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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls got out from her bed once she saw Nyr leaving the room. She had not slept that night, her mind whirring, desperately worried about what may have happened to Ashley. In all honesty, she looked terrible. Sleep deprivation had made her appear zombie-like, and she trudged down to where she noticed everyone else was gathered. It was then she heard the truth about Ashley. She froze in position, eyes wide and face paled.

"A-...Ashley has gone?" she whispered in fright, standing behind Kallin and Ward, hardly keeping herself upright from fatigue. Possibilities of Ashley's whereabouts and situations she could be in flooded her head, she felt sick beyond belief knowing she neglected a duty. She thought of the child, she was near time...she couldn't go into labour now...she couldn't.

Mitchell let out a grunt at what he was fairly sure was Leia's voice addressing him. He didn't think he looked all that good, and he was just seriously hoping for a relief. He took the glass put before with a thank you and began to drink it.

"Sweet mercy, this stuff ain't half bad." He still had a hard time believing in magic being a cure all, but darn it if that water elemental wasn't proving every time he messed himself up that there was such a thing as miracle cures. This thought came to a screeching halt as he heard someone shout that Ashely was gone. He started to choke and sputter up his drink in his surprise as he heard Ward take charge. "Gone, wha..how?!" He couldn't believe that smack dab in the center of this fortress that anyone could disappear on their own without notice which only served to darken his thoughts over what could have possibly happened. He leaped off the bench seat and broke into a steady run with the others that were moving in the hope of checking the city streets and the surrounding countryside if need be for anything, no matter how in vain it might turn out to be. He had bad memories from people disappearing and he would not let someone else, even if he barely knew them, disappear without a trace. @SilverFlight
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Well, things were certainly heating up already. He had not even gotten the chance to speak up before someone was missing. While the situation was dire indeed, Raegan couldn't help but snicker to himself. He had made the right choice to speak to this ensemble. Something seemed to happen every other day, didn't it?

Well, he wasn't going to get left behind, that's for sure. The wolf got to his feet and jogged after the rest of the group, keeping a steady pace to keep with the rest of them. Hey, if finding this girl was the next objective, he should be helping out however he could. Cement himself as useful and whatnot, he was fairly sure that's how those things works.

"This girl have a room?" He called out, really to anyone that could answer. "Someone mentioned a baby. If she's got a kid or is pregnant or whatever, the scent is going to be strong. I can probably track her."
Malachai had a confused look on his face when the servant ran in. "What? Who's that?" He asked aloud to no one in particular. Obviously a friend of theirs, a very important friend for the heroes, and one who couldn't afford to beissuing by the looks of it. Everyone rushed off, the possibility of anyone answering any questions that might help him to help the others was slim to none in the panic. He spotted a girl that just walked in the room right before wolf man came in asking questions. He finished his bacon and approached her. "Excuse me I'd like to help but, what does this Ashley look like? And the baby is it a boy or girl? How old?" He asked trying to get a basic idea of who he was looking for.

Nyr greeted everyone with glee and blushed slightly when she waved at Leo. She saw Luness and somehow she felt an irresistible urge to hug the grumpy werecat but then she decided against it. After all she did not want her to claw off her face again. It was only then when she saw the servant running in, saying that Ashley was gone.

Immediately Nyr jolted upwards, standing there to ready to search for her. Ashley was a dear friend to her, a member of her family and she was gone - somehow she suspected that it was not due to natural causes. She headed towards the main entrance of the castle, and yelled back a the others while she hurried.

" I am going to commune with the winds and the sky. " she said " I shall try to locate her somehow, I promise. "

With that she left the building and searched for a secluded spot where she began her ritual. She only hoped that she was strong enough to find the young mother. But she strengthened her resolve and concentrated. She must find her.
Leos eye widened as the servent announced the status of the young pregnant girl. Leo began to think back, she had indeed come back through the portal and after which he thought he had seen her going up into the castle. She was about to burst so she surely could not have gotten so far. Hearing the wolf Reagan speak up about tracking her, Leo thought this was a good start. He stood quickly and turned to the wolf as he left the room "She had a room upstairs like the rest of us, I will take you there and follow suit." Leo left the great hall in a bit of a hurry and headed back towards the stairs he had only momnets before come down. Once he made it to the hallwway he pointed to the door he knew to be the young girls and looked inside, it was empty sept for a ruffled bed.

Elena heard the news and quickly abandoned her spot at the table, running to the wall of the hall building. She wasn't sure why someone might wish to take the sweet mother. She wasn't a fighter, she was fairly delicate in her state as well. It made her sick, thinking someone would target her. She inhaled a deep breath and placed her hands on the building. Taking siege of the materials, she was able to sense every piece of it, recognizing any figures and voices residing she did not feel Ashley.

Elena used her mind to explore the girls room, to determine where her balcony would be outside. She released her grip and ran as quickly as she could to the outside of her rooms balcony and started searching there.

"Ashley!!! Please! Can you here me?!"
Raegan followed behind Leo, glad to have his query answered. Up a few stairs, through a few doors, onwards to the sleeping chambers (the wolf made sure to memorize this path). The forest guardian peered into one of the doors and Raegan followed by, striding inside, looking around. Hrm, yes... something had happened in here, that's for sure.

Following his usual procedure, the hunter lifted up the bedsheet he presumed to belong to the missing girl. Inhale. Alright, yes, that's her scent. Fairly young. Pregnant. Human. With this stated, he crouched down in the middle of the room, sniffing lightly, moving to the window, then the door, then back to the bed again. Let's see what the smells of the room had to tell...

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Midway through a bite of fruit, Quincy froze at the announcement of Ashley's disappearance. The kelpie was so shocked she forgot to get up and by the time she got over it, the others were already long gone. She jumped up, deciding to look in the expansive gardens, hoping the expectant mother had just gone for a walk.
Ethan looked up as well, frowning at the news. "And she couldn't have just went out to the market or something?" He checked. It seemed like nothing normal ever happened with these people, but he wanted to be certain there was something to worry about before he stressed himself. He looked around the table, hoping that his question wasn't too out of line.
Anya had gone up to bed around the same time most of the others had the night before, now she came back downstairs, dressed in her usual clothes with her hair braided back as normal and sat down for breakfast. She heard the announcement of the missing Ashley, and everyone's concern immediately peaked- hers included. She could find people, that was her skill, after all. She motioned for Ethan to go with her and stood, focusing her mind soley on Ashely and heading in the direction she was pulled.

A sent trail would lead to all the places she had been. Anya's ability worked in real time, directing her to where she would be now. Though, she didn't know quite where it was she was heading.

Alexander had turned in late, and was in all honesty not yet downstairs. He would get up and head down there eventually, but not yet. Besides, he'd be furious with the stupid human woman if anything had happened to that child because she was foolish enough to be running about with their group.
Achyls looked as if she was shivering, frozen in place. She felt responsible for her disappearance, but that couldn't have been the case...she would have gone missing whether she had been checked on or not. Only then did she notice Malachai was stood asking questions. She turned to him, her fatigue making her look like death, while still retaining that glow around her.

"She...has red hair...about an inch shorter than I am and is heavily with child, female child. I do not know her age, but she is not very old," she hoped and wished that this would be able to help. Taking a seat at the table, she needed to find her. It was her duty to protect her. An idea dawned on her. Once finishing with Malachai, she would take flight, in hopes of discovering Ashley's whereabouts.
"...Where are we headed?" Ethan asked, following Anya. He had no clue about her ability to sense where someone was. As a result, he was utterly confused by the current situation. "Do you know where she is?" he asked curiously, tilting his head.
When Mitchel dashed off Leia followed him, helping comb the streets.

"I know what I said, but this isn't like her." She called in a worried tone as they ran. "Ashley wouldn't just walk off. Put herself in danger sure, but just leave? Its weird."


Ward arrived in the room and found Luness and the new wolf already there. "Have you found anything we can use?" He asked, his tone hopeful.

@Lioness075 @Deucalion

As everyone searched frantically Kallin watched. He was certainly concerned, not that he would let anyone know it, but something didn't fit.

He regarded Achyls as she stood nearby before walking to the gardens. He kept going until he reached the wall that encircled the entire castle and town. He placed a hand on it and felt the coursing magic of the barrier. It was very well-cast, as Ward had said, and it seemed that nothing with mal-intent had muscled its way through.

So what then? he delved deeper into the magic, his gloved hand glowing blue as he stroked the fibers of the spell. Then something caught, like fabric on a thorn. Someone had tampered with it, but not to bring it down...to write on it. This was very curious.

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Anya nodded back to Ethan, "Yeah, it's well, that's the other half of my ability. I can find things." She explained briefly as they climbed up a long and spiraling staircase. She couldn't help but be amazed by how tall it was- well, that and realize how badly she missed elevators. At the top they arrived at a floor that surely had a much easier- albeit slower way to get there. She led Ethan to a grand doorway, it was not so much huge as beautifully carved- much like everything else in the castle. She wondered why Ashley would be up here, and opened the door. Inside was a very long hallway, with doors heading off to either side all down it. She headed forward, glancing back to check that Ethan was still confused then stopped.

"That can't be right..." She said to herself, confused. "Its like she's... in there?" Anya motioned forward to what stood in front of her: A large, ornate mirror. It stood at the end of the hallway almost as if it was a door of it's own. Anya looked at either side, to see if there was some sort of secret passage but realized it was part of the wall.

"I wonder if there's some kind of secret code or rotating door or someway to get through... Say, Ethan, do you think you can go get the others? I'm gonna try to figure out a way through. Tell them what we found, okay?"
"Sure. Be careful though," he added. "I could see this going terribly wrong in about fifty different ways." He turned and left, going back to the main hall with the others. "Anya found something," he announced. "It's a mirror — she thinks that's where she went... Somehow. I don't fully understand it yet. Point is, Anya wants you all to come see it."
The mirror stood, silently reflecting all before it, and then faintly, ever so faintly...it rippled. Suddenly the center of the glass shuddered and converged and out of this rolled the strangest creature one would ever see. It tumbled, flippers-over-hooves, rolling to a stop upside-down on the back of a large olive coloured turtle shell. It spun slowly before rocking itself back and forth to gain its feet again. once flat on the front of its shell it rose to stand on pink little legs which ended in delicate cloven hooves. The flippers were placed instead of front limbs and these it carried lifted and in front of itself. Out of the top of the shell appeared a soft muzzle and sad, watery eyes. But for the shell and the flippers the creature was covered head to toe in a faint silvery fuzz which did nothing to hide its tender pink skin.

It shook its head, large ears flapping to and fro and examined its surroundings. Upon seeing Anya, the creature paused for a moment, then threw up its flippers and yelled in surprise.


Anya stepped closer to the mirror when it started to ripple, and reached out to touch it, curious as to what made such a thing happen, but when something came through, she stepped back again, and then blinked a couple of times. Curious, Anya watched the cow-turtle closely, but when the creature screamed, she couldn't help but yell back in surprise. She jumped backwards as she did, a hand flying to her chest in surprise. "What in-?! What- er- who are you?" She asked. She thought she was going to have a heart attack when the strange turtle creature came through!

It was no use. The spirits of the air and the sky were unable to locate Ashley and to Nyr's despair they even refused to aid her further. It seemed as if the elements themselves were afraid of something. Sighing, she stood up and decided to find an another way to find her lost friend. In the meantime the others were busy as well, trying to find the lost girl with all their might but only few seemed to produce some results.

Walking around she noticed Anya staring at... something. Never before did she see anything like this peculiar creature so she moved closer.

" Did you... summon this being Anya? " she asked, truly impressed " I did not know you were able to call creatures like this at your command but... what IS it exactly? "
Anya shook her head 'no' quickly. She was still staring at it, herself, and wasn't sure if it could talk. She didn't say anything aloud, yet, however. If it was sentient and able to speak she would feel bad speaking about it in the way one would talk about a strange bug. Then she straightened up, and turned to Nyr.

"It just came through the.... looking... glass." Her speech slowed as she realized something, "Wait, so, that means... Ashley in Wonderland? Well, then, that would make Dobby here... the... Mocking turtle, or something, right?" Everyone knew some version of the Alice in wonderland stories, and it was just now hitting her that this was what was happening here. In the school play she saw, however, the Mockturtle had looked very very different.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Leo watched as the wolfs sniffed the room until his ears picked up on the sound of a very strange noise like a yell. Leo twisted his head and took off down the hall, once he reached the others amd had to pause a moment to take in what it was he was looking at. One of the ugliest creatures that Leo had ever beheld stood there infront of some sort of mirror with the others. He heard Anya speak up and give the creature a name. He stepped closer to the group, "I don't think this is the thing that took Ashley. It looks far too......squishy." He gave the creature a bit of a lip curl, it was indeed one of the most hideous things he had ever seen.
The creature jumped again as Anya yelled, covering its nose with a flipper. "Oh you gave me such a fright! Y-you're a human! I mean...from the other world."

When Nyr arrived he had just about calmed down.

"Why, I'm a mockturtle! Oh, but there aren't very many of us left, My name is Montgomery. P-pleased to meet you, but I'm afraid I'm in a terrible hurry. I must find Ward, Wonderland is in the greatest peril!"


zCrookedz said:
Leo watched as the wolfs sniffed the room until his ears picked up on the sound of a very strange noise like a yell. Leo twisted his head and took off down the hall, once he reached the others amd had to pause a moment to take in what it was he was looking at. One of the ugliest creatures that Leo had ever beheld stood there infront of some sort of mirror with the others. He heard Anya speak up and give the creature a name. He stepped closer to the group, "I don't think this is the thing that took Ashley. It looks far too......squishy." He gave the creature a bit of a lip curl, it was indeed one of the most hideous things he had ever seen.
((Well that's not very nice!))
"Oh? Well, uh, I could take you to him, if you'd like?" She asked. She didn't mean to scare the poor thing, but to be fair he was the one who had just come out of a mirror. She had reasonable cause to be startled too, in her opinion. She watched him, then looked to Leo and added, "If the stories I know are true, then I doubt would be Montgomery here who took Ashley, anyway." She would have poked the lion-man and told him to play nice had she been reasonably convinced he wouldn't snap at her for it. She let that go, and then turned to take the turtle to Ward.
Leo watched as Anya looked at him with what surmised was a look of anger for being rude to the little creature. This very uncharacteristic bout from his own mind made him swallow his tongue as Anya gestured to help find Ward. He blinked a few times, before turning to the little creature again and bowing his head "I am sorry little one, your appearance in the castle took me quite by surprise in a tense situation looking for our friend." He raised his head looking to the others with an apologetic look on his face. He straightened himself and followed behind Anya the little turtle.
"Oh please! Take me to him." When he heard someone was missing however he paused. "Someone vanished here? Oh No! This is even more awful than I expected!"

Ward had decided to search the castle once more, hearing voices on the higher floor he went up to investigate. He stopped half way up as he recognized a familiar wail, then hurried up the last few steps and stood staring at the mockturtle, who stared back.


"WARD!!" The creature wasted no time in running to his friend and folding him in his large flippers, barely tall enough to reach Ward's human shoulders.

The gryphon hugged him back, laughing happily. "But what are you doing here?" His expression fell when Monty's big bovine eyes began to water.

"Its terrible beyond description!!"

Suddenly the mirror rippled again and another figure stepped out calmly. She smiled, her blonde hair cascading down a clean, blue dress.

"Hello Ward, I wish we had come under better circumstances."


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