elena and waved it off. "No worries, I apologize if I got a little rough. Sparring isn't something I'm used to. I've had to teach several fighters and they all learned the hard way. I guess it's a habit to teach physically rather than verbally." He explained before shoving several pieces of bacon into hisout and taking a seat. He nodded to Ward and shrugged "No harm done mister Ward, honestly"
Mitchell was enjoying his sleep, at least that was his thought as he was awoken to the voice growing around him, and he wondered briefly where he was. To his surprise, he had found himself asleep at one of the tables in the great hall; he must not have been more wiped that he thought, or drowned more of that sweet drink than he should have as his migraine was no doubt attesting. He did his best to massage it away, but it was not doing much. Luckily, he had seen the others of his party fairly close and with a tired sigh he moved closer in the vain hope of taking his mind, off of his mind. He made it just in time to hear Elena in a chipper voice as he spoke out loud with his head low to the table.

"Sleep, and sleepin' well are two entirely different reaalities, but I hope y'all managed to sleep well at least. I don't suppose there are any quick pain-relief pills in this place?"
As the hours grew late, Quincy found herself dropping off the sleep right at the table. After several jerks back to waking, she excused herself, giving Alexander's hand a squeeze before standing. Leaning over his shoulder, she whispered a goodnight, but moved away quickly when she noticed several curious stares, blushing. The kelpie let herself into a bedroom, washing up quickly and changing into some clean night clothes before climbing into the foreign-feeling bed.

The next morning, she woke very early and climbed out of bed, wandering down the hall in search of a water source. Eventually, she found a maid and asked about a salty bath. Even though she got a weird look, the servant complied. The water was cool and comforting, just right for a good soak before the others woke up.

Admittedly, Quincy spent too long in the water. When she finally dragged herself out and dressed in a fresh green blouse and black plants, she found most of the group already awake and in the hall for breakfast. The kelpie braided her hair quickly, sitting down with the others. “Sleep comes easy to the weary, but I will never understand human beds." She said, with a small smirk.
"Aye!! You and me both!!" Malachai exclaimed after swallowing another mouthful of bacon with home fried potatoes. He soon went back to eating as more people began to file in after a night of eating and drinking.

Luness eventually settled down in her own bed with her pack, content to sleep in their presence once more.

Waking up the next morning, Luness headed down to the Great Hall while her pack left the castle for what they hoped would be some good hunting in the forests beyond the city limits. Luness was in her werecat form as usual, the claws on her paws making a small clicking sound while she walked through the castle.

Upon entering the Great Hall, Luness first saw Kallin before she then saw Nyr, Elena, and the rest of the group. Well, most of them anyhow.

Nodding at Kallin before doing the same to the rest, Luness then muttered a quick, "G'mornin'" before she slipped past everyone to find a seat at the table, sitting away from everyone else who was already seated at the large table.

Luness' plate was soon filled with foods and she sipped some water to soothe her daily dry throat that she always woke with. She then began to nibble on some bacon while she curiously wondered what would be going on today.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Ward greeted all his friends with a happy 'good morning'. He greeted Kallin like this as well, but the mage seemed too busy assaulting the apples with his bad-tempered gaze. When Malachai appeared Ward spoke up after Elena.

"Yes, I am sorry about that...its not..usual, I will try very hard not to do this in the future." He was relieved to see the dragon had already forgiven him.


"Morning cowboy." Leia said brightly as Mitchell appeared. He looked like he had slept outside. She regarded him and his ailing head with a laugh in her smile. "Lee? Howabout it? Can you do something?" The water spirit tilted her head, then sailed over to a pitcher of water and flicked it with her tail. Leia took a glass and poured it out, setting it before Mitchell sympathetically.

"I don't think she can do much for that kind of condition."

@Shimakage Thunder @Lioness075

Ward's heart froze.

"Everyone, spread out. Check every inch of Branbern! Antony, rally as many people as you can. She wouldn't have left the city,"

Leia looked skeptical. "You sure about that?"

"Of course she wouldn't put her baby in the sort of..." But he trailed off. Ashley had been very willing to leap into danger before.

Kallin stood up at this point. "I know there are barriers around Branbern, how strong are they?"

"Quite strong." Ward replied. "No one of evil intent is allowed to pass through them. She would have to have left on her own."

But Kallin looked like he didn't believe that.

"We'll search the city. If we can't find her we'll meet back here and discuss what to do next."

((I will reveal where she was taken next post))
Luness was immediately on her feet at the mention of Ashley being gone. Luness instantly thought of the unborn child and then small flashbacks to how Luness was orphaned came to mind. No, Luness wouldn't allow that to happen to someone else. Not if she could help it.

In a flash, Luness was on all fours and sprinting upstairs to Ashley's room. Halting there, she immediately regarded the room. There had certainly been a struggle here.

Padding inside, Luness then began slowly investigating the room for a clue. Anything that could point her in the right direction.

Luness first noted the cloak that was lying on the floor. No one in their right of mind, at least not a human, would leave the castle at night without their cloak.

Next, Luness saw Ashley's bow and quiver splayed out on the ground with the arrows scattered a bit. She clearly had not decided to take her arms with her, but there had most certainly been a struggle of sorts in here.

Lastly, Luness stood up on her hind legs to see a necklace on Ashley's bed. Picking it up gingerly, Luness then looked at it closely, not sure what significance it held. Still, it must've been meaningful to Ashley.

For a moment, Luness stood there, hesitant at getting a whiff of Ashley's scent and then charging off on her own. No...she needed to share what she had learned here with the rest and more specifically, Ward.

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