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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ward cast a heat spell around himself, engulfing Elena in warm air as they drove upwards through the cold. Wind began to pick up as they flew, beating down on them from the mountain's peak. The beacon's began to get obscured by snow, and the air was becoming thinner.

"Are you all right?" Ward asked over his shoulder. It was then the beacons suddenly dipped down and Ward saw Avaar swoop to the entrance to a large canyon made of massive sheets of blue ice. Their path was clear.

Ward dove for it, just behind Malachai, snow and ice whipping up all around them.

Suddenly the wind was with them, blasting through the narrow space. He snapped his wings painfully against the current to turn just before they would go careening into a wall.

"Let's hope a few torn muscles is all we'll come away with." His tone was serious. Had he been alone he may not even have avoided that crash, because she was with him however he knew his guard was fully up. Nothing was going to happen to Elena. The canyon closed over and became a cave moments later, a thin layer of ice over top to let light through.

@Bea Delaine

The second lantern appeared...but it was on the other side of a solid ice wall. To their right lay a series of intertwining tunnels carved out of the glacier itself. This was a maze.

"Keep your eye on the lantern, will make sure we don't hit anything."

Kallin cast his own heat spell, sending it into his clothing. He knew Malachai would be fine, as long as his wings didn't ice over. When faced with the new challenge he caught sight of Avaar and the king diving into one of the tunnels. The lantern was infuriatingly out of reach.

"I'll make sure we keep heading for the target, try the tunnel farthest to the right!"


Leia felt her heart pounding as she sprinted down the corridor.

"These tunnels must go to more than the theater!" She said between breaths. She heard Luness come up behind her.

"Don't let them get away!" She called. Lee raced beside them and Leia had the spirit ice the path ahead. She heard the scrape of claws and a loud thud, but when they reached the trap the gryphon had already fled. Now there were three tunnels branching out of theirs.

"Can you track them?" She asked Luness.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky

Alex felt Quincy press against him and took a breath, raising fire within his chest to heat them both up.

"Is that better my love?" He asked as they banked to swoop after Ward and the others and into the icy canyon. The next challenge seemed self-explanatory.

"Which way should we try?" He asked as they came upon the tunnels.

A noise made him look around...apparently the challenge wasn't going to be that easy. Suddenly a gust of wind tore through one of the tunnels, ejecting an unlucky racer who had ventured to try it.

"The wind, it blows through the tunnels...if we're not hanging onto something we'll end up like that."


As Ward sailed into a tunnel it sloped gently upwards and around. It was narrow, but would be just enough for Malachai to fly through. Through the glass-like ice he could see Avaar in the next tunnel. Suddenly the bat landed and dug his claws deep into the ice. Ward looked on curiously when a noise brought his attention back. Wind. Barely thinking he landed as well and jabbed his long talons deep into the ice. The gust struck them fiercely. One..two...three seconds went by before it died down. Ward gained speed with a run before leaping into the air again. This tunnel brought them out into another room with two more tunnels, but which one was right?

((Is Alex's text blue? I can't remember...))
Seeing Lee icing up the ground ahead, Luness quickly retracted her claws and then slowed down before she hit the ice and crashed herself.

Trotting across the ice gingerly, Luness then glanced back at Leia upon hearing her question and said, "I've the utmost confidence that I can do so."

This said, Luness then dropped her muzzle to the tunnel floor, as she sniffed about for a minute or two.

Approaching each tunnel, Luness inhaled deeply at each entrance and frowned when she got to the third one. All of them had the gryphon's scent and other scents, though most of them were old and not recent.

Sniffing at the farthest right tunnel again, Luness then grinned, as she caught a slight whiff of the gryphon's scent...and it was very recent with the slight scent of blood even. It would seem the gryphon had gotten a bit injured in the fall, thanks to the ice.

Speaking over her shoulder so as to not shout and give away their position, Luness then said to the others, "The gryphon went this way."

After saying this, Luness then began sprinting down the tunnel, her cat eyes easily seeing where she was going despite the dim lighting of the torches along the tunnel walls.

@SilverFlight @everyone else, who I apparently can't tag on my phone


Once she finished healing the stranger, Leandra then carefully hoisted them up on the nearest chair, making sure to not further injure the captor.

Once the person was seated Leandra then quickly jogged back to their seating in the viewing platform and retrieve her own knapsack with her staff along with Luness' knapsack and Kallin's staff. After retrieving everything, Leandra returned to the hidden room and shut the door behind herself before locking it.

Setting down their gear nearby, Leandrs then quickly took out some paracord from her knapsack, one of the items that she'd appeared with in FableWood, and used some of it to tie the captor's wrists and ankles to the chair.

Satisfied with this, Leandra then set aside the paracord before she bravely walked up to the front of the captor...and removed his hood.


(I just envisioned the guy having some kind of hooded getup and whatnot ^^)
"Much. Thank you." She returned, feeling the extra warmth with relief. When they came to the tunnels, Quincy hesitated. The other two from their team that were ahead of them and the king had all gone into different tunnels. Should they follow suit and forge their own path? Or follow the king, just in case? Frowning, she went with what weighed less on her conscience. "Follow the King. He's done this before. And we're supposed to be protecting him. Just be careful." She told him, checking to make sure that she was secure still. There was no way she wanted to go flying off in this icy maze.

(I think Hel usually uses purple?)

@SilverFlight @Hel
<p>The dread raven barely noticed the icy wind as she soared through the glacier with ease. This environment was the one she had to grow up in her exile and she was much more comfortable here than in the infernal flame lands. As she flew she noticed the other riders struggling with the harsh weather but then she got concerned for Leo. She knew that the veteran warrior had much trust in his potions but she was uncertain if that was enough. Regardless she pushed on and followed Ward in the cave, noticing the lantern they needed to get.</p>


<span style="color:#8000ff;"><em>" Hold on, my beloved. "</em></span> she said as she fought against the ever increasing torrent of snow and ice. For the first time she started to feel the cold <span style="color:#8000ff;"><em>" We will find a way through this. "</em></span></p>


She dashed against the biting wind, straining against the tunnel of wind. It started to wear her down but she felt slowly triumphing against the howling gale.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14915-zcrookedz/" data-mentionid="14915">@zCrookedz</a></p>


Arianne was surprised at Achyls' reaction but she chuckled and held her hand in hers and walked with her downstairs slowly. She looked around and marveled in the architecture and the gigantic place. She looked at the raven girl and she felt her face turning slightly red as she whispered to her.</p>


<span style="color:#0080ff;">" It feels so nice...almost like I have a big sister... "</span> she chuckled then she shook her head and the childish smile vanished from her face. She followed the raven girl and they met up with the others. Seeing that Luness was hot on the trail she explained what she could.</p>


<span style="color:#0080ff;">" This place was built specifically for races like this, hence these tunnels being this big. I always wondered how thy look like from within but I never thought I would actually get an opportunity to get down as well. Those who have built it surely knew how to create a masterpiece. "</span></p>


She silenced as they have reached the others then after long moments of silence she asked:</p>


<span style="color:rgb(0,128,255);">" But why would a gryphon serve... these people? This makes no sense! In the tales of legend gryphons are noble creatures - just like your companion! "</span></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14859-skywardsocks/" data-mentionid="14859">@SkywardSocks</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3029-silverflight/" data-mentionid="3029">@SilverFlight</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12004-lioness075/" data-mentionid="12004">@Lioness075</a></p>
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Otto lept the stairs two at a time as he listened to the small girl talk about the tunnels. As he listened he did not pay attention to Lee icing the floor at the bottom of the stairs to stop their quarry. As he reached the bottom of the stiars he lept into the air and shifted to his wolf form and stuck his four paws out before him to land. But the ground was not what he exspected and when his paws his the ice, they shot out from underneithe him and he went slidding across the icy floor spinning around on his back. He wasn't slidding incredibly fast, but when his head bumped into the wall across the room, his head hurt a bit. He slowly flipped o onto his paws and shimmied his way over to the clear floor. He looked up to the others and notcied Luness was on the move again. He sniffed the air and smelled the freash blood. With a yip he took off down the hallway after Luness.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight

Leo watched as the ice cave enveloped them and the thin layers of ice mezmerized him for a moment. He quickly refocused on the task at hand and saw the lanterns on the other side of the ice wall. His mind began to think of what could be done if they entered the tunnels. He let his mind touch Nyr's "I do not know what use I will be should the tunnels have icy obsticles. Perhaps we should follow Kallin and Malachi, their fire will open up the tunnel before them" This plan would not get them ahead in the race, but atleast it would get them to the lanterns.

Malachai nodded as he tilted and banked to the right. He stopped and clung onto the wall right outside the tunnel as a racer tried to fly past him only to get blown back out. Rider and creature tumbled head over tail feather back out of the tunnel and into the open air. Malachai grumbled a little chuckle as he thought to himself "Amateurs" before climbing inside and taking off. The tunnel was wide enough for him to flap his wings, but while open he didn't have much room to maneuver. The tunnel led him slightly up the began to turn to the left. A distinct whistling was all the warning he got as he folded his wings shut and dropped to the cave floor right before a gust of wind blasted into the tunnel. He looked up and saw glittering icicles large enough to impale a man or rip his wings clean through if they fell. Looking around he noted 3 tunnels besides his own. He caught sight of a dark figure flying into one and decided to follow. Avaar and the king were the only ones ahead of him last he checked, but a shorter tunnel could have easily changed that. He flew in fast and almost crashed as the tunnel took a sharp turn to the right. He caught himself clinging to the wall to brace himself and the mage, with a growl he flew off down the tunnel. Then clinging to the tunnel floor as another gust of wind blew though. He brought his tail up and ready incase Kallin got loose. After the short gust he took off once more.


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Elena smiled brightly as she finished with the first lantern. Two to go. They seemed to be doing really well so far too, fairly ahead of the crowd. She held back on tight and stayed secured as they made their way into the snowy and thin aired area.

She coughed a little into her shoulder, finding it harder to breath. She remembered up here she had less stamina and was a bit weaker, recalling her mishap after meeting Canton. She tightened her grip on Ward, especially when they dropped altitude again.

"I.. I'm fine. Will they let me heal you, Ward? Your well being is as important as mine, and I can't just let you strain yourself and sit here."

She straightened back up and looked ahead, saying to him after a moment of examination,

"The middle sections of between the ice or rock pillars would have wind that will pull you faster, I believe, if the currents are working predictably. Before flying between, maybe take one stronger stride and pull your wings in?"
Achyls' expression was less awe-struck by the architecture, and more concerned for the unfolding events.

"Arianne, do you know what they could be hiding here?" she asked, not sure she would get an answer from the little girl. It was worth asking though, as she was at a loss. Looking to Luness, she addressed her the same question, letting go of Arianne's hand and going to stand by one of the far walls. The cold stone was soothing, she hadn't realised how much her body had heated up, a probable lingering effect of the darkness. It cooled her greatly, and she took the time she had by the wall to check for any other sign of whatever was down here that Luness could have missed. She doubted herself, however, Luness' skills were second to none.

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075
"Wait! Otto no!" Leia called, but before she could stop him he'd leaped right onto the ice. Leia ran over to him. "Are you okay? Sorry. I should have thought about that move...it was dumb." Lee trilled apologetically and melted the ice, but Otto hardly seemed to notice the crash as he bounded after Luness.

The gryphon galloped down the corridor, rounding a bend and continuing on.

"One...two...three..." She counted thin flights of steps leading up and away from the tunnel she ran down.

"Seven!" This flight she turned up, her tail disappearing just as the group rounded the bend after her.

"There!" Leia hissed quietly, hoping the gryphon hadn't heard and they could catch her unawares. She made her way to the steps and climbed them. The door at the top was made of thick wood. Looking at the others she held her breath and turned the handle.

The room they entered was a bedroom, the door had been hidden behind a banner on the wall. Leia blanched when she saw the standard; is was a golden gryphon and staff on a blue background.

"This is the king's room." She said gravely, and there, standing on the other end of the room was their target; in the light her feathers shimmered, a glossy, ebony with none of the brilliant sheen you could find on a raven. these feathers held no colour at all. She watched them in fear through golden eyes.

"I-I can explain...this, this isn't what it looks like!"

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @Azure Sky @SkywardSocks

Kallin held on as best he could against the wind. The first time he was blown back and if it hadn't been for Malachai's tail he would have been tossed into thin air. Climbing back onto kai's shoulders he examined the situation. Suddenly he saw it, the tunnel that lead to the lanterns.

"The entrance is there! head for the middle one!"


"I will be all right. No need for healing." Yet. As he listened to her plan his eyes lit up. "Clever! That could work." At the next tunnel they approached ward followed Elena's instruction, powering forward to built momentum. As he heard the wind approach this time he snapped his wings tightly against his body. The wind sailed past them, keeping the gryphon in the air with the little lift he allowed his wings to create. Suddenly they were through and Ward saw Avaar dip into the central tunnel and come up into the chamber with the lanterns. Ward followed suit just behind Malachai and once through angled so Elena could grab a lantern. The cave widened after that, the torches to light being at the exit of the glacial labyrinth.

@Bea Delaine

"Right!" Alex soared after the king, thankful his wingspan was shorter than the bat's. The tunnels were narrow. When a blast of wind came Alex folded his wings up instead, to they would not catch the current, but keep Quincy from being buffeted by the icy blast. His claws kept them well attached to the tunnel wall. he leaped into the air again and saw where the others had gone.

"Hold on!" he said and dove through the last tunnel and into the lantern chamber.

Luness was gone before she even heard Arianne speaking or Achyls' question, as she rushed after the retreating gryphon. She didn't take notice of Otto's spill either, as she didn't get any unsettling feeling as if something were seriously wrong beyond the gryphon running away from them.

Soon enough, Luness picked up on the gryphon speaking to herself, the feminine tone giving away her gender.

Seeing the stairs that Leia pointed out to her, Luness nodded and then rushed up the stairs to skid to a halt within a few feet of the gryphon.

Still on all fours, Luness lowered her head and glared up at the gryphon with her green and golden eyes, letting out a low growl while saying, "Explain quickly, gryphon."

Slowly pacing in front of the gryphon, Luness' eyes were unblinking, as she constantly kept an eye on the gryphon in case she tried anything.

The colorless feathers on the gryphon's body was certainly a bit unsettling for Luness to take note of, but she still felt like she had way more questions than answers at the moment snd she didn't trust this gryphon at all.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Elena nodded uneasily, eyeing Wards wings and hating the idea that he was hurting. She bit her lip and lowered her body almost flat into Wards back to create as little resistance as possible. When they managed through with more ease, she pulled herself back half hanging off of him to grab the Lantern.

"When we get back, I'm taking a look at your wings and shoulders.. I mean it. Now that I know how to heal, I will."

She said, taking a deep inhale to grab the lantern. The warmth was lost a bit as she moved away, and the thin air burned her throat. Breaking into a coughing fit, the Lantern began to drop. Quickly, she caught her foot hooked around the harness and she dropped off Wards back, taking the object in her hands. She pulled back up just before they passed a stalactite if ice.

"Got it."
The deeper they got into the caves, the colder it became. Quincy found herself thinking back to the Winter Wilds, where their relationship had blossomed. The jolt of his landing brought her back to reality. She heeded his warning, grabbing hold of the rope as he leapt off the wall again, diving into the lantern cavern. As they neared the lantern, she stretched herself out, catching it just on her finger tips. The wind of his flight threatened to knock it from her grasp, but with a desperate yank, she brought it to her chest. "Almost done, my love. Let's finish this!"
Malachai dove down after they left the tunnel. He got close enough for Kallin to reach for the lantern. Once he felt the mage tug the lantern close, he snap his wings open to glide down to the final tunnel. Beneath them it was all darkness, he saw the king shoot into the tunnel leading to the exit. The torches glowing through the thin ice wall. The ice gave him an idea, he snapped his wings open and shut, the heavy thrusts had him closing fast. He wasn't sure how long the tunnel was or how it was wound. It didn't matter, he took a deep breath, letting his energy build up. As the neared the tunnel he thought to Malachai. "Blow the shards away!!" A few seconds later he let loose an enormous blast of reen and black dragon's fire. Blasting a large hole above the tunnel entangle and straight through to the open exit. The torches within reach he conned speeding through and down to the torches. Dropping right in front of Avaar's surfacing head. The tunnel had sloped down before it came up again to where the torches were. Malachai landed on the cavern floor next to the torches allowing Kallin to light his lantern. It didn't take long, with the momentum from his impact he was able to bounce back up and out of the caverns. Flying on along the course. His tail still poised around Kallin loosely. He was laughing now, the rumble spreading through his body and shaking Kallin a little. "I told you we wouldn't lose, and we are ahead of the king so we can see any incoming dangers as we round the last third. This is probably where the ambush is coming." He thought up to Kallin as he glided along the up draft outside the cave.


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Nyr nodded at Leo's words but then needed to take a sharp turn to the right. A large wave of icicles almost impaled both of them but she was able to avoid them.

Well, almost all of them.

The raven screeched in pain as she felt a large ice shard impaling her left wing. Doubling her efforts not to fall down she struggled against the current but she finally managed to remove the ice spike from her feathers. Smiling, so that she would not make Leo worry she nodded and finally took wings once more. The pain increased with every beat she made but she knew one thing: she would not leave Leo here just because of a simple wound. Doubling her efforts she finally caught the glimpse of Malachai whose fire had cleared a way for them all. Sighing relieved she darted after the dragon who have seemed to find not only the lanterns but also the torches that were required to be lit. Diving down she tried to position herself so that Leo could reach the items safely.


Arianne looked at Achyls and shook her head.

" I know not, my lady. " she said " Not much is known about these parts of the coliseum - well not much in known for me that is... " she added a bit embarrassed. The little girl wanted to amaze the heroes with her knowledge yet she has already failed with not being able to answer the questions of the raven girl. Silently they have walked below ever so slowly and she watched Otto slipping on the ice. Instead of laughing and giggling Arianne's face became concerned, hoping that their strange companion was all right - she was not even surprised by the fact that Otto had shifted into his original form either.

She did not have time to ask anything because Leia had just noticed the gryphon itself and they dashed after it as fast as they could. Eventually the heroes have cornered the mythical beast in a room which was apparently the king's quarters - and when Leia stepped forward alongside with Luness Arianne tightened her grip on Achyls' hand and she leaned closer to the raven girl as she observed the encounter.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Lioness075
Leo ducked down when Nyr took the sudden turn and when the icicles impaled her Leo was horrified. "Nyr! Don't try to move!" Leo knew that they could not stop for fear of loosing the others and possibly helping the king. He was surprised at her when she was able to remove the ice and continue on to their target.

It had seemed that following Malachi and Kallin had paid off, as they breezed through the rest of the tunnel and Leo saw the lantern. He leaned with Nyr and reached out, once again swiping the lantern out of its home and puling it close to him.

As they flew threw the last stretch of labyrinth Leo caught sight of the torches up ahead. He then also noticed more of the medical supplies hovering a bit above the torches. He wasn't sure if Nyr would be able to hit the torches and then straight up for the medical supplies. He reached out
"Nyr, I am going to throw the lantern as you ark upwards to get those supplies. I can then heal your wing and we can continue."

Knowing he had only one shot, he waited for Nyr to give him the best opportunity before standing up on Nyr's back and heaving the lantern towards its target, which erupted in flames when it smashed into the tourch. With a smile he then turned his attention upward to grab hold of the supplies.


Otto perked his ears up to Leia and Lee only to be halted yet again be stairs. Otto howled in frustration and shifted back to his human form, when he got back to the castle he would have to practice taking stairs. He bounded after Luness and Leia and their newest friend whom they had been chasing. Otto sniffed the air and looked over at the Gryphon. He shifted around Luness as she paced and was a bit closer the gryphon. He sniffed the air and could smell her fear, but Otto just got a bit closer and then sat on his haunches watching the gryphon.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Ward blinked in surprise at Elena's words. It was the closest she had come to giving him an order. He smiled back at her however, happy with the confident tone. "Your will be done, star of my heart."

When they approached the lantern Elena leaned out. To help her ward tilted his body in the other direction wit allow her to stretch more weight further out. He caught his breath as the icicle nearly hit her. "Too close!" He said in a worried tone. Just then a scream pierced the air. Behind them he could see Nyr go down, a giant spear of ice in her wing.

"Now there is someone who does need healing". Ward banked sharply and flew round to glide parallel with Nyr and Leo. The torch stand was approaching quickly.

"Medic?" he asked with a grin.

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz

Kallin played his part with the lantern well enough.The torch blazed as they shot past. He covered his face against the massive spray of ice and water as Malachai burst through the wall. He suddenly saw Avaar and the king behind them.

"Just stay close! They won't try for his life where everyone can see, he'll have to be away from the course!...and for the love of the sky let me back onto your shoulders lizard!"

Avaar, instead of trying to gain on them dipped and slid to the side of the wall. It was only an instant later that Kallin understood why. A final icy blast of wind, the wind that had been supplying the tunnels slammed into them from the cave's exit. The wind was much less close to the cave walls and with this aiding them the bat and the king slid into the lead again.

"We have power, but they're veterans!" Kallin observed. "We need to fly just as smart to beat them!" But of course, the king's life was more important...sometimes it was easy to forget in the heat of the competition.


Alex was ready to catch her if she fell, fortunately there was no need. Of course there wasn't. Quincy could handle herself. Alex swung down to level them with the torch.

"One more, and no sign of the ambush, or anything that could harm the king." They could see him up ahead and watched as the bat swung to the edge of the tunnel. Alex would do the same when they left. He saw Nyr injured, but breathed with relief when Ward fell back to help.

"Let us focus on the king...and make sure my brother doesn't kill Kallin!" he laughed.


The gryphon they had cornered eyed Luness with unease, but Leia and her spirits she seemed truly afraid of. She was slander, and smaller than Ward, but the fierce angles of her face looked a lot like his...or so Leia thought. Gryphons would probably all look the same to her eyes.

"Start talking." She said, reinforcing Luness' command.

"I am from a village on one of the smaller islands. The people of the Isles are fiercely loyal to our king. When we caught wind of an assassination plot the common folk banded together and formed a group. I am part of that group..we're here to stop the Black Claw."

"Yeah?" Leia said, not hiding her disbelief. "Then what were you doing with this?" She held up the bandana with the assassin's symbol.

"It was in a cache we discovered under the arena! There were other supplies in it too, weapons, a poison. I believe there are more caches like this one, contingencies for the assassin if one is found like this one was. I am in the King's chamber because I was looking for traps, and if I could find it, evidence that linked the assassin to the noble who ordered it. I would never harm the king! Please you must believe me!"

This was a lot to take in. Leia still did not trust her words, even if her tone sounded truly genuine.

"How can we believe you?"

"I...I don't know."

The gryphon clearly had nothing that could prove her story was true.

"Guys?" Leia asked, not having a clue how to solve this.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky

Meanwhile the hooded man woke and found himself bound tightly. When he saw who had bound him his eyes widened.

"Y-you're human! Please, you must let me go, the king is in danger!"

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While the gryphon spoke, Luness eventually stopped pacing altogether and simply stood still, as she eyed the gryphon warily.

Once the gryphon finished speaking, Luness then glanced sideways at Leia and said, "She's not lying. I would've been able to smell a change in her scent or sense her heartbeat speeding up if she had lied."

Glancing back at the gryphon, Luness still frowned, as she asked the gryphon, "What is your name, gryphon? We've already learned of an assassination that will be attempted while the king is racing out there."

While Luness wasn't normally one to trust so easily, she had actually just recently learned of her new scenting abilities and how she could tell if one were lying or even if they were feeling a certain way, but only if they were feeling that way in a heightened sense. Like, if they were terrified or ecstatic about something.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz @Azure Sky


Leandra frowned when the man suddenly woke up and she wasn't sure how to respond to his exclamation beyond saying, "We're already fully aware of this. Now, how do you fit into the big picture? Are you one of the assassins as well?"

Leandra had never been much of an interrogator in the military, mostly because that had never been her job, but this felt rather easy and Leandra knew that she needed to get as much information from this assassin as possible.

Luckily, for the assassin, Leandra's combat medic job wouldn't allow her to bring harm to anyone else unless it was purely self-defense. Not that she wanted to harm the man anyhow. It wasn't really Leandra's way.

Nyr still struggled against the wind although it seemed to be dying down, allowing them to glide rather painlessly. She headed toward the torches but then she had heard Leo's voice in her mind and with fear she hastily replied.

" I am fine my beloved " resonated her own doubtful words in Leo's head " Just focus on the race, it is still not impossible us to win. "

She then descended closer and closer, allowing the guardian to lit the lantern and with a satisfied smile she wanted to fly away. That was when she had noticed Ward and Elena coming back to her - to help. Her big bird eyes grew even wider in surprise and horror.

" Ward, Elena! You must not tarry here, else you may lose the chance to win the race. " she looked at them with concern " I... will be fine for sure, this is but a scratch. "

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Bea Delaine

Arianne listened to the explanation of the gryphon. The story seemed to be an unlikely one but somehow she still felt truth resonating from the words of the creature. When Leia asked them to confirm that if she was lying or not the little girl finally stepped forward from the protective presence of Achyls and walked towards the gryphon. She was amazed how quickly did Luness determine if the mythic creature was lying or not and she wanted to make herself useful finally. Perhaps she could prove herself this time. Stopping before it the little girl gazed at the magnificent creature and waited. Then she reached out with her tiny hands and touched her, remaining silent for a while before replying.

" She is afraid. Very afraid. " she said finally " She does not seem to be lying to us, at least not in this matter anyway. "

She turned to Luness and Leia.

" Lady Leia, La... erm Leader Luness. " she tried to find an appropriate title for the werecat but this was the one she could come up without earning her ire " I do not believe that this one is among the assassins. She seems to be honest. Or very, VERY good at lying. "

She smiled at them, waiting for their response.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks
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Luness frowned at Arianne when she stood by the gryphon's side, as if to protect her.

Narrowing her eyes at the girl's title for her, Luness then gruffly said, "Stop giving me titles, child."

Shaking her head at the child defending the gryphon, Luness then said, "Are you not paying attention to what I just said, child? I already know she isn't lying and I don't believe she's an assassin either."

Finding Arianne to be rather annoying at the moment, Luness then shifted her attention back to the gryphon, waiting for her to respond or do something.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky
Leo watched as Ward and Elena dipped down close and he looked to them with a bit of a concerned smile. "Should you not be up with the king? We will survive back here. Besides it will take more than a few icicles to stop us!" Leo yelled to Ward over the rushing winds, his smile growing a bit with confidence as he felt Nyr continue to push herself. Leo looked back at Nyrs damaged wing, he wish she had let him get the medical supplies but new the proud little raven was not going to let her injury keep them from racing. "The second that injury becomes to much let me know." Leo looked ahead to Kallin and the king and noticed that the king was much further against the wall. When Kallin and Malachi reached the winds however Leo looked to Ward and thought to Nyr at the same time "The walls! The wind entering the tunnels is much less powerful against the walls." Leo could only hope that Ward and Elena could here him over the torrent of wind entering the cave.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Bea Delaine @andujarprime

Otto looked over at Leia and then to the Gryphon when she spoke and told them of those who wished to help the king. When she had finished Otto stood and walked over to the gryphon as if it were nothing. He trusted his Alphas judgement of this gryphon telling the truth and assumed that since they were on the same side she would not hurt him. Otto sniffed gryphon a bit, her scent was oddly familiar, but Otto brushed it off as smelling her during their chase in the cave. Otto sat back on his haunches and looked to Luness and then to Leia "Since we are all trying to save the king, we can help her right?"

"Ease up Luness, she's trying to help,” Leia looked apologetically at the young girl before continuing. “And I can't say this whole thing doesn't look really suspicious…but if you say she’s not lying, then I believe you.

The hopeful expression in the gryphon’s eyes made Leia smile a little.

Then you must help us! I know who you are, the heroes of FableWood, if anyone can help, it’s you.

Leia thought for a moment. “Tell us what you know.

Back under the guard of Leandra the hooded figure replied, his tone earnest. “I am not an assassin, I came with several others to stop them.

At the same time the two captives explained why they were there.

We knew the rumours, tracking down any usable information was a gargantuan task. Eventually our sources lead us to an attempt on the king’s life upon your arrival at the castle. Someone had alerted our target you were coming. They planned the attack during court to test your abilities, see if they could exploit any weakness. They must have found little because the next plan was much more discrete, something done while most of you took part in the race. We don’t know what they are going to do…but we’re running out of time. We must find out what they plan and where, because once the king returns to this island, it may already be too late.

Leia considered this. They were good points. “Why waste effort in an open confrontation when cloak and dagger got the job done quicker…Do we have anything to go on?” She smiled at Otto's eager tone.

Beyond the caches and searching the rooms I have had no more idea of what to do. Our group…we’re artisans, merchants and farmers, we belong no more to this world than a fish does in the sky, but we had to do something. I...we love our king and would do anything to keep him from harm.

Then we need more ideas…” Leia turned to the rest of the group. “If you were assassins, how would you swing this?

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky @zCrookedz
Luness huffed at Leia, but kept her mouth shut to avoid causing anymore problems.

Listening to the gryphon's explanation, Luness remained still and expressionless, taking in all of the information while not giving away what she thought of it.

Disappointed at the lack of useful information from the gryphon, Luness looked over at Leia when she spoke up and asked the group what they'd do if they were an assassin.

Thinking about what she'd do, Luness then said, "I'd find a location in the races where it'd be hard for anyone else to see what was going on and then I'd strike. Nobody would expect such a thing to happen during the races."

While Luness had never heard of Lord Canton's hinting at such plans, she still had a good idea of what could very well end up happening.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @Azure Sky @DawnAntalios

(Will post Leandra in a bit)
Arianne was taken aback from the harsh reply of Luness and her entire face turned red from blushing. Not only she made a fool of herself but also embarrassed herself in front of the fiercest warriors in FableWood. Nevertheless she had listened to the story of the gryphon and wanted to answer Leia's question immediately. But then she rather remained silent for a but, pulling her skirt left and right. She did not want to say something stupid again, she had done enough damage already.

Still, after thinking carefully she turned towards Leia and spoke.

" I- I would try to guise it as an incident. " she stammered, her voice was barely louder than a whisper " I would send agents to the race disguised as normal racers and in the most remote, out of sight place I would strike... "

She lowered her head, blushing again. She hoped that this time she was actually making sense.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz
Elena smiled when Ward finally complied.

"Good.. And I don't mean to sound angry. I just really don't like seeing you struggle. It pains me a little, you know?" She said in a softer voice. When she realized Nyr was injured, they flew in closer. Elena sat sideways on Wards back so she might reach.

Much like Ward, Nyr fought the idea of receiving help. She looked to Leo, giving him a 'you know what you need to do' look in hopes that he wouldn't just let her friend struggle.

"It's true, we need to catch up to the king, but for a moment Malachai and Kallin are faster than us, and our friend is hurt. I wish to help you Nyr, so you can fly alongside us and carry Leo to the finish as well. Wouldn't it be fun to do that?"
The kelpie breathed a sigh of relief as she steadied herself again. That had been a little close. But lighting the torch was a cinch this time, and soon they were soaring away, staying near the wall as they flew out of the tunnels. His voice drew a small laugh from her, and she nodded. “Oh, yes. I dont think Ive ever seen him in such a state." Her reply was short, as a blast of wind drowned her words. After it passed, she scowled and added, “We're going swimming after this."

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