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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Otto looked at Leia with a head tilt. The question he had posed to her seemed to have upset her a bit. But when she mentioned her brother, Otto smiled. "Your brother sounds great. My mom used to tell me stories before..." He trailed off a bit, he tended not to dwell on the past to much. But on the rare occasions he thought of his mother, Otto would only smile at the memory of her love for him.

He looked to Leia, his smile bearing his teeth
"Ever since I met Leo, I've always considered those I travel with just part of my family. I do miss my mother a lot sometimes. She was the only family I ever had." He lowered his arms and let them dangle by his sides as they continued walking. "If I could go back to MY family I would."

Otto's smile wavered for a moment, his eyes following the floor of the halls. But as they reached the hallway of rooms Otto was once again smiling his normal smile. "I'm glad I finally got to come back to you guys. Now I get to add to my family."

The king listened to her hum for a moment before recognition dawned on his face. He began to hum as well, his deep voice sounding like a cello chord.

"I think that is precisely why they are heroes." Cedric said softly. "It does not matter how much power you possess, what matters is that you stand against injustice, even when the whole world could stand against you."

They reached a room with an open door and the king gestured for her to take it over. "I will have the servants bring fresh clothes in the morning, you will be fetched with the heroes for breakfast." With that he bowed elegantly. "I wish you a peaceful night."

At the bottom of the stairs he met several guards and rolled his eyes. Very well. After the scare of death several of the race guards had banded together and decided to form an honour guard for the king as long as he was away from the castle. It made him smile slightly as he wandered into a spare room (The royal suite being deemed too dangerous). Perhaps, if he could earn that sort of loyalty from perfect strangers...perhaps he was doing at least something right.


Leia listened to him, a sympathetic expression creeping onto her face. She wanted to ask about Otto's biological family, but that seemed like a bit too much gloom just before bed.

"Well hey," She said, throwing her arm around his shoulders just like her own brother used to do to her when she was down. "For you? I'll always be the big sister...did you ever hear the story about the boy who didn't know what fear was?" It was one of Leia's favorites. She opened the doors and motioned upstairs to the dorm.

"Now how did he start it...oh yeah! Once upon a time there was a man who had two sons..one was good, and the other, was completely useless..." And as she spoke she could hear her brothers voice in her head and she felt proud of him, and of herself.


"I don't think I would repeat that again in a great hurry." Ward chuckled. He watched her lie back, returning the look of love with one of pure adoration. He wanted to stay with her, the thought of leaving now made him unhappy, but at the 'Um' he looked hopeful.

Ward couldn't help but break out into a smile as she voiced his very wish. He took off his coat and laid it on the chest at the foot of the bed before pulling the velvet covers up and around them both, slipping an arm about her as he snapped his finger and the candle extinguished.

"This night and forever after." He said, kissing her cheek softly. He rested his head on the plush pillows and drew her close. "Besides," He said, stifling a small yawn."...this much better than sleeping on the roof."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin grinned, it was a refreshing feeling when you actually had a mouth and teeth to grin with. "Together then. Whatever we face, it won't stand a chance." Every word was brimming with confidence he stepped inside and returned with a book and a small candle, sitting on the floor of the balcony and patting the floor beside him with a playful 'come hither' look.

He turned to the first page. By sheer dumb luck, the small bookshelf in her room had a story that lent itself perfectly to learning to read.

"Oh!, This guy is hilarious. I should actually take you to meet him, but for now, let's read about what made him famous." He tapped the picture on the first page, a young man standing before two others, one with a flour mill, one with a donkey, but the youngest son who stood apart; he was holding a thin, ginger cat.

"Puss in Boots." Kallin announced happily and began reading the first sentence, sounding out the words phonetically while tracing the page.

Into the night he read and would continue until either Luness grew tired, or until the sun came to take his human form again. For one wonderful evening, the curse didn't cross his mind at all.

Luness softly smiled at Kallin's confidence, though she didn't entirely share it. She still feared what was to come, but knowing that Kallin would be at her side certainly helped lessen the fear.

Raising an eyebrow at Kallin when he returned from her quarters with a candle and a book, Luness then grinned when he gestured for her to join him on the floor.

Not hesitating for a moment, Luness then joined Kallin, sitting down with her knees pulled against her chest beside him, as she lay her head aginst his shoulder and then focused so that she could shift only her eyes into her werecat version, thus enhancing her vision so she could see the words in the book without having to get too close to it.

With her eyes still green and golden, but now glowing in the night setting, Luness' eyes glowed with curiosity and her facial expression was one that a child would have while learning something new or discovering something new.

Hearing Kallin describing someone, Luness suddenly realized he was talking about the character in the book, which was titled, 'Puss in Boots'. Her eyes quickly searched the cover of the book, eyeing the three words that Kallin had sounded off while also quickly seeking the cat that she assumed was the main character.

As Kallin slowly read through the book, Luness would silently repeat the words while her eyes followed along with what Kallin said.

Slowly but surely, Luness began to recognize certain words that were repeated often such as, 'the', 'in', and so on and so forth.

As time passed while they slowly read the book, Luness began to feel herself slowly drifting off, though she resisted falling asleep for a while in fear of any possible nightmares.

Still, Luness was ultimately unable to keep herself from sleeping and she soon was asleep with her head resting against Kallin's shoulder.

Elena smiled gratefully when Ward complied. She was exausted to the bone from the spell. Hopefully Ward was right and she would never have to use that skill again. However it might occur that she would have to do something similar, but her body and type of magic probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

Ward joined her and laid down beside her, the light was out and she snuggled up close to him, eyelids heavy.

"I hope you're right.. I can hardly think right now."

She said with a chuckle.

"Tomorrow let's try to decipher how to let humans stay.. And Ward? Thank you for everything."

With that she felt content to fall asleep.
When Arianne stepped inside of the room her jaw dropped to the floor in surprise and excitement. The place was enormous, tapestries and various paintings decorated the walls and a gigantic floor carpet protected the floor itself. The bed was huge as it was to host an adult couple not a little girl. Marveling at the wondrous sight she had spotted a ball gown: it was made for a young adult/teenager of course but her eyes sparkled in joy and excitement. This was a dream come true.

Turning to the king she bowed respectfully.

" Thank you your majesty. You are too generous. " she said, watching the monarch depart. She then closed the door behind herself and screamed in excitement, jumping around the room with joy. Now that she did not have to behave in front of anyone she enjoyed the freedom and ran around the massive room she called her temporary home. Never before did she visit a castle and now she was ecstatic, so overwhelming was the sight.

Eventually she calmed down and thrown herself into the royal bed. Immediately she felt exhaustion creeping on her and with the last bit of her power she looked outside the window. She was the glowing moon shining on her, caressing her face. Smiling happily she closed her eyes and drifted to the realm of dreams.

Otto smiled at Leia as they walked, laughing as her arm rested on his shoulders. He walked side by side with her and tilted his head in curiousty when she mentioned the story. "No I have never herd of that story before." Listening with amusment he began to picture the story in his mind. He couldn't help but picture the useless son as a nothing but a lump of mud for some reason.

Leia told the story exactly as she remembered it. Even adding the spooky voices as she described the things that were set up to try and frighten the boy. By the end of the tale she couldn't speak two sentences without yawning.

"Oh boy...you may not need sleep right now, but I do. I'll see you tomorrow Otto." With that she wished him goodnight and chose a room for herself.


Kallin felt her weight leaning on him as she fell asleep. He stopped reading and shifted to gather her into his arms. Once she was safely in her bed he summoned the dreamless spell and cast it quietly. He stood then, rubbing the back of his head with a hand and watching her sleep for just a moment. Then he slipped out the door, collecting his staff on the way.


((Time jump!)) @Azure Sky @SkywardSocks @Hel @Flutterby @DawnAntalios @andujarprime

The sun filtered through ornate windows that decorated the rooms of the guest wing on Courser Island. The hallways were still and quiet as the heroes had yet to wake.

Kallin did not need sleep, and so had stayed awake most of the night, in the room next to Luness pouring over the map he had copied from the library. this morning they would use the Memorien too and learn where the first piece of Caraboss' special artifact was.

Ward did not stir in the slightest when the sunlight reached his face. He slept on, one arm still curled about Elena, blissfully unaware that dawn had already broken.

@Bea Delaine

The high altitude air was fresh and clean and dew sparkled on the grass and in the trees that decorated the grounds.

From her perch on the bow Lucille regarded the scene with a calm, serenity. On days like this it was good to be the captain of a skyship.
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As the sun made its appearance the next morning and cast its light through the open balcony door to Luness' room, she slowly opened her eyes to find that she was alone.

Letting out a small yawn, blissfully aware of the good sleep she'd gotten last night, no doubt thanks to Kallin, Luness then climbed out of her bed.

Making her way to the washroom briefly, Luness splashed some water on her face and quickly exited, acutely aware of the mirror in the washroom and wanting to avoid it at all costs. The last thing she wanted was to have a panic attack so early in the morning. She hadn't even had breakfast yet.

By the time she returned to her own room and began gathering her stuff, Luness smiled to herself, as she found the 'Puss in Boots' book on her nightstand and memories of last night flooded into her mind. Packing the book into her knapsack, Luness then slung it over her back and exited her room before lightly knocking on the door beside her, after having caught a whiff of Kallin's scent on the door itself, specifically the door handle.

Pausing uncertainly for a moment, Luness then tentatively said through the door, "Kal, you in there?"

Luness could only hope that Kallin was already awake and that she wasn't about to wake him up from getting some good night's rest.

Elena lay still under Wards touch, she slept hard and deeply, too exhausted to dream. All she could feel through waking up was floating, but the water was warm. It was dark at first, but her vision was clearing. Something was keeping her from getting up. Her arms and legs felt full of lead.

She realized the major obstacle was Ward. His arms around her were warm and comfortable. Her arms and legs were still stiff though, protesting angrily as she shifted to sit up and carefully pull the blankets further over Ward to keep him comfortable. She stroked his cheek and pushed strands of hair from his face. She silently hoped that this would be a quiet day, loss of control on top of use of new magic and memories, she could tell there wasn't much she could do. For now she would stay be Ward.
After soaking for a long while- longer than she meant to- Quincy returned to Alexander's room. She had stopped in one that was meant to be her own and pulled all the blankets and pillows from the bed, dragging them with her into his room. She created her spot just below the window, a large nest of overly-fluffy blankets and pillows that she seemed to disappear into. Despite the fact that she was indeed sleeping on the floor, the kelpie was very comfortable, and fell asleep to the sound of Alexander's breathing.

The next morning, sun hit her face directly, sending her burrowing deeper into her pile of blankets and pillows. The sunlight seemed to actively pursue her, so eventually, she was dozing on the carpet with all of her bedding on top of her, protecting her from the early rays. She was still too sleepy to be out and about. Besides, she didnt want to get up too soon and have to wait for breakfast.

The first rays of the morning sun caressed Nyr's face gently as she smiled and pushed herself up. She did not remember how long has it been since she had a long, rejuvenating sleep but this one compensated for that tenfold. Looking around in the infirmary tent she had spotted the still slumbering Leo and smiled. Leaning over the stalwart guardian she kissed him on the forehead then she left the tent, heading towards the lookout tower near the wall.

She marveled in the rising sun as its crimson rays painted the sky in red and banished the light of the stars, waking the sleeping world from its slumber. She adored the moon and loved her mother but she always loved the rising sun as well. A new dawn meant a new hope for her. With the language of the ancient ravens she started to speak.

" Ior ush Daar, manno ishaar - Sun and Moon, together forever. " she said to herself. Even the world wanted balance it seemed - or so the ancients thought.

With joy in her heart she started to sing a song - the very song she had remembered long ago... from her true mother.

Arianne woke up early and watched the rays of the morning sun through the window. She always loved to watch the gigantic star rising on the horizon. It was strange to think that an everyday event was such a momentous one - still she was amazed every time she laid her eyes upon the magnificent ball of fire rising from its slumber.

True to his words the king sent not only servants but an elegant dress to the young lady as well. She was flattered and felt honored when they have presented this to her. Not wanting to leave her ordinary clothes behind she packed them carefully as she dressed in her regal clothes.

When she was finished the guards lead the little girl towards the dining room where the breakfast would be served.

Leo shifted in the darkness of his dreams. He watched as the dark swirls of his subconcious walls seemed to echo with voices he couldn't quite make out. He tried to listen closer, maybe to atleast hear what the voices were saying to try and figure out why he recognized them. But the harder he listened ht emor the voices seemd to become astranged.

Fianlly after what seemed like a life time of trying, he could make out a figure. As he drew closer to the figure, it became clearer and cleare who it was. Ruby stood before him, a dark crimson gash in her abdomen and a trail of blood running from the corner of her mouth. Leo paniced and tried to turn away from the image but was met by another. Lilly, half her body shrouded in dark tendrils of fog starred at him with hier peircing eyes. Agian Leo paniced and turned away to be met with the final of the voices. Nyr stood there, watching him, and one by one the other two joined her side by side. Nyr took a step forward and her mouth began to move but no words came from it. All he could make out was a single tear rolling down the de of her cheek as he pulled himself out of his deep sleep.

As the suns lights filtered in through the window, Leo opend his eye slowly and immediatly went to the empty bed adjacent of him. He sighed and lifted himself from the floor, streatching and making his way out of the infirmary. He felt more energized from the day before, maybe a bit of time in the garden would to both ease his mind and top of his energy. He sombered around the side of the great hall and found a small garden with a nice little tree to sit aginst. With a sigh he began to meditate on his relfections which once again gave him access to the garden and the powers he despiratly needed to rejuvinate.

Ott listened to Leias story with growing intersts. She was very good at telling stories and did funny voices that made Otto laugh. Once she had finished the story and said her goodnight Otto gave her a good night smile and walked a bit more down the hall before finding an empty room for himself.

He had never had a room to himself before. He typicaly stayed close to someone when sleeping incase he was needed. The room was ok, but Otto just thought it was way to big, so he improvised. He went to the bed and pulled off a few of the over sized pillows and carried them to the door. Just outside the door he threw pillows down and shifted to his wolf form. He padded to the pillows and began pushing them with his paws to make them more comfortable before ploping down on them.

Sleep took him pretty fast, and he dreamed he was in a library, that was also a race course. He dreamed of ridding a sphinx around the library course and finding a book. When he pulled ht ebook out, it was covered in fur and had a tail and head like a cat. The cat looked up at him and meowed, jumping out of his hands and flying away like a bird. As he dreamed, Otto tossed around a bit, eventually finding himself lieing on his back, his paws curled towards his chest, dreaming of plate of bacon.
Kallin was still pouring over the map by morning. He had now plotted a route for them to take to get to the spring. It seemed the island did not hold just those waters, but a set of old ruins, a forest, three more magical pools, and several caves...it was quite big. He was just trying to work out exactly how many barriers were placed about the entrance when he heard footsteps outside his door. Kallin opened it as soon Luness' called to him.

"Well that would depend on who's asking, if its you, then yes. I'm in here." His misty form had returned, so his grin held half the expressiveness it had done last night.



The first thing he noticed was a gentle warmth leaving his side. Ward had curled protectively about Elena during the night and now the absence of her closeness brought him slowly out of dreams. He felt her stroke his face and his eyes opened slowly, looking up at her and reflecting the sunlight like clear amber. He drew in a deep breath and shut his eyes more tightly in playful protest, sliding his arms back around her and moving to pull her on top of him. The sweetness of the moment when he had woken to see her beside him lingered still and he wished it would stay.

"Its not morning..." He mumbled, not entirely serious. "Can't be."

Downstairs he could hear the distant clank of cutlery as the servants prepared their morning meal. He tried to ignore it.

@Bea Delaine

Leia was still fast asleep, her blankets a tangled mess about her, hair a complete tangle. She had found some loose clothing and wore that in place of pajamas, reveling in the softness and luxury of everything. She was getting much too used to the royal treatment.
Rolling her eyes at Kallin's comment about being there, Luness then asked with a strong hint of curiosity, "What were you doing being up so early this morning anyhow?"

Without even trying, Luness could smell the scent of parchment and ink on Kallin's robes, though she couldn't really scent him anymore, as he was merely mist now.

As per usual, Luness had fallen asleep as a human and woke up as a werecat, as it was her more natural form.

Upon hearing Kallin's question of breakfast, Luness' stomach answered first with some growling while Luness smirked and replied, "Definitely."



Leandra slowly woke up in the morning with the sunlight teasing her to wake up despite her not wanting to at all. The bed in her quarters felt like a giant marshmallow to her and getting out of it felt like one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do.

Yet, upon thinking about breakfast, Leandra was out of her bed in no time and was going through her daily morning routine to get ready for whatever the dsy would bring.

After getting ready, and itching her back a couple times as usual, Leandra was soon ready with her knapsack on her back and her staff attached to the side of it.

Exiting her room, Leandra then began making her way to the dining area where they'd eaten before they went to the magical library before, as she assumed that was going to be where they'd eat yet again.
Achyls woke refreshed, though did not recall ever falling asleep. Still, she had woken in a soft bed that seemed to envelope her with the sheer size of it. At the end of her bed, a maid was scurrying, cleaning the room as she slept.

"Oh! I did not mean to disturb you...I...apologies," she squeaked once noticing Achyls had awoken. She hurried to the door but was stopped when the raven girl spoke up.

"It is fine. You were merely doing your job," She smiled groggily, sitting up to properly see the maid, who's face was stricken with embarrassment.

"Heh. I...if you wish, the kitchens are preparing breakfast," the maid bowed before disappearing down the hallway.

Now alone, Achyls got herself dressed in yesterday's clothes, that the maid had seemed to wash over the course of the night. Smiling to herself, she left the room, heading down to grab herself something to eat.

"Dear Kai, have you woken?" she thought to Malachai. She had not spoken to him for such a while, and it was beginning to eat at her.

Ka-blam! There it was! The bullet was in the barrel all along! How could Vinter be so oblivious! The swashbuckler gazed into the distance for a second, grinning like someone who'd been away from home for a long time and was returning. Which, truly, was the case for Vinter. With a quick slash of the cutlass, Vinter's opponent, the common thug, learned that on a ship, there was only one way. Vinter's way!

'Twas too nice a morning for that, but this wasn't the time for pleasantries. The thugs approached Vinter. They gave the swashbuckler no choice, but to jump off or become swiss cheese! Fortunately, they were heading towards Lucille's sky ship, giving Vinter the opportunity to jump off and catch one of Tenacity's many ledges. One hefty pull and Vinter soon found herself on her old home.


"Well, well...such an unexpected turn of events..." Vinter went straight for the captain's quarters hoping to run into Lucille.

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After a bit of time in the gardens, Leo felt his energy reserves filled and rose from the garden. With the absence of Lilly his connection with the plant life was a bit more intimate. He was able to connect with them without another presence which was a bit of an odd experience.

As he made his way to the sleeping quarters of the halls and tried to put the previous day together bit by bit. The library, the race, the assassination attempt; it was no wonder he hadn't seen anyone up and about yet. It wasn't until he approached a pile of pillows strone in front of a door that he smiled and looked at the little wolf kicking in his dreams.

Perking up his ears, he heard the sound of kitchen equipment being used and the faint smell of food. He looked down at the little wolf and bent down to ruffle his fur. Otto stirred a bit, blinking a few times to focus from sleep. When he realized that Leo was standing over him, his tail wagged back and forth as he flipped over to his paws and stretched shifting into his human form. He reached high and smiled as he leaned on Leo's shoulder "Morning Leo, you would not believe the day we had yesterday." Leo smiled as they began down the hall. "Oh? Well why don't you tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." Otto smiled and followed after.

As the two of them headed for the kitchen they exchanged the adventures of the day and made it to the kitchen. Leo was amazed that so much had transpired while they were gone and the the others had handled it flawlessly. He was proud of Otto for having been able to stop the second attempt, even if it had been a bit eccentric. As they found the kitchen, Leo was able to acquire a plate of assorted meat and fruit, while once again Otto grabbed an entire plate of bacon and carried to the dinning hall where they both began to enjoy their breakfast.

After putting together anplate full of various breakfast foods and getting a glass of chocolate milk, Leandra soon entered the dining hall and grinned when she saw Otto and Leo already inside.

Having been in the military for so long, Leandra was conditioned to wake up early in the mornings, even when she was truly exhausted.

Sitting down beside Otto, Leandra quickly began digging into her breakfast, feeling ravished after having no dinner and having passed out due to sheer exhaustion last night.

After devouring most of her food within a few minutes, Leandra sat back in her seat and let out a burp without thinking about it, as she'd done it many times to joke around with her battle buddies back in the real world.

Realizing with a start that Leo might not think highly of such actions, as Leandra already figured Otto would merely find it amusing, Leandra quickly looked at Leo and said, "Sorry, it just sorta came out before I could stop it."

Despite her apology, Leandra found herself grinning and quietly chuckling to herself for such actions.

Yet, Leandra immediately froze mid-laughter when she heard a gunshot ring out in the distance, echoing quietly through the castle.

Eyes wide, Leandra shot to her feet and then felt her heart pounding as she felt her flashback threatening to make an appearance in the moment. Her face paled while she stood there in shock at having heard a gunshot in FableWood, as Leandra had thought that guns didn't exist here.

Elena wasn't prepared for Ward to wake up and be painful. Nearly falling asleep again sitting up, she closed her eyes and kept playing lethargically with Wards blonde. She thought of the night before. How they were suddenly closer. She was going to stay here too, if all went well. It made her think of things she would have never brought up before. Will her home be in Branbern? Will she befriend Briar, and work as Ward did? Should her powers be stripped so she is of no harm? And what about children? She was too tired to think anymore on those topics.

She was suddenly taken into Wards arms and pulled into him. Her muscles protested, and she yelped with surprise, but when she saw the playful look on his face, her body went lax and she let out a calmer stream of giggles. A hand tracing down to his shoulder, Elena held him too.

"I'm not sure if I can go down stairs and join the others, now that you mention it."

She nuzzled closer into him and closed her eyes as well.

"It can't be morning then... But I am getting pretty hungry."

She was slightly surprised by her own words. She took the hunger and put it under the catagory of "I used too much magic".
Nyr felt refreshed after the song and the relaxing view of the rising sun. Now with pure joy in her heart she wanted to make her way towards the castle when she realized something. She still did not know what the Heart of a Raven was and was anxious about it. What is her fears were real and it had to do something with Achyls? What is she was still a threat to her sister - something she did not want to believe?

She stopped at the front door and waited tentatively. Now unsure whether she should intrude in the castle to join the others she just sat down on the stairs for now. She was certain the others would have breakfast... and she intended to join them a later.

Arianne followed the guards and bowed before them courteously before she entered the dining hall. The place was enormous but vacant for now, only few people lingered around... and she knew all of them.

" Lord Leo, Lord Otto! " the young girl waved cheerfully at the two of them and she walked towards them. While approaching the heroes she also giggled and waved at Leandra then continued to head towards the two furry warriors. These new clothes felt really strange so she could only move slower while wearing them but she did not mind. Finally reaching the two warriors she bowed before them then sat down next to Otto, still looking at the fierce veterans. Now that she understood how heroic both truly were her heart was pumping even faster than before in joy that she could sit beside them. Blushing slightly she picked herself a single fruit and looked at them.

" Yesterday was truly something special... " she said, unsure how to initiate conversation " Lord Otto was really brave... and from what I heard you were incredibly heroic as well, Lord Leo. "

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Kallin shrugged. "Don't need to sleep. One of the very few benefits of being cursed." He grabbed his staff and a small leather satchel in which he kept the map and his notes.

He couldn't help but laugh as her stomach growled.

They made their way downstairs and the smells that wafted from the kitchen were absolutely divine. Kallin could not smell them however, so he looked to Luness for a cue of the food quality.

Several of the others had made it downstairs as well and Kallin greeted them with a silent wave.

"You do still have the Memorien right?" He asked, he remembered he had asked last night, but...there had been more important things then.

@Aldur Forgehammer

Ward woke up a bit more after this. "You're hungry? Well!" He sat up, her weight on his chest doing little to inhibit the move. He supported her as he shifted, holding her close.

"The woman I love shall lack for nothing." Ward stated dramatically and leaned to reach for his coat. The loose fencing shirt he had slept in was wrinkled well beyond looking professional but at this moment he could not care. The happiness he felt had coloured everything this morning. Before he put the coat on he got up with Elena in his arms, a silent boast of his strength. He kissed her forehead once and set her back on the bed gently. Standing in front of the mirror he tried to make himself look as presentable as he could, knowing that his tutors back at Branbern would scold him for not looking immaculate.

"We should try and find out how to use the Memorien." He said a bit more seriously. The book they had recovered that held the key to Elena's life in FableWood he kept close by, carefully guarded as only a gryphon could. "Then we'll get our answer out of that book."

@Bea Delaine
Luness found it odd that Kallin didn't need sleep despite being cursed, but decided to not argue with him about it.

As the pair navigated their way to the dining room, Luness soon smelled the divine smells wafting from the kitchens and she smiled as she inhaled slowly.

Looking sideways at Kallin, Luness then said with a grin, "The food here is always amazing. They must have some amazing cooks or something."

Food wasn't always such a big deal to the werecat, but she'd missed a few meals yesterday and so she was far hungrier than usual.

Once they entered the dining hall, Luness noted that Leo, Otto, Leandra, and Arianne were already present.

Nodding at each of them in turn, Luness then grinned at Otto and said to him, "Hey, Otto, did you get any bacon this morning?"

Knowing the young werewolf, his plate was probably filled to the brim with bacon already.

Hearing Kallin's question, Luness glanced at him and then said, "Yeah, it's still in my knapsack."

Luness patted at the side of her knapsack for reassurance and then led the way to the dining table, sitting across from Otto.

Making a plate full of meats, primarily bacon, Luness then made a glass of water for herself and began to dig in.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Elena laughed when Ward seemed to immediately wake up. She didn't make any movements, when Ward awoke to get his coat and get dressed. She yawned and tried to rid the sleep from her eyes.

"For how long I've loved you, I have never been lacking."

She said with a small laugh but sincere smile. Everything seemed lighter and warmer. She still felt warm. Elena's back fell back onto the bed, loosely awaiting him to be ready. She smiled and watched as Ward got ready. He was attractive enough even in his sleep, she blushed a little. Feeling funny about watching him sleep she shook the thought from her head and slowly sat back up.

It was exhausting, but she figured it would pass after breakfast. They still had things to do, surely work to get done with the Memorien.

"You know, you will look regal no matter how much you try.. What will we be taking care of first?"
Kallin returned the grin, watching Luness greet the others. He caught himself staring at her and quickly looked away with a cough. It was then he noticed Leandra looking like a rabbit in a pack of hounds. he hadn't heard the pistol shot.

"Are you all right? You look like you've seen a ghost."


Ward looked back at her with a loving smile, glowing under the compliment. "Thank you, my tutors would beg to disagree...besides, I have the feeling you may be the slightest bit biased." His loving smile adopted a hint of mischief. Finally he gave up, content just to tuck the shirt in and hope for the best. He turned around and took Elena's hands in his to draw her gently to her feet. When she asked what they would do next her answered:

"We find you food while we meet with the others, then we work out how to activate the Memorien. Depending on where that leads us; Kallin has asked that we visit a particular island. It is very important to him, and to Luness, so I think we should make that a priority too...but first..." He stepped forward, slipping a hand behind her back and holding her very close. He continued in a low voice, "...I must tell you how absolutely magnificent you are."

@Bea Delaine
Leandra had just begun to see herself back in the midst of the ambush in Afghanistan when a male voice cut through the flashback, bringing her back to the present.

Blinking for a moment in confusion, Leandra then remembered where she was and turned toward the voice to see Kallin looking at her.

Feeling a bit awkward in the moment, Leandra was hesitant at responding and when she finally did, she tried to change the subject. After all, guns didn't exist in FableWood, right?

"Hey, what happened last night after I passed out? I woke up in a bed this morning, but don't recall ever getting there before I passed out."

Realizing she probably looked like she'd seen a ghost after having that threat of a flashback, Leandra did her best to slow her breathing and heartrate back to normal rates. She didn't exactly want to describe her flashback for a second time.

Still, Leandra was very curious to exit the castle or find a bacony to try and find the origin of said gunshot. Was someone in danger near the castle?

Yet, the last thing Leandra wanted to do was worry the others over something that may have just been a figment of her imagination. Maybe the gunshot had just been leading into her flashback, which seemed to be haunting her more often.


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