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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Quincy didnt find anything in the garden. Although she felt disappionted, at least it was another a place ruled out. She jogged back into the castle, following the sound of voices to find the others. When she did, the kelpie raised an eyebrow. There was a Mockturtle in the castle. She had never seen one, only heard of them. He was not as cute as she had imagined, but that was fine. Behind them was a young woman, dressed in blue that matched her eyes. “I clearly missed quite a bit." She mumbled, approaching quickly to find out what was happening.
"We should speak to Briar immediately." Monty said. "She must know about the Queen!"

Ward stared at Alice. "You've grown up a bit." He said finally.

"So have you."

"Yes, Briar. Let's go to the garden terrace. Leo, can you help me gather everyone?"

Montgomery stuck close by Ward as they went downstairs, looking about him nervously. Poor Monty never did like leaving the sea. He spotted the Kelpie and his face lit up.

"Oh! I-I never expected to see another sea creature...so far from the sea!" he bowed, an awkward thing to do with a shell, but somehow he managed not to fall over, curling a flipper over his chest as he inclined his head.

@zCrookedz @Flutterby

It did not take them long to reach Briar, who smiled at Monty and exchanged a pleasant greeting with Alice.

"We should wait until all our champions return, I fear whatever you have to say will be for all of them."
Leo kept an eye on the girl as she approached the others until Ward called to him. He bowed his head and began to head down the stairs. It took him a while but eventually he had manged to track down all the stragglers that had gone off to find Ashley. Each time he found one of them he bowed and gave them the same message "Events have unfolded that take precidense over the search for the young pregnant girl. I do not doubt the two events are related. Ward has asked that everyone return to the terrace in the palace." After he had finally tracked down the last of them he to returned to the terrace in the garden and found a spot to sit in the grass and listen to what had to be said between the new comers and the princess.

@Metaphysics @andujarprime @Deucalion @Bea Delaine @SwiftThunder
Malachai nodded to the great lion and made his way to where the group was. He found a shady tree nearby and sat to listen
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Mitchell muttered under his breath as he saw Leo move quicker almost than he could track off somewhere else. He didn't particularly enjoy being told that something took precedence over their search, but he didn't resist as he started trudging his way back to the gardens. It was most likely that the others searching were far more shocked than he had been, and no doubted wanted to find Ashley, but he guessed it couldn't be helped at this point. He had made steady progress, but Leo still had made it there before him. "What, so now he can teleport? No one could be that fast." Or maybe he was that slow, and the fact that Leo seemed to quite the fit one on top of his nature, he didn't know honestly. He caught the figure of the fairly young looking girl in the blue dress but he figured that there was more to her than first appearance, just like everything else here. He was about halfway to the group before he stopped in his tracks for a few seconds as he spotted the sheep, cow, turtle, ... flipper...huh? Mitchell rubbed his eyes fairly hard as he contemplated the creature whose name he did not know. "Am, I... still partly drunk or something?" he thought slowly before he quickly realized how weird he must of looked stopped the way he was so he spared what dignity he had left and moved to lean against the garden terrace and wait for someone to address them all, hoping that he would stop trying to catch glances at the new girl and... well, whatever the other one was.
Quincy smiled and did a small curtsy. “The feeling is mutual." She said, her gray eyes lighting up. “Our group is full of wonderful creatures, but none that share my love for water. Perhaps we should give them all swimming lessons." Her tone was remarkably friendly, and despite their situation, her smile lingered. It occured to her that she hadnt seen Alexander yet, and she reached out to his mind experimentally, not sure if he would hear her from afar. Situation on the garden terrace, if youre awake and can hear me.

@SilverFlight @Hel
Luness had been frustrated by Raegen's aplearance in Ahsley's room, not liking how he just sniffed about with such an...attitude. Narrowing her eyes at him, Luness had been about to hiss at him, but stopped herself when Leo appeared.

Having a moment of...selfishness perhaps?, Luness put on Ashley's ring necklace and then tucked it under her leather armor, which she was still adorning after the Branbern battle. Deciding that she would be the one to return it, Luness then stalked past Raegen and soon was about to leave the castle to extend her search.

She halted when she heard Leo calling out to her. Nodding at his instructions, Luness dropped to all fours and then sprinted to the garden terrace before halting at the edge of the group.

Finding a shaded area that was rether desolate and still close enough for Luness to hear everything, which was annoying since Luness' torn ear only allowed her to hear at a normal human's range now.

Looking over at Ward, Luness then saw the odd creature seemingky cowering behind him. It didn't take long for Luness to recognize the mockturtle and she smirked at his cowardice, though she kept quiet about it. He could very well prove to be a good ally anyhow.

Luness then shifted her gaze to Alice, which meant something had to be wrong in Wonderland, until her gaze found Briar. What was going on here and why in the world, or in anyone's right mind, had they halted their desperate search for Ashley?

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
When all were gathered Alice stepped forward to address them all. "We've come from a far-off part of FableWood, to bring grave news, I fear you may have already had a taste of the troubles that plague our home."

Kallin approached slowly, crossing his arms and listening. Things were starting to come together it appeared. He recognized the creature next to Alice and knew where they were from.

"The Queen of our land...has been corrupted."

At this Ward burst out. "That cannot be!"

Alice regarded her friend sadly.

"She..has beheaded the knave."

But ward refused to accept it. "There has to be some mistake, her majesty doesn't behead anyone! You know that as well as I! She threatens, she always has, but she's never hurt a soul!"

"Ward..." she met his gaze and he returned it stubbornly.

"You're wrong."

There was a short silence and in this Leia stepped forward. "I appreciate that there's trouble, but what about Ashley? We still haven't found her, and I'm not leaving here until we do."

"Ah, I think I can safely say...that to find her, we'll have to leave." Kallin spoke but remained where he was.

"You know something? Spit it out." Leia snapped.

He sot her a narrow-eyed glare and turned. "Someone left something, etched onto your barrier...its powerful magic, and complicated..." he raised his staff, moving its clubbed tip in a circle. Light began to pour out around it and suddenly shot outwards to the sky. It hit something in mid air and trickled down like water. As it ran past a point just above the wall it revealed a mark.

Once complete the mark hovered there, traced on the invisible wall.

"The Heart Crest." Alice said. "There can be no doubt now."

"Oh dear..." Monty said, cradling his muzzle in his two giant flippers. "First murder...now abduction.."

"She took real worlder." Kallin informed Alice, who looked even more frightened now.

"It cannot be her!"

"Don't be stubborn Ward! There is only one person in Wonderland who has the power to do this!" Alice didn't want to raise her voice, least of all to the mild-tempered gryphon she had come to call friend, but Ward's loyalty was sometimes too strong for his own good.

He said nothing more, but continued to shake his head in disbelief.

"Then you must go to Wonderland." Briar stepped in. "And get to the bottom of this. Our first concern is getting Ashley back safely."

Alice nodded in agreement. "If the Queen of Hearts is working with Caraboss now, we must stop her."

"I wish you all to take the time you need to prepare. You shall leave as soon as you are able."

As the meeting was adjourned Alice took the opportunity to confront her old friend. Monty came up beside her.

"I know what she meant to you."

"Means to me." Ward corrected irritably. "And she taught you as well, I can't believe you'd be so quick to lose faith in her."

Alice sighed, "Look at the evidence Ward, its right in front of your face." With that she turned to go.

Monty stayed, not knowing what he could tell Ward to ease his mind, but refusing to leave his friend alone.

((...my post is all...rainbow coloured.))
Luness felt her head swiveling about, as she listened to the group conversing before all of them. Despite hearing all that, Luness could only feel growing concern for Ashley's wellbeing.

Ashley had always thrown herself into harm's way to help her friends, yet had seemingly never thought twice about how much she'd been endangering her child.

Luness again felt flashbacks threatening to overwhelm her and she swiftly got to all fours before sprinting past Kallin and deeper into the gardens. She needed to clear her thoughts and the last thing she needed was herself freaking out while in everyone's presence.

Upon finding a seemingly desolate area, Luness then began pacing back and forth, growling to herself while she fought in her mind to shut down all of the flashbacks.

Kallin watched the werecat shoot past, and as they seemed to be let off the hook for now, he decided to satisfy his curiosity.

He found her pacing and leaned against a nearby tree.

"Its a draw out." He said finally, after watching her nearly pace a rut in the ground.

He pushed off from the tree and stepped closer, only a little wary of the fact that she could probably shred him before he even raised his staff.

"If they wanted her dead they would have just done it. Someone wants us in Wonderland."

She looked like she needed her mind eased, sharing his thoughts might just do the trick.

"Chances are they won't hurt her until they're in a position to make demands. If we get her before they get there, it'll work out."

If the queen was in league with Caraboss however, they were up to their necks in trouble.


((Second to last post for tonight, I have to be up early tomorrow...sigh))

((Oh, is Luness in cat form or human form? It will change the way Kallin interacts with her.))

Leo listened closely as the conversation bounced all over the place. It was obvious that Ward was struggling with some kind of inner turmoil over the news of this queen having turned. He could sympathize with loosing someone to this darkness filling the world. He was startled a bit when Luness jumped to her feet and disappeared into the gardens. When he was sure that the meeting was over with, Leo stood from his seat and made his way to the inner parts of the castle. After a brief run in with one of the servants, asking if they would be kind enough to bring him a bit of food since he had not eaten in some time, he finally found the great library that had he and spent a bit of time in before. Leo's reasoning was simple, know thy enemy. He began to search the bookshelves, looking for anything that looked like it might have information on Wonderland. Finally he walked back with a handful of books and began to flip through the pages. Soon the servant arrived with a platter of meat and fruit, and a pitcher of wine. As he ate he spent as much time as he could learning as much as he could about Wonderland.
Achyls dashed after the group when she saw the others leave, and found herself among the group, watching, listening. She was stood behind Kallin, quiet as she could be as she listened to the last of the conversation. The idea of Wonderland piqued her interest, though, it was a fearful thought.

"T-they took her to Wonderland?" she asked quietly, her body curled in, as if she were a small child who did not want to see the dark things in their wardrobe.

"That place...it is not like Oz...it is twisted and dark, like the souls of the dead," her skin was deathly pale as she spoke, as if haunted by Wonderland and it's presence. She edged closer to the group, fighting with all the thoughts in her head. She had to save Ashley, but Wonderland was not what it seemed, at least not to her. To her, all she knew was the dark tales of death and woe of that place.

Luness was so focused on struggling with the flashbacks that she wasn't even aware Kallin had approached her until he spoke.

Startled, Luness was distracted from her flashbacks and stopped her endless pacing.

Regarding Kallin carefully, Luness remained silent the whole time he spoke to her. Once he was finished, Luness was unsure of how to reapond at first.

She was tempted to say that her pacing and abrupt exit was actually due to her broken mind and the painful flashbacks that she struggled to control. That she was finding less and less reasons to feel joy or even happiness on a daily basis. That Luness hadn't smiled for weeks now and could feel the strain amounting to nearly an impossible pile and that she was going to crack and drown in her own sorrows soon at this rate.

Instead, Luness stood up on her hind legs and then said evenly, "If anyone even lays a hand on her, I'll take their hand."

The old Luness would've just slit their throats without remorse, but Ward and the group had left some different notions and ideals in Luness' mind and she no longer enjoyed killing as much as she used to.


(Luness is in her werecat form. She only changes into her human form when either nobody else is around or the situation seriously requires it. She hates her human form since it feels so alien and weak to her. @SilverFlight)
Kallin would have smiled if his dark form had a mouth, but his yellow eyes narrowed in amusement.

"I believe that." He said and replaced his staff on the holder at his back.

"Then we'd better get this done."

With that he turned back to the terrace. He didn't need food in this form, and all the weaponry he required was at his fingertips.


((Ok thnx))

Ward tilted his head at Achyl's words. "Some of it isn't that friendly, but I wouldn't go as far as to liken it to 'the souls of the dead'" Perhaps she did mean the darker parts, like mainland FableWood Wonderland also had dangerous elements, but most of it was actually quite bright.


((I'm talking about the book version ^^))

Monty had remembered he had not had time to answer the Kelpie as they came down stairs. "Ward could never get the hang of swimming. Though he did try once, we were washing salt out of his feathers for weeks." He smiled at her as he recalled the image.


((Oh, did you read our OOC convo about a potential underwater arc? You should read it :3 ))
Listening to the situation he frowned to himself. "I knew a free meal was too good to be true!" He said to himself after he watched the werecat shoot past him, followed by the wizard. He shrugged and stood up. He to a deep breath and thought about what he had learned. There was a human woman, pregnant, very pregnant, is missing. Abducted apparently, by the queen of wonderland who has become corrupt. This girl Alice, and the turtle thing have some answers but not all. they did have a location tho. Always a plus when you know where to look. Malachai wasn't planning on staying with the group for long, but there was a child in danger. Aside from treasure, children are extremely important to dragons, considering g they didn't breed often, or in great numbers. He nodded resolved to see the unborn child to safety. "I wonder what kind of food Wonderland has" He said aloud to noone in general.
Raising an eyebrow at Kallin's way of appearing amused in this form, Luness smirked in response. Kallin did look rather amusing with that sort of look considering his current form.

Hearing his words, Luness smirked again, as she was pleased that he took her word when she made her threat.

Too many people underestimated her strength due to her size. She was certainly more lanky than muscular in her werecat form.

Already enjoying Kallin's presence, his way of getting straight to the point, and the way his presence alone seemingly had an odd way of calming her, Luness silently followed after him to the garden terrace, leaving a light path of paw prints in the dirt along the way.

Achyls nodded, though slightly was disbelieving of Ward's words. However, he was more accustomed to Wonderland than she it seemed, and so gave him the respect a leader would deserve. It must have been the brightness that worried her, it seemed almost too light...or maybe she was just over-thinking. She looked up at Ward, a determination now in her eyes.

"What is our plan, Ward sir?" she asked, her scrunched up position unfurling, her wings spreading outwards. She was indeed fearful, but tried to take Ward's word for it, no matter what her feeling.


((Ah, okay. The book freaks me out too, idk))
Nyr listened in horror as she heard the queen of Wonderland being corrupted as well. The darkness was clever, but it moved in a predictable pattern... she only wondered if there was something fishy going on in Branbern as well. She did not think the prince and princess being corrupted but... if this targeted all the higher ranking members of society then they were in serious danger. Strong as they were they could not possibly hope to stand the tide of shadow.

" We need to be cautious if we want to rescue Ashley then. " she finally said " Moving as a single group might be too obvious... as strange as it sounds I vote for splitting up right when we arrive. That is of course if we know our way in that world. "

She did not want to suggest something as dangerous as this but it felt they had not too many choices. Regardless of what the others said she was ready to fight to the bitter end once again.
Hearing the idea of splitting up, Luness then regarded the group before speaking up herself, "We should travel in pairs so we can watch each ofher's backs."

That would be safer than everyone going their own ways. They'd be picked off one by one that way, which would do them no good.

Looking around the group, Luness found herself wondering if pairing up would be such a good idea now. She was no good at working with others in situations where it was only Luness and one other person. Luness preferred working alone when possible.

Perhaps Kallin...? No, Luness immediately shut down that idea along with shutting out the unexplainable feelings that followed. The feelings were weirding Luness out and she felt uncomfortable with them.

Sighing, Luness crossed her arms over her chest while she waited for someone to either shut sown her idea or for Ward to perhaps assign partners. That'd be easier for Luness to deal with if she was assigned a partner. Choosing one herself would just become awkward for her.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
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Elena heard word from Leo what had happened and went to the Terrace to hear what Ward had figured out. She was surprised to see Alice, the character of one of her favorite childhood story's of all time standing there. She paid close attention, standing near the others and trying to decipher who they were talking about. The queen. An execution. Ashley's most probable abduction. Knowing the story, Elena accepted this fairly easy at first. Than seeing Ward protest, she realized this wouldn't be as easy a mission and he most likely had a strong personal connection to the queen of hearts. She stuck by him when the conversation died down and squeezed his shoulder.

"I've learned that in Fablewood, things aren't always as they appear to be.. They could be wrong able the queen of hearts?" She said with some hope in her voice. Listening to Nyr and Lunesses reasoning, she continued.

"I agree. Small groups will be safer, and give us the opportunity to multitask. A couple parties for Ashley's rescue and others to take care of the um.. Underlying cause if you will?"

She said carefully, in thought as to how they would be most effective in what groups but settled on leaving it to Ward. He seemed to know this place.
Anya had followed and listened to all that happened. The idea of splitting up made her pretty nervous, but if others were okay with it than it must be fine. She also wondered about the queen of hearts. Apparently she wasn't as bad as the stories claim- of course, the stories that she knew all stopped with Alice at the trial for the knave, who stole the tarts. Beheading seemed a bit extreme for just some stolen tarts. She stayed quiet and watched the others.

Alexander, who had woken recently, heard Quincy's thought and made his way downstairs, trying to figure out what was going on. He knew nothing of Wonderland, or of anyone within the strange world. Hearing the mention of splitting into groups, he moved closer to Quincy. If they were splitting up into pairs, he wanted to be the one to pair off with her. He felt like he needed to help protect her.
Hearing the talk of splitting up Malachai decided to speak out. "Just a thought, if this queen is powerful enough to alter the barrier around Branbern, what makes you all think she won't be able to detect a large group entering her domain? I agree about splitting up, at least for a while, but we should find different entry points into wonderland, or enter at different times. Smaller targets, less likely to be detected, that kinda stuff" He said, slowly trailing off to a whisper. He wasn't used to speaking aloud, especially in front of people he really didn't know. He leaned back against the tree he was under and shrugged "Or not, whichever way is fine."
Quincy gave a small giggle, trying to keep it quiet in light of the situation. Imagining the fierce, regal griffon soaked in salt water was definitely amusing. She sobered up as stategy was mentioned, considering the idea of pairs. As Alexander appeared beside her, she gave him a small smile and a nod, silently greeting.the dragon. “But what if the groups are too small? Or if they just find each group individually? A Queen must have an army." She added softly to the discussion, not wishing to contradict any one person, but wanting all things to be considered.
Ward listened with a sinking heart as everyone accepted the story Alice had brought. It couldn't be her, it just couldn't. As Elena approached and offered her support he wanted to kiss her right there. he knew he could count on her.

"I spent three years with the Queen of hearts. She is one of the strongest forces of good I have ever met, for her to succumb to darkness...its not possible."

"Splitting up is a bad idea for two reasons." Kallin spoke when he returned. "One; if the queen is working closely with Caraboss, it may take all of us together to defeat any lackey's she has in Wonderland and two: I'm pretty sure there's only one place she would take your friend...the red castle."

"Even if it isn't the queen, someone is trying very hard to make it look like her. We may find answers there" Ward agreed. "...I know of a way in...one...one the queen never knew about. The king had it built in secret, but we'll need help getting to it. We will have to find the hatter first." Ward felt terrible giving away this information, but if he could prove it wasn't the queen he may be able to prevent a very unnecessary confrontation.

"Right," Alice began, "We should get going as soon as possible."

"You are staying here." Ward said definitively.

"Excuse me?"

"You and Monty are not coming. Regardless of what we find, it will be too dangerous, neither of you has any real means of defense. I can guide the others just find in Wonderland. It was my home for three years."

Alice glared at him, but understood the reason.

"Everyone, we will meet on the highest floor of the castle! Our gateway to Wonderland is there."

As Ward walked away Alice took Elena's arm gently.

"I saw in that look he gave you how much you mean to him. If he means that much to you then please listen to what I have to say: Ward's loyalty is one of his best and strongest qualities, but it may also be blinding him to the truth...He could even try to stop you from doing what needs to be done. Please promise me you'll protect him from himself."

@Bea Delaine

Ward made his way upstairs, eventually followed by Briar, Alice and Monty. Monty gave his friend a last teary hug before standing back to allow the heroes to approach the mirror.

"I don't know how they did it, but the kidnappers managed to trick the portal into letting them through...this must ave been how they got into the castle without breaking the wall barrier."

"The queen could have done it." Kallin said too softly for the gryphon to hear.

Briar uttered the spell that would bring the mirror to life. It shimmered faintly. "I'll have it moved out of the city as soon as you're through. If the magic has been compromised its far too dangerous to keep in the castle anymore."

Ward nodded and stepped up to the glass. "Follow my lead, I can promise you this is better than a portal pool."

He stepped forward carefully, pressing his hand into the mirror and through it. The surface swallowed him like water, rippling as he vanished.

When he came out on the other side he was in a forest, not much unlike the forests of mainland FableWood. He knew the creatures here however, were very different. The mirror had placed them in the Tulgy Wood. It wasn't far from there to the hatter's cottage.

"Right, the short of it is; everyone that inhabits this place is in one way or another...eccentric. Do not eat or drink anything that tells you to do so, best to avoid mushrooms in general...and fans, and please try not to ask any riddles. Other than that; welcome to Wonderland."

Mitchell was more than happy to be one of the first to step through the shimmering door, but the strange feeling that overtook him as he stepped through made him question himself momentarily. It felt like his sense of vertigo was all out of whack and one he had stepped through completely he stepped to a side and allowed himself to place his hands on his head and readjust himself. He heard Ward speaking as to the dangers which frankly sounded all too strange to begin with. Though looking at the mushrooms, he could probably guess there was something a bit diabolical about them, but that was just him.

"Eccentric right, that's the word we should be goin' for." He thought how so many other things could be described as 'eccentric' but that was probably just him again. He lightly tapped the hilt of his knife at his hip as we waited for the first word to move.


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