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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls was now curled up on the bed, her breathing had calmed and her hands no longer shook. She met Malachai's eyes with her own tainted ones, and for now she seemed healed, if only partially.

"What drives me?" she whispered softly to him, a gravelly, malicious sound overshadowing her usual tone, "Fear. I always lived with fear...to instill it in others so I didn't feel so different. So those who shunned me could regret their mistakes. They could rue the day they ever sent me away to that forsaken place. They killed my father...and what became of my mother I do not know...but they caused it"

She pushed herself up into a sitting position, her face blank, hands wrapped around her ribs to squash the remainder of the pain the darkness filled her with.

Ward's ears fell as he listened. Was there truly no hope to restore the forest spirit? Perhaps one day a solution could be found...but Ward was beginning to believe if that day came, it would be a long way off. When Nyr appeared, instead of moving to comfort Leo she struck him!

"N-Nyr!" Ward said, completely surprised and not entirely sure of what to do. She kissed him then and Ward smiled, looking away politely. It was a form of caring...but he was glad he had never provoked that particular form from Elena.

Suddenly he felt arms around his feathered neck and leaned down so Nyr would not have to hang in the air.

"Well, I...I don't know about glory..or..." He stammered, flicking his tail in an embarrassed manner. Then he spread a wing around her and returned the hug. "You need repay me nothing, dear friend."

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz

When she invited them to go Ward spread his wings. "I shall find Elena." He announced happily. "I will meet you on the dock."

With that he peat skyward, beating the air with confident strokes as he gained altitude. It took him not time at all to find Elena, by now even if he could not make out her face, simply the way she walked was enough for him to recognize her.

She was making her way back to the castle, a large piece of raw stone was set into the gardens just before her. It dipped at one side and rose at the other, creating a slight incline. Ward wanted to try something...

He filled his lungs and called to her with an echoing eagle cry, gesturing to the unique rock. He brought himself parallel with the higher end, aiming to swoop just under it. If she ran up the other side, she could leap onto his back in mid-flight. He began his descent, feeling the wind rush as he picked up speed. It was a risky move, but he had complete faith in her.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin was brought from the library by another servant. He had left the map there, hidden so he would not be carrying it into any dark caverns or open sky where it could be lost forever. He would be racing with Malachai...it wasn't that he didn't trust the dragon...it was just that he seemed to have a different idea of what was safe.

"Me and my big stupid mouth...I should have just told that lord I've never raced."

He came out onto the garden terrace, trying to see where the steps leading to the docks were when he heard Luness shout. Otto had finally pushed a boundary, he was wondering when that would happen.

"Hey kid, don't take it personally. You know, I think Leia and Leandra had an odd number for their game last I saw." He had been watching them for a moment from the library window. He found it strange that such powerful beings could be so...normal.

When the ball was taken from Tad he whistled in playful frustration. Leia tried to steal the ball back, only catching it partially and sailing past, but the ball was knocked slightly off course. Tad raced for it, whistling in delight as he knew Lee would be close behind.

Suddenly the servant appeared and told them of the races.

"Ohoho no. No thanks. This is one adventure they can go on without me."

"There is a viewing platform where those not participating can watch. Lord Canton has employed the latest scrying magic to show the spectators every part of the course."

"...and its on solid ground?"

"As solid as can be had in the Isles my lady."

Leia looked at Leandra for her opinion.

While Lee raced after the soccer ball, Bob finally made a move and the ground around the ball shifted while the ball bounced in place for a moment before the ball went racing towards Lee, who then stopped the ball with some mud and then began rolling it down the field towards Leia's goal.

Meanwhile, Leandra joined Leia's side and listened to the servant explaining the place where bystanders could watch the races.

Seeing Leia looking to Leandra for her opinion, Leandra shrugged and then said, "It wouldn't hurt to be there in case something happened. After all, we know what's to be expected."

Pausing, Leandra then glanced back at the servant and asked, "Where is the viewing platform?"

Nyr smiled at Ward and nodded when he said that he will be off to find Elena. Looking as the gryphon soared through the sky and vanished in the distance she chuckled a bit. Maybe she was too direct, too personal with her hug attack, but deep down she did not mind. In her eyes Ward was her savior, the one who grabbed her out of darkness and melancholy, the one who called her on this holy crusade to save FableWood. Without him she would have been the same lonely, weak dread raven she previously was.

Sighing in relief she turned to Leo and listened to his words as they walked.

" I... I really am not the racing type... " she said a bit embarrassed " I do not want to make a fool of myself really, I bet the others are much better at this race anyway... "

She then silenced. It was time to tell Leo what she had found out... but she did not dare. Somehow all the courage she had had vanished immediately.

" Leo... I need to tell you something... "

She wanted to have the strength to say what she had to. She wanted to tell him this more than anything but she just could not muster the courage to do so. Shunning herself for her cowardice she took a deep breath then smiled.

" I am glad that you are all right. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leo watched as Ward and Elena flew off to join in the discussion about the races. Rolling his shoulder he moved around his satchel a bit and then followed Nyr. The gardens were as beautiful as always and Leo watched the flowers pass by as they walked the garden until Nyr spoke.

He looked to her and smiled at her, but he could feel that there was more to what she ahd to say than that he was alright. "Thank you Nyr. I am glad I am alright as well. Now, why don't you tell me what is really on your mind? I think we have been together long enough for me to know when their is something on your mind." He began to fear it had something to do with what ailed Achyls, or possibly even something to do with the book he had brought to her.


Otto hit the ground and spun around to jump at Luness again when he stopped. Luness was done playing, and he knew it. HE pinned his ears back and dropped down to his belly in his submissive pose. As he had done quite a few times with various others, Otto had pushed the limits of their patience and now had made Luness mad. He dipped his head to her "I'm sorry Lun....Alpha.."

HE knew he needed to treat her with respect as she was his leader, but ever since he met her in Oz Otto had just felt so comfortable with her. He watched her walk away a bit sad that he had pushed her to far. His ears shot back up when he heard Kallin talking to him and perked his head backwards at his words.

Otto's ears perked up again when he heard about someone playing a game and his smile and energy came bouncing back to him as he got to his feat. But before he took off towards the group playing, he paused as he shifted back to his human form and looked at Kallin.
"Uhm Kallin, I have a favor to ask. Do you think I could go with you guys to the spring to help Luness? I heard you guys talking about it on the ship, and when Luness gets better I would like to be there for her as well." He looked a bit sheepish asking while he rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't even sure if Luness would want him there or not, but still he was concerned about Luness and her affliction, even if he showed it in a bit different way than most.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Luness had taken note of Otto's submissive position and apology, but she needed some air before she tried to sort things out between herself and Otto.

Before Luness could get to the castle gates though, she was intercepted by a servant, who proceeded to inform her of the viewing platform for anyone who wasn't directly participating in the races themselves.

Taking in this new information, Luness then realized she had no idea when the race was happening, but she had overheard that Kallin would be participating in it.

Not liking the chances of something happening to Kallin, Luness decided to go to the viewing platform so she could watch the race and hopefully be there for Kallin if something were to happen to him. After all, he'd already admitted to injuring one of his ribs. What if he got hurt worse and then when nighttime rolled around, he was in agony?
Quincy glanced up as a servant appeared, summoning them to the balcony dock if they were planning on racing. She stood, slinging the bow onto her back, hoping Alexander would already be up there when she arrived. Without a word, she went to his side and slipped her hand into his, smiling a little to herself as they waited to see what was happening next.

"The viewing area is on Courser Island, that is also where the race will begin." the servant answered before gesturing to the docks. "The boats are waiting."

"I guess you're right." Leia said reluctantly, not liking the idea of getting into those little boats again...but it beat flying without a guard rail, she couldn't even think about how Elena flew with Ward so easily.

"Sure thing buddy." Kallin smiled down at the young wolf. He enjoyed the kid's energy. Watching Otto is was almost like remembering what it would have been like for him growing up, memories that were now lost to him.

Kallin gestured to Luness to follow, making his way to the dock balcony and waiting for Malachai with crossed arms. His side still ached and he hoped the dragon would be taking it easy when they flew around the track. He wondered what sort of other creatures raced in this event.

"How exactly did I get suckered into this?" He wondered out loud, letting the werecat know we wasn't all together on board with the idea. Still, if it saved a good king from a bad fate...

A fresh set of boats were waiting for them at the docks, those not participating could ride to the race headquarters and to the open theater where the scrying magic was cast.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

((I've put up some pics of the race headquarters and the course.))
Nyr shuddered when Leo asked her to tell him what was on her mind. She knew that whatever would be the case the elder guardian would probably understand...

But what if he did not?

They walked in the lush green gardens, making their way to the docks where they have been summoned to and the anxiety grew in Nyr with every step they took. Finally she could not hold it back any longer, stopped and looked at Leo.

" Leo, I... "

But the words did not come out from her mouth. The fear, the paralyzing, gripping fear prevented it. The icy grip of terror weighed her heart and shoulders heavily and she could not speak plainly.

" I... "

She clenched her hands into fists. But even now she could not muster the strength to speak her mind. She was too afraid... to terrified. In the end she sighed and chose a different topic.

" I am worried about Achyls. Her power seems to grow but I am not certain she is fully able to control it. That's all. "

She turned away from him and cursed silently for her cowardice once more.

Leo watched as Nyr struggled to talk to him and began to wonder if there was something about himself that mad it so hard for her to come forward to him with what it was that was obviously bothering her so much. But when she mentioned Achyls and her concern, he disregarded those thoughts as he reached for Nyr's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Ah, I see. It is very worrisome what is happening to your sister. I believe that Malachi and Kallin are racing for the count tomorrow. Maybe we should go and check on Achyls. There might be something I can do for her."

He knew that because of the dark energy inside of the little raven would react violently to light magic, but perhaps natural energies would a bit more useful. Though his energy was low from the events of the day, Leo always had back up plans hidden away in his satchel.


Otto smiled at Kallin and watched as he gestured to Luness to go to the meeting. Otto looked back and gave Kallin one last smile before he shifted into his wolf form and bounded away around the corner of the castle.

He remembered seeing the group playing the game somewhere outside, but Otto wanted to check on something before he went to play a game with the others. Running around the walls of the castle, Otto eventually found a door to the castle and shifted in the door frame and began walking suspiciously down the hall checking around him to make sure he wasn't followed. The coast seemed to be clear and he smiled as he shoved a hand into the pocket of his pants. Being a werewolf, the magics of shifting would make his cloths and anything attached to him shift with him. Luckily Otto shifted in and out of his wolf form so much that he was pretty good at shifting clothing and other items as well.

He smiled as his fingers brushed the object in his pocket and he pulled the the small wooden box out of his pocket. He rubbed the inscription on the top of the box and flipped it all around in his hand until he looked at the lock on the front. Pushing at the lock a bit, he frowned as it wouldn't move. He shrugged and gave the little box a tap, only to slip the box back into his pocket and continue on his way.
Nodding at what the servant said, Leandra then shrugged at Leia and asked her, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Realizing how terrible of a question that was to ask, Leandra quickly added, "Come on, let's go get some good seats."

Leading the way, Leandra began to make her way towards the docks and then boarded the first boat she saw, waiting for Leia to join her.

While waiting, Leandra felt the itch in her upper back again and set down her knapsack and staff while she began itching at her back again, frowning at the insistent itch thet just wouldn't go away.



Luness heard Otto wishing to join her and Kallin at the spring when she saw Kallin waving her over and walked over to join the pair.

Raising an eyebrow at Otto, Luness was about to say something to him when he shifted and bounded off before she had the chance.

Shaking her head at the disappearing Otto, Luness then glanced at Kallin and said, "Are you sure we should let him tag along? We don't really know what to expect. It could be dangerous for Otto to be with us."

Without even realizing it, Luness had just sounded very worried for Otto's wellbeing, which she normally didn't worry so much about others beyond Kallin. Luness had always really enjoyed the company of children, even if she'd never admit to such a thing.

Following after Kallin to the docks, Luness stayed by his side instead of boarding one of the boats, as she'd feel a bit better if she saw him off first.

Hearing Kallin complaining about being in the race, Luness raised an eyebrow and then said, "Well, just do your best to make sure the king is safe. The race itself really shouldn't be that hard for you or Malachai."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Malachai nodded at her words. He understood that. "For long after I escaped I used fear as fuel for my vengeance. I made sure all I came across feared me, feared the thought of me. I am sorry that you have suffered so. I will do all I can to ensure you don't suffer that pain ever again. I don't know what it is to be of the darkness like you, only the feeling of its influence and it's power. But I will do my best to help you. No matter what, you will get through this, I swear it." His voice was still low, yet now full of determination and compassion. He lifted her head to meet his eyes. "Whatever is happening, I will see to it that you push through, I will not lose you Achyls. I can't afford to lose you. I-I-" a sharp rapid knock st the door interrupted him as a servant poked his head in. He looked quite surprised to see Malachai glaring back at him a growl escaping his lips."Oh!! I-Im sorry I hadn't realized you were in here with her. No matter, the racers and observers are needed at the dock to oversee the course" He continued after regaining his composure. He left as swiftly and abruptly as he came. Slamming the door behind him he scurried off. Malachai turned to Achyls then "It seems I must go. I will see you after the course. Rest for now." With that he stood and left to join the others

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Nyr stiffened at the mention of Achyls. She did not want to visit her little sister... not yet. She wanted to stay away from her for her own good. Despite how gently Leo squeezed her hand she stopped and hesitated to go where the guardian wanted to go. She was not sure if he had still retained his healing abilities but meddling with the power of the darkness was not an idea she was fond of just now.

" I... am not sure I wish to see Achyls. " she said, surprising even herself with the statement. Previous she would have used every single opening or chance to be at the side of the raven girl... but now as she was so uncertain of what was about to happen she wanted to stay out of sight.

" It is complicated Leo. I... " she turned red " I am not sure if it is wise for her to be near me. Not now... "

She freed her hand from his grasp.

" A storm approaches, Leo. Something that we may not be able to stop. " she looked at the ground " I am afraid. So afraid. "

Achyls did as Malachai told her, but chose not to rest in bed. Holding on to the wall, she made her way slowly to the windowsill, hoping to catch a glimpse of the race the servant spoke of. She could not see so clearly, given the shadow that shrouded her vision, but could still make out a fuzzy image of the gardens. Another bout of coughing up the black substance came to her, causing her to curl up to stop her from calling out from the pain in her chest and throat. She pressed her head against the wall, it was cool and soothing, but not enough to stop her from hurting. It was only then she released how fatigued she was, and so she closed her eyes, letting sleep whisk her away...to nothing but nightmares.

She woke unable to move. Her hands were bound to a pole, her waist tied by some kind of enchantment. In front of her, a man dressed in soldier attire stood with a crossbow poised not at her, but at the head of a familiar man.

"No!" she gasped, her voice higher, younger. Her outburst was met with a harsh grasp of her neck by another soldier. He looked at her like she was a monster, his teeth bared.

"You shall not speak, devil!" he spat at her, before arming himself and stepping to the side of his comrade.

"Let the hunt begin! Shift, beast! No more shall you spawn demons!" the first man bellowed, poking the victim aggressively with the bow. Without a word, the man changed his form, becoming a great, dark hawk. His legs were chained by the same enchantments that held Achyls, there was no chance of escape for him.

"Father! Please! Don't hurt my father!" Achyls screamed as the archers fired at the bird, each shot hitting it's mark. Her father fell from the air, turning human one final time. She felt her throat close up from fear and anguish, one of the killers now turning to her as they disposed of the body.

"You are no more than a demon...you are darkness!" He grunted, aiming the arrow at her own forehead. She snapped her eyes shut, bracing herself for the inevitable, but it never came.
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As Elena moved quietly, placing the rocks back where they needed, she stood by the slight hill the natural garden path made for just a moment, sighing and removing her green hood. Just as she was about to leave, she heard a familiar sound and her head perked up quickly. The next thing she was able to think was dumbly enough, 'oh, hello there Ward', while her body moved to action before she mentally caught up. As he swooped, she backed up a single step and ran across the ramp with a leap, fast and aimed to be synced with Wards distance and speed.

Landing with mainly her hands and forearms, she positioned her legs around his back, a form she has memorized by now with its curve and girth. Next thing she knew, she was on his back in the position she took for their usual flights.

Laughing, she finally had a moment to process words.

"Wow.. Ward. This our way of racing prep? If so, let's get to the race track!"
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((Ima go ahead and swipe Malachai for the course tour, you know @SkywardSocks, Lioness075 is right, you need to share with us just what it is that's ailing Achyls. We can't react to it if we don't know what it is.))

"Brilliant!" The gryphon cried out over the wind as it carried them skyward once more. Looking back over his shoulder at her he grinned, his steel-grey beak parting and his ears flapping with the force of the wind made him look silly.

"Those other racers won't know what beat them!" He could feel his excitement climbing. As they reached the balcony the boats were beginning to take off. He circled the castle, waving at Leia and Leandra as they sat in their boat.

@Bea Delaine @Lioness075

Malachai had found Kallin, who was reluctantly climbing upon the dragon's back.

The mage straddled his shoulders, tossing his staff down to Luness while trying to find the least spiky place to sit on the dragon's back..

"In what world was this ever a good idea?" He grumbled. Malachai just laughed and took off with little warning, leaving Kallin to cling onto his with a yell.

@andujarprime @Lioness075

Ward swooped lower and saw the king stride out. He wore light leather armour coloured royal blue with the royal crest emblazoned on his breastplate. He held up a hand in greeting and Ward was puzzled by the mischievous grin the man had on his face. Cedric brought his hand down to his lips, placing two fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly. The sound echoed off the castle walls. Ward looked about...but nothing happened. Just then a black streak shot past him, buffeting him with a tailwind that made him falter and loose a few feet of altitude. The creature shot like an arrow toward the dock, snapping its wings open at the last minute and turning a full circle about the balcony before landing with a massive gust at the King's side.

Ward just stared. The creature was a giant bat. Its long, fox-like muzzle was jet black, as was most of its body save for its hackles; the fur beginning at its neck and running down its chest and back was brilliant, sunset gold. The creature's eyes were wide and quizzical and its large ears flopped to each side as it shook itself.

"This is Avaar!" He called to those gathered. Avaar took in the faces and dipped his head, grinning to show a set of white, wickedly-sharp teeth.

"Shall we go then?"

With that the king leaped nimbly onto the bat's back and he took off, paddling the air with huge leathery wings.

Quincy and Alexander prepared quickly, the latter transforming into his dragon form so she could climb aboard. She did so nimbly, and settled into the place that was now becoming second-nature to her. She turned to the kings mount, a little surprised. She had never seen a creature like it. But the next instant, Avaar was leaping into the air, and Alexander followed quickly. The kelpie felt a rush of excitement, one the mirrored what she felt from Alexander.
Eroan stood behind the others and watched them carefully. They were quite a cheerful and interesting bunch. But Eroan felt a little out of place. Those people shared many adventures together and had strong bonds. Could he, a newcomer, actually manage to enter inside this already well built fortress of friendship? He was alone for a long time and trying to act casually around his new companions felt kind of wrong to him. He wasn't an introvert or antisocial, but he felt some sort of emotional block. They were also talking about many things which were new to him, something which , yet again, made him feel like a piece of the puzzle which doesn't fit.

After thinking about if for a few minutes, Eroan decided that it was better to do everything slowly. He wasn't the type to rush things and belived that taking it easy in such situations was the best approach. Even if most of the subjects which his new comerades discussed were new to him, he could still understand a big part of what they meant, by using his rather high natural intelligence and logic.
"Hey!" Leia had seen Eroan on the balcony and waved at him. "Come with us!" But the boat was already leaving, Leia gave a small squeak as it pushed off from the dock. Thinking quickly she grabbed a loop of rope on the deck and tossed it cowboy-style to catch one of the mooring posts.

"You'll have to jump!" She called. Seeing what the elf could do against the sphinx she had no doubt he could make it.

@Azure Sky

The king and Avaar lead the way, Ward followed not far behind, navigating the currents with a gentle glide The islands drifted past below them. Courser island presented itself in the late afternoon sun, a single island with a central building and landing pads built at the periphery. Coming in from above Ward could see a round arena with seats. In the center sat a large orb that looked like it was made of water. It defied gravity as it hovered there and he could see the tiny figure of a mage casting some sort of magic upon it.

The boats dipped to let their passengers off at a specially designed dock while Avaar swooped to land on one of the circular stone landing pads. Once his wings were folded Ward angled to do the same.

A figure was waiting for them on the grass by the island's edge. Lord Canton.
SilverFlight said:
"Hey!" Leia had seen Eroan on the balcony and waved at him. "Come with us!" But the boat was already leaving, Leia gave a small squeak as it pushed off from the dock. Thinking quickly she grabbed a loop of rope on the deck and tossed it cowboy-style to catch one of the mooring posts.
"You'll have to jump!" She called. Seeing what the elf could do against the sphinx she had no doubt he could make it.
Come with us!, a line which Eroan hadn't heared in a very long time. He smilled at Leia as he jumped from the balcony, landing on the mooring post where Leia tossed the rope. From there he performed another very long jump and landed on the deck, near Leia. He was happy, but didn't know what to say. All he could do was to smile. After a few seconds, though, he realised there was one thing he could say: ''Thank you, Leia''.
"Don't mention it." She said happily. "I saw what you did to the sphinx. I think I might have been toast if you hadn't stepped in." The three spirits gathered around her and each displayed their own personality perfectly. Lee, the water spirit was cautious and stayed behind Leia, peering at the elf. Tad was curious and sailed about Eroan on a gust of wind. Bob, the earth spirit went to stand just in front of him, looking up through large black eyes and barked definitively as if to say; "I respect this one."

Looking more like a miniature sheep than anything else it was fairly comical.

"So, what's your story?" Leia asked, genuinely curious. "And where did you learn that cool magic-draining thing? I mean, that's pretty sick."

@Azure Sky
Leo listened to Nyr and was a bit surprised by her not wanting to see Achyls. Surely something had not happened to the two sisters who had been so close. This made Leo begin to wonder about what she was hiding that seemed to be interfearing with her an her sisters relationship.

Leo stopped as she talked about the aproaching stom. He looked to Nyr with feirce determination in his eye "Nyr, we have faced impossible odds over and over. WE have faced our enemy with all the powers of Fablewood and have come out victorious every time. Whatever apraoching storm you see before us, there is no doubt in my mind that with the help of our friends we can defeat whatever stands in our way."

Leo balled his fist and looked to the sky. the wound of loosing Lilly still very much freash, he blamed Caraboss and everything she had rot on his forest for her distruction and was now filled with more determination to see the witch destroyed. He took a deep breath and relaxed as he looked back at Nyr and placed his hands on his sides.

"It is not like you to stay away from Achyls like this. Next to the dragon, I assumed you would be spending more time than any with her. If you do not wish to talk to me about what is bothering you, you need only tell me such. But it is very clear that you have something has you rattled, i merely wish to free you of the burden of any unplesent thoughts."

Eroan looked at all three spirits, amused. He even laughed a little. When Leia asked him about his story and the nature of his abilities, he shifted his entire attention towards her, becoming a little more serious. ''I am a High Elf, but I have lived most of my life in a...let's say elven temple, therefore I didn't stay in contact with the rest of my species too much. I was raised and trained by a monk there, who taught me the art of anti-magic. Because of my intense training, apart from the fact that my physical capabilities are above normal human and even high-elf limits, I have gained two passive skills: magic resistance and mana burning. There are downsides, though: I am resistant even to benefic magic and I can accidently burn mana out of innocent beings , if I'm not careful'' said the Elf. After a few seconds, he added: ''You're probably wandering why I was travelling alone. To tell the truth, I realised that my own values, opinions and ideas were too different from the...general way of thinking of the High Elves...therefore I decided to distance myself from them and wander on my own to help people in need, fight the darkness which tries to engulf this land and after everything is settled, maybe...find a place to call home''.

Nyr looked at Leo, now with desperation in her eyes. She finally had gathered enough strength to break the agonizing grip of fear and sighed deeply. With a voice not louder than a whisper she turned to the guardian as they have entered a secluded part of the castle, somewhere where they could be truly alone.

" Yes, there is a reason why I did not dare to visit her. " she said finally " The book you have given me had explained much. Too much... "

She bowed her head.

" There is something the ancient dread ravens called the 'Equinox' which occurred very rarely, once in a thousand years. When this happens a different kind of raven baby is born: that one is stronger than the brethren he has and possesses greater power over the darkness. The little raven however - when reaches his teen ages will be able to unlock new abilities, based on teachings he had learnt over this time. The power he harnesses will eventually be merged with the darkness within him, creating a powerful raven guardian the others call as " Prelates ".

She stepped away as she fixated on a crack on the nearby wall.

" The Prelates serve as leaders and guides for the dread ravens - but in order to reach their apex, their true power they need something. Something they call " Heart of a Raven ".

She paused once more and looked at Leo with tears in her eyes.

" I could not decypher what that means... it can be figurative but it can be literal as well... " she looked around, lowering her voice even more " Do you understand what my issue is? Achyls might be in danger... because of other reasons than the gripping darkness around her. "

Leandra grinned when she saw Ward flying by with Elena on his back. When Ward waved at her, Leandra eagerly waved back, her excitement for the upcoming races becoming rather evident.

@Bea (won't let me tag you for some reason. >.> )


Luness grinned at Kallin's obvious discomfort at being involved in the races like this.

Easily catching Kallin's staff, Luness then remembered how Leandra had rigged hers to stay attached to her knapsack and so Luness took her own knapsack off, as she quickly rigged up Kallin's staff to stay on her knapsack as well.

Once the staff was secured, Luness put her knapsack back on and then heard Kallin's remark. She immediately replied, shouting, "Good luck out there, Kal!"

Amusingly shaking her head at him, Luness watched Kallin and Malachai fly off before she boarded the nearest boat alone and then was off to the viewing platform.

Just before the boat left the area, Luness heard large flapping wings and turned in time to see Avaar's appearance, as he was the king's ride.

Amazed by the size of the bat, Luness admired it, as it flew past her along with the other competitors.

This was certainly going to be an interesting race.



Leandra was surprised when Leia suddenly threw some rope around a mooring point for the boat and invited the newcomer, an elf, to join them on the boat.

Amazed by the elf's physical capabilities, Leandra stepped aside to make sure he had enough room to land and then found herself grinning at the spirits and their unique personalities. It was rather amazing.

Yet, the moment the elf introduced himself as Eroen and Leia asked about his past, Leandra found herself growing curious. After all, she'd never met an elf in person before.

Hearing about Eroen's life, Leandra couldn't fully understand all of it, but it made sense for the most part. He definitely sounded like the perfect counterattack to any magic moves though.

Hearing the downsides to Eroen's abilities, Leandra immediately felt a bit unsafe sround the elf. After all, wasn't Leandra's healing powers based on magic? Could Eroen limit her ability to heal the others?

Deciding to voice her opinion, Leandra finally spoke up, saying, "That's quite the interesting past you've got there. I'm not sure if I understand all of it or know what or who a High Elf is, but that's still rather amazing with what you can do and all."

@Azure Sky @SilverFlight


Luness was amazed by the structure and sight of the arena when they entered it, but she immediately was left wondering where the viewing platform was.

Surely, they couldn't watch the whole race from there, right?


Leandra found herself distracted from her conversation with Eroen and Leia, as she took in the sight of the arena before her.

Without thinking twice, Leandra said with a grin to Leia, "Kinda makes you think of the Coliseum from our world, huh?"

@Azure Sky @SilverFlight

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