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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The flight over was beyond enjoyable. The Whispering Isles were an amazing place, even more amazing when seen while flying. Quincy let herself relax while riding Alexander, knowing that he would take care of her. His graceful, yet powerful, flight carried them swiftly behind Ward and the king, above the boats. As of yet, the kelpie had been otherwise occupied and hadnt noticed the newest member of the group. From above, she assumed him to be a crew member. When they reached the racing island, Alexander grew increasingly excited. His love for games was contagious. Soon both of them were grinning ear-to-ear with anticipation. They landed after Ward, and Quincy stayed astride her mount, looking toward Lord Canton for their next move.


((Hey @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks you might want to be at Courser Island, even if your characters are not racing. Also, anyone who wants to race can make up a creature to fly with.))

"Whoa." Leia exclaimed in response to Eroan's tale. "Don't worry," she offered in a friendly tone, "This whole team is made of people who don't really fit in: Ward, the gryphon flying up there? Not really a gryphon, he was enchanted when he was younger. Alex and Malachai are brothers, but they left the Ethreal mountains, something the dragons there rarely ever do. Luness is a werecat, Alpha to a pack of werewolves. Kallin's cursed, Nyr's a good dread raven...I could go on, but I think you get the idea."

She looked out over the island they were descending to. "The point I guess, is that none of us are what you'd normally expect, but that doesn't make us any less. We've all come this far using our own power and abilities...I think you'll like traveling with us." She grinned after that, and as soon as the boat landed she got off and onto solid ground.

"Still not a fan of flying." She admitted sheepishly. Bob growled his agreement, climbing from the boat and wobbling slightly. If brown stone could look green, Bob was doing a very good job of appearing that way.

"Welcome!" Lord Canton strode toward them, a proud smile on his sharp features. "I am so glad you all came! I shall escort you to the amphitheater for the opening ceremony announcements. Then we will take a tour about the course. You will have lodging provided on Courser tonight, in the castle there." He gestured to a square-ish, turreted building draped in the red and gold banners of the races.

"Come! Come! Let us not delay!"

He lead them up the steps and out onto the green, making his way to the massive oak doors. The theater was just beyond and he encouraged them to take seats.

"The viewing orb will show you everything you must know. Er, Malachai, Kallin. I would see you after the race course tour, I must have you fitted with your colours."

"Yipee." Kallin mumbled in a deadpan tone, the lord didn't seem to notice.

As they climbed the steps into the arena seating Ward couldn't help but notice the rings had been prepared for creatures both large and small. A row of seats sat above a wide, flat platform so he could sit comfortably in his gryphon form while Elena could sit in the chairs behind. They found seats as the orb began to shimmer. Ward could see the other side of the theater through the waters and then...all of a sudden he couldn't. There was an image reflected in the rippling surface and lord canton appeared, his voice echoing off of the building walls.

"A very warm welcome to our racers and spectators! This year promises to show a most excellent course! As most of you know, Courser island is name so because it travels about the other islands as the Isles move, it is never in the same place twice within the Isles, which always makes for new and exciting races. This year we are fortunate enough to be by three of the greatest natural wonders in our beloved land!" The image changed and then reflected a vast forested island, huge trunks of solid stone rose up out of it, creating one of the most interesting (and probably very difficult to navigate) landscapes he had seen.

"Tower forest...Glacier peak..." The image changed again and they were faced with a canyon fashioned out of solid ice. The caves beyond were intricate and narrow, no novice flyer would even attempt to pass through those.

"And...the Badlands!" The image changed one last time and Ward started as a volcano top burst, the magma burned hot in rivers down a slope and sulfurous clouds rose from deep geysers in the stone...he began to have second thoughts about this race...

"The goal of the race will be the same, each team will have to light the torches at three points, one in each location while following the race course beacons. The first pair to light all torches and cross the finish line will be crowned the new champions of the Isles!"

There was a loud cheer that erupted from the crowd. Ward had to make a note of the vast diversity of beings that attended. He recognized dragons, winged horses, rocs and phoenixes..there was even a gryphon or two. But some creatures he could not even begin to describe. He thought Avaar had been strange, but he seemed complete normal among this gathering.

The bat was crouched a little ways away in the same tier and he flashed another grin.

"Getting old!" He rasped, his muzzle not suited to human speech, but there was a lot of practice behind the care in which he shaped words. "Last one. For king and me."

"And now!" Canton called, Ward could see the real Canton now, standing on a small platform to the left of them. "With the utmost pleasure...I declare the races open!"

There was a raucous cheer, even louder than the first as things were tossed up into the air.

"All racers please report to the Western launch pad!" The last bit was barely audible over the crowds.
Malachai stood alongside Kallin marvelling at the race course and the locations they would be visiting. His heart was already racing with excitement. He waved to Ward and Elena, to Avaar and the king, and to Alex and Quincy. This was going to be fun. He had momentarily forgotten the real reason they were racing, until Lord Canton mentioned getting fitted. He stifled a growl and merely smiled, lightly nudging Kallin with his elbow when he made his little comment. "For the good of the people right?" He teased with a chuckle. "By the way, you can still use magic without your little tree branch right? I don't want to get caught unawares if anything happens to the king." He whispered to him beneath a smile as he cheered and clapped the race's start.


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Listening to Leia's explanation of the various people in their group, Leandra felt amazed again at the diversity and uniqueness. That wasn't always an easy thing to find in the real world.

When Leia disembarked and sheepishly admitted to still not liking flying, Leandra followed after her and then simply shrugged and said, "I've always enjoyed flying, but then again I do a good amount of flying to get to where I need to be in the military back home. I also was on a ton of carrier ships for traveling overseas and such.

Seeing Lord Canton approaching the group, Leandra resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him and instead gave him a warm smile and listening politely to all he had to say.

Luckily, Leandra wasn't a rider, as she obviously couldn't fly on her own, and so she got to sit back and relax with the group while the others raced and hopefully were able to stop an assassination attempt on the king. Just another day in FableWood, Leandra supposed.

Upon hearing where the lodging would be, Leandra mentally admitted to herself that the lodging looked and sounded amazing to her.

Peering into the large orb to see the three race locations, Leandra felt a shiver up her spine, as none of them looked safe or easy to traverse. Hopefully everyone in their group was a good flyer.

Glancing over the various flyers, Leandra found herself amazed yet again at the uniqueness and diversity among them. It was truly a sight to behold.



Luness disembarked her own boat and found herself sidling closer to Kallin and joining his side for the moment.

Luness heard what Kallin muttered and she grinned at his comment, finding it wholly amusing.

Listening to Lord Canton's speech and such, Luness resisted the urge to yawn, though this urge swiftly vanished upon seeing the three locations for the flyers to traverse.

Looking to Kallin with concern, Luness then quickly said, "Don't hurt yourself further, Kal. Be careful out there."

Nyr looked at Leo and saw the confusion on his face. His silence was the answer and now she understood that he might not have an advice for this problem. Before he could reply to her she backed away, wiping her tears and saying her farewells.

" I am going to the race, Leo. We shall meet there if you wish to come. "

And with that she had spread her wings, and took off from the ground. Her head was flooded with difficult, dark thoughts and she could barely concentrate enough to suppress these agonizing ideas. Perhaps she was destined to be a monster after all? She had believed that it was Mother Moon's light which opened her heart - but now it seemed that her destiny was written long ago. But how could she be someone like that? How could she lead her people when there was none?

These thoughts raced through her mind when she finally reached the racing island. There a guard stopped the girl, wanting her to explain herself.

" I am Nyr the dread raven and I am here to race. "

" And on what would you race, milady? " the guard asked but soon his words died on his lips, seeing her turning into her giant raven form. " Very well milady. I am not sure if you could race alone or you need a rider... you shall find it out inside. "

Thus he signaled that she was ready to enter. The gigantic raven took wings and flew in the mighty arena. Her sudden appearance drew the attention of the spectators momentarily, some screaming in surprise, others roaring in awe as the majestic ebony bird landed beside the other racers. Her eyes inspected the crowd, finding her allies spectating and now she was waiting readily. She wanted to participate in the race - such adrenaline would be enough for her to momentarily forget about her woes. But she wondered if she was allowed to race alone... and if not who would be her rider?

@zCrookedz @ everyone in the racing stadium
Leo listened to what Nyr had learned from the book and was amazedthat such knowlage had been contained within the pages. Though he didn't fully understand what everything ment, he would do what he could to help Nyr and Achyls as it sounded like it pertained to them both.

He was about to begin questioning the information when the boats took off and Nyr left to follow to the races. He made his way to the docks and found another boat that had been left for the stragglers and hopped aboard. After the quick flight, marveling at the beauty of the area the race would start in . He landed and made his way to the others. As he stepped off the boat, he felt something latch down on his leg and looked down to see Otto looking up at him with a mouth full od his caf. He smiled as he Otto let go and the two of them made their way with the rest of the group who seemed to be getting breifed on the race and the course.
Achyls woke with a start to the sound of clamoring. The boats had already set sail! Giving herself a check over, it appeared she felt well enough to walk, perhaps flight would work too. She made her way to the boats and boarded the last just before it set off. The only pain she felt now was a minor headache and an irregular acute sting in her chest, which she could try to ignore. Her eyes had remained a deep black, however, startling a servant she had passed on the way to the boats.

Upon arrival, she was stunned by the beauty of the place, and even more so by the creatures she saw there. She found Leo within a few minutes, and went to stand by him, greeting him with a nod.

"H-how is Nyr?" she asked him. She had great concern for her sister, especially after what happened back in her room.

Quincy was greatly impressed by the amphitheater, and the magic orb that would allow people to watch. She took care to remember the names of the locations they would be flying to, and the fact they would need to light torches. Surely that would be easy aboard a dragon. Although, with so many unfamiliar creatures flying as well, there was no telling what would happen. Quickly, she reminded herself they were only in the race to protect the king. Alexander seem disappointed when she mentally reminded him as well, bringing a small laugh from the kelpie. Even with such responsibility, this would be fun. Alexander lifted off, following the other racers to the launch pad as instructed.

Elena had been quieter on the trip there, and at the amphitheater. Looking around, there was a crazy diversity of riders and flyers. Though they had needed to be fast, skillful and closer to fearless, this group had been training specifically for this. She figured it would be easier, and now looking at the projection of the Badlands and hearing Ward speak uneasily before her, she knew otherwise and worried for him.

"We don't need to win... Just, we need to be close enough the king during the more treacherous areas. And we have time now to scope it out, right?"

She offered a couple quiet words, still feeling uneasy about it herself.

"And don't push yourself too hard. If Malachai or Alexander move ahead of you, it's alright.. I just don't want you getting hurt."

She smiled at him fondly before standing up and walking towards the exit, but stopping to wait for Ward.

"Western Platform, right?"
As the crowd roared in excitement Nyr shifted uneasily. The tension somehow only grew within her, even if she only wanted to forget everything and have a fun ride. She had no intentions to win, after all she just planned to fly with her friends... but she might as well give them her best. Looking around she spotted Ward, Elena, Malachai and Kallin as racers and she smiled at them - as much as a raven can smile that is. Somehow however she could not erase the dark, foreboding feeling she had within her.

Meanwhile as Leo and Achyls left the transport boat they could hear tiny steps as a little girl rushed towards the two of them. The cheerful girl ran as fast as her tiny feet could carry her, her long blonde hair floated in the air and she finally reached the two enigmatic figures and while panting heavily she looked up on the two of them.


Her big, blue eyes glinted in excitement and joy as she observed the mighty lion and the slender, beautiful raven girl and she almost screemed in excitement but she used her gloved hands to cover her mouth and instead she giggled cheerfully.

" Lord Leo, Lady Achyls! " she said with an angelic voice " I am so lad that you could make it! "

The little girl stepped closer.

" My name is Arianne Lenn. My father is a noble in the isles and we came here to observe the race! I have read so much about you and your friends, you are heroes, legendary warriors! "

She turned to Leo first " Everybody knows the legendary lion guardian whose strength can only be matched by his own knowledge and powers of nature! I have heard that you have destroyed one of the Archdemon at the battle of Branbern all by yourself! You have liberated the entire kingdom of Oz all by yourself! "

She then turned to Achyls, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

" And you, my lady I heard that you have annihilated countless demons with but a snap of your fingers! You have become the most treasured daughter and champion of Mother Moon herself! I heard you soar in the sky like no other, vanquishing evil with but a single glare! "

Arianne jumped around, blushing heavily, tucking her white coat in her skirt.

" I am so honored to stand before you! "

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
Malachai made his way to Lord Canton not waiting for Kallins reply. On the way over he just smiled and shook his head at Luness' display of affection. "He's got the safest seat in the house. He's riding a dragoon and sky race veteran and is a master of magic and mystery. I think the others better watch out" He said with a smile. Soon he arrived at Lord Canton's camp and awaited his fitting, quickly shifting into his large dragon form.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
((You know, I think we'll just make the race start now. Everyone seems ready for it. Screw the tour of the track. Oh, and @DawnAntalios you will need a partner. There is a reason for this. ^^))

As the racers moved to the start area to begin warming up Ward felt himself caught up in the excitement. He had no doubt that he could fly the course, and with all the energy in the air he began to realize there was a bit of a competitive streak hidden behind his polite docility. Elena however brought him back to earth. "Right. We must stay close to the king...I have a good feeling in order to keep up with him we will have to keep at the head of the pack." When she expressed her worry he couldn't help but look at her with a loving gaze, his golden eyes strikingly human in the fierce eagle face. "With you at my side, I could race the wind and beat it."

They made their way onto the green where the race attendants were fitting and checking harnesses and straps.

"What banner will you be flying under?" He almost didn't see the little brownie in red and gold livery address them from the ground.

"Er..." he looked at Elena and then back at the brownie. "Branbern?" The little man unrolled a parchment and found Branbern's heraldic shield: a silver rose on a red background. He held this up to a set of enchanters who wove a leather tunic in seconds. This they gave to Elena to try on. It was brilliant red with the silver rose of Branbern emblazoned on the back. Ward was examined thoroughly and a harness was crafted for him which would give Elena a much better grip. This too was red. As they adjusted it to fit him, tugging on the hand grips over his shoulders a third person appeared, a pot of red feather dye in one hand.

"Wings please." He said, as if this was the hundredth time he had said it today. Ward glanced at Avaar, who had the trailing edge of his wings dyed blue already, with the last third of each wing covered in blue with a gold gryphon and staff stenciled on. He gave Elena and Ward another toothy grin.

Ward spread his wings and with a wave of the enchanter's hand the dye floated out of the pot and coated Ward's flight feathers down the trailing edge. The dye shone as it dried. The enchanter also painted red marks on Ward's face and stenciled a red rose on his hind quarters.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin was about to leave to be fitted with the lord's colours when he heard Luness and turned. The usual, confident grin appeared in his eyes and he stepped closer to her.

"Of course I'll be careful, I still have to get you to the spring right? I can't die here."

When Malachai chimed in Kallin shook his head, but the dragon's excitement was beginning to infect him too. "I can cast just fine without my staff. We need to stick close to the king, don't you go forgetting why were here." He tried to sound serious...it didn't work.

As Malachai turned away Kallin winked at her impishly. "Wish me luck!"

The marquee where they were lead was fancy. Canton had his own personal attendants for his two champions. His crest was displayed on one canvas wall of the tent; a green wyvern on a black background. The creature's only limbs were a pair of bat-like wings attached to a long, serpentine body, which curled about the banner. Kallin looked at the banner and cast a quick spell, changing his hat for a hood, his flowing robes for more streamlined tunic and cotton pants and painting the entire ensemble black. The green wyvern appeared on his back. The attendants came with black paint to decorate Malachai's wings and flanks.

"Oh this is so exciting!" Lord canton entered the marquee in a jovial mood.

"Now I want you too to have fun, but I am confident you will have a very good chance at taking the title, but you must be focused! Even if some of the racers drop behind or out of sight...you must not falter."

Kallin could read between the lines. The lord meant 'if the king suddenly went missing from the head of the pack, don't go looking for him."

"Naturally." Kallin said, feigning ignorance. "This isn't my first race." He was surprised at how good he was getting at lying...it wasn't necessarily the greatest feeling.

Especially when you're lying to the most important person in your life...He clamped his mind against the thought. It was better this way...for now, she couldn't know.

@andujarprime @Lioness075

"All racers to the start line! All racers to the start line!" A race attendant chimed, his voiced amplified by a spell. The whole thing was about to begin.

@andujarprime @Hel @Flutterby @Bea Delaine

Leia found seats in the amphitheater that gave them a perfect view. She realized that no matter how far around the water orb she walked the picture was always at the same angle.

"We have got to get this for baseball games." She said as she sat down. Suddenly she felt incomplete without her ball cap and a hotdog. Lee floated down into her lap, soaking it completely.

Leia winced at the cold and began to pet the spirit with a smile, Lee's company was worth a wet lap and she didn't have the heart to tell her to move. Bob decided it would be better to sit at Leandra's feet.

"Just don't let him sit on your feet," Leia warned. "He's reaally heavy!"

Luness grinned at Kallin's response and then promptly responded with a brief, "Good luck out there, Kal! Same to you, Malachai."

Once Luness could no longer see Kallin, she let ot a small sigh and then made her way to the viewing platform, unable to get rid of this unsettling feeling thst something was going to wrong in the race.

Sighting Leia, her spirits, and Leandra sittig together further in the stands, Luness began to make her way towards them.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime (won't let me tag you for some odd reason...)


Leandra grinned at Leia's comment about baseball games and said, "I never was a big fan, but this orb would be useful in many sports events."

Seeing Lee soaking Leia's lap, Leandra giggled, though she didn't have the heart to say anything about it since Leia wasn't complaining.

Raising an eyebrow at Bob when he settled st her feet, Leandra then grinned at Leia's warning and replied, "Duly noted."

Suddenly, Leandra felt her upper back itching again and she quickly took off her knapsack and set it aside so she could better reach her back and itch at it.



Luness was soon on Leia's other side and nodded at her and Leandra before she sat down and curiously peered at the orb, rather fascinated by it.

Without realizing it, Luness had begun tapping her claws against the seat, as she still felt like something was going to go awry in the race and there was nothing Luness could do from here about it.

Setting her knapsack to the side, Luness laid Kallin's staff across her lap and gripped it a bit tightly, as she nervously waited for the races to begin.

Elena smiled and stroked Wards shoulder with a gentle hand when he replied, his sweet words melting away her worry. She looked once more over the collection of racers and felt her resolve steal over a bit. Her expression turned to one which slightly reflected her determination.

"We are fast though, and strong, and we have succeed against worse odds. I would never underestimate you ward."

She said with a smile, looking to Avaar, the speedy and friendly large bat and gave a short thumbs up and smile.

When they were hordes by people prepping them for the race, Elena took all nervousness and turned it to resolve. She took the tunic and wore it over her pale green jacket. The leather felt secure and a good fit on her shoulders. Not too heavy. Hopefully not to heavy for Ward.

She watched as they finished with him, not sure whether to laugh or be impressed by how regal he could appear with the paint and harness. Then it was time to line up.

"Ready? Let's show them how great we can be."

She said, approaching the starting lines and mounting when they were ready.
Malachai noted his companions preparing. He waved a goodbye and a thank you to Luness before changing. He let out a soft grumble as he walked past Elena and Ward, Alex and Quincy,a small greeting. He did hear Ward's comment and let out a rumbling laugh. "If only the winds raced back. Until then you will have to settle for racing me my winged friend" He thought out to him as he made his way to Lord Canton's tents. Inside as they were being fitted Malachai nodded his agreement to Kallin. Then to Lord Canton before they made their way to the starting line. Malachai's wings had been painted black, his natural green color left untouched in the shape of the wyvern and banner. He huffed a trail of green smoke as he looked up at the crowd. Several of the other more nervous contestants shied away, their mounts flapping nervously. His body shuddered as he laughed once more shaking his head lightly waiting for Kallin to mount. "This will be fun inseed" He thought to the mage"

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Flutterby @Bea Delaine @Hel

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Leo watched as the racers were called to their places when he suddenly heard the small voice of someone he had never heard before. He turned to see the little girl looking at him and Achyls with wide and hopeful eyes. He smiled after she finished and pat the girl on the head "Thank you you little one. We are merely trying to protect you and all of the other people of Fablewood."

He gave the girl a smile and then turned back to the race. He looked down to Otto and then up to the spectators stands. He could see Leia, Leandra and Luness making their way to some seat and gave Otto a nudge with his foot as he was watching a butterfly. "Otto why don't you go sit with Leia, Leandra, and Luness?"

He walked over to where Nyr was and cleared his throat.
"So, it seems some are participating in the race. If you would like, we can help keep the king safe together."


Otto sat on his hind quarters, his eye fixated on the biggest butterfly he had ever seen in his life. The harness it was wearing seemed to be made specifically for it and the rider was doing a few critiques on it. He felt Leo nudging him and he perked an ear towards his friend but kept his eyes glued to the butterfly.

With Leo's instructions he finally looked away from the butterfly and found the girls sitting in the stands. He gave Leo a smile and bounded off towards the stands until he found a seat next to Leia and Leandra. He looked up to them and then to the giant water orb. He smiled as he shifted to his human form. "Did you guys see all the giant flying things?"

With a quick glance to Luness he slunk back a bit and placed his hand in his lap, trying to be on his best behavior

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
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Luness smelled Otto's scent before she even saw him bounding towards the small group.

When Otto mentioned the flying creatures, Luness remained silent merely because she wasn't sure of how to respond.

Thanks to her sixth sense of impending danger, Luness was only partially paying attention to the others, as she eagerly scanned the crowd of racers to try and find Malachai and Kallin amongst the others.



Leandra grinned at Otto when he joined the group and she immediately scanned the crowd until she found a phoenix in the mix and was amazed to see that its saddle seemed to keep the rider safe from its flames.

Noticing Otto acting a bit strange in her perioherals, Leandra tried to brighten the mood even though she really wanted to ask Otto what was bothering him.

Pointing it out, Leandra then said to those around her, "Look at that amazing phoenix over there! I'm surprised its flames aren't burning its rider."

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Avaar tilted his head at Elena's thumbs up, looking at the fingers on his own wing. He held his own spindly, clawed thumb up in return and moved to the launch pad. The king bowed his head at them as he tightened the last strap on his harness.

"Best of luck heroes of FableWood!" he called with a laugh. Suddenly he looked ten years younger, it was easy to tell he enjoyed this.

The thrill of excitement coursed down the gryphon's spine as the racers began to line up. Some took to the air already as it seemed the race would have a flying start.

"We can try to show it..." He replied to Elena, "but they won't be able to see us for long!"

As Malachai appeared on the launch pad Ward thought a reply to his previous comment out to him: Just keep your eye trained on what's in front of you, because that's where we'll be!

He felt Elena's familiar weight on his shoulders and couldn't help but look around.

"How is the harness? If I barrel role will you be able to stay on?" His worry was apparent, he wanted to race, couldn't wait to, but Elena was far more important.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin climbed into the harness carefully, making sure the straps on his legs were good and tight. he saw the scrying mages that were capturing the images for the orb in the amphitheater and gave them a wave. The announcements in the theater itself were inaudible out in the field, but he could guess they were introducing the racers.

he saw Ward take off in the distance, flying up to join the formation of racers as they circled the arena.

"Fun...right." Kallin replied. He felt a mix of excitement and uneasiness. This was a first for him and he wasn't quite sure what to expect.

"Lets go."


Leia watched Luness and smiled. "Hey, He'll be ok." She tried to reassure her. Leandra was acting strange as well.

"I've been poliely ignoring this for a bit but...do you have a scar there or something? You keep doing that." Suddenly Otto came to join them and Leia's face lit up.

"They're all so cool aren't they?" She replied, his excitement leaking into her as well. "Which one do you think is the coolest you've seen so far?"

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

They watched the racers take off and at the third turn of the arena the flag appeared, raised high above the pack. Two yellow dragons rose to fly at the head, keeping the racers in line like Leia had seen at NASCAR one year. Suddenly the flag came down.

Ward soared through the air with easy strokes, picking a position behind the king. Ahead he could see the flag and then...he saw it fall. t once the air around him was a rush of beating wings, with the wind in absolute turmoil it was impossible to gain much lift. Ward saw Avaar dip, flying under the racers and using the extra speed to advance ahead of the pack to where the wind was undisturbed. Ward followed suit, a clever trick was worth copying.

"Here we go!" he called to Elena and his heart raced the tempo of his beating wings.
[Recent flashback]

Eroan smiled at Leia's remark, almost like a sign of agreement. Then he turned his attention towards Leandra who commented on how amaizing his powers were. ''Well, I can't deny that. I wouldn't have survived all my misadventures, if my body wasn't this way'' he said. The girls then started about some things which were foreign to him.


As he sat near the others and watched the preparations for the race, from the gigantic arena, Eroan actually felt hyped for a change. This type of event was new to him and made him excited.
Hearing Leia trying to reassure her, Luness glanced sideways at her and mumbled, "Yeah, okay," in response.

Meanwhile, she kept her gaze on the orb and felt a bit better when she saw Kallin wave at the image through the orb. Maybe she was just overreacting and all would be well in the end.

Suddenly, the yellow dragons led the racers about and then a flag was dropped and the race had begun!

In a blur of feathers and wings along with mixed figures in the crowd, Luness had no idea where anyone from their group was in the temporary chaos of the beginning of the race.

Luness could only hope nobody was knocked down from all the chaos. Were Kallin and Malachai okay?

Looking closer, Luness was able to catch sight of Ward and Elena diving under the crowd and following after Avaar and King Cedric. It seemed to be a smart move, as some others were struggling to move through the air in the mass.



Leandra glanced over at Leia upon her mentioning Leandra itching her back and she could only shrug in response and say, "I don't have a scar there. I'll be honest, It's been itching back there ever since I got here and I don't know if it's just an allergy or if something is going on."

Hearing the excitment growing all around her, Leandra returned her attention to the racers and saw the beginning chaos ensuing, as the yellow dragons flew away and the race began.

Hah!" Malachai thought to himself as the flags were dropped. He flapped a few powerful strokes, the winds buffeting a smallish bird creature to his left. He gained a bit of altitude before folding his wings and dropping down beneath the crowd of racers. His big form brushed a couple wings causing some of the racers to lose balance and wobble. When he came to underneath the racers he had barely caught sight of Avaar and Ward heading back up to the front. He smiled at having such clever opponents as he surged forward. With a powerful flap he burst up into the front of the crowd just behind Ward. He unsettled several racers in the process, his tail whipping back and forth as he righted himself. He fell into place just behind Ward as the first turn in the course was coming. He shifted sideways and came up on the inside turn, with a single stroke rushing ahead of Ward and gaining on Avaar and the king.



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Nyr followed the others to the start line, preparing for the race as the crowd became even more restless and started cheering more than usual. The dread raven watched as Leo walked up to her and felt a bit embarrassed that she had left the guardian alone previously. Still, she wanted to prepare and allowed the mighty guardian to climb on top of her back.

" Hold on, my dear. I hope you hare ridden gigantic birds before. " he words reverberated in the mind of Leo as she felt the guardian finally on her back, clinging to her ebony feathers.

Finally she joined the others just as the flag was risen in the sky. Then, when finally it was cast down she took off and flew faster than she could before. It felt liberating and strange at first to soar through the sky with speed unparalleled but she was careful not to throw off Leo from her back.

Although she was not the fastest Nyr could still easily keep up with the rest of the racers. She felt the wind biting her head as she let out a a chirping voice which was immediately lost in the howling wind. She felt her adrenaline rising as the race continued.


Arianne nodded at Leo with a radiating smile and watched him striding off. She was now alone with Achyls and reaching out with her tiny hand she grabbed the one of the raven girl.

" This way, milady! " she said, leading her " I think i have seen Lady Luness and Lady Leia on the spectator rows. I am going to bring you to them! "

The little girl was able to navigate through the crowd with ease and she was surprisingly slippery. Never once bumping into anyone Arianne lead Achyls to the others, offering her a seat. When she had done so she blushed heavily and bowed before them.

" Lady Luness, Lady Leia! " she said with joy " It is an honor to see the celebrated heroes of FableWood! " she then glanced over to Eroan and Leandra and for a moment she did not know who they were. Then her wide smile returned, bowing before them as well. " Milord, Milady. I don't believe we have met yet. My name is Arianne Lenn, firstborn of Altriarus Lenn, lord of the house Lenn. It is an honor to meet all of you, truly. "

She then turned to the other two girls.

" Your deeds are legendary! " she wanted to continue but then she saw the the race was just about to start and she looked at the other racers in awe " And I see that the other heroes are racing even now! This race will surely be one of the best in the history of Aerios! "

She then fell silent and not finding a place for herself to sit beside her heroes the little girl sat down on the ground, observing the race from there.

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075 @SilverFlight @Azure Sky
Elena sat in wait for a moment, and nodded in reply, then felt a little silly realizing he probably couldn't tell.

"I will be fine. The harness has great grip, and I'm not worried. And just don't even question it. Go as fast and you can handle, and I will do fine."

Se said, her legs curling tightly and securely around Wards midsection, no longer sitting but holding on, seat off his back and back arched to be more stable and aerodynamic. She held onto the harness tightly as well.

"Let's go."

They took off and Elena kept in the secure position, cheering with excitement for a moment, eyes set on the King, then Malachai. She felt sudden competitive urge.
Luness anxiously watched the race through the orb, her eyes darting this way and that to try and find Malachai and Kallin.

It soonwas easy to find them, as Malachai disrupted several racers and one even veered far off when Malachai rushed past the pair.

Shaking her head at this, Luness then realized thst both Ward and Malachai were now gaining on King Cedric.

Suddenly, a young female voice disrupted Luness' concentration and she was immediately frowning at young Arianne, as she found it irritating for the girl to be so disruptive in such a tense moment.

Once the young girl seemed to finally be done speaking, Luness then said evenly, "I'm not a lady so don't call me that. Also, we're a bit busy watching our friends here. Save such talking for another time, kid."



Leandra watched the race with eagerness, her eyes darting about to take in the sight of everything thst she could.

When a child approached the group with Achyls in tow, Leandra raised an eyebrow at the child and soon learned of Arianne's name and then took note of how eager she seemed to be to meet the infamous heroes of FableWood.

Frowning at Lunes' sour response, Leandra then gave Arianne a warm smile, as she said, "Don't mind Luness. She can be a bit grumpy sometimes. It's a pleasure to meet you, Arianne. My name is Leandra and I joined this group not too long ago. So far, my powers consist of being able to heal intensive wounds and injuries to others. Well, ohysical ones at least."

Speaking of which, Leandra remembered Leo's incident in the librarby and how she'd been able to heal his physical wound, but he'd clearly been hurt emotionally as well. Or was it mentally?

Deciding to ask Leo about Lilly later, Leandra then returned her attention to the race through the orb and watched with anticipation for something thrilling to happen.

"Oh my gosh, we have a fangirl." Leia said quietly to the four other sitting with her. Lee jumped off Leia's lap and went to sniff the young girl carefully.

As the race started however Leia's attention was diverted as well. She stood in her seat, cheering as her friends took the lead.

By the corner of one entrance a shadowy figure slunk against a wall, wings held tightly against her back. She had an important task...and nothing could interfere. Despite the gravity of her mission she was nervous however and did not notice something fall out of the pack strapped to her flank. A small bandana with the symbol of the Black Claw, the assassin's guild that had attacked the king's throne room just the night before.

@everyone not racing

The wind roared in Ward's ears as Malachai powered past them. Advancing on the king.

"Oho, you think it will be easy do you?" Ward's spirit was ablaze now with the rush of the competition. He caught a small wind wave and let it lift him above and just behind the dragon's back. Kallin watched as Ward flew level with him, tapping Kai on the shoulder to draw his attention and immediately flapping to roll above and over them both, slipping downward and with the momentum moving past him again.

The trail beacons blazed brilliantly, even in the late afternoon sun. The pack banked around and swooped low to fly in amongst the rocks. Huge pillars of stone reared above them, studded with trees and small shrubs. Ward wove through them adeptly, using his smaller size to keep a straighter trail. Avaar had to dodge around some of the spaces, his wingspan being too large, but despite this the bat kept pace with long, smooth strokes. His body built completely for flight. He would be very hard to keep up with.

Without warning a gust of wind slammed into the gryphon, snapping one wing up and causing him to roll. A stone pillar loomed to one side and it was ony by dropping that Ward was able to avoid smashing into it. Now he had lost altitude and would have to go slower in the air as he got it back.

"The wind is completely erratic! Its the stone pillars! they're splitting it. I can't tell when or where the gusts will strike!"

Even Avaar was having trouble. ward watched the bat get blown downwards, barely able to keep himself righted.

"You partners have been given a bit of a gift in this part of the course...they can see the currents. Let them guide you through!"

The race announcer's voice echoed around them.

"Elena, can you see them? Where do I fly?"

Kallin held on for dear life as Malachai pulled ahead. Despite himself though he was laughing. When they reached the Tower Forest he began to see flashes of colour and was at first extremely confused. It was almost like the wind itself was becoming visible....

@everyone racing

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