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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Brenna started at Luness' voice. She turned around, her mind searching for an answer that seemed to take just a moment too long to come.

"Its a popular story." She pulled her talon away and sat. "A friend of the king...was in trouble. The captain of the guard actually. The king's men had been sent deep into a forest to deal with a creature who had taken with the gold sickness...That is an illness that drives a creature mad with greed, usually brought on by a long exposure to gold or precious gems. Once it takes hold, the victims do not recover. It affects only some creatures, mostly guardian beasts like dragons, gryphons...and the basilisk. It was a basilisk they went to slay, the king went with them.

On the road there they stopped at a natural spring to rest. They didn't know the water lay so close to the creature's lair. The captain wandered just a little too far, the basilisk heard the approach and attacked. The captain would have been killed had the king not being paying close attention. He fought the beast with his eyes closed, because one look into a basilisk's eye and you are turned to stone. He cut it down, but not before it raked his face with its poisonous claws...the poison burned his flesh beyond any magic's ability to heal. Such it the price for fighting a magical creature.

It was then that Leia, Oswald trailing behind came into the room.

"We have it! We've got the evidence we need. There's just one little problem..." She told them about the vial.

"Otto says he can track where its been put...but we have to find it before the race is over!"

The magma dog yelped as it couldn't prevent itself from slamming into its master. There was a loud scream as the creature lost its form and dissolved over the mage, leaving nothing but cooling stone behind.

The tiny rock creatures hindered the other dogs, but many were consumed in the magma, making the dogs look more like long-legged hedgehogs, slightly humorous, but still terrifying.

Kallin meanwhile reached the chalice and plunged his staff into it. A brilliant blue light exploded from the cup and it began expelling a tick, icy mist. Kallin finally felt he could breathe again as the air cooled close to the chalice.

He turned back to face the dogs, staff raised.

Ward angled downward, landing by Cedric and growling at the attackers. He beat his wings once, sending ice shards into the dogs that cornered the king. Coupled with Elena's rock creatures it was enough to make the dogs pause. Suddenly the mages rushed forward, their weapons at first looked like liquid silver, then they solidified each into a different blade. Cedric met one and their swords sang, the king keeping up with the assassin blow for blow. The other one went after Ward, who was much slower in his gryphon form and couldn't block, he hoped Elena was faster.
Malachai bristled at the sudden change in temperature. The shock didn't last for more then a second as Kallin took off after the king. Looking to the platform with the ballista on it he sent a blast of green and black dragon's fire, exploding on contact and sending chunks of wood and metal flying. A mage that was hiding behind the machine jumped off of the platform to safety, or what he thought was safety before Kai took off after him. He sent a jet of fire ahead of the mage, the wind spell he was using stopping him short before the fire and dropping him down. It caused him to pause long enough for Kai to reach him, he closed his jaws around the mage's waist and slammed him to the ground, then pinned him with a single leg as he looked for the next target. He found it in the form of a magma dog racing after Leo and Kallin. He let loose a jet of fire at the dogs feet in the hopes to trip him up, useless move as seconds later the dog ran into another mage and just crumbled. He chuckled at the site then lifted his captor in his arms and slammed him against the cave floor, knocking him unconscious. He took off after the dogs that Elena was suppressing his ice shield buffering the heat from the magma against his wings as he crashed into them. He silently thanked Kallin as he turned, his tail whistling through the air to knock a dog back against the cave wall and into crumbled rock.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Bea Delaine
Elena watched her plan almost slightly work. In disgust with herself, her eyes flashed back to that time again. The feeling of fear and hopelessness. She hated it. The Mage rushed forward, and in an instant, Elena summoned her sword. Sliding it swiftly under the mages weapon just enough deter it from Ward. That was who she was going to protect.

The metallic slid into her upper arm but she didn't react at all. Her hands coiled around the weapon tightly and she smiled as her magic corrupted it. She let the ground beneath the Mage crumble and try to climb up his legs and body to crush it. She also attempted making the metal pierce and swim through the mages arms.
Alexander circled over the battle. Kai seemed to be focused on the ballista, and there was likely little his fire would do against the dogs. He instead focused on providing a good vantage point for Quincy to rain arrows down below as the others battled in more one-on-one style. He made sure to watch out for both incoming attacks and the others who were still flying.
Luness listened intently to Brennan's story about the king, content that she hadn't ever had to fight a basilisk herself. Not being able to see definitely sounded dangerous in any fight.

Once Brennan concluded the story, Luness nodded at her and was about to say something when Leia entered the room with the man, who Leia had knocked out earlier.

Frowning at the sight of the man being conscious now, Luness looked past him to see if Leandra was close by.


Leandra followed after Oswald and Leia, still inwardly complaining about having to carry Luness' stuff along with Kallin's staff.

Luckily, they were soon in the room with Luness and Leandra wasted no time in walking over to Luness and holding out Luness' knapsack and Kallin's staff to Luness.


Seeing Leandra carrying her knapsack and Kallin's staff, Luness quickly took both of them from Leandra's hands and put on the knapsack while she kept the starf in her right forepaw.

Glancing at Leandra, Luness then said a brief thanks, rather embarassed with herself for leaving her gear and Kalin's staff behind without second thought.


Leandra let out a sigh of relief upon Luness relieving her of Luness' knapsack and Kallin's staff. The weight she was bearing was temendously lighter now and easier to deal with.

Upon hearing the news of the poison, Leandra then eagerly said, "Well, we should rejoin the group and let Otto lead the way then."


Luness nodded in agreement with what Leandra said, as she added, "We shouldn't tarry much longer. I'm sure Otto will do a great job of tracking the poison's scent."

This said, both Leandra and Luness then began to make their way out of the room and back to the main group, and more specifically to Otto, the team's new tracker.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
From aboard Alexander, Quincy had a good eyeline to any of the mages. But as the scene erupted into a battle with the addition of the lava hounds, she lost track of them. Her arrows wouldnt do any good against those dogs; they would likely burn up before they reached them. So instead, she focused on the mages. The king was sparring for one, and with the king so close, she couldnt risk going for a fatal shot. The kelpie dropped her aim, taking a deep breath as her gray eyes focused on the mage's foot. She aimed slightly behind it, so she would hit his heel. Or, in the worst case, if the king forced him backward, she wouldn't hit the king.

@Hel @SilverFlight
Achyls smiled at Arianne's request. Turning to face again, she crouched to her eye height.

"You are just as much a guardian as any of us. We would love to have your company, Arianne," she said calmly, brushing some of the girl's hair behind her ears to get a good view of her face. Her innocence would only be blemished around the group, but her determination could not be matched. The pure willingness made her already more of a champion than Achyls, and she truly admired Arianne for that. Almost forgetting about what was at hand, she was surprised when Luness arrived with Brenna, and quickly stood to meet them.

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Nyr saw as Leo jumped down from her back and she turned her attention to see who was the assailant. Soon she had spotted the ballista and the spellcasters who were about to immediately assault the others who were on the ground. She closed her eyes as she gathered her power. A faint white light radiated around her as she amassed her strength. She let out a pained squak, barely hearable by others as she felt the power from within her ebbing. It mattered not, for moments later her eyes flashed and the barrier around Leo empowered now got extended and enveloped the others as well. Struggling to maintain the spell she reverted to her humanoid form and landed on an edge below. From there she panted as she used her strength to maintain all the barriers. She could not fail.

@zCrookedz @ everyone

Arianne's eyes lit up as Achyls explained her that she would be welcomed. She resisted the urge to hug her again and paid attention to Leia and Luness. So it appeared that the assassins would try to strike at the king during the race. Judging how long usually races are Arianne knew that they did not have much time. Looking at the others and listening to the gryphon's story she was ready to help them in any way she could.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Lioness075
((Hey @DawnAntalios is this a heat barrier or an everything barrier?))

The dog struck by Malachai did not rise as its caster was also taken down.

The mage that had attacked Ward yelled in fear as it seemed the earth and his very weapon shifted to betray him. He released the sword and danced back, drawing a dagger instead. Ward Lunged for him, his beak snapping just inches away from the attacker's foot. The mage leaped, using a wind spell to boost his jump, he came down at Elena, at the last minute feinting to the right, pivoting and moving to hurl the dagger at the king instead.

Cedric parried a blow with such force it left an opening in his opponent's defense and he slammed a shoulder into the man's stomach, knocking him unconscious. Turning he had no time to block the next attack completely. The dagger slid off his sword, missing his vitals and plunging into the soft flesh in his side. He barely winced but his face contorted in pain and rage.

@andujarprime @Bea Delaine

Kallin cheered at Malachai dispatched two of the would-be assassins. Clutching his side again as he moved too much. It was then a magma dog turned on him. He backed up, touching his staff to the chalice and taking the ice magic into it. The dog charged and Kallin barely dodged to the side, swiping at the hound with his staff and freezing its chest to solid rock. The dog growled and barked, spitting molten rock as it did. Kallin jumped back and nearly slipped from the edge. His arms pinwheeled frantically before he regained his balance. The dog however took this opportunity to lunge again.

Kallin was in trouble.

Leia offered to take the letter from Otto, storing it safely in her coat pocket. The vial stoppered tightly with it.

She turned to Arianne, who had followed them this far.

"I think we could use all the help we can get!" She said happily. "But if things get dangerous for some reason, promise me you'll stay out of the fighting, all right?"


Patiently she waited for Otto to find the trail.

Leo watched as the magma beast and the mage collide and smiled. He turned to the challis and Kallin messing with it and breathed easy when he felt the cool mist of coming from the chalice. HE took in a deep breathe and plunged his axe blades into the chalice. He could feel the cold creep up the shaft of his weapons and when he pulled them out, the almost seemed to glow blue with the powers fo the challis. Leo turned back to the magma creatures and looked a ways ahead towards Cedric. He turned to Kallin "We need to get back to...." Leo was not able to finish his sentence as one of the creatures lunged for Kallin. Leo roared and brought his axes down on the creatures back.


Otto's heart stopped for all of about 2 seconds when he felt an unfamiliar hand on his shoulder and the voice of someone he had no idea was be hind him. He nearly dropped the bottle and after quite the juggling act with the vile, he turned around with a smile and a chuckle when he saw Anya. "I am glad to have you with me Anya, but my good grief you nearly gave me a heart attack."

He gave her a smile and lifted the vial up to his nose uncorking the the vial. He cringed at the rancid spicy smell of the vial and shook his head back and forth at the smell. HE re-corked the bottle and closed his eyes. He shifted to his wolf form and placed his nose on the floor. He started with the room he had found the vial in and began to sniff around. Other than the area that he small area he had found the vial in it there was nothing. He moved back out of the room and began sniffing one room after another, covering every square inch of the area. He was focused, and determined as he bolted past the group back to the kings room where they had met the gryphon. Once again he covered every square inch of the room until finally his head shot up and he bolted back to the others. As he slid to a stop, panting a bit, he looked at them all his ears flattened and a sad expression in his eyes. "Guys, there's nothing here. Other than the vial, there's not trail, there's no scent, there's no nothing."

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Hel
Yelping in surprise when Anya suddenly appeared, Luness then frowned at the human, though she didn't voice her complaints. Anya was just trying to help, even if her methods were a bit unorthodox.

Shaking her head at Anya's actions, Luness then shifted her focus to Otto and watched him intently as he began to lead the group around until they were finally back in the king's room.

Upon hearing Otto's announcement that he couldn't find anything, Luness frowned, though she didn't question Otto's ability to track, as he was a werewolf after all.

Turning to Anya, Luness then asked her, "Where do you think they'd put the poison if it isn't in Cedric's room or any of these rooms?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Hel


Leandra soon noticed Arianne had followed the group down here and immediately frowned before walking up to the child and saying, "Arianne, you need to be somewhere safe. I really wouldn't want to see any harm to come to you if any fights were to break out, which they often do with us."

Having a temporary flashback to the moment just before she'd arrived in FableWood, Leandra winced and then rubbed the side of her head for a moment before quickly adding, "Just, be careful, okay?"

This said, Leandra then rejoined the group after Anya had already teleported to them, thus missing Anya's teleporting altogether.

Nodding at Anya, Leandra then said, "Nice of you to join us, Anya."

Once Otto took off, Leandra followed at a more leisurely pace, as she wasn't exactly intent on sprinting everywhere at Otto's speed. Plus, she figured if he found anything then he'd be excitedly shouting about it.

Yet, once everyone had gathered in the king's room once more, Otto announced that he couldn't find anything at all.

Finding this news to be ver troubling since the poison could be anywhere now, Leandra anxiously looked about the group and then at Leia once Luness asked her question. Perhaps Leia could help shed some light on the situation?

While waiting for Leia's answer, Leandra began itching at her back under her knapsack for the hundredth time, as that irritating itch had returned yet again.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Hel
Elena dismounted quickly, landing on her feet running without much thought. She couldn't attack so well from on Wards back. She extended her sword and came at one of the mages double teaming Cedric. She went first with an upward diagonal slice at the mages waist to neck. Then the moment she stepped downward to land it, the ground shot upward into a coiling leaf and thorn covered serpent which opened its jaw to crush the back of the Mage. Stalagmites from above did the same, much bigger than she was. She once again began making the ground shiver and crack beneath his feet to make him sink or leap into the serpents she lay trap.

Hairline fractures opened without her notice and lava began seeping through. As lava dogs could be seen in her peripheral, waves of stone followed their lead to crash over and harden them.

"What have you to gain?" She asked quietly, cold gaze cutting into the Mage she decided to target.
"Its ok, Otto, we'll try somewhere else." Leia thought hard for a moment. "We need to find it...let's check the kitchens, the dining hall, anywhere there could be something to put this in."

She started to run out of the room but realized she had no idea where to go. She looked at Brenna and Oswald but they shrugged.

"Um..Arianne? Do you know how to get to the kicthens?"

Then she turned to Anya, "I know your power works with solid objects...but what about this?" The poison could be diluted by now, completely undetectable...could Anya's gift track something like that?

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Lioness075

The magma dog broke under the ice-charged axe, its maw contorted in a silent cry. Kallin heaved a sigh of relief. "Thanks Leo." He said, his breath was short now...he hoped the cracked rib hadn't been made worse by the fighting...it was so hard to tell until night fell...what time was it? How long had they been here?


The mage that attacked Cedric gave a terrified yell as Elena's magic enveloped him.

He looked at her, eyes fearful but defiant. "We gain favour with the new king, and gold. What else is there to drive a man?"

Ward growled and moved to finish him, but Cedric held up a hand.

"Keep him alive. I want him to confess to the world what was done here today...and who ordered it."

@Bea Delaine
Elena felt the heat and burning sensation on her feet and then numb. The lava flowing on the surface from the slight fissure she created began to fall back under the surface. With a swift movement, the stone that was wrapping itself around him tightened like binds, and she swiftly let her sword disappear. Her arm and all her force behind her full body went into slamming her fist into his face. She ached to hear a crunch. Watch him crumble.

"A man?! You call yourself a man now?! You are nothing but a pitiful moth. You follow gold like a light. And the foolish thing you are, that light is the very thing that will burn you down."

Her anger was bone chilling, not loud abrasive. The ground began to tremor more and split as she walked away from the Mage that dared to help kill Avaar. Tried to hurt Ward and kill a benevolent king. Strip them of power. She would never fold again. She remembered finally why she was this way and in her state of mind she wanted more.

"I'll leave him be now."
Leo smiled to Kallin and offered him his hand to help him up. He knew the mage had special issues when it came to his injuries. He looked across the field of battle and saw the the final mage had been caught and Leo could see the injury the king had sustained. He offered to help Kallin over to the group and made his was over to the king. Leo reached into his bag once agin fishing out the bags of seeds. He swallowed a mouthful of the seeds as they approached the king and Leo bowed his head. "If you will permit me my liege." Leo placed a hand over the wound Cedric had sustained and he concentrated. IT was getting harder and harder to heal, even with the help of the seeds, but the wound eventually healed itself and Leo sighed when he was finished. He looked back to the mage they had captured and then to the others. It seemed they had thwarted the attempt.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine

Otto sighed and dropped to the ground on his belly. He felt bad for not being able to pick up the scent. AS the others chatted about the other possibilities of where the poison could have ended up, Otto really wished he had his feather to at least lift his spirits.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Malachai walked over to the king and the others, the downed mage wrapped up in his tail. "Does that mean I can eat this one?" He thought aloud to everyone present now that things had quieted down a bit. He sat on his haunches and placed the second mage next to Elena's captive. waiting for Leo to finish healing the king.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Sensing unease amongst the group, Luness soon found the worst of the feeling centered on Otto and she slipped away from the group to kneel down at Otto's side.

Cocking her head at Otto, Luness then said gingerly, "Hey, don't sweat it about that poison. We'll find it and save the king. When has this group ever lost as a whole?"

Despite her confident appearance, Luness felt her own confidence wavering slightly. What if they couldn't find the poison in time to save the king after all their efforts to protect him during the race?

Refocusing on Otto, Luness waited for a response from him, intent on cheering up the young werewolf, who seemed very disheartened at the moment due to his failed tracking efforts.



While everyone discussed options, Leandra soon noticed that Oswald was still holding onto one of Brennan's feathers, the one which he'd found in the king's room earlier.

Rolling her eyes at him still holding onto it, Leandra was about to ask him why he was still holding onto it when she noticed Luness kneeling beside a very disappointed-looking Otto.

Glancing back at the feather in Oswald's hand, Leandra suddenly had an idea and grinned, as she swiftly snatched the feather out of Oswald's hand and then lay it flat on her palm before she held out her palm towards Otto and brought her face close to the feather, which sat gingerly on her outstretched palm. Inhaling slowly, Leandra then blew on the feather and it rushed out from her hand before it began to float down towards the ground and near Otto's face.

Perhaps a little game of catching the feather would help cheer up the young and generally optimistic werewolf.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Nyr struggled with the last bit of her power as the invisible barriers first flickered then completely vanished around her friends, just in time as it seemed that the battle was over. Her vision became blurry as she leaned to the wall, trying to gather her strength. She breathed with difficulties, not only due to the volcanic gases but because how drained she felt. Gathering her remaining power she shifted into raven form once more, hoping to guise her weakness. Swiftly she dove down to the others, landing on the platform where they all stood. The ebony bird now sat idle, watching the others - and hoping that they would finish the race without any incidents.

@ everyone

Arianne listened to Leia and Leadra and was a bit insulted. With a serious expression she answered.

" With all due respect, Lady Leia, Lady Leandra, I may seem like a small child but I can be just as useful as a full grown adult! " she said and her eyes lit up in excitement a she heard that they needed her help.

" But of course, my lady! " she said, dashing towards a door which was supposed to lead them to the kitchen. But then she stopped and started thinking. Stepping near the wall she knocked on it once or twice then she nodded happily.

" We could go on the normal way, through the corridors. " she said " Or we can use a secret passage. Which one is safer is up to debate, but the secret tunnel is much more awes... I mean shorter than the other one. Of course there is no telling what is inside. "

She stood there, the choice up to the others.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz @Hel
Anya smiled at those who greeted her, and gave a bit of a giggle to Otto when he exclaimed about her entrance. As he juggled the poison, she stood ready to teleport it to her should he truly drop it. She watched as he darted around, wondering what he'd find. Her whole face fell a level when he came back with nothing. Nodding at Leanndra when she entered, Anya watched the others until she was questioned if she could find it.

"I can try, but if it's so diluted that Otto can't smell traces of it, then I don't know how well my abilities will work..." She sounded doubtful, but either way she focused on the poison, and let the image of the group finding the poison fill her mind until it was consuming. At this point, usually, the path was clear, tugging her off in a direction, but this time it was... less clear. There was direction, but it was as though she was being pulled more than one place. Were there multiple assassinations afoot? More than just the King? Or is someone simply trying very hard to make sure the job got done? Maybe her senses were leading her astray. She decided the latter was likely the more logical explanation as she got to the doorway and found the trail all the less obvious.

She turned back to the others and shook her head, 'no'.

(If I need to change this because that's not what you want just holler.)

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks

Alexander let himself land nearby, keeping a short distance between him and the others if only due to his size. 'We don't eat people, brother, remember?' Alexander thought with a laugh in his voice towards the other dragon, 'You always complain about the taste.' He joked.

He watched the others, waiting to see what would unfold and deciding to take his place in the background, though he was truly itching to get back in the race. His competitive side was taking over and he hated the thought of losing. Those in his mind could tell this, but he did his best to remain quiet and focused on what was unfurling in front of him, and he wondered what the king would say.

@Flutterby @andujarprime @allyallothers
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Quincy felt a wave of relief as the assassins were dealt with and they all landed relatively safely. She was sweating, and it was getting more uncomfortable by the minute. She wished Alexander had landed closer to the chalice, the air must be a lot cooler over there. But like her dragon, she didnt want to rush the others in dealing with the end of the situation. When the kelpie let her mind go a little deeper into Alexander's, she found his thoughts on the race. Quincy rolled her eyes. It seemed he had a mind for three things- food, competition, and herself. Then again, her list was just as short- sweets, water, and him. With a small smile, she thought. Patience, dearest. We will continue the race in a moment. But assassination attempts take precedence, yes? There was humor in the comment, as she was merely teasing him.

Ward watched Elena's outburst, and then watched the king as he remained silent, arms crossed and expressionless. The gryphon stepped forward then and rested his feathered orehead on the back of Elena's shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"Nyr, if you are not attached to winning the race, can you help me take the prisoners back to Courser? King Cedric can fly with Elena and I." He looked to the two dragons, both eager still to try for the title. He had no doubt that carrying two people he would have no chance at catching the racers. He looked to Elena, silently asking for her approval in the decision.

"You two, we will need you to fly back as fast as your wings will carry you. Join the race again and when you get to the finish line, tell the race workers where to find this place." He looked to the crumpled form of Avaar. "We must see that his body is recovered and given a proper ceremony."

At this Cedric shifted, going to place a hand on Avaar's head for a last time. Then he reached down and unclasped something from around the bat's great neck. A pendant of shimmering gold.

"I gave this to Avaar when he first became friends. His is a very ancient race...it has existed here since the Isles were formed...and now, I must offer this to his wife and his kits...in place of a mate and father."

Ward did not need to hear his tone to note the anger he felt. It was a deep-seeded anger...but it wasn't directed at the mages. He had turned it on himself.

"Majesty...Cedric...we must depart as well, if we stay here much longer the fumes will suffocate us."

Kallin walked over carefully. "I think I can still fly, so let's go and get your trophy you big lizard." He teased the dragon with a grin, moving to climb up onto his shoulders again.

"Ready? I have no idea if we can still catch the pack, but its worth a try."

@andujarprime @Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Hel @Flutterby

Brenna noted Otto's disappointment and moved to him, wanting to comfort the young wolf but still not sure how close she should go. "Never fear young pup, as soon as we find a trace I am sure you'll track it just fine." She said in a motherly tone. watching Leandra offer him the feather she chuckled.

Leia followed behind Arianne closely when she stopped at the kitchen door and mentioned the secret passage Leia moved just past her to put an ear against the door.

"No need if there's no one in there." She didn't hear a sound so she opened the door. Taking out the vial again she held it out to Otto.

"Okay Otto, round two."

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @Azure Sky
Nyr listened to Ward's words, and nodded.

" As you wish. I will fly as fast as I can. " her thoughts booming in the mind of Ward, concealing her fragile state. When the prisoners were put on her back she felt a dreadful weakness coursing through her but she kept her composure and spread her wings, ready to depart. But before she could lift herself into the air she looked at Leo curiously.

" Ready to go, my beloved? " her thoughts seeped in the guardian's mind " I think I can handle one more rider " although she was uncertain in that.


Arianne blushed as Leia reasoned with her. She got so excited about a secret passage that she had forgotten the obvious advantages of a longer, safer route.

" Yes, milady. Of course. " she now stood as she watched the door opened before them. With curiosity she eyed Otto who to play an integral part in finding where the assassins were hiding and she remained silent. This was such an amazing adventure, one she had dreamed about since she was but a small child. And now that she was in the thick of it she enjoyed it even more. She wanted to jump around in joy and glee but realizing how childish that might look she remained composed and listened carefully.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks @Hel
Leo watched as the king displayed his anger for the death of his beloved friend and Leo felt his pain. To loose someone close to you, that you had shared memories with, a pain all to familiar to many in this band of hero's. Leo looked to Nyr and could see her struggle no matter how hard she tried to hide it. He was a bit disappointed that she had let herself exhaust her strengths like she had, but she had kept them from being roasted alive and he was thankful for that.

He listened to the orders and walked over to Malachi and his prisoner. HE smiled at the dragon and grasped the cuff of the mage's shirt "I'm sure there will be a feast for you at the finish line my scaly friend. I will take this one off your claws." He lifted the mage from Malachi's tail and placed him on the ground before him. Recalling what little training he had with pressure points, he placed a large finger at the base of the mages neck and pressed down hard and fast. The mage slumped over into Leo's arm and he lifted the man over his shoulder and made his way over to Nyr. Giving her a smile as he hoisted himself and the mage on his shoulder onto he back. "Ready when you are my dear."

@andujarprime @DawnAntalios

When Leandra knelt down to Otto, he eyed the feather in her hand and watched as she blew it into the air before him. He lifted his head and huffed at the feather with a faint smile and sent it floating back at her. Otto turned his head at the sound of the griffons words, her words made him feel a little better. When Luness added her own words Otto lifted himself off the ground and gave both of them a canine smile and began to jump after them as they made their way to the kitchen.

When Leia gave him the all clear upon reaching the kitchen, Otto stuck his nose to the vial once again and took in a deep breath. He then bolted into the kitchen, his nose placed on every surface he could reach sniffing wildly.

He searched the floors , cabinets, icebox, pots, pans, ovens, every piece of the kitchen he could find. As he reached the back of the kitchen he lifted his head into the air and stopped. His nose pointed upwards and he suddenly jumped onto the counter tops above him. He didn't care what was in his path he kept sniffing, knocking over things as he went.

Eventually he stopped in a corner and sniffed an empty space over and over. He looked up to the others with his canine smile and tongue hanging out as the kitchen was a bit warm. "Here! On the counter! It's feint, very feint. But someone had the poison here. There's another smell here too, but I don't know what it is."

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Hel

((Edit for Leandras feather game :3))
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Achyls looked calmly at Arianne, in awe of how she composed herself in this situation. Looking now to Otto, she furrowed her brow, what other scent could be here?

"It's okay Otto, just find what you can," she butted in, not wanting to make the poor pup feel overworked. She was lying, of course, they needed every bit of information at any cost, if the king were to be saved. In all honesty, her words were no use. She had no knowledge of the situation, she was merely extra force if it were to be needed. She reached out and took Arianne's hand, watching over her with a hawk-like eye. Odd, Achyls felt responsible for the girl. After all, Arianne's joining the company was mainly decided by her, she had to prove to the others it would be worthwhile.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz
Luness followed after Otto, subtly grinning at the sight of the young werewolf's optimistic attitude having returned.

Once they entered the kitchens, Luness winced at all the noise Otto was making, as he crashed through pots and pans to follow the scent.

Sighing at such antics, Luness then began calmly putting all of the pots and pans back into their rightful places.

When Otto announced what he'd found, Luness set down the pan she'd been holding and then walked up to Otto with a strong sense of curiosity. What was the unknown scent?

Yet, even after aniffing at the air, Luness couldn't pinpoint the origin of the other unknown scent either.

Shrugging at Otto, Luness then glanced around the group and said, "I don't recognize the other scent either. It could be anyone...or anything."

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

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