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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo watched each person entered the dinning room. Otto venturing around to each one of them sniffing questionably until the next person joined them and he would simple bound over to the next. Leo gave the little werewolf a glare with his good eye and he just bounded over to Leo, jumping on him with his tongue hanging out in excitement. Glinda smiled at the young wolf and reached for his head. A shower of sparkles covered the wolf, making him sneeze after a few sniffs of the air. "Now you will be decent if you would like to join the rest of civilized creatures." Otto jumped up once again and gave a yip that turned into a cheer as he shifted into his human form, now fully clothed in a t-shirt and pants. "NOT NAKED!! WOO!" Leo's eye bored in to him, causing Otto to flinch and stand beside the lion man without another word. Leo turned to the rest of the room, his expression stern and calm. "I apologize for the rude awakening this morning my friends. As some of you might have guess, our newest addition, and the cause of your interrupted sleep is the young man here beside me. I would like to introduce the real Otto to everyone who had the misfortune of joining our adventure last night." As Otto's name was announced he began to wave his hand back and forth in the air like a mad man with a huge grin stretched across his face. Leo lookd down at the little wolf and gave him a small grin. "Now then, it is time we explained phase 2 of our journey here." Leo reached behind him and took out the map that Tigirius had used before and rolled it across the table. "We are going to be traveling a bit north-east from here towards a small tower that is located just south of the Wicked Witches castle. There I hope to find another who will loosen the hold of the darkness on this world. After the success of liberating Otto from the witches grasp, i am confident we will be able to liberate Scarecrow as well." With a deep sigh Leo stood up straight and was about to begin explaining Scarecrows situation when Glinda stepped forward. "As Leo might have informed you before, Scarecrow is an earth spirit that took to a Scarecrows lifeless form years ago. When Ruby was defeated, The Witch took Crows mind from him, driving him insane. While in a normal being this would merely result in a persons loss of whit, but for a spirit who has lost its mind, it can be very dire. We are protected behind the castle walls by his tampering, at least we were until last night. Bolstered by a now furious witch, Crow was able to break through the magical defenses of the castle and infiltrate Leo's mind. Luckily for him, Crow was unaware of his own spiritual presence and she was able to push him out before any damage was done." Glinda gestured to a maid standing outside the door. She walked in and lifted a silver lid off a platter that covered a small tray of small pink orbs. "Each of these is a pearl that has been specially crafted to keep a protection over your mind so that Crow will not be able to cast you into his nightmarish realm. " Leo stepped forward "We leave within the hour, gather your things and prepare yourselves." Leo moved his gaze from Glinda to Otto as he finished. The young wolfs ears lowered, he already knew what Leo was going to say and decided it best not to try and argue.

Luness sat and listened as she nibbled on her breakfast. At the end, she hopped out of her chair and grabbed one of the pearls from the maids tray, shifting it around in her finger tips. The cool surface of the jewel seemed to stay that way even when heat from her hands was applied. Luness marveled at the jewel and slipped it into her pocket. Once out of the dinning hall she headed to the front of the castle to relax in the gardens until it was time to leave. Once outside, she noticed the strange horse creature was once again waiting for them at the gate. A sickening sensation hit Luness as she realized how they would be getting to the tower.
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Achyls finished eating after the speeches had concluded, and carefully handled one of the pearls. It looked as if infused with light magic. She wondered how she would fare with such magic around her. Nevertheless, she nodded to Glinda and the others before heading to the steps of the palace again. The sun was shining and the sky was clear, a warm breeze playing with her hair. She sat down in the shade, watching the trees rustle and leaves fly across the paths.

"Peculiar," she said under her breath, looking at the jewel in her hands. This was the source of protection in the next journey? Not armour or weapons...a charm? She squinted as it caught the light, trying to judge for any kind of spectacular surface properties.
Quincy nodded silently, glad that it hadnt been poor sleep. She enjoyed his company until it grew late and he decided to go to bed, a decision she quickly seconded. His kiss goodnight caught her by surprise, and she went to bed blushing like a school girl.

She was awoken the next morning to loud animal calls and, even though she wanted to ignore it, the kelpie climbed out of her pool and dressed. With an aching ankle, she walked slowly to the hall, plopping down next to Alexander to listen and eat. She had no choice but to accept the charm, turning it over in one hand and inspecting its flawless surface while finishing a pastry.
Nyr gazed on the jewel intently, seeing the powerful magic emanating from the peculiar trinket in her hands. She did not fully understand how this magic could protect them from the nightmares but she trusted Glinda to tell them the truth. Thanking her for this generous gift she sat down on a chair and contemplated on what she and Leo said.

" Nightmares... the weapon of Crow... "

Then she stiffened and her eyes opened up in excitement as an idea sprang in her mind. Looking up, she fixated on Leo. She stood up and walked up to him.

" I would like to have a word with you, Lord Leo. " she addressed him with his proper title in the presence of Glinda and Otto. " Of course after you have some time, but before the mission. "

With that she left the hall and walked outside in the garden seeking a shady spot under the trees. If there was a chance... she had to do it.

For Leo.
Ethan stifled a yawn, waking up to the sound of barking. He shifted, not quite ready to wake up. Then he remembered the events of last night. This was enough to get him out of bed. He sighed and got up, dressing in rather a plain fashion, then went to the door. He stuck his head out as Anya was passing. "Good morning," he greeted her. He fell in beside the pilot, then frowned. "Is something wrong, Anya?" He asked. She was never particularly cheerful from what he remembered but she seemed preoccupied at this moment.

Leia stuck close by Otto for the entire morning. When he changed into the form of a small black wolf it took all her strength not to snatch him up and hug him. Leia loved dogs. She went and got breakfast and followed everyone down to the dining hall for the meeting. Tad and Lee floated behind her patiently and went in turn to investigate the young werewolf tentatively, making sure this was nothing they would have to be jealous of.

When Otto burst out about not being naked Leia couldn't help but laugh. The kid was absolutely charming, just the way she pictured a little brother would be if she had one. The thought made her feel protective towards him.

"I'm Leia." She said finally after everything had been explained. "I never introduced myself before, oh, and this is Nyr, Achyls, Quincy, Alexander, Anya, Ward...I'm sure the others are around here somewhere, but I'll introduce them when they come."

Then the pearls were offered by Glinda. Leia took one and held it up, examining it carefully before dropping it into a pocket.


Ward had been woken by the barking of the young wolf and tried to disentangle himself form the duvet. In human form he was just too small to climb out without a great deal of effort, so avoiding that he changed back into a gryphon and rolled over the edge. His sleep had been so deep he still felt he was in it, slinking down the stairs and curling up by the doorway of the dining room.

When the explanation was finished he promptly fell back asleep, a mass of gold fur and feathers blocking the exit to the main part of the castle.

Tigirius listened intently, nodding as the plan was laid out and accepting a pearl with much gratitude.
"Oh, nothing. Come on, we should head back downstairs." Anya said, giving Ethan a bit of a smile. They got downstairs in time to hear Leo's talk and get the pearls for protection. Anya took hers and rolled it around in her palm, still lost in thoughts of home. Otto honestly reminded her a lot of her little brother. If he and Pancho had been merged into one body, Anya was pretty sure Otto would be the result. He made her smile.

She waved a bit when Leia introduced her, then cut in herself,
"He's Ethan... oh, by the way, look who I found, guys!" She presented Ethan as though she was one of those women on gameshows presenting a prize to the contestant, fake smile and all.

@Sleipnir @SilverFlight

Alexander had been eating during most of Leo's talk, and when Quincy fell beside him he offered her a smile, however sometime just after Ottos outburst, the dragon's head sunk to the table and he was out like a light again, and unable to accept the pearl himself. Luckly he had already eaten anything in front of him that would dirty his face, having pushed a pretty empty bowl of porridge out from in front of him just before he dozed off again.

Achyls laid down on her back on the steps, holding the pearl up to the sunlight to analyse it fully. Her hair fell everywhere, decorating the step with a wave of ebony black. The jewel glistened like a drop of dew as the light refracted in all directions, creating circles of light all around her. She couldn't detect any odd properties, so instead took the liberty of closing her eyes, in the peaceful silence outside of the castle. She lay like a mummy in a sarcophagus, rigid on the stairs. She must have appeared almost dead, eerily placed on her back, clutching the pearl in her pale hands.
Quincy turned to Alexander to say something, only to find him face down on the table, fast asleep. She smirked and brushed a few hours back from his cheek, peeking at his face. The maiden offered his pearl to her and she took it gratefully, laying it on the table next to him before reaching for another piece of fruit.

(Soccer game tonight, so take Quincy along if the group moves out)
Leo watched as the others accepted the pearls and Otto walked over with Leia. Glinda placed a hand on Leo's arm, causing him to turn towards her "Guardian, you should take Otto with you. Look how the others take to him. He would be safer under your protection than the dwindling protection of ths castle." Leo began to object but the stare Glinda was giving him told him it was futile. She turned to leave but stoped and spun in her spot, "Oh and the gift i sliped you, I think the newest addition should be able to handle the responsibility." Glinda gave Leo and Tigirius a smile and disapeared into the great hall. Leo looked to Tigirius with an exhausted exspression. He made his way through the hall just as Anya showed of her discovery. " Ethan it is good to see you again. I wounder if i could have a moment of your time." Leo turned towards the door to make his way into the grand hall. Once Ethan joined him, Leo looked down at the young man. "I noticed that you are without weapon or powers, and going into a sutiation such as this is not a safe situation at all. As a guardian of the humans, i can not let you enter this battle like this." At that time, he reached into his tunic and grabbed a small wrapped pakage and handed it to him. "This is a very special relic of Oz that Glinda wants to put in your charge. It is a very special gold bangle that will let you summon a very special ally, the last of a dieing breed in the lands of Oz. He is strong and will keep whoever the holder of the bangle is. All you have to do is touch the bangle and will him to come to your aid and he will be there. Oh, and he doesnt like banana's from what i have heard, so i wouldnt try it." With the last of his words, Leo clapped Ethan on the shoulder and headed for the door to the hall.

Otto followed Leia as she showed him to the others. He smiled and gave each and everyone of them a hearty smile and hello. The entire time he kept his ear trained on Leo and Glinda until he heard Glinda mention him accompanying the party. Otto got exctied and began to wag his tail, a strange thing for him still in his human form. Otto looked to Leia and with a big grin "I bet i can beat you to the cart outside. Last one there has to give Sawhorse a big kiss!!" Just as he said that, he lept into the air and shifted to his black wolf form. He looked back at her with dog like grin as his tongue hung out from his mouth. He lept and bounded out of the front door past Leo, giving him a happy little yap as he bolted past him.
"...Bananas?" Ethan walked alongside the great lion and stopped dead. He frowned then took the package, unwrapping the bangle. Leo was right — Ethan was utterly defenseless. He took the gold ring and put it on, examining it closely. "What if I touch it accidentally?" He followed up curiously. He had never used a magic artifact. Did it have an off setting? Or did he have to will it?
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Ashley didn't really want to get out of bed this morning, but not like she really had a choice. Didn't help that she wanted to use her. Luckily her fingers haven't been swelling and the same could be said for her ankles. Either that, or she knew how to stop it. Upon entering the great hall, she was given a Pearl with Mystic Properties. She examined it and if it meant protecting herself and her unborn baby, she didn't mind using it. She placed it on an empty jewel spot on her necklace that she had made the previous night before going to bed. Because her back started to hurt, and it became evident that she was kind of in pain, which was signified with a look of discomfort on her face, she tried to put less strain by holding her belly, because that often helped relieve the backache.
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As Ethan walked away, Anya turned her attention to the little werewolf who was challenging Leia to a race. She smiled, and thought to maybe have some fun of her own, just after he bounded off, she teleported to the cart, waiting just outside of it as he arrived. It seemed like the teleporting was making her less and less tired the more she used it- though it maybe hadn't been such a good idea now.

"Oops, I think I win." She said with a smile when the other two made there way out there. She hadn't been officially invited to join the race, but.... ah, well.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
As Nyr waited outside she placed the pearl on the rock before her. It seemed like an ordinary piece of jewel, those who had no sense over magic would not have been able to identify it as a magical item. She however was now curious... the plan she had in mind was at least as insane as rewarding should it succeed... and as calamitous if failed. Carefully, she placed her fingers around the pearl and started weaving with her palms. Her energy and the one of the pearl started crackle in the air.

" If I would be able to rearrange the matrix... " she whispered to herself, pushing against the defenses of the peculiar token.

It was a tedious and hard task. The magic protecting it was strong, certainly much stronger than she was - but she could pot the little traces of magical energy inside the spellcraft and perhaps even reversing its effect. When she started to doubt her success she shook her head as she pushed on: she had to at least try it.
Leo looked back at Ethan and smiled at him. "Just use your reach out with you mind to the trinket, it will do the rest." As he continied across the way towards the cart he caught sight of Nyr and went to meet her as she had asked. As he aproached her, he noticed the magic she was weilding on the pearl. "Theres only so many of those, you might want to hold on to it to keep uneccisary party's out of your head." He tilted his head a bit, giving her a feint smile as he crossed his arms.

Otto watched as the girl in the funny jacket blinked into existance beside the cart. Otto lept into the air towards the girl, his goof dog like grin stretched from ear to ear. Landing on the girl, with a fwump, he began licking her face profusely. Between licks he laughed at the girl "I dont think that was very fair!!"
A while later, Achyls realised it would probably be best to meet with the others. Following the sounds of speech, she ended up wandering into the garden, still intrigued by the pearl in her hands. She remained silent as she walked to Nyr's side, flashing a small smile at her. She looked around at the company, the sight of Otto's childlike nature simply widening her smile. It was strange to think that he was the reason for Oz' torment for so long, at least partially. As she glanced from face to face, a small feeling made her wish Tigirius was here too...for some unknown reason.
Anya laughed and turned her head to the side when Otto barraged her with a lick attack. "Hey! I take what I can get!" Her laugh was bubbly, happy, as she pet the wolf. This was definitely what she needed to help cure her homesickness. Maybe her mom was right, theres almost nothing that can't be cured with cute, playful puppies. Otto wasn't really a puppy, but he seemed close enough
Nyr finally stood up when she noticed Leo and Achyls and looked at the leonine guardian with determination and excitement in her eyes.

" The pearl! " she exclaimed as she pointed at it " It might be an integral part of defeating the darkness... while we would use it to our own advantage! " she said, words flowing out of her mouth rapidly as she needed to slow down to make sense.

" The demons, the darkness uses powers of the mind to confuse and enslave enemies, right? Well, how about we rearrange the power of the pearl to intensify such powers to a point where we break their very spell itself, entering their mind instead! " her eyes lit up with a dangerous flame as she spoke about this. It almost felt like she was obsessed with this idea.

" If we do that... we may find more answers than we seek... motives, methods, secrets... just think, the army of darkness exposed! "

She was waving with her hands in excitement and her clear, happy expression started to distort into something more insidious.

" We could save everyone with their own vile methods... "
"Would that be wise, sister?" she questioned, unwilling to shoot her down, "Surely they could be immune to such methods to use them themselves. They would have prepared for this! They would expect it,".

She put her hand on Nyr's forearm, trying to get her to simmer down. Her sister looked criminally insane, and it was not worth getting irate.

"Sit down. Please. I know Glinda and the others can handle this, they've faced the dangers for much longer than us," she muttered quietly, hoping she didn't become enraged. She didn't want to tarnish her determination, but it had to be said, no matter the consequences.
"Hey! No fair!" Leia shouted. "You've got four legs! And Anya! You can teleport!" She caught up with them finally. "Looks like we both got duped Otto. Anya'll beat us every time." She knelt down to pat Otto too, laughing at his playfulness.

She didn't understand too much about the magic alterations Nyr was talking about, but she hoped that the raven was right.

Ward it seemed had recovered from his deep sleep, the pearl he had woven into a string basket and tied it to his pendant. He had woven something similar for Elena and waited on the steps in human form to give it to her.

"I am ready whenever you are Leo." He said.

Tigirius returned the look of his king with a raised eyebrow. No doubt taking Otto along was going to be interesting. "With Glinda's magic, and our strength I have no doubt he can keep him safe."

He stepped forward and raised his voice so everyone could hear. "I trust we will soon be prepared? Know that whatever lies ahead, as long as we face it together we stand to overcome our foes!"
Leo looked from Nyr to Achyls. The excitement comming from the girl was admorable to say the least and though he theory was interesting, it sounded wildly radical. He rubbed the bottom of his mane, trying to figure out how to apraoch the idea when Achyls spoke up. He listend to the young girl and was impressed by her wisdom. Leo nodded to her and added his own thoughts "Your sister has a good point. It can be dangerous to make attemptes like that with such a dark and powerful force. It is a good start, one we should consult Ward and the princess's with when the time comes. Until then, lets continue working on crippling it where it has footholds." Leo placed a hand on both their shoulders and gave them both a large smile.

Otto jumped off of Anya as the girl started to giggle. As he hit the ground he shifted back to his human form and rubbed the back of his head as Leia aproached "Yea, but thats not gonna stop me from trying." He smiled wide as he jumped into the cart and held out a hand for both of the girls to help them in.
Nyr hissed, annoyed as Achyls touched her suggesting her idea was wrong. Looking in her eyes with fury and also responding to Leo's words she burst out.

" Why back down? Why now? We are so close! " she said furiously " We can choke them here and now! We have the demons in our grasp, we can annihilate them, destroy them all for good! We should drown them in their own... "

It was then when Nyr paused finally. Only now did she hear her own words. Backing off she sat down on the rock, bowing her head in shame as the menacing fire vanished from her eyes.

" I... am sorry. " she said finally " I have let my rage and fury take the best of me. This goes against everything I was raised up to protect. "

Once again she looked at her sister and Leo, nodding.

" I shall trust your counsel and we should proceed as you see fit. I stand ready. "

She saluted.
"Okay, Mitchell, get a hold of yourself; you are more than likely having a dream and just unconscious. Worst case, you got knocked a few counties over, yeah, that's happened before..."

Mitchell felt a bit strange standing out in the open and speaking to nobody like this. He found it helped him externalize problems, and he found himself in a big mess of trouble He awoke with a start and instantly regretted it when he felt his right leg shoot with pain as he tried to move it. He guessed his backpack had had broken his fall, which was good as the last thing he remembered was being swept off his feet. He knew that he could not stay on the ground feeling sorry for himself like this, and thus tried to hold his weight as he gained his bearing. it was then he noticed that he was nowhere near the last place he remembered; everything was different from sights to smells to the chill in the air. It was all very confusing, which was only furthered by his notice of standing almost in the shadow of one of the largest... things he had ever seen. A large structure that appeared hand built, and as new as the last sunrise before him. He was not one to test his luck as he saw the signs of habitation there, but given his situation there was not much else he could do for himself.

"Alright, get over there, hopefully find some help, check my leg, it's all fine, all good. Worst case.. no, no, stop thinking like that Mitch, no point in getting yourself done before you start."

Mitchell felt more pain shoot up his leg, combined with more than a few aches around his body. He took a deep breath and slung his backpack over his shoulder and began to hobble his way forward, hoping against hope he could find some help in what he could only describe as a true to life castle.
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The gates rose tall before the young stranger, their intricate pattern resembling intertwining branches that mimicked the forest about him. Leia was about to take Otto's hand with a smile when she paused, seeing the young man approach the gate. He was dressed...like a normal person, well, normal-ish. His style definitely had 'country' written all over it.

"Hey!" She called dashing over to him. "You're hurt." She noticed as she drew nearer. "You look..." she glanced back at her friends, the werewolf kid, Leo, Ward and Tigirius. "Normal." she finished lamely. "You're like me then aren't you, from the human world." She then realized how stupid that sounded, but with such unique friends in sight behind her, maybe that wasn't so strange.

"Man, you must be so lost right now, but let's get that leg fixed up before anything else." She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply. Not long after a small dragon-like creature appeared out of thin air, it seemed to be made of water. "This is Lee, she'll fix you up."

Lee trilled happily and wound herself about the stranger's leg, mending the injury in seconds.

"I'm Leia." She said with a friendly smile. Then she waited to see how he would react.

Ward was in human form as he waited for his companions to finish preparations, he noticed Leia speaking to a new face...a human face.

"This is spectacular! Another human!" He announced excitedly. "I thought the spell would work all at once you know, but we've been finding humans everywhere." then he remembered his manners. "Ah, forgive me, I am Ward, designated guardian of the humans who enter FableWood. Welcome!"
Leo looked from Nyr to Achyls once moe before adressing Nyr "Do not be sorry, it was an interesting idea that we must remeber when the time for such a move comes." Leo turned from the pair and headed for the cart. Just as he reached Sawhorse, the small horse turned to where everyone was running to "Where are they all going?" Leo looked up to see them hurrying towards the man limp across the entrance to castle. His eye widened in amazement, Another human... Leo stepped around the cart and stood behined the group watching the man. Otto stood in the cart watching with eyes wide. He had only just met his new friends, but now he was getting to meet even more, his tail waged in excitement.

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