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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @SilverFlight

From the moment when Brenna introduced herself and talked about her intentions, Eroan got darker. He was silent, standing behind the others and keeping an eye out for anything that seemed suspicious...or moved. Throughout his misadventures, the High Elf encountered assassins many times. Some where complete amateurs, some where terrifyingly skilled...and some where literally born for it. After many minutes of silence, Eroan started speaking, but it was almost like he was thinking out loud: ''Now, the question is: semi-professional, or true assassins?''. He truly wasn't expecting an answer to his question, but he was so deep in thought that he didn't realise that he said it out loud. If there was anything good that came out of Eroan's encounters with the assassins, it was the fact that he learned a few assassination techniques and skills himself.
Leia winced at the noise, taking a quick look to the double doors leading to the dining hall. Half the castle must have heard them by now, and the assassins could very well be disguised as kitchen staff, servants or whatever.

"If they were thorough enough to put on a mock assassination just to test our powers...they also had multiple caches of tools hidden all about this place...I'm going to do with professional." Leis answered Eroan seriously. When Otto gave them word that he had found something Leia ran up to him.

"So they put it in the food...but which dish? It would have to be something the king would take first. no sense in making it otherwise or they could have someone die and tip the king off."

She peered through a small window set into the doors. there were staff in the dining room, adjusting the last of the decorations. They couldn't go out there now.

"You need a distraction." Brenna said with a gryphonic smile. "I can draw the servants off while you go and check."

"Take someone with you," Leia said, mostly because she still wasn't sure if she trusted Brenna yet, though the gryphon hadn't given her a reason not to. Brenna looked for a volunteer.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz @Lioness075 @Azure Sky
With a grin, Leandra took the feather back after Otto blew at back at her.

Pocketing it for now, Leandra then followed after Otto's chaotic searching and giggled at all of his antics. He certainly brought life to the group.

Upon hearing Otto's announcement and Luness saying that she couldn't figure it out either, Leandra frowned and tried to figure out an alternative for them to figure out where the poison could be.

Hearing Leia's opinion and idea, Leandra grinned and then said, "I could help Brennan wih the distraction. Sounds like some fun acting to me."

Glancing at Brennan, Leandra then said with a grin, "This outta be fun. Any ideas for what we could do beyond me just chasing you through the dining room?"

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Anya watched the others quietly, unsure of how to make herself useful. She did notice the elf for the first time, however, having never really seen him before. She watched as some offered themselves as a distraction, and wondered if she should join them.

"Oh, maybe you should descend into the petty rivalries of court ladies? Have an argument in front of those you are distracting, make a scene about how one of you somehow wronged the other- petty theft, slander, you know, something simple." She suggested to Leandra (?) and Brennan.

Alexander hesitated only long enough to offer condolences to the King for the loss of his friend and mount, then he was off. As he took flight, he thought to Quincy,
'Hold on tightly, darling.'

He flew out of the cavern entrance and back on course, remembering the path from before they had entered to save the king. Alexander didn't even glance back to see that Kai had followed him.

(Lame short post is short)
Quincy watched the king, feeling a wave of empathy for him. Avaar must have meant much to him, and now he was gone because of a plot against the king. It must be incredibly hard to bear, but the king didnt show that. The empathy she felt was followed quickly by respect- he truly was a great king. With a nod to him, she did as Alexander suggested and readied herself, knowing that he would be in a mad dash to try to catch the other races. Don't forget the torches, she reminded gently. He probably hadn't forgotten, but in order to win they had to light the last torch as well, so she reminded just in case.
Elena listened as they were divided up. Malachai was the fastest of the team.. And it would definitely be best if the captives were as far from her as possible until she got her thoughts sorted out again. What she once thought was corruption from Carabosses magic may simply be her own. She felt Wards comforting touch, though the tremors her power left in the land continued to shake loose small lava streams or crumble the teeth of the cave walls. Her fingernails had been slicing into rhe flesh on her palm every mention of Avaars situation. It was manageable now, though.

"Yeah.. That sounds best. Should we go soon, or Cedric, should we allow you a moment with your friend?"

She asked quietly, understanding he might wish to do so.
Nyr nodded at Leo and waited for the guardian to climb on top of her. The extra weight was a bit hard to carry but the raven felt that she would manage. Flapping with hr large wings they were soon in the air, flying towards their destination. It was good for Nyr to finally leave the choking mists of the volcano, she was not sure how longer she could take the suffocating fumes. The dread raven felt exhaustion creeping up on her, the barriers took a lot from her to maintain - but now as time was of the essence she had to hurry still. There was no telling how long it was until they tried to assassinate the king once again. Flapping faster and faster she doubled her efforts to reach the goal ahead of her.


Arianne felt the firm grip of Achyls and she blushed. It was such an honor to have the raven lady taking care of her but she also felt obligated to help the others. When they reached the kitchens and she heard Eroan she answered.

" They are supposed to be trained assassins... they failed because they faced the most powerful heroes on FableWood. " she said shyly. " In any case if the food is poisoned then I think I know which one they poisoned. It is called Cremé la Porlair, a traditional food the king always eats first after the race. That is the sign that the race is over and he wishes the realm prosperity. "

@Azure Sky @SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Hel @Lioness075
Malachai nodded as he let Kallin onto his back. He thought his condolences out to the king and took off after Alex. He had a lot of ground to cover, the battle seemed to have taken forever but it was only minutes since they entered that cave. He caught up to Alex and rose above him on a draft. Then snapped his wings and cut through the sky past him and into the caves behind a racer. He noted there were three ahead of him, and not too many behind them. Acrid smoke and a pungent smell filled the cave entrance. Glowing trails of magma lined the cave walls, not emanating as much heat as the previous cave but it wasn't comfortable either. To Kai the heat was nothing, coupled with Kallins ice shield he was completely fine. He reached out with his mind to contact the racer ahead, mainly to get a baring of where he was. He got a signal of panic and terror then a thud as the racer crashed into a low hanging stalagmite. Kai chuckled as they flew past and into a larger cave searching for the beacon that signaled the lanterns.

@SilverFlight @Hel
King Cedric looked sadly at the pendant in his hand.

"We cannot linger here." He said softly. "I will say my goodbyes with his family at the ceremony after his body is retrieved."

He turned, giving Ward an uneasy look before climbing onto his shoulders. He offered a hand to Elena to help her up in front, and Ward knelt to make it easier, giving her a concerned look.

Once they were both in place Ward crouched and sprang skyward, lifting them up and away from the grim inferno and into the fresh air.

He breathed deep once they were clear of the fumes, his worry for Elena was nipping at his heart.

He found the course easily enough and followed the beacons in the empty sky, all of the racers had passed them now, Malachai and Alex would have their work cut out for them catching up.

The king sat in still silence, his look of discomfort did not lessen. Ward thought it might be the fact that his gryphon form brought back past painful memories, piling onto the fresh that had been made.

"I am so sorry about Avaar." Ward said, looking over his shoulder at the king.

"He didn't want to race this year...I convinced him...yet another thing to add to my guilt." Cedric muttered this however and Ward barely caught the words.

Brenna nodded at Leandra. When Anya suggested she feigning a court feud she tilted her head. "I don't think I could pass for a noble if I tried."

"Okay, Brenna and Leandra, you find a way to get those maids out of the dining room, we'll look for this Cream Polar."

((Serious writer's block, sorry guys...))
Luness listened silently to the plans to distract the maids, knowing fully well that she'd be of no use in such a situation anyhow.

Luness would be able to help more once they were in the dining room and locating the poisoned food, though Otto had the scent better than Luness did so he'd probably end up finding it first. That made Luness nervous though, as she didn't entirely trust Otto to not want to eat some of the food upon finding it.

Otto could be quick to react and slow to think sometimes and this almost always had Luness on her toes, as she felt an undeniable desire to keep Otto safe however possible.


Leandra nodded at the plans and then began walking towards the dining hall before pausing to make sure Brennan was following her.

While waiting, Leandra said to Brennan, "You can just go crashing inside and perhaps take some food to both surprise and distract the maids. Then I can rush inside to stop you and we can then move our madness outside of the dining hall and bring all of the maids with us."

Leo sat idly on Nyrs back as they made their way back to the Course. He reached out his mind to Nyr " Thank you for defending us in the volcano. I know the tax on your energy it must have been for you to keep the barriers on us."

He smiled down at the raven and shifted the mage on his shoulders a bit as the approached the land below. Once they had landed Leo slid off of Nyr and signaled to several of the guards near by to come and take the mage. After placing him in shackles Leo nodded to them as they took him to a secure place to hold him. He made his way back to Nyr and then looked into the stands where he had seen Otto disappearing before the race. None of the group was there. Concern in his voice he looked back to Nyr. "Somethings wrong. Where are the others?"


Otto looked to Luness as she too tried to identify the strange smell. It wasn't a bad smell, it was actually kind of pleasant. But it was something he had never smelled before, almost like a fruity but spicy pungent smell. Otto looked to the others as they spoke and then hopped down from the counter. He began to sniff around the floor not really paying attention to where he was going.

He began to get excited, he could smell the poison again, it was wafting through the air of the kitchen and Otto began to pick up speed until his head and body stopped completely after being rammed into a persons leg. Otto staggered backwards and sat back on his haunches shaking his head. He looked up at the person he had run into, and cocked his head to the side.

A slender figured person, face covered in a black mask while their body was also garbed in a black suit of some kind. In the left breast of the figure, was a white claw. As Otto looked up at the figure now cocking its head in curiosity he pipped up to the others. "Uuuuhhhhh Guys!!!"

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight @Hel @Azure Sky @SkywardSocks
Elena waited for Cedric to climb aboard first, taking minor note in his discomfort. Then she herself did as well, and it seemed like Ward and Cedric both attempted to make it easier for her. She didn't understand why at first she would need any help or earn one of Wards worried looks.

She took the hand with her own, shaking more than she realized, then got up. Her powers were still acting unstable but now she paid no mind, thinking only of getting the king back to where he could relax and report the incident, as well as a flood of memories and the cruel sound of her own voice as she mentally uncovered it again.

You seem worried.. Don't you like the feeling? Those who hurt the ones you care for.. They deserve everything you can deal them. So if it makes you more like Caraboss..?

Elena dropped her gaze to nothing in particular. She heard the sounds of Ward and Cedric's voices. The gentle voice that let her escape reality and deal judgement teased again.

You remember me? What you did? Why your mother is in a hole in the ground? You are what you've been fighting. Corruption.

She silently protested, wishing the memory remained suppressed.
Luness sighed when Otto rushed off yet again, though Luness did her best to keep up with the eager werewolf this time.

Still, she found herself lagging behind until she rounded a corner with her heart racing at the sound of Otto's voice.

Seeing the cloaked stranger, Luness immediately snarled at him, saying, "Get away from him!" to both the stranger and Otto, as she rushed forward, aiming to tackle the man to the ground before he could try to run away or bring harm to Otto.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight


Leandra paused before se left with Brennan, as she heard Otto calling out to the group.

Indecisive about leaving the group with something happening, Leandra stood still at the doorway only to find herself sprinting towards where Otto had called out after hearing Luness' snarling.

Shouting over her shoulder to Brennan, Leandra said to her, "Just stay there! I'll be back in a minute!"

What had happened to Otto and Luness?!

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
((Black Claw...it was Black Claw right? Now I can't remember... xD oh, you dragons can write the end of the race, I can roll a die to see who gets to win if you like))

Brenna nodded to the plan and was just about to go through the doors when she stopped, her beak parting in surprise. Leia followed her gaze, "Otto!" She drew her sword, ready to defend the pup. This man was clad in black, just like the Claw members they had faced back at the castle.

The man's eyes narrowed through the slit in an elegant mask and he dashed the other way.

"Get him!" Leia called. and charged forward. Brenna growled and followed suit.

The man dashed back down into the tunnels and continued until he reached the far-end flight of steps, those he ran up which lead into a delicate garden. Unfortunately the hedges were high and as he rounded a corner Leia cursed as she lost sight of him.

"Don't let him escape!"

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky @SkywardSocks @Hel

It was a long flight back to Courser island, Ward's wings ached by the time he landed, the pulled muscle was not much more than an irritation now. The king had had the flight to compose himself.

"I may not have crossed the finish line, but the people must still see their king. Rest, and I will see you at the banquet." He looked at Elena and Ward gratefully, though his expression was drained, and made him look older than he was. "You and your companions saved my life...again. I am in your debt."

"No debt your majesty. It is for the good of all." Ward replied. "I will have the race attendants fetch Avaar." The king nodded, swallowing hard to pin down his emotions and he stepped away, striding back to the arena in silence.

Ward watched him go and then, true to his word he knelt and spread his injured wing for Elena to check. He gave her a smile as he looked up at her

@Bea Delaine

Anya watched as three of the others had progressively taken off, and decided she should stay back with Brennan, but then followed her as they headed in towards the others. Who in the world-? An enemy apparently. The man tried to escape and the others were trying to fight, so- seeing an opportunity- Anya pulled her daggers and teleported infront of the Claw member, swiping out low in an attempt to disable the man.

Alexander glared as Malachai had passed him, and shot forward, pulling everything in closer to him to make him more aerodynamic. He wasn't sure how his brother had gotten so fast but was determined to keep up with him. As he headed into the volcano he thought to Quincy, Are you alright? I don't know how much I can to to protect you from the heat save just going faster. He followed closely behind his Kai, and contemplated making a... less than friendly play. Deciding that was in bad taste, however, he instead traded some of his altitude for airspeed as he dove low towards the next beacon. Besides, his wings were more effective in the denser air closer to the ground, there was more for them to push against there.
Hissing when she landed and missed the slippery stranger, Luness quickly whipped around on all fours and charged after him.

As they entered the garden, Luness narrowed her eyes and ran even faster, as she caught a glance of some black fabric turning around a corner.

Hearing Leia shout for them to not the man escape, Luness growled and muttered under her heavy breathing, "Didn't plan on it."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky


Leandra muttered a curse under breath when she saw the cloaked figure sprinting past everyone and making a mad dash for the outdoors.

By the time Leandra had reached the garden, she saw a glimpse of one of Luness' paws rounding a corner, but could no longer see either Luness or the stranger.

Doubling over to catch her breath for a moment, Leandra then stood back up and said to the others, "There's no way I'm going to be able to keep up with someone as fast as that guy. It's not like I can just fly over the hedges either."

Frustrated by this, Leandra began absentmindedly scratching at her upper back again, lifting her knapsack a bit so that she could reach the itchy place.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky
Otto watched as the man disappeared back into the tunnels. Then one by one the others went after him and he too gave chase after the stranger. He stopped at the top of the stairs for a second before swallowing his fear of falling down them and taking off down them on all fours. When he reached the bottom he began to laugh to himself, he could take the stairs no problem and had been psyching himself out for nothing.

When he reached the gardens he howled to let Luness know he was with her and began to run towards what he hoped was the border of the garden to try and cut the stranger off is they decided to make an escape.

The king was already walking away by the time Elena was aware they have landed. The voice she repressed since childhood ended faded away. She now remembered that it was what tormented her in the beginnings of her a entires here as well, and it would be back.

She absentmindedly took a hand to her head, her powers fully relaxed by now. When Ward knelt she immediately remembered what she was planning on doing. Silently, Elena dismounted and gently placed her hand near the shoulder of Wards wing, feeling a pale blue glow emanate and alert her of strains and torn muscles or ligaments. Drawing once again more magic than maybe needed. After a few moments, the tissue and muscle began to repair itself. And when she was done, without a word, she moved on to the next wing and did the same.

"Feel any better..?" She asked, her voice reflecting the distance of her thoughts.
Nyr landed and watched as Leo dragged the prisoners to their chains. She reverted from her gigantic bird form and also noticed their missing allies.

" It is indeed strange... perhaps... they... " she felt the world spinning as she fell to the floor. She tried to push herself up but she was at her limit: the flight and the spells exhausted the dread raven and she used her last ounce of power to carry her beloved and the traitors back to the stage. And now that the task was done she could not move.

" Go... without me Leo. " she managed, as she tried to crawl into a shady spot. Her wings lay powerless next to her. " I... have expended my powers. They need you, I... would only slow you down... "


Arianne noticed the cloaked person and tried to dash after him just as everyone else did. She tried to keep up with the others but her tiny legs were no match for Luness and Otto, and even Leia and Anya ran past her. The girl suddenly fell on the floor as she stumbled in a rock in the middle of the tunnel.

" For the love of... " she muttered angrily as she pushed herself up, dusting off her clothes. Reaching the others finally she panted in exhaustion.

" I am sorry. " she excused herself " I am not... the athletic type. "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Hel @SkywardSocks
Quincy looked up as Malachai passed them, and lowered herself even more to reduce the wind resistance against them. She hadnt realized Kai was so fast. The heat was lesser here, and the swift flight helped, so when Alex asked, she reassured him she was fine. Im okay. Its not pleasant, but its bearable. Just fly fast, and I'll find somewhere to soak after this dies down. She would be fine until they reached the castle. As long as nothing else happened, that is.
Kai chuckled as him and Alex pushed on and caught up from behind the other racers. In the darkness of the cave a beacon lit up the remaining lanterns. Kai swooped in with ease then rolled left into the next short tunnel. Leading them to a a beacon showing the torches on a platform high in the cave. The platform was surrounded by a small ring of fire the came up from a moat of magma and rocks. He spun allowing Kallin to light the lantern with ease as they exited through the cave mouth right behind the torches. A smooth draft awaited them so they exited, carrying them smoothly away from the last set of torches. The rest of the racers were in eyesight and he grinned. He knew Alex was right behind him, and a such as he loved inning he couldn't remember the last time he saw his brother race, let alone win. He send a thought back to him "When was the last time you won a race Zeymah?" Followed by his idea, to let Alex pick up speed in his slipstream and slingshot himself to the front of the race, disrupting the racers ahead of him as Kai and him came in a close second.

@Hel @Flutterby @SilverFlight

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
((@andujarprime @Hel You guys might want to cross the finish line soon, you technically should be here before Leo, Ward Elena and Nyr. xD @zCrookedz white claw image is fine, I thought you were talking about the name.))

"Much better." Ward said when she had repaired the torn muscles. He changed back, his cheeks flushed from the long flight. The paint clung to them still on either side of his smile.

He stepped closer and folded his arms around her. 'We've done it again. Averted chaos, saved lives. I'm starting to think there isn't anything I can't do with you at my side."

He placed a hand gently on her back and repaired the few injuries she had as well, then he stood back and bowed, extending a hand in a gentlemanly fashion.

"May I have the honour of escorting you to the banquet? The others are probably already there."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin played his part deftly despite the pain in his side. He stubbornly refused to let it hamper him, even though he would probably pay for that later. He nodded with approval as the last torch flared to life.

"Smooth sailing from here Kai, Let's go!" He clung to the harness tightly, ready for any stunt the dragon wanted to pull. The sun began to touch the horizon and Kallin felt a small chill. He would be human before long...and he would rather be on the ground before that happened.


The assassin dashed through the foliage with Luness hot on his trail and Leia and Brenna following close behind. Leia watched the last rays of the sun cut through the approaching mist. When she looked back she could no longer see the assassin, but she could hear him laugh.

"Come and find me then, Heroes of FableWood!"

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Hel @SkywardSocks @Lioness075
I don't remember the last time I even entered a race, Kai. Alex thought back to his brother, allowing Quincy to light the last torch before grinning wide at his plan. If we are racing, brother, I don't want to be handed victory. Of course he was too competitive to simply be permitted to win by his brother, though he did use part of that plan as the two darted ahead and through the other racers.

(Shall we roll a die, or does Malachai let his brother win anyway

Elena looked up to Ward as he changed back to human form. She was glad he was feeling better. Her cool hands felt a little warmer than usual after the magic coursed through them, and the little cuts from her nails were healed as well, leaving nothing but a little dried blood. The pads of her feet were now definitely burnt, from accidentally cracking open and revealing the lava from the floor beneath her feet. But now she knew she could handle it herself.

Elena looked up at Wards hand. He most likely knew something was wrong but was not pressuring for an answer. She would give him one when she was ready after all.

The pained expression melted away and she took his hand and smiled a small smile.

"I would love to join you at the Banquet, my knight. You did very well today. I was proud to be up there with you."

She replied and followed him. A silent promise was made to herself that when she was ready she and Ward would share everything with each other. No more shadows cast behind them, only those which they may share.
Leo was at Nyrs side in a heart beat. He placed an arm under her legs and lifted her off her feet with ease. He looked around towards the sun as the last few rays of light beamed over the emptying stands and found on of the guards. After finding out where the infirmary was, Leo began to head for the main building. As he walked he responded to Nyr's concern. "We have stopped the assassination attempt, I have no doubt the others can handle whatever it is that they have found. They could all be chasing after Otto for all we know."

He chuckled at the thought of the group chasing the little wolf around the grounds. It took a few tries with several different guards and staff members but eventually he found the infirmary. Inside there were several other racers who had run into troubles on the course, most of which had non-lethal injuries. One of the resident nurses came up to Leo and smiled at the two of them. She pointed towards an empty cot and Leo sombered over and placed Nyr down on the bed. He sighed with relief and a smile as he sat down beside the cot and leaned against the wall glad to have a moment to sit.


Otto continued to patrol the perimeter o f the garden as the fog rolled in. It was going to be getting dark and with that thought he smiled. There was no way this person was going to be able to last long against Luness and his own night time hunting abilities. He hoped that they would be able to track him down before it got to dark though, Otto wasn't a huge fan of the dark. It was something he had developed ever since Leo and the others had released him in Oz, dark places set his fur on edge.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight @Hel

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