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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Vinter smiled. She rushed towards Lucille and hugged her. What could she have done other than that? She was homesick. Vinter looked Lucille in the eye with a funny look on her face. "Well...I heard they caused up quite the stir in Banbern. They saved the days like the heroes they are" Vinter's arms were still on Lucille's shoulders. She took them off quickly and looked away for a second. "They also won the race and that's just a few of their feats..."

She turned away for a second to enjoy the view. "They're quite the bunch if you ask me. It's nice they get along so well. Kallin's with 'em too, right? He's always seemed capable of doing this. Lucille, I don't know. They've accomplished so much, they're the most qualified to be doing this. How have you been? Have I missed anything?"

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"I am biased, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."

Elena returned his reply with a smile. She took his hands and got back to her feet. She adjusted her clothing, realizing she was so warm because she slept in her jacket. Looking in the mirror, she looked tired. Her eyes held darker skin below and she was just a bit lighter. Her hair had curled more than usual and made her face look more narrow. She pushed her fingers through to put it up into a ponytail.

"I'm excited for it, really. Figuring out the Memorien I mean. And the islands are beautiful."

She was held closer to Ward. She slid her hands around his back and leaned in.

"Oh? You've been making my morning, Ward."

She said softly, curious as to why he was being so much more loving. She would never complain though.
Nyr raised her head and concluded that she was not yet ready to meet the others. Her head still throbbing from exhaustion she decided to go back to the ship they arrived on in order to continue to read her book. Perhaps she would be able to find something useful on the ancient pages... maybe even an explanation of that mysterious heart.

When she stepped aboard she hard heard strange noises. Two female voices to be exact, one which she recognized to be Lucille but she knew not who the other was. Her initial thought of a remaining, wayward assassin got dismissed since they seemed to have a good time together instead of screaming thus it made her even more curious.

She finally stepped in front of the strange newcomer and - surprising even herself - she smiled.

" Welcome, my lady. " she said with courtesy although something told her that she would need to drop such formalities very soon " My name is Nyr, the dread raven. Welcome aboard of our cozy boat home, how may I help you? "

@Aldur Forgehammer

Arianne seeing that the two heroes were preoccupied turned her attention to Leandra. The girl seemed to be lost in her thoughts and distracted - she seemed to be spacing out so she decided it would not be wise to approach her. It was then when she noticed two new figures approaching. One of them was Luness and Arianne already learned to avoid and fear the werecat. As much as she admired her she knew that Luness disliked her greatly, thus she did not want to be in her way if she could help it. But the other figure... the tall, slender mysterious man...

Arianne put down her fruit, standing up from her seat.

" Could he be? " she asked herself, her eyes widening. Nodding to confirm her suspicion she darted towards the shadowy mage with haste and not even her restrictive elegant clothes could stop her in that.

" Lord Kallin! " she exclaimed happily, immediately hugging the shocked hero. She had heard so much about the cursed mage and she had so many questions towards him. She wanted to ask about the spells he knew, the adventures he was on, the scrolls he had learnt over the years - but she knew it would be impolite and outright rude interrogating him so she let him go and blushing heavily she coughed, trying to regain her composure.

" I am honored to be in your presence, noble mage. My name is Arianne Lenn and I can say that you are one of the most enigmatic figures I have ever dreamed of meeting. Your tales are mysterious and legendary, full of thrilling adventures and demonic encounters... " she noticed that she was being carried away already so she motioned towards the table.

" Please do take a seat. I am certain that you and the Lady are ravenous. "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Kallin held up both his gloved hands as he replied to Leandra; "Lune and I took you to a room, laid you on the bed. You woke up where we left you, safe and sound. Not to worry. You're fine traveling with us. Promise."

When she looked about nervously instead of answering his concern he was about to pursue it when suddenly he felt a strong force latch itself around his waist. "Ah! Hey! What the--" he looked down to see a little blonde girl, babbling and (it seemed) completely infatuated with him.

"'L-lord'?...'enigma'--what have you heard exactly?" He asked in a suspicious tone, trying to extricate himself from her gasp as gently and subtly as possible. Some of the stories (especially those associated with Lucille's company) were certainly less than noble...and some may even have been convicting. He let out a soft breath of relief when she finally released him. She gestured to the table and he found himself rubbing the back of his hat sheepishly. "Um...I can't eat during the day...non-physical form and all, but I'll watch you two eat." Here he meant Arianne and Luness. He had a feeling the girl had a million burning questions and would be with them for a bit of time.

"Hey Lune, pass the the Memorien, maybe I can figure it out while you have breakfast."

@Aldur Forgehammer

Ward chuckled at her comeback. "True enough." He said happily. When she admitted to him improving her morning he looked as though he wanted to say more about it. The words did not make it past a simple, affectionate smile however. With a look that almost appeared as regret he let her go and moved to open the door. The new closeness he felt since the events of last night had brought with it a desire to express his affection more. It surprised even him at first but also felt...right. The darkness Elena held was no longer shrouded in mystery and he understood what he had seen, even as he had accepted it. With an elegant bow he stood aside for her. "One more thing...it feels a little silly to even ask but...the Star Ball...it is an event renowned across FableWood. Being every hundred years it is the most grandiose masquerade ball ever to be held and...well, will you do me the honour of letting me escort you?"

Making his way downstairs he caught sight of the others already tucking into breakfast. He piled a plate with waffles, fresh fruit and topped it all in whipped cream and then waited patiently for Elena, just catching Kallin being hugged by an unfamiliar young girl. He hid his smile politely.

@Bea Delaine
Feeling relieved to hear they'd merely put her to bed last night, Leandra hid her expression of relief, as Arianne came sprinting out of no where and embraced Kallin.

Giggling at the sight, Leandra shook her head, as she deftly dodged away from Kallin and Arianne, deciding to find try and find the source of the gunshot.

Once outside of the castle, Leandra caught sight of the Tenacity nearby and decided thet Lucille may very well know what that gunsht was about. Unless Leandra had truly been imagining the sound all along.

Entering the ship via gangway, Leandra paused uncertainly when she saw Lucille, Nyr, and a stranger with the other two.

Putting on a confident expression, Leandra then calmly walked up to the trio and directed her question to the new female, as she asked her, "And who might you be? Name's Leandra by the way."

Smiling at the newcomer, Leandra then waited for her response.

@Aldur Forgehammer


Luness smirked at Kallin's obvious discomfort in being hugged by Arianne, though she quickly hid the smirk in case Arianne decided to hug Luness as well.

Hearing how the girl spoke to Kallin, Luness chuckled and then said, "You don't have to speak as if you're royalty or something. Honestly, besides Nyr, none of us really speak that way."

Hearing Kallin's explanation for his curse, Luness furrowed her brows slightly, not entirely liking the restrictions he had. How would they ever be able to remove the curse from him?

Nodding at Kallin's suggestion, Luness quickly took off her knapsack and retrieved the Memorien before handing it over to Kallin and then closing her knapsack before putting it onto her back once more.

Once done handing off the Memorien, Luness went back to eating her bacon in silence, waiting for Kallin to start examining the Memorien, as she was highly curious about the artifact.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Vinter smiled when Lucille mentioned things haven't been the same without her, but then frowned at the other remark. "'Tis not what worries me the most. They might be mortal, Lucille, but they're not expandable..."

A girl approached them, introducing herself as Nyr. At first, Vinter was slightly shocked by her politeness, but then chuckled when she welcomed her as if she's never been on Tenacity before. "My dear, as Lucille mentioned, I am Vinter...or Vi if you prefer. Also, her and I..." Vinter pointed to Lucille. "...happen to have quite a bit of history together. We both beat Cap'n Hook in a duel! If we haven't been friends..."

Vinter was interrupted by another girl. Her name was Leandra. "Vinter!" She bowed. "Former Co-Captain of Tenacity and the best shot you've ever met! Glad to meet you, Leandra!" Vinter grinned. Her flintlock sat in her back holster in all its silvery pride. That would most likely explain the gunshot.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @DawnAntalios
Eventually, it grew too warm under the pile of blankets for the kelpie. She crawled out from under them, looking tousled and annoyed by the start of the day. But at the sight of Alexander, still sleeping soundly in his bed, she smiled. Quincy wandered over to the bed, climbing onto it and kneeling beside his sleeping form. She leaned down and kissed his forehead, gently, but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. After the brief show of affection, she got off the bed and began throwing the blankets and pillows she had slept in and under on top of him. He soon had disappeared under the mountain of cloth. "Time to get up, sleepy dragon." She said with a laugh, scampering out of the room and down the hall to her own room. The kelpie took a moment to change into her own clothes, the ones from the Tenacity, and fix her appearnce before dancing down the hall toward breakfast. She pounded on Alexander's door as she passed, grinning wickedly. She was still grinning when she entered the dining room.

@Hel (@ anyone in the dining room)
The moment Vinter introduced herself and the sunlight caused the pirate's flintlock to shine out of the corner of Leandra's eye, she knew who was the cause of the gunshot from earlier.

Pushing fears aside for the moment, Leandra grinned at Vinter and then said, "Best shot, eh? Have you ever met someone who could hit a target from over eight hundred meters away from their current location?"

Leandra wasn't boasting about herself of course, since she was just a combat medic back home.

Yet, one of her closest battle buddies was a sniper back home and so Leandra had met several phenomenal shots.

Even her twin brother, Manjano, was a great shot, though he didn't specialize in long-distance firing so much as shorter distances like two hundred meters and such.

With her mind on brighter thigs, Leandra soon forgot about her flashback moment earlier and was now enjoying her conversation with Vinter and the others.

@Aldur Forgehammer @DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Elena waited for him to say something. Instead, her smile dropped as she was answered with a smile and a slight expression of regret. She wished she understood. There was a silence, and they pulled away. For a moment, she was contemplating asking what was wrong. Then he asked about the Star Ball. The first thing she thought of was she hadn't said something to screw up the moment.

"I would love to! It sounds.. Sounds really wonderful. I'm not even sure how to look so nice though.."

She thought of it a bit as Ward made his way down to the dining hall. She followed slowly, hand near the wall as her limbs were still heavy and stiff. She contemplated asking Kallin how to be replenished fast and quick, but thought better of complaining about anything to a man with a terrible curse.

When she came down to the room, said Mage was getting hugged and doted on by a child. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my, Kallin. Who is the special little lady?"
In truth if the threat of an evil sorceress had not been pressing down upon them Ward would have liked nothing more than to remain with Elena alone for the rest of the day. As things stood however he tried to erase the slight look of regret, instead choosing to celebrate the fact that she had just agreed to accompany him to the masquerade.

"'Not sure how to loo--' My dearest love, you do not even need to try. You are immeasurably beautiful, but if you are speaking of a dress and a mask, I am sure we can find sufficient back at King Cedric's palace." He reassured her. He of course would dress to match whatever she chose. Such was the custom.

He noticed she did not seem to have all her energy and gave her a concerned look. He watched silently as she teased Kallin however, waiting to see the mage's reaction.

"S-special? I have no idea who she is, she just...attached herself to me!" He grumbled a bit under his breath, looking a bit flustered. Clearly he was not used to having fans.

@Bea Delaine
Elena turned red at what Ward said, simply nodding to reply. She trusted they had clothes. Honestly she always saw herself as a child in mothers clothing when dressing up, having not much of a shape. Now more than ever, she felt more like a knight than a girl.

She leaned into the wall, and laughed more at Kallins flustered expression. From there, she decided to initiate conversation about something she was wondering.

"So, you and Luness need to go to another island, correct? What might we be going through to get there? I'm up for a fight, but I suppose it would be nice to know what we were going for."

She was not up for a fight. She spoke in a nonjudgmental tone, softer in case the subject was a more delicate one for the Mage and the werecat.
Leo and Otto sat and ate their breakfasts as the rest of the groups filtered in, laughing and listening to the others. Otto found it particularly funny when Leandra was there and could not contain his laughter when she burped. Leo chuckled and watched Otto with a stern expression to not join in.

As they sat and watched the others filter in, the plate of bacon slowly disappeared into Otto one mouth full at a time. As Leo finished his own plate, Otto was starting his 3rd plate of bacon. Happy as a clam, Otto watched and listened to the others smiling when the others acknowledged him and munched on the bacon strips happily. IT wasn't until he finished the last plate that he looked around the room and noticed some of the others hadn't shown up yet. The one he was looking for though was Leia and her spirits. Raising from the table, Otto pushed his chair back under the table and looked to Leo. "I'm going to be right back. Have them bring me back another plate of bacon." Otto then lept into the air and landed on all fours and took off out of the dinning hall. He made a quick trip to the sleeping quarters to the door that Leia had disappeared into the night before. He jumped up and grabbed the door handle and swung the door open. He dropped down to the ground and looked around at the bed and smiled. He ran across the room and jumped into the air, landing on the bed he bounced a bit which made him start barking with fun as he continued to bark and yip with excitement.


Leo watched as the little werewolf ran off once again and he chuckled to himself. He signaled one of the servants to bring another plate of bacon and then turned to the others and quietly listened to others.
Luness chuckled at Kallin's discomfort with Arianne clinging to him and expressing such adoration towards him, but her laughter soon died off when Elena questioned the island they were going to and the reason behind it.

Dropping her gaze to her food and becoming solemn, Luness ate the rest of her breakfast in silence, inwardly worried about what Kallin may reveal about the reasoning behind needing to visit the island.

Seeing Otto rushing off in her peripherals, Luness contemplated following for a moment and then decided against it. She couldn't be worrying about him 24/7 as if he were her own pup after all.

The minute Luness thought of Otto in such a way, she frowned and began drinking her water to hide her frown. Why was she feeling so protective of Otto like this? Because he went through a similarly traumatic experience as a pup like Luness did as a kit?

Now that Luness thought about it, Otto did have a surprisingly and oddly large amount of similar experiences at a young age. Why was that?

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
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Elena looked to Luness after she said what she did. She sighed and shook her head, feeling a little like she screwed up. She would be the same amount of defensive if anyone who wasn't Ward tried to pry in her issues. She owed Luness that much. She walked towards the nearest seat, hand guiding across the wall, near casually. When she sat down, she shrugged, feigning sudden apathy.

"Or forget it. I don't need to know what's not my business. It will just be nice to see the other islands, and I sort of figured you might know what will be there to see, since you planned it."

She gave Luness a silent apology, with a brief glance.
"Good morning everyone," Quincy said brightly as she entered, and Otto rushed past her. "And good morning unfamiliar little girl," She added, as her eyes took in Arianne's presence. She sat down at the table, and filled a plate with sweet fruits and pastries. The kelpie began to munch happily, drawing her feet up onto the edge of her seat and balancing the plate on her knees as she ate. It looked a little childish, but she was feeling too good, too happy and light, this morning to care.
Achyls completed her breakfast and turned to head to the garden before the others had noticed her being there. Wings spread, she fluttered to the gardens, lying down on the grass between two rows of flowers, all with shades of lilac and blue. Her feathers splayed as far outward as was comfortable, fluttering gently in the breeze. Looking up at the sky, she watched the clouds roll by, a delicate smile on her face. She sighed to herself, feeling a lot more at peace now, but that strange darkness still lurked, dormant it seemed.

"Deep in the meadow under the willow

A bed of grass a soft green pillow

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes

And when again they open, the sun will rise."
she sang, a soft lilt that somehow echoed about the gardens. The solitude she had was one she did enjoy, though being in the company of herself was something she was all too used to.

'So, you and Luness...'

Kalin's heart nearly stopped when Elena had begun with those four words, but he relaxed a little when he let her continue.

"Another island, right, yes." At the werecat's silent look and Elena's sudden apology he spoke again.

"No, you need to know. You all should." He turned his glowing eyes in a gentle gaze on Luness, "Its time we started trusting our friends...and I'm not going to lie, it could be dangerous. I can't let any of you go if you're not prepared."

Kallin pulled out the map and placed it on the table. Ward watched carefully from afar. He remembered Kallin having discussed it with him.

"There's a spring Luness needs. Its on an island surrounded by steep cliffs and probably swarming with tests and challenges. You generally don't just get to walk up to a magic spring. I think I've plotted the best route, but the map is...vague on what the challenged might me."

In truth the only help that piece of parchment was in this department were was to have a set of small squiggly drawings that may have represented creatures...or just been ink smears.

"The island is huge, its even got the remnants of an old ruined city, completely confined within those cliff walls. Its rocky and steep and forested. The Tenacity won't be able get us in from above, even if there weren't magical barriers protecting from getting in that way. The way we have to go is trough a waterfall on the outer side of the island here."

He put a gloved finger on the map.

"I wish I could tell you more about these 'challenges'." He admitted regretfully.

"Its no matter." Ward spoke up after he had finished his breakfast. "You haven't hesitated to throw yourself into danger to help us, how could I do any less for you?" Kallin looked at Ward with a grateful expression.

"All right then. Finish up, if you have any questions ask me, otherwise; Lucille is waiting at the docks with our ship."

@Aldur Forgehammer

Leia was dreaming of flying, but for some reason she wasn't afraid. In her dream the feeling had been exhilarating, and then suddenly she found herself actually in the air. She awoke with a start as she was bounced upwards and flailed with a frantic "Yaa-aarg!" Tad and Bob were ejected from the covers with the force of the jump and scattered to the corners of the room with alarmed squeaks. Lee's head shot up from her bed in the sink (Being confined there because she refused to abandon her wet, watery form). When she saw it was Otto however she put her head back down and pretended to ignore the scene.

When she finally regained her senses and realized what had happened she tried to look angry, but the smile of her face made it impossible.

"What the heck Otto?!" She laughed, grabbing her pillow and swinging it at the pup's head. "I'm going to get you for that!"

When Elena got an explanation anyways, her expression softened. She wanted to know why Luness needed the spring. What was going on with their ally. She knew to keep to herself now though. Kallin was to Luness as Ward to herself. She couldn't just barge into the girls bubble of privacy and expect her to say everything without hesitation.

"Ward is right. Whatever you need the fountain for, Luness, I promise we will take care of you and get you there."

She said, quietly. Elena remembered they were leaving with Lucille, and she stood back up, limbs like lead again. She decided against using magic on this adventure unless necessary, but refrained from meantioning said decision. Hopefully it wouldn't even come up.

"Alright.. I am ready to fly, whenever."
Nyr was truly impressed. Vinter did not only seem to be best friends with Lucille but she also seemed to be a master adventurer. Usually she had heard not so pleasant things about pirates, but it appeared that this brave young lady was quite the exception. Blushing a bit at Lucille's comment she laughed and cheerfully replied.

" It seems I stand in front of a veteran pirate. An occasion I never believed to happen in my life. " she said with a smile " I am glad to see you here. Say, do you actually plan to join us? i reckon we will be leaving in the moment's notice. "

She then watched as Leandra appeared and she politely bowed before her and listened to their boasting. If they started a shooting competition then she would be more than happy to observe the two master shooters to test their mettle.

@Aldur Forgehammer @Lioness075

Arianne was blushing heavily, seeing Kallin's rather hostile reaction towards her adoration. She was certain that the mage was not used to things like this... but it also appeared that nobody in this group was particularly happy about her being nothing but a little cheerleader. So that meant for the little girl that she had to make herself useful or she had to part ways from the champions - a thought which frightened her to no end.

Turning to Luness first she tried to speak calmly.

" With all due respect, noble werecat, I speak like this because I was born and raised in a noble family. In Aerios it was tradition to show mutual respect to those we speak - especially towards those who were special and deserved great respect. "

Then she turned to Elena and her face brightened.

" Lady Elena, my name is Arianne Lenn and it is an honor to finally meet you. I was born here in Aerios ten years ago and I have always adored all of you. You are the one they call "The Creator", my lady - many even compare you to some kind of goddess, and frankly your skill is truly astounding. "

With one last glance she looked towards Kallin but it indeed seemed like that she would not find an occasion to be alone with the mysterious man so she just sat back to the table and listened to his explanation. He was talking about the strange spring which was used to be a place of myth... but for some reason they needed its powers to use it on the werecat - truly they cared about the grumpy predator it seemed. When Kallin finished his speech Arianne jumped up from her seat and smiled triumphantly.

" I am ready, Lord Kallin! Let us depart and find that mystical spring! "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Bea Delaine @everyone in the hall
Hearing Quincy's chirpy good morning, Luness didn't respond, as she was feeling rather uncomfortable in the moment and couldn't muster herself to do so.

Glancing at Arianne when the girl spoke, Luness said nothing in return and merely shrugged before looking away again. If the girl grew up that way then it wasn't something that would exactly be easy to change.

When Elena made it clear that she was apologizing, Luness tentatively glanced up to look at Elena and nod at her in acknowledgement.

Yet, the moment Kallin mentioned that the others should know what was going on with Luness, she suddenly felt in the spotlight and slid down in her seat a bit, trying to make herself smaller.

Dropping her gaze to her already finished meal, Luness remained silent until Kallin mentioned that Lucille was waiting for them outside, on the Tenacity.

Instantly seeing the Tenacity as a means of escaping having to explain herself, Luness stood up a bit abruptly before she dropped to all fours and rushed out of the dining hall and then outside of the castle.

Once outside of the castle, Luness stood up on her hind legs and paused for a moment to catch her breath so she wouldn't board the ship panting.

After catching her breath, Luness then calmly walked up to the gamgway of the ship and boarded it, only to find that Nyr and Leandra were already aboard the ship along with Lucilee and some woman who Luness had never seen before.

Instantly feeling suspicious and untrusting of the woman, who has the getup of being a pirate, Luness uneasily walked around the group and then made her way over to the railing before leaning over it slightly and sighing.

Now all she could do was wait for the others to join the group on the ship so they could continue on.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Bea Delaine @Flutterby
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Malachai grumbled as he stirred himself awake. He was sleeping beneath a table pressed against the wall in the dining room that was closest to the kitchens. His companions had come and gone and he hadn't noticed. Until he felt a familiar voice in his head. He shot straight up, banging his head on the bottom of the table with a sharp crack as he cracked part of the wood. He dropped back down rubbing his head. "I am now" He thought out to Achyls as he turned to his stomach and crawled out, his vision a bit blurry he couldn't make out who was there now. But he did smell food, he took a seat at the table rubbing his head trying to get his vision straight.

@SkywardSocks @anyone still in the dining room
Leo sat and listened to the plan about the spring. This was the first he had heard of the spring and it sounded quiet intriguing. As the discussion of the spring came to a close, the maid came and placed another plate of bacon as requested. Leo smiled and grabbed a napkin from the table bundling up the bacon and raising from the table. He clapped Kallin on the shoulder as he headed out of the hall and towards the sky ship.

Walking down the halls towards the docks Leo could hear the sounds of voices people who had already arrived at the ship. As he stepped onto the ship he looked around seeing Lucile, Nyr, and Leandra. But then he noticed another who was conversing with them. He walked up and looked to Nyr with smile as he approached the new member of the ship. He bowed he hid slightly as he walked up and looked to the group "Good morning lady's. I don't believe I have met you crewman. My name is Panthera Leo, but you may call me Leo."

@Aldur Forgehammer

Otto bounced through the sequels and the yelling with laughter and smiling. After a few more bounces, Otto hopped down to the floor and sniffed around as Leia buried herself back into her pillows. He trotted over to the edge of the bed and found the corner of the blankets that covered the girl and grabbed tight with his teeth. He began to yank and pull the covers, sliding them over the corner of the bed more and more until finally the slipped off the bed and onto the floor. With a mouth full of blanket he smiled and backed up closer to the door untill he was standing in the hall with the blanket. With a muffled bark he took off down the hall way blanket flapping behind him as he zipped past maids and servants all confused by the activity.

800 meters! A challenge! "Not yet, darling, but you've just given me something to obsess over for the rest of the evening!" Vinter smiled once more and rested her hands on her hips. The other girl, the Dread Raven, mentioned joining the group. "Joining, eh?" Vinter's face looked a little doubtful. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about it. It just seemed a little weird to be accepted by one of them so quickly. "If you need help, then sure! But I'm not certain everyone else will agree. I've got someone in mind who might not be too happy to see me so to say..."

As they were conversing, a large figure approached them. The creature introduced itself as "Leo" and sparked some curiosity in Vinter. "I am Vinter! Former Co-Captain of this very ship! At your service!" She, again, bowed respectfully towards the newcomer. "I've heard many stories of your adventures, heroes! However, I'm not sure how many stories you've heard of mine." Not that it would matter.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz
Smirking at Vinter, Leandra crossed her arms over her chest and then said, "Well, I've only seen others perform such a feat. I'm not that great of a shot myself."

Hearing Vinter may join their group, Leandra shrugged and then said, "I wouldn't worry so much about the rest not being so easily accepting of you."

Seeing Luness standing off to the side of the ship, Leandra gestured towards the werecat before saying, "She doesn't trust easily, but even she won't turn you away from the group."

Seeing Leo approaching and then hearing his greeting, Leandra grinned before saying, "Personally, I'm really not that much of a lady. It's good to see you anyways, Leo."

@Aldur Forgehammer @zCrookedz @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
It quickly became evident that she had entered at the wrong moment, or perhaps spoken to the wrong people, for her cheerful greeting to be acknowledged. The kelpie scowled a moment, wondering why everyone seemed so upset. They were on the right track to defeating Caraboss, they had the artifact, and they were helping Luness. Maybe she'll be less grumpy after this, Quincy thought. On second thought, maybe they all should take a dip in that spring. But she wasnt about to let her good mood go sour.

"Good morning, Malachai. Theres bacon in the kitchen," She said brightly as she passed the sleepy dragon. The kelpie grabbed one last pastry and left the room, sidestepping around the little girl. Outside, she took a deep breath and headed to the Tenacity, catching sight of an unfamiliar figure speaking with more of her companions.

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