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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo slowly made his way up the stairs towards Glinda and Tigirius. Looking down at Otto as Leia spoke "What he has been through, none of us can understand. For years he has been under the darkness's control and now that he has been freed, it is hard to say how long till he regains conciousness." Leo noticed now in the light of the castle that Otto was not completly the way he was the last time Leo had seen him. Instead of looking 100% human, the werewolf looked more like a half breed. His human ears were know furry wolf ears, and his backside now sported a black tail. Leo surmized that the long exsposure to his wolf form might have altered his normal form when combined with the darkness. Whatever the case, Otto was alive and back with him which was all he cared about. As he reached the top of the stairs Leo looked to Glinda who in turn looked down at the werewolf. She smiled at him and leaned in giving him a sweet kiss on hs forehead. He stirred ever so slightly before settiling back into his sleep. Glinda lifted and looked to both Leo and Tigirius "Gain some rest. I will come to you in the morning with news." Her face stern as she turned and disapeared into the castle once again. Leo looked to TIgirius "Thank you for all you have done. One small victory to be sure, but it is good to know that it can be done. He glanced behined him and then back to Tigirius, seeing who was in ear shot. "Tigirius.....I saw her. And she saw me...In Otto's mind, she was there. She knows we are here and what we are up to. The others wont be so easy." His eye widened as he relayed his troubling news to the great Tiger, unsure what his mental and emotional state should be given the circumstances.
" Achyls... " Nyr said silently as she walked up to the wounded raven, sighing in relief. She knelt before her bed and she felt tears filling her eyes. She gently gave her a kiss on her forehead as she wrapped her in her arms as she started to cry.

" I was so afraid. " she said " I was so afraid to lose you. Dear, dear sister. " she ran her fingers through Achyls' hair almost as if she wanted to soothe her - while the truth was that she rather soothed herself with all this. She held her and for a moment she thought never letting her go.

" The darkness... your power is immense. But we need to teach you how to fully control it... and once we are back in Fable Wood I make sure that happens. I swear. "

She enveloped her with her dark feathers, and caressed her face with her fingers.
Alexander and Anya made their way out into the fight, Anya much sooner than Alexander. They did mostly crowd control, and saw little of the actual fight. Anya would have jumped in but she didn't want to risk really hurting the werewolf, or getting hurt by her friends

Now, Alexander went over and sat by Quincy. He was no healer, but he could sit with her until someone who was came along. "That doesn't look good." He said, looking at her wound.

(Sorry for the spotty posts, I'll try to be more consistent after tomorrow!)
Quincy looked up, a faint smile showing at his appearance. “You don't say?" She said, glancing down with a raised eyebrow. “I suppose so." She added dryly, sticking it out as a heaker bustled up. She refused to move from the spot, so the healer worked there. It was mostly healed, but a little work was left to be done the old fashioned way. Quincy scooted over a little and rested her head on Alexander's shoulder, sighing tiredly.
Achyls welled up. Nyr truly did care for her, and she for Nyr. She sat up, the world spinning as she did so. She crossed her legs and sat parallel to her friend.

"I couldn't let you suffer any more," she choked, "You were so brave, but so broken. I do not know what happened. I usually have such a control...forgive me sister,"

She took Nyr's hand and looked at her, smiling sadly.

"I am a burden, I know the others think me so," she shook her head, lifting it back slightly so as to fill her lungs with the fresh, palace air.
Leia watched the young werewolf sleep as they rode back to the palace. There was something about him that made it hard for Leia to look away. When they reached the palace she hung back, watching Leo and Tigirius approach Glinda. It still felt a little weird, being in the presence of a being that in her childhood had represented everything safe and good. The feeling seemed amplified a hundred fold now that she was actually here.

Ward ran a hand through his feathered hair at Elena's compliment. "Oh, well, Briar always did say I was a fountain of that...in the early years, I think she may have been sarcastic though." It was true that when he was brought in from the wilds he was far less charming, and almost incapable of speech for that matter. When she asked about Nyr and Achyls his smile dropped. "They exhausted themselves running interference for Otto's servants...and Nyr fainted trying to stop Achyls from losing control of her dark power." He let out a breath thoughtfully. "She is dangerous. And I know Nyr, she would not hesitate to throw herself in harm's way...I just...it sounds like a recipe for disaster."

He felt a little better voicing his concerns to another member of their party. It wasn't like him not to give anyone a chance, but after the battle of Branbern, seeing her temper with Briar and now watching her lose control well, he was not truly inclined to trust her.

"I think she'll be ok." Leia said as she walked up, nodding to Elena. "Glad you're feeling better."

"How can you be sure?" Ward asked, genuinely curious.

"I know because I just know. She genuinely wants to fit in, I think she's just new at this; the whole...friends thing. And as for losing control. Well, I think we all have power, and there is always a way not matter what kind of power it is that we could use it to hurt the ones close to us, but we trust each other anyway. She needs that trust right now. I think it'll get better."

Ward did not seem very convinced. "For all our sakes, I hope you are right."

"The ears suit him." Tigirius said as Otto was carried up the steps. When Leo had told him what he saw his expression grew serious, almost fearful.

"It was only a matter of time. To be honest I can not be certain that she did not already know, but she may have underestimated our strength. I am not hopeful she will do that again." He saw the look on his friend's face and clapped him hard on the shoulder. "Fear not my king. This was a victory today! It will be the first of several, on my stripes!"
" Then you are a burden I would bear until the end of my life. " Nyr replied with a smile, standing hug and once again gently hugging Achyls. " You are the dearest sister, one anyone would want. I would forfeit my own soul to protect you. " she placed her hand on her lap, sighing heavily.

" So long you have wondered. I need to show you what true love means, what family means. " she looked at her and quickly tossed a kiss on her cheeks. She then pulled back, blushing heavily as she eyed the mysterious raven. " The darkness will bow only to those who show supremacy - but also to those who wield it with care and love instead of hate. I used to fight to destroy my foes... now I fight to protect those I love. "

She bowed her head briefly.

" Strength spent on protecting one's allies is twice as strong than the strength spent on one's enemies. "
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Achyls looked at Nyr, shocked at her affection towards her. She returned the hug, though she did not properly understand the girl she was embracing. She trusted her though, with all her being.

"You are a wonder, Nyr. Truly. And I appreciate your concern for me. But I am no use to you or your allies, especially as I am now," she said getting to her feet, "Nevertheless, we ought to speak to the others. I wish to hear of their success. Will you join me?" she held out her hand, though it was shaky, for Nyr to take hold of. She had to close her eyes for her head thudded awkwardly as she stood.
She wanted to convince Achyls about how much she means to all of them but she said nothing right now. The raven girl was as stubborn and as headstrong as she was - talking of things like these would likely to deaf ears for now - so she just chuckled and took her hand as they slowly walked out from the infirmary.

It felt strange holding the hand of someone else like this. A strange warmth filled her, something along the lines of embarrassment and happiness but she could not make out what it was. Nonetheless she was glad that her sister was awake: she had feared the worst back in the forest. But now thinking about all this must have meant that they have succeeded - she just hoped that Leo and the others were able to subdue Otto instead of slaying him.

The two ravens finally entered the main hall, still holding hands, as they headed towards the others.
Leo let out a huff of relief after Tigirius's reasuring words. He was right of course, its entirly possible that Ruby new that they were in Oz the moment they stepped through the portal. The great tiger was right, they had achieved victory. Leo turned to one of the maidens that was not helping the others and asked if she would be able to show him to a room where Otto could rest. As the maiden trotted off, Leo bowed his head to TIgirius and followed suite. The maiden showed him to a room that was adjacent to the one he had been staying in, neatly decorated with lush furnishings. Leo walked over to the bed and placed Otto down. His small stature was exactly how Leo remebered him, just barely into his teenage years. He shifted a bit and ever so sudtly turned his head to Leo and slowly opened one of his eyes. "Leo? Man......am i glad to see you... Leo smile stretched across his face as the young man driffted back of to sleep "And I you my old friend." Leo slowly made for the door and gestured to the maiden "Have someone checking on him fairly regularly. If anything happens i want to know." The maiden bowed her head and turned and walked off. Leo sighed and headed back down to the great hall.

Luness yet again was pinned to the floor of the cart as the crazy hourse pulled them along at lightning speed. FInally upon arriving at the castle luness bounded out of the cart and hit the ground running. She made her way up to the front door and into the main hall. She slid to a stop and huffed as she looked back at the horse and carriage. She glanced around and found that once again the dinning hall had been set up with a bounty of food for them. She darted into the hall, grabbing a plate of meat and begining her dinner.
Elena smiled knowingly and shook her head, also smiling in welcome to Leia.

" I agree with Ward in a way which Nyr and this newer girl are together a recipe for disaster.. Alone though. But the difference is they aren't, and if Nyr finds her a sister and a problem child but is blocked by love from doing anything, than let's remind them that they have us. Maybe I'm a hipocrate for saying this since I can still be distant, but I really do think she can learn before something really bad happens."

(Speech by Elena haha)

Elena rubbed the back of her head awkwardly and laughed, turning to look back at where they both were.

"I wasn't on this mission, but that's what I think, I guess."
Leia followed Leo into the room where he lay Otto.

"I'll keep an eye on him." She said, grabbing a chair and sitting backwards on it close to the bed. "I'll let you know of anything changes." Tad and Lee set about investigating the room, coming back eventually to curl as best they could under the chair.


Ward sighed, nodding finally. "I suppose you are right. Her power will be a great help in future battles, that I can say." He started for the palace doors. "I think I would like a rest, and I am sure you have a bit more recovering to do yourself." He added with a smile.

Not knowing much more of the palace Ward decided to wander outside to the gardens, where he and Elena had sparred the night before. The stone looked warm and inviting so he transformed back into his gryphon form and sprawled out upon it like a massive cat, rolling on his back and stretching his spine as far as it would go. A happy rumble emanated from his deep chest as the stone warmed his sore muscles. It was good to have his form back!
Leo nodded to Leia and her spirits "Thank you." He gave them a smile and then continued on towards the great hall. As Leo made his way back down to the main hall, he was once again drawn back to his journey into Otto's mind. Those last few moments before the hole was sealed, and the face that starred back at him through the void. It sent a chill up his spine, making his hair stand on end to just think of Ruby starring at him as she had. He knew in his heart that it was not really her, and that the witch was merely trying to use his weakness to try and gain the advantage. However the sting of seeing her once again was all to real and Leo needed to clear his head. Passing by the dinning hall merely to glance those who were enjoying the food prepared for them, he kept his path and went back to the gardens. As he entered the garden area, He saw Ward had curled up on a rock and seemed to be lost to his dreams. Leo smiled, it was good that he had been able to regain his true form. Continuing on his way he caught a glimpse of a small gate that lead down a covered path of the garden. He entered, unafraid of what he might be intruding on and walked down the path. At the end of the path he came to a small opening, inside sat a fountain. Clear, sparkling water bubbled up in its golden basin, splashing ever so gently back into the basin. At the bottom of the fountain was posted a sign that reads, "All Persons are Forbidden to Drink at this Fountain." Leo made a curious hum as he looked over the fountain. "Interesting, they must have moved it from the Emerald city, curious..." He examined the area around him and reached into his small satchel within his robes. Finding one of his empty vials, he reached down and filled it then replaced the stopper. Looking through the small vial he gave the water a curious look as he placed it back in his satchel.
"Not planning on drinking that are you?"

Ward approached Leo slowly, his feathered head held high and his tail waving back and forth quietly behind him. He amber eyes regarded the lion with a thoughtful smile behind them. "Generally in stories, if something tells you not to drink it...its wise not to, and even if it does tell you, I still wouldn't." He became a little more serious after that.

"You look a little shaken." He said. "You know, if there is anything you must speak about, I will always have an ear for you."

He moved up beside his friend to gaze into the fountain's waters. "Do you know what this is?"

Alexander smiled at Quincy's dry response, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder to snuggle with her, and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you are uninjured for the most part." He said. He felt bad that he hadn't been very useful during the fight, but what use was a dragon when his wings were so tender that he still couldn't really fly? Ah, well, what was done was done, it seemed. He looked at Quincy, his eyes soft, he cared so much for her, he wasn't sure what he'd do if something actually had happened to her, this was something he'd never felt before.


Anya, meanwhile, was tired, and not sure what to do. She didn't do anything more than crowd control, and wasn't too terribly useful otherwise. She sighed, and found somewhere to wait. She wasn't hurt and she wasn't ready to sleep. Anya sighed sitting and trying to find something to snack on.
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In an attempt to get some much needed fresh air, Achyls led Nyr out to the gardens. There she saw Ward and Leo.

"Oh..." she muttered, startled. She then looked at Ward, a wave of regret passing over her.

"I should apologise for my actions, sir. I did not wish to harm you, and what I did was an unprecedented act of defiance against you. I wish not to be a burden upon your company," she bowed, respectful of both him and Leo. Beside them, she noticed the fountain, catching her eye with the sparkling waters. She did not say more, however, for she had already spoken enough in her turn.
Leo smiled to the griffon "Oh that would not be a smart move for any of us i believe." He turned back to the fountain and placed his hand on the edge of the basin starring down into the water. "The Ozites call this The Forbidden Fountain, and for good reason. The waters of oblivion that flow through the fountain will erase your mind of everything even at the slightest sip. The Wizard was wrong when he said I never returned to the emerald city after the battle with the witch. I came back to try and find this fountain. I wanted to forget everything that had happened when i was here last." He lifted himself from the basin looked up towards the sky above them. the night air felt like a a blanket of sorrow had been lifted from the castle. "This place is full of wonder, and mystery, and i have hated it for so long." He turned back to Ward, "You are a good friend, and i appreciate you listening to the ramblings of an old lion. But i must not be so one sided. How fair you since your return to normalcy? I feel a certain little lady might have had something to do with that." Leo gave ward a great big smile as he spoke of Elena. Noticing the two ravens, Leo watched and bowed respectfully to them.

Nyr listened intently as Achyls spoke and her smile got replaced by a serious expression. Her grip on Achyls' hand tightened before letting her go and stepped forward towards Ward and Leo.

" I take responsibility for what had happened back in the forest. " she said, , waving with her hand as if she wanted to protect her sister. " It was my fault that Achyls got so outraged: I did not back down and defied all her pleas to retreat and that is why she lost control. "

She bowed her head. Then looked up with a stern expression.

" If someone is to be punished for her actions then it must be me. She is innocent. "
"I'm glad you didn't find it then. Forgetting is never the best way, how then are you supposed to learn from the past?"

When Leo brought up Elena Ward looked away, still a little embarrassed. It took him a moment to answer.

"I...I've never felt this way before, about anyone, but every time I see her its as if the world stands still." He felt a little silly in that confession and shook his great head. "It does feel good to be bigger than you again." He teased, raising his head to look down on Leo smugly. It was then the two ravens appeared. Ward was surprised to see Achyls so meek, and with an apology.

"We all have demons to face Achyls, anyone who says they do not is either a saint...or a liar."

He turned to Nyr, folding one ear back and regarding her with a questioning look. "You cannot take responsibility for someone else's actions Nyr, it protects neither them nor yourself, and who in all of FableWood gave me the right to 'punish' anyone?" He almost laughed at the idea.

"We must be careful, but then, nothing has changed in that. The forces we fight are much worse than any one of us could be, of that I am certain."
"Of course, and I wish to repay my debt in battle, alongside you all," Achyls stated, a slight smile on her face. Her attention was still focused on the sparkling water in the basin. She took a step closer to the fountain, a curiousity blooming.

"Ward, sir, what is this water? This is not written in the tales," she added, unable to withhold her confusion on the matter. She appeared mesmerised, the dancing and bubbling was a wonderful sight to behold.
Leo nodded agreeing with the griffon. "The both of you fought valiantly and kept the enemy at bay to give us the time we needed. I can not thank you enough, all of you." He directed the last part not only at the two girls before him, but Ward as well. He watched as the young Achyls stepped ever closer to the fountain. Leo was not sure how much Glinda would appreciate revealing the location of the fountain to so many, but it was unavoidable now. Leo maneuvered around Achyls to stand beside Nyr. He looked down at the raven and gave her a smile "You have changed back to what you once were. I am glad to see you back to your usual self. Though the other form was not in the slightest unpleasant." He looked back and placed a hand on his ax pummel. "I owe you a great thanks. Mother Moon blessed my blade during the fight with Otto which gave us the advantage to pin him down. You were the reason we succeed with him." Hopping to lift her mod, he placed a hand on he shoulder and smiled a tad bit wider.

Nyr let a sardonic smile to sit on her expression before she looked up to the stalwart guardian.

" It was Mother Moon who aided us in the combat, not me. " she said, slightly blushing " I am but a vessel of her will nothing more. If I were a bit stronger none of this mess would have happened with Achyls... I feel responsible still for this danger. "

She did not smile any more, just turned away. She did not fulfill her promise of protecting all of them, the situation almost getting out of control in the forest. She should have known her limits... she should have been more cautious.

" I should have protected all of us... " she whispered to herself not daring to look at the others. But she realized that she gave away her inner turmoil she quickly changed her expression to happy and forced a smile on her. " But at least Otto is safe. At least you succeeded. " she turned to Leo with her pained smile.
Elena watched as everyone dispersed again. Ward said he wished to rest and she was compliant to leave him be, though she was done resting. Biting back guilt from not being with them in battle, she decided to return to the yards, but snuck past the talkative group and found a concealed path of white stone and plant life. Said plants wove to close it behind her. She wasn't trying to prevent anyone from coming in, but more leaving them to their privacy and resting, and she to her own.

She came upon an L in the lake which was out of sight and within the walls, and she took a seat, pure water licking her feet and hands in low plants on sand. Taking out her book she began to write of what Oz was like with Glinda, catching up again. Than she turned to a fresh page and planned for a new way to use what she had and be more helpful, isolation as it had back home feeding her inspiration.
Leo's brow furrowed as he listened to Nyr grow sadder. At the end, he saw through her facade and bore down on her with his good eye. "Nyr, that is enough. You are mighty example of the Raven race . You have battled your inner most demons and rose above them like many could not. You have watched your family die before your eyes, only to have a new one blossom like pruned rose. You are a Guardian of the Mother Moon, and if she is much like many other spirits i have met, she would not have her guardian say such under-toned things about herself." Leo, worried he may be coming off a bit to harshly towards the raven knelt down to her height and placed his massive hands on her arms. "You are correct, Otto was saved. But not a single one of us who was in that battle would argue that it is because of You and the others that it was made possible. The only person blaming you for anything, is yourself, and that hurts all of us more than anything you could have done." He reached around her and enclosed her in a hug.
Ward raised a forelimb and gently held Achyls back from the water.

"Do not get too close, this fountain is not as innocent as it looks." With that he started back to the castle, and to a good rest. "We should speak soon about our plan to proceed. I daresay we can't tarry too long in this place. The longer we wait the more time our enemy will have to prepare."

He rounded a corner to put the castle back in sight and found the open space between him and the dining hall was mostly occupied. It appeared that while they had been gone a small flock of residents of Quadling country had come out of hiding. Many busied themselves with general tasks of running the castle. Hot food was being prepared in the kitchen, fresh settings were being laid on a grand table outside and the windows were being washed by one very brave rabbit with a ladder.

Ward guessed that these were the inhabitants that had been riven from their lands by Otto's threat. He wondered how they would feel if they knew that he was resting in the rooms just above their heads, reasonably he decided that he would not be the one to reveal that.

As they caught sight of the companions some stopped what they were doing to watch them. Ward felt a little awkward with all the eyes on him. Suddenly one let out a large cheer. Then another, and another. Tigirius stood in the shadow door frame, flicking his tail with interest, but he stayed back. He knew their feelings toward him and did not wish to dampen the mood.

The gryphon was taken aback as all of a sudden the entire crows was whooping and clapping. Some rushed to him, bombarding him with questions on where he had come from, and how had he gotten there and could he pass messages on to the other members of the party. When he finally disentangled himself from the crowd he heaved a sigh.

"Part of becoming a hero I suppose." The tiger said quietly. Ward folded an ear back, giving his expression a goofy look. "That part I could do without. I hope the others can come back through the garden in one piece."

((I'll let you do the time skip if need be, I doubt we'll be setting off right this evening.))

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