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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo pulled himself up onto the deck of the ship but didn't go to much further than that. He looked back down the road ladder and helped Leandra and Otto onto the deck with an outstretched hand and then looked back down at the ground over the railing. He was glad to so everyone make it aboard the ship as he picked himself up off the deck and onto his feet.

He looked over the deck and caught sight of Malchai and Nyr, who seemed to be hovering around Achyls. Leo began to grow concerned for the little raven and made his way over to them. He looked over the two of them and then to Achyls. "What happened to Achyls? Is she alright?" Leo blinked a few times as the dizziness began to fade and was replaced by a dull throbbing pain.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime @SkywardSocks

Otto heaved himself up with Leo's help and hit the deck running. He was in his wolf form in no time once again with his paws on the railing of the deck looking down at the sphinx. His canine smile stretched across his face, he began to bark at the sphinx in a bit of a "Ha we got away!" manner. After a few moments of this he ran across the deck again and found Luness and began to sniff at the pack on her back where she had stowed the Memorian.

Leandra nodded her thanks to Leo for helping her to board the Tenacity and then she began to walk around the deck, as she admired the ship and its design. After all, Leandra hadn't been on the Tenacity before.

Looking around the group, Leandra soon was joining Malachai, Achyls, Nyr, and Leo, as she too asked, "What's wrong with Achyls?"

Mostly, Leandra was curious to see if her new healing capabilities would be of use in this situation, though she wasn't sure if she could heal diseases or illnesses.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @andujarprime @SkywardSocks


Luness was soon aboard the Tenacity and she turned around to offer a paw to Kallin so that he could join her on deck.

Once Kallin was on deck with her, Luness then walked over to a nearby railing before peering down curiously at the sphinx.

Sensing Otto's presence nearby, Luness turned around to see him sniffing at her pack and she raised an eyebrow at him before saying with a hint of amusement, "You know, I don't have any bacon in my knapsack, Otto."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Malachai looked up at Leo, Nyr and Leandra and shrugged. "I don't know, she was conscious enough to call me name when I found her, since then she has been out. Even her mind, it only emanates darkness when I try to reach her. I don't know what is going on." He explained with a frown.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios

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Leandra frowned at Malachai's response and peered over at Achyls with concern.

If there was one thing Leandra was certain of, it was that she couldn't heal darkness from someone.

Uncertain of how she could even be helpful in this scenario, Leandra remained silent and continued to stare at Achyls, willing some kind of answer to come to her.

@andujarprime @SkywardSocks
Elena had followed lead throughout the fight, with no solutions as to how to beat the Sphinx and nothing in particular she could do but hold him off until another found a way. The use of the fog was brilliant, but she was worried for Leo. How he escaped losing his memory, she couldn't figure out. Then Ward got injured. She was going to make her way over and help when Leandra did so, discovering a power. They could always use more healers.

They had gotten the Memorien and gathered to the air ship to leave again. She saw commotion over the young Raven Achyls, and grew a bit curious herself, concerned she could have been affected by the shadow wood and the problem just surfaced.

(Sorry I've been gone.)
Nyr was concerned about her sister's condition and looked at Leandra, Malachai and Leo as they approached them.

" The darkness is part of her. " she started to explain " In fact, she was born from it. But for some reason it is now working against her, a least temporarily. "

She walked up and down, trying to think of something.

" This can be because of various things. My best bet is that her power is rapidly increasing... her body can barely contain the strength she has, thus she had fallen ill. " she put her hand on Achyls' forehead, trying to soothe her again. " This is of course but one theory but my best bet. "

She bowed her head.

" I wish I could have found something about the dread ravens and ravens in general in the library but it seemed that they have tried to erase our very existence. For now we can only hope that this is the case. "

She knelt down, once again summoning small tendrils of darkness.

" I will mend her and aid her as best as I can. I will not leave my sister alone in this state. "

@Lioness075 @andujarprime @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
Kai nodded his agreement. "I figures as much, that she was born from darkness I mean. It is part of who she is, that can't be changed. Your theory seems to be the most reasonable one, in fact the only one so far. Let's hope that it's right. Hopefully her body and mind will adjust to this change, if that's what is ultimately going on."

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Leo watched as the concern grew in the group for the little raven. He felt like he could try and do something, but without Lilly he wasn't even sure if his abilities still even worked. Something he would have to attend to when he had time.

He watched as Achyls lay there in her state and almost missed Nyr speaking of the library. He perked up and reached into his satchel and pulled out the black leather bound book. He looked to Nyr and held the book out to her. "Nyr, I picked this out of the shelving before the beast attacked. It is probably the reason why you could not find anything. I wanted to try and understand the dread ravens a bit more before we got your training underway. I hope the answers you need for Achyls are in here." Leo handed over the book and mustered a weak smile as he looked back to Achyls.


Otto perked up at the sound of bacon. But then furrowed his brow at Luness for making such an unfunny joke. "To bad, I'm really hungry."

He took a step back and shifted back to his human form and sat on the ground. He was really curious about the thing they had risked so much to get but he could wait for the others to find out, right now he had a bigger question on his mind.

He looked up to Luness with a smile,
"Hey Luness. How come you never shift to your human form? As an alpha you do have one right? But I've never seen it before."

Achyls heaved a sigh, a rasped sigh that buckled and warped in pitch and tone. Pained, she swiftly jolted up into a sitting position as more of the blackness was torn from her throat. Her eyes were now open, a now hazy grey. She looked to Nyr, fear branded on her face, a grimace stamped with gritted teeth. With haste she pulled her shaking hands to her eyes, trying to rub away the migraine with little result. People's voices all seemed to merge with one another, sounding watery and hollow. A deep droning was building in her ears, and soon sounded more like a dark groan than white noise. It all was worrying her greatly, and there was no way she could get rid of it herself at this moment. She knew she was strong, but this onslaught felt bigger than her own ability, though it felt so much like part of herself that was doing this.

@DawnAntalios @everyone who's there
Leandra blinked in surprise at this news. Achyls had been born from darkness itself?

If the darkness was overwhelming her and she grew accustomed to it, then would she be darker and more malicious if she ended up recovering?

Seeing Leo handing a book about dread ravens, Leandra felt rather curious herself to know what exactly was in that book. Would it truly aid Achyls?

Still, Leandra could tell that she was not going to be of use in this situation so she turned away to leave the group, but halted when Achyls suddenly woke up with a jolt and gasp.

Seeing how Achyls was obviously in intense pain and sick, Leandra rushed to her side and knelt down while making sure to not get in Nyr's way.

Placing her palm on Achyls' shoulder, Leandra closed her eyes and then pit all of her focus into healing the young raven despite being uncertain of whether she could even help her or not.

Slowly, a bright and white light began to emit from Leandra's palm, as her healing power began to envelop Achyls slowly.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios


Luness shrugged at Otto's response and then said, "I'm sure most of us are. We'll get some food when we get back to the castle anyhow."

Watching Otto shift back to his human form, Luness was almost jealous of how comfortable he was in both of his forms. She doubted she'd ever feel that way.

Upon hearing Otto bringing up her human form, Luness frowned and tensed up. Sure enough, Otto asked her why she never changed into her human form.

Why? Because it was weak, fragile...vulnerable. It wasn't like Luness was a real worlder human in her human form. She was just a human when she shifted into that form. It was more aesthetic than anything else.

Exhaling slowly, Luness then replied to Otto, saying quietly, "I don't like my human form because it's weak. It's useless in a combat situation and I've been in combat most of my life. I don't feel comfortable in my human form."

Of course, that wasn't entirely true. Luness felt truly at peace and calm when she was in her human form and singing, playing her guitar, or even doing both at the same time.

Yet, Luness didn't let just anyone see her in her human form if she could help it.

Kallin and Alta had been the only two exceptions so far minus the other times where she had no choice but to shift in front of some or all of the others in the group.

((Welcome back @Bea Delaine ))

Ward helped Leia climb up last, making sure everyone was aboard.

"Captain! back to the castle as fast as She'll fly!" He was worried for Achyls.


Leia however went to the newcomer and summoned Lee to heal his wound.

"That should stop the bleeding." She said with a kind smile as Lee draped him in a water covering which staunched the bleeding and closed the injury neatly.

"I'm Leia by the way."

@Azure Sky

Kallin looked over the side at the raging sphinx as they left. For one moment it looked as if the beast was going to shoot some form of magic at them, but there was only a tiny puff of smoke. Whatever was done to it down in that cavern obviously drained its power.

"I did answer your question," he told Luness with a grin. "I said I was 'mostly' all right...actually I may have cracked a rib fighting that big blue bobcat." He admitted this a little sheepishly. It was hard to tell for his body being made of mist, he was still trying to figure out how he managed to injure himself while in the form, but past experience could prove that he did. There was pain, a sharp throbbing in his chest, but however bad it was during the day, it was always worse when he resumed his human form...unfortunately...it was also near-impossible for healers to work on him in daylight.

"I'll be fine." He reassured her, holding onto the brim of his hat as they raced away. With a bright smile he removed the map from his pocket and waggled it before her triumphantly.

"That taint is as good as gone Lune. I'll ask Ward if we can make the spring our next stop."

He grinned as Otto asked why Luness never took her human form.

"I know! Its such a shame, because she's really beautiful. She should use it more often." He grinned at her teasingly and prepared for the off chance she may hit him.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Returning to the castle did not take any time at all. Once they landed on the balcony dock Ward summoned the castle healers for Achyls immediately, asking them to also find the castle enchanter. Dark magic ailments were well beyond his own knowledge.

They had done it however, obtaining all of the pieces of information they needed. This was a success.

Ward heaved a sigh, letting his wings trail on the marble floor. When the royal attendants appeared he changed back into his human form quickly. Reminding himself to ask the king why he did not like gryphons.
Nyr's eyes widened in surprise and joy as she accepted the book and nodded with a smile.

" Thank you, Leo. I am really grateful. With this I might just be able to... "

She then glanced at Leandra who wanted to summon the powerful light to heal Achyls. Remembering what had happened back in the library she quickly intervened.

" Leandra, stop! " she quickly tried to stop her " The last time I tried to heal her with the light it sent me flying in a wall, almost shattering my bones. The darkness within her reacts violently with any source of light. "

She looked at the book.

" There must be an another way. "

@zCrookedz @Lioness075
Otto looked from Kalin to Luness and his scowl grew a bit. "What a minute, if Kallin gets to see it why cant I?" He crossed his arms infront of his chest and made a bit of a pout. He looked back at Kallin and Luness with a big grin, throwing his arms into the air and laughing. He fell back onto his back and watched the sky as the ship sped them away from the library. "Yea, human forms can be kind of weak sometimes. I'm ALOT faster when I'm a wolf. But I like my smile as a human better." He lifted himself back up and propped himself up with his arms. "I guess I'll just have to beat Caraboss as soon as possible then, then you wont be fighting anymore and I can see." He gave them an innocent smile as he sat there looking around the deck at the others.


Leo watched as the small group huddled around Achyls tried to figure out what was wrong. He wanted to stay with them, but the pain in his head began to grow and he needed to find a seat. He walked over to a small pile of cargo and sat against a large box and closed his eye. His mind went back to the last few moments before Lilly disappeared and he sighed. He had not been strong enough, and had failed in his duty. Even worse than that, he had failed every Guardian who had come before him. Could he even call himself a Guardian?

They returned in no time thanks to the tenacity speed and Leo lifted himself and walked off the ship. HE watched as the healers and enchanters hurried on to look after Achyl's and the other injured. Leo saw Ward shift, which reminded him of the king and he reached into his satchel and produced the book the cat had showed him in the library. He walked up to Ward and held the book for him to see. "Ward, when we were in the library, a......cat......showed me to this book after I asked about helping the king. Its a book on weapons, and I am not sure how it is supposed to help."

The fly back was quick. Not quiet as Achyls medical situation was worrying everyone including herself. The girl seemed sweet the chance she got to talk to her, and it wasn't right for her to be in such pain and struggle. Still, Elena knew not how to help and displaying her worry would only make the situation seem worse than it was.

They landed and she seemed out Ward who quickly changed forms again. She remembered what the attendant originally said about Gryphons and reasoned that as to why he would be quick to hide his other form. She approached to ask about the book on the human spell, but Leo arrived first.

"Weapons? For helping the king? Do you know if this pertains to saving him from assassination or finding his heir?"
Luness raised an eyebrow at Kallin when he finally admitted to having an injury and then said, "You should get that looked at tonight, just to be safe, Kal."

Seeing the map in Kallin's hand, Luness grinned and hesitated for a moment, as she saw Bigby standing over Achyls for a moment before he disappeared again. At this sight, Luness immediately pales slightly.

Was he trying to tell her something? Was Luness about to lose someone else in her life? No...it couldn't be true. It had to be another lie. It had to be.

Hearing Kallin speaking of convincing Ward to take them to the springs next, Luness quickly nodded to try and hide the moment she'd just had.

Upon hearing Kallin mentioning her human form, Luness immediately opened her mouth to object, but was silenced out of sheer surprise and embarrassment, as Kallin commented about how beautiful her human form was.

Dumbfounded, Luness shut her gaping mouth for a moment, as she tried to get her brain functional again.

The moment quickly passed though, as Luness then said defensively with a raised eyebrow, "It really isn't that much of a sight to behold."

Hearing Otto complaining about not seeing her human form, Luness began to feel exasperated, as she said, "It really isn't that big of a deal, Otto. Honestly."

Yet, when Otto burst out laughing and fell over onto his back, Luness was surprised and merely blinked in response. What was so funny?

Hearing what Otto said about his human form, Luness began nodding in agreement, but paused uncertainly when he mentioned his smile was better as a human. Luness had never even thought about such a thing before. She wouldn't have the faintest idea which form's smile looked better.

Upon hearing Otto saying that by defeating Caraboss, then he'd be able to see her human form, Luness frowned and then muttered,
"I've always been fighting. I doubt that'll ever change, even after we defeat Caraboss."

Upon arrival back at he castle, Luness quickly disembarked just to avoid any more conversations about her human form. She wasn't comfortable with it and talking about it wasn't exactly helping any.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra quickly stood up and backed away from Achyls, mostly out of surprise and slight fear upon hearing what had happened when Nyr had tried to help Achyls before.

The light soon faded from Leandra's palm and she dishearteningly exited the ship upon its arrival back at Aerios Castle, disappointed by her inabilty to heal someone in need. Even when she seemed to have nearly limitless power to heal others in FableWood.

Feeling the nightmare from last night threatening to overcome her mind and thoughts, Luness quickly pushed away the echoing gunfire in her head, as she briskly walked away from the group and inside. She just...needed to walk it off. If that would even work.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
((Hey @SkywardSocks, help us out a bit with finding out what's wrong with Achyls. We're all stumped.))

Kallin laughed at Otto's comment. "Oh is that all? Beat an evil, all-powerful witch? We'll just do that then." He ruffled Otto's hair playfully.

The healers arrived, tending to Achyls as best they could until the enchanter could be brought. Satisfied that the raven was getting the best care Ward allowed himself to relax a little. he took the book Leo offered with a thank you and examined it. He ran a hand over the gold-embossed cover. "The sword on the front of it...it looks a bit like the king's sword, doesn't it?"

He showed the book to Elena.

"That it does." Cedric came up to them, taking a look at the cover himself. "May I?" He asked politely and Ward offered the book to him. He smiled, thin lines forming at the sides of his eyes. "Thank you for your efforts. I will read this."

"Thank Leo, he was the one who recovered it...however, I believe it should be returned once you are finished with it...as should all we took."

The king nodded. "That archive has been standing for ages. As king of the Isles, I feel it is my duty to help preserve it...I will begin by not robbing from it. The book will be returned. Now, I encourage you to rest. Later this day the duke's ally Lord Canton has promised to escort the racers around the court. The race after all is tomorrow."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Ward couldn't help but grin. "I have decided that I would like to compete." Which made him think of his gryphon form, which allowed the question to nag his mind.

"Your majesty, if I may be so bold...the standard for your kingdom depicts a gryphon...why is it that I've been told you do not like them?"

The king's brow furrowed and suddenly the scars on his face made him look more fearsome, but there was a tiredness to his expression as well, as if he was recalling something unpleasant.

"I lost someone...to a spell...a curse...The gryphon is a reminder of that, and you...well. No matter. In truth, I should not be so sensitive. Please, do not restrict yourself to spare my feelings. I thank you for the book." He held it up and turned to go.

"Please, use the castle as you see fit, all resources I have will be at your disposal to aid your sick friend, and no doubt you sustained injuries procuring what you did.The guardian is not to be taken lightly. I will be in the library should anyone require my attention."

Ward watched the king's back as he left, turning to Elena with a curious expression. "Do you suppose he could be speaking of the queen?" The he made a face, "No, I wished to ask something else." He cleared his throat. "I wanted to ask if you would fly with me, in the race tomorrow."

@Bea Delaine

Leia saw Leandra leave and called after her. "Hey! I didn't get the chance to thank you for healing me."

Her three spirits were in tow, Tad and Lee floating above her while Bob trotted behind. "That was some wicked power." She said brightly, then she sobered up a little. "Look, I noticed you've been sort of...weird lately. Did something happen to you...you know, back in our world? Wanna talk about it?"


Kallin smiled at her modesty. He knew better. When she said that she would always be fighting his expression fell a little. "It'll change if you want it to." He said seriously. "If I've learned anything, its that we forge our own path, no matter what life gives us." His attention was drawn to his hand as he considered the curse...it was surprising that even through this he had found all the happiness he did. Before he knew it she had walked away. He moved to follow but a subtle cough brought his head around. Lucille was standing at the helm alone. She gestured for him to come over. Her expression made him feel like a child who'd gotten into trouble. @Lioness075

He went over to stand with her, watching the others disembark. Ward was speaking to the king with Elena by him.

"I 'ave noticed certain tings." She ventured tactfully, and Kallin knew enough of Whispering Isles discreetness to know she meant Luness.

"Is it that obvious?" Kallin looked uncomfortably at the wood grain on the wheel.

Lucille gave a small laugh. "It is when you sing it into the silence of the evening yes." His heart froze. "You always did 'ave a wonderful voice Kallin, it is a pity you did not become a bard."

"Oh, shut up." Kallin grumbled at her teasing.

Her tone became a bit more serious after that. "Chaton, I do not believe you 'ave told her everything about your little affliction."

His heart thawed only to sink right down into his boots. He now knew where this conversation was headed.

"...No...how could I?"

"You promised not to leave 'er side."

"I know what I promised."

"And you also know that..." She hesitated, as if saying the words she held was painful. "You know zat is a promise you cannot keep."

Suddenly the pain in his ribs didn't feel as bad as it did...it was replaced with something worse.

"I-I..." He fought against the fear that welled up inside him, suddenly it turned to anger. "Well what was I supposed to do? The taint...you know how that ends...if I can help her beat it maybe...maybe I would have done something worthwhile before..." He couldn't finish. He went to place a hand over his eyes only to feel it sink into the mist that served as a face. He balled his hand into a fist and slammed it onto the deck rail in frustration.

"What do you want me to say? I'm weak...a fool? I know I'm both...I didn't mean for it to go this far...but it has." And he didn't regret it. Not for a moment...not yet.

"I'm going to help her fight the taint...then I'll tell her."

Lucille looked at him sadly. "'Zen I wish you luck my friend." And with that she turned away to tend her crew.

Kallin stepped off the boat, numb from the conversation he had just had. At that moment he felt completely alone. As the fear threatened to consume his reasonable thought he felt a red spark twist across his palm.

"Get it together Kallin...you have a job to do."
Elena quietly listened as Ward approached the king. She heard him talk about Gryphons and why it was a bad thing to mention around the king. When she heard him talk about losing someone, she realized something. She didn't think it was death, he was referring to. A gryphon a reminder, a curse... And not his wife. Maybe his Heir.

Was his heir a cursed person? Cursed by a Gryphon or maybe as a Gryphon?

Elena's eyes widened with thought. Ward was cursed, he apparently couldn't remember being a normal human.

"Ward.. I would love to fly with you in the race.."

She said with an odd tone, trying to figure something obscure and most likely wrong out. She could just be jumping to conclusions.

"I just have to figure something out if it is okay with you.. It involved the kings Heir. Um, stay there?"

She jogged off, following the king in persuit.

"Excuse me..? Your majesty!"
Leo bowed to the king and listened carefully as they spoke of the book and the sword and the book on the cover of it. Leo hadn't even noticed that swords relations to the kings but it was remarkable that the two were the same. Watching as Ward and Elena talked, Leo watched the young human. She seemed to be thinking of something very intently. As Elena ran after the king, Leo placed ha hand on Wards shoulder in a friendly gesture. "Humans are such interesting companions."

Leo needed to get some rest, and he needed to see what the extent of the damage was to his abilities without Lilly. Before leaving Ward he looked to his friend with a grim expression. "Ward, i must confide in you. Back in the oblivious fog. I did not walk away from that completely intact. I have lost Lilly. She sacrificed herself to prevent me loosing my memories so I could continue on our adventure. I am not fully aware of what the extent of her loss will be to my own usefulness to the group. I wanted to let you know as you are our leader. If anyone should need me I will be in the gardens assessing the damage." He did not wait for Ward to respond, he wanted to get to the gardens as soon as he could before the group began to spread out. shouldering his satchel he walked into the castle, making his way to the gardens.


Otto watched as Luness left him and Kallin. The little wolf liked Kallin, but his glowing eyes made him a bit nervous. All the same, when Kallin got up to leave Otto sat there and watched as the others disbanded and went about their own tasks. Otto huffed and shifted to his wolf form sitting on his haunches. His ears picked up on Kallins fist slamming into the wood of the ship which made him jump up from his seat on the deck.

Suddenly he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. An orange tabby cat strolled through the door way to the castle and froze when it say Otto. Otto was fixated on the cat. He had wanted to run after the one in the library so bad, but under Leo's gaze he held himself back. Now there was no one to tell him no. He smiled in canine smile and with a burst of yipping tore across the deck of the ship at the orange cats tail disappeared deeper into the castle. Panting he zipped through the legs of those on the dock of the ship as he to disappeared after the cat, the only inclination of his excited run was his yipping and howling.
Kai had left Achyls in her sister's care. He figured she would be best at helping right now. He stepped out and found himself listening to the king and Ward. As he was turning away Kai stepped up. "You're majesty, you should know that lord Canton expects me to race on his behalf. I'm sure he's told you by now." He said to the king a little unsure of what to do or say in the moment. He was present, but his mind was still with Achyls. Momentarily he was able to connect with her. He felt confusion, pain, and exhaustion from her.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
With Kallin's last words echoing in her mind, Luness wandered aimlessly in the castle halls, trying to imagine a life where she wouldn't have to be fighting so often.

She'd grown up in a dangerous environment and beyond the occassional singing and guitar playing, Luness had relentlessly practiced her combat skills.

Beyond the musical side of herself, Luness was a true fighter, a warrior. Without any combat in her life, she'd lose her own identity. She needed that fighting in her life. A reminder that there was still something worth fighting for.

Luness had lost enough people in her life. If she lost anyone else...

Suddenly, Luness' thoughts were interrupted by excited yipping and howling. Otto.

Following the sound of his barking out of sheer curiosity, Luness soon let out a yelp, as a tabby came rushing past her and Otto soon came into her point of view.

Moving in the way of the young wolf, Luness then crossed her arms over her chest and said evenly, "Otto, you can't just run rampant in the castle like this."



Leandra slowed down to match Leia's walking pace when the girl joined her.

Hearing Leia's thanks, Leandra smiled slightly and then nodded at her, accepting her thanks in silence.

Seeing Leia's spirits in tow, Leandra grinned, as she found the spirits to be truly fascinating.

Hearing Leia's next words quickly brought a somber look to Leandra's face, as she shifted her gaze to the ground and then shoved her hands into the pockets of her sweatshirt.

Silent for a moment, as she gathered her thoughts, Leandra then said softly, "Yeah, something did happen to me. I don't want to talk about it, but brooding on my own won't help me any."

Pausing, Leandra then stopped walking and looked at Leia before continuing, "In the real world, I'm a combat medic for the US Army. Right before I came here, my convoy had just been ambushed. The last thing I saw before I teleported was one of my dead soldiers and then an explosion from the nearest humvee, which launched me through a window. I showed up in Branbern in pretty rough shape."

Pausing, Leandra then looked into Leia's eyes, her own showing plainly the sorrow that Leandra felt from this memory. After all, she was no doubt reported as MIA and presumed dead after that ambush.

Her twin brother, Manjano, would never be the same after hearing such news...

Manjano had been heavily depressed before all of that transpired and now Leandra felt an unnerving fear that Manjano would do something irrational while Leandra was unable to be there for him.

((Sorry, @DawnAntalios had figured it out so I thought we went along with it, oops))

It appeared Nyr was correct, her darkness was fighting back, growing like a fire inside her, tearing at her as if in a plea for freedom. Her fingertips began to turn an odd shade of blue, power running through them. She wasn't used to this kind of thing, it had never fought back until after... Wonderland. The strength she felt there must have stayed with her, brought up by Achyls scolding herself. It seemed like it was trying to make her stronger, but instead was pulling her into a place she did not want to be. This darkness was not the one she controlled, this was much deeper, much darker, toying with her body like it were a ragdoll. She slumped over from her sitting position, her head now on her knees, arms wrapping limply around her shins. Her breathing was heavy, but appeared to slow and calm as the tendrils Nyr had conjured connected with them. Her sister's ability was making contact with her own, soothing it as she would to her. This did not last long however, and her form began to shake once again, the sound of sniffling heard. The pain she felt had brought her to tears. She felt betrayed by herself, forced to feel like this because of something she thought she could control. Desperate to regain some stability, she clamped her hands against her head, attempting to breathe in a rhythmic pattern.
They group had dispersed and everyone returned to their private quarters and so did Nyr with the book in her hands. She was really curious if she could find anything to cure Achyls... but even she was unsure what she would find in that history book. Nevertheless, she thought it to be best to finally get some answers.

Sitting down on her bed she opened the dusty, old looking book. When she opened it she coughed as the dusty old pages flipped around as she turned them one by one. She was amazed... and entire tome of history dedicated to her race. Even though she knew that her sister should be her first priority... The answers she had coveted might have been in here.

She has read every single page slowly. The text was ancient but she could understand it more or less. It was probably one of the most exciting moments of her life.

And then she paused as her eyes widened. Horror, surprise and doubt formed on her face as expressions as she had read the following lines. She had reread, re-studied everything and she was not mistaken. She had found something which baffled even her.

" No... that can not be... " she whispered to herself. She could not believe this being the truth. Everything she had known... everything she had seen...

She threw the book on the bed as she backed away and out of her room. She needed to find Leo...

Her breath was ragged as she ran around. This can not be true... this is impossible... but the book said it so. This time however she did not feel a malevolent force behind it, a dark manipulative power... just the plain truth. Darting around she had found her sister, fighting with the pain and she had immediately forgotten her despair. Hurriying to her she hugged her, allowing the dark energy to flow through her as she whispered.

" Worry not sister... I am here. "

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
The king nodded to Malachai. "I have heard as such. It is unorthodox, yet I daresay lord Canton will change the rules if it is his desire. It is of little consequence to me, I wish you luck. Against Avaar and I you will need it." There was no malice in his voice, but a sportingly challenging tone, his expression matched it.


He turned to go but was stopped by Elena.

"It is just 'Cedric', please my lady. How can I be of service?"

@Bea Delaine

Leia's eyes widened as Leandra explained her job, but her expression became more reserved as she told her of what had happened before she came to FableWood.

"I'm so sorry." She said, not sure of what else to say.

In truth Leia had always dreamed of doing something like joining the army, or traveling on her own..anything to get her away from the mundane of her backwater suburban life, but fear held her back. She admired Leandra for doing what she was too afraid to.

"For what its worth, I think you're really brave...for doing something like that. being a field medic I mean."

Lee soared off for a moment and Leia watched her fly into her room and return with something. The soccer ball she had gotten Trindle to help her make.

"Hey! Ever play soccer with an elemental spirit?" Lee dropped the ball and Leia caught it skillfully on one knee, bouncing it to the other and then into her hands.

Leandra shrugged at Leia's response, as she hadn't really expected the girl to fully understand what she'd been through.

If someone else in the group had been in the military service in the real world then it would've been easier to find someone, who could truly understand her, but it wasn't that easy so it would seem. Regardless, Leandra still felt a bit of relief at having finally told someone what had happened.

Well, the highlights at least. Leandra had left out the part about the kid and the stuff about her twin brother. She really didn't want someone else thinking of her as simply being a burden to them.

Hearing Leia's compliment, Leandra softly smiled at her and then said softly, "Thanks, Leia."

Upon seeing Lee rushing off and into one of the rooms of the castle, Leandra glanced back at Leia and was about to ask her what Lee was up to when suddenly Lee had rejoined them and a soccer ball soon was bouncing on Leia's knees before she deftly caught it and then extended the offer to play soccer with an elemental spirit.

Remembering her game with Bob earlier this morning, Leandra immediately replied with a grin, "Sort of. I played with Bob this morning with the rock soccer ball and such, but that wasn't real soccer."

Never one to step down from a good game of soccer, especially after all those times of playing soccer with the kids while overseas, Leandra continued to grin, as she added, "I always love a good game of soccer. It's on."

"I.. I'm sorry. Cedric. I must question you on a topic you may feel uneasy with though. It will prove to be really useful for my companion, ward."

Elena hurried ahead to step in line with the king as to not impede on where he was hoping to go.

"You see... Ward is not a Gryphon born. Um, he was cursed. It wasn't until recently he realized this.. I should not even be spreading this without his permission honestly. Was it your son who was cursed? And how old would he be now? If you don't mind... I am not even suggesting a relation so don't hold this as an accusation or strong incinuation..."

She rambled a bit.

"I just wanted to be sure... Because it's important to me that Ward is happy and never left in the dark, and to maybe you to just know.. If- yeah if what I said was even remotely the case."

Elena's ramble got quieter as she went, cheeks reddened from her own outburst.

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