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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls was thrown back in the chariot as it flew forward. She found herself clinging to Tigerius with Nyr still beside her. As they stopped, she had to take a few breaths and tried to reassess the situation. The whole world continued to whizz by even after halting and she was leaning back, eyes firmly shut to stop the dizziness.

"What...speed?" She asked, breathtaken. Her body felt stiff on the exterior while her stomach felt like melting, unaware that she was still leaning into the tiger beside her.
Elena recieved his hug and smiled as brightly as she could to the group that was about to set off. Her head felt heavy, and though Wards spell took the edge off the fever, it took a toll on her. She gave one last look to all of them and waved, waking back up into the castle.

"Good luck and be safe!! I don't want to have to come after any of you."

She entered and made a b line to her room to get some rest again.

(Sorry, nothing in store for the to. I have a senior project to finish and present. I'd like to make sure everything is in order and I might be off for a bit. Fair warning.)
Alexander had been soundly asleep when Quincy came to wake him- a dragon asleep usually likes to stay that way. He barely stirred at the sound of her voice, too, but just before the rest of the group left he was roused from his sleep. When he went downstairs with Quincy he had heard none of the plan and knew nothing about what was going on, he simply saw the group loading into a carriage and followed, sleep still weighing heavy on his eyes. His hair was a tangled mess- more so than usual- and his scarf hung around him in incredible disorder, as though he had slept with it on.

In truth, he couldn't really change his clothes if he wished to remain whole when he turned back into a dragon. The scarf was actually where all of the matter that made up his tail went when he turned to a human. His dragon form was so much larger than his human form that all of the extra mass had to go somewhere. That was part of the reason he was so much heavier than his scrawny frame may suggest. What couldn't be packed into the human form took the form of his clothing.

"What did..." Alexander yawned, his fairly sharp teeth clearly visible. "...What did I miss?" He asked as he climbed into the carriage just before Leo, uncertain exactly what the plan was, and if they even really had one. He turned after a moment, and reached for Quincy, to help her aboard before Leo boarded.


(I think that fits in well enough, unless I misread something. Correct me if I did!)

Anya had stayed downstairs the whole time. She wondered about Nyrs condition, and hoped Elena got over whatever illness she had caught. Anya hadn't even considered all of the new diseases that this world could hold. That was what caused so many problems for every great explorer, and any time nations merged. What if they caught something so foreign that it would be nothing more than a cold for someone like Ward could be deadly for the humans. That made Anya worry more for Elena than she had been.

After hearing all that was said, she added her input,
"Well, if anything needs finding let me know, otherwise I guess I'll have to stay with those on the ground, hmm? I can't fly on my own so I suppose I wouldn't be too helpful." Those words did make her a little upset. Why couldn't she have gotten the ability to fly? Teleportation was pretty cool, though, she had to admit.

After that, everyone seemed to split up. Anya ate her breakfast, went and changed into her freshly cleaned and mended clothes, and got into the carriage pulled by the strange rocking horse-like creature.
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Nyr had to hold to the carriage with all her might when they accelerated to an insane speed. She knew that this was probably the fasted way towards their destination but it still caught her by surprise. She mustered the strength to hold on until the blinding speed finally seemed to moderate as they have arrived at their destination. Climbing off the carriage and thanking Sawhorse for his efforts she looked around. As the sun set the darkness started to grow with an unsteady pace. Otto was waiting for them.

Taking wings she lifted off from the ground, looking at the others. Already she heard movement in the forest ahead.

" They are already waiting. " she commented as awaited the rest of the group to depart.
(Man.. I knew it was odd no one was posting.. sorry, my notifications are still spotty)

Quincy grinned at his sleepy appearance, following him with a faint smile. She accepted his help into the vehicle, stepping up lightly. The speed surprised her at first, but she managed to use one hand to help straighten out Alexander's appearance. As they slowed, she answered his question. “We're on crowd control while the others deal with a large and out of control werewolf." She said concisely as they stopped, hearing Nyr's ominous statement. A shiver went down her spine, similar to the feeling she got before a storm rolled in.
When the carriage shot forward Ward hung on for dear life. The wind whipped his hair back and he was pressed into the seat with such force he thought he might go through it!

It seemed like no time at all before they were approaching their destination. He climbed out of the wagon unsteadily.

"I don't think I've ever gone that fast in my entire life..."

Leia jumped out and pumped her fist. "That was awesome! Can we go back this way too?" But she quickly regained her composure as they prepared for battle. Tad and Lee appeared at her side again, nodded and vanished. They would need the element of surprise.

Ward changed back into his gryphon form.

"If Luness calls from the quarry we can flank it, and head off our enemies coming toward it. With any luck Otto will send his servants after us and go to deal with the challenging alpha himself."

He sniffed their air carefully. "If we are all ready, then let's go." He kept his head low, slinking into the forest like a hunting cat.

Tigirius took a breath and laid a hand on Leo's shoulder, both had waited for so long and now the moment was finally here. To say he felt conflicted was an understatement. He wanted nothing more than to see Oz once again free, but confronting his old friend and maybe even having to...no. He would not consider that unless there was no other option left. Still, the act of fighting a former ally left a bitter taste in his mouth. He could only imagine how his king felt.

"You must regale me of stories from mainland FableWood when this is over." He said, trying to think about something else. "I have never been across the impassible desert."
((Alright kiddies, its showtime))

Leo smiled at his friend "If i make it through this adventure with my santy intact, i will tell you stories till both our furs turn grey." Leo's smile fadded as he turned from the groups and headed for the edg of the quarry. Once at the edgem he found the road that led to the bottom and began to follow it. It hugged the wall of bone white clay tight as it spiralled around to the bottom. The walls of the quarry would have been startch whit if not for the mud and dirt that mixed across its surface. About half way down they came across one of the many shoots that mined off the quarrys main road. It faced the entrance and the forest which he assumed would be where Otto would come from so Leo motioned for them to all hide inside it. He looked to Luness and gave her an aproving nod as he climbed inside the cave as well.

Luness padded along behined the others, carefull with her footin to not loose any rocks and make noises. She marveled at the hole in the ground, curiously pondering why someone would want something in the ground so bad they would have to dig such a large hole. After a few moments however, she paid it no mind. She watched as the others entered the cave and Leo nodded to her. HEr part of this mission was close at hand. She continued on to the bottom and sat herself on her haunches right underneithe the cave the others where hidding in. She lifted her head to the sky and let loose her caterwaul. It echoed through the quarry walls grwoing louder and louder covering miles of the forest once it had escaped the edge. Once she was finished, she listened as the echos died and silence returned.

The silence of the forest was finally broken by terrifying and mornful howl. The sound of trees rustling and snapping began to echo through the forest as a massive creature began to approach. Finally after ony a few short moments a large hulking figure emerged from the edge of the forest. The werewilf lumbered over to the edge of the quarry where the groups could see him better. He was massive, once of the bigest werewolves anyone had ever seen. He shoulders cleared even Leo and Tigerius. His matted fur and open wounds made him look sickly or diseased, and his piercing green eyes shot around the quarry until they fixated on Luness. It inhaled with a ragged breath and let loos a roar towards the werecat that was unatural for a wolf. The shadows behined the beast began to shift and stirr like snakes until they bulgded out of the ground. Smaller, but still large for wolves, wolf figures began to immerge from the ground at Ottos call. their empty red eyes peared around the area, sniffing the air. The five wolves stayed close to Otto until he lept into the air above the quarry and fell down into its belly. THe ground shook like an earthquake when the massive beast landed, and slowly it began to lumber forward towards Luness.

Otto (darkness form)

Achyls stayed behind, as instructed. She hovered over the forest, her huge wings making her appear majestic in the light of the sun. Poised, she readied her magic, prepared for the onslaught of Otto's minions, no matter their size or ability.

"Ward, sir!" she called from atop the trees, "I do not wish to alarm you, but I need you here. We can take the army on more efficiently if we stand together," she spoke with the air of someone much nobler than herself, her black hair waving like the soft wind that blew through the trees.
Nyr darted off from the ground, flying near Achyls. Together they have focused their powers at the enemy fiends as they blasted their foes with both light and darkness. The wind intensified as the rising moon glowed with an eerie light: they would come to their aid. Infusing the heroes with its pale silvery light Nyr felt more powerful than ever and tried to lure Otto's minions away from the battle.

She tried to bless the weapon of Leo and Tigirius to strike true: out against the enemy they fought but not to kill him entirely.

" Achyls, grab my hand and trust in me. " she said, looking at her preoccupied sister. Seeing her confused look she repeated " Don't worry sister, I know what I am doing. "

With that she reached out for the raven's hand.
Achyls shot Nyr a strange look, though still threw her hand out to her outstretched fingertips, gripping it.

"You know I would follow you, sister," she stated, still with a strange but accepting look plastered across her eyebrows. The connection of the darkness inside herself and the light in Nyr made her shudder, forcing her to close her eyes and channel her energy further. Her eyes then snapped open, glowing white. She looked over to Nyr and, with their hands joined, waited for Nyr to begin.
The shadow wolves waisted no time. Once there were certain their enemies layed in wait in the forest they began to make for them. Watcing the ravens in the sky above them the shadow wolves began to split in to two differnt groups. Two of the shadow wolves began to pick up speed until the both lept into the air. Thie cleared the trees body's and as if they never even touched them, ricocheied off the tops of the trees heads went flyinf for the two raven in the skys. The other three kept to the ground and lunged at anything they could find still stuck on the forest floor.

Ottos tail whipped back and forth as he began to pick up speed runing towards luness. Luness was on her feet and ready to move, claws protuded to gain enough speed to wisk her out of harms way. Finaly Otto was on her and raised one of his huge arms to strike the were cat as he ran. She darted to his side with lightning speed and continued on around until she was behined him. Ottos bulk swiped at the empty air but his body did not stop with any form of elegance. His massive shoulder slammed into the wall of the quarry as he tried to turn, crumbling bits of white clay over him. He growled loudly at the werecat and slowly moved towards her, his back to wall she was standing at.

Leo watched as the giant werewolf came to them. A cold hard pit formed into the bottom of his stomach. This was not Otto at all. This was a monster. All of his memories of the small and happy werewolf, that was all he had left of him unless he and the others were able to destory this creature before them. As the werewolf made his first move, Leo braced himself as the wall their small cave was perched above began to shake violently. Leo watched as the were wolfbegan to move away from them and he knew this was their chance. HE readied his weapons and looked to Tigerius and Leia. Scilently he moved from the cave as quickly as he could and lept over the side of the wall to try and latch onto the werewolfs back without letting it know hes presence.
Nyr's eyes opened up, hers now burning in dark flames. Their power joined, light and darkness merged, their souls as one.

" Now is the time, sister! Unleash your power! " she said as she felt a torrent of darkness and light bursting forth from her fingertips. The werewolves looked in panic and despair as the combined might of the ravens blasted them, but they did not falter. Not yet. Provoked the aggravating beats howled as they charged at them but their combined might was strong enough to repel their attacks for now. Now they waited on the others to attack as well.
Achyls could feel herself absorbing extortionate amounts of power from Nyr, her darkness too growing. Her fingertips forged a barrage of light and darkness at once, taking out the remaining the wolves. As they fell, her mind was exploding with thoughts, as if her mind had shared itself with Nyr's and vice versa.

"What is this?" she panted, once the first wave subsided. She felt ethereal, unnatural. It was somewhat frightening, while the fear it instilled in her enemies filled her with a strange euphoria.
Ward froze as the howls pierced the air. From a far distance he could see them moving toward him and the two ravens. They had their scent. He lay in wait, watching them approach. He watched Nyr and Achyls take down the first wave and loosed a challenging eagle scream. He growled as more shadows emerged from the treeline.

"Nyr, Achyls, fall back!" With that he turned and sprinted, and the wolves gave chase. They could have confronted the wolves right then and there, but they were too close to the quarry, the plan was to lure Otto's forces away so they could not return to help him. They would lead them to the fighting forest.

Leia stood by Leo and Tigirius, she thought her heart was going to stop when Otto's howl ripped through the air. He crashed down into the quarry and the earth shook under her feat. She could feel the blood draining from her face as she saw him. Nearly two stories of gleaming fang and rippling muscle.

"Oh the movie sooo did not get this right..."

Then Leo was moving, aiming to surprise the creature. Up until this point Leia had thought Leo was the biggest, scariest being here. But next to Otto he looked like the next release from the littlest pet shop. Understanding that the key here was surprise she sent Lee down into the bottom of the quarry as a mist, trickling from the cave entrance to slick the stones under the wolf's feet with ice, which hopefully he wouldn't notice until it was too slippery to stand.
Alexander was not the best for surprise. He decided to wait, watching from the cave until the time was right. Besides, this bought him some time to wake up a little more.

Anya moved to the edge, pulling her daggers from their sheaths on her hips. She stayed quiet. Surprise she could do, she just didn't know how tired her ability would make her now. She'd been using it more- practicing some in her down time, but she didn't want to jump in only to be hit with exhaustion. She watched, waiting.
((should i keep posting shadow wolves attacks for you guys, or do you wanna take them as you want?))

Otto's ear twitched backwards as Leo came charging out of the cave and flung himself into the air. The great wolf twisted his head with a sneer and raised his hand "You didnt think it would be that easy did you, Leeeeooooo?" Shock streched across Leo's face as the werewolf began to speak, its voice so dark and menising that it sounded as if a band of demons was speaking along with it. The great wolfs hand whipped around in a furry and smashed into the side of Leo as he flew through the air. LEo direction changed immediatly and he went toppling head over heals across the ground away from Otto and the others until the other side of the quarry finally stopped him with a shudder. The werewolf began to laugh, its mouth barely movings. Suddenly one of its back legs jerked out from underneith it and it tried to catch itself with its hands. Turnign back it saw the slippery little spirits ice trick and cursed it.

Luness watched as Leo was toppled by the creature before her with merely a swat of the back of its hand. Sensing that the creature was distracted momentarily, she bolted across the distance between the two, carefull not to hit the ice patches as the monster had. With a mighty leap Luness jumped into the air and landed on the creatures back with her claws. Finding several other wounds she began to scratch and claw at the bare skin that was exsposed to her, making the werewolf howl in pain.
(Sorry, Memorial Day marching band stuff lol)

Quincy felt a pit settle in her stomach as Luness yowled, and it only grew bigger with Otto's appearance. The ground shook when he moved, a testament to his massive size. As the others began the plan on Otto, Quincy readied herself to take on the smaller shadow wolves. “Dont go out until your more awake and stay safe. I'll see you after." She said to Alexander, who looked like he was about to sleep in their hiding place. With a deep breath, the kelpie snuck out if the cave, picking her way back up to the top. As soon as she was up, she became the beautiful white mare. A shrill whinny brought a small pack of shadow wolves her way and she charged off, drawing them away from the quarry. They were fast; she could barely outpace them. But she kept running, diving into the forest quickly with them hard on her heels.
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"LEO!" Leia yelled as she saw the big cat go down. Tigirius snarled and leapt forward, drawing his massive sword, charging at the massive wolf.

Leia slid down the edge of the quarry, skirting around the far wall, trying to reach her friend. Tad covered here from attack while Lee threw herself at Otto's eyes, turning into an icy mist to try and blind him momentarily.

Leia reached Leo and fell at his shoulder, shaking it to rouse him. "Leo? Leo! Are you ok?" Tad rose up protectively in front of them, waiting for anything to come at them.

((I can control them if you like, you can jump in if you want something to happen))
Nyr smiled at Achyls. She had hoped that they would be able to work together but this surpassed all her hope. Satisfied she looked at the wolves but they did not give up: they now focused on the trio and when she heard Ward's call she nodded and dove below, descending closer to the malevolent fiends.

" To me you beasts! " she taunted them, trying to draw them deeper into the forest. Some of the wolves howled angrily, following her and she blinded them with the light. Some however still decided to give chase of her and one actually caught up to her. Her eyes widening in horror she tried to pull up but it was too late: the beast mauled her viciously, making her bleed. Screaming in agony she kicked the beast in the face and burned it with the light before flying off. Looking at her wound she readied herself for the next wave.
"Nyr!" she shouted, diving to her aid. She collected her and brought her back to Alexander, leaving her no time to protest. She tried her best to stem the bleeding, but the sounds of wolves invading the area once again gave her a need to return to the field. She looked to Alexander, desperate someone to help in some way.

"You must stay, please. I can handle the rest of them. I do not want you falling from blood loss, sister," she said softly, before taking to the skies again, her magic readied to smite the incoming wave. She blasted the majority to nothing more than smoking husks, while any remaining wolves followed her further back into the forest. She was holding her own well, her head rumbling like thunder as she exhausted her powers. It gave her a rush to think she could cause so much damage to her enemies, a reason for her to keep fighting the onslaught.
Otto face created a sickling grin stretched his jaws as the others emerged weapons drawn "Ah look, you brought the, huuuuuungry, tiger with you as well. Come to me tiger i will quell that appitite for you once and for all." The wold reposisioned himself just as Luness's claws sank into his flesh. He turned his head and snapped at he werecat but couldnt reach. Finally tired or the annouance he dove to the side in an attempt to crush her beneith his mass. Immediatly after the roll in the trambled white clay, he immediatly sprung up and rushed at Tigerius at full force, attempting to claw at him once he had finally reached him.

Luness shifted her weight from side to side as the great beast tried to snapp at her, but she held on tight. Finally she felt the beast shift his own weight and new this could be bad. She released the beast from her jaws and pushed off just before he landed on his back. Sherolled a bit but was able to jump to her feet no problem. The beast was gone before she could retaliate, so she charged after it and watched for an oppening when it engaged with Tigerius.

Leos could not tell which way was up and which was down but he knew he had finally stopped. The trip had left him dazed and with a serious ach that stretched from his right shoulder to the btom of his left leg. His vision bulrred just a bit as he watched Otto jump and roll and snap about. Finally another figure cam into vision. HE just barely made out the image of Leia as she called to him. He scooped up his axes he had let go on the impact and pushed himself out of the wall
"Keep.....keep at him. Stick to the...plan. I'll be alright." His voice a bit ragged he shook the dizzyness off looked to Leia and Tad. He gave them a reasuring smile and once again charged at Otto. He brandished both his axes and readied to slide underneither the great wolf and bing the blades of the axes to meet his legs to try and weakin his stance.
Nyr got up from the ground, tearing a piece of her clothes off and made a bandage to stop the bleeding. She stood up, determination burning in her eyes as she took wings again and rejoined Achyls.

" I have not come this far to be stopped by a wound like this! " she hissed, her wound still aching but she did not care. Reaching towards the sky she collected a beam of moonlight, blasting their enemies. She then saw Achyls weakening so she put her hand on her shoulder, channeling some of her power into her. She now felt even more weary but it did not matter.

" You are not alone, sister. " she panted with exhaustion. " I will aid you until the bitter end. "
Achyls felt the energy rushing through her, immediately channelling it to her fingertips and wings, forcing the trees to snap as the force of her magic wiped away countless packs of Otto's minions.

"I shall not see you weary, sister. Protect yourself," she called back to her, her head half turned to her. She beat her wings to get a better grip on where the next wave would be coming from. For now, it seemed, they were safe.

"Go back to Sawhorse, do not strain yourself any further. You have done your part for us all. It is time for us to prove our worth for you," she placed her hands tentatively on Nyr's shoulders, her expression showing the most concern she had felt for another being in many years. Nyr meant too much to her. She couldn't her suffering in the midst of this battle any longer.
With a group of six wolves on her tail and gaining, Quincy weaved through the trees at a full gallop. She could feel their breath on her fetlocks, but they weren't quite close enough yet; she needed them so focused on the chase and catching her that they would refuse to be deterred. Straggling wolves that had narrowly avoided the blasts of energy tagged onto the chase, panting in bloodlust. Finally, just as they were closing in for the kill and she flashed past Nyr and Achyls in a white blur, Quincy lept straight into the air. The mare flew toward the tree branches, but just before she crashed into them, there was a soft flash and a human form latched onto a low hanging limb. One wolf was smart enough to jump after her and its jaws closed around her ankle, almost pulling her off the branch. A swift kick to the nose made it let go, but now they smelled blood and began circling and leaping at her. The kelpie hauled herself up, nocking an arrow from a crouch on the sturdy wood. It whistled through the air, downing a wolf with a fatal shot. Quincy kept shooting, thinning out their numbers.
Nyr smiled at her brave words.

" You are my sister. I have already lost one, I will not lose an another. I will... "

She was cut short by a wailing howl above them: one of the wolves managed to climb up high to ambush them and lunged itself towards Achyls. Nyr's eyes widened in fear as she tossed herself between the assailant and the raven girl.

" Look out! " she yelled as the wolf maimed her already bleeding arm and slashed at her chest. Hissing in agony she staggered backwards, protecting Achyls with her body, preventing the monster to get close.

" Get. Off. My. SISTER! " she bellowed in fury as a white glow from the sky first disoriented the beast then smited him with the wrath of the heavens before it's body plummeted towards the ground.

Now clutching he chest as well Nyr sighed in relief.

" I will not let them hurt you. " she whispered " You are too precious to me. "

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