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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr only saw blurring images of the outside world as she felt being lifted from the ground. Her wings and arms were limp, they were completely exhausted and weak as she allowed herself to be carried by the guardian. A sudden rush of shame filled her and tried to insist walking by herself - but her body did not obey her commands. She was now a prisoner of her own mind, not being able to do anything.

Then the environment changed and she had found herself in a tent. An infirmary most likely. Finally opening her eyes she had found herself on a bed, seeing Leo near her.

" Leo... " she whispered silently " I am so sorry... I should have been stronger... " she said with a faint sorrow in her voice " Thank you for your help. First my wing, now this... I am really a mess up. "


Arianne headed in the direction where Luness and the others went. It was clear to her that the werecat will be able to catch up to the slippery assassin... but then she saw the strange mist creeping in. Immediately she thought that this might be the trick of the cloaked figure and her suspicions were confirmed when he mocked them. Desperately she turned around.

" Be careful! " she said the obvious advice " He has the advantage in this choking mist... even with a night vision it will be a great task to find him... unless that is what he wants exactly to separate us! "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Hel @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky
Achyls hurried after the others, not quite sure what to expect next. When she caught sight of Arianne faltering, she grabbed her hand, and picked up the pace with her in tow. The mist grew with every step, and she couldn't help but wonder what else the assassin would throw at them.

"Then I shall stay with you, dear Arianne. We shall not be led astray by a coward who would not dare to fight back!" she shouted, hoping the assassin would hear her remark. She hoisted the girl up onto her back and let her wings spread out as far as they could. Taking to the sky, she found she could hardly break through the mist, it was much more difficult to penetrate than actual mist.

"Arianne, what do you know about this mist?" she asked the girl, concerned for the safety of herself and the others.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Seeing the mist rolling in, Leandra gritted her teeth, as she realized she'd be of no use to the team in this setting, especially without any nodes or night vision for herself.

Making a split decision, Leandra shouted out to whoever could hear her, "I'm heading back to the racing area to check on the others!"

Turning around, Leandra then began jogging at a fast pace, as she began sprinting back through tunnels and into the castle once more.

After navigating herself bakc outside to the viewing platform, Leandra skidded to a halt at the edge and peered down below to try and sight anyone from their group.

Seeing Ward and Elena a bit away from her, Leandra cupped her hands around her mouth and then shouted towards them in hopes that they'd hear her, "Ward! Elena! Over here!"

Knowing better than to shout of any dangers and terrify anyone nearby, Leandra could only hope she was heard and that both Ward and Elena understood the urgency in her tone.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @Bea Delaine


Luness snarled at the sight of the mist enveloping them and merely shifted into her Alpha state to counter the inhibited vision, as she doubled her speed and rounded hedge after hedge with her red glowing eyes searching rapidly for a heat signature, specifically the assassin's.

Hearing the taunting from the assassin, Luness narrowed her eyes and hissed with annoyance.

Surely the assassin couldn't have gone that far, right?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Kai shook his head as his brother shot ahead, the other racers scattering. He smiled to himself, he saw plenty of opportunity to get ahead, his brother was a novice racer and didn't realize the openings he left. He shrugged as he held back a little allowing him to reach the finish line first. Kai came in hot on his heels, several seconds later a large black pegasus flew in third huffing angrily. He smiled to himself as they were congratulated. There was a commotion as news came in of the attack on the king. The staff kept things under wraps so that the common people didn't know. The awards ceremony was quick and efficient with the winners on the podiums being congratulated. There was a feast to be held later that evening they were informed. They were lead away so that they could rest and change for the banquet. Malachai headed off with Kallin as he waved off to Alex who headed off with Quincy. He knew the bragging would come later, and he would let his brother have it. He needed it, the confidence if he wanted to continue racing. He was in his human form now holding Kallin up. "When you talk to Luness, feel free to skimp on the details or she'll probably have my head." He whispered to the mage as he turned up a smile to the crowd. He looked around to see if he caught any sign of the others, Achyls in particular. He heard someone familiar calling out for Ward and Elena. He turned to see Leandra in the crowd, following her sight he noted where they had landed and began leading Kallin there.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Hel @SkywardSocks @Flutterby
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Quincy breathed a sigh of relief as she lit the last torch with no trouble. Soon they were out of the heat, and she could relax and enjoy the ride. Alex's speed made the wind roar in her ears, in a way that reminded her of a rushing current when heard from underwater. She flattened herself to his back, squinting her eyes against the air. At least it dried her sweat, so she didnt feel so gross. After such a long, grueling race, it was such a relief to cross the finish line that Quincy didnt realize they had come in first until after they had landed and people began congratulating them. They were presented to the crowd as victors, and as soon as they were dismissed, she turned to Alexander to embrace him. She rushed the approach slightly, so she bumped into his chest with a little more force then usual, but her arms went around his neck and it just felt right. "You were brilliant." She said softly, her words stirring the hair next to his ear. Her joy was cut short, as a servant came up and filled them in on where their companions were, explaining they had last been seen headed down below. "We should find them, something must be going on." She said, looking to him.

Elena walked quietly with Ward, hand clasped in his and eyes down at the ground. Her feet hurt. They left slightly darkened steps she could only guess were from a bit of bleeding she couldn't originally tell. She was focused on other things though. The fact that there was a piece of memory that she couldn't originally reach until today was scary. She squeezed Wards hand slightly as the warmth from magic disappeared.

"Back at the cave... I um.. I saw-"

She was cut off by the sound of the Brit, Leandra. She seemed concerned, in need of help. Elena jogged up ahead to meet the other without releasing her hand. Any pain was more than easily concealed in her expression by concern.

"Leandra.. What's going on?! We were at the race, there was an assassination attempt. Did something happen here too?"

She asked, worried but for the most part unassuming.
Leandra's eyes widened at the mention of an assassination attempt during the race. So it really had happened.

Furrowing her brows, Leandra quickly asked Elena, "Is the king okay? Is everyone else safe as well?"

Looking around the race crowd, Leandra was able to notice Kallin with Malachai nearby and Kallin appeared to be a bit injured. Alex was with Quincy nearby as well, though neither appeared to be injured.

If kallin would let her, Leandra would extend the offer to heal his wounds a bit later. Or she could do it now if he would allow her. Then again, Leandra wasn't sure how she could heal someone made of mist, but she recalled that his curse allowed him to be human at night so she'd have to help him then. Luckily, the sun was already setting.

Unsure of where Leo or Nyr were at the moment, Leandra returned her attention to Elena and Ward, as she added, "We've found out that some food dish was poisoned at the banquet, which is most likely intended for the king to eat. Also, we found an assassin in the kitchens, but he ran off into the gardens before we could catch him. I wasn't going to be of much use there so I came here to get y'all. Last I saw, a mist was rolling into the gardens and Luness was hot on the assassin's heels."

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
((Ooo, fastest award ceremony I've ever seen ^^' Don't worry @Lioness075 Leandra will have another chance to reveal her power super soon.))

Ward couldn't help but grin at her praise. He clasped her hand happily in his as they started back to the castle. When Elena began to speak he hung onto every word until Leandra came upon them, her face set with an urgent expression.

"What's wrong Leandra? Is everyone all right?"

He listened to leandra's explanation and he gave her a worried look.

"The king just went inside to start the banquet officially. We can't let him eat anything!"

@Bea Delaine @Lioness075

The assassin laughed again and Brenna growled. "You will never take king Cedric!" Her conviction in those words made Leia feel like she was the sort of person whom you wanted on your side in a fight. Someone who stood for what was right no matter how many were standing against her. So Leia stood with her now, willing Tad and Lee to work together in their next move.

The two spirits jumped forward, Tad creating a whirlwind and Lee forcing the water within the mist to condense. Slowly the mist began to clear, but even as it receded before them the assassin kept vanishing into it further away.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky @zCrookedz @Lioness075

Back at the banquet hall the king had traded his leather racing tunic for his formal royal attire, politely refusing the cape but leaving his sword on his belt. He had had enough attempts on his life in the past two days. Appearing at the grand double doors there was a loud cheer as he strode down the center aisle, waving at his subjects while wearing a mask of serenity. He could tell by the look on some faces that word had already gotten out about the attempt on his life, he would have to address that.

As he took his place at the high table he called the champions of the race to their honored seats at his side.

"Today, we come to celebrate the victory of two new champions!" There was a loud cheer and a good deal of clapping. Alexander and Quincy would go down in the history of the Whispering Isles for their victory. "Their talent in flight they have proven cannot be matched." He glanced at the frowning expressions of some who knew what had happened.

"And." He continued fearlessly, "I can truly say...that they would have bested me even if...I had not been attacked on the course."

There was a collective gasp for those who didn't know, followed by shocked whispers. Lord Canton sat at a table to the side, he did not look in the slightest way pleased.

The king told his subjects what had happened. "It is thanks again to these brave heroes, including your new champions that I am still alive."

He waited for the noise to settle a bit before gesturing for the servants to bring him the official starting dish, which he would begin the banquet by tasting.

"So, the assassin's failed, and I refuse to allow these celebrations to be dampened." The dish was placed in front of him.

@andujarprime @Hel @Flutterby

Back in the gardens Leia cursed. "He's just too hard to see."

"But why isn't he attacking?" Brenna asked, her ears laid back as she scanned the trees. "If he could have hurt us he would have tried already unless..." Her expression turned from anger to one of horror. "Unless this is a distraction!"

Leia's heart froze, she turned to Luness and Otto, those with the fastest feat.

"Back to the dining hall, NOW!"

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky @zCrookedz @Lioness075
((Sounds good to me. ^^))

Luness continued to relentlessly chase the assassin through the gardens until she eventually slowed to a trot and then stopped altogether. With her head low to the ground, Luness panted for a moment, as she tried to cath her breath.

This assassin was just too slippery for any of them to capture. It was almost like it was just a...

Perking her good ear towards Leia and hearing her declare this to be a distraction, Luness' heart began racing at the implications of what this could mean. Primarily that the king would be eating his first dish soon.

Letting out a caterwaul for Otto to join her, Luness then turned on her heels and began sprinting on all fours back into the castle and towards the dining hall, her eyes wide and her heart pounding.

If they didn't get to the dining hall in time to stop the king from eating the first dish, then all would be for naught.

As she sprinted towards the dining hall, Luness said to Otto between breaths, "Otto, we have to...disrupt the king...from eating his...food however...possible!"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra's eyes widened at this and she turned to start sprinting towards the dining hall, as she shouted over her shoulder, "Hurry then! We have no time to spare!"

Shoving her way through the crowds, Leandra disheartingly realized that there was no way she was going to make fast progress with so many people in her way.

Hopefully someone else could get to the king first, preferably before he ate his food.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Arianna choked in the mist for a bit but quickly tried to back out of it.

" I do not know... " she told Achyls in desperation " This seems to be some ordinary fog... just thicker and more resilient... "

She then saw how the spirits have quickly cleaned up the mist but the assassin was still not visible. Their opponent seemed to be quite the master of disguise. After the gryphon pointed out of this only being a distraction she was relieved to see that Luness and Otto dashed immediately to warn the king... but now they needed to deal with their cloaked intruder. She wondered how could they reveal him but then the obvious struck her.

" The spirits, of course! " she said with excitement " If Lady Leia's spirit can conjure a globe of water and the air spirit levitate it above the ground the rays of the sun could be magnified and dispel his nefarious cloaking spell! "

She then turned to the left only to see the last rays of sun finally vanishing on the horizon and her smile faded. With anger she tapped on the ground, clenching her hands into fists. It was then when a faint glow appeared between them before fading. Arianne looked at her palms, wondering.

" Could I...? " she wondered but then she was uncertain. This was too much... or was it? She closed her eyes and forced her hands together, as if she were forming a snowball or something similar and she focused. Drops of sweat appeared on her forehead as she pushed herself harder and harder every second. After a short pause a small, tiny source of light appeared between her palms, quickly fading.

To enhance the spell she poured all her might which she had in her little body as she whined from the amount of strength she needed to muster to summon this spell. Then with a final yell she pushed her hands together - and was knocked off from her feet, falling in the grass, panting in exhaustion. In front of her in the air a tiny, bright globe of light levitated, flickering but now being stable. With an exhausted smile Arianne laughed.

" There... use it... as a source of light! " she panted in triumph.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @Hel
''Using traps and feint attacks as means of distracting their foes, while going in for the kill. Yep, these guys are professionals alright'' said Eroan, while he was running behind Leandra. Truth to be told, he was quite fast himself. His speed wasn't extremely high, obviously, but he was at the very least capable or running at higher speeds than those that normal humans could achieve at their peak.

While admitting that the assassins were, indeed, professionals, Eroan wasn't entirely convinced they were true assassins. What did the term 'true assassin' mean to Eroan? It meant people who were born with the talent to kill and generate bloodlust. Those types were dangerous and Eroan faced them before. He also almost died because of such people once, but he was grateful to them, because he had learnt a few useful things from some of those individuals, indirectly.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Leia grinned at the young girl and commanded her spirits to execute the plan. Lee fashioned a giant lens out of water and Tad held it in place with expert control of the air currents. The light caught in the water and flew out to all corners of the grove. The mist was dispelled in a burst of colour as the light fractured within the lens, leaving the assassin exposed and angry. Leia smiled and her spirits rose to either side of her. "Now. Its payback time."

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky@Hel

Brenna had raced after Luness and Otto, leaping into the air, urgency lending to her speed.

"Skies above let us be on time!" She breathed.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

King Cedric felt ill, food was the last thing on his mind after all that had happened, but for his people the facade he had made would stay in place. Slowly he collected some of the mouth-watering dish before him onto a fork.

Otto watched as the mist got thicker and thicker the further he patrolled inwards. It wasn't until the mist began to recead that Otto could hear Luness calling to him. His ears shot up and he turned back towards the grand hall. The lights were all on and it looked like people where gathering for the ceremony. Otto whimpered and bolted back the way he had come. HE charged ahead, his little frame making him zip along like a little bolt of black lightning. He dared not try the tunnels and stairways within them and headed straight for the front door. The guards stationed there drew there weapons as the little wolf approached but they were no where near fast enough to catch him as he burst through the door and slid across the floor. He stuck his nose into the air and inhaled, the poison was here and ii was strong. He looked up towards the king and could see him with food in hand. Otto's eyes widened as he took off again underneath peoples legs "scuse me, pardon me, hey shiny shoes, woops sorry..." finally on the other side of the crowd Otto closed the distance in heart beat and lept into the air aiming for the king.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @everyone else
Luness raced into the dining hall, easily avoiding the already disgruntled guards at the entrance, just in time to see Otto leaping at the king while he slowly raised a fork filled with his food to his mouth.

Eyes wide, Luness could only stand up on her hind legs and shout out to King Cedric, "Don't eat that!"

Still, there was no way Luness could stop Otto from tackling the king and so all she could do was wait in anticipation for Otto to collide with the king himself unless Brennan somehow managed to fly ahead and catch the young werewolf before he hit the king.

While these actions would certainly hold some consequences, hopefully the king would be safe.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leo sat beside Nyr watching the nurse's walk around the room taking care of the other patients. He lifted a hand and placed it on the bed beside Nyr holding hers. "You and I both no that is not true. Now save your strength for getting better."

He could have argued the point a bit further with her, but he would not have gotten far. The excitement of the day was finally catching up to him. His arms felt week and he had to close his eye as he could not hold it open any longer. Every ounce of his energy was gone and he there was no way for him to make it to the gardens outside, so all he could do was rest the old fashion way. He let his mind drift back into the darkness of his subconscious, the noise of the infirmary slowly fading into silence.


((Leo is sleeping through the excitement. Leandra is on call as resident healer if needed lol))
Malachai entered the banquet hall in time to see Otto tackle the king. He was refreshed and redressed, he had a look of pure amusement on his face as guards ran in from the doorways. He had to stop himself from laughing as he tried to make his way over to Luness who looked a bit worried herself. Probably over the pups own safety, he was wondering where Kallin had got off to since they separated after the award ceremony. And if he had the chance to show off his new bruises yet. He looked around to see if he could find any of his other companions as well.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz

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After being bombarded by a small herd of other servants, Quincy was separated from Alexander for beautifying purposes. She was ordered to bathe quickly, which was no small feat for her, as she wanted and needed to stay in the water for a few hours. But there were more pressing matters. She was whisked out of the bath and dressed in fresh, crisp clothes. They were very different from what she had been given before, but maybe that's because they were being presented as the victors of the race, and she needed to look flight-worthy. The servants bustled her out, and she was reunited with Alexander and escorted into the hall in time for the king's speech. At the front of the crowd, she didnt see her companions until Otto brushed past her and leapt at the king. Luness's voice rang out, and they could all only watch as the werewolf flew at the king.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Capture.PNG.8daa157f2776493ab717005254ca2619.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Capture.PNG.8daa157f2776493ab717005254ca2619.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(@Hel Borrowed Alex a bit)



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Elena frowned deeply as the situation was described. So while they were stopping the king from getting killed in the cave, there was another assassination attempt as well as finding one.. And the banquet food was no good.

Quietly, she followed, breaking into a full sprint. Her feet burned, motivating her to move faster. When they did finally arrive at the banquet hall, Elena burst through the entrance, following a few others. Without hesitation of time to assess the situation, she called out.

"Don't Ea-"

The she stop, eyes wide and frozen, as Otto tackled the king. She bit her lip and covered her hand to cover a laugh bubbling up in her throat. As the commotion was made, she quickly drew what looked to be a tiny armor covered monkey. She allied the small metallic creation to be released, being about the size of her hand. It sprinted and wove through the crowd, climbing to the kings table, attempting to yank the plate off the table, and disappearing the moment it's job was completed.
Cedric's fork was midway to his lips when he chanced a look to the left and saw Otto in mid-pounce. It was too late to react. King and pup went flying, the fork sailing overhead and far away to clatter onto the floor amid looks of shock and horror. A stunned silence fell over the room, broken only by the sound of a plate breaking as Elena's tiny monkey assaulted the rest of the poisoned food. The king had caught Otto, preventing him from injuring himself in the fall. He lay on his back, the pup's shoulders firmly in both hands a look of pure surprise painted on his face.

His lips thinned to an impossible line as he glared at the others who burst in behind the pup. Ward stood behind Elena, completely at a loss for what to do or say.

Suddenly the king broke into a wide smile, which quickly dissolved into a chuckle and then a laugh.

"It is never boring with you heroes is it?" He said with a smile.

Brenna raced in past Ward and Elena, up to the high table. "Its poisoned your majesty! Look!" She lifted a talon and scooped up a portion of the cream, taking a cloth afterwards and cleaning the claw. Wherever the cream had touched it had turned bright red.

"Gryphon talons change colour in the face of poison. Someone had tried for your life tonight."

The king's jovial expression grew serious. This was the final straw. He set Otto carefully back on his feet and stood, his severe expression returning to camp on his face.

"Listen well, everyone! This is the last time I will suffer these assaults! My throne room is in ruins, my friend is DEAD because of these ridiculous games! Tomorrow at the star ball I will announce the successor to my crown! Let that be the end of it!"

There was another silence before Leia went up to Otto, holding the letter and the vial of poison. She handed it to the werewolf. "The evidence linking Lissanne to the crime." She said softly. "You found it, you should present it."

Kallin had come through the doors to see most of his friends standing there gaping at a very strange scene. "I missed a lot didn't I?" His human form had returned and he clasped his chest, seeming to be in a great deal more pain than he had been a few hours before. He was about to ask for a healer, when the king's furious speech shut him up.
Otto looked down at the king whimpering at him. He had almost been to late, and he was worried the king was now mad at him for jumping at him. But when the king began to laugh Otto's tail began to waft back and forth with happiness. He squirmed his way out of the kings arms as he rose and he walked over to the edge as the king made his proclamation.

When Leia walked over and handed the letter to him, Otto shifted and took the letter from Leia with a smile and a wink. He held up the letter to the king bowing his head for him to take and read for himself. He then rummaged through his jacket pocket and held out the tiny vial of poison. "We found this during the race in one of the rooms. It was only half filled when we found it so we've been trying to track down the food ever since. Sorry to tackle you like that, I can get a little ahead of myself sometimes." Otto smiled up at the king and then looked back over the crowd. He found the others entering and looked to Luness and began to wave at her with what many would call a "full body wave".

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Achyls dashed in to find the others, Arianne in tow, just in time to watch Otto pounce upon the king. Letting go of Arianne's hand, she brought her palm up to her mouth, stifling a chuckle. The sight was...confusing, to say the least. With the clamour of the company becoming overwhelming and Cedric now saved, she took the liberty of slipping to the edge of the room, blocking out as much noise as possible but still watching the scene before her. There, she let out her giggles to herself and only herself. Otto was much more mischievous than she remembered, and as a result made this whole escapade seem more of a joke than a prevention of murder. Searching the room, she caught sight of Malachai, and reached out to him through thought.

"Dear Kai, was everything successful?" she thought to him, curious about the events of the race.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime
Nyr closed here eyes and let the dark void take her as she felt Leo nearby. Now that she knew her beloved was safe and near her her heartbeats immediately slowed as sleep took hold of her. Surely enough she drifted to the plain of dreams in a moment's notice and was now resting peacefully, dreaming about Leo... and strangely about Arianne. The little girl hugged the big guardian, waving at Nyr... they looked like a peaceful family.

And with that the raven girl was lost to the endless vortex of dreams.


Arianne felt Achyls dragging along to the others. Still exhausted she tried to keep up with her revered hero but she was only able to do it due to how fast the raven girl ran. When they had entered the room the attempt had already failed and the goofy sight of Otto on the king almost made her laugh. Still, she remained composed and watched the others as the monarch declared his will. With curiosity the little girl eyed everyone, wondering what would happen next.

Elena sighed with relief as it seemed the situation was brought back under control. She knew the banquet was likely not to last after the king expressed his anger. It would be wrong to celebrate after he lost someone so close and was then threatened again. After all, he was just a man. What harms a man truly is not loss of wealth in gold but loss in wealth of of trust and companionship. Silly politics or not it. Was reasonable for him to take the night and mourn.

She started walking to find a seat and cringed as she remembered the abuse she gave her feet with lava. Turning on her heel she slowly made her way towards one of the rooms they had made out for them. She could take care of it there. Giving Ward a smile, she reached over and also quickly hugged him.

"I'm going to bed a little early. The race was wonderful, until of course.. Cedric was attacked."

She said, melancholy look flashed on her face before she turned around and said quietly, maybe not loud enough to hear, as she recalled the incident and what it brought again.

"I would be worse if not for you."

With that she started heading back to her room, walking slowly when out of sight as though she was stepping on broken glass
Quincy breathed a sigh of relief as the king began to laugh, and it seemed that Otto was safe from reprimand. But the situation wasnt over. The food was poisoned, and the young wolf presented the king with a paper and vial that must be some kind of evidence of who had arranged it. The kings words made Quincy feel bad for him. He must b hurting, and as king he had to hide it, and didnt seem to have anyone to turn to. She reached for Alexander's hand, out of habit as she watched the situation come to an end for the moment. The kelpie didnt really feel up to a banquet, and she suspected neither did the king. But it seemed proper, as a winner, to stay until dismissed.
((Ready, set go! xD ))

King Cedric looked down at Otto and accepted the paper and the vial. He read the letter carefully and with an expressionless face turned to his guards.

"Arrest Lady Lissanne." He said quietly and the guards ran to obey. There was an outraged shriek from the crowd when they apprehended her.

"How dare you?! My family will not stand for this!!!"

"No lady, your family will not stand for your treason to the crown." Cedric said cooly. "Take her away."

Lord Canton stayed quiet through all of this, not even chancing a glance at Malachai and Kallin, but his face was flushed with anger.

"In light of the recent events I am hereby closing the ceremonies early. I know you were all looking forward to the banquet, but I am deeming it much too dangerous to continue at this point. I will however extend and invitation to all of you for the Star Ball at the castle tomorrow night. I hope this will be a sufficient apology."

There was disappointed noises at first, but when the king mentioned the invitation to the ball it transformed into an excited chatter. The ball was renowned far and wide as being one of the most fantastic events, held every hundred years under a meteor showed like no other.

Ward watched as Brenna slipped away in the commotion. Another gryphon! It was so rare an occurrence that he wished to chase after her, but at the same time Elena hugged him and began to make her way painfully to the doors. Looking between them both for a moment he turned and walked after Elena.

He scooped her up into his arms. "I should not have allowed you to walk as far as you did. Please, allow me to carry you to your room and tend your wounds?" His tone was gentle and pleading as he looked on her with fondness.

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz @everyone xD
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