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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness was silent, still rather shell-shocked, as Otto tackled the king to the floor and silence ensued around them.

At first, Luness began to feel angry at Otto for his antics, but when she heard King Cedric's laughter, Luness relaxed and let a subtle grin slowly appear on her face.

Listening to the king's speech made her grin disappear though, as Luness felt a bit downcast at hearing everything the king had gone through. And now he was rushing to announce his heir. Was this a part of the plans, too? To rush the king to make a poor decision?

Suddenly hearing Kallin speaking nearby, Luness whipped around to face him and her face instantly became one of concern upon seeing the immense pain Kallin was in.

Scowling at Kallin, Luness then said, "What happened to you? You told me your rib was hurt, but you didn't say it was that bad, Kal."

Sighing, Luness then said, "Look, just don't move, okay? I'll find someone who can heal you."

Searching the crowds, Luness looked for either Leo or Leandra, as she knew both of them were healers. Even Nyr could heal, right?

Yet, Luness couldn't find Leo nor Nyr. Had something happened to the pair during the race?

Luckily, Luness spotted Leandra nearby and she briskly walked up to Leandra before quietly asking, "Hey, Leandra, can you heal Kallin? He's pretty badly injured."


Leandra had finally arrived in the dining hall just in time to see the full blown collision between Otto and King Cedric.

The moment the silence passed and King Cedric's laughter could be hewrd, Leandra broke into a grin and then began laughing as well.

Yet, Leandra's laughter died off upon hearing the king's speech. Was it really that bad? Not liking how rushed the king now seemed to name his predecessor, Leandra shifted a bit uneasily on her feet.

Hearing Luness addressing her, Leandra turned to face the werecat and smiled confidently at her while saying, "Sure, not a problem."


Luness was relieved when Leandra was willing to help her.

Nodding at Leandra, Luness said quickly, "Follow me, he's over here."

Leading the way back to Kallin, Luness then quickly draped one of his arms over her own shoulders so he could put most of his weight against her.


Leandra instantly recognized the look of pain on Kallin's face and frowned as she noted his arm draped against his chest. A chest wound? Bruised ribs? Broken or maybe fractured?

Not sure what exactly could be the issue, Leandra decided that directly healing him would be the best solution either way.

Moving to Kallin's other side, Leandra took his other arm and draped it around her shoulders like Luness did.

While using one of her hands to keep Kallin's arm around her shoulders and against her, Leandra then moved her free hand to Kallin's chest and lightly pressed against it while her palm glowed a blinding white color.

A moment or two passed where nothing happened and then, if one was close enough in proximity, one could hear Kallin's ribs fixing themselves and moving back into place while any possibly damaged insides were fixed up as well.

Once she was done, Leandra suddenly felt her head swimming and a wave of dizziness rushed over her.

Suddenly realizing just how taxing her newfound power could be, Leandra stumbled away from Kallin and then fell forward onto her hands and knees, hear vision blurring and her ears ringing a bit. Was she going to pass out from healing so many intensive wounds in one day?


While Luness waited for Leandra to do her thing, she glanced back over at the king and then noticed Otto giving her a huge wave, which basically included his whole body as well.

Unable to resist the urge to laugh, Luness began chuckling and used her free hand to wave back at Otto until she remembered what she was doing at the moment.

Quickly returning her attention to Kallin, Luness watched Leandra do her thing and was both disgusted and relieved to hear Kallin's ribs being healed.

Yet, Luness never expected Leandra to stumble to the ground in a bout of dizziness and perhaps even nausea so she quickly looked at Kallin and asked him, "Can you stand on your own? We need to get Leandra to a bed so she can rest immediately. She must've exhausted herself today."

When Elena was making her way down, she was scooped up quickly. Releasing a small noise of surprise and instinctually wrapping arms around Wards shoulders. When she looked up to see who it was, she relaxed, eyes lessening in width by a fraction. Her cheeks flushed a little.

"I umm.. I was going to handle it. I figured now that I know how to heal I might be about to fix it.. And it's my own fault."

She went quiet for a moment, thinking about the incident with Caraboss, and how quiet and sad Ward became.

"But I suppose your magic feels more comforting than my own. And I have a matter I wish to discuss with you."

She said with a small and more real smile. Maybe if she went about it right, he would understand.
"It wasn't that bad when you saw it!" Kallin defended himself through gritted teeth. "There was lava...and I jumped and...well." Right, downplay the life threatening...

Kallin obeyed her meekly, he wondered if he should really be standing. He couldn't hide an expression of relief when he caught sight of Leandra in tow behind Luness.

"It was cracked before I think...but I might have broken it since then." He admitted in a sheepish tone. As she healed him he watched in wonder, but when she finished and stumbled Kallin's hands were out in a flash to steady her by her shoulders.

"Hey, don't strain yourself so much!" He heard Luness ask if she could stand and Kallin rose to his feet. "No need." He said and picked Leandra up carefully.

"Lead the way Lune," he said and waited for her to take them to their wing. they always had a wing to themselves; at Branbern, and Aerios, Kallin had come to expect it.


Ward carried her up the stairs, listening attentively to her words. "I so rarely get the chance to dote on and care for you, just give me this one." He said with a smile as he took her into an empty room.

"A matter?" He asked as he set her carefully on the bed. the room was furnished in dark red, with the bed sporting a red velvet covering that matched the drapes. The floor was softly carpeted and a closed glass lantern sat on the bed. Ward lit this with a flick of one finger and set to work carefully removing her shoes and tending to her wounds. he drew in a sharp breath as he saw the damage. "Oh Elena! I can't believe you flew back like this..." His brow furrowed as he looked at her, but it made him look more endearingly pouty than upset. He traced the healing magic deep into her skin, reversing the burns and soothing them with a hint of ice magic.

"You can speak to me about anything." He continued, his frown had left and he looked at her now with a sober and anticipating expression.

@Bea Delaine

Leia felt relief when the banquet was cancelled. She was curious about the ball, but figured she had ample time to ask later, when tensions weren't so high. They had yet to catch Lord Canton, or implicate the Duke. Leia hardly believed they would give up now, but it seemed pretty impossible for them to organize anything in just 24 hours. Regardless, they were safe...for now.

She allowed herself to relax and ruffled Otto's furry head playfully.

"You're a hero!" She said, grinning happily.

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Luness let out a sigh of relief when Kallin seemed more than capable to handle himself again and she worriedly glanced at Leandra, who seemed to really be in and out of it currently due to her exhaustion.

Grabbing Leandra's staff, which had clattered to the floor after coming loose from her knapsack, Luness quickly tied it to her own knapsack, adding it to Kallin's which was still tied to the other side of the knapsack. Luness figured she could give him his staff back once they were a bit more settled though.

Nodding at Kallin's instructions, Luness then said in a concerned tone, "Don't let yourself get beat up so badly like that again. I can't heal you like Leo, Leandra, or even Nyr can."

Glancing away for a moment, Luness realized how hypocritical she was for saying such a thing, as she probably would've done the exact same thing in his place.

Deciding to move on before Kallin made any remarks to what she'd just said, Luness looked back at Kallin and then said, "Anyways, let's get Leandra to her quarters so she can finally get some well-deserved rest."

With Leandra basically incapacitated at the moment, Luness took the lead, as she maneuvered her way through the crowd and out of the dining hall before making her way down the numerous hallways to find their designated quarters area. They always had some section blocked off for their whole group and so Luness knew exactly where she was going.

Soon enough, they arrived at the hallway with all of their rooms and after peeking in a few, Luness soon found a seemingly vacant one and decided that it could be Leandra's.

After all, Leandra still had her knapsack on and so all of her personal belongings were most likely in the knapsack itself. If not, they could always resolve such matters after Leandra got some proper sleep.

Leading the way into the bedroom, Luness then unattached Leandra's staff from her own knapsack and set it against the foot of the bed while saying to Kallin, "You can just lay her down here to rest."

Remembering that Leandra still had her knapsack on, Luness then walked up to Kallin and carefully removed Leandra's knapsack from her back while blushing slightly when her forepaws brushed against Kallin's arms.

Silently embarrassed with her inability to remain composed whenever in close proximity with Kallin, Luness averted her gaze while she removed the knapsack from Leandra's back and then she set it down beside Leandra's staff before saying to Kallin, "I figured she probably wouldn't want to sleep on her knapsack..."



Leandra had passed out by the time Kallin had her in his arms, her mind swimming into unconsciousness due to the absolute exhaustion that had rushed over her body and mind after exhausting all of her energies with her healing in one day. Especially with how severe the wounds had been.

As she entered unconsciousness, Leandra found herself entering a dream state and she soon found herself back in the barracks on the base in which she and her twin brother had been stationed while in Afghanistan for their latest deployment in the US Army.

Looking around, Leandra soon broke out into a grin when she saw her twin brother, Manjano, packing his assault pack nearby at his bed.

Rushing to Manjano's side, Leandra suddenly yanked him to his feet and drew him into a hug, bringing a surprised gasp from Manjano in the process.

When she finally released him from the hug, Manjano had raised an eyebrow at her and was scowling, but all Leandra could think about was how much she'd missed her brother and his silent presence at her side.

Whenever the twins were side by side, Leandra felt like nothing could stop them and she always felt at ease with Manjano at her side.

Yet, Leandra soon realized that this wasn't real. Why wasn't Manjano saying anything to her? Was he still so upset by their parents' death and the abuse over the years at their adopted home that he refused to speak?

Suddenly feeling very downcast, Leandra stared sadly into Manjano's eyes and was terrified when she felt like she couldn't see anything inside of them. It was like he was an empty husk of a person.

Eyes wide at such thoughts, Leandra stepped closer to Manjano and worriedly asked him, "Manjano, what's wrong? Speak to me, please."

Yet, Manjano remained silent and only continued to stare at Leandra despite her heart pounding as if something terribly wrong were about to happen and this dream would turn into a nightmare.

In the real world, Leandra whispered in her sleep, "Manjano..." though she didn't appear to stir at all or look terribly upset as if she were having a nightmare.

Elena allowed him to take her to her room, the situation very familiar. Though at least this time she was awake and calm. That part was unusual. She admired the bed. When her shoes were removed, it felt like melted pieces were being removed along with skin. She cringed and closed her eyes as it was done, quietly wondering how she couldn't feel her powers breaking the earth or how she couldn't feel the molten rock when it rose. She felt the pain become cooled and disappear slowly. Eventually her skin felt in one piece, and she decided it was time to speak. Chewing on her lower lip, she took out her book.

"I have an idea of how to explain things to you, but I need your help, because I'm tired of dishonesty. We both have darkness Ward. I want to help with yours, and I want you to see what I see, hear what I hear whenever I get.. Too into a fight."

She drew a picture of herself on one page, a long hand pressed against a mirror she continued to add. Like a window, it revealing on the adjacent page their was a picture she began drawing of a detailed human Ward, then overlapped with a gryphon. A hand and talon touched the other side, their bodies were mirroring each other in position.

"I.. I'm not sure if it will work or how.. But I am going to touch the section that has me.. And I would like you to do the same. I want to share what I saw with you, and what you feel with me."

She did as she said and placed her fingers there, focusing on the repressed memory. The voice that teased returned and her face contorted with sadness for a moment.
Otto smiled as Luness waved back and watched as the bad lady was taken away. She was making a lot of noise for someone who had just been caught red handed. He sat down cross legged and laughed when Leia came and scratched his head. His foot shook a little bit, he really liked people scratching he head. Otto looked up to Leia and tilted his head, "So what happens next? Do we get to through more peoples rooms to find more really bad smelling bottles?" Otto watched as the party disbanded and some of the others in the group went to get some sleep, and began to wonder where Leo was. He hadn't seen him come back with the other racers. He flattened his ears and looked back at Leia brushing his hair out of his eyes "Leia, I haven't seen Leo or Nyr some back. Do you think they are ok?"

Kallin raised an eyebrow at Luness' chastising. Pot, meet kettle.

"That's why we've got friends Lune, to fill in our weaknesses, and make us stronger. I don't plan on leaving Nyr, Leo anyone behind on our next little quest."

He laid Leandra down when they got to her room. He grinned at Luness' embarrassment as she tried to explain the proximity.

"Probably not." He answered her, his ice-blue eyes held his laughter as he smiled.

Once he was satisfied Leandra was going to be all right he stood. he heard her mumble something then, but he couldn't quite make it out. Was it a name?

"I figured out which island the spring is on...maybe before we go to bed we can try and get that Memorien thing to work, you still have it right?"


Ward gave her a look of relief. He was happy she decided to share her thoughts, her fears and the darker placed of her mind, what he balked at was sharing his with her. There was always that fear, lurking in the back of his mind. Would she accept him? Still love him? He found it hard to believe anyone could when he thought about the mindless beast he could become. No, not mindless, full of rage...He shied away from the thought.

"I...I'm fearful...of how you will see me...if you know." He admitted sadly. "But if you are willing to share your darkest side with me, then I cannot give anything less."

He watched her draw, entirely rapt as her hand wove an image on the blank page. She placed her hand on the image and Ward swallowed, gathering his courage he placed his hand too and gazed at the carbon sketch of himself.

@Bea Delaine

Leia grinned as he asked what came next. "Now? Its bedtime." But when he mentioned Leo and Nyr she admitted she hadn't seen them either.

"Maybe we should find them before bed?" She offered. "I'll help you look."

Arianne watched the king and how the guards have taken the traitorous noble away. She was happy: King Cedric was one of the wisest, most benevolent rules she could have asked for so she was glad that the king was safe. Now that everyone retired to their rooms the little girl realized that she had no place to stay for the night: she might be a little follower of the great heroes but she was no celebrated person so she had no place here.

Slowly and silently the little girl sneaked out from the grand palace, sitting down on the stairs of the main entrance, looking for a shady spot where she could sleep.

" I wonder if the gardens have enough shelter for the night... " she wondered.
Seeing Kallin smiling at her, Luness instinctively scowled and asked him, "What?"

Though the minute she asked in such a harsh manner, Luness folded her good ear against her head and then added tentatively, "Why are you smiling at me like that?"

Noting the amusing look on Kallin's face and in his eyes, Luness suddenly realized that she was probably missing something, which was most likely going right over her head.

Momentarily distracted by some mumbling by Leandra, whom Luness perked her good ear towards, Luness listened to Leandra just in time to hear the word, 'manjano'. What did manjano mean? Was it a name perhaps? It certainly didn't sound like any word Luness had ever heard of before.

Deciding that it wasn't of her concern, Luness reverted her attention to Kallin and nodded at him upon hearing his question of her still having the Memorien object.

Yet, before she took off her knapsack, Luness glanced over at Leandra for a moment and then back at Kallin before she suggested quietly, "Perhaps we should move to my room so we can give her some space for now?"

After suggesting this, Luness blushed, as she realized the many implications of such a suggestion.

Stammering now, Luness quickly added, "Just to, you know, discuss our plans. It's not like I mean...uh..."

Inwardly face palming, Luness finally ended her ramble by saying meekly, "Never mind, you know what I mean."

As the people began to filter out of the room, as well as their companions, Quincy stood beside Alexander and gave people encouraging smiles as they left. The people, as a whole, seemed shocked and worried by the day's events, even though they were promised a ball the next night. The kelpie hoped that by remaining and looking happy, they would feel a little more at ease. When the room had mostly emptied, she turned to Alex. "We should go too. You need to rest." She said softly, brushing little ball of fluff off of his shirt. In truth, they both needed rest, perhaps her more than him, but since when would she admit that kind of thing?

Footsteps sounded behind Arianne as she sat on the steps.

"Even in my kingdom, I wouldn't think it safe for a little girl to be out alone at night." King Cedric's voice was gentle and calm.

"There are more than enough rooms in the heroes wing, take one of those if you haven't a way home for tonight...I am sorry for the chaos that was caused. You must have been separated from your parents during it."


Kallin listened to her stutter and couldn't help but laugh, trying to keep it quiet until he closed the door to Leandra's room.

"Do I though?" He teased her, raising an eyebrow with mock-interest, his roguish features shadowed under his wide-brimmed hat. The glamour had vanished just then, letting his attire melt back into his usual worn robes. Sobering up he smiled genuinely and gestured for her to lead the way.

"There's one other thing I should mention...about the spring." He walked slowly at her side as they went to her room.

"The spring, for all its power, can only help you so much...dealing with your past...that's something you still have to do...well, we have to do." He paused for a moment, trying to put his thoughts into words. "If the memories are too strong, if you can't overcome them while the taint is weakened, it will come back. Its crucial you close the door on the worst parts of what is keeping the taint inside you. I can help if you need it...but it would mean a spell. One that would let me into your memories...into your mind."

He knew what he was asking. It was absolute trust. Stepping into someone's mind would reveal the true nature of that person. He wasn't sure she was ready for that...he wouldn't be.

"Look," It was his turn to shift awkwardly. "I don't think there is anything I would see that would change...how I feel. So I want you to know...if you can't do this alone...if you need me. I'll be there."

He coughed lightly after that, his cheeks thoroughly pink. They reached her door and he pushed it open, letting her step in first.

As Leia spoke of bed, Otto couldn't help but yawn. He hadn't realized it but with the crazy amount of things they had done over the last 24 hours, Otto hadn't noticed that he was exhausted. He looked to Leia with a smile and hopped up from his cross legged position. Shifting onto all fours he put stuck his nose in the air and took a big sniff. He didn't smell much, but he didn't let it stop him. He went trotting back towards the door he had come through and sniffed around again. There scent of the big cat wafted through the night faintly and it was coming from on of the smaller white buildings. For the first time in a while, Otto didn't take off running and simply trotted across the lawn towards the building. As he walked he looked up at the sky and slowed a bit as he watched the stars. He smiled "I bet that since we are in floating islands, We a alot closer to the stars. Thats why they look so pretty up here." Otto chuckled a bit and continued over to the building. He sniffed the air to an open window and put his front paws ont he window seal. He looked in and could see Leo sitting on the floor next to Nyr laying on the bed. Otto smiled, it had been a long time since he had seen Leo so peaceful. Not since before Oz, the thought of which made Otto shiver a bit.

As Arianne heard the footsteps she turned around and bowed respectfully before the enigmatic figure of the king.

" Y-Your Highness! " she said, frozen by both fear and surprise. She had never dreamed of meeting the king in person

" I have come to the race alone, your majesty. " she finally managed to speak " My mother died at my birth and my father is on a diplomatic mission, thus I am alone for now. "

Drawing circles on the ground with her shoes the embarrassed girl looked up to the towering figure of Cedric. She had heard about the benevolence of the ruler but she did not expect something like this.

" I... I am pretty sure the heroes would not like to be disturbed, your majesty. " she said, although the truth was the exact opposite: she wanted to stay with them so much... still it felt an invasion against their privacy to intrude like that.

Elena felt his hands reach. She wasn't sure how much magic it would take or even if it would work. She looked up at him one more time to offer a word of reassurance.

"Ward. I worry for the same reasons. But I love you.. And I trust you with this.. So trust me as well."

She said with a small anxious smile. Sitting on her knees on the bed, she shut her eyes and allowed the magic to run its course, pulling her focus back into her memories and the voice. It spoke once more through her mind, and her powers projected it between the both of them. Everything was reeling like a dream, not a controlled process. She figured she would share hers first, and then ward his.

"Ward... Can you hear me? I think its working.. I will show you my darkness and when it is over, don't pull away please.. Instead try to remember yours."

She was gone at first from sight. There was water, they floated under, cold and numb with the sensation of haven't being touched in forever. The water became clearer and suddenly easier to breath. The scene changed to outside a pale blue house. A girl, brown red hair pulled into a ponytail in a stiff school uniform stood outside no older than 12 years old.

Inside the house, yelling could be heard. A low growls sound, and the yelp of a woman. The girl seemed tense and timid about entering her own home. She opened the door with two hands, slowly and peeking inside as she did. Ward and Elena could see the yellow dirty glow on linoleum flickering as she entered. The two figures down the hall didn't seem to notice. The man had a hand full of a tall thin woman's blonde red hair. The other hand held a broken glass bottle. The white floors caught dark iron.

The young girl.shivered and went to the kitchen, hands shaking more than she might imagine tried to silently slip a large knife from a wooden holder, both hands barely maintaining.

She heard a long scream and peaked from behind the doorframe, golden eyes full of tears unshed. The knife clasped right. More blood fell from the woman, and the girl grew deathly still. A voice resonated through the air that sounded like Elena's own.

"Shhh.. Relax.. Leave this to me, and it will all be over soon.. I want to help you, and bad men must be punished. It's okay. Trust me and close your eyes."

She girl did so and stopped panicking. She slipped off her Mary Janes, and socks silently shuffled as she moved toward the man, knife in hand. Her mother finally noticed as she closed in. The girl lifted the knife, the woman's eyes like a deer, wide and brown, followed.

"Elena no!!!"

Blood covered tile and linoleum. Yellow light flickered in reply, and in the dark, the child held a smile.

"Bad men must be punished, momma.. Nobody will ever hurt you again."

The light disappeared and flashed to the little girl, shivering and curled in a corner. A mother cooing softly and rubbing her back, though her expression wasn't maternal. It was as though she was dared to touch the monster. Trying to get it to speak but not truly wanting to know what it might say.

Elena back in Fablewood feels tears staining her cheeks and the sheets. She has no power over her body now though. The magic took a toll and she wouldn't be able to handle getting out of it and restarting the process. It was too much stress so she hoped Ward was prepared to show his own. She wasn't finished though. In the back of her mind, she knew her hands were shaking and squeezing the velvet.

"Sorry Ward. I have a little more, than I want you to show me what you can."

The scene of inside the home changed as the home filled with water, the mother and her child disappearing behind bubbles but they didn't seem to move or notice. When everything was again submerged, it was cold and suffocating for a moment, before the water morphed to the scene of a slightly younger than current Elena sitting in a seat, working on transferring writing from loose lined sheets of paper to typed. A low buzz was emitted from the lights, previously white walls stained grey. The room was empty beside a mattress with faint grey pinstriped covers and the desk.

Her cellphone buzzed, the blue light hitting
her face, showing tired and sullen face. She stood up quickly, grabbing her jacket, and sprinting out the door.

The Cellphone held the text in the form of a suicide note. Elena couldn't remember the words. They blurred and didn't say anything. Just reeked of death. And the blue blur turned to a blonde haired older woman with bone thin arms, slide down a grey railing. The air was salty, then she was gone.

And the person on the bridge was Elena. The location was the same. The air was muggy and held the steady buzz of insects. She wore the same thing that she arrived at Fablewood in. A smile of content sadness rested within her expression. She took lean forearms and pressed them against the cold grey bar of railing. A foot came out and the hands pushed her only hold on that world. The last thinkg on earth she would touch was the wrong side of a guard rail. Then it all went pale and nothing was distinguishable.

"Your turn, Ward."
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Luness blushed deeply upon hearing Kallin's laughter and found herself at a loss for words when Kallin teased her about not knowing what she meant.

Blinking at Kallin, Luness shut her gaping mouth and then narrowed her eyes at him in response, as she honestly had no idea what to say in response.

Seeing Kallin's old robes making their appearance, Luness raised an eyebrow at them and then muttered, "What's with you and those robes? Why not just get new ones?"

Seeing Kallin smiling at her, Luness raised an eyebrow again, still not the best at taking such kindness well.

Suspicious that Kallin was teasing her again, Luness took the lead to avoid anymore teasing and was soon relieved when Kallin began speaking of the Spring.

Hearing the mention of having to confront her past, Luness immediately stiffened and furrowed her brows at the threatening memories at the edge of her mind and a distant whisper. Not now.

When she heard Kallin mention that Luness wouldn't be alone in the matter, she relaxed slightly, but still felt tense about the whole conversation.

Yet, upon hearing that she'd have only one chance to succeed, Luness' heart began to race and her eyes dilated, as she folded her good ear against her head. How in the world could she solve all her life problems in one go, just like that?

Hearing Kallin's suggestion that he could be there with her for the whole thing, Luness opened her mouth to exclaim that she'd love that, but froze in place and shut her mouth upon hearing what Kallin would have access to.

Luness still hadn't told Kallin about her father. How Luness had killed the last member of her own family and how she'd felt relieved when she saw the life leave his eyes until the realization of her actions had dawned on her. She'd murdered her own father for nothing more than revenge.

Neither had Luness told Kallin of her true intent the day she shoved him out of the way of the plummeting Jabberwock. How she'd only done that in hope that she'd finally die, but in an inconspicuous manner so as to hide her true intentions. How she'd woken up after that and nearly cried her heart out at her failed attempt at escaping her harsh reality. Her violent and heartbreaking past.

Seeing Kallin opening the door for her to enter her own room, Luness silently entered only to drop her knapsack and Kallin's staff onto her bed and then head straight out onto her balcony. Gripping the railing of her balcony as her knuckles turned white under her fur, Luness felt terrified with the choice she was about to have to make. To let Kallin into the dark and morbid hellhole that was her own mind.

How could he possibly not think any less of her after seeing such actions? How could he be so willing to help someone who was so far gone already?

Yet, the last few words he said had stuck with her. If she needed him, he'd be there for her. That was one of the first things she'd ever requested of him, wasn't it? To not leave her and stay at her side.

Still torn with indecision, Luness remained silent for a moment longer, as she felt herself torn with the choice she had to make and the potential consequences that were sure to follow.

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"My dear, we both need rest," Alexander told Quincy, brushing a bit of hair back out of her face. "Come, let's find some rest." He took her hand to lead her out and through the halls to their rooms, he found that in the short time they had known each other, this Kelpie had quickly taken over his thoughts and concerns.

Anya herself had already fled off to bed, consumed as usual by her private self destructive thoughts
Leia chuckled at Otto’s logic. “I bet you that’s the reason.” They found the house and Leia peeked over Otto’s shoulder and watched the pair happily, turning to Otto with a sleepy smile.

Well, there they are. Safe and sound.

She turned back to the castle, and to their rooms. “Come on, I’ll tuck you in, if you’re not too old for that stuff.


The king crossed his arms, but his expression remained calm and kind.

I have no doubt in your ability to care for yourself, but if you don’t take one of those rooms for your own on request, I’ll have to make it a royal command.” He said this with a smile and offered her his hand.

Come, I shall escort you myself.


I-I can hear you. He replied, stepping into the magic like a cat would into a puddle, reluctance in every movement. When he felt her presence in the mist of his mind’s eye he held it close and the sensation of water enveloped him. He watched in silence, heard the yelling, felt anxiety, fear. Were these his emotions or hers?

Now he was in a strange place, square room, dirty light that looked akin to no fire or magelight he could imagine. He saw Elena’s mother, the bottle, the attacker and a flash of white hot anger seared his mind. No. That was his. He forced it down again and watched.

The knife flashed, there was blood everywhere. He saw the look in her mother’s eyes and his chest tightened. That look…he knew that look.

Ward breathed as the memory released him, his eyes were damp as well and he placed his free hand on her shoulder.

Show me.” Was all he said.

The scene was lost to flowing water and he recognized the girl sitting in that room, he also knew the darkness in her eyes and he ached to hold her, comfort her. She rose and left through the door. Where are we going? He watched the woman, a fragment of herself slide from the bridge, he tried to move but there was nothing to move. It was a memory. Then Elena was there, in the same place with the same look. No. No don’t! He felt the water rise up around him, felt the air disappear and then…it faded.

The weight of what was shown hit him like a load of bricks. His heart was beating quickly in the silence of their minds he took a moment to recover. This was her darkness, now he understood.

He poured energy into the spell, taking into himself…It was his turn. The memory he had kept buried as best he could pawed at him, it wanted to be shared. Slowly he reached into the darkness and pulled it forward:

Thoughts flooded into him but they made little sense. Slowly a shimmer appeared as eyes were opened in a cave. Gold and jewels sparkled in the dim light. Even staring at them through the lens of a memory Ward felt a growl rise up in his throat. The thoughts were louder now, a string of words was the best that could explain them: Mine, guard, defend, mine. No one will take. The gold sickness had him, he had learned the name for the affliction in the books and from the scholars that came afterward…no creature had ever recovered from it. He looked down. Gold feathers, gold coin. Which one was him and which was not? Footsteps echoed and the gryphon in the memory tensed beak parting in a silent challenge.

The knight appeared, wreathed in daylight at the mouth of the cave. His sword was at his side, not drawn.

Please, I need help!” He called. The gryphon understood the words, but they had lost their meaning. A snarl in response and the great creature rose. The knight did not run. “I did not come for your gold. Only a feather…” To cure his blind daughter…Ward wanted to cry out as he watched, a prisoner in the eyes of the beast in the memory. The anger flared, a white-hot rage that seemed to appear all at once. Where had it come from?

In the past he barely remembered this scene, it came to him in flashes, like lightning, leaving a faint afterimage in his mind. These memories were clear as day, and so were the feelings. The spell had ripped them from the darkest recesses of his consciousness.

The gryphon attacked and quick as a snake the knight had his sword in his hand. Beak snapped on metal that was slid from his grasp. Talons slashed and Ward felt a searing pain in his shoulder. The blade was buried deep, but had come out of the knight’s grasp. He lay on the ground, wounded with one hand in front of his face.

Defenseless. Oh please show mercy! But there was no mercy in the creature’s eyes, the anger and madness had consumed the last of any human thought. Ward’s mind threatened to shut down. He couldn’t live through this again! The image flickered but he forced it to stay. No more hidden darkness, Elena needed to see.

The final blow, dealt with the swiftness of a predator, quick and clean. The blood felt cool on his talons and face as the wind dried it. Then the image changed. A pair of golden eyes was staring at him. He recognized them, and the face they belonged to. Then came a voice.

He’s dead Iona. There’s no help for him now. If they don't kill him quickly the sickness will do it slowly.” Every fiber of muscle screamed at him to attack but he couldn’t. It was a gryphon looking at him, her expression consumed with sorrow. Her feathers were coloured brilliant gold, not dark like his, but burnished, like the gold of the sun. Somewhere in the back of his mind, his reason broke from its confines. She fled just as he realized what he had done.

The image dissolved but when Ward tried to finish the spell it held onto him. Suddenly they were hurled into another vision. He was younger, a scrappy human boy with messy blonde hair. He was human? He didn’t know these memories…The boy looked up through the trees of a small forest glade, he had caught site of those same eyes, golden and kind but they vanished.

We’re sending you away boy.” That voice was familiar too but he couldn’t see faces. Now he was inside the house, a fire crackled in the hearth but it brought no joy to the scene.

It’s for the best, you’re not our own you see…

The young boy burst from the house, running as fast as he could with tears blurring his vision. He tripped and fell and Ward remembered the pain of scraped knees…and the anger.

They didn’t want him? What was wrong with him? Then he remembered the burning sensation in his back, he remembered transforming for the first time. He couldn’t control it, he didn’t know what was happening, but as the gryphon got up where the boy had fallen he heard a shriek from behind him.


The memories came in fragments after that. He remembered the flash of fire as a torch was thrust in his face, he remembered his lungs burning as he ran, tripping on four legs to get away, all the while the anger was fanned, injustice and rejection the kindling that helped it burn. Then the image went dark and Ward burst from the spell as if surfacing from a deep dive.

He reeled backward, grasping at the bed post to prevent himself from collapsing. He looked about the room confused at first, but seeing Elena brought him back to the present. He tried to calm his breathing.

I-I didn’t…those memories…they were from before…” Before he had been found by the knight, or Briar’s men, he had never been able to remember much before…and now the memories were there, as if they always had been.

There would be time to sort those out in a moment. For now he recovered enough to wrap Elena in a tight hug, hoping that he was giving her strength as well as drawing from her own. If it had been that hard to share his memories, he could imagine how she felt. A part of him burned with shame at what he had done, told him he did not deserve to be anywhere near Elena but he hushed it stubbornly. She would be the judge of that.

@Bea Delaine

When asked about his robes Kallin’s expression became thoughtful. “These were the only clothes of mine I could save from the fire…I guess it’s silly to hang onto them but…I feel I’d be throwing away a part of my past if I got new ones…and that bothers me. Even though I can’t remember any of it.

He saw her begin to worry as he explained how things might go. “Hey! Keep your spots on, it may not even come to that.” He tried to smile. “With any luck you won’t need my help. Besides, you’ve got some time to think about it yet.” He followed her into the room and picked up his staff with a smile, then he looked at it closely.

Are these claw marks?” But he dropped it again as he caught sight of her on the balcony.

He came up beside her, watching her knuckles tighten on the railing and placed a gently hand over one of hers. He leaned on the railing and looked up into the sea of stars, so much clearer in the high altitude than they were on the mainland. He had always loved seeing the stars up this high.

Did you know there’s a werecat constellation In Isles lore? Its true! Right there, see?” He pointed to a bright star on the eastern horizon.

That’s one of the front paws, those stars there make the head, and there’s a long line tracing its back there.” He gestured to each grouping as he mentioned them.

He sat in silence for a moment, resting his head in one hand with an elbow on the rail, not really paying much attention to the stars anymore.

How about you get some sleep for tonight. We’ll figure out the Memorien tomorrow.

Hearing the mention of a fire, Lunes felt her cuirosity spark for a moment, but the curiosity was drowned with the fear of sharing her memories and her pain with Kallin.

Was it so selfish for Luness to be focused on her own pain to ignore the pain that Kallin surely felt in not remembering his past?

Letting out a small sigh, Luness knew that despite Kallin's encouragement that she may not even need Kallin's help, she couldn't face her past again. At least, not alone.

With her thoughts clouding her mind at the moment, Luness didn't even hear Kallin's attempt at a joke from her quarters.

Feeling Kallin's hand over her forepaw, Luness felt some of the tension leave her mind and soon her knuckles relaxed from her tight grip, as she silently shifted into her human form. Her black, long hair flowed behind her back with a slight breeze rolling over the balcony while the moonlight shined over the pair.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness struggled to keep her fear and the turmoil inside of her down before she began crying or doing something else that she'd find extremely embarrassing.

When Kallin mentioned a werecat constellation, Luness opened her eyes, which were moist from unshed tears, and then she shifted her eyes in the direction that Kallin pointed up in the sky, watching as he pointed all of the star clusters out to her.

Shifting her gaze down to the railing, Luness then said wearily and softly, "I don't even know what a constellation is or what it's supposed to look like."

A single tear began to slide down Luness' cheek, as she realized just how little she knew of in this world. So much had never been told to her and she had learned only the bare minimums, just enough to survive in the forests.

Looking sadly at Kallin, Luness then said softly, "You know I can't sleep. The nightmares thet haunt me in my sleep, my memories..."

Trailing off, Luness looked back up at the stars and said sadly, "I can't face my past again. Not alone, Kal."

Otto continued to watch Leo and Nyr for a moment. His big fuzzy friend seemed to be actually sleep, something Otto had never seen before. Hearing Leia talk of sleep Otto turned back to her and decided to shift to his human form. He gave her a bit a comical frown from her mentioning being tucked in "Ha! I don't need to be tucked in weirdo."

His frown turned into a smile and he reached up towards the sky stretching and then resting his hands on the back of his head. He turned towards the grand hall, not really sure where he was going but I just figured he would sleep where ever his legs decided to stop. He looked back at Leia as he walked. Ever since he had first meet the humans, something had been tugging at Otto's curiosity. "Hey Leia, Are you going to go back to the human world when we beat Caraboss? I heard Ward and Elena talking about changing the spell so that Elena could stay, but what about you?" Otto returned to looking at the stars half way through his question, stretching out each step a bit exaggeratedly as he watched the stars.

Elena was not as prepared when Wards turn came around. She fed her magic into the makeshift spell simply to keep the connection between them both so they might share sight, emotion, touch. Staying in the milky scape for a moment more, she allowed Ward to begin.

She was surrounded by gold. Precious gems and gold. Though the scene was amazing, her mind was feeling her with shame. No.. This was Wards mind. And the Gryphon was filling her mind with crazed distrust and desperation. It was pitiful, in a way. She began to understand why, and their wasn't a human thought that she received from the gryphon in the vision.

The man approached and Elena knew what was to come. The sad line he played in the story about his blind son was recited, Elena flinched. She would attempt to close her eyes from it but it was impossible. The anger was so recognizable. The result was expected, though she questioned for a moment who the other Gryphon was. She knew this was right before his redemption, and she wished she could have told the old Ward that, stoking his cheek and promising everyone got better.

Then a new memory came in. She knew Ward wasn't expecting this. She knew it was one he himself didn't remember, so she watched carefully. The little boy was definitely Ward. He was a cute child, his eyes had never changed either. She was inside with them now. She could feel the younger Wards confusion and sadness. Her protective instinct and curiosity surfaced. Who was his true parent was, why had he transformed? The dream had ended though.

Elena's transition back was slow, as her body was stressed. From performing a long and unfamiliar spell. Her mind from recalling and being shown the darkest parts of Ward.

She opened her eyes and it was blurry at first. Her body tipping backwards. Then she felt Ward embrace her and she blinked to clear her vision, wrapping her arms around him, slowly and gently. She shivered slightly and hugged him tighter, whispering.

"I know you couldn't remember it.. I hope it wasn't a bad way of finding out."

She rest head on his shoulder, regaining more awareness. She was worried about Wards opinion of her. Would he stop loving her and begin doing as she recalled her mother did, looking in fear and pretending for so long? She couldn't tighten her grip any more looser as it was, but she shook slightly with effort to somehow be closer to him.

"I love you, Ward. I loved you before we saw this, I loved the man with they old sickness who was about to be redeemed, and I love you now. Without everything you had to be in life, you wouldn't be who you are now.."
Quincy smiled and dropped her eyes as his hand brushed a few stray locks away from her cheek. He treated her so gently, like a treasure. This is everything youve ever wanted, a voice in the back of her mind said. It sounded like Lorence, but not the twisted, evil one she had heard since his death- the real one. Her eyes closed for a heartbeat, and she suddenly felt a little thankful for Caraboss. Her attack had allowed the kelpie to finally let go. And now she could be truly happy, with her dragon.

As they reached the room, she paused. "You go. I'll come in a minute. I just need to find some water, before I start feeling sick." She said softly, letting go of his hand with a smile. Quincy gave his cheek a soft kiss, and left him to settle in as she walked further down the hall. There was a bath down here somewhere. She just needed a short soak to feel comfortable; the heat and wind of the race had dried her out and if she let it go too far, she'd end up feeling achy, sluggish, and grumpy.

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"What? You're the weirdo!" Leia said, shoving him playfully. When asked if she would go back her smile faded. "Its so wonderful here...I wish I could have both...I...I don't know." She said honestly. Despite all that had been going on when things got quiet she found herself missing her home...and her family. But if she left she would miss her friends... The choice made her angry.

"Whatever, I don't have to decide anything now." She said, it was much easier not to think about it.

"I'm exhausted, chasing assassins is hard work." She headed in the direction of their rooms. "You know, my brother still reads to me sometimes, I think its fun, and I'm older than you." She stuck her tongue out at the werewolf. in truth it was the one thing they did together that really made her feel like part of a family. She would find a book she loved and instead of tearing through it on her own she would give it to him and they would share it. That memory sent a lance through her heart and made her think about the choice all over again...


Kallin watched her change back, smiling as he was reminded how beautiful she was. His hand moved from hers to wrap around her shoulders as he pulled her close.

"Well," he said softly. "I just sort of told you what a constellation was. Its a group of stars, that make up an image, and it looks like that." His smile stayed put and she would hear it in his voice as he spoke.

"I can always cast that spell again...or, I can start teaching you to read." He saw the tear roll down her cheek and his brow furrowed slightly. He leaned forward and planted a kiss firmly on her forehead. "Then you won't be alone." He whispered, and that promise he would keep. "When you step out to face your past, I will be by your side."

He stood with her for a long moment, squeezing her shoulders comfortingly.


Ward swallowed, unable to keep back the tears of relief when he heard Elena's words. It was a forgiveness, and if she could forgive him...perhaps he could one day forgive himself. The dark thought of unworthiness was blown away like dust on a windowsill.

"I love you Elena," He replied, "What I saw, it doesn't change anything...I will be devoted to you until death takes me." He brought a hand up to cup her cheek fondly.

The new sensation he felt was indescribable. He had shared the darkest part of his past with her. Shown her something that he was always too ashamed to look at...and she accepted him still. If he had felt close to her before it was nothing compared to this. This was pure. He drew back to look at her, his arms still about her and a meek smile playing on his lips.

@Bea Delaine
Arianne looked at the king, a bit afraid. She was uncertain what to do but for some reason she thought that following the monarch would be the best idea. She reached out with her tiny hand and grabbed the king's and walked with him. It was a strange feeling... the touch of the monarch was so gentle and his smile was so kind that she thought him to be her father for a moment before she chuckled and dismissed the silly thought.

As they walked through the corridors she started to sing a lullaby, one that she had always heard when she was but an infant. She tried to sing silently, she did not want to bother the king with such things so they proceeded in the empty halls silently. Eventually she turned to the monarch and asked.

" Your majesty. " she said " Do you know these heroes well? I have read about them in books and heard the rumors... but this was the first time I have met them. They seem to be amazing, so heroic yet still... mortal. They have the same problems as issues like we do yet they push on harder than anyone else... "

Her eyes widened in realization.

" Perhaps that is why they are heroes? " this last question she muttered to herself rather than to the king. Now they walked in utter silence for the rest of their journey.

Elena awaited his reply. She hoped that he understood, that showing him didn't mean he would beat himself up over the past. When they pulled away Ward touched her cheek gently and she felt them become quite warm and red. She knew then that she had nothing to regret about showing Ward, or what he showed her. She wouldn't have to feel alone fighting her darkness. Elena gave him a bright but exhausted smile. When they drew back, a passionate warmth entered her from under her ribs, constricting and beckoning. She leaning in once more and kissed him quickly and gently.

Upon pulling away, a wave of numbing exhausting hit her. She had never done a sort of magic that took so much energy. Being like a muscle, she had yet to use this one before. She swayed and dropped back onto her elbows, which shook and had her laying down.

"I think... I should have had an actual mage supervise. I feel for Kallin."

She said with a chuckle. She gazed back up at him with an expression full of love.

"It's night time, isn't it? Um.."

She paused.

"Would you stay with me tonight?"
Hearing Kallin's explanation for the constellation, Luness smiled softly, as she suddenly realized just how much she loved constellations. They were beautiful and told a story in silence simply because of the picture they could make and show.

Hearing Kallin's tone brought a soft smile to Luness' face, though it contorted the scar along the right side of her face.

Hearing Kallin's suggestion to either cast his sleeping spell or to start teaching Luness how to read, her smile widened a bit more, especially when Kallin mentioned that she wouldn't be alone then.

Yet, before she could respond to the suggestions, Kallin kissed her on her forehead, bringing a deep blush to Luness' face. She had never been in a relationship like this before and so she didn't really know how to react beyond the instinctive blushing and shyness that rolled over her.

As Kallin reassured her and brought her into a sideways embrace, Luness smiled despite still blushing and leaned her head agaisnt Kallin's shoulder while glancing up at the twinkling stars above the pair.

Inhaling slowly, Luness then said with a smile, "You know, I'd love to read with you. That sounds amazing."

Pausing for a moment with a strong hint of hesitation and fear, Luness' voice then dropped in volume, as she added tentatively, "I want you to use that spell and help me when I have to confront my past, Kal."

While Luness wasn't too keen about letting Kallin see the darkness inside of her, she still knew that she ultimately would fail on her own. She needed his help and his presence more than anything.


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