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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Otto continued to chase the small cat up and down every aisle that it went down. Once or twice he even managed to get within a tails length of the cat and snapped at it. But each time the cat would make this horible noise and bolt faster, which Otto would follow up with a short yip and then keep going.

Then things took an interesting turn when he and the cat both turned a corner to see a disapreoving Luness standing in the way. The cat was lucky and got around here and disapeared out of sight. Otto got sad, he had been having fun.

He looked up at Luness and gave her a smugish grin. "Why not? I wasn't going to hurt the cat." He kept his eyes on Luness and began to back away a bit sheepishly, still holding his grin. "Course if you really want me to behave, you.......could.................MAKE ME!" And with that, Otto took off down the hall he and the cat had just come down, howling like a wolf the whole way down.

He sliped under trays, zipped around servants, and jumped over anything else that might have been in the way. Keeping an eye out behind him for when Luness eventually would catch up to him. He may ber fast, but he was confident his Alpha was more so.

The king listened patiently as Elena explained.

"Ward...is human?" He considered this before answering her questions as best he could. "It warms my heart to see such dedication in you, young lady...It would have been over twenty years ago now, as I have said, but.I would not know if the child is a son or a daughter...this happened before the child was born, I had only just learned there would be a child..." He tried to shake the visions of that day from his head. They haunted him still. "I know precisely what you are implying." He looked over to him, the young blonde man who was leading FableWood's last hope. It was a nice thought the king decided.

"The one I lost to the curse would have been locked in that form, unable to change back. It would be impossible for Ward to be the missing heir I'm afraid. A curse is much different than an enchantment, which is what I expect your friend has been subjected to. They are punishments. It was meant as a cruel irony that the form chosen was the one that represents my house...when I watched the curse being placed...well, afterwards I was not even sure if she could speak." The king closed his eyes against the pain in his heart. "I am sorry...but this is stirring memories I wish to leave buried...if the book contains anything of use, I will come to you again."

He took his leave, striding across the marble floor with a noble posture, his composure restored as best he could.

Ward watched Leo go, about to question him further, but he did not seem in the mood to answer questions. Ward made a mental note to find him later. He waited for Elena to finish speaking with the king.

"What did you ask him?" He said with a curious tone.

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz

Leia grinned. "All right! You, Lee and Bob on one team. Tad and I'll take you. Let's get down to the lawn!"

When they arrived in the garden Leia marked the goal posts between several statues.

"This ball isn't made of rock buddy!" She called to bob. "You can't cheat this time!" Bob barked at her from the other side of the field and laid his ears back, eager to begin.

Leia took the center while Tad hung back about the goal as defense. She tossed the ball to Leandra. "You can start with it."


((You can also control the spirits on your team :3 ))
Luness scowled at Otto and said, "Otto, you can't just-" but was cut off, as Otto suddenly turned and made a break for it.

Surprised, Luness shouted out, "Otto!" before she realized she'd have to give chase.

Growling with irritation at this, Luness then dropped to all fours and launched herself forward, quickly gaining speed, as her claws were sheathed and her paw pads had no problem keeping her balanced and moving quickly.

Hearing surprised gasps and shrieks from servants up ahead, Luness could only imagine where Otto was, as she too dodged the same people and items along the way.

Soon enough, Luness caught sight of Otto's tail around the corner and after passing the corner, Luness could see Otto ahead of her.

Narrowing her eyes at Otto, Luness then shouted out, "Otto, stop right now!"



Leandra nodded at Leia and followed after her to the gardens, where they set up a soccer field, more or less.

As they walked along, Leandra did her best to think of how her elemental spirits could be useful in this game. Lee was a water elemental so he could slow down the soccer ball or make the ground wet and possibly cause someone to trip and fall if Leandra wanted to play dirty. Bob could also slow down the soccer ball by making the ground shaky and thus, casing the soccer player to lose control over the ball while also losing control of their own balance.

Deciding Bob would be best for a defensive position, Leandra pointed this out to him and soon Bob had moved closer to the goal.

With Lee at her side, Leandra caught the ball from Leia and grinned, as she bounced it on her knee a few times before she shouted, "Let the game begin!"

Right as Leandra shouted this, she bounced the ball off her knee once more and then kicked it out towards Leia while Lee raced after it with Leandra closing in as well.

Malachai laughed to himself. He always liked a good challenge, and it seemed this king would be a challenge indeed. He smiled as he turned away. He was smiling his entire way back into the castle as he made his way towards Achyls' room. As he stepped closer his smile faltered, wavered and then disappeared altogether. He worry for the raven girl was back in full force. He sat at the edge of her bed and watched her as she seemed to be comforting herself. Humming to herself she seemed to not have noticed he was there. He slowly placed a hand on her shoulder as she lay facing away from him. He moved his hand to pass it through her hair in a soothing motion as he tried to make contact with her mind once more. "Hey beautiful" He thought to her in a soothing manner. His emotions calmed and under control. "I'm here for you, just tell me anything you need and I'll make sure you get it." He tried to push through the darkness to her core but it was proving to be a challenge, still he would not give up. He pushed against and sought for cracks and openings in the darkness to try and find her.

Otto continued to run rampant through the halls of the castle. He could here that Luness had begun to chase after him and he began to laugh. Hearing her call after him he turn his head backwards he called back to her "Neverrrrrrrroooooooo" His words changing into a playful wolf howl towards the end he rounded another corner and could see a servant at the end of the hall. HE narrowed his eyes trying to determine the best way around the servant woman until he realized she was standing with both arms on her hips and the her facial expression was very upset. The servant who had washed his cloths earlier that day stood poised and ready to intercept the young wolf with a very angry glare.

Otto's feet scrambled before him and he realized his feet weren't going to be able to stop in time.
"Ah, evil clothing lady. Leave my cloths alone!" Otto quickly turned his head to the side and found a open window. He lept for the window and bolted out of it. luckily landing only a few feet down as they had made it to the ground floor. Once his feet met grass he stopped for a moment before to see if Luness was still in pursuit, and then was off once again laughing his little heart out.


In no time Leo had made his way to the gardens once again. They brought him some measure of comfort, but at the same time made him feel very alone. He was not attempting to reach out with his mind and touch anything just yet. If he was going to find out he had lost everything, he wanted to do it more comfortably.

After a short time of walking, Leo found the tree and the grassy patch that he, Nyr and Lilly had shared less than a day before. He made his way over and placed his satchel beside the tree. He sat himself down and closed his eye tentatively. He could feel his mind searching for the familiar areas where Lilly would have been and came up short. Maybe he had hoped she wasn't actually gone, that there was still a faint glimmer of her still attached to him. But all he had were the memories.

He tested his mental defenses and found that he was still able to do those no problem. But those had always been something he had, something his master had taught him to do when he was still training.

He sighed, he knew he could not put it off any longer. He concentrated on trying to bring up his connection to the garden, trying to send out his thoughts to the plant life around him and hear their response. But his mind was quiet, the garden was quiet, and Leo opened his eye and for the first time felt completely alone.
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Luness snarled at Otto's response, but was finding it harder and harder to repress the urge to laugh at this whole scene. It was rather fun after all and definitely humorous.

Hopefully Kallin wouldn't see this happening.

Soon, Luness rounded a corner just in time to see Otto leaping out of a nearby window.

Surprised by this, Luness rushed to the window and peered out of it to see Otto standing on the grass just below and grinning up at her just before he turned and rushed off yet again.

Leaping out the window and sprinting after Otto, Luness began to quickly gain on Otto, as she was faster outside and when she was sprinting on all fours in a straight line.

In just a few more seconds, Luness was close enough to Otto and she suddenly leaped forward, attempting to tackle Otto to the ground.

Seeing that Achyls probably wanted to be alone after not responding and that Malachai was now with her to soothe the raven she decided to leave the loving pair alone and mind her own business. She got used to be at the side of her sister, she wanted to help her - but this time it seemed that the little one did not want her help. In truth this allowed her to dwell on the new found information from the book. She had headed to a balcony, which was directly above the gardens. This time however she did not bother to look down to inspect the flora - she was so preoccupied by the thoughts which now allowed her not to rest but to contemplate.

" Prelate... "

Even whispering that one, strange word made her shiver. She looked back on her life, the past the decisions she had made. Everything has lead to the conclusion that she had a very unlucky and troublesome past, one that she wanted to forget. But now everything had changed. If what that script said was true then...

She shook her head.

" No, it is not possible. " she said it out loud, unaware and oblivious to anyone who might hear her " I can not believe in such things, not now. Luness needs a cure, Achyls needs help, Leo needs to rest... " she recalled everything. " Still... this can't be true... just can't.... "
Leo closed his eye and took a deep breath of the gardens fresh air. The sent of the flowers and the fresh water of the spring mixed together and made the garden smell clean and fragrant. It was not unlike the way the gardens of the Branbern smelled, which Leo began to think back on fondly.

Then he felt it, a pin prick of life as he thought back to the times he sat in the gardens in Branbern and communed with those plants that lived there. The pin prick of life began to grow and grow and Leo furrowed his brow at the feeling of a life in the garden. Not alien to him but still surprising, he continued to remember the feel of the grass and the time he sat making his concoctions for the groups travels and the pin pricks multiplied and grew even larger until finally he could reach out and touch the garden with his mind once more. He slowly opened his eye, glowing green and vibrant as a tear rolled down his nose. It was then that he realized that thought his days of Communing with the gardens as he once did were gone, he was able to reflect on the memories that Lilly had given him, and he could once again touch the energies of the plant life around him. He closed his eye and let the connection slip away and sighed with a smile.

Otto ran through the yard of the castle as fast as he could. He turned around and looked to see Luness gaining quickly. His eyes wide he shouted "No, no, no, no, no, NO!!" And with that Luness was atop him and the two of them went rolling and tumbling through the grass until they came to a stop. With him pinned he began to laugh and squirm trying to get out of her clutches.

Achyls did not look up at Malachai, her breathing beginning to pick up again upon his touch. The message had begun to send streams of light through her body like cool water. For a moment she felt a little better, though she could not hear the actual message itself.

"I cannot..." she thought back, but now even her thoughts were jagged and dark, growling like an untamed beast, "hear you...dear dragon,"

Within her thought however, it appeared there were whimpers in every break of speech, every pause for breath. The darkness was growing alarmingly, she felt on the verge of collapse. Through gritted teeth, more of the ink poured from her mouth, staining her teeth and lips. Her eyes shifted from their original white as black seeped through to replace them. They burned inside her eyelids and so she clamped them shut, hoping Malachai would not see such things.

Elena felt her hope in the idea fizzle out as the king have her more information. Well, technically Ward was under an enchantment. She felt apologetic as the king seemed more and more stressed over the topic, feeling bad for even thinking such a small idea through to such extents.

Se nodded to the man as he left, then watched Ward approach. Giving her love a smile that minor lay reflected her disappointment, she shrugged.

"I was just speaking with the king to gain some background on his Heir and the curse. Now I'm wondering if the curse is even reversible at all or if Kallin and Nyr could find a way. I.. I suppose I hit a nerve is all. It was a sensitive topic after all."

She shrugged and started walking away from the groups towards the yard with gardens. Maybe training would keep her mind from creating worse scenarios.

"Want to join me?"
Luness grinned victoriously when she finally pinned Otto to the ground, her forepaws on Otto's shoulders with his back to the ground.

Smirking down at Otto as he began to laugh, Luness then said, "Nice try, Otto. You can't get away from me that easily."

Suddenly realizing what she was doing, Luness' eyes widened for a moment and then she let go of Otto, moving off to the side. What was she doing playing around like she was a kit?

Frowning now, Luness then said, "I, uh, probably should be doing something...productive, or whatever."

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then said, "I should go, Otto. See you later."

With that, Luness turned away while still on all fours, as she felt a shadow cross her mind and heard a small whisper of how soft she was becoming. A warrior couldn't afford to be soft like that. Being soft meant mistakes would be made.

Ward nodded to Elena happily, though he looked over his shoulder with a bit of concern.

"Something happened to Leo in that mist. I am worried for him."

He followed Elena into the garden and upon seeing the lion sitting peacefully a distance away he told her he would catch up.

Making sure the king was out of sight he changed back into his gryphon form to pad quietly closer to his friend. He noted the distress on the guardian's face. Normally it was serene as he communed with the flora about him. Then a thought occurred to Ward and the look of surprise crept onto his face. Could the forest spirit be somehow involved?

When Leo sighed with a smile Ward was standing beside him, giving him a sympathetic look through his fierce golden eyes. The wind shifted and played in his feathers. "I know there is little I can do, but I want you to know that I am here." He could not say for sure what was wrong, nor did he want to pry. Leo would tell him if he wished, but he did want the guardian to know that he always had people who would stand by him.


((Short post, I'll post the other chars when I get home in an hour.))
SilverFlight said:
Leia however went to the newcomer and summoned Lee to heal his wound.
"That should stop the bleeding." She said with a kind smile as Lee draped him in a water covering which staunched the bleeding and closed the injury neatly.

"I'm Leia by the way."

''Thank you very much. I am Eroan Starlight. Pleased to meet you Leia. I have been serching for you. I have heared about your group some time ago and was interested in joining, but , I'd be damned, I sure didn't expect to have to face a sphinx and use my powers to burn the mana out of it'' said the High Elfon a calm tone, smiling. He looked at Leia with intense eyes, nonetheless, he had a gentle expression on his face. He was also quite lucky: his gauntlet and sword were still intact and he managed to recuperate them quickly, before he was taken to the ship.

After replying to Leia, he turned around and looked at the others, analyzing them carefully. They seemed to be quite a lively bunch. Eroan was ,at the very least, sure he wouldn't get bored if he was accepted in the team.

End of flashback.
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She could not take the torrent of erratic thoughts in her mind. She had been troubled by various things in the past but she never actually questioned her very existence, the reason why she was here, why she was in the company of such wondrous heroes. With flap of wings she soared through the sky as she was lost in her thoughts. She should not be so selfish. After all everyone else had given her so much: love home, peace and family. She shared their joy and sorrow, she shared love and hate.

Yet now it was herself who she was worried about.

High in the skies she screamed in frustration, hoping that others would not hear it. Immediately the sky darkened for a moment as the furious raven girl hurled a bolt of thunder outside the castle. The heavenly spear pierced the air like knife does the butter and with a deafening crackle it burned a hole on the ground, near a patch of grass.

Panting heavily she calmed down and looked at the site of destruction as the clouds dissipated and the sky cleared once more. Silently she descended from the air and landed near the burnt patch on the ground. The grass still smoked as she sat down, pulling her wings back and she just stared at the scorched earth.

" Balance... " she muttered in silence as she extended her hands above the patch and closed her eyes. The soft light hummed around her palms and slowly she had opened her eyes, looking at the devastated place. A small little flower started to grow out from the ashes, its little bud trying to find a way through destruction.

" No matter how impossible it may seems... life will always find a way. Light and darkness... yin and yang... " she spoke but it felt as if she were speaking with the voice of someone else. Someone much older, much wiser and the sensation vanished as soon as she realized it.

Her eyes flared as she stared at the small flower. Was this the lesson Leo and her Mother tried to teach her? Light... and darkness...
Leia caught the ball on her chest with a laugh. "Oh you're so in trouble now!" She ran down the 'pitch' the ball in her complete control, upon getting close to Leandra she fainted right and at the last minute kicked the ball to Tad, who stopped it with a neat whirlwind and proceeded to nose it across the ground, trying to maneuver around Lee.


Kallin had the map firmly in hand as he strode to the library. Once there he had a servant direct him to the geography section and immediately pulled out every scroll and book he could find mapping the Whispering Isles. The map he and Luness had obtained was more a map of the island they needed to get too, very little told him where that island actually was, but there were a few details.

He got to work silently, cross-checking the distinct landmarks with the books he had pulled.
When Leo opened his eye and saw Ward and Elena standing before him, he was a bit startled. He hadn't felt them coming and new it would be a little bit before he was back to 100% with his abilities.

He gave Ward a smile at his concern, he could always count on Ward being worried for the members of the group when they were in need. He placed a hand on the tree behind him and lifted himself "Thank you my friends. I am greatly appreciative of your concern." Leo stretched his back and the shouldered his satchel "It looks like Lilly left me with a parting gift when she sacrificed herself in the mist. Her essence is now my memories and I am still able to focus my abilities through recollection of memories, but it will take time. The biggest thing is not having her in my head anymore, I honestly have not felt this alone since before I became a Guardian." He looked back at the place at the base of the tree. It had been the last spot that he had communed with Lilly, and he had never known it would be that way."I will miss her. The worst part of it all is knowing that I failed in my Guardianship. I failed my duty."


Otto sat there with his back barried in the grass starring up at Luness who had pinned him to the ground. He still smiled even as he tried to wiggle free and when Luness spoke to him he merely stuck his tongue out with a smile.

But when her face grew grim and her own smile disappeared Ottos cocked his head to the side out of concern and watched as she released him. Was she not having fun? Did she not like playing with him? Maybe he smelled and she didn't want to smell him anymore. Otto stuck his nose to his chest and then under his arm as she walked away. He didn't think he smelled out of the ordinary so he watched and furrowed his brow at her.

He then dropped to all fours and lept into the air towards Luness and aimed for her back to try and catch her off guard.

Malachai frowned as her mind pulled away. He remembered what Nyr had said, about the light hurting her. How she responded to the dark energy. He sighed and dug deep into himself, to a part he had put away a long long time ago. He dug back to when a time when he knew nothing but the darkness. When he had almost forgotten what life outside of steel and stone were, life outside of pain and madness. He focused on how he had felt with the torture, the pain. How his mind had folded and melded with the madness. How it had accepted release in the savage nature that was the darkness. For a moment he was back, his mind and body felt of the past. He felt the darkness in him surface to his mind, taking great pain and concentration to keep sane. He reached out, his mind tainted by the darkness within and tried once more the contact her. If nothing else he would at least stay by her side while she faced her ordeal. "Dearest Achyls, I am here. I will not leave, no matter how dark things get I will stay here. The darkness does not frighten me, it will not push me away." He thought out to her sending was of dark energy with every word. Waiting to see if she would at least react.


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Quincy, now back at the castle, found a quite bench and took a moment to inspect the bow Ward had found. It was dusty and dirty, but from shooting it she knew that it was well-made and trusty. It was wood, and appeared to have been carved by knowledgeable hands. Instead of forming a single arch, the ends of the bow curved upward. In truth, it was one of the best made recurve bows she had seen. She never wouldve been able to buy one like it; she had traded for her other bow, which had been a very simple and common make.

She called a servant to her and asked for something to clean and polish the bow with, and the servant readily complied and returned quickly. The kelpie set to work instantly, carefully cleaning the gathered grime off the wood and polishing it smoothly. When she was done, she was even more impressed by the workmanship. The grip, which had fit so well in her hand, had been carved to do so, and sanded to avoice splinters, but kept a good amount of roughness for a secure hold. The wood was reddish and strong. She could really get used to this bow.

Ward looked puzzled. "But the Forest of Reflection stands, well and free of the ShadowWood. Surely that is no failure...what if we journeyed there again...could we find a part of the forest and call her back?"

He thought for a moment. "I cannot begin to imagine what it was like to hold Lilly in your mind. But I can say that you are not alone Leo."

He looked back through the ornate flower beds and saw Leia and Leandra playing with the spirits and in the distance back at the castle he heard Otto's yelling and smiled.. " We are all with you. So whenever you feel her absence the strongest, come to us."

Just then a young page came to them, a tray with a letter sitting elegantly on it.

"Invitation for the heroes of FableWood, from Lord Canton."

Ward accepted the letter and opened it, reading carefully.

"Have the heroes participating in the race meet me at the balcony dock please." He instructed the boy.

"It would appear we are to take a turn about the course this afternoon with the other racers." The fact that Lord Canton had sent them a personal invitation instead of sending word to the king was a good sign, it means he set them apart from the monarch, and if they were going to catch him in an assassination attempt, it was a good place to be.

Achyls' head snapped up, eyes wide and dark. She sat so still it looked as if she was not breathing, her mouth ajar.

"Dragon...why do you have such pain?" a voice unlike hers resounded from somewhere in her. It was rasped and deep, but seemed somewhat cautious, curious of Malachai. It was not just his words that reached her, the pain he felt did too, coaxing her momentarily out of her state, though not fully her.

"What did they do to you? You are so...broken," it spoke again, this time Achyls' lips formed the shapes of the words along with it. There was a sure sign of malice in its tone, becoming more aware of the dragon and what they meant.

Before it could continue, Achyls gasped, falling forward onto the bed, her wings unfurling limply about her.

Elena allowed Ward to see their friend and took to practice in solitude. She found a nice space where she could experiment with her powers more. It was on an edge of floating land, slightly risen with nothing but cloud below and another isle piece out of jumping reach. She realized she was alone again, and out of sight. Sliding the green hood over her head, she attempted to focus the power she felt when fighting Caraboss. A nervous and fast energy went through her, quivering and morphing the pebbles at her shoes just barely. She took a calming breath and stepped off of the cliff. For a moment, she felt herself drop, only to see she created a stair step, moving at the whim of her foot steps like an instinct.

"Maybe this is how she felt.. Powerful.. Like its too easy."

She said, surprising herself for vocalizing her thoughts. She heard a throat clear and she jumped a little, stone steps returning her to the edge. A man approached who she didn't recognize, and Elena felt a flood of relief.


"Ward and Sir Canton require your and the other racers attendance at the docks, miss Elena."

She did so to meet the others.
With relief and smile on her face Nyr soared back towards the castle. Radiating joy she headed towards the gardens where she spotted Leo and Ward talking. She could have sworn that she had spotted Elena around somewhere but she vanished out of her sight. As she descended she slowed down and listened to the discussion of the stalwart guardian and the gryphon. When Leo reached the part explaining what happened in the fog her expression turned grim and pained. Lilly... the nature deity who helped her so much was no longer... She could barely believe this but this indeed explained why did she feel Leo being so different.

When she had heard the disheartening voice of Leo, talking about himself in such manner she could stand idle no longer. Landing near him she walked up to him and with a surprise she gave him a slap on the face.

" That is for talking about so badly about yourself. " and then she gave him a second one " And that one is for Lilly. "

She now walked even closer to him, with a serious expression on her face she looked at him.

" You are the wisest, most powerful guardian I have ever seen. Your powers are greater than many could dream of and your heart is as pure as the shining moon. " she flapped with her wings to raise on the same level with him. " You have not failed, Guardian. The land is whole because of your aid, the people are cheering and celebrating for your victories and legends will be told about your bravery. "

She leaned closer to him, kissing him gently.

" You will never be alone. " Nyr whispered before kissing him again " Not in this world and not in the next. For I will forever stand by your side, Panthera Leo. "

She now smiled and returned to the earth. Looking at Ward she blushed, knowing how embarrassing this might have been for him to watch. But then she got and idea and rushing at him she enveloped the gryphon with her loving embrace, hugging him tightly.

" Thank you Ward. " she whispered him, overwhelmed by joy " You have given me this chance of a lifetime, you have lead us here. I owe you everything, noble gryphon, you are truly the manifestation of glory and courage. I can never fully repay your kindness and your understanding. Thank you for everything. "

She then watched the little page handing out invitations to them and she smiled at the two of them.

" Well, gentlemen? Shall we go? "

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
The darkness clouding his mind and body Malachai responded. "What was done to me is in the past. It is who I am now. A part of what I have become, who or what are you? What makes Achyls? What drives the darkness that is you?" His voice was low and full of anguish as he leaned down whispering to her. He touched his head to hers and closed his eyes. Awaiting g a possible answer.


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Leo stood there listening to Ward. He looked to Ward, his expression a bit hopeless "I wish it was that simple Ward. But when I took Lilly with me from the forest it was for her to begin absorbing the forest energies again so she...we...could return. In all manner of speaking we should have returned to the forest weeks ago. But Lilly and I were in an accord to stay with the group. It was the right thing to do, but it was the ultimate end to her." Leo looked away towards the castle "I do appreciate your understanding Ward. It means a lot to me that you are such a caring leader."

Leo watched as Elena disappeared into the garden and suddenly Nyr was there. Leo was surprised at her sudden arrival and was about to begin exsplaining, when he had a feeling she already knew. The sides of his face aflame under his fur he looked at Nyr in surprise as she began to lecture him and his eye began to well up a bit. His mind began to kick into his newly formed memories and he recalled one that had been Lilly's the night she and Nyr met.

"Leo has been guarding me for a very long time. I owe him my life. Every now and then I have to pretend to guard his too. But I wont always be around, and it's very possible that one day I might not be here to watch after him. If that should happen, I put my full confidence that you can do it."

He closed his eye as she kissed him and returned them in full. As they broke from their embrace Leo smiled
"Thank you Nyr. Lilly was right to put her confidence in you."

HE watched as she went to accept the kings invitation and looked at her a bit quizingly "Are YOU planning on entering the race?"

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
As Luness padded away from Otto, she kept her head down, as she tried to avoid any potential hallucinations.

Yet, she soon saw the shadow of a small wolf leaping at her and without thinking twice, Luness quickly leaped to the side, effectively dodging Otto's tackle.

Once she landed, Luness suddenly whipped around at Otto and snarled, "Leave me be, Otto!"

Despite her increasing frustration with the relentless young wolf, Luness still resisted using her caterwaul to force Otto into obedience, which was something only an Alpha could do to other dogs, though since Luness was a werecat, she could also do it to cats.

Letting out a sigh, Luness then turned away from Otto and began trotting towards the castle, as she hoped to find something to busy herself with there. In fact, she hadn't practiced her hand-to-hand or claw-to-claw combat in a while now. Perhaps she could find somewhere in the castle or surrounding area to do so.



Laughing at Leia's taunt, Leandra waited for Leia's approach and fell for her feint to the right, allowing Leia to pass the ball to Tad, who had slowed the ball to catch it and was now making his way down the field.

Luckily, Lee was paying attention and shot a steady stream of water at the ball, knocking it right out of Tad's grasp and back towards Leandra, who then began dribbling it down the field.

As Leandra neared Leia, she quickly moved her foot over the ball as if to pass it to Lee, who was racing down the field with Leandra. Yet, instead of actually passing it, Leandra swiftly moved her foot in the opposite direction, aiming to kick the ball right between Leia's feet.


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