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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo felt Nyrs mind and brush against his and when he heard her voice he smiled and thought back to her "There is always a first for everything I suppose." He gripped tight and watched as they took off with the others. The group seemed to be in their positions to help keep the king safe and he was going to be ready for anything. Leo kept his body close to Nyr's back so that she would be able to have a bit more stream line to help. The excitement of the race began to get his heart pumping. He felt like just before a big battle was about to begin, but this time it was a bit different. When the flag dropped and Nyr surged beneath him he was a bit taken aback by her speed. He realed himself in and kept low and let her take charge of the flying part, he kep his eye on the group and even more importantly the King.


Otto sat there and smiled at Leia "Oh man the giant butterfly. Or maybe the big bat thing the guy with the scar from breakfast was ridding. But then there's Ward and Malachai and Alex and Nyr and all of the others that are racing. Ugh they are all so cool, this is so cool." By the end of his rambling, Otto's tail was swishing back and forth really fast. It wasn't until the new girl showed up that his tails stood up along with his ears. He had never seen this girl and she seemed to be very interested in the group. He nearly started busting out laughing when the little girl started calling Luness "Lady". He looked over and then back to the water orb that was showing the flight.

Achyls jumped when the girl took her hand. She felt tainted, holding the hand of someone so innocent, yet felt happiness radiating from Arianne and took that as a sign of good to come.

"What a wonderful welcome," she half-smiled, "You certainly are wise beyond your years,". Tentatively, she took a seat beside Leia, letting go of Arianne's hand at the last second.

Out of the corner of her eye, she swore she could see something there, watching them perhaps?

Your mind's just playing tricks on you, Achyls, probably due to the sickness, she told herself. Nevertheless, she returned her attention to the others, the corner of her mouth bringing itself into a small smirk.
While the others enjoyed the game and conversed amongst one another, Luness deeply frowned when she caught a distinct scent nearby. She couldn't quite place it, but it was reminding her of when they'd been fighting those asssassins in the throne room.

Quickly looking around the viewing platform, Luness kept a good whiff of the scent, as she attempted to pinpoint the location.

Struggling to find the source among the crowd, Luness then closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again to have them glowing a crimson red, as she activated her Alpha state to help her in searching for the source.

Soon enough, Luness spitted a heat signature standing off to the side from everyone else and they appeared to be in a lowlit area.

Standing up calmly from her seat to avoid drawing too much attention to herself, Luness then set Kallin's staff down against her seat before she began weaving her way through the crowd.

As she movied closer and closer to the figure, Luness shifted out of her Aloha stste mid-stride to avoid any attention to herself.



Leandra felt Leia's excitement as well and was soon on her feet and cheering for their friends with Leia.

With all the excitement and adrenaline from watching the race, Leandra never even noticed Luness quietly wandering off.
Elena rolled with Ward over the other group, deciding it was in her best interest to stick her tongue out at Kallin, letting go with one hand and giving him a teasing solute. Though not her normal personality, it was the excitement of the situation. She felt them slow and lose altitude, gripping the harness again and looking up to see what the speaker meant.

She spotted the wind, oddly enough. It was visible. She could see and sort of predict the currents depending on how it was moving.

"I see it! Hurry, up diagnolly to the right.. Or, 1 O'clock. Then continue on, 50 meters on 10 O'clock!"
Nyr hastened her pace, leaving few racers behind, closing on Ward and Malachai as she flew faster and faster. She enjoyed the free flight and was more than glad to participate in this race. Soon however the wind became harsher made the flight much more rough than it was previously. Trying to make out everything clearly in the area around them she could barely avoid one of the stone pillars ahead of them, but thankfully due to her reflexes she was able to dodge the obstacle in the final moment.

As she heard the announcer's voice she contacted Leo once more.

" Be my eyes, noble guardian. Guide us through this obstacle course. " her words echoed in his mind as she dodged one more pillar.


Arianne watched with awe as the racers encountered the first obstacle course and she cheered as they raced through it. She then turned to Achyls, bowing before her.

" I am nothing such, Lady Achyls. " she said " I am but a little girl while you are a true hero. "

Hearing Leia's response however she blushed heavily and turned to them.

" B-but Lady Leia! " seeing as Leandra introduced herself her entire head turned red for not knowing about such a wonderful hero being with the group. " L-lady Leandra... I was... I just wanted to tell you how much do we admire your heroism... I... "

She blushed once more and observed as Luness left them. She was uncertain at first why the werecat was abandoning them but then she felt something. It was faint and momentary, like a chill wind blow which vanished as soon as it came. She looked around but found nothing here. Finally she noticed Otto laughing at her for calling Luness a lady and now a mischievous smile appeared on her face. rushing at the laughing man she only presumed was someone they knew she laughed as she wanted to tickle him and pull his tail in return. When she was finished with the little prank she looked at Leia and Leandra once more.

" I have heard much of your bravery, my ladies. I just wanted you to know how much do I... I mean the people of Aerios respect you. "

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Lioness075
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Leandra inhaled sharply at the close calls for each of their friends, but they appeared to all be quickly learning how to traverse this challenge as a team.

Dimly hearing Arianne speaking nearby, Leandra dissmissively wvaed at her and then said, "Arianne, just watch the race, okay? This isn't really the best time to be striking up conversations with us, sorry."

Returning her focus to the race at hand, Leandra eagerly watched all three of their teams, waiting to see who would get out of the area first. Maybe someone would get past the king.

Leo concentrated on the up comming obstacles as he heard Nyr in his mind. He looked a bit ahead and saw Elena maneuvering Ward through the air currents masterfully and decided to follow her lead "The wind is heading right for us. Bank left then level out, but keep your tail flat to stay on course." he smiled as they made their way around the pillar and watched as it disappeared behind them. Before he could celebrate the successful maneuver he turned as another pillar came into view. Leo's insides jumped in excitement "Quick right! Pillar dead ahead. there was still plenty of distance between them and the piklar, but he did not want Nyr having any close calls.


Otto began to laugh when the new commercial decided she wanted to grab his tail. He liked the spirit of the little girl and thought of how much fun the two of them could have chasing one another in the yard. Suddenly he felt something amiss and looked around to see that Luness had moved away from the group. She seemed to be in pursuit of something and Otto began to wonder if he should go with his alpha as backup. Otto then caught a glimpse of the direction she was moving and kept his eyes fixated on her, if she needed back up he would be ready.


Eroan observed the little girl carefull and then started to laugh. He went next to Arianne, bowed to her and looked her in the eye, intensely, while smiling. The handsome elf then said: ''Well, aren't you an adorable young lady''. He liked children, they were pure. After a few seconds he became slightly more serious and added: ''It's ok if others laugh at the way you think or feel. You shouldn't take everything to heart. As long as it's not dangerous or harmful, don't give up on what makes you happy, just because other people think otherwise. And don't worry, Leia was most probably just teasing you''.
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(Working, so short post)

Quincy and Alexander flew in the middle of the pack before the race started, pretending to be relaxed. But as soon a the flag dropped, the dragon surged upward and forward, racing after the front runners. As they neared the stone pillars, Quincy began to see odd flashes and swirls of color. It wasnt until the announcer spoke that she realized what it was, but when she did, their mental connection made it almost seamless to maneuver their way through the currents.

((@Hel @Flutterby, It must be a bit boring for you Flutter, would you like me to take over Alex until Hel comes back?))

"Oh, I think its fantastic!" Leia explained to the young girl. "You can hang with us as much as you want." Leia had never been the subject of hero-worship before it was...strange, but the last thing she wanted to do was disappoint their first fan.

When Leia only noticed Luness' absence when she was at the bottom of the steps. She caught the attention of her friends and pointed.

"Did you see that shady character? Luness did."

Slipping from her seat she went to follow the werecat. "Sorry kid, um...official hero business. We'll be back."

Coming up silently behind Luness she watched the figure disappear around a corner. The item she had dropped bore a familiar symbol. Leia picked it up.

"This can't be good." She whispered. "We have to find out who that was. This could lead us to the evidence we've been looking for."

The figure paused at a small door then raised a slender talon and wrapped on it twice, then a pause, then a third time. Leia noticed she walked on four legs...and were those paws behind?

"That looks like a gryphon." She said softly.

The door opened and the figure slid quietly inside. Once she was in the door shut again and Leia could hear it lock.

She looked to Luness. "You got that knock code right?"

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky

Ward followed Elena's instructions, laughing with delight as the wind began working for them rather than against them. All around them the other racers struggled. Some fared better, some actually crashed. In the distance Ward caught sight of healer teams that hovered close by. Good to know they were prepared.

Avaar seemed to be doing better than most. King Cedric guided him with calm but fast direction.

"Hold on!" he cried and pitched sideways to fly vertically through a narrow gap between two pillars.

"We should be coming upon the torch soon." And just as he had said this a magical flare went up, directing their attention to a set of lit lanterns hanging just under a rock archway. The lanterns it was apparent that they were to grab and dash against one of the torches that were lined on the forest floor just two hundred paces away.

"I'll try and fly you close, can you catch the lantern?" Ward caught an updraft and let it raise them higher, now he had the speed to gain on Avaar while they flew by to take the lantern, this however meant they would be coming in fast.

@Bea Delaine
SilverFlight said:
"Oh, I think its fantastic!" Leia explained to the young girl. "You can hang with us as much as you want." Leia had never been the subject of hero-worship before it was...strange, but the last thing she wanted to do was disappoint their first fan.

When Leia only noticed Luness' absence when she was at the bottom of the steps. She caught the attention of her friends and pointed.

"Did you see that shady character? Luness did."

Slipping from her seat she went to follow the werecat. "Sorry kid, um...official hero business. We'll be back."

Coming up silently behind Luness she watched the figure disappear around a corner. The item she had dropped bore a familiar symbol. Leia picked it up.

"This can't be good." She whispered. "We have to find out who that was. This could lead us to the evidence we've been looking for."

The figure paused at a small door then raised a slender talon and wrapped on it twice, then a pause, then a third time. Leia noticed she walked on four legs...and were those paws behind?

"That looks like a gryphon." She said softly.

The door opened and the figure slid quietly inside. Once she was in the door shut again and Leia could hear it lock.

She looked to Luness. "You got that knock code right?"

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky

Luness caught Leia's scent when she approached behind Luness, so she wasn't surprised or anything when Leia suddenly went around Luness and picked up the bandana with the scent of the assassins.

Shifting just her eyes into her Alpha state, Luness had no problem sighting the heat signature of the gryphon at the door.

Hearing Leia whispering about it looking like a gryphon, Luness whispered back, "It is a gryphon, though it's hard for me to figure out if it's a male or female."

Perking her good ear towards the gryphon, Luness heard the unique door knock and then whispered, "I got it," when Leia asked her if she'd gotten it.

Quietly approaching the door, Luness raised up her claws, trying to recreate the talon sound effect with them, and then rapped on the door twice, paused, and then rapped on it once more.

Dropping her forepaw to her side, Luness then waited for the door to open or for something to happen.

After all, Leia was right. This could very well end up being the evidence they needed to save the king's life.
Elena breathed with relief as they got through, then chuckled with pure glee as she felt they were weightless. She saw the medical teams and looked back.

"Good.. If anyone didn't fair well, we don't have to worry."

She said mainly to herself. They were coming up close to the torches and ward questioned if she could reach it if they flew close. Before saying anything, she shifted positions. She placed her knee on wards back, careful not to dig into him. Her closer hand released to reach the lantern and her other hand released to quickly fall into the other hands place on the harness. She used her free leg to stand off of Ward a bit, holding on with the one hand.

"I have this. Ready?"

When they got close, she leaned to reach, so far that her fingers nearly slipped. She got her hands on a torch though and pulled back, securing herself but prepping to get it lit.

"That's the first, of three right?"
Following the commands of Leo Nyr dashed to the right, avoiding the pillar ahead of them. After a few more of such dodges she looked around only to see a couple of unfortunate racers crashing into the pillars. She did not expect this race to be so difficult but after all they needed to entertain the crowd somehow - and who knew perhaps they were about to experience even more difficult traps.

It was then when she had noticed the flare and spotted the lanterns ahead of them. The task before them was once more set.

" Leo, grab one of the lanterns. We are about to turn up the heat. " she resonated in his head as she doubled her efforts and pushed harder towards their destination.


Arianne laughed cheerfully but then she heard Leandra scolding them for being distracting. She nodded, and once more blushed in shame.

" Yes, Lady Leandra. I am sorry. " she said as she watched Leia leaving. So she did notice the strange shade few moments ago. Nodding she turned to Eroan, her smile returning.

" Thank you for your thoughtful words, Lord Eroan. " she said warmly " I am relieved and honored knowing that you are not only heroes but also really warm hearted, caring people. "

She then returned to observe the others, not wanting to disturb them any more. She did not want to be a bother.

@Lioness075 @Azure Sky
(@SilverFlight I have 2 hours at work yet, so replies will be slow and short, but I dont mind if you dont ^^)

Flying between the other racers was becoming difficult; they didnt seem to be communicating very well and were struggling in the winds. Luckily, the magic flare gave Alex and Quincy a little more direction to follow. They veered toward to, and as they neared it, Alexander dropped one wing and raised the other. Narrowly missing a racer that seemed to be some kind of feathered dragon, Quincy reached over her head and snatched a lantern as they soared past. The speed was incredible- her fingers stung a little from where they grabbed the lantern. But thanks to the rope she had secured her knees under, she stayed onboard as the raced to the torches just behind Ward and Elena, and the king, unlike the rider of the feathered dragon. They would have to do a similar tilt to get the torch, unless the kelpie stood up as Elena had.
Leo laughed as Nyr swirved through the obsticals with ease. This adventure had turned out to not only be fun, but he felt very close to Nyr ridding atop her. He stroked her feathers as the flare lit up and the lanterns came into view. Leo grinned as he heard Nyr call out to him and he kept his eye fixated on on eof the lanterns as they got closer and gloser he continued to keep his eye trained on the lantern until the very last momment when he reached up and plucked the lantern from its home in the archway. Once again he laughed and gripped the handle of the lantern tightly "I got it Nyr, head for the tourch." He pulled the lantern close and watched the landscape of the course as they headed for the tourch to be lit. As they got closer and closer Leo readied the lantern in hand and in a swoosh past the unlit torch, it caught ablaze to Leos joy as he pulled the rtourch back and placed the loop on the handle of his ax secured to his belt. He replaced his grip and reached out to Nyr "I hit the mark my love. Ready for the next challange this course has to throw at us." He sounded almost a bit cocky, but he was more than confident the two of them could beat this course.


Otto watched as Liea rose and he to took it as a sign to follow Luness. As the two talked, Otto smelled the air for what was out of place. However with the mix of scents he wasn't able to pick out to much out of the ordinary. He began to marvel at Luness and her Alpha abilities, being able to pick a scent out of so many must have taken alot of practivce. He cept close to the girls incase this stranger decided to pull anything on them.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
"just make sure I don't hit anyone. These winds are like the passes in the whistling valley near my home." Malachai thought up to Kallin as he grinned to himself. He changed his flying tactics, and instead of gliding he flapped furiously when he felt the wind resist him. He turned himself sideways as he flew between pillars, righting himself once more and snapping his wings closed as he felt the current push down. He dove towards the ground, after several feet he snapped his wings open, receptors on his nose alerting him to the change in wind current. Wings spread wide he rose, his momentum carrying him farther up than the current actually went. He spotted the lanterns not too far off. A few more flaps and he found the current guiding him around another pillar. Instead of fighting it he lowered one wing and allowed the current to tilt him sideways. He allowed himself to glide sideways his back to the pillar. As he came around his wings flapped down shooting him across the sky. He righted himself for Kallin to grab the lantern coming up close then back down. His wings folded he sped towards the forest floor, he glanced around and caught sight of Leo atop a giant dread raven whom he guessed to be Nyr. He smiled to himself noticing the king and Ward having crept ahead. "Get ready!!" He thought to Kallin as he neared the forest floor. Smoothly opening his wings until he was sailing above the forest floor closing in on the torches. With a sudden flap of his wings he shot forward folding the wings as he spun like a missile, bringing Kallin in range of the torch and grabbing it before bringing him right side up again. With a sudden snap of his wings he shot up, cutting through the currents and coming up above Ward and Elena. He noticed Avaar and the king ahead and angled himself down towards them. "Welcome to my domain" He thought out to Ward and Nyr as he came down in front of them, snapping his wings once more and shooting up behind the king.

<Sorry if you dont want Kallin grabbing anything. Don't want him and Malachai falling behind after Malchai boasted about being a veteran racer =/ >

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Bea Delaine
Now concerned, Achyls went to follow the others, but turned to catch Arianne before she left.

"It is fine, Arianne. They hope only to protect you," she told the girl, placing a slender hand on her shoulder and allowing her leave. She then did the same, returning to the others. She folded her wings back, keeping them off the ground so as to make as little noise as possible. Watching Luness gather information was a curious sight, and she couldn't help but smirk at the sight of her.

"What gryphon would sneak around in the shadows? I thought they were proud creatures," she whispered to Leia, eyes still fixed on Luness.

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Watching and awe and joy as the heroes of FableWood overcame the obstacles of the course Arianne cheered for them. Her eyes wee glinting in excitement and she could barely contain her happiness. But then she noticed that Achyls took her leave as well. Knowing that Otto and Leandra would probably not care about where she might go she took the opportunity to sneak after the raven girl and soon she had come upon Leia and Luness as well. Hiding in the shadows she observed what they were doing and that they were talking about a gryphon of some sort.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

" Oh no... not them... " she did not realize that she had spoken out loud and she clasped her hands in front of her mouth, hoping that nobody had heard her. "

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Lioness075
Leandra soon glanced back to see that everyone she'd been sitting with was wandering off in search of something.

Deciding that they had more than enough help at this rate, if they would need any, Leandra stayed in the seating area and continued to watch the race.

As far as Leandra was concerned, the race was far more exciting than whatever the others were doing.

Plus, if something were to actually happen, well, the group was still nearby so Leandra wouldn't have to run far to catch up with them.


While Luness remained to wait for a response from behind the door, her good ear perked down the hallway from where Leia and herself had just walked in from, as she smelled Otto's scent approaching them and then a mystery scent, which was immediately placed with Arianne's face, as Luness heard the young girl speak.

Frowning at this, Luness decided to ignore the girl for now, as her focus was entirely on this door and whoever may be hiding behind it.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios
((No worries Andu, that was brilliant.))

Ward cheered inwardly as Elena snatched the lantern with little effort. "We must dash it against the torch there!" angling down he saw Malachai come up fact behind them. The trees rose fast to meet them and Ward curled his wings which enabled him to make tiny adjustments in their path to avoid the trunks. The torch bed appeared in front of them and Ward slid to the side, giving Elena the perfect opportunity to throw the lantern onto it.

As soon as Elena had thrown it the torch lit up in a brilliant burst of red and silver. He soared upwards again, relying on Elena's direction to clear the air currents and get above the towers. The beacons directed them well, there was a hard sprint to the next island, which loomed in the mist, a huge, snow-covered peak.

Kallin saw the lantern. "There's a current that blasts intermittently right in front of our target. Pull up for half a second and then fly forward, we should make it through the gap."

Kallin held on tightly, as soon as Kai leveled off Kallin leaped to his feet, snatching the lantern and clutching it to his chest as he regained his balance. As they raced to the floor of the island he let the lantern trail out behind them, leaving a streak of black and green smoke. With a satisfying crash the lantern was dashed against the torch which burst into green and black flame.

Kallin crowed in triumph, reveling in the moment as they swung ahead of Ward. He saluted Elena impudently in return.

The open sky stretched out before them, this is where the larger creatures with larger wings would have the best chance. Fortunately Ward had a secret. He had watched migrating birds ride the wind currents so they flew fast and far. He knew exactly how to hold his wings to obtain the maximum benefit. This he did and felt the wind take them, throwing them forward without losing too much energy into the strokes of his wings. Glacier peak was next, and it truly looked formidable. Ward knew there would be strong headwinds coming off the mountain as the cold air fell through the atmosphere. It promised to be an exhausting flight.

Leia readied herself as the door unlocked. It opened slightly and without waiting Leia charged, forcing the door open. She landed on top of the one who had opened it who stumbled back, hitting his head on a table and crumpling to the ground unconscious.

"Oh...I didn't mean to...shoot. We probably had questions for him." Ahead of them lay a dark stairwell that lead down underneath the amphitheater.

"I think our mystery gryphon went down there." She listened, and suddenly she heard the click of claws against stone. Their target was in a full run.

"I think they heard us! Quick!" Leia scrambled up and lurched down the staircase as fast as she could run.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Azure Sky

((Ug! I did it again! I forgot to actually post the thing I wrote this morning! *growl*))
Luness was surprised at Leia's audacity and frowned when the mystery person behind the door was knocked unconscious.

Just as Leia rushed down the stairs after the gryphon, Luness leaned out the door and shouted, "Leandra, look after this person, will ya?!"

Leandra whipped around when she heard her name shouted and sprinted up to join the group in the doorway just as Luness rushed after Leia.

Sighing, Leandra then knelt down a the side of the unconscious person and began deftly checking over them to make sure they weren't too injured.

In the middle of her check, Leandra practically facepalmed at the realization that she could just heal the person to be safe.

Holding up one of her hands, Leandra then let it hover over the person's face, as the power began seeping from her hand and into the person's body, searching for any ailments and healing them immediately. Now it wasn't guaranteed that the person would wake up upon being healed, but this way nothing would be wrong with them when they finally did wake up minus some dizziness and potential temporary amnesia from hitting their head like that.

Squeezing past Leia down the stairs, Luness then dropped to all fours and began all-out sprinting towards the sound of the claws against the ground as well as the gryphon scent she'd caught a whiff of earlier.

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Nyr screeched triumphantly as Leo lit the lantern and she quickly headed towards the sky. She came close to Ward and Malachai, nodding at the both in respect as she allowed the stream of wind to guide the duo towards the next course of the race. She felt relieved that they have left the scorching fire behind and now they were headed where the dread raven was most comfortable with: the cold glacier. With joy and determination she hastened her pace but then realized that Leo might need something in the merciless cold weather.

" If you need any protection spell just say, my love. " she thought to him " The icy cold is my natural habitat, but you might need something to protect you from the biting cold. "

She flew relentlessly towards their destination. Despite of her initial fears she enjoyed the race quite much.


Arianne watched as the tinkering of Luness with the door was successful and as the door opened she was quite surprised at how easily did Leia dispatch the one opening it. When the girl told the others to hurry down to follow the so called gryphon her heart sank. They were going... after that creature? She watched as Luness and Leia vanished while Leandra was tasked with guarding the unconscious person and she made up her mind. Not waiting for Achyls to reply she carefully jumped out from the dark corner she was hiding in and with her tiny legs she jumped into the opening and started to sneak down on the staircase below. Wherever these heroes headed she wanted to go... at all cost.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks
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As they raced along with the others of their group, haring after the king, Quincy ad a broad smile on her fast. She could get used to flights like this. Updraft ahead, go right, she pushed the thought into Alexander's mind, even though he seemed to already know. Their connection didnt seem to require conscious beams of thought, just openness and a mental picture. It was magnificent. Quincy switched the lantern to the other hand, placing her free one on his neck as she prepared to light the torch. He dropped one wing, tilting 45 degrees, and she smashed the lantern into the torch. It burst into an amazing array of blue, purple, and green, mirroring the iridescence of his scales.Quincy could have sworn she caught sight of a heart-shape in the flames, and rolled her eyes. That was a little heavy-handed.

As they streaked to the looming island ahead, the air began to grow cold. The kelpie pressed herself closer to Alexander, using the warmth coming off of him to hide from the chill.

Otto Watched in anticipation as they rapped on the door the way the hooded figure had before. He turned back at the strange little girl from before and cocked his head to the side, but quickly turned back to the door when Leia went crashing through it. He smiled at her as they all filtered in and found the hooded figure on the ground. Otto ave the figure a sniff and was able to finally single out the scent that Luness had been able to pick up on.

His ears perked up when he heard the clacking of what seemed to be claws or talons on the stairs leading down. Otto sighed, why did it have to be more stairs. He made his way to the top of the stairway and shifted. He looked back at Leia and her spirits and gave her a grin "Come on Leia, we don't want Luness to have ALL the fun do we?" With that he turned back to the stairs and began to descend as fast as his human legs would go going two or three steps at a time.

@Silverflight @andujarprime @Bea Delaine [/color]
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Achyls rushed down the staircase with the rest of them, her feet only just making contact with the ground. Behind her, she noticed the sound of small footsteps hitting stone. She turned to see Arianne following them.

"Arianne!" she gasped, stopping her in her tracks. She was close to scolding her and sending her away when she saw the girl's drive and curiosity. For some strange reason, she reminded her of someone she once knew, a smile grew across her face.

"Come with me. but please, stay quiet!" she whispered. Holding out a hand, she almost carried her down the staircase to meet the others, hiding her behind her wings until it was safe for her to come out.


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